Data Communication & Computer Networks (DCCN) IT-360: Cryptography

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Data Communication &

Computer Networks (DCCN)


21.01.21 Dr. Mufassra Naz (DCCN) 1

Cryptography components

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Categories of cryptography

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Symmetric-key cryptography

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In symmetric-key cryptography, the same key
is used by the sender (for encryption)
and the receiver (for decryption).
The key is shared.

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Asymmetric-key cryptography

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Keys used in cryptography

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Comparison between two categories of

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• Symmetric-key cryptography started thousands

of years ago when people needed to exchange
secrets (for example, in a war).

• We still mainly use symmetric-key

cryptography in our network security.

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Traditional ciphers

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A substitution cipher replaces one
symbol with another.

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The following shows a plaintext and its
corresponding ciphertext. Is the cipher

The cipher is probably monoalphabetic
because both occurrences of L’s are encrypted
as O’s.

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The following shows a plaintext and its
corresponding ciphertext. Is the cipher

The cipher is not monoalphabetic because
each occurrence of L is encrypted by a
different character. The first L is encrypted
as N; the second as Z.
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The shift cipher is sometimes referred
to as the Caesar cipher.

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Use the shift cipher with key = 15 to
encrypt the message “HELLO.”

We encrypt one character at a time. Each
character is shifted 15 characters down.
Letter H is encrypted to W. Letter E is
encrypted to T. The first L is encrypted to A.
The second L is also encrypted to A. And O
is encrypted to D. The cipher text is
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Use the shift cipher with key = 15 to
decrypt the message “WTAAD.”

We decrypt one character at a time. Each
character is shifted 15 characters up. Letter
W is decrypted to H. Letter T is decrypted
to E. The first A is decrypted to L. The
second A is decrypted to L. And, finally, D
is decrypted to O. The plaintext is HELLO.

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A transposition cipher reorders
(permutes) symbols in a block of

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Transposition cipher

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Encrypt the message “HELLO MY DEAR,”
using the key.

We first remove the spaces in the message.
We then divide the text into blocks of four
characters. We add a bogus character Z at
the end of the third block. The result is
HELL OMYD EARZ. We create a three-
block ciphertext ELHLMDOYAZER.
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Now decrypt the message

The result is HELL OMYD EARZ. After
removing the bogus character and
combining the characters, we get the
original message “HELLO MY DEAR.”

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Block Transposition Cipher

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An asymmetric-key (or public-key) cipher uses two
keys: one private and one public. We discuss two
algorithms: RSA and Diffie-Hellman.
• RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) algorithms
• Diffie-Hellman algorithms

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RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) algorithms



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In RSA, e and n are announced to the
public; d and ⏀ are kept secret.

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Bob chooses 7 and 11 as p and q and calculates
n = 7 · 11 = 77. The value of F = (7 − 1) (11 −
1) or 60. Now he chooses two keys, e and d. If
he chooses e to be 13, then d is 37. Now
imagine Alice sends the plaintext 5 to Bob. She
uses the public key 13 to encrypt 5.

mod 77 = 26

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Bob receives the ciphertext 26 and uses the
private key 37 to decipher the ciphertext:

mod 77 = 5

The plaintext 5 sent by Alice is received as

plaintext 5 by Bob.

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Note: c = ciphertext & t = plain text

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Jennifer creates a pair of keys for herself. She
chooses p = 397 and q = 401. She calculates n =
159,197 and ⏀ = 396 · 400 = 158,400. She then
chooses e = 343 and d = 12,007. Show how Ted can
send a message to Jennifer if he knows e and n.

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Suppose Ted wants to send the message “NO” to
Jennifer. He changes each character to a number (from
00 to 25) with each character coded as two digits. He
then concatenates the two coded characters and gets a
four-digit number. The plaintext is 1314. Ted then uses
e and n to encrypt the message. The ciphertext is
1314343 mod 159,197 = 33,677. Jennifer receives the
message 33,677 and uses the decryption key d to
decipher it as 33,67712,007 mod 159,197 = 1314 .
Jennifer then decodes 1314 as the message “NO”.

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Figure shows the process (solution of last slide)

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Let us give a realistic example. We randomly
chose an integer of 512 bits.
The integer p is a 159-digit number.

The integer q is a 160-digit number.

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We calculate n. It has 309 digits:

We calculate ⏀. It has 309 digits:

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We choose e = 35,535. We then find d.

Alice wants to send the message “THIS IS A

TEST” which can be changed to a numeric value
by using the 00–26 encoding scheme (26 is the
space character).

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The ciphertext calculated by Alice is C = Pe,
which is.

Bob can recover the plaintext from the

ciphertext by using P = Cd, which is

The recovered plaintext is THIS IS A TEST

after decoding.
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Diffie-Hellman algorithms

The symmetric (shared) key in the

Diffie-Hellman protocol is
K = gxy mod p.

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Let us give a trivial example to make the procedure clear. Our
example uses small numbers, but note that in a real situation,
the numbers are very large. Assume g = 7 and
p = 23. The steps are as follows:
1. Alice chooses x = 3 and calculates R1 = 73 mod 23 = 21.
2. Bob chooses y = 6 and calculates R2 = 76 mod 23 = 4.
3. Alice sends the number 21 to Bob.
4. Bob sends the number 4 to Alice.
5. Alice calculates the symmetric key K = 43 mod 23 = 18.
6. Bob calculates the symmetric key K = 216 mod 23 = 18.
The value of K is the same for both Alice and Bob;
gxy mod p = 718 mod 23 = 18.
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Diffie-Hellman idea

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