Life Hope Truth Study Guide Does God Exist
Life Hope Truth Study Guide Does God Exist
Life Hope Truth Study Guide Does God Exist
How did life originate? he existence of God has long been under attack
by a large portion of the scientific community.
The God of the Bible Often referred to as scientific materialists, their
says He created basic tenet is that everything in the universe
is the result of the strict mathematical laws of
life. The scientific physics and blind chance.
community searches As shown in previous articles, this belief
for natural causes. creates several dilemmas. First, there is no
scientific evidence to explain how the universe came into
What does the physical existence out of nothing. Likewise, trying to explain the design
evidence suggest? of the universe without a Designer makes little sense.
But perhaps most difficult is trying to explain the origin of life
without a Creator. What does the evidence support?
Did life just emerge?
In looking at scientific thinking concerning the origin of life,
the term emergent is often encountered. The assumption is that
life somehow emerged in a step-wise transition from chemistry
to biology. While the term sounds scientific, its meaning is not.
It implies that through a series of chemical reactions life just
happened—somehow matter became life.
In their book Origins (associated with a NOVA special with
the same title on the Public Broadcasting System), Neil Tyson
and Donald Goldsmith wrote, “The crucial question of how life
actually began on Earth, either once or many times over, has no
good answer, though speculation on the subject has acquired a
long and intriguing history” (p. 241).
In other words, the scientific inquiry into this vital question
is primarily speculation! Here is a summary of some of that