Cyber Polygon Report Results 2020 en v1 1

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International online training
for raising global cyber resilience 2020
Introduction 3

Summary 7

and Partners 15

Live Stream 19

Training 31

Cyber Polygon Report

Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister

of the Russian Federation

‘I am pleased to see at this event the leaders


of large international organisations

and CEOs of global corporations from
a wide range of industries and countries.
The training is another step in creating
a trusted digital environment and fostering
an open dialogue to discuss even the most
challenging cybersecurity issues. Today,
the participants of Cyber Polygon are
making a contribution to building a more
secure digital world and a safer future
for all of us’.

Cyber Polygon Report

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive

Chairman, World Economic Forum

‘Technology and cybersecurity are


of crucial importance in this COVID era.

One of the most striking and exciting
transformations caused by the pandemic
has been our transition to the digital
‘everything’, both in our professional
and also in our personal lives.

I am glad that Cyber Polygon has proved

itself as one of those brilliant initiatives
that address the need for developing
and enhancing global cyber resilience
in the fight against cybercrime
and cyberattacks’.

The 2020 pandemic has further accelerated digital
Cyber Polygon Report

transformation. With electronic services gaining traction

and the adoption of disruptive telecom technologies, many
businesses that have switched to remote operations might
not return to their former work patterns.
The global digital transformation is opening truly unlimited
opportunities for humanity, but, likewise, cybercriminals benefit
from technology and universal interconnectivity. They coalesce
in gangs on the Darknet, exchange data and create large-scale
attacks, taking full advantage of people′s curiosity and fear.
According to the World Economic Forum, cyberattacks
and data theft are the 9th most likely fallout to the world.
The damage caused by these factors continues to increase
and, in 2030, is projected to reach $90 trillion.

Cybercriminals are using the global instability to their

advantage — the number of cyberattacks rose dramatically
because of the pandemic, with most of them exploiting
the coronavirus turmoil. In Q1 2020, Palo Alto Networks detected
a 569% growth in COVID-19-themed malicious registrations,
including malware and phishing.

This year has demonstrated that a crisis can occur
Cyber Polygon Report

unexpectedly. Our research reveals that 83% of companies

have no recovery plans in place. In times of crisis, they find it
most challenging to restore business operations and maintain
their efficiency. A robust response plan and effective teamwork
help to avoid such scenarios and minimise losses. Therefore,
the increasing importance of regular training and education
across all levels must not be overlooked.
This is the reason behind Cyber Polygon — an annual
international exercise aimed at strengthening global cyber
resilience through raising public awareness in cybersecurity
and developing the competencies of technical specialists.
In addition to the technical training, where teams practise
their skills in repelling cyberattacks, Cyber Polygon also

features an online conference. The key topics for discussion

this year covered the emerging technologies that will
shape the digital future, the role of cybersecurity given
the fast-paced digitalisation, and measures that organisations
and the international community as a whole need to take
to protect the digital space.
This report summarises the key takeaways from the lectures
and interviews as well as the results of the technical training
and practical recommendations based on these results.


Cyber Polygon Report

Cyber Polygon
Cyber Polygon is a unique event that combines the world's
largest cybersecurity exercise for corporate technical teams
and an online conference featuring high-profile speakers.
x develop the teams′ competencies in repelling cyberattacks

x engage global organisations and corporations, namely

management, in a cybersecurity dialogue
x raise public awareness in cybersecurity
Hence, the exercise is aimed at enhancing cybersecurity
on all levels.
The ultimate idea behind Cyber Polygon is to ensure global
Executive Summary

cyber resilience and active intersectoral cooperation.

In 2020, it was the second time the event took place, again
with the support of the World Economic Forum and INTERPOL.
The partners and participants involved in Cyber Polygon were
tech companies, international organisations as well as state and
law enforcement agencies coming from all corners of the globe.

Concept 2020
Cyber Polygon Report

With the digital world being as interconnected as it is, all its

participants expose themselves to a number of safety risks.
A single data breach across the ocean could trigger a chain
reaction and spark a ‘digital pandemic’ across the globe.
People, organisations and entire states may fall victim
to the catastrophe.
The central theme for the Cyber Polygon 2020 online stream
was the prevention of a ‘digital pandemic’. The year has

demonstrated that a crisis may hit unexpectedly and we must

be prepared for an emergency — to protect ourselves and entire
Information and money remain the main target of cybercriminals.
In 2019–2020, the world witnessed a wave of massive data
leaks — even technologically advanced companies were
not always immune. This is why, for the technical part of our
training, we developed an attack scenario which in real life
Executive Summary

would jeopardise company reputation and data. The teams

could hone their skills in countering this type of attack in real
time and investigate the incident.

Cyber Polygon Report

Cyber Polygon featured two parallel tracks:

1. online stream for a wide audience
2. technical exercise for cybersecurity teams
from organisations

Live Stream
The live stream featured top officials from international
organisations and tech corporations who met online to analyse
the current cybersecurity trends and risks, and discuss how
to avoid a ‘digital pandemic’.
Executive Summary

The event was launched with opening statements

from the honorary guests: Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister
of the Russian Federation, and Klaus Schwab, Founder
and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.
The live stream also featured Herman Gref, CEO, Chairman
of the Executive Board, Sberbank; the Rt. Hon. Tony Blair,
Prime Minister, Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1997–2007);
Jürgen Stock, Secretary General, INTERPOL; Troels Oerting,
Chairman of the Advisory Board, the World Economic Forum
Centre for Cybersecurity; Nik Gowing, BBC World News
main presenter (1996–2014); Founder and Director, Thinking
the Unthinkable; Vladimir Pozner, Journalist and broadcaster;
as well as senior officials from ICANN, Visa, IBM and other
global corporations.
The broadcast at Cyber Polygon 2020 gathered 5 million
viewers from 57 states. Such a broad outreach is indicative
of the global community beginning to recognise cybersecurity
as a global issue that can only be combated through joint efforts.

5 million spectators
from 57 countries
Technical Training
Cyber Polygon Report

The technical exercise attracted 120 of the largest Russian

and international organisations from 29 countries. These
included banks, telecom companies, energy suppliers,
healthcare institutions, universities as well as state
and law enforcement agencies.
The teams practised response actions at the moment
of a targeted attack that aimed to steal confidential data
and undermine the company reputation.
The participants took the side of the Blue Team
and worked on protecting their segments of the training
infrastructure. The organisers from BI.ZONE represented

the Red Team and simulated the attacks.

120 organisations
Executive Summary

from 29 countries

The exercise included two scenarios:
Cyber Polygon Report

1. Defence
In the first scenario, the participants practised repelling
a massive cyberattack in real time.
They had to manage the attack as fast as possible
and minimise the amount of information stolen while
maintaining availability of the infrastructure.

2. Response
The second scenario involved investigating the identified
incident by applying traditional forensics as well as
Threat Hunting — a method whereby specialists
continuously hunt for threats by manually analysing
security events from various sources, rather than waiting
Executive Summary

for security alerts to go off.

The teams also practised collaboration with law
enforcement agencies: based on the information gathered,
they composed a dossier for INTERPOL that in real life
would help law enforcement to locate the criminals.

Cyber Polygon became the first international event

for corporate teams of such format and scale.

How Did It Go
Cyber Polygon Report

This year, we made our technical training scenarios as close

to real-life situations as possible. To achieve this, we implemented
a complex technical infrastructure, with over 400 virtual machines
rolled out. Further, preliminary load testing was conducted
to ensure smooth operation of all systems during the event.
In the run-up to the exercise, we released a series of technical
articles. The publications helped the participants improve their
knowledge of the topics covered in the scenarios and prepare

better for the training. This laid the foundation of our public
knowledge library, which is being enriched on a continuous
The event featured the world′s first public exercise for corporate
teams where the Threat Hunting method was applied.
We are especially pleased to realise that for many teams
Cyber Polygon became the first opportunity to master
this technique and thereby gain new practical experience.
Executive Summary

We strongly believe that such initiatives are an effective tool

in enhancing cyber resilience through knowledge sharing.

What Is Next?
Cyber Polygon Report

With the accelerated rate of digitalisation, the level

of cybercrime will also continue to rise. In order to withstand
a large-scale cyber threat, the global community needs to unite
its efforts and establish collaboration at all levels: practise joint
mitigation of cyberattacks, expand technical skills, and engage
in open dialogue on key global cybersecurity issues.
Such events as Cyber Polygon are instrumental in achieving
these goals, as they already allow experts from participating

organisations to increase their skills and draw the attention

of a wider audience to the issues of cybersecurity.
We continue to develop training opportunities to strengthen
global cybersecurity and ensure a secure digital world
and we invite you to join the next Cyber Polygon in 2021.
We hope that the results and conclusions of this year's training
presented in the report as well as the knowledge of invited
experts, will benefit the entire community and enable us
Executive Summary

to develop practical measures to improve global interaction

in the fight against cybercrime.

and Partners

Cyber Polygon 2020 attracted a variety of organisations
Cyber Polygon Report

from a range of industries: global corporations, small

and medium businesses, international organisations
and government structures, law enforcement agencies
and healthcare institutions.
This diversity has further highlighted the global scale
of cybersecurity issues and the importance of such
exercises across the board.


Participants and Partners

A global technology and innovation company and the largest

technology employer in the world, delivering services
in 170 countries. IBM’s cognitive solutions and cloud platforms
help transform institutions, communities and the quality of life.
It is a leading provider of high-value solutions and services
to clients in a variety of industries, including government,
telecommunications, healthcare, finance, retail, oil and gas.

A not-for-profit public-benefit corporation and a global
community. ICANN’s mission is to ensure a stable, secure,
and unified global Internet. The company oversees unique
identifiers that allow computers on the Internet to locate one
another. ICANN ensures universal resolvability — users receive
the same predictable results when they access the network
from anywhere in the world.

Cyber Polygon Report

Cyber Polygon brought together participants from all

continents, except Antarctica. The technical training attracted
120 organisations from 29 countries, and the live stream
gathered 5 million spectators from 57 states.


Participants and Partners

USA Uzbekistan
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia Mongolia
Qatar India
Mozambique Singapore
Teams distribution Philippines

more than 10
less than 3

The teams represented organisations
Cyber Polygon Report

from both the public and private sectors.

Financial institutions 26 %
IT 15%
Government agencies 14%
Healthcare 6%
Education 6%

Telecom 5%
Energy 5%
Media 3%
Participants and Partners


Law enforcement 3%
Retail 3%
NPO 2%
Construction 2%
Chemical industry 2%
Audit and consulting 1%
Transportation 1%
International organisations 1%
Aerospace engineering 1%
Robotics 1%


Cyber Polygon Report

and New Reality

The world won't

be the same again

The pandemic has spurred digitalisation: many people have

transitioned to remote work and are more and more reliant
on electronic services. Effective interaction demands new
communication methods and faster data transmission.
Such changes pose not only additional risks and challenges
to businesses, but affect people’s way of life. In a dynamic
technological environment and an increasingly interconnected
world, cybersecurity has become and will continue to be
the main focus.
Live Stream

‘COVID-19 has accelerated various processes. Before the pandemic,

we had been rather critical of digitalisation because of all
the problems brought about by the new technologies. Now,
everybody is beginning to understand that this process is inevitable,
we need to move forward and cybersecurity plays a great role
in tech innovation’.

Herman Gref, CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank

Cyber Polygon Report

‘We will probably never go back to the times we had before — we

will not go back to the offices. I think that more people will work
from home, we will have a more flexible work relationship, which
also means that the challenges we are dealing with now will remain,
and we need to be ready to face them’.

Troels Oerting, Chairman of the Advisory Board,

the World Economic Forum Centre for Cybersecurity

‘5G will be the platform for the society, for hospitals, for public
transport, for everything that is to be connected. You need to have
absolute trust in the underlying infrastructure, hence there
is a high demand for security. Today, we cannot even imagine
what capabilities the new 5G network will enable, and artificial
intelligence will obviously be one of the key features of our
technologies and tools in the development of new application
services. AI can be used for predictive analytics to improve
performance, maintenance and security of the network’.

Sebastian Tolstoy, Head of Eastern Europe & Central Asia

Live Stream

and General Director Ericsson Russia, Ericsson

‘I believe the Internet of Things will be one of the biggest game

changers. Industrial automation will bring the most added value
globally over the next 10 years and that will be based very much
on the Internet of Things’.

Alexey Kornya, President, CEO, Chairman of the Management Board, MTS

State structures
Cyber Polygon Report

to embrace technological
Governments need to adapt more quickly to the ongoing
changes: not only to search for new tools and ways
of interacting with people and businesses, but also to ensure
the safety of such interaction. A digital identity can become
one of the effective ways of communication between the state
and individual citizens. However, this is only possible provided
that privacy and data protection is properly regulated.

‘If Clement Attlee, who served as Prime Minister in the UK from

1945 to 1951, came back to Britain today, he would see a country
completely transformed in the way we work, in the way we live,
in technology, in living standards, in its class structure. But then, when
he went back into government, he would find himself completely
Live Stream

at home, as everything would be familiar. The government is always

the last to change, and the problem with cyber threats is that we
cannot afford the government to take 10 years to catch up because
at that time the damage will be too great’.

The Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Prime Minister,

Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1997–2007)

Threats and Risks
Cyber Polygon Report

taking advantage
of new digital reality
Since early 2020, the number of data breaches, phishing

attacks and registrations of malicious sources has increased,

and the trend is predicted to grow.

‘Cybercriminals are developing and boosting their attacks

at an alarming pace, exploiting the fear and uncertainty caused
by the unstable social and economic situation created by COVID-19.
We have seen a steep increase of new narratives in online scams,
Live Stream

phishing approaches and targeting of critical infrastructures: health

service ransomware, attacks on hospitals, exploiting the need
for personal protective material and medical research’.

Jürgen Stock, Secretary General, INTERPOL

‘Whenever there is a global crisis or an event of public significance,

there is always an uptick in criminal activity related to such
events. Therefore, it is understandable that people out there
are clicking on emails or website links or report downloads that
promise to provide updates on such events and thereby being
lured into certain situations, and COVID-19 is no exception’.

Dhanya Thakkar, Vice President AMEA, Trend Micro

6,000% — global growth

in COVID-19 related spam
in March–May 20201
23 1
W. Whitmore, source: IBM X-Force
Critical infrastructure
Cyber Polygon Report

companies exposed
to highest risk
Healthcare, the financial industry, government agencies,
manufacturing, IT and telecom are at greatest risk. Being
the most frequent targets of attacks, such organisations incur
enormous losses. However, healthcare and manufacturing
are the least protected due to the use of outdated equipment.
Further, their IT infrastructure is often unable to quickly detect
an intrusion as well as manage its consequences.

‘What we are seeing now is cases of attackers squatting within

organisations undetected for months, if not longer, and they
have really taken their time and patience to understand the lay
of the land and determine when and where they can wage
a ransomware attack, how to deploy the software, and then
demand money. In some recent cases, we have seen as much as
Live Stream

$25 million being sought as ransom’.

Wendi Whitmore, Vice President of IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence, IBM

‘Calculation shows that a six-hour blackout in mainland France

could cost $1.5 billion. The electrical utilities, the hospital systems
were not designed for the era that we are in today, so we need direct
collaborations with industry leaders in different sectors — electricity,
energy, healthcare, aviation — to help them strengthen their cyber
posture, to increase awareness of the underlying threats’.

Jeremy Jurgens, Chief Business Officer and Member of the Managing Board,
World Economic Forum

260% — increase in malicious

COVID-related URLs
in February–March 20202

24 2
D. Thakkar, source: Trend Micro
Fake news poses
Cyber Polygon Report

a major challenge
for society
Information spreads through digital communication
channels at record speeds. However, data on the web
is not always trustworthy. In the era of digitisation, fake
news has become a dangerous weapon being used
by cybercriminals to attack people and organisations.

‘The speed with which the digital reality is changing is far

faster than any regulations can ever be constructive’.

Nik Gowing, BBC World News main presenter (1996–2014);

Founder and Director, Thinking the Unthinkable
Live Stream

‘We should rely on ourselves when trying to protect against fake

news: we need a good education, critical outlook, we need
to compare the facts and analyse the incoming information’.

Vladimir Pozner, Journalist and broadcaster

How to Prepare
Cyber Polygon Report

for a Cyber Crisis?

Having an emergency
plan is essential

A crisis does not care for time or place. An emergency can

befall any industry or company, whether now or in the future –
cyber space being no exception. One of the effective ways
for organisations and the entire global community to be prepared
for such situations is to develop and implement an emergency plan.
Live Stream

‘A cyber incident or attack can turn into a crisis if you have little
capability or capacity to deal with it. If you are well-prepared, you
can be more resilient and effective in responding and mitigating
such events’.

Craig Jones, Cybercrime Director, INTERPOL

Training and awareness
Cyber Polygon Report

across all levels
Businesses should take measures to enhance their cyber
resilience: implement best practices in risk management
and conduct regular security audits of their systems. They
need to create strong teams to ensure secure operations
as well as develop, test and implement crisis management
and business continuity plans.

‘Risk management is everyone’s responsibility. Every person within

an organisation is responsible for identifying and reporting risks
and/or breaches to security protocol. This, of course, must be
supplemented by a resilient security infrastructure and robust tools
and capabilities to spot and mitigate accidental incidents, which
can be caused by only one click on the wrong link’.

Hector Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Regional Risk Officer

for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Visa
Live Stream

‘I do not believe that we can put the expectation for security on each
individual. I think we need to make them aware of what the risks
and the challenges are, but we actually also have to move towards
models that are not dependent on single individuals who can
be manipulated or perhaps fail to understand the implications
and therefore put entire organisations and institutions at risk’.

Jeremy Jurgens, Chief Business Officer and Member of the Managing Board,
World Economic Forum

‘In this negative picture of the increase in attacks there is a good

thing: we have rarely seen anything so new and so novel that we
are not really ready to defend against them. Many organisations
are doing that very successfully and, in particular, those that have
threat intelligence tailored towards their industry. They have a good
understanding of what their particular attack surface looks like’.

27 Wendi Whitmore, Vice President of IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence, IBM

Training, education and preparation of every employee,
Cyber Polygon Report

regardless of their competencies and roles, should be

recognised by businesses as a strategic priority. Each staff
member at their respective level must understand security
policies and procedures and know in advance how to act
in an emergency.

‘Regular phishing and awareness training is really important,


as is analysing the results of the training to help understand how

many employees click through. However, it is really easy to run
the same old phishing simulations week-on-week, so it is important
to think of new ways to test employees and make them think. There
does not have to be a penalty around it that makes everybody upset
or worried about the training, but you do need to think about how
to challenge the organisation’.

Jacqueline Kernot, Partner in Cybersecurity, Ernst & Young

Live Stream

‘We need to continue with the pace of introducing cyber hygiene

rules as criminals do not want to invest 1 dollar to steal 50 cents,
they want it automated, so if it is too difficult, they will move
on to somebody else’.

Troels Oerting, Chairman of the Advisory Board,

the World Economic Forum Centre for Cybersecurity

Effective protection
Cyber Polygon Report

builds on trust
and collaboration
A critical situation cannot be tackled by an organisation
or a lone individual. In a highly interconnected world, a single
cyber attack can spread exponentially across the global
community. This situation can be prevented by promoting
collaboration between the public and private sectors and
law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, efficient interaction
requires the implementation and regulation of a range

of standards, the exchange of information and establishing

trustworthy relationships.

‘As for a global community, awareness, education and prevention

are vital. As the head of an organisation that unites law enforcement
Live Stream

worldwide, I can say that we need even greater cooperation

and information exchange in tackling the threat of cybercrime’.

Jürgen Stock, Secretary General, INTERPOL

‘We should find new mechanisms for cooperation to combat

cybercrime — this could be international conventions
or international treaties’.

Petr Gorodov, Head of the General Directorate for International Relations

and Legal Assistance of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation

Cyber Polygon Report

‘Regulatory frameworks and government intervention

in the cybersecurity space are important. I have certainly had
clients tell me that it is government intervention or regulation
that has made them change the way that they operate’.

Jacqueline Kernot, Partner in Cybersecurity, Ernst & Young

‘We at ICANN understand the domain name system and the DNS
industry probably as much or better than anybody else out there.

So one of the things we can do, is to work with those who combat
criminality to help them understand the effects of their actions
and to make sure that they get the results they intend’.

John Crain, Chief Security, Stability & Resiliency Officer, ICANN

60% — share of cloud attacks

Live Stream

that used previously exploited

data and vulnerabilities3

W. Whitmore, source: IBM X-Force

‘We want to have a world that is collaborative, so we are now

building a network of cyber volunteers out of the capable
and the willing in order to work collectively to achieve cyber peace’.

Stéphane Duguin, CEO, CyberPeace Institute


Cyber Polygon Report

The training was essentially a challenge between two

opposing sides: the Red Team (the attacker) vs the Blue Team
(defence teams).
The participants acted as the Blue Team. They had to perform
a variety of tasks: assess infrastructure security of a fictional
organisation CyberCorp, search for and remediate potential
vulnerabilities as well as identify and respond to security

The organisers (BI.ZONE) assumed the role of the Red Team

seeking to compromise the secured systems by identifying
and exploiting weaknesses in CyberCorp's infrastructure.
Each participating team was given access to their own
dedicated IT infrastructure under the guise of CyberCorp.
The infrastructure was created specifically for the training
and was deployed on an IBM cloud.
The training had a range of distinctive features:
Technical Training

x It was targeted at corporate teams, rather than individuals,

for the participants to practise collaborative teamwork.
x Given that the attack was carried out by the organisers
themselves, all the teams were on an equal playing field
and had the opportunity to objectively assess their capabilities.
x The companies did not risk their reputation: the teams
were assigned numbers to disguise the real names of their
x The participants' own business IT infrastructure was not
Scenario 1. Defence — the teams developed their skills
in repelling a large-scale attack in real time.
Scenario 2: Response — the participants investigated
the incident using traditional computer forensics
and Threat Hunting techniques.

Scenario 1.
Cyber Polygon Report

According to the first scenario, CyberCorp’s infrastructure Flag — a string with a strictly defined
format, which is used in CTF (Capture
included a public service, which processed confidential client
the Flag) cybersecurity competitions.
information. This service became the subject of interest The players’ main goal is to locate
to an APT group. Cybercriminals were going to steal the hidden string, i.e. ‘capture the flag’.
confidential user data in order to receive financial benefits
and cause damage to company reputation. The APT group
studied the target system in advance, discovered a number Attack-Defence CTF — a CTF competition
where teams are required to defend
of critical vulnerabilities and carried out an attack.
their services (i.e. prevent them from
The participants had to confront the actions of cybercriminals being attacked by other participants)

and, at the same time, attack opposing

at the moment of the attack. They were expected to find and teams' services by taking advantage
eliminate the vulnerabilities in the service as fast as possible of their vulnerabilities. To win points,
and thus minimise the amount of stolen information while players must ‘capture’ the opponent’s
flag, which proves that the vulnerability
maintaining service availability.
has been exploited successfully.
The amount of leaked data was assessed by the number
of flags that the APT group was able to steal. The teams had
to analyse the service code, the attackers' network activity Red Teaming — a cybersecurity exercise
and determine which vectors were used to conduct the attack that simulates an attack on the existing
corporate infrastructure by imitating
and seize the flags. They were allowed to apply any methods
Technical Training

real-life conditions and methods applied

to defend their infrastructure, provided that they did not disrupt by hacker groups.
service operations.
The first scenario accumulated some of the best ideas found
in modern training activities (Attack-Defence CTF, Red
Teaming) as well as cybersecurity courses.
Selecting the data breach attack scenario, where a web
application vulnerability is exploited, was done for good reason:
web applications remain one of the most popular attack
vectors. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations
Report 2020, they account for 43% of attacks against

43% of data leaks

in 2020 featured attacks
on web applications

Scenario 2.
Cyber Polygon Report

The second scenario consisted of two rounds, each of which Endpoint Detection and Response
(EDR) — a solution designed to detect
included tasks aimed at practising response actions
and respond to cybersecurity incidents
to the identified cybersecurity incident, though, with different at endpoints (workstations and servers).
approaches applied. EDR collects, processes and analyses
extended telemetry from endpoints
According to the first-round legend, CyberCorp discovered with the purpose of detecting abnormal
that its infrastructure had been compromised given activity; and provides a variety of tools
to respond to such activity (both
the number of anomalies in the outbound traffic. The character
automatically and upon request).
of those anomalies suggested that the attack might be
associated with a widely known APT1337 group. CyberCorp’s

cybersecurity team isolated one of the suspicious hosts from

the corporate network and collected artifacts for investigation.
The participants had to analyse the artifacts and solve the tasks
by applying any tools available.
During the first round, the participants were encouraged
to apply and develop classic forensics skills, when all
the necessary artifacts are collected after the attack and
the response team is trying to trace the incident. This is what
Technical Training

is known as the reactive approach.

According to the second-round legend, following
a cybersecurity incident, CyberCorp purchased and rolled out
an EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) solution in its
infrastructure, with agents installed on all the workstations
and servers. The extended telemetry gathered by such
endpoints was sent to the centralised Threat Hunting platform
for proactive threat detection. The company also invited
a team of expert analysts to build a detection process based
on the Threat Hunting approach.

There was some information published on the web about a new
Cyber Polygon Report

technique used by attackers to gain a foothold in the system —

better known as Persistence. One of the experts decided
to check whether this method was employed in the CyberCorp
attack. The hypothesis proved true: one host in the infrastructure
was found affected by this technique.
This discovery became the starting point of the investigation.
By analysing the telemetry collected on the Threat Hunting
platform, the teams had to understand how the threat
actor had infiltrated the infrastructure and piece together
the sequence of their actions.
While Threat Hunting is not an alternative to traditional
forensics, proactive collection of security events as well as
the ability to quickly obtain artifacts from the EDR agents,

can speed up, simplify and improve incident response

and investigation.
According to the SANS 2019 Threat Hunting survey, many Dwell Time — the median time between
the compromise of an environment and
organisations have not yet realised the essence of proactive
its detection.
detection of vulnerabilities and what benefits they get with this
technology. Therefore, when developing the second scenario,
we hoped that practising Threat Hunting and applying
the hypothesis-based method will help the participants
gain the required experience and enhance their trust in this
Technical Training

approach. We believe that the application of this technique

in real life will help security specialists reduce the Dwell Time.
According to the FireEye M-Trends annual reports, the Dwell
Time has been reducing in the last 3 years. In 2017 this metric
stood at 101 days, in 2018 — 78 days and in 2019 it dropped
to 56 days. FireEye attributes the reduction to two major factors:
the continuous improvement of monitoring procedures and tools,
and the growth in the number of incidents involving ransomware
and cryptocurrency miners which are, by their destructive
nature, easily detectable. There is no doubt that the evolution
of such disciplines as Threat Intelligence and Threat Hunting,
and the increased focus on endpoint monitoring have also
contributed to the improvement. Thus, around 70% of the SANS
respondents ascribe the decrease in Dwell Time to the
implementation of Threat Hunting at their organisations.

101 to 56 days
Dwell Time reduced
during 2017–2019
Cyber Polygon Report

We intentionally avoided using real names of the organisations so as not

to set off a competition between the participants and keep their results
confidential. However, the teams could compare their progress with the others
using the scoreboard. The table below shows 10 teams (out of a total of 120)
with the highest score.

Rating Team Industry Total Score Scenario 1. Scenario 2. Scenario 2.


Defence Response Response

(Round 1) (Round 2)

max: 2700 max: 900 max: 900 max: 900

1 Team 29
1329 207 552 570
Technical Training

2 Team 67 IT 1261 331 750 180

3 Team 53 IT 1213 223 600 390

4 Team 14 Education 1158 480 303 375

5 Team 41
857 227 495 135

6 Team 33
753 243 480 30

7 Team 6 IT 677 95 252 330

Audit and
8 Team 3
633 0 351 282

9 Team 11 Robotics 620 200 330 90

10 Team 16 IT 595 205 300 90

Cyber Polygon Report

The following conclusions can be drawn based on the final

results achieved by the participants:

Participants could assess

their capabilities

It was not clear until the end of the exercise who would take
the first place. Different teams were leading at different
stages, which means that none of them could fully utilise
the techniques at their disposal.
The exercise allowed the participants to identify their strengths
and weaknesses. We hope that the received information
will help them create plans for developing the necessary
competencies and improve their results in the future.
Technical Training

Financial institutions and IT

delivered the best results
Banks and companies from the IT industry demonstrated
the highest resilience. Security assessment expertise
in these sectors is quite well developed, with classic forensics
and Threat Hunting widely applied.

Specialists are better

prepared for investigation
than defence
27% of the teams had difficulties earning points for the first
scenario, which allows us to conclude that some of the team
members lack or have insufficient expertise in security
assessment and protection of web applications.
At the same time, all the participants were awarded points
for the first round of the second scenario, which is indicative
of each team having at least one expert who is competent
in traditional forensics.

The Threat Hunting approach
Cyber Polygon Report

is uncharted for most

21% of the teams could not earn a single point
for the second round of the second scenario. We attribute
this to Threat Hunting being a relatively novel approach
and the majority of organisations lacking experience
of applying its techniques in practice. This creates
the potential for developing teams and tools within
the companies. Threat Hunting is not an alternative
to classic forensics and cannot replace it, but we showed
how this approach can supplement conventional methods.

More effort in preparation —

better result
The best results were predictably achieved by the teams
who had asked many questions during the preparation
and familiarised themselves with the new techniques
Technical Training

and defences beforehand. We hope that our Cyber Polygon

publications as well as other hosted events, will increase future
participants' chances of succeeding and effectively countering


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