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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF c 2005 Institute for Scientific

Volume 2, Supp , Pages 1–14





Abstract. The estuarine zone is an area of strong interaction between fresh

and salty water. Dynamics in these areas is complex due to the interaction of
the forcing mechanisms such as wind, tides, local coastal currents and river dis-
charges. The difference of density between fresh water and salted water causes
the formation of the buoyant plumes which have been investigated by means of
numerical models and field studies. Plumes play a significant role in the trans-
port of pollutants and the ecology in the frontal areas where density gradients
are strong. Therefore, in order to investigate the horizontal and vertical disper-
sion of salinity and temperature the YAXUM/3D baroclinic numerical model
was developed. The model is validated and applied for two particular cases.
The first one consist of modeling the discharge of a jet of hot water where the
gradients of temperature prevail and the second to study the discharge of the
mouth of the estuary Leschenault toward the Koombana bay, Australia where
salinity gradients are analyzed. The results derived from the YAXUM/3D are
satisfactory and in agreement to with other models which have been already

Key Words. estuarine zone, baroclinic modeling, buoyant plume, vertical


1. Introduction
The estuarine zone is a complex area due to the interaction of wind, tides, local
coastal currents and river discharges. In this area, the fresh water moves toward
the sea on top of the salty water layer. The dynamics of the frontal area play an
important role in the biology of the area due to the accumulation of particulate
organic matter. In addition, the daily heating and cooling effect produce changes
of temperature in both rivers and marine waters [1].
In coastal areas, the interaction of fresh water river discharges into the sea causes
the formation of the buoyant plumes. In order to investigate de dynamics of buoyant
plumes laboratory, field measurements and numerical simulations have been carried
out thoroughly. Also, a significant ecological impact has been observed due to
amount of particles and pollutants brought along with the river flow.
Numerical models have proven to be a successful tool to investigate buoyant
plumes. So different environmental conditions can be simulated in relatively short
periods of time. Oceanographers have established different approaches to classify
their own models. One of the most important approaches in the literature is the

Received by the editors December 22, 2005.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35R35, 49J40, 60G40.

consideration of the density variation, where the models are classified as barotropic
or baroclinics. Although this approach is derived from the oceanic classification
models, it is wise to take it into account in what refers to applications in estuaries,
outlets or coastal lagoons, because in some cases, important processes exist due to
the change of densities.
The difference between a barotropic and baroclinic models resides in the vertical
discretization and on the determination of the pressure term in the Reynolds equa-
tions. In the barotropic models the vertical integration is applied and therefore,
density is uniform with depth, while in the baroclinic models vertical process are
considered such as gradients of temperature, salinity and density.
In this paper, a baroclinic numerical model is developed and validated for buoy-
ant fresh water plumes discharging to the coastal environment. In the first part,
the numerical model is described and in the second part the validation and applica-
tions examples are showed. The results are compared to those derived by McGuirk
and Rodi [2]. In the second application a dispersion of fresh water plume into a
marine environment is modeled. Basically, attention is paid to the simulation of
the salinity behavior. In this case we are reproducing the work developed by Okely
[3], who works with another numerical model whose application was given for the
Koombana Bay in Australia.
2. The Numerical Model
The YAXUM/3D numerical model was developed and solves the three dimen-
sional equations for a free surface flows based on the numerical scheme proposed
by Casulli and Cheng[4], where the numerical solution is given by a combination of
a semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical scheme.
2.0.1. Governing equations. These equations describe the velocity fields and
the free surface variations. The density is solved by means of a state equation in
function of a temperature, salinity and pressure fields. The model solves a salinity
and temperature transport equations. For the pressure two kinds of approximations
are taken in account. The first one is the hydrostatic approach where the pressure
P changes with the depth (z), according to

(1) = −ρg
This relation is valid if the horizontal dimension is larger than the vertical one,
which is the main consideration for the shallow water equations approach.
The second consideration is named the Boussinesq approximation, where density
may be considered as a constant in all terms, except the gravitational term.
Horizontal velocities:

∂U ∂U ∂U ∂U 1 ∂P ∂u0 u0 ∂u0 v 0 ∂u0 w0

(2) +U +V +W =− − − − + fV
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ0 ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z

∂V ∂V ∂V ∂V 1 ∂P ∂v 0 u0 ∂v 0 v 0 ∂v 0 w0
(3) +U +V +W =− − − − − fU
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ0 ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z
Vertical velocity:
µ ¶
∂W ∂U ∂V
(4) =− +
∂z ∂x ∂y

Free surface equation:

 η   η 
∂η ∂  ∂
(5) =− U dz  −  V dz 
∂t ∂x ∂y
−d −d

Temperature equation:
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
(6) +U +V +W = KT x + KT y + KT z
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Salinity equation:
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
∂S ∂S ∂S ∂S ∂ ∂S ∂ ∂S ∂ ∂S
(7) +U +V +W = KSx + KSy + KSz
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Density equation[5]:

¡ ¢ ρ0
(8) ρ S, T , P = ³ ´
1 − kPP
where ρ0 is the reference density and kP is a constant coefficient. These values and
the formulation (8) are obtained from UNESCO[6].
Therefore, hydrodynamic is described by a four variables (U , V , W and η) given
by equations (2),(3),(4) and (5). For the thermodynamic, temperature, salinity and
density are given by equations (6),(7) and (8). Pressure P from the state equation
(8) is the hydrostatic pressure and can be computed at any time.
2.0.2. Numerical solution. The model solves the equations with the two options
of a vertical integrated or multilayer model. A staggered grid cell is used where the
vectorial variables are evaluates in center of each face and the scalar at the center
of cell (Figure 1)


scalar Vi,j+1,k

x Wi,j,k

Figure 1. Variables position on the numerical cells

The vertical grid can be defined as uniform or variable vertical layers as shown
in Figure 2.

h h
Dz .
wi,j,k wi,j,k .
ui-1,j,k s ui,j,k
s ui,j,k
Th ui-1,j,k
. T h .
wi-1,j,k .
. wi-1,j,k
. Dz2

Dz Dz1
Dxi-1 Dxi Dxi+1 . . . Dxi+n Dxi-1 Dxi Dxi+1 . . . Dxi+n

Figure 2. Vertical consideration of the YAXUM/3D model: on

the left, constant layers; on the right, variables layers

The Eulerian-Lagrangian method separates the equations in two components:

advection and diffusion, and each-one is solved by a specific technique. Frequently,
the advective components is solved by the characteristic method (Lagrangian).
That means that at each node at time tn+1 some value is assigned for the particles
and this value remains unchanged whereas the particles moves on the characteristic
line defined by the flow. The position of this particle in time tn is localized and
by means of an interpolation method between the two adjacent nodes, the new
concentration is estimated and assigned to the node at time tn+1 . The diffusive
component is solved by centered finite differences (Eulerian component) using the
concentrations obtained in the previous Lagrangian approach as a initial condition.
In this way, advective and diffusive components of the Reynolds and transport
equations are solved.
Because the errors are increased with the number of interpolations, as the time
step, ∆t, is greater, the number of interpolations will decrease so the precision will
be improved significatively. This is an advantage regarding the Eulerian methods
that their precision diminishes quickly when the ∆t is increased.
It can be shown[4] that when a three-lineal interpolation is used, the Eulerian-
Lagrangian scheme is free of false oscillations, in addition, it can be shown that the
condition of stability is given by

· µ ¶¸−1
1 1
(9) ∆t ≤ 2νT +
∆x2 ∆y 2
As we can see, when νT = 0, this scheme ends up as unconditionally stable.

2.0.3. Turbulence modeling. In this paper the Reynolds stress correlations u0 u0 ,

u0 v 0 ,u0 w0 ,. . . ,v 0 w0 are modeled by means of zero turbulence model. These correla-
tions are evaluated by a relation of mean velocity gradients related with two tur-
bulent viscosity coefficients νT H and νT V . Therefore, the Reynolds stress tensors
of equation (2) and (3) have the following form
Velocity U

µ ¶ · µ ¶¸ µ ¶
∂ ∂U ∂ ∂U ∂V ∂ ∂U
(10) 2νT H + νT H + + νT V
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂z
Velocity V

µ ¶ · µ ¶¸ µ ¶
∂ ∂V ∂ ∂U ∂V ∂ ∂V
(11) 2νT H + νT H + + νT V
∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂z
where νT H is calculated in terms of Smagorinsky[7] criterion, as a function of the
local horizontal grid resolution (∆x and ∆y) and the mean velocity gradients U
and V , such that,

"µ ¶2 µ ¶2 µ ¶2 # 12
∂U 1 ∂U ∂V ∂V
(12) νT H = Csmag ∆x∆y + + +
∂x 2 ∂y ∂x ∂y
The vertical mixing is evaluated after the formulation of Stanby[8]:

à " µ ¶2 µ ¶2 µ ¶2 #! "µ ¶2 µ ¶2 # 12
4 ∂U ∂V ∂V ∂U 4 ∂U ∂V
νT V = lh 2 +2 + + +lv +
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z
where lh is long scale for the horizontal motion and lv for the vertical motion; both
variables are obtained after the following expressions:

(14) lh = βlv ,

(z − zb ) λ
lv = k(z − zb) for < ,
∆z k
λ (z − zb )
lv = λ∆z for < <1
k ∆z
3. Baroclinic modeling
Equation (1) is written in the following way

(15) P (x, y, z, t) = g ρdz + Patm
where η = η (x, y) is the free surface variation and Patm is the atmospheric pressure.
Including equation (15) into (2) and (3) and applying the Leibnitz integration rule,
the pressure terms are written as

1 ∂P ρg ∂η g ∂ρ0 1 ∂Patm
(16) − =− − dz −
ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ∂x

1 ∂P ρg ∂η g ∂ρ0 1 ∂Patm
(17) − =− − dz −
ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ∂y
where ρ = ρ − ρ0 is the anomalous density.
So the pressure is related at any depth by the atmospheric pressure Patm acting
on the free surface, the variation of the free surface η (barotropic component) and
the anomalous pressure integrated between that depth and the free surface (baro-
clinic component). Therefore, if the equations (16) and (17) are substituted in the

equations (2) and (3), respectively, the equations of the horizontal hydrodynamic
field including the baroclinic term is given by,

∂U ρg ∂η g
Rη ∂ρ0 1 ∂Patm
∂t + U ∂U
∂x + V
∂y + W ∂U
∂z = − ρ0 ∂x − ρ0 ∂x dz − ρ0 ∂x
(18) z
0 0 ∂u0 v 0 ∂u0 w0
− ∂u∂xu − ∂y − ∂z + fV

∂V ρg ∂η g
Rη ∂ρ0 1 ∂Patm
∂t + U ∂V
∂x + V
∂y + W ∂V
∂z = − ρ0 ∂y − ρ0 ∂y dz − ρ0 ∂y
(19) z
0 0 ∂v 0 v 0 ∂v 0 w0
− ∂v∂xu − ∂y − ∂z − fU

4. Plume dispersion modeling of a fresh water coming into a reservoir

In this part we present a numerical modeling of a thermal fresh water plume
dispersion entering into a cold water large reservoir, with uniform depth and infinite
length in the direction of the discharge. In Figure 3 is shown the domain and the
implemented grid.

0 m
20 m

m 0m

Dx = 100m, Dy = 50m, Dz = 1m

Figure 3. Study field and grid generated for the temperature dis-
persion plume

4.1. Initial conditions. Initially, the velocities and temperatures are setup to
zero (UE , VE , WE = 0 m/s and TE = 0o C). The salinity, wind effect on the
surface and Coriolis effect were not considered. At the bottom a constant valor
of 1 cm for the rugosity was imposed. For the plume, a constant value of Froude
densimetric number of 2.56 was considered according to McGuirk and Rodi[2] and
the discharge flow velocity was 0.6 m/s with a temperature of 20 o C. The results
obtained were compared with the numerical work of McGuirk and Rodi[2] and the
experimental results of Lal and Rajaratnam[9].

4.2. Results and discusion. In Figure 4 is shown the comparison of the tem-
perature decay derived by McGuirk and Rodi[2], the experimental results of Lal
and Rajaratnam[9] and the values computed by the simulation. The results are
in agreement. The two numerical calculations are similar but some differences are
found compared to the experimental results which can be attributed to the limita-
tion of the tank extension and, therefore, inducing some recirculation. The main
difference between the two numerical models is that the McGuirk and Rodi[2] uses

a k-ε turbulence model, while in the YAXUM/3D a mixing length scheme was
implemented (described previously).

æ DT ö McGuirk and Rodi model
çç D T ÷÷
è x = 0 ø CL
Lal and Rajaratnam experiment
YAXUM/3D model





1 10 100
2h0 b0

Figure 4. Decay temperature comparison. Results of McGuirk

and Rodi[2], Lal and Rajaratnam[9], and the YAXUM/3D model
are included

In Figure 5(a), it is observed the distribution of the buoyant plume in the vertical
plane obtained by McGuirk and Rodi[2]. The behavior of the profile shows a wider
plume near the injection which decreases gradually as it moves away. In Figure 5(b),
a surface view of the plume is shown. The isotherms correspond to a relationship
among the injection temperature and the calculated (∆T /∆Tx=0 ).

(a) Side view of temperature plume dispersion (b) Surface isotherms for the temperature plume
dispersion (Fr = 2.56)

Figure 5. 3-D temperature plume dispersion obtained by

McGuirk and Rodi[2] and experimental measurements of Lal and

In Figure 6 are shown the results of the YAXUM/3D model. The longitudinal
section of the plume evolution is described and it can be observed how the plume

temperature close the injection and narrows smoothly as the plume moves far from
the discharge area similarly to the results of McGuirk and Rodi[2] (Figure 5a).
Finally, in Figure 7 the sequence of the horizontal temperature fields are described.
The distribution pattern of the buoyant plume is similar to Figure 5(b) given by
McGuirk and Rodi[2].

Figure 6. Side views of temperature plume dispersion results ob-

tained with the YAXUM/3D model

Figure 7. Surface views of the temperature plume dispersion evo-

lution obtained with the YAXUM/3D model

4.3. Final comments. The horizontal and vertical patterns of temperatures of

the buoyant plume simulated by the YAXUM/3D model are in agreement with
the experiments of McGuirk and Rodi[2] and Lal and Rajaratnam[9]. Also, the
flotation phenomenon can observed induced by a hot water mass on top interacting
with the cold water mass of the reservoir.
5. Plume dispersion modeling of a fresh water discharging to a reservoir:
Salinity modeling
The model was also applied to simulate de discharge of low salinity water moving
to a reservoir with high salinity concentration like an ocean. The simulations are

according to the study carried out by Okely[3] who applied two versions of the
ELCOM model for the study of the buoyant plume originated in the discharge of
the mouth of the estuary of Leschenault toward the Koombana bay on the West
Coast of Australia. The location of the Koombana bay is shown in Figure 8(a) and
in Figure 8(b) is shown the characterization of the domain used by Okely[3] which
was also implemented for the YAXUM/3D model.

(a) Geographical location (b) Numerical field characterization

Figure 8. Study field configuration

5.1. Initial conditions. Initially, the condition of a reservoir is in rest with uni-
form temperature (16 o C) and salinity (35 ups) are imposed. The discharge is
considered less saline than that of the reservoir with 27 ups and with a lineal in-
crement of the rate flow from 0 m3 /s to 400 m3 /s with a rate of 8.6 × 10−2 m3 /s2 .
Other forcings such as Coriolis, wind and variations of temperature were not con-
sidered in the simulations. The bottom friction coefficient is 0.05 and constant
through the entire domain. These conditions are according to observations carried
out by Imberger[10] and Imberger and Luketina[11] during field studies and de-
scribed described by Okely[3]. The walls of the discharge channel and the reservoir
were considered closed in the work of Okely[3]. In contrast, in the simulations with
the YAXUM/3D model the wall (face) from the discharge was considered as an
open boundary.

5.2. Simulations. Okely[3] modeled the thermal plume dispersion using different
grid size resolutions such as 200, 100, 50 and 25 m. In some simulations a variable
spacing was applied. The vertical grid size was uniform and was 0.5 m. Two
versions of the ELCOM program was used to carry out a total of 11 simulations
with time steps of 60, 30 and 20 s, according to the resolution of the grid size..
Simulations with the YAXUM/3D model were made using a constant spacing of
200 m and 25 m (Figure 9) with a vertical grid size of 0.5 m. The time steps were
estimated according to the stability of the equation 9.

5.3. Results and discussion. In Figure 10 are shown the results from the EL-
COM model, version 1.3.0, using the grid sizes of 200 and 25 m. The salty plume
is advected and spreads on the surface and the resolution of the gradients depends
on the grid size. For the 200 m grid size the plume is elongated along the x-axis.
However, as the grid size is decreased to 25 m the shape of the plume is circular.

(a) Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m (b) Dx = Dy = 200m, Dz = 0.5m

Figure 9. Numerical grid implemented on the YAXUM/3D model

Figure 11 shows the surface view of the results of the ELCOM models, version
1.4.2. From these simulations, it was observed that the shape of the saline plume
was not dependent on the grid size and behaved similarly under different environ-
mental conditions. This was achieved since the new ELCOM code was significantly
improved such as in the grid and interpolations of the variables and velocities.

(a) Dx = Dy = 200m, Dz = 0.5m (b) Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m

Figure 10. Surface buoyant plume obtained with ELCOM 1.3.0 model

A comparison of the results of the YAXUM/3D model and ELCOM (version

1.4.2) shows a slight elongation of the plume along the x-axis and this seems to be
to the boundary condition taken in the discharge (Figure 12). However, in both
model cases (Figures 12a and b), the plumes tend to be circular as shown in Figures
10(b), 11(a) and 11(b).

(a) Dx = Dy = 200m, Dz = 0.5m (b) Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m

Figure 11. Surface buoyant plume obtained with ELCOM 1.4.2 model

(a) Dx = Dy = 200m, Dz = 0.5m (b) Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m

Figure 12. Surface buoyant plume obtained with YAXUM/3D model

In relation to vertical structure, in Figure 13(a) and (b) is shown the plume
distribution along the x-axis derived form the ELCOM code (version 1.4.2) and
that derived by the YAXUM/3D model using, in both cases, a grid resolution of
25 m.
Moreover, Okely[3] also compared the results of the density structure particularly
in the Lift-Off zone which is the region where the discharge meets the reservoir or
bay and the slope of the bay is present. In Figure 14 the field observations made by
Imberger and Luketina[11] and the ELCOM and YAXUM/3D model results which
are in complete agreement (Figure 14 a, b and c).
Simulations of the vertical salinity distribution with the YAXUM/3D model
(Figure 13b) show a slight less stratified vertical structure, as that observed in the

(a) ELCOM 1.4.2. Model (b) YAXUM/3D Model

Figure 13. Vertical structure of salinity plume

(a) Imberger and Luketina (b) ELCOM 1.4.2. Model (C) YAXUM/3D Model
(2001) Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m Dx = Dy = 25m, Dz = 0.5m

Figure 14. Density contours comparison on the lift-off region

results of the ELCOM Model (Figure 13a), since the frontal part of the plume tend
to mix more efficiently with saline waters of the reservoir. This mixing effect has
been also modeled by Morey[12] who simulated the dispersion of the Mississippi
river plume to the Gulf of Mexico. For the simulations, the NCOM model was used
with a similar scheme as used by the ELCOM and YAXUM/3D model. A view of
the vertical saline plume obtained by Morey[12] is shown in Figure 15 where vertical
mixing is according to the results modeled by YAXUM/3D for the Koombana Bay.
6. Conclusions
A numerical model has been developed to simulate the freshwater plumes dis-
persion. The model named YAXUM/3D was validated and simulations of the dis-
persion of plumes are in agreement with results derived from other models which
have been thoroughly tested in different sites.
During the simulations, the time step was the only constraint to achieve good
results. Larger time steps caused numerical instabilities; therefore, caution has to
be taken to determine the adequate time step and, consequently, achieve realistic
Finally, the model constitutes a valuable tool to investigate and quantify the dis-
persion of freshwater plumes under different environmental conditions. Multiples
applications are expected from the model related to the design and evaluation of
the impact to the aquatic environment by thermal plumes such as those induced

Figure 15. Salinity plume vertical distribution of Mississippi

river obtained by Morey[12] with NCOM model, on the region
of LATEX and Mafla, USA

by power plants along the coast. Now some modules of water quality and sedi-
ment transport have been developed; some applications real ecosystems are carried
The authors thank Dr. Ruben Morales Pérez from the Instituto Mexicano de
Tecnologı́a del Agua for his comments and technical support during this work.
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Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacan.
CP. 07730, México D.F., México
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E-mail: [email protected]

Universitè Aix-Marseille III. Marseille, France

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Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 152, San Bartolo Atepehuacan.
CP. 07730, México D.F., México
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