Ser Agent Chemical Name Chemical Formula Nato Code Persistency Structure Rate of Action Physiological Action Decontamination Synthesis and Use

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Ser Agent Chemical name Chemical NATO persistency Structure Rate of action Physiological action Decontamination Synthesis and

Physiological action Decontamination Synthesis and Use

formula code
1. Sulphur Dis (2-chilaroetny1) Cl-CH2-CH2- HD Persistent(p) Delayed, hours to Blisters, destroys tissue, Bleach slurry, caustic Damaging bister
mustard sulfide/ S-CH2-CH2-Cl days, according to long-term damage over soda or decontaminant agent
temperature years chemical agent
2. 2- C2H2AsCl3 L Persistent Rapid AS tor HD, may cause Bleach slurry, strong Damaging bister
Lewisite chlorovinyldichloroarsine systemic arsenic poisoning oxidisers, live steam agent
3. Hydrogen Hydrogen cyanide, HCN AC Non-persistent (NP) Very rapid interferes with use of None needed in field Rapid action lethal
cyanide hydrocyanic acid oxygen by body tissues, blood agent
accelerates breathing rate
4. Phosgene Carbonyl chloride COCl2 CG NP Immediate to a Damages lung lining, floods None needed in field Delayed-action
few hours lungs to produce ‘dry-land lethal choking agent
5. Tabun ethyl N, N-dimethyl C5H11N2O2P GA Fairly persistent Very Rapid Interferes with nervous Bleach slurry, alkali 1936
Phosphoramicocyante system leading to muscular solutions or Rapidly acting lethal
paralysis and cessation of decontamination nerve agent
breathing chemical agent
6. Sarin Isopropyl Phosphono C4H10FO2P GB NP Very Rapid Interferes with nervous Bleach slurry, caustic 1938
Fluoridate system leading to muscular soda, ammonia with Rapidly acting lethal
paralysis and cessation of live steam nerve agent
7. Soman Pinacolylmethyl C7H16FO2P GD Semi-persistent Very Rapid Interferes with nervous Bleach slurry, caustic 1944
Phophonofluoridate system leading to soda ammonia with Rapidly acting
muscular paralysis and live steam lethal nerve agent
cessation of breathing
8. VX ethyl S-2 Di-isopropyl VX Persistent Rapid Interferes with nervous Bleach slurry, caustic Never agent for
Aminoethyl Methyl system leading to soda ammonia with denial of ground
Phorothiolate muscular paralysis and live steam; flame
cessation of breathing may be used as a
field expedient
9. CS (tear O-chlorobenzylidene - CS NP, but absorbed Very Rapid Irritation of eyes, mouth None in open, Non-lethal
gas, pepper Malononitrile by porous surfaces and open pores; rapid bathing with strong incapacitate
gas) soap
10. Norepinep 3-Quincuclidinyl BZ NP Delayed Sedation, intoxication and None Mental and
hrine- Benzilate hallucinations physical
acting incapacitant.

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