Watson 2009

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Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2009 Spring Technical Conference

May 3-6, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA



Simon A.G. Watson Victor W. Wong

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA Cambridge, MA, USA

Darrel Brownawell Scott P. Lockledge

Lutek, LLC Lutek, LLC
West Chester, PA, USA West Chester, PA, USA

In modern diesel engines, acidity generally determines Acids are the source of many lubricant-related problems in
the lubricant drain interval. To control acidity, lubricant diesel engines. During normal engine operation, the lubricant is
suppliers incorporate detergent additives to neutralize acids that exposed to combustion gases containing nitrogen, sulfur and
accumulate in the oil via exhaust blow-by and base-stock carbon-based acids. The weak organic (carbon) acids also
oxidation. However, formulations that meet the most recent accumulate in the lubricant due to oxidation of the base oil.
diesel lubricant classification specifications typically contain Severe problems can occur if these acids remain in the oil and
lower levels of detergent since this additive contributes to ash are not neutralized. Accumulation of weak organic acids in the
that fouls emissions aftertreatment systems. This study explores oil can cause engine wear and corrosion, high lubricant
a novel approach to lubricant acid control as a potential means viscosity, sludge, varnish and piston deposits. In most cases the
to reduce additive requirements or increase oil drain interval. capacity of the oil to neutralize and control acids determines
The authors investigate the performance of an innovative oil the lubricant lifetime and the oil drain interval.
filter that releases no additives into the lubricant, yet enhances Acid control remains an important issue especially in
the acid control function typically performed by detergent and modern diesel engines employing advanced emission control
dispersant additives. The filter chemically conditions the technologies (1). The high EGR rate used by these engines
crankcase oil during engine operation by sequestering acidic increases the exposure of the lubricant to combustion acids and
compounds derived from engine combustion and lubricant induces more severe oxidation. However, this increase in acid
degradation. contamination is balanced by a reduction in the amount of
Long duration heavy-duty diesel engine tests show sulfur based acids (2). The change to ultra-low-sulfur diesel
that the filter reduces both the rate of Total Base Number fuel reduces the concentration of sulfur oxides in exhaust
(TBN) decline and the rate of Total Acid Number (TAN) gases. The widespread use of biodiesel fuel is especially
increase by a factor of two. Analysis by Fourier transform concerning. Fuel dilution by biodiesel increases lubricant
infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy also indicates that lubricant acidity, accelerates the rate of lubricant degradation, and
oxidation may be lowered. In addition, these results suggest a promotes engine wear and corrosion (3, 4).
reduction in engine wear. These results imply that lower Considerable research and development on diesel
lubricant additive levels in combination with this novel oil filter lubricants has focused on optimizing additive packages to
may be used to reduce ash accumulation in diesel control lubricant acidity and protect components from wear.
aftertreatment systems, while maintaining adequate engine This work has typically concentrated on dispersants and over-
protection. The results also indicate that the engine operator based detergent additives to neutralize acids. These additives
may use this oil filter with a state-of-the art lubricant to are effective; however, new lubricant specifications limit the
lengthen oil change intervals. amount of ash containing additive that can be used in
formulations. The recent API CJ-4 specification requires a
sulfated ash level at or below 1.0% (5). There is insufficient
data to demonstrate that ash-containing anti-wear additives at a

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lower concentration can provide wear protection. Therefore, EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH
the concentration of over-based detergents is reduced in these In this study, the effect of oil conditioning with the strong
oils because they are the only other significant source of ash. base filter was assessed by comparing the level of oil
This change reduces the acid neutralization capacity of the degradation in two long duration tests with a single cylinder,
lubricant, so the lengths of oil drain intervals have remained heavy duty diesel engine. The first test was a baseline case with
constant at best (6). a standard (chemically inert) oil filter. A strong base filter was
used in the second test. Oil samples were extracted from the
Current Alternative Technologies engine at regular intervals. Standardized oil analysis techniques
Several systems have been developed to extend oil drain were used to measure lubricant condition and determine what
intervals. Filters that slowly release lubricant additives and by- effects filter conditioning had on oil degradation.
pass filtration are two filter technologies currently used to
extend oil drain intervals and enhance engine protection. Slow Test Procedure
release filters incorporate a gelled additive package consisting Two long duration engine experiments were performed to
of detergents, dispersants and antioxidants. The filter observe the effect of strong base filter conditioning on lubricant
discharges these components into the oil to replenish depleted degradation. The test conditions used in both experiments are
additives. Unfortunately, there is no control over the release summarized in Table 1. In the first engine test, a standard
rate, so additives are released at times when they are not (chemically inert) filter was used for 318 hours of operating
required by the engine. The accumulation of additives in the oil time. This experiment represented the baseline case and
also increases ash content and circumvents API CJ-4 demonstrated the expected level of oil degradation over a
specifications. By-pass filtration is also used to extend oil drain standard oil drain interval. In the second engine test, a strong
intervals. This technology mechanically removes particles too base filter was employed for 750 hours of operating time (over
small to be trapped by standard oil filters. Acidic contaminants twice the standard oil drain interval). A comparison of this
are not trapped by the filter and they remain in the lubricant. experiment with the baseline case showed the effect of filter
conditioning on oil degradation.
STRONG BASE FILTER Engine load was maintained at 100% full power for the
This study explores the effectiveness of an innovative duration of the both tests. This power level exposed the
strong base oil filter technology that enhances the acid control lubricant to the most severe operating conditions and
function typically performed by detergent and dispersant accelerated the rate of oil degradation.
additives. The filter interacts chemically with the lubricant to The condition of the sump oil and the engine was similar at
sequester acidic contaminants. This approach is unique the beginning of both tests. The crankcase lubricant was
compared to other additive technologies because it has the recharged with 1.95 kg of fresh oil using a triple flush
ability to induce a chemical change in the lubricant without procedure. The engine was also rebuilt before each test, which
adding compounds to the oil. The experiments in this study are included a replacement of the main bearing surfaces before the
designed to determine if the filter has a beneficial effect on second test.
lubricant life and engine protection. Routine maintenance of the engine was performed every
The strong base filter absorbs acidic contaminants in the 24 hours. Oil consumption was monitored at these times using
lubricant. It consists of a standard full-flow filter element a gravimetric method. Fresh top-up oil was added after every
impregnated with magnesium oxide particles. The lubricant in measurement to maintain the mass of sump oil in the engine.
the main oil circuit interacts with the strong base as it is Fuel consumption and oil sump temperature were also recorded
pumped through the filter. Acids are transferred from the every 24 hours. This data was used to check that the engine
lubricant to the surface of the base where they are immobilized. conditions in both tests were identical.
The transfer of acid to a strong base filter is reported in Sump oil samples were extracted from the engine every
prior literature. One source (7) reports photo acoustic IR 48 hours. The first oil sample was extracted at 5 hours to allow
measurements on the strong base elements in an experimental the fresh oil to mix and ensure a uniform lubricant composition.
filter which found strong absorbances of alkyl sulphates from a The recommended ASTM sampling procedure was used in this
sulfur-free and zero-detergent oil in a 1G2 engine. For this test study. A vacuum system was employed to pull 17 gram oil
the fuel used contained 4,000 ppm sulfur. In the engine tests samples from the sump through the dipstick guide hole. Just
reported in this paper, the concentration of calcium in the used enough lubricant was extracted to satisfy the minimum volume
lubricant increased by approximately the amount that would be requirements of the oil analysis tests. The amount of fresh
expected from losing the volatile components of the oil. It is makeup oil addition was reduced by following this procedure.
believed that the only components of the lubricant that are
removed from the lubricant and sequestered in the filter are Test Engine
unneutralized weak acids and already neutralized strong acids. A Lister Petter TR1 heavy duty diesel engine was used in
The useful life of the strong base filter is set by the capacity of these experiments. The specifications of this engine are listed
the filter to sequester acids. in Table 2. The TR1 is a single-cylinder and naturally aspirated

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engine, with an air-cooled design. These attributes are more also performed with the drain oil extracted at the ends of both
common for engines used in generator sets, and are rare for on- tests to assess the remaining amount of antiwear protection.
highway diesel engines. In some cases, tests were repeated due to errors in the first
Several modifications were made to the stock engine to round of analysis. It was not possible to obtain a complete set
reduce the oil consumption rate. A relatively high rate of oil of data from retested samples due the limited volume of oil in
consumption due to vaporization was expected with the stock the samples.
engine because the TR1 was air-cooled and maintained a slight
vacuum in the crankcase during operation. To reduce the oil
consumption rate, the inlet and exhaust valve guides were fitted Table 1 – Engine Test Parameters
with additional o-ring seals to minimize oil consumption Parameter Test 1 Test 2
through the valve stems. A crankcase breather with a separator Oil Filter Standard Oil Filter Strong Base Filter
was also installed on the engine to trap oil mist and return Test Duration 318 hours 750 hours
liquid oil to the crankcase. Finally, a lubricant with low base oil Engine Load 100% Full Power
volatility was selected for the tests. Reducing oil consumption Engine Speed 1800 rpm
through the valve guides and crankcase breather system Lubricant API CI-4 PLUS, SAE 40W
increased the fraction of oil consumed via the piston ring-pack.
Fuel Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
These modifications reduced the average oil consumption rate
to 3.55 grams/hour.
Advanced emission control technology (EGR and
aftertreatment) was not employed on the TR1. The lack of EGR
on the engine reduced combustion acid contamination of the Table 2 – Relevant Engine Specifications
lubricant relative to modern on-highway engines. However, the Model Lister Petter TR1
absence of NOx control most likely increased the fraction of Configuration Single Cylinder
nitrogen-based acids. Reduced oxidation and organic acid was Maximum Power 5.5 kW at 1800 rpm
also expected due to the moderate oil sump temperatures and Fuel Injection Direct Injection
the relatively low power output of the engine. Displacement 0.773 L
The standard and strong base filters were fitted to the Oil Capacity 2.6 L
engine using a Racor screw-on-type housing. No modifications Oil Change Interval 250 hours
to the oil circuit were required to use the strong base filter.

Lubricant and Fuel Properties

A commercially available lubricant conforming to API Table 3 – Lubricant Properties
specification CI-4 PLUS was used in these experiments. The Property Value
lubricant specifications are listed in Table 3. SAE Grade 40W
It was found that the oil consumption rate was minimized API Gravity 28.9
with the single weight and high viscosity lubricant selected for
Viscosity at 40°C (cSt) 146
this study. A low volatility lubricant was chosen to limit fresh
Viscosity at 100°C (cSt) 14.9
oil addition and reduce the accumulation of nonvolatile
Sulfated Ash (%) [ASTM D874] 1.35
detergent additives in the oil.
TBN (mg KOH/g) [ASTM D2896] 10.2
The concentrations of metallic elements in the fresh oil are
listed in Table 4. A lubricant with low magnesium content was
selected so any leaching of strong base filter material
(magnesium oxide) could be detected in the used oil samples.
Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel was used with a sulfur Table 4 – Fresh Lubricant Elemental Analysis
concentration less than 15 ppm. This fuel is currently used by (ASTM D4951)
all on-highway diesel vehicles in the United States. A lower Element Concentration (ppm)
sulfur concentration limits sulfur dioxide emissions and reduces Calcium 3130
sulfuric acid contamination of the lubricant. Magnesium 10
Zinc 1350
Oil Sample Analysis Phosphorus 1490
All oil samples were analyzed by independent laboratories Barium 160
to evaluate the level of oil degradation. Standardized tests were
employed to measure lubricant acidity, remaining base reserve,
lubricant oxidation and engine wear. Four ball wear tests were

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Standard Filter
Test Conditions 1200 Strong Base FIlter

Total Oil Consumption [g]

Identical test conditions were used in both tests to ensure
that differences in lubricant condition arose only from the 1000
action of the strong base filter. The engine was triple flushed
with the next oil to be tested. The samples from each test were
collected and sent out for analysis as a batch. The zero time 600
analytical results from the standard and strong base filter differ
by less than the standard deviation of the test. Each batch of 400
samples may have been analyzed by a different technician and
used a different batch of reagents. Conclusions from the data
are not based on individual data points but on the slope of the 0
respective lines on which a least squares analysis can be 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
conducted. Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
During both tests, the oil consumption rate, oil
temperature, fuel consumption, and soot loading were recorded Figure 1 – Oil consumption measured with a gravimetric
to ensure that the lubricants in both tests were exposed to method.
similar operating environments and contaminant loading. An
analysis of this data shows that there are no significant 1.6
differences in the operating conditions between the two tests. Standard Filter
Figure 1 compares the total oil consumption. The average Strong Base Filter
oil consumption for the test with the standard filter and the test 1.2
with the strong base filter are 3.61g/hour and 3.51 g/hour
Soot (% wt)

respectively. In both tests, an almost equal amount of fresh oil

is added in the intervals between samples. 0.8
The rate of lubricant degradation is correlated to oil
temperature and engine load (8). Table 5 lists the mean oil
temperature and fuel consumption in both tests. Fluctuations in 0.4
the oil temperature are caused by changes in ambient
temperature and are amplified because the engine is air cooled. 0.2

The proximity of the mean oil temperature to the boiling point 0

of water leads to the conclusion that there is not an aqueous 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
phase present and that the neutralization reactions are occurring Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
in a hydrocarbon environment. There is also some variability in
the fuel consumption rates. However, statistical analysis of the Figure 2 – Oil soot content measured with FTIR.
data shows that the differences in the mean temperature and
fuel consumption between the tests are insignificant. Table 5 – A Comparison of the Conditions in Each Test
Figure 2 compares the soot loading in the lubricant at Test 1 – Test 2 –
several points during the tests. The oil is exposed to similar Standard Strong Base
contaminant loading during the tests. It is reasonable to Filter Filter
conclude that the oil in both tests is exposed to similar Mean Oil Temperature (°C) 98.5 101.0
quantities of combustion acids. It is not believed that the strong St. Dev. of Oil Temp. (°C) 3.89 4.40
base filter has any effect on the formation of soot. If the soot Difference in Mean Oil Temp. 0.206 (Statistically
particles carried an acidic charge they might be removed by the - t-Test Significance (2 tail) Insignificant)
strong base filter but we have seen no data to support this Mean Fuel Consumption
conclusion. 0.57 0.54
St. Dev. of Fuel Consumption
0.034 0.049
Difference in Mean Fuel
0.263 (Statistically
Consumption - t-Test
Significance (2 tail)

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Mobility of Strong Base Material 16
Figure 3 shows the concentration of magnesium in the Standard Filter

Corrected Mg Concentration (ppm)

used oil samples, corrected for base oil volatility. The fresh 14 Strong Base Filter
lubricant contains a small amount of magnesium (8 ppm). The 12
concentration of magnesium is constant throughout the test
with the standard filter. There is only a small (3 ppm) increase 10
in the concentration of magnesium during the extended test
with the strong base filter.
These results show that the strong base (magnesium oxide) 6
remains in the filter during use. The observed increase in
magnesium concentration is caused by the addition of makeup
oil throughout the test. An insignificant amount of base is 2
transferred from the filter to the oil. Any reductions in lubricant
acidity must be caused by the neutralization of acids on the 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
filter surface, as opposed to a release of strong base into the
Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
Figure 3 – The concentration of magnesium measured with
Lubricant Acidity ICP (ASTM D5185).
Lubricant acidity is a key indicator used to determine the
timing of an oil change. Low acidity levels must be maintained 9.00
to ensure adequate protection of engine components. An acidic Standard Filter
environment can cause corrosion, lubricant oxidation, viscosity Strong Base Filter
8.50 Linear (Standard Filter)
increase and wear of engine components.
The results of pH measurements on the used oil samples Linear (Strong Base Filter)

are graphed in Figure 4. A lower pH level implies higher 8.00

pH Units

lubricant acidity. A comparison of the pH data from both tests

shows that the rate of pH decline is about two times lower with y = -0.0019x + 8.3982
7.50 R = 0.8195
the strong base filter. The strong base filter maintains a less
corrosive environment in the engine for a longer period of time.
y = -0.0037x + 8.4521
Total acid number (TAN) measurements are often used to 7.00 2
R = 0.7123
quantify the level of lubricant acidity. An increasing TAN
indicates that the acidity of the oil is increasing. TAN combines
the acidic contribution from two sources; lubricant additives 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
and acidic contaminants that are not efficiently neutralized by Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
the detergent (i.e. organic acids). Figure 5 plots the TAN of the
Figure 4 – Lubricant acidity measured in pH units.
used oil samples. The trends in the data are similar to those
seen in the pH results. The rate of TAN increase is reduced by
approximately half with the strong base filter. One 1.70
interpretation from this result is that the strong base in the filter
has less steric hindrance to neutralization of hindered organic y = 0.0028x + 0.5572
acids. The sterically restricted surfactant shield of an over- R = 0.983
TAN (mg KOH/g oil)

based detergent colloid is a barrier to the neutralization of
organic acids. Lubricant conditioning with the strong base filter 1.10 y = 0.0013x + 0.4765
reduces the concentration of acids in the lubricant and R2 = 0.9801
maintains a less corrosive environment in the engine. 0.90

Standard Filter
Total Base Number (TBN) Retention Strong Base Filter
Total base number (TBN) is a measure of the remaining 0.50 Linear (Strong Base Filter)
alkaline reserve in a lubricant. When acids contaminate a Linear (Standard Filter)
lubricant, they are typically neutralized by dispersant and 0.30
detergent additives. TBN declines until the additives no longer 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
have sufficient capacity to neutralize acids. Severe corrosion Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
and wear can result if TBN is reduced below a minimum Figure 5 – Lubricant acidity measured with colorimetric
level (9). For this reason, TBN is often used as an indicator to titration.
determine when to change the oil.

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Strong Base Filter, ASTM D-4739
Standard Filter, ASTM D-5984
Strong Base Filter,ASTM D-5984
Linear (Strong Base Filter, ASTM D-4739)
TBN (mg KOH/g oil)

10 Linear (Standard Filter, ASTM D-5984)

Linear (Strong Base Filter,ASTM D-5984)

y = -0.004x + 10.479
R2 = 0.9813

y = -0.0043x + 10.673
y = -0.0088x + 10.084
7 R2 = 0.9343
R2 = 0.9571

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Elapsed Operating Time (hours)
Figure 6 – TBN retention with the standard filter and the strong base filter.

Figure 6 plots the TBN of the samples taken during both lists the viscosity of oil samples extracted at the beginning and
tests. The data is compiled using two test methods. The analysis end of the tests. A comparison can be made if a constant rate of
methods used in this study to measure the remaining capacity to viscosity increase is assumed. It appears that the rate of
neutralize strong acids, ie TBN, combines the remaining viscosity increase is about one third lower with the strong base
unneutralized detergent and dispersant. A linear curve fit to the filter. This reduced viscosity may be related to the lower rate of
data results in high R2 values exceeding 0.93. oxidation. It is unlikely that soot has a significant effect on
The strong base filter has a substantial effect on TBN viscosity in these tests, since the amount of soot in the used oil
retention. The rate of TBN depletion is reduced by about one (see Figure 2) is relatively small.
half when the strong base filter is installed on the engine. This
slower rate of TBN depletion indicates that in this case the Wear Metal Analysis
detergent in the lubricant is neutralizing acids at a slower rate. Antiwear and corrosion protection are essential functions
The strong base filter must therefore be neutralizing at least of the lubricant. Adequate wear protection must be maintained
half of the acids contaminating lubricant. Clearly, the strong over the entire oil drain interval. It is well known that
base filter augments the acid control function of the detergent. lubricants with lower acidity better protect engines from wear
and corrosion. The strong base filter has an indirect effect on
Lubricant Oxidation engine wear by reducing lubricant acidity, oxidation and the
Figure 7 plots the oxidation level of the used oil samples. depletion of ZDDP in the oil.
The oxidation level is measured with FTIR spectroscopy and is
related to the concentration of carboxylic (organic) acids in the Table 6 – Change in Viscosity for the Tests with the CI-4
samples. The concentration of organic acids increases at a PLUS Lubricant
slower rate with the strong base filter. This result could be Viscosity at 100°C (cSt) Rate of
caused by two effects; lower oxidation rate due to lower Test Filter Type [ASTM D-445] Increase
acidity, or removal of carboxylic acids by the filter. It should be 0 hrs 318 hrs 750 hrs (cSt/hour)
noted that the shift in the initial oxidation level is most likely 3 Standard 14.97 19.9 0.0155
caused by baseline shifting of the FTIR spectrum.
4 Strong Base 15.02 22.71 0.0103
Measurements of lubricant viscosity also indicate that that
the strong base filter has an effect on the oxidation rate. Table 6

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23 160 20
Standard Filter Standard Filter, Cu

Corrected Metal Concentration (ppm)

Strong Base Filter, Cu 18
21 Strong Base Filter 140 Standard Filter, Cr
Oxidation Number (Abs/cm)

Linear (Standard Filter) Strong Base Filter, Cr 16

19 120
Linear (Strong Base Filter) 14
17 y = 0.0268x + 12.171
15 80 10

13 8
11 y = 0.016x + 8.9167
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Elapsed Operating Time (hours) Elapsed Operating Time (hours)

Figure 7 – Oil oxidation measured with FTIR analysis. Figure 9 – The concentration of copper and chromium
measured with ICP (ASTM D5185).
160 16 30
Standard Filter Standard Filter, Sn

Corrected Metal Concentration (ppm)

Corrected Fe Concentration (ppm)

140 Strong Base Filter 14 Strong Base Filter, Sn

Standard Filter, Pb
120 12 Strong Base Filter, Pb
100 10

80 8 15
60 6
40 4

Pb 5
20 2

0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Elapsed Operating Time (hours) Elapsed Operating Time (hours)

Figure 8 – The concentration of iron measured with ICP Figure 10 – The concentration of tin and lead measured
(ASTM D5185). with ICP (ASTM D5185).

An accepted method of monitoring engine wear is to Engine bearings and piston rings are susceptible to acidic
measure the amounts of wear metals in the used oil over the attack and corrosion. Figure 9 graphs the concentrations of
duration an experiment. In this study, the concentration of copper and chromium in the used oil samples. Copper
metallic elements in used oil samples is measured with accumulates in oil due to corrosion and wear of the main
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis (ASTM D-4951). bearing surfaces. A drop in the concentration of copper is
The measured concentrations are corrected for base oil commonly observed in extended duration engine tests late in
volatility by multiplying by the factor that normalizes the the test cycle. It is believed to be related to the low solubility
calcium content to the calcium content of the fresh lubricant. of copper complexes formed when a threshold concentration of
Figure 8 shows the concentrations of iron in the used oil copper is reached. Chromium is most often found in used oil
samples for the test with the standard filter and the test with the due to wear and corrosion of the piston rings. It appears that the
strong base filter. Iron is the most abundant wear metal and the strong base filter prevents an increase in the wear rate over the
concentration increases linearly in both tests. There is no duration of the extended test. Wear rates also appear to be
indication of an increasing wear rate in the test with the strong lower when the strong base filter is used.
base filter even though the oil drain interval is doubled. In fact, Figure 10 shows the concentration of tin and lead in the
an apparent reduction in wear is seen at 318 hours with the used oil samples. The lead on bearing surfaces is the most
strong base filter. sensitive engine component to acidic attack and corrosion.
Lead is worn from the bearings at a constant rate in both tests.
The strong base filter prevents an increase in the wear rate of

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all metals over the duration of the extended test. Lower wear acidity, extended the base reserve, and improved wear and
rates are also observed when lubricant acidity is reduced by the corrosion protection.
strong base filter. The results show that the strong base filter enhances the
acid control function typically performed by over-based
Four Ball Wear Tests detergent additives. A portion of the acidic contaminants
Four ball wear tests (ASTM D-4172) are used to evaluate entering the lubricant are absorbed by the strong base filter
the protection against rubbing wear provided by fresh and used before they deplete the base reserve in the oil.
oils. Figure 11 compares the average depth of wear scars The fraction of acid neutralized by the strong base filter
produced during four ball wear tests with the fresh oil and with can be estimated from the results of this study. The difference
used drain oil from the experiment endpoints. It was not in the slopes of the curves in Figure 6 show that at least half of
possible to run four ball wear tests with the intermediate the acid typically neutralized by the detergent is removed from
samples because the sample volume was inadequate. A smaller the lubricant by the strong base in the filter.
wear scar indicated that the lubricant used in the test provided It appears that in some circumstances the strong base in the
better antiwear performance. The largest wear scar was filter more readily forms association with strong and weak
observed with the used oil aged with the standard filter. Oil acids than does the detergent additive colloidally dispersed in
aged with the strong base filter offered improved wear the lubricant. Acidic contaminants are more likely to be
protection even though the oil was aged for over twice the absorbed and neutralized by the filter when favorable kinetics
length of time. As expected, the fresh oil gave superior conditions exist and when the contaminants are weak organic
antiwear protection. Both the results of four ball wear tests and acids. The results also indicate that the strong base filter slows
of the wear metal analysis indicated that engine wear is reduced the weak-acid induced auto-catalytic nature of the oxidation
with strong base filter. process.

Proposed Mechanism
A mechanism for the action of a strong base filter has been
previously proposed (7). The authors propose that the strong
base filter sequesters acids from a neutralized combustion acid-
Average Wear Scar (mm)

dispersant complex and unneutralized weak acids. The acid
transfer mechanism is illustrated in Figure 12. The majority of
0.6 acids enter the lubricant in the piston ring zone. In this region,
the oil is exposed to acidic combustion gases and high
0.4 temperatures (greater than 250°C) that induce severe oxidation
rates. Polar acidic contaminants in the oil are temporarily
neutralized by dispersant additives. This interaction between
the weak base and the acid creates neutral dispersant-acid
complexes that are soluble in the oil. A fraction of these salts
may be transported to the filter where the acid could be
Fresh Oil Standard Filter - 318 Strong Base Filter -
hours 750 hours transferred to the strong base and be immobilized on the
surface. In the process, the dispersant additives would be
Figure 11 – Average wear scars from four ball wear tests restored and released to travel back to the piston ring zone,
(ASTM D-4172). where they neutralize more acids.
This cyclic process maintains the dispersancy of the oil
Filter Capacity and Efficiency and extends the alkaline reserve provided by over-based
When the engine tests were terminated, the strong base detergents. The filter may also reduce the lubricant acidity by
filter was evaluated for particle removal capacity and efficiency neutralizing weak organic acids. Filter conditioning could
using ISO 4548-12 (1rst Edition 2000). In the tests using the decrease the rate of lubricant degradation and extend the
CI-4 plus lubricant, the filter displayed a Beta ratio of 10 (90% lifetime of the oil.
efficient) for particles larger than 15 microns at the termination
of the filter test (10 psi). More than half of the total Acid Neutralization Rate
contaminant holding capacity of the filter remained. The results give insights into the rate of acid neutralization
on the filter surface. Figure 6 shows that approximately half of
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS the acids normally neutralized by detergent acids are absorbed
Under the test conditions used in this study, the strong base by the strong base filter. This result implies that the rate of acid
filter had a significant effect on lubricant properties. Lubricant transfer to the strong base filter must be approximately equal to
conditioning via the strong base in the filter lowered lubricant the rate of neutralization by the detergent additives.

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strong base filter is absorbing oxidation by-products that are
not normally neutralized by detergent additives.
An enhanced ability to neutralize organic acids is
beneficial in modern diesel engines were oil oxidation and
lubricant acidity are important concerns. Engines fitted with
advanced emission control systems are fueled with ultra-low-
sulfur diesel fuel, so the exposure of the lubricant to sulfuric
acid is drastically reduced by over 90%. However, these
engines typically employ high EGR rates, which give a greater
opportunity for combustion acids to mix with the lubricant.
More critically, EGR increases the temperature of the lubricant
and accelerates the oxidation rate (1). A strong base filter with
an enhanced ability to neutralize organic acids is particularly
Figure 12 – The proposed mechanism for acid transfer to well suited for use in engines employing emission control
the strong base filter. technology.
The widespread use of bio-diesel increases the importance
The physical characteristics of the strong base in the filter of a means to neutralize weak organic acids because biodiesel
enhance its receptivity to acid. A high transfer rate is ensured has a measurable TAN and because it hydrolyzes in the sump to
by reducing steric hindrance between acids and the strong base, produce additional weak organic acids (11). The results of this
and by maximizing the surface area of the reactive surface. study indicate that the strong base filter absorbs the acids
Steric hindrance affects the rate of acid-base reactions in originating from biodiesel dilution of the oil.
lubricants. Colloidally dispersed over-based detergent additives
consist of a kernel of strong base surrounded by a surfactant Effect on Oil Drain Interval
shield. Similarly, polar contaminants in the lubricant are also The results of this study also suggest that the strong base
encircled by dispersant additives. These layers create a steric filter may be used to extend oil drain intervals in diesel engines
hindrance to reactions between the acids in the lubricant and employing lubricants with high sulfated ash levels. The filter
the base in detergent additives. The reaction rate between acids provides additional alkaline reserve to the engine and reduces
and the soluble base is reduced. lubricant acidity. These benefits allow the lubricant to provide
The construction of the strong base filter reduces steric adequate protection to engine components for an extended
hindrance between the reactants. Absence of the surfactant period of time.
shield on the filter surface reduces the effect of steric hindrance Under the conditions used in these tests, the strong base
and increases the reaction rate on the strong base filter. Surface filter had a beneficial effect on engine wear. The lubricant aged
area is another factor affecting the reaction rate. The strong with the strong base filter had equivalent antiwear performance
base filter is constructed to maximize the area of the reactive in four ball wear tests even though the oil was aged for over
surface and maximize contact between the lubricant and the twice the length of time (see Figure 11). Wear metal analysis
strong base. The combination of a low steric hindrance and a showed no increase in the wear rate over the duration of the
high surface area in the filter results in a rate of acid transfer extended test (see Figures 8-10). In fact, the concentrations of
and neutralization almost equal to that seen with dispersant wear metals after 300 hours (the standard oil drain interval)
additives. were reduced. When the oil drain interval was doubled in this
study, the strong base filter maintained, or improved antiwear
Neutralization of Oxidation By-Products protection of engine components.
It is well known that typical detergent additives react less Extended oil drain intervals are possible because the filter
completely with high molecular weight organic acids (10). preserves the base reserve in the oil and reduces lubricant
Detergent additives react more readily with the more acidic acidity. These effects delay the point when TAN exceeds TBN
combustion acids (1, 9). Accumulation of organic acids in the in the lubricant, a situation that often triggers an oil change (9).
lubricant is often a primary factor that triggers an oil change. Lower acidity levels also delay the onset of autocatalytic
The results of this study suggest that organic acids are oxidation in the oil and reduce corrosion of engine
more readily neutralized by the strong base filter than by components. Oil conditioning with the strong base filter
detergent additives. TAN measurements (see Figure 5) show preserves the functionality of the lubricant over a longer period
that the concentration of unneutralized acids (mostly organic of time.
acids) is lower when the strong base filter is utilized. The
oxidation data (see Figure 7) verifies this result. It is reasonable Effect on Aftertreatment System Durability
to assume that the base oil oxidation rates in both tests were Modern engines are fitted with diesel particulate filters
similar because the mean oil temperatures were equal. The (DPF) to remove particulate emissions from the exhaust. The
reduced acidity levels seen in this study can only occur if the inorganic compounds in lubricant additive packages (i.e.

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detergents and ZDDP) form ash in the exhaust when they are The uniform batch of the commercial lubricant used in this
consumed due to oil consumption. Accumulation of ash in the study was donated by Chevron. We appreciate their support.
DPF also affects the durability of the system and increases fuel
consumption of the engine system due to the increased exhaust REFERENCES
restriction and more frequent regenerations (12). 1. Burk W.M., Domonkos B.D., Donnelly K., Duncan D.A.,
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In this system, the filter would neutralize all of the acidic 2. Van Dam W., Narasaki K., and Martinez J., 2006, “Diesel
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to offer an “ashless” lubricant that provides adequate engine 3. Devlin C.C., Passut C.A., Campbell R.L., and Jao T.C.,
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CONCLUSIONS Engines and New Low Emission Engines Using Cooled
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5. An apparent improvement in engine wear and corrosion and Applications, ed. Rudnick L.R., Marcel Dekker Inc.,
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6. The benefits of filter conditioning could be used to extend 10. Van Dam W., Broderick D.H., Freerks R.L., and Small
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This work is supported by the MIT Consortium to 2027/20077154.
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Diesel, Ford, Komatsu, Lutek, Valvoline, Süd-Chemie, and the
U.S. Department of Energy via Oak Ridge National Laboratory
and initially the National Renewable Energy Laboraotry.
The authors are especially grateful for the assistance given
by Caterpillar Inc, who analyzed the used oil samples taken
during these experiments.

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API – American Petroleum Institute TBN – Total Base Number
ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials ZDDP – Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate
DPF – Diesel Particulate Filter
EGR – Exhaust Gas Recirculation
FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared
ICP – Inductively Coupled Plasma
SAPS – Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulfur

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