Life Hope Truth Study Guide Does God Exist

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• Proof 1: Origin of the Universe

• Proof 2: Design of the Universe
• Proof 3: Origin of Life
• Proof 4: Fulfilled Prophecy

Article Reprint Series From
Proof 1:
Origin of the Universe

God says He created hen you look up into the night

sky, you catch a glimpse of the
the universe. Scientific same universe ancient stargazers
materialists say it saw. Even the few thousand stars
visible to the naked eye can evoke
came into existence awe and wonder (Psalm 8:3-4).
through natural Now with the tools of modern
physical means. Who astronomy, today’s scientists see
a universe undreamed of even a century ago. While the full
is right? And what is extent of the universe remains unknown, astronomers have
the evidence? peered out multiple billions of light-years. Within this known
universe, there may be as many as 10 sextillion stars (a 1
followed by 22 zeros).
By Rick Avent
The size of some of these stars is also mind-boggling.
Our sun is huge from our perspective—about 109 times the
diameter of the earth. Yet some stars may be more than 1,500
times that diameter! Such a large star, placed at the center of
our solar system, would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter.
The universe is far more amazing than the ancients could
have imagined!
An explosion of knowledge
An explosion of knowledge began around a hundred
years ago with the development of Albert Einstein’s theory of
general relativity concerning space, time and gravity. During
the same period the construction of larger telescopes enabled
astronomers to look deeper into space.
In 1929 Edwin Hubble used these tools to determine that
the universe is not static but expanding. Further advances
were spurred by new instrumentation, deep space probes and


orbiting telescopes that can detect signals across the full Fourth, another supposition—inflation—was introduced
spectrum of wavelengths. in order for the observable data to match the theory.
This knowledge has led to the development of a The premise was that inflation occurred within the first
generally accepted theoretical model for the beginning trillionth of a second after the bang. This inflation caused
and growth of the universe. The model is referred to as the the minuscule universe to increase in size to something
hot inflationary big bang theory or simply the big bang perhaps approaching 50 percent of its current size! This
theory. idea defies all known laws of natural physics, but it does
This theory is consistent with current observations and enable the theory to be consistent with the universe as we
measurements of the observable universe; but as we will see it today.
see, it doesn’t really explain how the universe could have The unanswered question is: What caused this sudden
formed by entirely natural means. It requires us to accept inflation to occur?
certain premises outside the realm of the known laws of The big bang theory asks us to just accept these
physics. suppositions. Objections raised about these unanswered
Can the origin of the universe be explained by purely questions are typically dismissed by stating that there
physical means? must be natural laws explaining it all, but they just have
The other alternative is to accept that our awesome not been discovered yet. This response raises the question
universe must have had a Creator and that this Creator of who is exercising more faith in their beliefs. Scientists?
must have had unimaginable power. Or those who believe in God as the Creator?
How can you know which alternative is true? God’s claim as Creator
Can you prove if God is the Creator? Scientists begin with a fundamental assumption that
Many religious people believe in God, but have never only natural processes and sequences of events that are
proven His existence. When people are questioned about consistent with natural laws should be considered. As
the reasons for their belief in God, typical responses are such, the idea of God creating the universe is ruled out as a
often more emotional than rational. Such responses possibility from the beginning.
include: But then they present a theory—the hot inflationary
• “It’s what my parents taught me.” big bang theory—that is not consistent with natural laws!
• “It gives meaning to life.” The description of that first instant of inflation can’t be
• “It’s what my church teaches.” explained by the laws of the universe.
• “I don’t want to burn in hell.” God addresses this issue by pointing out that the
But God wants our belief in Him to be based on hard physical evidence of creation proves that He is God. “For
evidence, and He challenges us to do just that. “Test all since the creation of the world His invisible attributes
things, hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21; see are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
also Romans 1:20). made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that
This article is the first in a series that will help you they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20, emphasis added
answer that challenge by examining some of the physical throughout).
evidence for the existence of God. A good place to start is The missing ingredient in the big bang theory is the
at the beginning—the origin of the universe. What is the power source—a source beyond any natural physical
evidence for God as the Creator of the universe? law—a source beyond our imagination. The God of the
Bible claims responsibility for the creation of the universe.
What the big bang theory can’t explain Could anything other than the Almighty God fulfill the
The implications of the big bang theory are staggering. premises upon which the big bang theory is based?
In order to believe it, though, we are asked to accept certain The very first words of the Bible are, “In the beginning
suppositions that fall outside the laws of nature and God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
physics. These suppositions actually support the existence But this scripture does not define how far back in time
of an all-powerful Creator God. this beginning was. Scientific evidence suggests it was
First, the big bang theory and the scientific evidence billions of years, and the Bible does not disagree. (See
behind it imply that space, time and the universe as a whole the Life, Hope & Truth article “The Gap Theory” for
had a beginning. Anything having a beginning must have further explanation.)
a cause. What was that first cause? A similar declaration of God as the Creator is found in
Second, the big bang theory is based on the premise other scriptures as well. For example, “By the word of the
that something (the entire universe) suddenly came into Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them
existence out of nothing. How could this happen? by the breath of His mouth” (Psalm 33:6). This scripture
Third, according to the big bang theory, at the perhaps poetically suggests inflation and the expanding
beginning all the matter and energy in the entire universe universe as a part of the creation, as does Isaiah 40:22:
was compressed into an infinitesimally small point of “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its
almost infinite temperature and density. Where did this inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the
“seed” come from, and what force held it together and then heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to
released it? dwell in.”


The missing ingredient in the big
bang theory is the power source.

Notice the emphasis on God’s power several verses later.

“‘To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be
equal?’ says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, and
see who has created these things, who brings out their host
by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of
His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing”
(Isaiah 40:25-26).
This power to create is also emphasized in Revelation
4:11. “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor
and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they
exist and were created.”
The beginning of time
Science agrees with the Bible on the idea that time had a
beginning. Paul, referring to God’s promise of eternal life,
wrote: “In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie,
promised before time began” (Titus 1:2).
This short article has merely scratched the surface of
this huge subject. There is abundant physical evidence
that the creation of the universe was a supernatural event.
Scientists’ discoveries and theories point to a creation
mechanism that cannot be explained by physical laws.
Only an all-powerful God could create something from
nothing, constrain the energy of the universe in the palm
of a hand, release this energy and inflate it in an instant to
nearly the size of what we today call the universe.
The creation of this miraculous universe is only the first
of many proofs of God’s existence. Next we will explore a
second proof—the design found in the universe. Could it
have occurred without a Designer?
Learn more about creation as a proof of God in our
Life, Hope & Truth articles “Creation Demands a Creator,”
“Does the Big Bang Theory Require a Miracle?” and “Is God
Really the Creator?”


Proof 2:
Design of the Universe

The more we discover e humans are designers by nature,

and we have never been better at it.
about our universe, From the minuscule microprocessor
the more we see the to the massive, record-breaking
skyscraper, it seems there is nothing
hand of design rather we can’t do.
than randomness. What is the source of this
And design implies a proclivity? The Bible directs us to
God. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of
Designer. God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis
When we look at the natural world around us, we see design
everywhere. Did it all just happen? Or is God the master
Designer? Indeed, the ability to design is not just a godly trait
passed on to us but a proof of the very existence of God.
Three basic aspects of design
I am a designer. My field of design is structural engineering.
I have designed buildings and bridges, but I spent most of my
career teaching structural design.
As I teach my students, there are at least three basic aspects of
design: functionality, safety and efficiency. Functionality refers to
the need to fulfill a specific purpose. A bunch of scattered rocks
suggests randomness rather than function. When those rocks are
cut into blocks and assembled into a huge symmetrical pyramid
as a burial ground and monument to a pharaoh, we see function.
But good design also requires an element of safety. For
structures, failure is not an option; and the safety of the design is
paramount. Sadly, even with our modern technology, there are
occasional catastrophic failures.


In addition, designs should be efficient. More often to flourish. Safety is provided through the protective
than not, efficiency is evaluated by cost. However, it may atmosphere and the effects of many of the constants.
include such things as ease of use, long-term viability or Efficiency is evident from the many interactions that are
environmental considerations. perfectly adjusted.
So, what about this universe? Is it just a bunch of rocks?
Or does it exhibit the three basic elements of good design? Does life itself indicate a Designer?
Is it a complex, intricate and superbly functioning design Many structural designs have critical elements that
with an obvious Designer? Or is it just an accident of cannot fail without the entire structure collapsing. These
nature? are referred to as nonredundant designs. For example,
God challenges us to look to the creation for proof of His the cause of the 2007 catastrophic collapse of the I-35W
existence: “For since the creation of the world His invisible bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been traced to a
attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things failed gusset plate. Structures of this type cannot function
that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so without each critical element in place.
that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). In the various mechanisms of life, we also find many
In the previous article on the proofs of God, we nonredundant systems. Take away one piece, and the
examined the scientific evidence pointing to the universe mechanism will not function. How is this a problem? The
having a beginning and being created from nothing. theory of evolution proposes that all the mechanisms of life
Science provides no answer as to how this could have developed gradually, piece by piece. Yet in a nonredundant
happened. The Bible gives the obvious answer—a miracle system, the mechanism will not function until all pieces
of God. are in place. If the system is critical to survival, the life-
A second proof of God is the incredibly intricate and form will die before the mechanism can evolve.
complex design of everything around us. Let’s look at some Such mechanisms are referred to as being irreducibly
of that evidence. complex. Let’s look at several examples, beginning with
what’s often called the simple cell—a misnomer because
Does the cosmos show the elements of design? all cells are complex, from single-cell organisms to human
The laws of nature are extremely fine-tuned to support cells.
life. Without this precise and delicate balance, life would The cell membrane is necessary to protect the internal
not exist. workings of the cell. Yet the membrane needs conduits to
Scientists have identified over 100 of these fine-tuned bring necessary molecules in and out. Both the conduits
characteristics of our universe, which are often referred and the protective membrane had to be present from the
to as anthropic constants. This amazing combination of beginning. They are nonredundant components of the cell.
anthropic constants offers evidence of design, and design The cell cannot live without both.
requires a Designer. As the Bible says, “The heavens declare The membrane is a complex structure that meets all the
the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” requirements of good design: it’s functional, has a great
(Psalm 19:1). record of safety and is very efficient. Can there be such a
Here are just a few of these anthropic constants (for design without a Designer?
more details, see the Life, Hope & Truth article “Intelligent
Design: Can Science Answer the Question, Does God DNA shouts design
Exist?”): There is no aspect of the living cell that shouts
• The four known forces of nature (gravity, electromag- design more than DNA. Only a brief description can be
netic forces, the strong force that binds particles in the given here, but see “DNA: God’s Information Code” on
atomic nuclei, and the weak force mechanisms that are for a more detailed description.
responsible for radioactive decay) must be incredibly The DNA molecule within a cell contains the
balanced with each other, or most essential elements information to both sustain life and pass it on to the next
would be unstable and life could not be sustained. generation. This double helix structure contains the code
• The size of the earth, its nearly circular orbit, its axis to make over 100,000 tiny protein machines, and they are
tilt, its 24-hour revolution, and the relative size and essential to carrying out the functions of life.
distance between the earth and moon must be precise The DNA molecule contains a vast amount of
for life to exist. information using a language that consists of three-letter
• The oxygen/nitrogen levels of the atmosphere and words (referred to as codons) formed using a four-letter
the protective ozone surrounding the earth must be alphabet of molecules. This code in the human cell is
within a specific range for life to exist. 3 billion letters long! Every time a cell divides, the DNA
• The earth’s distance from the sun must be in the reproduces itself with astounding accuracy. The process
so-called Goldilocks zone: not too far and not too close, even includes a proofreading function.
but just right to maintain temperatures to support life. If this isn’t enough, in recent years a genetic code control
Taking all the anthropic constants together, the great system, the epigenome, has been discovered that exerts
weight of evidence strongly suggests design. The function additional control over DNA functions. For example, it is
of this design was to provide an environment for life now believed that the epigenome orchestrates cell division


The evidence is clear. Truly,
the Creator God is the master

and cell specialization during development in the womb.

It is unfathomably unlikely to the point of being
impossible that the complex DNA molecule and epigenome
could have developed in a piecemeal fashion. Also, if any
of the vital parts of the genetic code weren’t functioning,
the cell could not survive. From a design viewpoint, DNA
is incredibly functional and exists in all living cells, from
single-cell organisms to humans. It is extremely safe, in
that mistakes very rarely happen. DNA’s efficiency is
almost beyond belief. It is estimated that DNA the size of
a pinhead contains as much information as 25 trillion
paperback books. Yet the complete replication of the
human chromosome in a cell takes about an hour.
These and many other nonredundant mechanisms,
such as the ear and eye, constitute a proof of God. “The
hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made both of
them” (Proverbs 20:12).
The evidence is clear. Truly, the Creator God is the
master Designer.

The grand design plan

Why do very intelligent people fail to see the hand of
this master Designer in both the cosmos and life? Perhaps
the complexity of life still seems random because they are
not aware of a larger plan for the creation or where they fit
into it.
For some, it may be a case of not being able to see the
forest for the trees. Perhaps because they are so focused on
specifics, they miss an element of good design that we have
not yet covered: Individual components should fit into a
grand design plan. God’s overarching design is so vast and
transcendent that only those attuned to Him have been
able to discern it.
Consider an example that shows the importance of this
design principle. I live in a state that once built a bridge
across the Mississippi River that ended in a swamp. It was
first called the “bridge to nowhere,” but it was eventually
connected to the highway system.
Just as a newly designed bridge should fit into the over-
all transportation system, so also the designed elements of
the cosmos and life fit into a greater plan. God reveals His
master plan in the words of the Bible. He is in the process
of designing a spiritual family—His family. Jesus Christ, as
the Son of God, is the “firstfruits” of this family (1 Corinthi-
ans 15:23). The Bible tells us we also will have the opportu-
nity to be redesigned—not as flesh and blood, but with an
eternal, spiritual body—to be brothers and sisters of Christ
with God as our Father (verses 50-53; 1 John 3:1-2). Learn
more in our Life, Hope & Truth article “Children of God.”
God’s master plan is not finished. His greatest design is
yet to unfold!


Proof 3:
Origin of Life

How did life originate? he existence of God has long been under attack
by a large portion of the scientific community.
The God of the Bible Often referred to as scientific materialists, their
says He created basic tenet is that everything in the universe
is the result of the strict mathematical laws of
life. The scientific physics and blind chance.
community searches As shown in previous articles, this belief
for natural causes. creates several dilemmas. First, there is no
scientific evidence to explain how the universe came into
What does the physical existence out of nothing. Likewise, trying to explain the design
evidence suggest? of the universe without a Designer makes little sense.
But perhaps most difficult is trying to explain the origin of life
without a Creator. What does the evidence support?
Did life just emerge?
In looking at scientific thinking concerning the origin of life,
the term emergent is often encountered. The assumption is that
life somehow emerged in a step-wise transition from chemistry
to biology. While the term sounds scientific, its meaning is not.
It implies that through a series of chemical reactions life just
happened—somehow matter became life.
In their book Origins (associated with a NOVA special with
the same title on the Public Broadcasting System), Neil Tyson
and Donald Goldsmith wrote, “The crucial question of how life
actually began on Earth, either once or many times over, has no
good answer, though speculation on the subject has acquired a
long and intriguing history” (p. 241).
In other words, the scientific inquiry into this vital question
is primarily speculation! Here is a summary of some of that


The famous Miller-Urey experiments in the early 1950s conditions have improved for feeding. The Naegleria has
excited the scientific world by suggesting that the key to 15,727 genes coding for proteins. In comparison, humans
the origin of life had been found. The experiments found have around 23,000. That’s not much difference.
that an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia DNA is so complex that scientists are still trying to
and hydrogen produced an amino acid when charged with unravel its mysteries. DNA is common to all organisms,
electric sparks. This brew of chemicals was presumed to be so every organism is complex! DNA expresses the design
similar to the early earth atmosphere in which lightning platform used by the Creator of all life. Such complexity
could have provided the spark. does not just develop by accident.
However, amino acids, while one of the building blocks Related to the obvious complexity of life is the lack
of life, are not remotely life. So, the speculation is that over of randomness. If the origin of life was just a chance
millions of years larger and more complex molecules happening, why is there such organization? Among other
could have formed (by some unknown process) until life things, the genome is a set of instructions for procreation.
emerged. The message found in the DNA of even a simple amoeba
Another theory, proposed by organic chemist Alexander is more than all 30 volumes of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Cairns-Smith at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, combined. Such complex messages embedded in all
is that the early molecules of life might have formed on life provide strong circumstantial evidence that a
clay. The clay surface might have not only expedited superintelligent being, God, created life (see our article
the concentration of organic compounds together, but “The Origin of Life”).
organized them into patterns. Cairns-Smith suggests
mineral crystals could have been the driving force in this Logic, reasoning and God as the creator of life
organization. And after millions of years, life emerged. There seems to be a great divide between the scientific
Then there is the deep-sea vent theory that life may have community and the religious. When considering the origin
begun deep in the ocean at hydrothermal vents spewing of life, there are two alternatives. Either life originated
hydrogen-rich molecules. And after millions of years, life naturally or life originated by the actions of an intelligent
emerged. being. At present, there is little or no evidence to suggest
A huge stumbling block for developing theories of the the former.
origin of life is DNA. The DNA molecule in a living cell Why the divide? Because scientists make the initial
contains the information to sustain life and pass it on to the presumption that life emerged from basic raw materials
next generation. DNA needs proteins to form, and proteins through a sequence of events that was completely consistent
require DNA to form. The speculation is that RNA, which with natural laws of chemistry and physics. Many dismiss
has an integral role in the process of forming proteins, the idea of God as the creator of life out of hand.
preceded DNA and somehow sustained life. The question The same supposition is also used when considering
of how RNA got here has no explanation. Perhaps it just the creation of the universe. But can science convincingly
emerged? explain everything? Beauty? Ethical judgments? Free will?
Finally, there are the metabolism-first models. The Reasoning?
supposition being that life might have begun with smaller There is one aspect of religion that scientific materialists
molecules interacting with each other. Over time more do accept—faith. They have faith in natural explanations.
complex molecules succeeded in becoming more efficient Should not the religious be allowed to have faith in God as
and eventually evolved into life-forms. the Creator based on the evidence?
All these theories have one thing in common. There is
What would it take to convince a skeptic that
no conclusive evidence to support them.
God does exist?
Is there physical evidence for a Creator? In his book Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion Are
First, consider the law of biogenesis: Life comes only Incompatible (2015), Jerry A. Coyne, a professor specializing
from life. Louis Pasteur’s famous research showed what in evolutionary genetics at the University of Chicago, had
has been confirmed ever since. There are no instances this answer:
of life being spontaneously generated from nonliving “Suppose that a bright light appeared in the heavens,
chemicals through any natural laws. and supported by winged angels, a being clad in a white
Second, there is no such thing as a simple cell. (See our robe and sandals descended onto my campus from the
Life, Hope & Truth article “Origin of Life: Are Single Cells sky, accompanied by a pack of apostles bearing the names
Really Simple?”) Even one-cell organisms like the amoeba given in the Bible. Loud heavenly music, with the blaring
are incredibly complex. of trumpets is heard everywhere. The robed being, who
For example, Naegleria is a common amoeba, but it is identifies himself as Jesus, repairs to the nearby university
not simple. It eats bacteria as an immobile amoeba when hospital and instantly heals many severely afflicted
conditions are suitable. It grows two flagella that it uses people, including amputees. After a while Jesus and his
to swim around looking for a better environment during minions, supported by angels ascend back into the sky
periods of less favorable conditions. In more severely with another chorus of music. The heavens swiftly darken,
unfavorable environments, it turns into a hard cyst until there are flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, and


Belief in God as the Creator of life
is not just based on blind faith.
There is also ample evidence all
around us.

in an instant the skies clear. If this were all witnessed by

others and documented by video, and if the healings were
unexplainable but supported by testimony from multiple
doctors, and if all the apparitions and events conformed
to Christian theology—then I’d have to start thinking
seriously about the truth of Christianity” (p. 119).
Really? Is that really all it would take?
Interestingly enough, an event somewhat similar to the
proof Professor Coyne requires is prophesied in the Bible.
The book of Revelation describes how Jesus will descend
from heaven with trumpets blaring. But even that will
not be enough. It is prophesied that the world will gather
armies to fight Him! (For the real story of what will happen,
see our articles “What Is the Day of the Lord?” and “Second
Not only that, but biblical history indicates that God
did appear to the ancient Israelites at Mount Sinai (Exodus
19:18-20). In spite of this, they fell into idol worship and
rejected Him.
Again, God sent Jesus to the earth where He healed
many and even raised some from the dead. Yet very few
believed Him (see our article “Miracles of Jesus”).
Is there a viable alternative to God?
The evidence is before you. How will you respond? In
a series of articles published in Discern over the past year,
five proofs that the Bible is true were presented. Our study
guide Is the Bible True? presents five proofs that the Bible
is true.
The Bible clearly says that God is the origin of life:
“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness; let them have dominion.’ … So
God created man in His own image; in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis
1:26-27; see also John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16).
Belief in God as the Creator of life is not just based on
blind faith. There is also ample evidence all around us
(Romans 1:20). As the Bible admonishes: “Test all things;
hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). The articles
in the Life, Hope & Truth “Is There a God?” section can help.


Proof 4:
Fulfilled Prophecy

While a great many pwards of a third of the Bible is prophetic.

Many of these prophecies relate to Jesus Christ’s
biblical prophecies second coming to establish the Kingdom of
point to a future time, God. However, some prophecies focus on the
current era and a number have already been
a number have already fulfilled.
come to pass. Fulfilled In this series of articles we have been looking at the question of
prophecy is another God’s existence from the perspective of scientific evidence. In this
article we turn to prophecy and history for proof.
proof that God exists. Our study guide Is the Bible True? outlines five proofs of
the Bible. One proof is fulfilled prophecy. Among the fulfilled
prophecies discussed were several related to Jerusalem and
Babylon. These prophecies not only verify the Bible but also the
existence of God. Babylon and Jerusalem have been linked in
prophecies since the rise of the Babylonian Empire in the seventh
century B.C.
Let’s look at some additional prophecies that help present a
conclusive case for the existence of God.
A tale of two cities
Isaiah prophesied during the reign of four kings of Judah
(Isaiah 1:1), beginning around 740 B.C.
Here is what God inspired Isaiah to prophesy about Babylon:
“Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, who will not
regard silver; and as for gold, they will not delight in it. Also their
bows will dash the young men to pieces, and they will have no
pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye will not spare children.
“And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the
Chaldeans’ pride, will be as when God overthrew Sodom and
Gomorrah. It will never be inhabited, nor will it be settled from


generation to generation; nor will the Arabian pitch tents remains in turmoil. The ruins of Babylon are still desolate.
there, nor will shepherds make their sheepfolds there” After 2,500 years, the fourth part of the prophecy has
(Isaiah 13:17-20). continued to be fulfilled.
Note the four aspects of this prophecy: The Bible does refer to an end-time Babylonian system
1. The Medes would attack. that will be destroyed at Christ’s return, but this will
2. There would be a bloody conflict. be based in Europe, not in the ancient city in the Middle
3. Babylon would become desolate. East. Read more about this in our online article “What Is
4. Babylon would not be rebuilt (see also Jeremiah Babylon?”
25:12). Prophecy is being fulfilled just as God said: “So shall My
Here is how the history of Babylon unfolded. word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return
Babylon had previously been destroyed by the Assyrian to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall
Empire. As the Assyrian Empire declined, Babylon was prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
rebuilt as part of the Neo-Babylonian Empire that came to
Babylon, Jerusalem and the Messiah
dominate the Middle East. The empire reached its height
While Babylon was to become desolate forever, Jerusalem
under Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.).
was to be rebuilt, signaling a countdown to the Messiah.
Babylon, the capital, was located in what is now southern
There is a detailed and complex messianic prophecy in
Iraq about 50 miles south of Baghdad. The city was a marvel
Daniel 9:24-27 (see the Life, Hope & Truth article “70 Weeks
of the ancient world. It was a walled city with magnificent
of Daniel: What Does the Prophecy Mean?”).
structures and the famous hanging gardens, considered one
Verse 25 reveals when to expect the Messiah. “Know
of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was also known
therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the
as a center for learning. The ancient writers who referred
command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the
to the city raved about its glory. When Nebuchadnezzar
Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks
conquered Judah and eventually destroyed Jerusalem in
[for a total of 69 weeks]; the street shall be built again and
586 B.C., many of the captive Jews were resettled in Babylon.
the wall, even in troublesome times” (emphasis added
Then in 539 B.C. the Babylonian Empire, along with
Babylon itself, fell to an emerging empire consisting of
Obviously, the prophecy was not referring to actual
Medes and Persians. But due to Persian dominance, it
weeks. However, God has used prophetic days to represent
is often referred to as the Persian Empire. Babylon was
actual years (Ezekiel 4:4-6). Using the day-for-a-year
conquered—fulfilling the first part of Isaiah’s prophecy—
representation, 69 weeks would equal 483 years. According
but it was not destroyed at that time.
to historical records, Persian King Artaxerxes I began
The city continued to prosper for a while during the
his rule in 464 B.C. Ezra received permission to return
Persian rule. Around 482 B.C. the city rebelled against the
to Jerusalem to complete the efforts to rebuild the city in
Persians. King Xerxes recaptured the city, destroyed its
the seventh year of Artaxerxes, 457 B.C. (Ezra 7:6-10; 9:9).
temples and killed many. This bloody uprising seems to
Advancing 483 years (with the understanding that there
have fulfilled the second part of Isaiah’s prophecy.
was no year zero) would take us to A.D. 27—the year Christ
The city began a long decline, culminating in its capture
was baptized and began His ministry!
by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. Alexander’s empire
These are only a few of the many fulfilled prophecies
broke up into four parts at his death. His successors fought
that confirm the existence of God. For more, see our articles
over the city, driving out many of the residents. The Seleucid
“Fulfilled Prophecy,” “Fulfilled Prophecy Is Evidence of
Empire took control and built a new city, Seleucia, nearby;
God’s Existence,” “Daniel’s Prophecies: Proof of God’s
and Babylon was essentially abandoned.
Existence” and “Daniel 11: The Most Detailed Prophecy in
By the time the Parthian Empire ruled the region in 141
the Bible.”
B.C., Babylon was in a state of ruin, although there were still
people living in and around the vicinity of the original city. Can you personally validate a prophecy?
By the time of the Muslim conquest in A.D. 650, evidence of The discussion so far has related to unconditional
Babylon was lost under the sands, fulfilling the third part prophecies that God guarantees. However, there are also
of Isaiah’s prophecy. It was not until the 19th century that conditional prophecies. These prophecies are in the form
archaeologists even located the ruins. of “if—then.” The message is: If you obey God, then you will
In the early 1980s, while archaeologists were excavating receive blessings.
the ruins, Saddam Hussein began to rebuild Babylon. To For the ancient Israelites He promised: If “you shall keep
the despair of archaeologists, Saddam razed the ruins and the commandment, the statutes, and the judgments which
began to build a few walled structures. At this time he also I command you today, to observe them. Then it shall come
decided to build a majestic palace at the edge of the ruins, to pass, because you listen to these judgments, and keep
completing it shortly before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. and do them, that the Lord your God will keep with you
Saddam never moved into his palace. It was stripped and the covenant and the mercy which He swore to your fathers.
looted during and after the war and is now an empty shell. And He will love you and bless you and multiply you”
Saddam was later hunted down and executed. Iraq (Deuteronomy 7:11-13).


The ruins of Babylon are still
desolate. After 2,500 years, the
fourth part of the prophecy has
continued to be fulfilled.

The first Psalm begins by expressing the prophecy this

way. If one not only obeys the law but delights in it, “he
shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings
forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither;
and whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3; see also 1
Chronicles 22:13).
This theme is expressed by most of the prophets. For
example, Malachi emphasized one specific aspect: “‘Bring
all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in
My house, and try Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if
I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out
for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to
receive it’” (Malachi 3:10).
Jesus summed up the message in Matthew 6:33: “But
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.”
You can personally validate this conditional prophecy.
In fact, the Bible challenges you to do just that! But it must
be a true commitment to understanding and obeying not
just the letter of the law, but its spiritual application. Not just
following what you think the Bible teaches, but reading and
studying to see for yourself.
Notice how David phrases the concept. “He who dwells
in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the
shadow of the Almighty. … Surely He shall deliver you
from the snare of the fowler and from perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings
you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and
buckler” (Psalm 91:1, 3-4).
If you commit to the truth as outlined in the Bible, your
life will change and you will be blessed. Our free booklet
Change Your Life! can help. Download it from our Learning
Center today.
Can there be any greater proof of God?
Try it!


About exists to fill a critical void in this world: the lack of

understanding about the purpose of life, the lack of realistic hope for a better
future and the lack of truth!
Neither religion nor science has satisfactorily addressed these issues, so people
today are of divided opinions, confused or, worst of all, don’t care anymore.
The ancient words of the prophet Isaiah ring so true today: “Truth is fallen in
the street.” Why? Is it because God was right when He warned that humans are
inclined to reject Him and usually choose not to know Him?
We are here for people who are searching for answers, who are ready to prove
all things or who are hungry for more than what they’ve been taught most of
their lives about God, the Bible, the meaning of life and how to live. We want to
help you truly understand the good news of the gospel and fulfill Jesus Christ’s
admonition to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” is sponsored by the Church of God, a Worldwide
Association, Inc. It is supported by the generous contributions of donors and
members of the Church around the world, who make it possible for everything
on this site to be free of charge based on Jesus Christ’s statement, “Freely you
have received, freely give.” You will never be charged or made to feel obligated
for anything on this site.
The Church of God, a Worldwide Association, has congregations around
the world in more than 50 countries, with headquarters in the United States
near Dallas, Texas. To learn more about the Church, please visit our website

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