A.8 Eit Standard A.8.1 Part 1: Definitions and Abbreviation
A.8 Eit Standard A.8.1 Part 1: Definitions and Abbreviation
A.8 Eit Standard A.8.1 Part 1: Definitions and Abbreviation Occupancy means the purpose for which Net Floor Height means a vertical
a building, or part thereof, is used or distance above finished floor level to the
intended to be used. lowest level of above structure. Fire resistance means construction to Frame means various parts designed for
resist the spread of fire, details of which providing strength and stability of the
are specified in this code. structure only, not including the things
covering or containing therein. Wall means a member, usually vertical,
used to enclose, separate spaces or Structure means that which is built or
fencing. constructed, an edifice or building of any
kind, or any piece of work artificially Building control zone means any area or built up or composed of parts joined
zone, which is conformed to Building together in some definite manner.
Act. Decoration Boarders means the thing Way means total width between two affixed to decorate the various rims,
sides of property line, including traffic including skirt, wall decorative line wall
lanes, footpaths, empty space, ditches skirting.
and others. Decoration Works means the thing Building committee means a group of affixed and/or the various decorative
person, whom is established according to finish to change roughhew structure to be
Building Act. B.E. 2522 (C.E.1979). the complete building, but not including Family means an individual or two or the various service parts.
more persons related by blood or Ridges Gable means the part of wall
marriage or a group of not more than six above the eaves which closes draughts
persons (excluding servants) who need of the sloping roofs.
not be related by blood or marriage living
together in a dwelling unit. Local Officers means
1. Mayor, for municipality. Warehouse means any place, where is
2. Chairman of the Sanitation District
used for storage the goods, products or
Council, for sanitation district.
other items.
3. Governor, for the provincial
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in the Kingdom of Thailand Inspector means the person who has Drafted Plan means the plans having
been appointed by the local competent drawn roughly.
officer as an inspector. Car Access Way means a portion of Waste Water means all types of liquid entrance way or exit way connecting to
having been used, both with and without public road.
residue. Wall means a member, usually vertical, Road Lines means the road and footpath used to enclose, separate spaces or
line having designated for public use. fencing. Land Property Lines means the line Fire Resisting Walls means a solid wall
dividing land and property between made of ordinary bricks with thickness
buildings which serves as the line not less than 18 cm. And has no opening
dividing boundary for passage of flame or smoke, a solid
wall made of other fire resisting Public Way Lines means the line of the
materials with the property for fire
area designated as public way, both land
prevention not less than a wall made of
and water way.
ordinary bricks with thickness not less Building Lines means the line that the than 18 cm. If it is a reinforced concrete
building must not intrude (not including wall, the thickness must be not less than
the intruding part of window, balcony, 12 cm.
windowsill, eaves and other architectural Partition Walls means the joint wall of
part), which is specified by the local
two buildings or two plots of land.
competent officer. Framing Walls means a type of non-load Safe Areas means the safe area that is
bearing wall, built inside the frame or
beyond 15 meter distance from the outer
rim of spectators’ stand, and has the
capacity calculated from the number of Non-bearing Wall is any wall that is not
people no the spectators’ stand, with the a bearing wall.
average requirement of four persons/sqm Bearing Wall means any wall supporting Arrays House means a row of rooms or other weights rather than its own weight.
row building used for dwelling, with an Covering Walls means a non-load/load
open space in front and at the rear
bearing wall, which is built around
between the fence or the boundary line
outside the structure in order to be
near the building of each unit.
surrounding the building or structure. Rental Houses means a building or part Guest is any person hiring or occupying
of building of not exceeding five rooms
a room for living or sleeping purposes.
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in the Kingdom of Thailand Occupied Space, Class 1 means light Manual Wet Pipes means standpipe
hazard occupancy, which means that system connecting to water supply
hazard contents are classified as those of system, the intention of system is to hold
such low combustibility that no self- water within the piping only.
propagating fire therein ca occur. Automatic Wet Pipes means standpipe Occupied Space, Class 2 means system connecting to water supply
ordinary hazard occupancy, which means system, the intention of system is to
that hazard contents are classified as automatically supply water via
those that are likely to burn with appropriate water flow rate and pressure.
moderate rapidly or to give off a Standpipe System means a wet or dry
considerable volume of smoke. system of piping, valves, outlets and Occupied Space, Class 3 means extra related equipment designed to provide
hazard occupancy, which means that water at specified pressures and install
hazard contents are classified as those exclusively for the fighting of fires.
that are likely to burn with extreme Combined Stand Pipes
rapidity or from which explosive are
likely. Pre-action System means a sprinkler
system employing automatic sprinklers Landing Decks means the landing deck attached to a piping system containing air
which must be made of durable and non- that may or may not be under pressure,
flammable materials, and sloping on with a supplemental detection system
either side or both sides. installed in the same areas as the Areas of Refuge means a space, which sprinklers. Actuation of the detection
is temporary used during egress, system opens a valve that permits water
protected from the effects of fire. Area is to flow into the sprinkler piping system
classified to two types as follows: and to be discharged from any sprinklers
that are open.
(a) One dedicated floor of building
providing fully automatic sprinkler Deluge System means a sprinkler system
system, and having two areas which employing open sprinkler attached to a
are separated by smoke barriers or, piping system connected to a water
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The Study on Development of
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in the Kingdom of Thailand Smoke-proof Enclosure means a Exhaust Air means air removing from a
structure so designed that the movement space and not reused therein.
into the smoke-proof enclosure of Re-circulating Air is air removing from
products of combustion produced by a
the conditioned space and intended for
fire occurring in any part of the building
reuse as supply air
shall be limited. Supervisory Devices means device Means of Egress means a continuous
using for checking the position of valves
and unobstructed way of exit travel from
(close or open) and send a signal to
any point in a building or structure to a
operator in control room.
public way and consists of three separate
and distinct parts:
(a) Exit access 1.2 Building Classification and
(b) Exit Characteristic
(c) Exit discharge Automatic Sprinkler means a fire 1.2.1 Assembly Occupancies
suppression or control device that operate
A Assembly occupancies include the use of a
automatically when its heat-actuated
building or structure for the gathering together of
element is heated to its thermal rating or
persons for purpose such as civic, social or
above, allowing water to discharge over a
religious functions, recreation or awaiting
specific area.
transportation. Assembly occupancies shall Fire Hose Nozzles means a device used include the followings:
for injection water to fight the fires.
A1 A building or portion of a building having
Nozzle is made of light - weight
an assembly room with an occupant load of
materials, one end is equipped with
1,000 persons or more and a legitimate stage.
adjustable injection head (stream, spray
or curtain) and another end equipped A2 A building or portion of a buildings having
with quick coupling or thread coupling. an assembly room with an occupant load of
less than 1,000 persons and a legitimate Fire Hydrant means any quick coupling
stage or a building or portion of a building
connection on a water supply system
having an assembly room with an occupant
having one or more outlets used to
load of 250 persons or more without a
supply hose and fire department pumping
legitimate stage.
with water. Fire hydrant shall be located
to outside of building. A3 A building or portion of a building having
an assembly room with an occupant load Smoke-proof Tower means a type of
between 30 to 249 persons without a
smoke-control system in which stair
legitimate stage.
shafts are mechanically pressured with
outside air to keep smoke from A4 A building or portion of a building having
containing the during fire incident. an outdoor assembly area or stadiums.
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Table 2.2.1
Fire rating for Non-bearing Wall
Fire Rating *
Type of Wall
Half width brick walls, 2 sides of 1.5-2.0 cm. cement plaster 60
Full width brick walls, 2 sides of 1.5-2.0 cm. cement plaster 120
14 cm. thick cement block walls, 2 sides of 1.5-2.0 cm. cement plaster 120
19 cm. thick cement block walls, 2 sides of 1.5-2.0 cm. cement plaster 180
Light weight cement walls Refer to Manufacturer
Gypsum walls Refer to Manufacturer
* The different fire rating might be allowed to use, whenever the fire testing result is submitted for
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Table 2.2.2
Covering thickness for concrete and the thickness of reinforced concrete component
Minimum thickness for specified fire rating (millimeters)
Fire rating 0.5 Hr 1.0 Hr 1.5 Hr 2.0 Hr 3.0 Hr 4.0 Hr
A1 150 200 250 300 400 450
150 150 175 Not
A3 125 160 200 200 300 350
A4 single beam 80 120 150 200 240 280
A4 continuous beam 80 80 120 150 200 240
A4 100 120 140 160 200 240
A6 75 75 100 100 150 180
A7 single beam 75 90 110 125 150 180
A7 continuous beam 75 80 90 110 125 150
A8 75 95 110 125 150 170
A9 70 90 105 115 135 150
A10 single beam 20 30 40 50 70 80
A10 continuous beam 20 20 35 50 60 70
A11 single beam 15 25 35 45 55 65
A11 continuous beam 15 20 25 35 45 55
A12 single beam 15 20 25 35 45 55
A12 continuous beam 15 20 20 25 35 45
A14 20 25 25 25 30 35
A15 25 25 25 25 25 25
A16 20 25 25 25 25 25
A17 15 15 25 25 25 25
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The concept of determination for construction standard The area of single floor buildings might be
depends on two (2) factors, i.e. type of construction and allowed to exceed the figures shown in
application of buildings. One type of construction shall Table 2.3.2 under the following conditions:
have the fire rating specification differs from another. (a) There are no less than 6.0 m. of empty
The application of buildings shall relate to floor area spaces or public ways on two (2) sides
requirement or the height of floor space, which shall be of buildings. The allowable additional
restricted by the type of construction. For examples, areas of buildings shall be one (1)
higher fire rating structures shall be applied or percent of the figures shown in Table
controlled to a more fire risky buildings or large 2.3.2 for every 25 cm. apart from 6.0
buildings. On the other, lower fire rating structures m. of empty spaces or public ways.
shall be applied to a less fire risky buildings or smaller However, the additional areas shall not
buildings. exceed a half (1/2) of allowable
building’s area shown in Table 2.3.2.
2.3.2 Construction Types (b) There are no less than 6.0 m. of empty
spaces or public ways on three (3)
Type of construction shall be divided to three (3) classes
sides of buildings. The allowable
as follows:
additional areas of buildings shall be
1. Construction Type 1 two (2) percent of the figures shown in
- No limiting size of buildings Table 2.3.2 for every 25 cm. apart
- Limiting size of buildings from 6.0 m. of empty spaces or public
ways. However, the additional areas
2. Construction Type 2 shall not exceed one (1) time of
- 1 Hour fire rating allowable building’s area shown in
- No limiting fire rating Table 2.3.2.
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Table 2.3.1
Fire Rating (Hour)
Construction Type 1 Construction Type 2 Construction Type 3
Non Combustible Structure Combustible Structure
No Limiting 1 Hour No 1 Hour No
limiting size of fire rating limiting fire rating limiting
size of buildings fire rating fire rating
Main structure of 3 2 1 Not 1 Not
building 1 Control Control
Main structure of 3 2 1 Not 1 Not
building 1 Control Control
Floors 2 2 1 Not 1 Not
Control Control
Roofs 2 2 1 1 Not 1 Not
Control Control
External Walls 3 4 4 1 Not 1 Not
Control Control
Internal Partitions 4 4 4 2 2 2 2
Enclosure of 2 2 1 1 1 1
Vertical Opening
Main structures comprise of bearing walls, columns, beams and other structure concerned the
strength of whole buildings.
Roof of buildings; which exclude to assembly occupation, hazardous occupation and commercial
occupation building with higher than 8.0 m. above floor level. Those kinds of buildings might be
constructed of non-combustible materials and no fir protection covering is required.
Not control for external walls, which face to not less than 12.0 m. of public spaces or empty
spaces. Except external bearing walls, which must be considered to be the fire rating main
Vertical separation walls shall be continuously constructed from footings to level of 75 cm. above
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Table 2.3.2
Allowable maximum built-up areas (m2)
Construction Type 1 Construction Type 2 Construction Type 3
Non Combustible Structure Combustible Structure
No limiting Limiting 1 Hour fire No limiting 1 Hour fire No limiting
size of size of rating fire rating rating fire rating
buildings buildings
A1 Not limit 2700 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
A2 Not limit 2700 1200 Not allow 900 Not allow
A3 Not limit 2700 1200 800 900 500
A4 Not limit 2700 1200 800 900 500
E1 Not limit 4100 1800 1200 1400 800
E2 Not limit 4100 1800 1200 1400 800
E3 Not limit 4100 1800 1200 1400 800
S1 Not limit 4100 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
S2 Not limit 1400 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
S3 Not limit 1400 600 Not allow 500 Not allow
S4 Not limit 1400 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
B Not limit 3600 1600 1100 1300 700
C Not limit 3600 1600 1100 1300 700
F Not limit 3600 1600 1100 1300 700
SC Not limit 3600 1600 1100 1300 700
H1 1400 1100 500 300 Not allow Not allow
H2 1400 1100 500 300 400 200
H3 Not limit 2200 1000 700 800 500
HH Not limit 3600 1600 1100 1300 700
R1 Not limit 2700 1200 800 900 500
R2 Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit
R3 Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit Not limit
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Table 2.3.3
The Maximum Height of Buildings
Construction Classification
Construction Type 1 Construction Type 2 Construction Type 3
Non Combustible Structure Combustible Structure
No limiting Limiting 1 Hour fire No limiting 1 Hour fire No limiting
size of size of rating fire rating rating fire rating
buildings buildings
Maximum Height (meter)
Not allow 48 20 17 15 12
Maximum Number of Floor (s)
A1 Not allow 4 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
A2 Not allow 4 2 Not allow 2 Not allow
A3 Not allow 12 2 1 2 1
A4 Not allow 12 2 1 2 1
E1 Not allow 4 2 1 2 1
E2 Not allow 4 2 1 2 1
E3 Not allow 4 2 1 2 1
S1 Not allow 2 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
S2 Not allow 2 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
S3 Not allow 3 1 Not allow 1 Not allow
S4 Not allow 1 Not allow Not allow Not allow Not allow
B Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
C Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
F Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
SC Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
H1 1 1 1 1 Not allow Not allow
H2 Not allow 2 1 1 1 1
H3 Not allow 5 2 1 2 1
HH Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
M1 Not allow 12 4 2 3 2
M2 Not allow 3 3 3 3 3
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Note: Descriptions
See definitions in item 1.2
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Table 2.4.1
Fire Rating of Compartment and Application
Fire Rating, Hour(s)
Application for each type of buildings
A A A A E1 E2 E3 S1 S2 S3 S4 B C F S H1 H2 H3 H M M
1 2 3 4 C H 1 2
A1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 1
A2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
A4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
E1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
E2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
E3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1
S1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1
S2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1
S3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1
S4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1
B 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1
C 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
F 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
S 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
H2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 4
H3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
H 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 0
M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 0
‘ 0 ‘ means the requirement of general compartment without fire rating ability.
‘ Blank Space ‘ means no compartment is required.
‘ Bold Area’ means high hazardous areas (type 1) and common used areas shall not be allowed.
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Table 2.4.2
Fire Rating Capacity of Compartment and Fire Doors
The fire rating of 2 hours shall be allowed, if the automatic sprinkler system is installed or there is a
appropriate fuel controlling measures.
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Table 2.5.2: Allowable maximum frame spread for interior finishing materials and ceilings
Area of Application
Building’s Category Main Exit Way Other Exit Way Rooms & General
E1, E2, E3 I II III
S1, S2 I I I1
S3, S4 I I II1
H1, H2, H3 I II III
Fire rating material of Class III shall be allowed for administration area.
Area of Application
Building’s Category
Main Exit Way Other Exit Way
S1, S4 A A
S2, S3 B B
M1, M2, M3 B B
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in the Kingdom of Thailand The fire rating of openings for garbage chute Stairs
and laundry chute shall not be less than the The fire rating of stairs shall not be less than
fire rating of the walls where they are fixed. two (2) hours for the stairs connecting to 4 Chutes shall be inside the chute’s room. The floors or more. Otherwise specified, one (1)
walls of the chute’s room shall have the fire hour rating stair shall be allowed. Except
rating of not less than one (1) hour. stairs inside the atrium connecting from
ground floor to the 2nd floor or mezzanine Doors of chute’s room shall be made of fire- floor, these stairs shall have the protection
resisting doors, and shall have the fire rating according to item
of not less than one (1) hour. Unless otherwise specified, the entrance
door to stair’s lobby shall be of fire-resisting
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Figure 2.6.2 Installation of Sprinkler Head and Smoke Barriers around Escalator
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2.7. 2.4 Number of parking areas for fire truck shall The buildings have to provide the procedure for prevent
be enough for rescue the people inside the of fire cross-over another building as follows:
building. The parking areas shall be easily External walls shall be constructed of non-
to park and access by no obstruction; i.e. combustible materials having the fire rating
trees, footpaths, etc, shall be allowed. conformed to Section 2, Chapter 3 Parking areas of fire truck shall be related to (Standards Of Buildings Structure for Fire
access ways to the buildings. Fore Protection).
department connections shall be provided In case of openings, windows or glazes are
and located nearby the parking areas, in provided for the external walls. External
order to supply the water to the water clear spaces shall be provided of these sides
storage tank inside the building and to of external walls in order to prevent the
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PURPOSE, SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENT To protect occupant, the standard in this (e) Penetrations into and openings through an exit
section and other standards such as fire enclosure assembly shall be prohibited except
suppression system, fire alarm system and Electrical conduit serving the stairway , Required
smoke control system shall be observed. exit doors ,Ductwork and equipment necessary for
independent stair pressurization ,Water or steam Occupancy change through building piping necessary for the exit enclosure ,Sprinkler
modification shall be inspect and recalculate piping , Standpipes and Electrical conduit serving
the capacity of the mean of egress to observe the fire alarm system.
this standard.
(f) Penetrations or communicating openings shall be The standard in this section is minimum to prohibited between adjacent exit enclosures.
rapidly and safety crowed movement from a
building. (g) An exit enclosure shall provide a continuous
protected path of travel to an exit discharge.
3.1.3 Separation of Means of Egress (h) An exit enclosure shall not be used for any purpose
that has the potential to interfere with its use as an Exit Access Corridors exit.
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Unit : m2 occupant
general occupancy note area per occupant2
general occupancy
office 10
cafeteria 1.5
restaurant 1.5
food center self-service 1.0
shop 5.0
storage are or store room 30.0
kitchen 10.0
laundry 10.0
lobby not a waiting area .30
multi-purpose 1.0
convention hall 1.5
hotel room, apartment room each room calculated 20.0
student’s hostel each room calculated 5.0
library special occupancy considerate 10.0
machine room with permanent compartment 30
corridor -
toilet -
others occupancy 10.0
In calculation gross area shall include area of machine equipment furniture.
Area per occupant accordance with this table except others occupancy in table 3.2.1 (B)
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Unit: m2/occupant
Specific occupancy 1 Note Area per occupant 2
Nursing home occupancy 2
Outpatient 1.5
Nurse station 10.0
I.C.U. room 20.0
Consultant / exam / treatment 5.0
Outpatient ward 20.0
Laboratory 20.0
Drug storage
Educational institution occupancy 2
Classroom 1.5
Computer room 3.0
Library 5.0
Study room 1.5
Laboratory 5.0
Workshop 5.0
Tutorial room 1.0
Cafeteria 1.0
Offices occupancy 2
Banking hall 3.0
File room 10.0
Business center 10.0
Strong room 30.0
Drawing and Design room 5.0
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Unit: m2/occupant
Area per
Specific occupancy 1 Note
occupant 2
Mercantile 2
Exposition area 1.5
Promotion commodity sale area 1.5
Super market, Super store 5.0
General commodity sale area 5.0
Industrial occupancy 2
Production area 3
Manual line 2.0
Manual line and Automatic line 6.0
Automatic line 10.0
Mechanical Workshop 10.0
Library 5.0
Laboratory 5.0
Cafeteria 1.0
Assembly occupancy2
Gymnasium 3.5
Sport training area 3.0
Swimming pool 5.0
Bowling center Not include bowling lanes 1.0
Amusement park Not include plaything area 1.0
Billiard room 5.0
Skate arena 3.0
Disco-Floor 1.0
Karaoke club 2.5
Night club 2.0
Club/fitness center 5.0
Lock room/Bath room -
Transport stain Concourse 3.0
Transport station departure area 3.0
Transport station arrival area 1.0
Stage -
Back stage area 3.0
Clothing room of house of entertainment 3.0
Control room of house of entertainment 5.0
Waiting area Stand type 0.3
Lobby or siting area stadium Seat type 1.5
Multi-purpose area or Multi purpose hall Stand type 0.3
Concert area or Concert hall Stand type 0.3
In calculation gross area shall include area of machine equipment furniture.
In the case of multi-purpose occupancy, the area per occupant in table 3.2.1 shall be used and the
minimum area per occupant shall be used to calculation.
The number of occupant in production area shall accordance with the number of occupant that is
permitted by government officer but this number shall not less than valve that is calculated from Table
3.2.1 (B) industrial occupancy
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3.5.1 The travel distance to an exit shall be 3.5.3 Where horizontal partition that connect to the
measured on the floor along the centerline, entrance side of stairway, travel distance shall
starting from the most remote point subject to be distance from a most remote point that
occupancy and ending at the center of the subject to occupancy to the partition door.
doorway or other point at which the exit 3.3.4 Where any part of an exterior exit is within 3
begins. Where measurement includes stairs, m of horizontal distance of any unprotected
the measurement shall be taken in the plane building opening the travel distance to the
of the tread nosing. See Figure 3.5.1. exit shall include the length of travel from a
3.5.2 Where open stairways or ramps are permitted most remote point that subject to occupancy
as a path of travel to required exits, the to ground level.
distance shall include the travel on the
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For the purposes of Section 3.7.1, a building shall be A door that is used in a pressurized stair shall
considered to be occupied at any time it is open for be normally close.
general occupancy, any time it is open to the public, or at An egress door hinge shall be made from fire
any other time it is occupied by more than 10 persons. resistant material and melting point not less
than 800 o C. Properties, Characteristic and Fire An equipment that is used to open the door
door assemblies.
shall be provided in opposite door side of A door in mean of egress shall be fire push bar or lock equipment.
resistant, not deform when subject to fire and
not good heat transfer. The door shall be Width and Height of the Door.
tested and listed from Authority Having
A door in the building mean of egress shall not less than
2.0 m and not more than 1.2 m in height. When fully A door in mean of egress shall be readily used open the door shall have angle not less than 90o measured
by occupant in the room or building for from the frame.
immediately and safely evacuate to safety
area. Position of the Opened Door and
An exit door shall be differently visible from Open Direction of the Door.
nearby wall.
In a high-risk building or a room that have an occupant Locks, Latches, and Alarm Devices. load more than 50, the direction of a door open shall be
the same direction of the egress. When the door open 90o Locks or latches that are used with door in a
measured from the wall, it shall not protrude more than
stair enclosure shall be arranged to be
the middle of the egress width. When fully open, no parts
opened readily from the inside of the building.
of the door protrude more than 200 mm measured from
Locks shall not require the use of a key or
the wall surface.
effort for operation from the egress side. Change in Level in a Door. An exit stairway door in a high rise building
Floor of both side of doorway shall be level and there
shall have unlock equipment for re-entry to
level with top of the door step. Where have the door step,
the building. A unlock equipment shall be
the height of a door step shall not exceed 25 mm and
provide shall be provided every 3-5 storied.
floor level of both side shall be modified to level with the
Through the exit stairway door that open to
top of a door step in the door position. The slope of the
the roof shall be provided and unlock
floor shall not exceed than 1 in 2. Where the mean of
equipment for re-entry to building.
egress is opened to outside building, the difference In the case of an occupant load more than 50. between outside floor level and inside floor level shall not
A door shall be equipped with a panic fire exceed 150 mm.
exit hardware. The width of push bar shall not
less than one-haft of the door leaf width and Increased Door.
not less than 0.8 m, nor not more than 1.2 m,
A door that is increased more than the standard
above the floor. A push bar shall be
requirement shall have properties accordance this
constructed so that a horizontal force not
exceed 66 N.
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The vertical length between landings shall not exceed Outside wall openings of more than 2 stories building that
than 3 m. is at the point not more than 3 m measured in horizontal
shall have self-closing opening protective that is not less
than 45 min fire resistance.
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
Where horizontal exits are used in the means of egress, General.
they shall conform to the general requirements by the
following. Every ramp used as a component in a means of egress
shall conform to the general requirements of this chapter. Horizontal exit shall have fire barriers for
separate the exit at least 2 parts to protect fire Width.
spread between parts of horizontal exit. Fire
barriers shall be continued from outside The ramp width shall not less than the corridor width.
building wall or from outside building wall to The ramp slope shall not more than 1 in 8.
the other fire barrier or both continued from
outside building wall and from outside Handrails.
building wall to the other fire barrier.
Where the ramp slope more than 1 in 10 shall be provided Horizontal exits shall be permitted to be a handrail that is like the stair handrail accordance with
substituted for other exits where the total
egress capacity of the other exits (stairs,
ramps, doors leading outside the building) is
not less than half that required for the entire
area of the building or connected buildings
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand Accessibility.
Required portions of an area of refuge shall
be accessible from the space they serve by an
accessible means of egress and portions of an
area of refuge shall have access to a public
way, via an exit passageway or an exit stair
enclosure or an elevator. Where an elevator
provides access from an area of refuge to a
public way , an exit discharge or safe areas.
The elevator shall have properties accordance
with latest version fireman elevator standard
of E.I.T.
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
EXIT ------->
<------- EXIT
<------- EXIT ------->
Where a door, a stair or corridor that is not
the part of a mean of egress near a exit the
sign that state following shall be provided:
Other words shall be proper used
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
FIRE DRILL To familiarize with the general practice of Therefore, fire drill is necessary for high-rise building
evacuation; and must be conducted regularly. In view of this, the
building owner must submit the fire drill report, including To understand and realize one’s responsibility
evacuation plan and name list of fire wardens to the
during evacuation and the importance of
concerned government agency yearly in June. The
participation in fire drill;
procedure and guidelines for every building are as To understand and realize smoke hazard and follows:
the method of evacuation with condition
surrounded by smoke;
3.10.2 Safety Officer Qualifications To familiarize with the building’s structure and
The qualifications of the fire Safety Director of building
unsafe areas in the high-rise building;
and Fire Wardens, to be selected prudently, are as To familiarize with fire prevention system such follows:
as fire detector device; Must be of good health and strong; To be confident in life safety to living in the Should be selected from volunteers; and
high rise building. Having been trained and certified by public For firemen from the fire brigade to familiarize
disaster relief unit or other reliable
themselves with the premises and responsible
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
The Study on Development of
A Building Safety System Focusing on Fire Prevention
in the Kingdom of Thailand
WHEN YOUR HEAR ALARM, proceed the plan that is provided, waiting for command
assist disability person or senior person