Analysis of Branding Strategy Through Instagram With Storytelling in Creating Brand Image On Proud Project
Analysis of Branding Strategy Through Instagram With Storytelling in Creating Brand Image On Proud Project
Analysis of Branding Strategy Through Instagram With Storytelling in Creating Brand Image On Proud Project
The objectives of the article were to study the branding strategy of a new age media company through
social media with storytelling, how it could be utilized in the building of brand image, and what were the special
characteristics of storytelling in social media environment, especially Instagram. The study provided an
overview of factors in the online content update from social media to elevate interaction and to maintain the
relationship between the company and its audience. Also specifying the points on how the information looked
desirable to the customer. The qualitative descriptive content analysis was conducted to investigate how a new
age media company with Instagram as the platform, which products were intangible and used storytelling in the
delivery utilizes and mixes both components. Data were obtained by conducting the in-depth interview with
company’s representative, public relations practitioner, and a follower of the company’s Instagram account,
which then analyzed through data reduction. The research suggests that storytelling combined with social media
features potentially strengthens all dimensions of brand equity with the brand image as the focus, primarily due
to its engaging content, its ability to enhance the formation of an emotional connection, and its capabilities in
improving recall and recognition. Branding activities conducted by Proud through Instagram can be said to be
effective, taking into account the six main factors in providing updates, namely vividness, interactivity,
informational content, entertaining content, position and valence of comments. Storytelling plays a role in
communicating the company's brand and value. In addition, storytelling is also a branding tool that becomes an
element that uniquely unveils a company with a competitor.
The development of information technology increasingly influences and triggers the changes
in consumer culture in utilizing information that is obtained from the internet. In this modern era,
social media is an important part of communicating both interpersonally and publicly. It is also
supported by the ease of internet access with a relatively affordable price. Of the many accesses that
are made by internet users, 86% of users access social media. And according to a survey that is
conducted by Nielsen, the first rank to do is send a message, next is followed by updating the status,
and the last one is reading the profile of people. Of the three things, all are accommodated by the
social networking system that is used such as Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram. Each social
media has its own characteristics according to the needs of its users.
Not only personal, but social media is also used by the companies to be part of their effective
and efficient promotion strategy because it can be accessed by anyone without having to spend more
expenses, so their network promotion can be more extensive. Social media becomes an indispensable
part of marketing for many companies, and it is one of the latest techniques in a company's marketing
Different social media applications are perceived differently, and this perception is influenced
by the social media users' patterns, gender, and age (Chan-Olmsted, Cho, Lee, 2013). One of the social
media that is often used in business activities, especially in pioneering and building a brand, is
Instagram. This application allows users to capture photos and videos, applies digital filters, and
shares them to various social networks including Instagram itself. Instagram is officially launched in
October 2010 and reaches up 1 million users within the first month. And by April 2015, this
application has reached 300 million monthly active users (Costill, 2014). As a social media that
features the presentation of visual content along with caption features in the presentation of content,
Instagram allows companies to reach consumers and strengthen brands in new ways.
The role of social media is increasingly recognized in boosting business performance. This has
brought benefits, as well as challenges for companies to bring interaction activities between companies
and their publics to a new and very different level of communication. The effectiveness of utilization
depends on how the brand owner uses it for its marketable product. Therefore, it is very important for
the company to understand how to be part of this digital era effectively. Someone who specifically
wants to enhance the number of comments should post a highly interactive brand post characteristic,
such as a question (de Vries, Gensler, and Leeflang, 2013).
The brand is a promise of the organization to the customer to deliver what is already the
principle of the brand itself, not only in emotional, self-expression and social benefits. In the minds of
consumers, they will find it hard to turn to other brands and are likely to make transactions repeatedly,
not even a few of them, market the brand without being asked. Therefore, companies must build a
more prominent image by making consumers loyal in the use of products or services on a regular basis
to outperform the competitors. And also the companies must maintain the market share and build a
positive image for consumers. The brand image is a set of tangible and intangible traits, such as ideas,
beliefs, values, interests, and features that make it unique. Within this brand, there is a promise of the
company to consumers to provide certain benefits, privileges, and services. The brand is valuable
because it is able to influence consumer preferences. A good brand can signal the customer's
superiority that leads them to a favorable consumer attitude and brings better sales and financial
performance to the company.
Starbucks, Dell, Levi's and Apple are the series of successful global brands that are driven by
the enormity of social media. Especially Apple, the company founded by Steve Jobs. This company
can be said to be born and grown in social media by utilizing storytelling techniques in various
messages that are used to communicate these from company products and brands, such as
advertisements or slogans. On various occasions, Steve Jobs always communicates the value that he
applies and trusts in the Apple brand with anecdotes using storytelling (Zax, 2011). This technique has
often been used by Steve Jobs in many percentages he does, including when he introduces the
products from Apple. His expertise in storytelling has given a variety of impacts, such as the
increasing sales of Apple products even after the departure of the deceased.
Storytelling is the act of telling a story by a storyteller to the listener. Basically, stories are the
fundamental activities of every human being. Even when they are talking to themselves means that
they are in the process of telling a story. Storytelling can be regarded as the oldest and most recent
branch of the literary sciences. Although the goals and requirements of storytelling change each
In marketing, storytelling is a form of narrative where changes connect their identity and
philosophy in making activities and products (Jonsson, Strannegard, and Pallas, 2014). A story can
form a strategic position in the company by defining and aligning the brand and ensuring that
communication can strengthen the story and build the brand (Baker and Boyle, 2009). As a tool for
branding, storytelling ties brands with the value and emotion, adds authenticity, gives a sense of
quality to the product, and explains how the products are different from competitors (Kristensen,
Gabrielsen, and Zaichkowski, 2012).
Proud Project is one of the many startup companies that are aware of the social media
phenomenon that occurs in the midst of society and uses it as a corporate branding strategy. It is
undeniable that social media, especially Instagram, has contributed a lot in building the effectiveness
and efficiency of a company or business entity as a means of communication and publication. Through
the Instagram account of @proud.project, it provides content in the form of stories and inspirational
experiences that is quoted from interviews with figures from various relevant fields in Indonesia,
ranging from art, entertainment, to the government. The content of the story is then packed with
photos and text in the form of storytelling that is included as a caption to its followers. Because
moving in the field of social media, then indirectly Proud Project is dependent on the internet network
in its daily activities, especially in the business of building a company brand. By utilizing the various
features owned by Instagram and its owned content, @proud.project now has a follower of 9.807 and
continues to grow every day. Then the dissemination of information provided by @proud.project can
be said to spread quite widely.
Based on the background of study, it is found some research questions as follows (1) Is the use
of social media Instagram effective in building the brand image of Proud Project? (2) How to use
storytelling technique as branding strategy through social media Instagram that can support the
process of creating the brand image of Proud Project? (3) What are the obstacles that Proud Project
encounters in establishing brand image?
In accordance with the problems formulation, the research objectives are (1) To know the
effectiveness of social media, especially Instagram than other social media in terms of forming the
brand image. (2) To know the use of storytelling techniques in encouraging the process of brand image
formation on social media Instagram of Proud Project. The results of this study are expected to be
useful for (1) Academic to enrich Public Relation and Branding courses, especially in using
storytelling concepts. (2) Practical benefits as an evaluation and consideration material for designing a
more innovative branding strategy for Proud Project. (3) Benefits to the general public as a source of
information and references on storytelling especially in new media in the future.
The approach used in this research is the qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is an
approach based on the postpositive philosophy that is used to encounter natural objects (as opposed to
experiments) in which researchers are the key instruments, source, and purposive sampling, and data
are conducted purposively and snowball. Data is done with triangulation (composite) of more
qualitative data. Based on the definition put forward, it can be concluded that the qualitative approach
is a type of approach that focuses on the of social phenomena conducted through an explanation of
Qualitative research has some very prominent characteristics, namely (1) the research was
conducted holistically and thoroughly, (2) research is subjective, (3) performed by communication and
observation, (4) the basic elements of the research are analysis and words, (5) focus on process rather
than result, (6) pay attention to uniqueness. The qualitative approach believes that truth is a dynamic
and knowable thing through the understanding of the interactions of the people involved. It can be
concluded that in explaining the branding strategy of Proud Project that is using Instagram, it focuses
on how to interact conducted by Proud Project to the public at large. The aim of this is increasing
brand awareness of the company.
This type of descriptive research is a type of research in which every information, data,
discovery obtained during the research process will then be analyzed and presented in the form of
words arranged systematically and sequentially. This type of descriptive research does not attempt to
find causal relationships between one variable with another but rather aims to describe and explain a
phenomenon as the phenomenon is.
The descriptive-qualitative research method is a type of research that emphasizes the research
process to the observation and natural atmosphere (natural setting). As it has been said before, this
type of research does not consider human interaction as a variable, but rather as an act aims at
understanding the social phenomenon. It does not attempt to prove the theory, so the research process
has no restrictions that curb the discussion. Descriptive research has a prominent characteristic of
explaining phenomena through words based on information found during the research process. The
analysis is a process whereby each data and information obtained from interviews and observations
that are arranged so that later can be interpreted. Data is organized into patterns, themes, and
categories. Interpreting here means giving meaning, explaining each pattern, and finding relationships
between the various interactions that occur during the data collection process.
The process of analysis using Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (1994) model analysis done in 3
(three) stages, namely data reduction, data display (data presentation), and conclusion
drawing/verification. For data reduction, during the collection process, the amount of data obtained
from the field is considerable, so it should be noted in detail. Reducing data means embracing and
selecting data that focuses on the things that are important to give a clearer picture and make it easier
in collecting further data. Data display (data presentation) can be done by writing a short description
or in other forms, such as chart or category. Display data aims for data that has been reduced
previously can be easily understood by way of grouping the data into different categories or groups.
And for the conclusion drawing or verification is done through the categories of data that have been
made. It will be drawn a conclusion that is made based on analysis of the data and supported by valid
and consistent evidence during the process of data collection. The conclusion can be in the form of
description, causality, interactive or theory. Based on interviews conducted with three informants who
have been mentioned and participant observation is approximately five months.
Triangulation is done to check the use of data collection methods, whether the information
obtained by the method of interviews, with observation methods, or whether the observations are in
accordance with the information given when in-interview. Similarly, techniques perform to test the
source data, whether the data source when in-interview and observation will provide the same or
different information. The aim is to find the similarity of data with different methods. The process of
the validity of data using source triangulation, namely testing the credibility by checking data obtained
from several different sources. The technique of source triangulation is done by checking the degree of
confidence of an information obtained through different times and tools through the following stages
(1) comparison of observation data with interview results, (2) comparison what someone says in
public with what is spoken in private, (3) comparison what is said with the research situation with
The source used in this research is divided into three parts, namely internal source (Co-
Founder & Social Director of Proud Project), external source (customer), and practitioner (Public
Relation practitioner). From three different types of sources, it will be checked whether all three data
obtained will produce the same conclusions.
Proud is a non-profit company that distributes products in the form of content packed with
stories that have value and uniqueness of its own. The goal is to inspire people to think differently and
more advanced. Moving proud online utilizes the use of the internet by using social media Instagram
as the main container running the company. In addition, the internet is also used as a media company
in carrying out daily activities because of the increasing trend of internet usage in the community.
Access to information at this time is very much different from access to information a few years ago.
From the answers given by the three informants about the importance of internet use in everyday life,
it can be concluded that the internet has become an important part of human activities and the most
widely used today to seek information.
In this digital age, people who use the internet in their daily activities have full control over
the information they access. In contrast to a few years ago when traditional media such as newspapers
are providing much information in one issue. With the internet, people can choose what information or
news they want to read without having to look at other information that is considered unimportant or
not meeting their needs as readers. Therefore, it is very important for Proud to think of branding image
strategy, so the Instagram account that used as the main container of company product become more
presentable and attractive so that people become interested in accessing information about Proud and
products offered in their Instagram. Instagram is also used by Proud as an interactive tool for followers
to ask and discuss various things that are cognitive, such as the problems that exist in life. It also
provides advice on every action to be taken by followers. In addition, once a week internal weekly
meeting holds to evaluate activities that have lasted for one week to improve the quality of service to
Judging by the number of followers on Instagram that are fairly large, the branding strategy is
done by Proud so far in the stage of brand image building is how they can form and maintain a strong
image to form a solid and relevant association. Based on the observations that have been run for three
months as admin of Proud’s Instagram, there are six factors that are considered in providing updates,
where the six factors serve as a branding strategy through Instagram. The use of these six factors is
also supported through the interview with informant 1, which says that the update should be updated
with value and has to be unique. So that it will create more interaction or engagement in
@proud.project Instagram. The considered factors in providing updates are vividness, interactivity,
informational content, entertaining content, position, and valance of comment.
The first of considered factors in providing updates is vividness. One way to improve the
feedback provided by the followers on updates given by companies is to install live-looking updates,
or in other words, things that can stimulate consumer senses so then they would find out more. An
update that seems to be more alive will further enhance the consumer's positive attitude towards the
update that will culminate in providing feedback from followers as the consumers. The vividness of
this factor can be seen in Figure 1.
Interactivity is defined as the measure by which two or more people can communicate with
each other through the communication channel provided by a particular message. Interactivity is
shown by two-way communication that occurs between the company and its customers, and often
between consumers and consumers. Even more, it can stimulate the occurrence of many-to-many
communication. It can be seen in Figure 2.
Informational content is one of the strong reasons why people use social networking sites to
find information that enables them to participate in virtual communities. Furthermore, the same thing
also causes people to search for updates related to the brand that they consume. Therefore, the desire
of consumers to participate or just find out is said to be fulfilled when a given update contains the
information brand or product itself. Products offered by Proud is information that has no form or is
intangible. The information contained in the story uploaded with the expected output is value,
entertainment, and stories through the story of the icon being uploaded. In addition to that, aside from
getting information from what the company offers, Proud utilizes Instagram to inform and promote
updates of Proud content which are produced on YouTube platform. It can be seen in Figure 3.
The entertaining content of social media is also a factor that is no less important to use.
Because people have full control over access to information they have, they tend to look for
information they like or want to see. An entertaining update tends to build a positive attitude towards
the brand and can meet the needs of consumers in using social media, one of which is to seek
entertainment. Entertaining does not always have to contain the element of humor, but can also be
words that inspire or encourage. The example of entertaining content can be seen in Figure 4.
Another factor is the position. Positioning ads or banners on social media profile pages can
also determine brand popularity, especially in using Instagram. There are certain times where
consumers tend to access Instagram more. Therefore, at certain times, updates should be ensured to get
a large amount of feedback from consumers who see updates. The example of this factor can be seen
in Figure 5.
Based on the results of interviews and observations, there are some advantages of Instagram
compares with other social media. One of the reasons why Proud uses Instagram as a tool to form a
brand image is because it provides a platform where users and companies can communicate publicly
and directly. This makes Instagram an ideal platform for companies or brands to connect with
consumers and target consumers.
The using Instagram by Proud increases the exposure of it which is now at the stage of
forming their brand image to the public, especially in the younger age group or Millennials as its target
market. Instagram also strongly supports the activity of branding of Proud, especially in content
updates with the six factors that have been discussed. By doing that, Proud can represent a better,
personal, and original picture of their brand and value.
Storytelling has been known in the art since ancient times. There is such a phenomenon due to
the closeness of the relationship between storytelling marketing with word-of-mouth, social sharing,
and social media in general. Storytelling in the realm of marketing and business communications is not
just about telling a story, but it is also a technique and strategy that aimed at making a difference
marketing variety in a new and unique way. Storytelling is a journey and is also part of a marketing
science (storytelling as a part of marketing). Now every business needs to invite their customers on a
Stories are tools for communicating the ideas. In addition, a story is able to represent the
image and purpose of the Proud. Through the story, it also explains how a thing is running, why it is
like that, the role and purpose of that thing. Thus, it can also connect us with humanity as well as past,
present, and future by teaching us to anticipate the possible consequences of the actions. Based on the
answer from informant 1, storytelling is a very vital element in Proud, because it starts from a story,
tells a story, and it will bring change through story. So far, Trivet as a company co-founder feels that
over time and throughout the development, Proud begins to realize its vision on the ground. The
amount of feedback proves many impressions that Proud’s Instagram account is a different from other
social medias; it has value, unique, and brings change. It can be seen from how the audience expresses
their gratitude to Proud through their personal account. The positive feedbacks from Proud’s
Instagram followers can be seen in Figure 7.
Branding activities that are conducted by Proud through Instagram can be said to be effective
by applying the six main factors in providing updates, namely vividness, interactivity, informational
content, entertaining content, position, and valence of comments. The factor is also noticed by the
Proud in maximizing the features available in Instagram and its use in building and maintaining
relationships with followers of @proud.project account as a company audience.
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