SCI AOR Exam June, 2018 Notification Dt. 6 4 2018

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F. No. AOR Exam/June/2018

New Delhi, 6th April, 2018


1. Under Rule 5 (i) and (ii) of Order IV, Supreme Court Rules, 2013 and

Regulation 2 of the Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record Examination made

thereunder governing the Examination for Advocates-on-Record, it is hereby notified

for the information of all concerned that the next Examination for the Advocates-on-

Record will be held in the Supreme Court Premises, New Delhi on 12th, 13th, 14th &

15th June, 2018.

2. All Advocates who will be completing one year's continuous training on or

before 30th April, 2018 are eligible to appear for the aforesaid examination.

3. Applications should reach the Secretary, Board of Examiners, by 28th April,

201 B. The application forms may be obtained from the office of the Secretary on any
workinq day during office hours. No application shall be accepted after 28th April,


4. Acceptance of the application is subject to production of requisite certificate of

tralninq from an Advocate-on-Record under Regulation 6 of the Regulations

regarding Advocates-on-Record Examination.

5. A list of leading Cases with regard to Paper-IV 'Leading Cases' is appended to

this Notification as Annexure 'A'.

6. Under Requlation 12 of the Regu!ations regarding Advocates-on-Record

Examination, no application/representation for re-evaluation of answer sheets shall

be entertained. Application/representation seeking relief other than in the nature of

reo evaluation shall not be entertained beyond a period of 30 days from the date of

declaration of the result.

- 2-
7. In ensuing examination those who are given roll numbers and who absent
themselves in examination without assigning reasonable cause in writing will be
treated as not sufficiently prepared for the examination and will be dealt with under
Regulation 5 (b) without giving them any further opportunity and time may be
prescribed within which they shall not present themselves again for examination
except with prior permission of the Chairman of the Board of Examiners. It has been
further decided that all such candidates, who remain absent without reasonable
cause, may be issued show cause notice to explain why their cases shall not be
placed before the Board of Examiners for appropriate orders.

8. Under Regulation 11 (iii) of the Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record

Examination, a candidate who fails in all the papers of the examination shall not be
permitted to appear in the next examination. The candidates, who do not appear in
all the papers and fail in the papers in which they have appeared, shall be treated to
have failed in all the papers including the papers they have not appeared.

9. Under Regulation 11 (iv) of the Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record

Examination, a candidate shall not be allowed more than five chances to appear at
the examination. Appearance even in anyone of the papers in an examination shall
be deemed to be a chance.
Copy to:-
1. The Hony. Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with two spare copies for
placing the same on the Notice Board
2. The President, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association with two
spare copies for placing the same on the Notice Board
3. PS to Ld. Secretary General
4. PS to the Registrar (J-I)
5. PS to the Registrar (J-II)
6. PS to the Registrar (J-III)
7. PS to the Registrar (J-IV)
8 PS to the Registrar (Confidential)
9. PS to the Registrar (Admn. Genl.)
10. Branch Officer (R/Room) (1)'1 ~...,c..bc.;~
11. Deputy Registrar (CC) fo~ ~t~ ..i:)It'1"'
12. s.o. (Cash)


1. T.M.A Pai Foundation v. State of Karnataka (2002) 8 see 481: AIR 2003 se

2. P.A Inamdar v. State of Maharashtra: 2004 (8) see 139

3. Minerva Mills v. Union of India (1980) 3 see 625

4. S.R. Bommai v. UOI: 1994 (3) see 1

5. L. Chandra Kumar v. UOI: 1995 (1) see 400

6. Supreme Court Advocate-an-record Association v. UOI 1993 (4) see 441

7. Samsher Singh v. State of Punjab: 1974 (2) see 831

8. Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board v. A Rajappa: 1978 (2) see 213

9. Maneka Gandhi v. UOI: 1978 (1) see 248

10. ARAntulay v. R.S. Nayak: 1988 (2) see 602

11. Rupa Ashok Hurra v. Ashok Hurra: 2002 (4) sce 388

12. Indra Sawhney v. UOI: 1992 Supp (3) see 217

13. Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan: 1997 (6) see 241

14. Pradeep Kumar Biswas v. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology: 2002 (5) see 111

15. SBP & Co. v. Patel Engg. Ltd.: 2005 (8) sec 618

16. I.R Coelho v. State of Tamil Nadu: 2007 (2) see 1

-2 -

17. Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. UOI: 2008 (6) sec 1

18. CBSE v. Aditya Bandopadhyay: 2011 (8) sec 497

19. Swamy Shraddananda (2) v. State of Karnataka: 2008 (13) sec 767.

20. Nandini Sundar v. State of Chattisgarh: 2011 (13) sec 46

21. Selvi v. State of Karnataka: 2010 (7) sec 263

22. Amarinder Singh v. Punjab Vidhan Sabha: 2010 (6) sec 113.

23. State of West Bengal v. Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights: 2010
(3) sec 571

24. Kihota Hollohan v. Zachillhu: 1992 Supp (2) sec 651

25. Centre for Public Interest Litigation v. UOI: 2012 (2) SCALE 180

26. In re: Special Reference NO.1 of 20122012 (10) sec 1

27. Mafatalal Industries Ltd. v. Union of India, (1997) 5 sec 536

28. Vodafone International Holdings BV v. Union of India, (2012) 6 sec 613

29. Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh v. State of Gujarat, (2004) 4 sec 158

30. Malay Kumar Ganguly v. Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee, (2009) 9 sec 221

31. M. Nagaraj v. Union Of India (2006) 8 sec 212

32. Aruna Ramachandra Shanbhaug v. Union Of India (2011) 4 sec 454

33. Sangeet v. State of Haryana (2013) 2 sec 45.


34.Society for Unaided Private Schools of Rajasthan v. Union Of India (2012) 6 see

35. S.P. Gupta v. Union of India 1982 (2) SeR 365

36. Kharak Singh 1964 (1) SeR 332

37. O.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal 1997 (1) see 416.

38. Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v. Union of India 1996 (5) see 647

39. Naga People's movements of Human Rights v. UOI 1998 (2) see 109

40. State of Maharashtra v. Sangharaj Damodar Ruparwate 2010 (7) see 398

41. Sodan Singh v. New Delhi Municipal Corporation 1989 (4) see 155

42. Ms. Githa Hariharan v. Reserve Bank of India 1999 (2) see 228

43. Danial Latifi v. Union of India 2001 (7) see 740

44. D.S. Nakara v. Union of India 1983 (1) see 305


New Delhi, 6th April, 2018


Subject: Advocates-on-Record Examination - June 2018

Paper - " (Drafting)

In the Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record Examination published in

the Notification No. G.S.R. 368(E) dated 27th May, 2014, the syllabus for the paper
in Drafting is given as follows:-
1. Petitions for Special Leave and Statements of Cases, etc.
2. Decrees & Orders and Writs, etc.
This is to clarify that the syllabus includes petitions of appeal, plaint and
written statement in a suit under Article 131 of the Constitution of India; review
petitions under Article 137 of the Constitution of India; transfer petitions u/s 25 of the
Civil Procedure Code; Article 139 of the Constitution of India and Section 406 of the
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973; contempt petitions under Article 129 of the
Constitution of India, interlocutory applications including criminal miscellaneous
petitions for bail, condonation of delay, exemption from surrender, applications for
revocation of special leave, etc.
Copy to :-

1. The Hony. Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with two spare copies for
placing the same on the Notice Board
2. The President, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association with two
spare copies for placing the same on the Notice Board
3. PS to Ld. Secretary General
4. PS to the Registrar (J-I)
5. PS to the Registrar (J-II)
6. PS to the Registrar (J-III)
7. PS to the Registrar (J-IV)
8. PS to the Registrar (Confidential)
9. PS to the Registrar (Admn. Genl.)
10. Branch Officer (R/Room)
11. Deputy Registrar (CC)
12. B.O. (Cash)

New Delhi, 6th April, 2018


Subject: Advocates-on-Record Examination - June 2018

Paper III (Advocacy and Professional Ethics)

This is for information of all concerned that the following books are also
suggested for study in Paper-III of the examination:

1. The Advocates Act and Cases reported under the Advocates Act,
particularly disciplinary proceedings.
2. Cases relating to the Contempt of Court involving Advocates.
3. The Bar Council of India Rules.
4. The Supreme Court Rules, 2013.

It will not be the responsibility of the Registry to supply any book to any
Copy to :-

1. The Hony. Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with two spare copies for
placing the same on the Notice Board
2. The President, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association with two
spare copies for placing the same on the Notice Board
3. PS to Ld. Secretary General
4. PS to the Registrar (J-I)
5. PS to the Registrar (J-II)
6. PS to the Registrar (J-III)
7. PS to the Registrar (J-IV)
8. PS to the Registrar (Confidential)
9. PS to the Registrar (Admn. Genl.)
10. Branch Officer (R/Room)
11. Deputy Registrar (CC)
12. B.O. (Cash)

New Delhi, s" April, 2018


Reg: Advocates-on-Record Examination- June 2018

Paper - IV (Leading Cases)

During the Advocates-on-Record Examination, the Head Notes of the Leading

Cases (Paper-IV) will be made available by the Registry to the candidates in the

Examination Hall at the time of Examination and the same should have to be

returned immediately to the invigilators at the end of the Examination.

All the Head Notes have been separately printed and bound. The candidates
are requested not to spoil by underlining or putting any mark anywhere on the head

notes as they are to be used in the future Examinations also.

Copy to :-

1. The Hony. Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with two spare copies for
placing the same on the Notice Board
2. The President, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association with two
spare copies for placing the same on the Notice Board
3. PS to Ld. Secretary General
4. PS to the Registrar (J-I)
5. PS to the Registrar (J-II)
6. PS to the Registrar (J-III)
7 PS to the Registrar (J-IV)
8. PS to the Registrar (Confidential)
9. PS to the Registrar (Admn. Genl.)
10. Branch Officer (R/Room)
11. Deputy Registrar (CC)
12. B.O. (Cash)

New Delhi, 6th April, 2018


Results of the last Advocates-on-Record Examination have been declared.

Candidates who fall under Regulations 11(i) & 11(ii) of the Regulations regarding
Advocates-on-Record Examination are informed that although they have the
permission to appear in the subsequent examination in one Paper only, this would be
at their option and such candidates may be entitled if they so choose to appear in the
entire examination afresh. The option will have to be finally exercised by the

candidates at the time of filing of proforma application for subsequent examination
and the same will be binding on the candidates.

For information, Regulation 11(i) & 11(ii) are reproduced:-

Regulation 11(i)

"A candidate, who fails to obtain 50 per cent in one

paper only but obtains 40 per cent in that paper and
also obtains 60 per cent in the aggregate in the
remaining papers, shall be allowed to appear in that
paper at anyone subsequent examination on payment
of the full examination fee and he shall be declared to
have passed the Advocates-on-Record Examination if
he obtains 50 per cent marks in the paper in which he
has so reappeared and the marks so obtained in the
paper he has reappeared taken with the marks
obtained in the remaining papers at the earlier
examination are 60 per cent of the aggregate marks in
all the papers."

Regulation 11 (ii)

"A candidate who passes in all the papers at any

single examination but fails to obtain 60 per cent of
the marks in the aggregate may, on payment of the
full examination fee, appear at anyone subsequent
examination in one of the papers only and shall be
declared to have passed the Advocates-on-Record
Examination if the marks obtained by him at the
subsequent examination taken with the marks
obtained in the remaining papers at the earlier
examination are 60 per cent of the aggregate marks
in all the papers. The option will have to be
exercised by the candidate at the time of filing of
proforma application for appearing in the subsequent
examination and the option once exercised shall be
binding on the candidate."
- 2 -
The candidates are informed that in ensuing examination those who are given
roll number and who absent themselves in examination without assigning sufficient
reasons in writing to the Secretary will be treated as not sufficiently prepared and
will be dealt with under Regulation 5(b) without giving further opportunity, and time
may be prescribed within which they shall not present themselves again for
examination except with prior permission of the Chairman of Board of Examiners.
Regulation 5(b) reads as under:-

5(b) " If the Committee on the recommendation of the

Board of Examiners is of the opinion that a candidate
has not sufficiently prepared himself for the examination
they may prescribe a time within which he shall not
present himself again for examination."
The candidates are further informed that as per Regulation 11 (iii) of the
Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record Examination, a candidate, who fails in
all the papers of the examination, shall not be permitted to appear in the next
examination. The candidates, who do not appear in all the papers and fail in the
papers in which they have appeared, shall be treated to have failed in all the papers
including the papers they have not appeared.
The candidates are further informed that as per Regulation 11 (iv) of the
Regulations regarding Advocates-on-Record Examination a candidate shall not be
allowed more than five chances to appear at the examination. Appearance even in
anyone of the papers in an examination shall be deemed to be a chance:

(ciErp~K JAI N)
Copy to:-
1. The Hony. Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association with two spare copies for placing the
same on the Notice Board
2. The President, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association with two spare copies
for placing the same on the Notice Board
3. PS to Ld. Secretary General
4. PS to the Registrar (J-I)
5. PS to the Registrar (J-II)
6. PS to the Registrar (J-III)
t PS to the Registrar (J-IV)
8. PS to the Registrar (Confidential)
9. PS to the Registrar (Admn. GenL)
10 Branch Officer (R/Room)
11. Deputy Registrar (CC)
12. B.O. (Cash)

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