P&P Syllabus
P&P Syllabus
P&P Syllabus
Professor R. Kabaliswaran
Office: KMC 7-56
Syllabus is subject to further fine tuning to enhance our collective learning experience.
Welcome aboard!
I hope you and loved ones (including pets) are doing well and keeping safe.
I have made revisions to the original syllabus to make it remote friendly and pruned the grading
template to ensure you get all the course content and all the learning fun but with enough
flexibility built in so you can always give your loved ones the attention they need in these
challenging times.
Attendance is optional.
Attendance is made optional across all the Kabi Trifecta courses (Strategic Design, Power and
Politics, Leadership Models) this summer.
While attendance is made optional, I highly recommend you make an effort to attend all
classes. Your presence helps you as well as the rest of us learn more.
1.There will be some simple, straight forward NYUC Forum exercises, self assessments and
such which will require your responses. To accommodate the demands on your time, all
individual forum exercises will post without an expiry date on them. If you are unable to make
it to the Zoom class, you can still complete an exercise later at your time and convenience and
get your pass grade for this deliverable. Note that you need to complete ALL forum exercises.
3. My Power Story. Post one or two slides and present to class. You share with the class a
political situation you found yourself in in your career and what happened, with lessons learnt. I
will brief you on the mechanics of this assignment in class.
Optional Deliverables
If you shoot for grades in the A/A- range, you have to go the extra mile. This is how you do it.
1. You submit five one page journal logs. These could be any five class topics/concepts/cases
which were your favorites in this course. And you write approx. a page or so on each using the
3R framework; R1- Recap, R2-Reflect, and R3-Remember.
R1: RECAP Identify the concept or topic or case and provide a brief summary of the concept
or case /session content as per class discussion. I am looking for how well you synthesize
case/concept content.
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R2: REFELCT Reflect on how the concept/case connects with relevant experiences in your own
career thus far. I am looking for how well you internalize the content and relate it to your
life/career stories.
R3: REMEMBER Here I am looking for a one sentence takeaway drawn from your recap and
reflection. Give me a one sentence gist of the stuff that sticks in your memory.
For both these assignments, the due date will be the date of the last class session.
Course Theme
Politics is not a dirty word! We just got to learn how to play good politics and keep out bad
politics. By the same logic, power by itself does not necessarily corrupt though absolute power
may corrupt absolutely. In other words, this course is about how to conquer the world, or at least
survive the corporate jungle, without losing our soul. Even if you don’t want to play politics, good
or bad, you still need the skills from this course to ensure that you don’t become a victim of
Course Objectives
Understanding what power is: People often have a misperception of what power, the basis of
political behavior, really means. By the end of this course you should be able to have not only a
conceptual understanding of what power is within an organizational context but a practical
grasp of what the actual sources of power are.
Learning the skills toward political aspects of management: You should be able to develop
the kind of skills needed for effective political management of organizational problems.
Understanding your own political mindscape: Since effective political intervention requires
you to be conscious about the political dimensions of your own management and influence
style, we would , through discussion of actual business cases, try to identify each of our own
political skill set at play, and thus bring to the surface, and critique, the internalized "rules of
the game" we follow in political situations.
Developing a personal agenda for successful political management of your career: By the
end of this course, you should have gained substantial insight into how best to harness your
political skills for effective management of your career path. Since unfettered political behavior
can lead to dysfunctional consequences for the individual manager as well as the organization,
we would also explore the legal, ethical and other normative issues that circumscribe and
channel political conduct.
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Course Materials
HBS Course Packet. Available at the NYU Professional Bookstore (Phone: 212 998 4681).
Order on line from: http://www.bookstores.nyu.edu.
Text (Recommended, not required):
Jeffrey Pfeffer, Power –– Why some people have it and others don’t. New York: Harper Collins.
Team Midterm Case - Presentation Pass/Fail Due Session 8
My Power Story - Presentation Pass/Fail Due Session 10
My Constituency Map - Presentation Pass/Fail Due Session 11
NYUC Forum Exercises/Assessments Pass/Fail Various dates
Feel free to get in touch with me and share your thoughts and expectations on the course. The
email is the best and the fastest way to reach me. Remember, wherever you are, I live in the
same digital neighborhood.
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Schedule of Assignments
5/26 Session 2
Case: Amelia Rogers at Tassani Communications.
Power Audit X vs Y: Amelia vs Dave
Thought Questions
1. What is going on here? Why did Burns call Johnson? Why did Johnson call
2. What should Rogers do? Should she speak to Burns? To Paglia? What influence
strategy and tactics she should use?
5/28 Session 3
Case: Lisa Benton. Lisa vs Deborah
Thought Questions
1. How did Lisa Benton get into this mess?
2. Could she have done anything differently?
3. What should she do now?
6/2 Session 4
Case: Basil "Buzz" Hargrove and de Havilland, Inc. Basil Buzz vs Merv Gray
Thought Questions
1. What are the crucial issues facing Hargrove at the end of the case?
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2. Why was Hargrove unable to convince Gray and the rest of the bargaining
committee to support what Hargrove believed was an excellent proposal from
de Havilland management?
3. Compare and critique the power bases of Hargrove and Gray. How do these
power bases affect the events we see unfolding in the case?
4. If you were in Hargrove’s position at the end of the case, what would be your
action plan for getting the agreement accepted?
Video Case: TBA. No need to prepare ahead. I will bring in all video cases.
Case: Sunk Costs: The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (A) . Shell vs Green Peace
Thought Questions :
1. Why didn’t Shell see it coming?
2. What was Greenpeace’s strategy? How could Shell have countered it?
3. What else could Shell have done once Greenpeace occupied the Brent
4. Who won? Who lost? What does this case say about the limits of power?
Thought Questions
1. Map out Brown's sources of power and identify his objectives. How will his
existing power sources help or hinder his achievement of these objectives?
2. What were the factors critical to the success of the "Boston Miracle"?
3. At the end of the case, the potential for increased youth violence in Boston
appears to be rising. Are the efforts of Brown and the Coalition sustainable in
Boston? What do they need to do to assure that youth violence will not
revert back to the levels seen in the early 1990s?
6/16 Session 8
DUE: Case: Donna Dubinsky and Apple Computer, A. Inc. Post copy to NYUC
This is a midterm team write-up case. Questions will be posted at least a week
Case: Donna Dubinsky and Apple Computer, Inc. (A).
Power Audit: X vs Y is Donna vs Debi
Describes a major conflict within Apple Computer in 1985 over control of
product distribution. The founder and chairman, Steve Jobs, proposed a new
distribution process which would transfer many responsibilities away from
distribution manager, Donna Dubinsky toward Debi Coleman in charge of
manufacturing. Dubinsky believed, however, that this process would be
practically and financially unworkable. Presents her defensive and unsuccessful
conflict management, culminating in her threatened resignation. What should
Donna do to stem the erosion of her power?
2. What specific steps did Roizen take to develop her network? To maintain it?
3. How does your own network compare with Roizen's? To what extent are the
differences due to the political structure in which the networks exist? To
what extent are the differences due to personal preferences and style?
4. What suggestions would you give Roizen for adjusting and maintaining her
network as she becomes more involved as an Internet venture capitalist?
The Three Faces of Power & The Triple Fit in Work and Life – Discussion.
6/23 Session 10
My Power Story: My past encounter with office politics and how I triumphed
(or barely survived ). Individual Presentation
6/25 Session 11
My Constituency Map: My power plan for the next step in my career.
Individual Presentation
6/30 Session 12
Course Concepts Review.
Case: Lyndon B Johnson . Video Case, time permitting. . No need to prepare
Due: Optional Class Journal. Post to NYUC.
Due: Optional Power Progression Project. Post to NYUC.
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believed, however, that this process would be practically and financially unworkable. Presents
her defensive and unsuccessful conflict management, culminating in her threatened
Heidi Roizen
Heidi Roizen, a venture capitalist at SOFTBANK Venture Capital and a former entrepreneur,
maintains an extensive personal and professional network. She leverages this network to
benefit both herself and others. The case considers the steps she's taken to build and cultivate
a network that is both broad and deep. Provides an example of an effective social network;
facilitates discussion of network types, content, costs, and benefits.
InterSoft of Argentina
Focuses on InterSoft of Argentina, a growing software company in Argentina. In 1993, InterSoft
acquires a Russian software company and Emilo Lopez, the vice president and director of
InterSoft's Systems Software Lab, must manage a creative, cross-cultural, "virtual" team. This
case illustrates InterSoft's origins and highlights the relationship between the founding
partners, Lopez and Felix Racca.
Jerry Sanders
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In 1997, Jay Sanders sold his 10-month-old medical device start-up company for more than $33
million. Looking to the future, he wondered if this was a success he could transform into a
medical device brokerage business. As he reviewed his career history and the development of
his start-up, Sanders was betting that he could replicate his success.
Karen Leary
Describes the evolution of the working relationship of Karen Leary, a new manager of a Merrill
Lynch retail branch, and Ted Chung, a new financial consultant in the branch. Leary has some
concerns about her working relationship with Chung and with his performance. Chung makes
what Leary perceives to be an unreasonable request for a private office. Leary must respond to
this request, taking into account the implications of her decision for her ambitions for the
branch office and her career.
Katharine Graham
Details the career of Katharine Graham of the Washington Post Co., a pioneer in her field and
one of the first high-profile women to lead a major public company. Her story is a unique
example of how power and expertise are built over time, and differs from those of other
business leaders in that she was unexpectedly thrust into a leadership position. Though
Graham could have been a figurehead leader of the Washington Post Co., she gradually
became a powerful national player: a publisher and CEO in more than title.
Kevin Simpson
Follows Kevin Simpson, a second-year Harvard Business School 1990 student, through his job
search to his final decision between two very attractive but different job offers: a job as an
international marketing manager at Eli Lilly and Co., a leading multinational health product
corporation; and a position as the assistant to the president of Haemonetics, an entrepreneurial
company in the biomedical equipment field. Addresses the factors Simpson should consider
when making job choices as well as the issues he faces as an African-American professional.
Lisa Benton
Lisa Benton is in her fourth month as an assistant product manager at Houseworld, a leading
consumer products company. She has been on the job since graduating from the Harvard
Business School, and she has been frustrated from the start by a lack of responsibility, by her
poor relationship with her boss and a colleague, and recently, by the negative performance
review she received. Concerned about her future at Houseworld, Benton is considering calling
her former boss from her summer job to inquire about a position. Case helps us highlight the
challenge of establishing credibility and power in a new job, and focuses in particular on
managing difficult boss and peer relationships.
Managerial Networks
Describes a managerial network as a set of relationships critical to a manager's ability to get
things done, get ahead, and develop personally and professionally. "Networking" refers to the
activities associated with developing and managing such relationships. Describes different types
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of networks, outlines characteristics that make networks useful, and concludes with practical
guidelines for developing a useful network.
Presenting Penpoint
Containing excerpts from Jerry Kaplan's best-selling book, Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure,
this case begins with Kaplan's idea for developing a hand-held, pen-operated computer. It
follows Kaplan, who becomes the CEO of GO Corp., as he goes on the road to sell his idea to
investors and customers. Closes as Kaplan prepares to pitch his idea to the data processing
administration of State Farm Mutual Life Insurance. With IBM and other established firms as
competitors, Kaplan must plan his presentation carefully. Provides an opportunity to consider
strategies for influencing an audience. In class, using role play, we can practice using persuasion
tactics to influence the intended customer, State Farm.
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