Proposal Group 11 2
Proposal Group 11 2
Proposal Group 11 2
1.0 Introduction
Inventory management system is a technology that monitor and maintain the stocked
products. It can be found in logistics and warehousing for managing large product volumes. It
require a QR code scanner to identify the information of the item. User can scan the QR code
by using their smartphone camera and the information will update to the system.
A QR Code is a square shaped patterns similar to bar code that give user to access
information instantly. QR codes are capable to hold a lot of information that bar code. When
users scan the QR code, it will display the information on the screen within a second. QR
code can be powerful when used correctly.
In this project, we are going to create a lab E18 lending system. This system is to lend
computer stuff to students who stay in Polytechnic dormitories and do not have laptops. Lab
E18 lending system is a system that used to manage computer stuffs borrow by Polytechnic
student in lab E18. However, we create this system because staffs in charge in lab E18 are
having difficulties to manage it. We have discuss with the staff about our project and he has
agree our idea.
We will use android application and web-based application in our system. We also uses QR
code technology to get information such as inventory management system. It help the staff to
update the permit information quickly when students borrow an item in lab E18. In addition,
it provide a simple user interface to make it easier for staffs and students to use it. Therefore,
we hope this project can solve the problem of the staff in charge of the lab E18.
2.0 Problem Statement
Difficult to key in the serial number of the device and time consuming
The main problem faced by the staff was that when students want to borrow a device, the
staff will have difficulty entering the serial number of the devices into the sheet one by one.
This is because the serial number is long and the serial number must be entered carefully. It
will be time and energy-consuming and staff will likely enter the serial number incorrectly. If
the serial number is entered incorrectly, it will cause major problems and difficulties to
Difficult to store a lot of data
The second problem is that lab E18 requires a database system to store student lending
records securely. Without using a database system, staff could not store large numbers of
records due to lack of space to store their files. It will also result in unorganized data storage.
As a result, student with lending problems or lost items in the lab are difficult to trace back.
It is costly
Lending system using manual methods such as using record cards and paper forms will
involve the use of money. Each student record card is damaged or lost will be replaced with a
new one. In addition, paper forms also need to be replaced with new ones after they have
been filled in to fill in new information. This has wasted money by buying cards and paper.
We can save a lot if we use electronic methods.
3.0 Objectives
The resulting system has several objectives that need to be met for the work to be carried out.
Among the important objectives that have been outlined in the development of the E18 Lab
goods entry and exit system, Seberang Perai Polytechnic are as follows:
4.0 Project Scope
This project is develop in the lab E18 specifically to help staff manage computer stuff borrow
and return by the student in lab E18 easily. It also encourage the staff to use computer and
increase the knowledge to information technology. It is implemented for students and staffs
in charge for lab E18 in Polytechnic only.
4.1 User Scope
4.1.2 Staff in charge in lab e18
Staff can have full access and control of the entire system. By using the web interface, staff
may permit or restrict students from borrowing lab stuffs depending on the approval of head
of department or head of the program in JTMK. Staff can extend the duration of the stuff
lending to student and change the status of the student. Staff can generate a QR code for new
stuff come in and add new stuff ID to the system. Staff also can delete old stuff ID form the
4.1.3 Student
Students have to download the apps from google play store only. This app requires student to
login by using their IC number. It provide student to check their record and manage their
borrowing status. Student can use the QR code scanner provide by the app to scan the QR
code on the item they wish to borrow.
4.2 System Scope
Lab E18 lending system consists of the client side and the administrator side. The client side
is used to collect student permit information and send that information to the system for
processing. The system is programmed to verify the status of students whether the student
can proceed the lending or not. If the lending can proceed then it will the store activity
information in the database. The administrator can refer back to the record in the form of an
organized table.
5.0 Project Significance
The importance of this project is that this QR code system can help staff in Polytechnic to
manage stuffs in lab E18 easily. It is most needed when come to handling a lot of data entry.
When student want to borrow stuff from lab E18, they just use their smart phone to scan the
QR code and the staff can get students information quickly. The students’ data this then
automatically save in the system securely.
Besides, this system it can help staff to track back students in real time in case student never
return the stuffs. Staff can view back the record and can easily identify which student is
taking the lab stuff. Staff also can block some students from borrowing the stuff by adding
the black list record of the student. By the time those student are block when they scan the
QR code. This system help the staff to prevent the student who is being penalty from
borrowing the stuff.
6.0 Literature Review
In this section, we will discuss how stuffs entry and exit system is used and compare some of
the QR code applications available today. This will help us to better understand how the
system works.
6.4 Comparison of existing application
We have reviewed several QR code Reader Applications on the website. We took an
example of three QR code Reader Apps and compared them together to get the best feature.
QRCode Platforms supported Price Features
Neo Reader Android, iPhone, Free (Code Export you can scan almost
BlackBerry and $0.99 – Remove Ads every type of barcode
Windows $0.99) like 1D and 2D code
types: QR, Data Matrix,
Aztec, EAN, UPC, Code
39, Code 128, PDF 417
Quick Mark Android and iPhone Free (Continuous Scan You can scale the frame
$1.99) in order to fit the code
perfectly if it is cluttered
with text around it.
You can create and
customize your own QR
codes using Quick
Mark’s in-app QR code
Our QR code app for Android Free You can customize them
this project You are require to
logged in to use the
This app is only for the
use of Polytechnic
students in lab E18.
Footnote (
Table 6.0 Comparison of existing application
7.0 Methodology
The suitable and appropriate approach for this system development that has been decide to
use Agile Model. Waterfall model also referred as linear-sequential life cycle model which it
is simple to understand and use. Usually, the result of one phase serves as the input for the
next phase sequentially in this Agile model.
Planning Phase
In the planning phase, we discuss together and planned what needs to be done in this project.
We will talk to the project owners about what we needed to solve the problem for them. We
discussed about the software and stuff we plan to use for this project.
We also discuss what risks may occur while the project is being developed. Each of us have
contributes ideas equally to achieve the goal of the project.
System Design Phase
8.0 References seminar#:~:text=Conclusion%20In%20the%20decades
AHG, I. (n.d.). Efficient inventory management with qr codes / barcodes and a smartphone. Retrieved
February 10, 2021, from
Chaffey, D., & Commentator, E. (2020, February 27). 8 uses of QR codes for a measurable
marketing campaign. Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
Gingles, L. (2020, December 23). The 11 Best QR code reader apps for your Scanning Needs
• UQR.ME. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from
How to use qr codes for inventory management. (2020, July 03). Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
Manage your data in real time with inventory barcode software. (2020, June 26). Retrieved February
10, 2021, from
Qr codes for inventory management: Manage and maximize efficiency. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10,
2021, from
The benefits of using qr codes in your marketing communications. (2019, August 21). Retrieved
February 10, 2021, from
9.0 Gantt chart
10.0 Cost Planning
For this project we had no any spend cost because we use the visual studio and android studio
for creating the application. The software which is the visual studio was free of charge to
download from internet.
11.0 Conclusion
Many codes have been developed but QR code still remains functional. It is still better than
barcodes which are used less than the QR codes and with its pros it tends to get better, but
still QR codes are not an efficient way to send information as it can be decoded with any
smart phones with QR code app reader and sending malicious data. Consumers are interested
in interacting with advertising that bears a QR code. QR codes can help an ad break through
the clutter by increasing the chance it will be remembered great news for advertisers who
have already integrated a QR code strategy into a traditional advertising campaign or are
looking to insert one in a future campaign. Last, by the OR code we had created we can easily
use the Application which can scan quickly. We also overcome the problem of wasting time
and energy to improve the quality work of the Project Department and also bring a lot of
advantages for assessor, lecturer, and student.