Summary of "The Book To Quit Porn": John Wick

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Summary of

“The Book to Quit Porn”

John Wick
Willpower is shit
Hey there, you probably have already tried quitting porn in the past.
Haven’t you! You read that porn is bad for your brain and you should
quit it. You made a commitment that you will never watch porn from
now on.
If cravings or urges will whisper in your ears, you will try to resist them
through your “Willpower”. How beautiful, life would have been, if this
was actually practical.
Sadly, this isn’t! One weak moment is enough to break your streak and
change the turn of your life completely. There are people who have
relapsed after years.
Do you think that they lacked willpower? Remember that only
willpower will not help you in the long run. You may even pass some
months without porn but you will ultimately fall again in this trap of
There are also some people who think that by minimizing the porn use
or watching just once in X number of days will help them quit this
addiction and it will be easy.
OR, you may think, by indulging your mind in other activities like sports
will help you get rid of porn. Actually, things are not that simple.
Of course, these activities will help you. But only if you have right
beliefs in your mind.
“In order to truly get rid of your addiction, you have to understand
it first and more importantly get rid of (if any) false beliefs about the
addiction itself.”
Common Misbeliefs
There are numerous misbeliefs which are holding you back. Beliefs like;
• Porn gives me pleasure.
• Porn helps me when I am stressed out.
• Porn is always there when I am bored.
• Porn is a substitute of sex
• Porn helps me in concentration
• Leaving porn means giving up pleasure
• And many more………
Do you also share any of the beliefs mentioned above? Of course, I
can’t write all the beliefs here but you get the idea. These beliefs
are actually the excuses, porn users give themselves or to others for
justifying their porn use.
First of all, lets quickly see, why porn is so addictive anyway!
Dopamine is a neurochemical released in your brain to reward you
and keep you happy. It’s a methodology that brain uses to motivate
you to achieve something.
Now dopamine actually helps us. The problem here isn’t with the
brain chemistry but with porn. When you watch porn, High levels
of dopamine are released in your brain. So much dopamine is not
good for your brain or should I say, dopamine receptors(which
receives the dopamine).
To cope up with so much dopamine, dopamine receptors are
destroyed. That’s why you have to watch more extreme content
more often to get the same high.
So what’s the problem with porn, HUH? See the pleasure you get
from porn is nothing but dopamine that is literally destroying your
ability to get happy, naturally.
Non-users are perfectly happy with their lives. They don’t need porn to
be happy or satisfied. It’s you who need porn to feel pleasure!
Similarly, Porn causes the stress. It destroys your receptors,
affecting your ability to cope up with stress.
“Porn doesn’t fill the void, It creates the void”.
Porn creates the void and predicts to fills the void while making you
more addicted. It’s like salt water that will never fill up your thirst!
Now with damaged receptors, you are unable to enjoy the activities, you
used to, in the past. Things that will make a normal person happy means
nothing to you. The pleasure and feelings of proud after achieving
anything like completing a book are unknown to you.
So porn not only takes, pleasures of everyday life from you but also
makes you more stressed and less productive. It consumes your energy
day by day, slowly.
That’s the reason, you are bored in the first place. Instead of going out
with your friends, you prefer to watch porn. Porn makes everything else
boring to you.
Now coming to people who think they are just using it as a substitute for
sex. You should know that not only, porn is not sex but it also lessens
the chances of it, happening.
If porn was just a sexual desire, why some people watch porn, even after
sex? It’s because porn and sex are completely different things. Porn
ruins the concept of intimacy in relationships.
Porn not only makes high expectations about your partner which aren’t
possible but also gives you issues like “Erectile dysfunction” and
“Premature ejaculation” in return.
Neither you actually love those porn actresses nor they are interested in
the welfare of yours. They only want the money and your brain only
want that dopamine, that high. It’s only you who’s getting fu*ked up!

Withdrawal symptoms
So yeah, you know everything. People know in advance that porn is not
good for them. But why they can’t get free from porn? DO YOU
KNOW, WHY? To get rid of withdrawal symptoms.
The feelings of doubt and fear keep the user from getting their freedom
back. The fear of sleepless nights, dealing with cravings of porn and the
doubt whether you should even quit it or not?
There are 2 kinds of withdrawal symptoms…
1. Mental symptoms
2. Physical symptoms
Let’s discuss mental symptoms first. They are caused by nothing but
feelings of doubt and fear. Withdrawal pangs are nothing but feelings of
Feelings of loss that you are giving up something pleasurable. But as
you know that those beliefs are nothing but a lie. These pangs can’t stop
They will be whispering in your mind even after months. The addiction
will try its best to create doubts and excuses in your mind. So, you can
go and watch porn again. It’s you who decide!
Now coming to the physical aspect of the addiction, the damaged
receptors and dependency upon porn. Your body will get healed soon
too but it will take time. Just take care of your mind. Don’t expect to be
addiction free in a week!
Beat the Addiction
Now you are ready, my friend! You know that all those beliefs are a big
fat lie. Make a commitment now. Don’t let the feelings of doubt and fear
stop you from getting free.
Remember that the addiction will start whispering in your mind and
will try to rationalize itself through lame excuse. You have to be
aware of that.
Always remember that you are the master of your soul, nothing can
force you to watch porn. It’s only you, who can decide that. If you fall
it’s okay, don’t lose heart. Try again and know that addiction can only
whisper. It can do nothing.
Don’t try to rationalize your addiction or argue with it as it will only
make it stronger. Behave it as a worthless entity. With right mindset, it
will die, forever!
Read the original book now

Best of luck!

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