Oose A2
Oose A2
Oose A2
The following annotated template shall be used to complete the Software Requirements
Specification (SRS) assignment of WSU-TC CptS 322. The instructor must approve any
modifications to the overall structure of this document.
Template Usage:
Text contained within angle brackets (‘<’, ‘>’) shall be replaced by your project-specific
information and/or details. For example, <Project Name> will be replaced with either ‘Smart
Home’ or ‘Sensor Network’.
Italicized text is included to briefly annotate the purpose of each section within this template.
This text should not appear in the final version of your submitted SRS.
This cover page is not a part of the final template and should be removed before your SRS is
Sections of this document are based upon the IEEE Guide to Software Requirements
Specification (ANSI/IEEE Std. 830-1984). The SRS templates of Dr. Orest Pilskalns (WSU,
Vancover) and Jack Hagemeister (WSU, Pullman) have also be used as guides in developing this
template for the WSU-TC Spring 2005 CptS 322 course.
Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................ II
DOCUMENT APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................ II
3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................... 1
3.1.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................ 1
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces .................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1.3 Software Interfaces ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1.4 Communications Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 1
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 2
3.2.1 <Functional Requirement or Feature #1>.................................................................................................. 2
3.2.2 <Functional Requirement or Feature #2>.................................................................................................. 2
3.3 USE CASES ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Use Case #1 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2 Use Case #2 ................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4 CLASSES / OBJECTS .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4.1 <Class / Object #1> .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.4.2 <Class / Object #2> .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.1 Performance .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.5.2 Reliability .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.5.3 Availability ................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.5.4 Security ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.5 Maintainability .......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.6 Portability .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.6 INVERSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.7 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.8 LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 12
3.9 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Specific Requirements
This will be the largest and most important section of the SRS. The customer requirements will
be embodied within Section 2, but this section will give the D-requirements that are used to
guide the project’s software design, implementation, and testing.
Attention should be paid to the carefully organize the requirements presented in this section so
that they may easily accessed and understood. Furthermore, this SRS is not the software design
document, therefore one should avoid the tendency to over-constrain (and therefore design) the
software project within this SRS. Inputs
In input form user will enter name, email address, Phone number and Interests. User can also log
in through Gmail and Facebook. Processing
System will process that the information provide is in correct format or not, Phone no will be
verified by sending code to the number and Gmail will be verified by sending code to the email
provided by user. After all the verifications are done data is stored in database. Outputs
In output user will become member of R&M Planes. And the services provided by R&M Planes
and content will be showed to user. Inputs
In input date and time, airline and seat type will be saved. Processing
System will check according to particular date and time if any seat is available and if available
then which airlines and in airline what type of seats are available. Outputs
User will be showed about the hotel bookings and deals and packages we will provide them. Inputs
In input name of hotel and no of days will be saved. Processing
System will ask user related to booking for hotel and tour guide according to the place user is
going. If user shows interest then system will also show them complete package with seat and
hotel booking also. Otherwise user will be directly showing financial details for booking. Outputs
User will be showed financial detail form. Inputs
Debit Card number, Card holder name and Amount that will be deducted. Processing
System will ask user and show a form to enter financial details and will store in database and
give them a receipt. Outputs
Receipt will be generated and shared with them. Inputs
5-star rating, description about experience. Processing
System will ask user to rate the system and write something about the system. Outputs
Thankyou message will pop up.
Normal Flow:
Customer System
1. System will prompt the
customer to enter basic
2. Customer will enter the basic
3. System will verify that the
entered CNIC number is not
in the database
4. System will prompt the
customer to set a new
password and verify
5. The customer will enter a new
password and will re-enter it
6. If both entered passwords
match and satisfy password
requirements then create an
account for the customer
Alternative Flows: There is no person to give rights for a specific task.
Exceptions: None.
Normal Flow:
Admin System
When admin needs to perform
Normal Flow:
Customer System
User open the website.
Normal Flow:
User System
User opens the website.
Exceptions: None.
Normal Flow:
User System
User opens the website.
Normal Flow:
User System
User opens the website.
Normal Flow:
User System
User opens the website. Attributes Functions
<Reference to functional requirements and/or use cases>
3.4.2 <Class / Object #2>
3.5.1 Performance
Customer can only go to next step only if he completes first step that’s why there will be not
much loading issues.
3.5.2 Reliability
As we’re giving them all in one package to the users so a lot of their time will be saved as they
will not need to waste time searching on other websites. And for security purpose we’re
providing them bank evidence.
3.5.3 Availability
It is web-based application and will be available 24/7.
3.5.4 Security
As discussed in Use Case users will have to provide financial detail, so we’re connecting them
directly to their back database and bank will deduct their amount and generate them receipt that
will be provided to users by our website.
3.5.5 Maintainability
Maintenance will involve adding more new features for betterment of experience and fixing of
3.5.6 Portability
As it is a web-based application so it will be available for all kinds of operating system.
• The system shall automatically do month selection when numbers are enter.
Design constraints can have a significant impact on the design and should be validated prior to
imposing them on the solution.
Design constraints can be imposed by other standards, hardware limitations, etc.
Specify the requirements derived from existing standards or regulations. Theymight include:
Software Requirements Specification Page 11
<Project Name>
Logical database requirements should specify the logical requirements for any information that
is to be placed in a database. This may include the following: