Guidance Process and Intervention

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Indicators at the school level that a student may be at risk of disengaging include:

1. erratic or no attendance.
2. low literacy or numeracy/poor attainment.
3. lack of interest in school and/or stated intention to leave.
4. negative interactions with peers.
5. behavioural issues including aggression, violence, or social withdrawal.

Students who drop out typically have a history of absenteeism, grade retention and academic
trouble and are more disengaged from school life. School structure, curriculum and size are
factors influential to increased likelihood of a student experiencing academic risk factors.

How to Keep Students from Dropping Out- Guidance Coordinators Role

1. Communicate. ...
2. Talk to them about career realities. ...
3. Don't pressure them to do too much. ...
4. Stay in touch with the school. ...
5. Be supportive and involved. ...
6. Encourage a break, rather than quitting. ...
7. Consider a different school. ...
8. Consider a gap year.

A collaborative approach involving the student, family, school, and community.

Strategies include problem-solving training, counseling, attendance monitoring, increased
feedback to parents, parent training in school participation, and increased awareness and use
of community resources.
Outcomes: dropout, absenteeism, on track to graduate, credit accumulation, achievement

Strategies at School:
1. Individualized Instruction
2. Teachers Training on Different Teaching Strategies fitted to pupils diversities
3. Use of Educational Technology as a means of Teaching

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