Comsats University Islamabad: DLD Project Proposal # 1

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4 Way Traffic Controller Using FPGA

Talha Ahmed FA16-EPE-021
M.Usama Waqar FA16-EPE-005
Arhama Zahid FA16-EPE-038
Maam Shafia Hussain
Four Way Traffic Controllers
The traffic light sequence works on the specific switching of Red, Green and Yellow lights in
a particular way with specific time intervals. This Traffic Light sequence is generated using a
specific switching mechanism which will help to control a traffic light system on a road in a
specified sequence.The normal function of traffic lights requires sophisticated control and
coordination to ensure that traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possible and that
pedestrians are protected when they cross the roads. Traffic jamming is one of the major
issues around the world; this project will resolve this issue.

• VHDL ( software based)
• 7 segment display
• Breadboard

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are expansively used in quick prototyping and
verification of conceptual design and also used in electronic systems where the mask-
production of a custom IC becomes really expensive due to the small quantity
The purpose of a microcontroller is to provide quick and precise automated control with real-time
computing capability. It has a simple CPU and a small data storage, usually designed for controlling a
specific function.

ATMEGA328P is mostly used, low power controller from Microchip. ATMEGA328P is a 8-piece
microcontroller dependent on AVR RISC design. It is the most well known of all AVR controllers as it is
utilized in ARDUINO sheets. ATMEGA328P is a 28 stick chip

FPGA Design Flow

A simplified version of design flow is given in the following block diagram
Design of Traffic Light Controller

Traffic Light Controller can be designed by starting with certain assumptions. Initially Red
signal is ON in North, East, West and South direction. Now when the Reset is made high the
North traffic will beallowed to move and traffic in all the remaining directions are stopped. Later
the traffic in all the other direction is allowed to move in the sequence. The advantage of this
particular Traffic Light Controller program is that modification can be done easily as per the
requirements i.e., suppose the traffic on main road and the side road can be controlled by
changing the states accordingly, when the main road traffic is heavy when compared to the side
road traffic. In general Traffic light controller System consists of three lights (red, green and
yellow) in each direction .The red light indicate Stop, green light indicate to allow the traffic and
yellow light indicates the caution that the traffic is going to be stopped in few seconds.
DLD Project Proposal # 2

Project Title:

Digital Stop Watch


Often we need stopwatch to differentiate the time of two events. Here in this tutorial we are
going to design a simple digital stopwatch circuit.

Required Components:
• IC 4033 – 2 • On/off switch -1
• 555 timer IC -1 • Push button -1
• Common Cathode 7 Segment Display -6 • Bread board -1
• 150 Ohm -1 • 9 Volt Battery -1
• 100K resistor -1 • Battery Connector -1
• 33K resistor -1 • LED -1
• 56K resistor -1 • Voltage Regulator 7805 -1
• 10uF capacitor -1 • Connecting wires
• Micro-controller

Digital Stopwatch Circuit Diagram and Explanation:

In this circuit we have used a 555 timer IC based a stable multi-vibrator which is for
creating 1 second delay. And two common cathode seven segment decoder IC’s namely
CD4033. The output of a stable multi-vibrator is directly applied to seven segment
decoder IC’s (U4) Clock pin (1) and carry output pin(5) of U4 IC is directly connected to
clock pin (1) of second seven segment decoder(U3). And two seven segment are connected
with these decoder (U3 and U4). Its connections are shown in stopwatch circuit
diagram given below. One push button is used to stop /start the stopwatch and one push
button is used to reset the stopwatch. A 5 volt voltage regulator is used for providing 5
volt to whole circuit. And a 9 volt battery is used for powering the circuit. Rest of
connections are shown in the circuit diagram.

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