Cadiz-Template - Learning Activity 3 GE ARTS (Week 3-4)
Cadiz-Template - Learning Activity 3 GE ARTS (Week 3-4)
Cadiz-Template - Learning Activity 3 GE ARTS (Week 3-4)
2. Check the appropriate column to tell whether the work/form of art is that of artist or an artisan.
If you were to have a tattoo, what would it look like? What part of your body would you want to place it? What
is the meaning of your tattoo?
If I were to have a tattoo, I would like it to look like these, and put it at my neck because since I was a
child I was a fan of anime an otaku and this mark is one of the most things I have love when I saw it, it is the
curse mark seal by Orochimaru in anime titled Naruto which I saw in the neck of sasuke and other ninjas. This
tattoo and the anime has been part of my life unti today and this is special to me because they give me
enjoyment even though they are fictional I still love them.
1. Select one artist or artisan whom you admired most then explain why. (10 points)
If I were to choose an artist I admire, I would choose Fernando Amorsolo who is known to be the first
national artist of the Philippines. I admire him because even though he was journeying to different
countries and get used to the ways of foreign drawing and painting, he still chose to create national
paintings and full of the history of the Philippines.
2. Do you think our country should recognize or give awards to artists and artisans? Why? (10 points)
Yes, I think that artists or artisans should be recognize and be given awards for their art works because
their art works shows the culture and personality of our country, it shows the beauty of our lands,
homes, and our people. Their art works also gives inspiration to youths to continue what they have
started and that art should keep evolving.