Play and Learning in Early Care and Education Settings
Play and Learning in Early Care and Education Settings
Play and Learning in Early Care and Education Settings
the Office of
Child Care, and the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation
March 2011
From the many results, Research Connections selected a limited number of resources of
various types including reports and papers, executive summaries, and reviews. Selection
criteria included topic relevance and relatively recent publication (from the years 2000 through
2010). The full results came from the following basic search: play teacher math literacy.
Within each category, resources are organized according to publisher type and publication
date. Research Connection’s one-sentence description is included for each resource on the
following list. For complete citations, which include abstracts and full text for some resources,
click on the titles.
In recent years the emphasis on academic accountability and focus on children’s cognitive
skills has led to a decline in the occurrence of play in early education settings. Research,
however, documents the importance of play on several areas of children’s school readiness
including: academic competencies, social-emotional development, and physical development.
Some studies have shown that certain types of play can help engage children in learning,
influence their motivation to learn, improve self-regulation, and focus their attention. Research
also indicates that play that is both teacher guided and child initiated is most beneficial for
children. Research on playful learning can help inform early education program standards,
learning standards, curriculum choices, and classroom assessment practices.
This selected Key Topic Resource List was developed by staff of Child Care & Early Education
Research Connections. Special thanks to Marilou Hyson and staff at the Office of Planning,
Research, and Evaluation for their review and helpful feedback on earlier drafts of this
resource list.
Gmitrova, Vlastava; Podhajecka, Maria; Gmitrov, Juraj. (2009) Children's play preferences:
Implications for the preschool education Early Child Development and Care, 179(3), 339-351
A study of boys' and girls' preferences for pretend or constructive play based on a study 8801 incidents
of play in the mixed-age and gender classrooms of 123 kindergartens in the eastern Slovak Republic
Gupta, Amita. (2009). Vygotskian perspectives on using dramatic play to enhance children's
development and balance creativity with structure in the early childhood classroom Early Child
Development and Care, 179(8), 1041-1054
A discussion and description of the implementation of Vygotskian based curriculum in a New York City
prekindergarten classroom
Kagan, Sharon Lynn; Frelow, Victoria Stebbins; Scott-Little, Catherine. (2009) Linking play to
early learning and development guidelines: Possibility or polemic? Zero to Three, 30(1), 18-25
A discussion of potential role of play in early learning guidelines
Zigler, Edward F.; Bishop-Josef, Sandra J. (2009) Play under siege: A historical overview
Zero to Three, 30(1), 4-11
A discussion of the importance of play to child development, an historical perspective of the relationship
between play and cognitive development, and an argument for the importance of hands-on play based
learning and developmentally appropriate instruction of academic skills in early childhood and
elementary education
Barnett, W. Steven, Jung, Kwanghee; Yarosz, Donald J.; Thomas, Jessica; Hornbeck, Amy;
Stechuk, Robert A.; Burns, M. Susan. (2008) Educational effects of the Tools of the Mind
curriculum: A randomized trial Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23(3), 299-313
An evaluation of the impact of the Tools of the Mind curriculum on the cognitive, self-regulation, and
language skills of preschoolers at a public preschool in a low-income neighborhood
Goouch, Kathy. (2008). Understanding playful pedagogies, play narratives and play spaces Early
Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 28(1), 93-102
A description of the place of playful pedagogies such as storying in early education classrooms in the
United Kingdom
Katz, Lilian. (2008). [Review of the book Play and learning in early childhood settings:
International perspectives] International Journal of Early Childhood, 40(2), 147-149
A review of a collection of studies examining the role of play as a learning activity in the early
childhood settings of seven countries
Schulz, Laura E., Bonawitz, Elizabeth Baraff. (2007). Serious fun: Preschoolers engage in more
exploratory play when evidence is confounded Developmental Psychology, 43(4), 1045-1050
An experimental investigation of the relationship between exploratory play and preschool children's
methods of learning cause and effect relationships, based on observations of free play amongst 64
preschool children
Fantuzzo, John W.; Sekino, Yumiko; Cohen, Heather L. (2004.) An examination of the
contributions of interactive peer play to salient classroom competencies for urban Head Start
children Psychology in the Schools, 41(3), 323-36
A journal article on the relationship of urban Head Start children's peer play competence to emotional
regulation, autonomy, receptive language skill, and later cognitive, social, and motor outcomes
Ginsburg, Kenneth R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development
and maintaining strong parent-child bonds Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191
A discussion of the diminished role of play in child care and education environments, and a presentation
of guidelines to which pediatricians can refer in the course of advocating for children and helping
families, schools, and communities to appreciate the benefits of play to child development
Spinrad, Tracy L., Eisenberg, Nancy; Harris, Elizabeth; Hanish, Laura; Fabes, Richard;
Kupanoff, Kristina; Ringwald, Staci; Holmes, Julie (2004). The relation of children's everyday
nonsocial peer play behavior to their emotionality, regulation, and social functioning
Developmental Psychology, 40(1), 67-80
A short-term longitudinal study on the relationship between pre-school children's nonsocial play
behavior to their emotionality, regulation and social functioning
Youngquist, Joan. (2004) Revisiting ''play'': Analyzing and articulating acts of inquiry Early
Childhood Education Journal, 31(3), 171-178
An article on the importance of play in early childhood curricula
Lloyd, Bronwen; Howe, Nina. (2003). Solitary play and convergent and divergent thinking skills in
preschool children Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18(1), 22-41
An examination of the relationship between multiple forms of solitary play and convergent and divergent
thinking, based on a sample of 72 children
Robinson, Clyde C.; Anderson, Genan T.; Porter, Christin L.; Hart, Craig H.; Wouden-Miller,
Melissa (2003). Sequential transition patterns of preschoolers' social interactions during child-
initiated play: Is parallel-aware play a bidirectional bridge to other play states? Early Childhood
Research Quarterly, 18(1), 3-21
An analysis of the patterns of preschoolers’ stages of social play within natural classroom settings,
based on a sample of 167 middle- and lower-income 4-year-olds
Elias, Cynthia L.; Berk, Laura. (2002). Self-regulation in young children: Is there a role for
sociodramatic play? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17(2), 216-238
An observational study testing Vygotsky's theory that sociodramatic play encourages the development of
self-regulation in young children
Coolahan, Kathleen; Fantuzzo, John W.; Mendez, Julia; McDermott, Paul. (2000) Preschool peer
interactions and readiness to learn: Relationships between classroom peer play and learning
behaviors and conduct Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 458-465
An inquiry into the role of peer play in the development of both learning and problem behaviors in
children, based on a sample of 556 low-income children and 43 teachers from 14 Head Start centers in
a northeastern city, evaluated using the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale (PIPPS), and the Preschool
Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS) or the Conners Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS)
University and Research Organizations
Sutterby, John Alan. (2002). Todos somos amigos: Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic play
interactions in a two-way immersion prekindergarten classroom Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Texas at Austin
A study of the cross-linguistic and cross-cultural play interactions of children during free play
Bergen, Doris, (2001). Pretend play and young children's development (ERIC Digest No. EDO-
PS-01-10). Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education.
A brief defining key concepts related to play and cognition, and highlighting research on the role of play
in children's social and linguistic competence
Miller, Edward, Almon, Joan. (2009). Crisis in the kindergarten: Why children need to play in
school College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
A review of research on the decline of play and the rise of teacher-directed activities and instruction in
kindergarten, with a discussion of the implications for children's development and recommendations for
increasing play in kindergarten
Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy; Golinkoff, Roberta M.; Berk, Laura; Singer, Dorothy. (2008). A mandate for
playful learning in preschool: Applying the scientific evidence New York: Oxford University Press
An overview of research on the role of play in the learning experiences and social development of young
children in preschool settings
Bay Area Early Childhood Funders. (2007). Play in the early years: Key to school success El
Cerrito, CA: Bay Area Early Childhood Funders.
An examination of the contribution that play makes to early childhood learning and development
Hewes, Jane. (2006). Let the children play: Nature's answer to early learning Montreal, Quebec,
Canada: Early Childhood Learning Knowledge Centre.
An overview of the importance of play opportunities, including those in early childhood settings, for
children's early learning and development
Hughes, Fergus P. (2003). Spontaneous play in the 21st century In Contemporary Perspectives on
Play in Early Childhood Education (pp. 21-39). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
A study of spontaneous play, examining its facilitation of child development and its dependence on a
sociocultural context for support
Saracho, Olivia N., 2003. Young children's play and cognitive style In Contemporary Perspectives
on Play in Early Childhood Education (pp. 75-96). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Overviews of the topics of cognitive style and play, and studies that explore their relationship
Organizational Research Services. (2006). Summary of mid-year Play & Learn participant
results: January-July 2006 Seattle, WA: Child Care Resources.
A summary of preliminary findings from an outcome evaluation of Seattle, Washington, Play & Learn
Groups, facilitator-led play groups for children and adults to foster early learning skills, based on
participant-reported outcomes
Hanline, Mary Frances. (2009). The relationship between preschool block play and reading and
maths abilities in early elementary school: A longitudinal study of children with and without
disabilities Early Child Development and Care, 1-13
A longitudinal investigation of the predictive correlation between symbolic representations in block play
in preschool and children's reading and math skills in elementary school, and a comparison of this
relationship in groups of children with and without disabilities, based on a sample of 51 children in an
inclusive program followed from preschool until early elementary school
Moon, Kyunghee, Reifel, Stuart. (2008). Play and literacy learning in a diverse language pre-
kindergarten classroom Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 9(1), 49-65
A study of one teacher's opinions about the use of play-based activities in her literacy curriculum in a
public prekindergarten classroom composed of both English as a second language (ESL) and native
English speaking children
Saracho, Olivia N., (2004). Supporting literacy-related play: Roles for teachers of young children
Early Childhood Education Journal, 31(3), 201-206
A research study investigating teacher roles in children's literacy-related play
Saracho, Olivia N. (2002). Teachers' roles in promoting literacy in the context of play Early Child
Development and Care, 172(1), 23-34
An observational study of the roles (discussion leader, storyteller, examiner, decision-maker) that
kindergarten teachers take on in order to promote literacy during children's play
Saracho, Olivia N. (2001). Teachers' perceptions of their roles in promoting literacy in the context
of play in a Spanish-speaking kindergarten International Journal of Early Childhood, 33(2), 18-31
A study on the role and perceptions of teachers promoting literacy during periods of play for Spanish-
speaking children in the southwest United States
Morrow, Lesley M., Schickedanz, Judith A. (2006). The relationships between sociodramatic play
and literacy development In D. K. Dickinson & S. B. Neuman (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy
research (Vol. 2, pp. 269-280). New York: Guilford Press
A review of studies on the interaction between children's dramatic play and literacy development,
including the role of adult engagement, in the context of evolving theoretical perspectives on play
Edo, Meque; Planas, Nuria; Badillo, Edelmira. (2009). Mathematical learning in a context of play
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 17(3), 325-341
A study of children's responses to a symbolic play activity for the improvement mathematical thinking,
carried out with a group of 26 pupils aged five and six at a public urban school near to Barcelona,
Ginsburg, Herbert P.; Ertle, Barbrina (2008). Mathematics education for young children: What it
is and how to promote it Social Policy Report, 22(1), 1-23
An examination of children’s abilities, early education curricula, and teacher readiness in the subject of
early mathematics, and a presentation of policy recommendations for teacher training, curricula, and
research related to the subject
Park, Boyoung, Chae, Jeong-Lim; Boyd, Barbara Foulks. (2008). Young children’s block play and
mathematical learning Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23(2), 157-162
A qualitative study of the geometric shape knowledge of two boys aged 6 and 7 from low-income
Pramling, Niklas; Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling (2008). Identifying and solving problems: Making
sense of basic mathematics through storytelling in the preschool class International Journal of
Early Childhood, 40(1), 65-79
A case study examining a teacher's use of storytelling as a method to integrate play and learning while
teaching division to six year-old preschool children in Sweden
Ramani, Geetha B., Siegler, Robert S. (2008). Promoting broad and stable improvements in low-
income children’s numerical knowledge through playing number board games Child
Development, 79(2), 375-394
An experiment measuring the effects of numerical board games on the numeracy of low income
preschoolers from Head Start programs
Whyte, Jemma Catherine; Bull, Rebecca. (2008). Number games, magnitude representation, and
basic number skills in preschoolers Developmental Psychology, 44(2), 588-596
An experiment to determine the effects of linear number board game play on the development of
numeracy skills in a small sample of preschool-age children from Aberdeen, Scotland
Hansen, Laurie E. (2005) ABCs of early mathematics experiences Teaching Children
Mathematics, 12(4), 208-212
A discussion of how concepts in mathematics can be introduced through life experiences in preschool
classrooms and at home, such as in activities involving nature, money, playing, bathing, and cooking
Ginsburg, Herbert P., Ertle, Barbrina (2008). Knowing the mathematics in early childhood
mathematics In Contemporary perspectives on mathematics in early childhood education (pp. 45-
66). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
An exploration of the role of mathematical knowledge in early education, an overview of children’s
methods of learning mathematics, an examination of preschool mathematics curriculum materials, and a
discussion of the mathematical knowledge required by preschool teachers when implementing a complex
mathematics curriculum
Kersh, Joanne E., Casey, Beth; Young, Jessica Mercer. (2008) Research on spatial skills and block
building in girls and boys In Contemporary perspectives on mathematics in early childhood
education (pp. 233-251). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
An overview of research on the relationship of block play to the spatial and mathematics skills of young
children, with a focus on gender differences
Ginsburg, Herbert P. (2006). Mathematical play and playful mathematics: A guide for early
In D. Singer, R. M. Golinkoff & K. Hirsh-Pasek (Eds.), Play = learning: How play motivates and
enhances children’s cognitive and social-emotional growth (pp. 145-165). New York: Oxford
University Press
An exploration of the relationship between children's play and early mathematics education, and a
discussion of methods to incorporate mathematical play into early childhood education and care
Uttal, David H. (2003). On the relation between play and symbolic thought: The case of
mathematics manipulatives In Contemporary Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education
(pp. 97-114). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
A study of the advantages and disadvantages of using manipulatives, concrete objects (rods, blocks, etc.)
designed to facilitate children’s mathematical development, to help children gain insight into
mathematical concepts
Bray, Paula, Cooper, Rodney. (2007). The play of children with special needs in mainstream and
special education settings Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 32(2), 37-42
An observational study of the free play behavior of a sample of 12 children with special needs in both
special education and mainstream settings
Pierce-Jordan, Sandra, Lifter, Karin. (2005). Interaction of social and play behaviors in
preschoolers with and without Pervasive Developmental Disorder Topics in Early Childhood
Special Education, 25(1), 34-47
An investigation of the relationship between social and play behaviors of preschool children with and
without pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
Brett, Arlene C.; Valle-Riestra, Diana M.; Fischer, M.; Rothlein, Liz C.; Hughes, Marie T. (2002).
Play in preschool classrooms: Perceptions of teachers and children Journal of Early Childhood
Teacher Education, 23(1), 71-80
A study of perceptions of play and play practices among 102 Pre-Kindergarten teachers, 61 Pre-
Kindergarten with disabilities teachers, and 72 4-year-old children in a United States urban school
Harper, Lawrence V.; McCluskey, Karen S. (2002). Caregiver and peer responses to children with
language and motor disabilities in inclusive preschool programs
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 17(2), 148-166
An examination of child care providers' responses to young children with special needs as compared
with typically developing children, using a sample of four different groups of children (motor impaired,
speech impaired, modest motor/speech impairments, and typically developing) who attended one of two
child care programs
Neeley, Phyllis M., Neeley, Richard A.; Justen, III, Joseph E.; Tipton-Sumner, Carla. (2001).
Scripted play as a language intervention strategy for preschoolers with developmental disabilities
Early Childhood Education Journal, 28(4), 243-246
An examination of the effect of using a verbal script to teach sociodramatic play on the free play
sophistication levels of preschool children with special needs
Bishop, Alison; Swain, John; Bines, Hazel. (1999). Seizing the moment: Reflections on play
opportunities for disabled children in the early years British Journal of Educational Studies,
47(2), 170-183
A discussion of a theoretical framework for aligning British policies, research, and practice in terms of
child care and early education and early identification of young children with special needs
Hanline, Mary Frances; Fox, Lise; Phelps, Pamela. (1998). Community child care inclusion: The
development of two children International Journal of Disability, Development and Education,
45(4), 469-488
An analysis of the progression of children with severe disabilities within a child care setting using a
play-based curriculum
Gregory, Samantha R. (2009). Inclusion vs. exclusion: A study of play and social interactions of
children with disabilities Unpublished master’s thesis: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
An investigative comparison of play and social interaction of 3 children with disabilities in inclusive
settings and 3 in exclusive child care settings
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy; Edwards, Susan; Fleer, Marilyn. (2009). Investigating the environmental
scientific concepts in children’s play: How do children and teachers interpret play-based learning?
Journal of Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, 16(1), 49-61
An examination of the interplay between cognition and play as well as an examination of the beliefs and
assumptions of two preschool teachers' views and practices of the nature of play and learning in two
kindergartens located in separate municipalities within metropolitan Melbourne
Smith, Deborah J. (2007). Teacher perception of play: In leaving no child behind are teachers
leaving childhood behind? Early Education and Development, 18(2), 271-303
An exploration of teacher perceptions of the role of play in learning and the implications for practice,
using qualitative data from a study of 4 first-grade teachers from 2 diverse socioeconomic school
Sandberg, Anette, Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling. (2005). An interview study of gender differences
in preschool teachers' attitudes toward children's play Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(5),
A study of female and male preschool teachers’ perspectives on play through analyses of opinion
statements about play in teachers’ childhood and in the present
Saracho, Olivia N.2004. Supporting literacy-related play: Roles for teachers of young children
Early Childhood Education Journal, 31(3), 201-206
A research study investigating teacher roles in children's literacy-related play
Gmitrova, Vlastava; Gmitrov, Juraj. (2003) The impact of teacher-directed and child-directed
pretend play on cognitive competence in kindergarten children Early Childhood Education
Journal, 30(4), 241-246
An observational study on the effects of different forms of pretend play on children's cognitive and
affective performance in the Slovak Republic
Sandberg, Anette; Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling. (2003). Preschool teachers' play experiences then
and now Early Childhood Research & Practice, 5(1)
An exploration of teachers’ remembrances of their childhood play and their perceptions on children’s
play today, based on interviews with 20 preschool teachers in Sweden
Taylor, Satomi Izumi; Rogers, Cosby Steele; Dodd, Arleen T.; Kaneda, Toshiko; Nagasaki, Iku;
Watanabe, Yasuhiro; Goshiki, Toru. 2003 The meaning of play: A cross-cultural study of
American and Japanese teachers' perspectives on play Journal of Early Childhood Teacher
Education, 24(4), 311-322
An investigation into the meanings of play to early childhood educators, based on a survey of 41
Japanese teachers and 41 American teachers
Brett, Arlene C., Valle-Riestra, Diana M.; Fischer, M.; Rothlein, Liz C.; Hughes, Marie T. (2002).
Play in preschool classrooms: Perceptions of teachers and children Journal of Early Childhood
Teacher Education, 23(1), 71-80
A study of perceptions of play and play practices among 102 Pre-Kindergarten teachers, 61 Pre-
Kindergarten with disabilities teachers, and 72 4-year-old children in a United States urban school
Wood, Elizabeth; Bennett, Neville (2000). Changing theories, changing practice: Exploring early
childhood teachers' professional learning Teaching and Teacher Education, 16(5-6), 635-647
An examination of how nine early childhood teachers changed their teaching practices and theories
after being involved in a study analyzing their theories of play and how the theories relate to the
teachers' classroom practices
Kontos, Susan, 1999. Preschool teachers' talk, roles, and activity settings during free play Early
Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(3), 363-382
An observational study examines preschool teachers' involvement with their students during free
playtime, looking at the use of activity settings, talk, and role and if these components are interrelated
Universities & Research Organizations
McLane, Joan B. (2003). ''Does not.'' ''Does too.'': Thinking about play in the early childhood
classroom (Occasional Paper No. 4). Chicago: Herr Research Center.
A longitudinal study of early childhood teachers' attitudes regarding the educational value of play
Spodek, Bernard, Saracho, Olivia N.(2003). Early childhood educational play In Contemporary
Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education (pp. 171-179). Greenwich, CT: Information
Age Publishing.
A study of the nature of play in early childhood education, with a focus on the role of the teacher
Lillemyr, Ole Fredrik. (2003). Play in school--the teacher's role: Reforms and recent research
In Contemporary Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education (pp. 53-73). Greenwich, CT:
Information Age Publishing.
An analysis of the increasing role of play in the first years of school and resulting changes in teacher's
roles in Norway and several other Western nations