Functional Oncology: Approach at Angeles Hospital

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Functional Oncology
approach at Angeles Hospital

Angeles Functional Oncology Treatment Centers recognize

the importance of treating the whole person, and not only the
symptoms of disease. We take the approach of addressing
the mind, body, and spirit as equal components of health
and well-being.
Angeles Functional Oncology

An Integrative approach
To Cancer Treatment Introduction
The Functional Oncology Program at Hospital Angeles
Tijuana is a cutting edge approach to cancer treatment
and represents a fundamental shift in the approach to
allopathic treatment of the oncological patient. At its
core, Functional Oncology works by integrating the
best of what is available in both the traditional western
medical approach to Oncological patients and natural,
holistic fields. Our treatment plans are architected to put
the patient in the center of a team of professional partners
in the medical fields of Functional Medicine, Structural,
Clinical Nutrition, Biological Dentistry, Internal Medicine,
and Spiritual Psychology.

Many of the most common cancers found in our society

“Environmental exposures could have been traditionally rare in other large populations in
lead to cancer...” the world; studies of migrants exclude a simple genetic
explanation for these wide geographical variations and
imply that environmental exposures are key determinants
of the development of these cancers.
Data reported by the World Health Organization show that
nutrition and metabolic health have become disturbed in an
increasingly greater proportion of the populations of ‘Westernized’
societies. Tissue morbidities linked to metabolic syndrome disrupt
hormonal balance and, it is believed, potentially contribute to the
development of many clinical cancers. This new paradigmatic
understanding of disease drivers actually suggests that a number of
cancers may in fact be potentially preventable, and that nutritive,
metabolic and endocrine manipulation can serve as productive
preventive measures.

Our cancer treatment program features effectively fighting cancer – including

a remarkable synergy of treatment proven conventional therapies but
modalities, moving beyond conventional moving beyond them as well to
approaches to oncological care to include Bioenergetic Medicine,
combine a focus on cell biology and Nutritional Support, Naturopathic
function with immunotherapy and Medicine, Mind-body Counseling,
environment - a methodology that Pain Management, Orthomolecular
effectively targets cancer cells while Supplementation, Structural
shielding healthy cells from collateral Integrity, Environmental Medicine,
invasion. This approach to cancer Bio-dentistry, Detoxification and
treatment results in an intelligently Spiritual support.
holistic program of care for the patient.

The medical profession has long

understood that early detection has a
significant positive impact on cancer
survival rates, and that long term remission
is often possible even at later stages.
The Angeles Functional Oncology team
is committed to a scientifically based,
integrated approach to treatment that will
give patients the most complete tools for
Angeles Functional Oncology

A functional team
approach Most People Change Not Because They See the
Light But Because They Feel the Heat

Chronic disease in any of its forms has taken control of our lives and
future. Chronic disease is continuous. There is rarely a cure. The
patient usually lives indefinitely with the disease and its symptoms,
with persistent treatment and with multiple consequences, including
necessary behavioral changes to forestall worsening of the disease,
social and economic dislocation, emotional turmoil, financial fear,
lowered self-esteem, and depression.
This complex form of disease can’t be effectively dealt by a single
person or doctor, nor can treatment for chronic disease be effectively
segmented such as what happens when seen by not one but multiple
specialists, with different doctors focused only on performing
the correct intervention for their particular view, knowledge
and experience. Both of these traditional approaches to disease
management are missing the big picture - YOU, the patient.
YOU are a complex living organism interacting Such complex conditions require a
with your environment based on may factors multidisciplinary team of professionals working
including your body and genetic blueprint, your TOGETHER for a comprehensive understanding
experiences and even your beliefs. Such a of your situation, bringing together critical stand
complex organism requires a specific approach points in an effort to minimize the possibility for
to be able to understand all that is involved in human error, as well as to avoid the potential
the response against disease; for the most truly exclusion of what could be consider not so vital
effective approach to treatment, it is imperative information in relation to your problem/s.
to consider the whole structure even when
focusing on one system or organ or even one
symptom. We must never forget the WHOLE.

a Team approach that makes sense

... and YOU are a part of it!

The multiple members and disciplines of

this team are considered to be of crucial
importance when facing chronic illness, as
each one provides a key view of the different
aspects of the patient’s own unique internal
and external environment. These team
members ensure a global and panoramic view
of the clinical scenario needed to make the
necessary interventions to regain balance and

The Core Team

The core team consists of a functional doctor, a biological dentist, a functional psychologist and
a clinical nutritionist. Together your team members will take into consideration your medical
history, results of your initial assessment, and the various medical evaluations of each discipline,
from which, an analysis and therapeutic plan are created and implemented immediately.
Depending on the overall condition of your health and the severity and number of problems
you present, a specific specialist or specialists may be called upon to join the core team. These
additional assessments, recommendations and/or procedures will be incorporated into your
overall treatment plan making any necessary modifications if required. The mission of this team is
not only to analyze and treat but also to educate you, the patient regarding any and all important
information related to his condition.
The team is in constant communication, considering every single important aspect from all
perspectives and to always maintain the vision of the WHOLE, and thereby achieving the base
goal of the functional medicine approach: treating YOU and not the disease
Angeles Functional Team
Angeles Functional Oncology

Functional Medicine

Clinical Structural
Nutritionist Specialist

Spiritual Specialist
Psychologist Physician
Functional Physician
Trained to improve patient outcomes through prevention, early
assessment and comprehensive management of complex chronic
disease, your core functional team leader accomplishes this by
identifying and healing the underlying clinical imbalances of chronic
disease while creating momentum towards health. Your functional
physician will be the primary channel through which all medical
information will flow, and will lead the effort to integrate the
information provided by the rest of the functional team specialists.

Spiritual Psychologist
Often called “the untouched organ” -- and for many doctors not a part of the
overall chronic problem -- your mind filters everything surrounding it, aided
by your experiences, thoughts, beliefs and fears. In the functional approach to
treatment, the mind plays a key role during disease management. Our psychologist
are not only trained in conventional therapy but also utilize a wide array of
interventions intended to help heal the mind along with the body. Among these
are: Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, Focusing and Emotional Medicine.
Mind and body are as equally important to us

Biological Dentist
Today there are many studies that can demonstrate and scientifically prove
how dental issues can create or be the root cause of systemic conditions or
repercussions. Our goal is to determine the possible systemic relation if found with
any undetected or previously established dental problems. In contrast, biological
practitioners try to find the systemic causes of illness. To remove the root cause is
to take a major step towards healing. As a rule, we opt for the least invasive, least
traumatic and least toxic means of diagnosis and treatment. True biological care
supports the body’s natural abilities of self-healing and regeneration.

Clinical nutritionist
Let’s start by explaining that in the presence of disease everything changes when
it comes to nutrition. Our nutritionist is trained exactly for that, to know your
nutritional needs under the stressful condition of chronic illness. Nutrition is the
essence of our treatment, making it the first line of therapy: food as medicine.
To do this, our nutritionist will take a detailed nutritional history and clinical
assessment allowing him to tailor a specific-to-your-needs organic diet. Our
food is free of chemicals, additives, preservatives, colorants. When it comes to
treatment, Organic does make the difference.
These next chapters will provide an in-depth discussion of the various
treatment modalities given at Angeles Functional Oncology Center.
Angeles Functional Oncology

Let the Healing A 5 - step

smart cancer program

The Art of Healing

Holistic treatment is co-creating agreements, plans, and solutions that
honor the core medical values of all involved.

The Angeles Functional Oncology treatment program addresses Five

transformational elements that are key to living a healthier life.

Integrative assessment
Cellular nutrition
Immune support and regulation
Cancer suppression
Integrative Getting to know the

inner you

Working with a state-of-the-art hospital creates many benefits for your treatment program, not only
providing a ground-breaking allopathic approach to cancer treatment, but also including access
to medical technology – including special diagnostic tools - not readily available in less advanced
treatment centers.
Your program of treatment will begin with an assessment by a multidisciplinary medical team.
Doctors will work together with you to establish the parameters of your current medical condition
and determine your course of treatment, which will include the following:

Diagnostic imaging Spiritual psychological assessment

Diagnostic physical examination Biological dental assessment
Laboratory exams Internist assessment
Functional medical assessment Specialist assessment
Clinical nutrition assessment
Angeles Functional Oncology

Cellular The first step to a

healthier You

The power of nutrition

Many of today’s most challenging, costly and debilitating
chronic disease conditions – including heart disease, Type II
diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, digestive and autoimmune
disorders as well as many types of cancers – have been
demonstrably linked to suboptimal nutrition.

Optimal nutrition creates a foundation all the way down at

the cellular level for a strong and healthy body. Through
understanding the relationship between our external
environment (i.e. the food we ingest) and our internal
environment (cellular function fueled by nutrient absorption)
we are able to achieve the complete, balanced nutrition
essential to ensuring the harmonious system functioning
that is at the core of what we think of as good health.
At the Angles Functional Oncology Treatment
Center we use nutrition as our first line of therapeutic
defense. Our program recognizes that restoring
nutritive balance is the essential first step to promote
healing in a body that is stressed by the burden of
invasive chronic illness

In most westernized societies, modern food

production, processing and transport technologies
as well as lifestyle have combined to create an
environment in which convenience and preservation
have largely replaced nutritional content as the
dominant selection criteria driving food choices.
The unintended consequence has been a negatively
charged version of “We are what we eat”; without
a doubt, this modernization of our food supply
chain has resulted in critical nutritional deficits
that at minimum prevent optimum health, and may
promote or even accelerate disease progress.

Your treatment program approaches nutrition from a

healing perspective, approaching food as medicine.
As a patient you will be “prescribed” with a
nutrition plan based on your unique needs, with
special attention
to identifying
Angeles Functional Oncology and addressing
Treatment Centers provide deficiencies, higher
Your food plan will be rich in phytonutrients,
organic food to all patients nutritional needs, antioxidants, probiotics, high quality protein, high
and allergies –
prepared by top Chefs from the fiber, and low glycemic-index carbohydrates,
some you may
Culinary Art Institute. even be aware of all of which provide the essential factors for a
having - as well as healthy gastrointestinal system function and act
taste and appearance. to “kick start” the liver detoxification process
that will reduce your toxic load.
As a patient of the Angeles Functional Oncology Alkalinization
Treatment Program, you will benefit from a specially During disease and sickness, chronic
prepared diet that is utterly free of chemicals inflammation can create an acidic state at the
and preservatives. Your program diet will consist cellular level and thus creating more cellular
entirely of organic whole foods, including organic waste. Your program diet will promote
fruits and vegetables, free range poultry, hormone- alkalinization as well as anti-inflammation,
free meat, and eggs as well as metal- and mercury- creating an internal environment optimized to
free salmon and fish. fight and overcome disease.

Nutritional support Hypo allergenic diet plan

Your diet plan is crafted by the Team and subject to Each patient diet will be free of known common
a review, refinement and input process that flows dietary allergens such as gluten and dairy, and is
through the clinical nutritionist to the kitchen and designed to promote immune tolerance.
our functionally trained chefs. The end product is a
customized nutrition plan that is the starting point
for healing.
There are numerous clinical Based on your medical history, lab
and scientific studies supporting work and specific medical tests,
Angeles Functional Oncology

the very low and in some cases your Functional Medicine team
even the absence of good will craft a supplement regimen
quality nutrients in our diet optimized for your specific
today. The modern diet is largely health needs and challenges.
characterized by a proliferation Your supplementation plan will
of refined sugars, additives, be continually reviewed and
preservatives, chemicals for modified as your body moves
flavor, colorants, unhealthy towards repair, balance and
saturated fats , and highly refined health.
corn syrup as well as a lack of
basic essential nutrients and
Amino acid IV therapy
fiber; In short, the typical value-
Amino acids are the molecules
and-convenience-driven diet
that constitute the building
is a recipe for daily nutritional
blocks of proteins. Amino acids
deficiency, potentially acting
are essential to many functions,
as the trigger point for chronic
including metabolic balance,
disease conditions to appear and
the transport and mobilization
of waste, energy production,
cellular signaling, cellular
Nutritional experts and The flaw in this oversimplified
communication, and immune
medical professionals have approach to healthy eating is
support and activation. During
long proscribed that a healthy the assumption that all dietary
treatment, patients will receive a
diet include a supplementation fat is equally bad, when in fact,
medically balanced formulation
regime, however for optimal many fats are actual essential
of essentials and complementary
effectiveness it is essential to for good health. Healthy
amino acids administered via IV;
move beyond an over-the- fats serve an important role,
this treatment modality ensures
counter approach. acting as building blocks of
all amino acids enter the directly
into the blood system without the cellular membranes, as
At Angeles your supplementation well forming an important part
impairment form gut absorption
program utilizes only of the nerve cell by aiding in
due to the presence of disease
pharmaceutical grade the propagation of nervous
and/or medicine intake.
supplements and is designed by conduction or stimuli. In fact,
a team of medical professionals
Essential fatty acid IV your brain is largely comprised
that actively accounts for key
of fats.
factors such as your genetic therapy
background, physical state, The increased commoditization
Your treatment program is
daily activities, age, gender, of food in western cultures
and the presence or absence of designed to support and
has resulted in the unfortunate
disease.. enhance these vital functions
embrace of marketing-driven
through the inclusion of
dietary tropes, for example,
Because chronic disease essential fatty acids, which are
the idea that the reduction or
conditions crate a particularly administered via IV therapy.
elimination of all dietary fat is
challenging environment for ‘healthy’. As a result, the market
satisfying a patient’s daily is flooded with low- and no-fat
nutritional needs through food products that are erroneously
alone, professionally crafted believed to be healthy simply by
and supervised supplementation
virtue of their reduced fat content.
prescription is often essential.
While detoxification begins with your diet and supplement regimen, there are additional
therapies and nutrients that will be administered, designed to increase your rate of
detoxification, i.e. improve liver function through the regulation of enzyme function.


Modernization has created many advantages to western cultures, but at a price:

the proliferation of pollution, radiation and contaminants in our food and
water supply mean that we are virtually surrounded by substances/molecules
characterized by toxic impact on the human body. Our bodies are designed
with systems whose purpose is to neutralize the threat of an insupportable toxic
burden; these systems are ‘ignited’ by specific nutrients required by the master
organ and which are key for liver detoxification. These nutrients are crucial for
adequate liver function and effective detoxification, however, many chemicals
as well as cancer treatment drugs are known to impair and inhibit some of these
functions. The end result: defective detoxification and in an increase in the toxic
Key Influential Factors
Each of the following factors is taken into account by your Functional Medi-
Angeles Functional Oncology

cine team during the crafting of your individual detoxification plan:

Genetic blue print

The presence of Disease
Diet and lifestyle
Age and gender

Glutathione is a tripeptide (very small protein) that plays a key role in liver detoxification, acting
as a ‘scavenger’ of destructive free radicals and therefore essential for liver support

N-acetylcystein is an amino acid that contributes to glutathione synthesis and protects against
liver cell damage.

Milk thistle
Also known as Silybum marianum, milk thistle herb has been utilized for thousands of years
to remedy a variety of ailments, particularly liver and gall bladder problems. Scientific studies
suggest that substances in milk thistle (especially a flavonoid called silymarin) act to protect the
liver from toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which in high doses
(or in combination with alcohol) can cause liver damage. Silymarin has antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties, and is thought to help the liver repair itself by growing new cells.
Additional treatment modalities that improve the mobilization and excretion of waste will
be included in your customized program. For example, for those who are physically able, an
exercise or other physical activity is integrated as part of your detoxification program. Other
treatments may include:

Colon therapy
The Angeles Functional Oncology Treatment program underscores the importance of a healthy
colon through the administration of various colon therapies for detoxification. The colon plays
host to the body’s largest concentration of bacteria, which is essential for proper function and
health of the colon. Inadequate dietary fiber, dehydration, bad (pathogenous) bacteria and bad
dietary/lifestyle habits are all contributors to toxic overload and impaired elimination of the
colon; the colon’s natural resource of ‘good’ bacteria countermand these negative impacts to
the colon.
Extra corporeal filtering
“Extra corporeal” means, literally, “outside the body”. This filtering therapy takes place externally
through the use of perfusion: blood is pumped out through a central line, passing through a UV
light and filter to remove cellular debris and microorganisms.
The immune system is the body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders.
Immune response is the process by which the immune system attacks and defends against
organisms and substances that attack the body’s systems and cause disease.

Immune support
& regulation
Giving Power your Immune system
Key among the network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together
to protect the body are white blood cells, or leukocytes, which function
to seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms or substances. These
leukocytes are also known as lymphoid organs because of where they
are stored throughout the body, i.e. the thymus, spleen, and bone
marrow. Leukoctyes are also present in the body’s lymph nodes, as
well as circulate through the body’s organs and nodes via lymphatic
vessels and blood vessels.

The immune system orchestrates a coordinated ‘monitor-and-response’

process, identifying germs or other irregular substances in the body
that might impair cell or system function. Unfortunately we know that
the immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing; for example
long-term use of antibiotics to fight infections can actually depress the
immune system
Angeles Functional Oncology

There are three cancer-fighting capabilities displayed by the friendly bacteria.

First, certain super strains of your friendly bacteria eliminate pro-carcinogenic

substances before they can turn carcinogenic. Among these are the nitrites
mentioned earlier. Before the substance can be converted into cancer-causing
carcinogens in your intestinal tract, specific strains of L. acidophilus step in and
neutralize them. Even better, the best of the friendly bacteria super strains have
the ability to metabolize any pro-carcinogens that escape and convert them
back into non-carcinogenic substances.

Second, beneficial bacteria are capable of altering certain

enzymes (such as b-glucuronidase and nitro-reductase) that turn
pro-carcinogens into carcinogenic agents. The “bad” bacteria
that secrete these destructive enzymes include Clostridium
and certain Bacteroides, among others Obviously, the more
dangerous enzymes that are The present in your gastrointestinal
tract, the greater your risk harboring cancer-causing substances.
The ability of active super strains of L acidophilus bacteria to
neutralize these harmful enzymes is one of their most important
contributions to cancer prevention.

Third, the immune system’s workload is further complicated by the

need to cleanse the body of the increasing number of extraneous
pollutants and contaminants found in the environment and the
food chain. Overloaded with work, the immune system needs
all the help it can get from your friendly bacteria. How? When
disease-causing aliens are able to permeate the intestinal walls
and enter the bloodstream, the immune system must spring into
action As long as strong colonies of friendly bacteria line the
intestinal tract in full force, these harmful micro-organisms will
not be able to get through, thus lightening the already heavy
workload of the immune system.

Through scientific research, you have seen your friendly bacteria

can reduce the threat of potential cancer-causing agents in your
body and increase your body’s immune into inactive carcinogens.

And probiotics have been shown to reduce levels of dangerous,

carcinogen-forming enzymes in your gastrointestinal tract, as
well as boost the function of your immune system.
Herbs & Adaptogens
The ability of certain nutritional plants to produce or normalization in the patient, restoring the
general holistic effects has been known to natural homeostasis of his or her body.
herbalist’s for thousands of years. Their philosophy
is based on the belief that lasting vitality is At Angeles cancer centers we use the most
achieved through keeping the body healthy, rather important Herbs/adaptogens to enhance
than treating it for disease. The Orientals were so immune function and to fight cancer, being the
proud of their special natural remedies that they most important:
named them “kingly” and “elite” herbs.
1. Imperial Adaptogen
For thousands of years, these plants were utilized 2. Eleuthero root bark
by people in China, Russia, Japan, Korea and 3. Rhodiola root
finally in Europe. Nonetheless, the effectiveness 4. Jiaogulan/Gynostemma
of these plants from a scientific standpoint was 5. Reishi fruiting body
not confirmed until half a century ago. It was then 6. Holy Basil leaf
that the Russian physician and pharmacologist, 7. Ashwagandha root
Dr. Israel Brekhman and his mentor, Prof. Lazarev 8. Astragalus root
named them “adaptogens”. This name was chosen 9. Schisandra berry
due to the scientific proof of their effectiveness in 10. Go Ji/Lycium berry
helping the human body to “adapt” to changes in 11. Cordyceps Cs-
the environment. 12. American Ginseng
13. Suma root
Scientific studies have shown that humans and 14. Licorice root
other organisms are able to adapt better and 15. Ginger rhizome, Rainforest
survive longer when using these adaptogenic 16. Acai berry
herbs. In fact, these special plants have managed 17. Maca root
to survive in harsh environments for centuries due 18. Ginger rhizome,
to their unique composition of biologically active 19. Rainforest
substances. 20. Turmeric rhizome
21. Cinnamon bark
Adaptogens are herbs which appear to increase
the body’s ability to adapt to stress and changing

In order to be considered an adaptogen, an herb

must have three traits. It must be nontoxic to the
user, at least in any reasonable amount. It must also
generate a nonspecific response, meaning that it
does not target a specific region of the body, but
rather benefits the body as a whole. In addition,
adaptogens must help to create a state of balance
Angeles Functional Oncology

Disorders of the immune system, also called A main component of the Angeles Functional
immunodeficiency diseases, occur when the Oncology integrative therapy program is to focus
immune system is less active than normal, closely on your immune function, identifying the
leading to recurring and potentially life- most important agents for (re)building a strong and
threatening infections. In contrast, autoimmune responsive immune system.
diseases result from a hyperactive (i.e. over-
active) immune system that attacks healthy tissue
as it would bacteria, viruses or other harmful
Immune Stimulation
foreign organisms. Medical grade Shiitake, Maitake, and Reishi
Natural nutritive factors provide the body with a Many cultures – particularly European, Chinese and
defense against both of these disordered immune Japanese - have long recognized the extraordinarily
responses –healing foods and herbal medicines diverse nutritive value of mushrooms. There exists
are proven agents supporting and rebuilding the more than 35,000 species of mushrooms growing
immune system. Rebuilding immunity through today, with some colonies (for example Armillaria
healing foods and herbal medicines can have ostoyae in Malheur National Forest) estimated to be
been known to eliminate disease and result in a more than two thousand years old. Though mushrooms
natural restoration of health. are commonly thought to have little nutritional
value, many species are high in fiber and provide
Cornell cancer specialist Dr. George C Pack, vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin,
MD posits that almost everybody has cancer cobalamins, and ascorbic acid. Though not normally
cells present at one time or another. In a healthy a significant source of vitamin D, some mushrooms
person, a properly working immune system can become significant sources after exposure to
acts as a natural defense against cancer by ultraviolet light [which also darkens their skin.]
killing/absorbing cancer cells before they can Mushrooms are also a source of important minerals,
become health- or life-threatening. In short, including selenium, potassium and phosphorus.
cancer cells are a predictable abnormality that
are automatically detected and eliminated by a
healthy immune system.
Species of mushrooms often classified as Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi
medicinal for their phenomenal demonstration mushrooms show promise in
of healing potential include maitake, shiitake, lowering the risk of, and even
and reishi, which have collectively been treating, certain cancers. In particular,
shown to have wide ranging positive impacts maitake is specifically recommended
on health including boosting cardiovascular for the stomach and intestines, as
health, lowering the risk of cancer, promoting well as blood sugar levels. Shiitake
immune function, warding off viruses, bacteria, mushrooms are commonly used to
and fungi, reducing inflammation, neutralizing treat nutritional deficiencies and liver
allergic reactions, balancing blood sugar ailment, while the reishi species is a
levels and supporting the body’s detoxification factor in the promotion of respiratory
mechanisms. health.

Green Tea Medicinal Extract

The healthful properties of green tea are largely attributed to polyphenols.
Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances found in plants, and are generally
divided into hydrolyzable tannins (gallic acid esters of glucose and other sugars) and

phenylpropanoids, such as lignins, flavonoids, Green tea also contains alkaloids including
and condensed tannins. caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline
The antioxidant effects of polyphenols appear that provide green tea’s stimulant effects.
to be greater than vitamin C. The polyphenols L-theanine, an amino acid compound
contained in teas are classified as catechins. found in green tea, has been studied for
Green tea contains six primary catechin its calming effects on the nervous system.
compounds: catechin, gallaogatechin,
epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green
gallate, and apigallocatechin gallate (also tea can neutralize free radicals and may
known as EGCG). reduce or even help prevent some of the
EGCG is the most active polyphenol in green damage free radicals cause.
tea, and therefore the most studied.
Green tea and Cancer
Angeles Functional Oncology

Clinical research has found that the growth of cerScientists already know that green
tea contains anti-oxidants which may have a protective effect against cancer. But now
they have discovered that chemicals in the tea also shut down a key molecule which
can play a significant role in the development of cancer. The molecule, known as
the aryl hydrocarbon (AH) receptor, has the ability to activate genes. Tobacco smoke
and dioxins, in particular, disrupt the functioning of the molecule and cause it to
trigger potentially harmful gene activity. Researchers from Rochester University found
that two chemicals in green tea inhibit AH activity. Both chemicals are similar to
compounds called flavonoids, which are found in broccoli, cabbage, grapes and red
wine, and which are also known to help prevent cancer.

Clinical research has found that the growth of certain cancer cells is slowed by the
consumption of EGCG in the form of green tea, and that this effect is immediate
upon consumption. In addition to this effect, researchers believe that polyphenols
can actually help kill cancerous cells as well as stop their proliferation

For example, Polyphenols in green tea has been shown to inhibit the growth of
breast cancer cells. In one study of 472 women with various stages of breast cancer,
researchers found that women who consumed the most green tea experienced the
least spread of cancer (particularly premenopausal women in the early stages of breast
cancer). They study also found that women with early stages of the disease who drank
at least 5 cups of tea every day before being diagnosed with cancer were less likely to
suffer recurrences of the disease after completion of treatment.
Medical Grade Curcumin

Cancer is an inflammatory condition that also requires

immune modulation; curcumin helps lower inflammation
caused by cancer and helps to balance the immune response,
making it a essential part of our allopathic cancer treatment

Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of arachidonic acid in cell membranes plays an

the popular Indian spice turmeric, which is a important role in the fighting inflammation in the
member of the ginger family. Turmeric has been body, which occurs by generating potent chemical
used historically as a component of Ayurvedic messengers known as eicosanoids. Membrane
medicine since the 18th century to treat ailments, phospholipids are hydrolyzed by phospholipase
but it wasn’t until the latter half of the 20th century A2 (PLA2), releasing arachidonic acid, which
that research identified curcumin as responsible may be metabolized by cyclooxygenases (COX)
for most of the biological activity of turmeric. to form prostaglandins and thromboxanes, or
by lipoxygenases (LOX) to form leukotrienes.
In vitro and animal studies have suggested a wide Curcumin has been found to inhibit PLA2, COX-
range of potential therapeutic or preventive effects 2, and 5-LOX activities in cultured cells.
associated with curcumin, and in the past several
years a proliferation of human clinical trials have Although Curcumin inhibited the catalytic activity
studied the effect of curcumin on pancreatic of 5-LOX directly, it inhibited PLA2 by preventing
cancer, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s and other its phosphorylation and COX-2 mainly by
diseases. inhibiting its transcription. Nuclear factor-kappa
B (NF-kB) is a transcription factor that binds DNA
Research has demonstrated that curcumin as and enhances the transcription of the COX-2
well as capsaicin (found in red pepper) inhibit gene as well as other pro-inflammatory genes,
the secretion of collagenase, elastase, and such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In
hyaluronidase, clearly indicating that these spice inflammatory cells, such as macrophages, iNOS
components control the release of inflammatory catalyzes the synthesis of nitric oxide, which
mediators such as eicosanoids and hydrolytic can react with superoxide to form peroxynitrite,
enzymes secreted by macrophages, suggesting a reactive nitrogen species that can damage
anti-inflammatory properties. proteins and DNA. Curcumin has been found to
inhibit NF-kB-dependent gene transcription, and
Arachidonic acid is one of the essential fatty acids the induction of COX-2 and iNOS in cell culture
required by most mammals . The metabolism of and animal studies.
Transfer Factor
To keep your body healthy, your immune system must perform three very important
Angeles Functional Oncology

functions each time your body comes in contact with a pathogen:

First: it must first recognize the pathogen as a threat to the body

Second: it must then attack and eliminate the threat

Third: it must remember that pathogen so that your body can quickly
identify and rid itself to it the next time it is attacked.

The faster your body’s immune system can process performed in a strictly controlled
identify a harmful pathogen, the faster it hospital laboratory setting, doctors are able
can mount a protective/defensive response. to collect powerful transfer factor molecules
Transfer Factor is the agent that allows the from the polypeptides of immune cells
body to transfer this critical identification from healthy persons. The Transfer Factor
information from cell to cell; in other words, collected from this process is a purified
Transfer Factors serve as critical “teachers” extract containing transfer factor molecules.
of new cells, thereby ensuring a stronger
immune system capable of withstanding our Transfer Factor educates, enhances and
often harsh environment. balances the immune system - literally
transferring immunity information from one
In sum, Transfer Factor is an all natural entity to another, such as between a breast
substance that works by ‘teaching’ the body’s feeding mother and her newborn infant.
immune system to identify infectious agents Transfer Factor exits to “fine-tune” immune
and malignant cells. system function so that immune cells know
when and how to act, and when to rest.
What exactly are Transfer Factors?

Transfer factors are very small molecules

naturally found in healthy cells as a type of
polypeptide. Through a special extraction
A unique approach to fighting cancer

We recognize that a disease does not appear ‘over

night’, but rather that the dysfunction of disease is the
result of lifelong interactions between our environment
and our genetic predispositions.

Returning a patient to health requires reversing or

substantially improving the specific dysfunctions that
have contributed to the disease state. Each patient
therefore represents a unique, complex, and interwoven
set of influences and intrinsic functionality that have set
the stage for the development of disease, as well as the
maintenance and restoration of health.
Systemic Ozonized Hyperthermia
Angeles Functional Oncology

The preponderance of clinical evidence from

the US and Europe indicates that hyperthermia A synergy unlike any other is produced
is maximally effective when the patient is when combining SO3Hyperthermia
exposed at the desired temperature (45C) for a
length of 2-3 hours. The highly technical and
with known cancer fighting agents
complex nature of this procedure requires a
strict, hospital-controlled environment.
Your Angeles Functional Oncology team has created a proprietary system of treatment that incorporates
both Hyperthermia and Ozone therapies.

The Process In the SO3H technique, blood is extracted in a constant flow and
heated up to 45C by the SO3H system. Ozone is then integrated
into the blood through an Ozonification & UV device that processes
the blood. Before returning to the body the hyper-oxygenated-
heated blood passes through a detoxification filter to cleanse it of
toxins and cellular debris.

Throughout the procedure the patient is monitored by trained

staff and by the SO3H System at all times.
SO3H Impact on
Cancer cells
Scientists know that when the cells of the body are exposed to
higher than normal temperatures, changes take place inside
the cells, and that some of these changes can be harnessed
to increase the likely effectiveness of orthomolecular cancer
treatments. The earliest attempts to treat cancer using heat
were met with mixed results due in large part to the difficult
challenge inherent in regulating the ideal temperature to a
specific part of the body while limiting potentially invasive
or deleterious effects on other parts of the body.

Today, advancements such as the SO3H Ozone therapy has the impact of
system provide superior control and significantly decreasing lactate production,
precision heat delivery. indicating successful inhibition of the
metabolism. Tumor cells suffer a peroxide
Under normal conditions, tumor cells are intolerance due to insufficient peroxidase
invisible to the immune system; however, and catalase; ozone is thus able to oxidize
under the influence of heat and UV exposure the outer lipid layer of malignant cells and
tumor cells will form “heat shock proteins” , destroy them through cell lysis.
effective identifiers of non-healthy cells that
appear on the surface of the degenerated Our proprietary SO3 Hyperthermia
cells. The body’s immune system detects System in our program has been proven to
these proteins as extraneous cells, triggering have phenomenal synergistic effects with
its immune cells to fight the cancer cells. the rest of our treatment approach and is
the cornerstone of the Angeles Functional
Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, Oncology program.
cancer cells are anaerobic, i.e. cannot live in
high oxygen concentrations. Overexposure
to oxygen in tumor cells, also known as
the Hypothermic Ozonification, results in
over-acidification of the heated cells and a
consequent nutrient deficiency in the tumor
Cellular metabolism is destroyed, resulting
in apoptosis (dell death) of the tumor cells.

Cellular biologists have also detected that

malignant cells have an increased rate of
glycolysis, which increases the production
of lactate.
Laetrile Laetrile is natural and powerful anti-tumor agent found
Angeles Functional Oncology

in over 1,200 plants, and is best known for its ability to

prevent metastases without collateral damage to healthy
normal cells.
Vitamin B-17

Laetrile is particularly concentrated in the stones and seeds of common fruits such as apricots, peaches,
plums and apples. It is a diglucoside with a cyanide radical that is highly “bio-accessible”, i.e., able to
penetrate through the cellular membrane to reaching high intra-cellular concentrations.

Laetrile serves as glucose to healthy cells that provide energy when metabolized. Normal healthy cells
contain an enzyme called rhodenase, which “neutralizes” the laetrile by preventing it from releasing
cyanide. Malignant cells do not contain the rhodenase enzyme; in the absence of rhodenase, cyanide
radical is released within malignant cells when laetrile is activated, resulting in tumor destruction.

Laetrile has been scientifically demonstrated to be non-toxic; our own experience with thousands of
patients gives us complete confidence that this natural agent poses no danger in treatment.
Cancer cells contain thousands of times more of the enzyme beta-glucosidase than noncancerous

When Laetrile interacts with beta-glucosidase, it breaks down into its component structures:
• Two molecules of glucose, a sugar
• One molecule of benzaldehyde, an analgesic (pain-relieving drug)
• One molecule of hydrocyanic acid, a poison

The pharmacological equation might be expressed like this: beta-glucosidase + laetrile = toxic cyanide
that is naturally targeted/isolated to cancerous cells. Additionally, the Laetrile/beta-glucosidase reaction
triggers the release of the Benzaldehyde, a known analgesic.

Laetrile is effective in reducing tumor related pain and increasing the survivability of late stage critical
patients. It is best known for its ability to prevent metastases in all types of cancers.

As early as 1974, Laetrile was being used intravenously at levels of six to nine thousand milligrams
daily (i.e. six to nine grams). In general, an accumulation of fifty to seventy grams of Laetrile over a
period of seven to ten days is needed before patients experience tangible improvement.

Through treatment of thousands of patients, the Angeles Functional Oncology team has identified
found the most impactful method of Laetrile treatment is six grams, intravenously delivered once per
day over a period of three weeks. Although Laetrile can be administered orally, the not uncommon
presence of intestinal bacteria can result in small amounts of cyanide production, necessitating that
oral doses be limited to three grams or less per day (and therefore a longer program of accumulating
treatment effect).
Mega-dose Vitamin C
Bionutrient research clearly demonstrates that for good health
humans need much larger amounts of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
than are present in the plants we use as food.

Unlike most mammals, humans do not produce vitamin C; we

must therefore obtain vitamin C through diet and supplementation
to enable collagen production -- and therefore overall tissue and
organ health.

Vitamin C is essential for the building of collagen, Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of
the most abundant protein built in our bodies carnitine, a small molecule that is essential for
and the major component of connective tissue the transport of fat into cellular organelles called
that is indispensable to the heart, blood vessels mitochondria, where the fat is converted to energy.
– all tissues of the body. Collagen is not only the Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant.
most abundant protein our bodies, it also occurs Antioxidants play a critical role in the prevention
in larger amounts than all other proteins put of cellular damage -- the common pathway for
together – and this critical protein cannot be built cancer, aging, and a variety of disease.
without vitamin C.
Research investigators at the National Institute
However, Vitamin C presents a biological of Health report that the anticancer mechanism
conundrum in that while it is essential for the responsible for Vitamin C involves production of
formation of collagen, it is actually destroyed hydrogen peroxide, which is selectively toxic to
during the collagen formation process. The organs cancer cells.
of the body cannot function without collagen, and
nor can these organs maintain healthy condition Vitamin C is vital in the protection of certain
without Vitamin C. Thus, an essential need for indispensable molecules in the body such as
supplementation is omnipresent. proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic
acids (DNA and RNA), from damage by free
Vitamin C also plays an important role in radicals and reactive oxygen species that can be
the synthesis of the neurotransmitter called generated during normal metabolism as well as
norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters are critical through exposure to environmental toxins and
to brain function and are also known to impact pollutants such as pollution and cigarette smoke.
Vitamin C and Cancer
Angeles Functional Oncology

Increased Vitamin C consumption is associated with reduced risk for most types
of cancer. Multiple case-control studies have investigated the role of Vitamin C
in cancer prevention, and most have shown that higher intakes of Vitamin C are
associated with decreased incidence of cancers of the mouth, throat and vocal
chords, esophagus, stomach, colon-rectum, and lung. One study that followed
870 men over a period of 25 years found that those who consumed more than
83 mg. of Vitamin C daily experienced a striking 64% reduction in lung cancer
compared with those who consumed less than 63 mg. per day.

Laboratory experiments indicate that Vitamin C inhibits the formation of

carcinogenic compounds in the stomach, a finding supported in observational
studies that have found increased dietary Vitamin C intake to be associated with
decreased risk of stomach cancer.

Studies conducted by Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize winning

scientist, pioneer in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular
biology, and orthomolecular medicine) suggest that very large
doses of Vitamin C (10 grams/day intravenously for ten days
followed by at least 10 grams/day orally indefinitely) are helpful
in increasing the survival time and improving the quality of life
of terminal cancer patients.

Intravenous (IV) administration of Vitamin C can result in much

higher blood levels of Vitamin C than oral administration, and
Vitamin C levels that are toxic to cancer cells in culture can
be achieved in humans only with intravenous but not oral
administration of Vitamin C. The Angeles Functional Oncology
treatment program provides IV-delivery of Vitamin C in
concentrated dosage, ranging from 40 to 70 grams per day.
Vitamin D
Scientists have known for a long time that
vitamin D is important for calcium absorption
and the vitamin has also been implicated in
diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis,
but what we didn’t realize is how crucial vitamin
D is for actually activating the immune system,
which we know now

Doctors have known that low levels of vitamin D Vitamin D also works at another stage of cancer
are linked to certain kinds of cancers as well as to development. Tumor cells are young, immortal
diabetes and asthma, but new research also shows cells that never grow up, mature and die off.
that the vitamin can kill human cancer cells. Because vitamin D derivatives have been shown
to promote normal cell growth and maturation.
Evidence suggest that vitamin D (Vitamin D3) Vitamin D and the Immune system
may be protective against some cancers. Clinical
studies now show vitamin D deficiency to be T cells are dormant immune cells until they are
associated with four of the most common cancers: activated to detect and kill bacteria and viruses.
Breast Prostate Colon Skin Without vitamin D in the blood, activation
would not take place. People with vitamin
It is well established that Vitamin D (Vitamin D deficiency might be more susceptible to
D3) acts as an effective regulator of cell growth infection or that vitamin D supplements might
and differentiation in a number of different cell boost immunity.
types, including cancer cells. Through this action,
Vitamin D behaves as a protective factor, which Studies have found that ‘naive’ T cells that had
decreases the risk of getting cancer. not been primed produced only a small amount
of phospholipase C-γ1. However, following
Vitamin D may also go beyond cancer prevention priming by exposure to the activator immune
and provide tumor therapy. Much ado has been system molecules, the T cells began to produce
made of pharmaceutical angiogenesis inhibitors far more phospholipase C-γ1. For this to occur,
agents that help inhibit the growth of new, the T cells needed to be in the presence of
undesirable blood vessels that tumors require for vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor.
nutrient supply and growth. Laboratory tests have
shown vitamin D to be a potent angiogenesis
Angeles Functional Oncology

T cells produce vitamin D receptors when they are primed to respond to antigens.
Vitamin D then acts via the receptor to stimulate production of phospholipase C-γ1.
These changes are necessary for the T cells to be activated, when T cells are exposed to
foreign pathogens, they expose a vitamin D receptor that searches for vitamin D. If the
cells do not receive the nutrient, the cells will not activate.

“Scientists have known for a long time that vitamin D is important for calcium absorption
and the vitamin has also been implicated in diseases such as cancer and multiple
sclerosis, but what we didn’t realize is how crucial vitamin D is for actually activating the
immune system, which we know now,” …Professor Carsten Geisler, of the Department
of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen
in Denmark

At Angeles functional program we measure serum Vitamin D

in all our patients to screen deficiencies but mostly to improve
to optimal levels serum Vitamin D.
Resveratrol is the first natural medicinal with a solid
body of scientific evidence demonstrating its ability to
block and/or prevent classical cancer stage progression.

Resveratrol is classified as a polyphenol due of its chemical

structure. Polyphenols comprise a large group of plant
compounds that are further broken down into other
classifications such as flavonoids, proanthocyanidins,
and the like.

In the early ‘90’s, following an airing of a CBS 60 Minutes

investigative segment that gave rise to the now-popular
notion of the “French paradox” (describing the counter
intuitive notion that a French diet regularly featuring
cheese, chocolate, and wine could be associated with The body of research investigating
improved cardiovascular health) researchers realized thatResveratrol continues to expand rapidly
the Resveratrol content of red wine might be the ‘secret with the number of studies increasing by
an order of magnitude in the past three
ingredient’ behind the healthy heart effects attributed to
years, with the depth of knowledge about
both the traditional French diet, as well as the traditional
Asian heart medicines containing Polygonnum. the Polyphenol Resveratrol increasing with
each report. The diverse range of findings
Resveratrol has since been identified as an inhibitor of suggest Resveratrol will one day be widely
cancer cell growth in cultures and in some animals, regarded as one of the most useful agents
and research findings such as those summarized below ever discovered for treating a wide range
consistently suggest probable effects of Resveratrol of human health problems.
in humans will continue to add to its cancer fighting
reputation: Resveratrol is an effective treatment agent
for range of cancers, both at the preventive
“… reveals marked antioxidant activity” and treatment stages. Its ability to stop
cancer is connected to its capability to
“…shows great promise for preventing distinguish a cancer cell from a normal
cardiovascular disease” cell. Unlike chemotherapeutic drugs that
affect normal cells in addition to cancer
“…is a remarkable inhibitor” cells, Resveratrol does not damage
healthy cells. Not only is Resveratrol not
“…has a chemotherapeutic effect, i.e. little or harmful to normal cells, Reserveratrol
no toxic effects in healthy cells” protects healthy cells. Resveratrol is also
sophisticated in its actions. It doesn’t just
“…demonstrates high efficacy against multiple scavenge free radicals, it activates and
sites” deactivates critical enzymes and genes,
hormones and chemicals.
Resveratrol and Cancer
Angeles Functional Oncology

It has been demonstrated that the Western diet can cause colon cancer in rodents
without the presence of additional chemicals or factors. In a study from Japan,
Resveratrol supplementation resulted in the inhibition of the growth of breast
cancer cells, as well as blocked the growth-promoting effects of linoleic acid from
the Western diet.

Resveratrol is not only applied as a cancer preventative, it is also employed

as treatment for certain types of cancer. Resveratrol is a broad-spectrum agent
that halts the progress of cancer in diverse ways, from blocking estrogen and
androgens to modulating genes. Some of the latest research demonstrates that
Resveratrol causes a unique type of cell death, destroying cancer cells regardless
of the presence of the tumor suppressor gene.

Resveratrol is also effective at cancer cell destruction

regardless of whether the target cancer cells are estrogen
receptor-positive or negative.

In addition, researchers are now beginning to understand

the ability of Resveratrol supplements to augment
other chemotherapies. For example, researchers at the
University of Notre Dame have shown that Resveratrol
increases the effects of vitamin D, a form of which
(vitamin D3) converts to a steroid that inhibits the growth
of breast cancer cells.

Melatonin is a natural inducer of hypothermia, inhibiting

the growth rate of established tumors through the
retardation of tumor metabolism and development by
lowering the body temperature.

In addition, melatonin both induces antioxidants as well as demonstrates preventive antioxidant capability,
which in turn blocks free radical damage to normal cells while limiting oxidative damage to DNA, lipids,
amino acids, and proteins.

Administration of supplemental melatonin has been shown to be beneficial even in the supportive care
of advanced and end-stage cancer patients . The body’s ability to produce melatonin is reduced in most
cancer patients, however, even in the unfortunate circumstance in which cancer has already overwhelmed
the body’s innate cancer-fighting capabilities, supplemental melatonin can play a critical role in the defense
system against cancer’s progression.

Melatonin has been shown to lessen tissue wasting as well as diminish weight loss, fatigue, weakness, and
depression. It can enhance immune function, improve wound healing, and improve overall quality of life
and survival rates. Furthermore, melatonin impacts common symptoms found in patients with advanced
cancer and/or are undergoing chemotherapy, by counteracting anemia and lymphocytopenia, stimulating
platelet production, enhancing appetite, and diminishing pain (including bone pain) through its natural
analgesic properties.

Melatonin can activate the cytokine system, which exerts growth-inhibiting properties, and by stimulating
the cytotoxic activity of macrophages and monocytes which are responsible for immunological, and
inflammatory defense processes against bacterial, viral, fungal, and neoplastic pathogens.

These are substantial benefits considering that approximately half of all patients diagnosed with cancer die
because of poor symptom management.
Melatonin and Hormonal therapy
Angeles Functional Oncology

Melatonin levels in cancer patients are correlated with tumor aggressiveness and
progression: for example, a high percentage of women with estrogen-receptor-
positive breast cancer have low plasma melatonin levels. Melatonin inhibits
human breast cancer cell growth and reduces tumor spread and invasiveness in-

Precisely how melatonin interferes with estrogen signaling is unknown, though

research suggests that melatonin suppresses the epidermal growth factor receptor3;
furthermore, in tumorigenesis studies melatonin reduced the incidence and growth
rate of breast tumors and slowed breast cancer development. Prolonged oral
melatonin administration significantly has been shown to reduce the development
of existing mammary tumors: in a metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer
patient, oral melatonin (5 mg/day) induced disease stabilization for six weeks.

Extrapolating the melatonin levels observed in aging humans to the cellular level, one expects to find
melatonin decreasing more rapidly in tumor cells than is the case with normal healthy cells, and that
levels normalized through melatonin supplementation would have a negative growth advantage in the
tumor micro-environment and would therefore inhibit tumor growth. Melatonin levels are depressed
in individuals with cancers of different origins during the phase of primary tumor growth, whereas
normal melatonin levels may be found when remission occurs.’

It has been suggested that melatonin acts as a naturally occurring anti-estrogen on tumor cells, as
it down-regulates hormones responsible for the growth of hormone-dependent mammary tumors.
Melatonin differs from the understood anti-estrogens such as tamoxifen in that it does not seem to
bind to the estrogen receptor or interfere with the binding of estradiol to its receptor. At the same time,
melatonin can increase the therapeutic efficacy of tamoxifen and biological therapies such as IL-2.

Numerous clinical studies by Lissoni et al show melatonin adjuvant therapy favorably influences the
course of advanced cancer, leading to an improved quality of life and increased survival. Compared
with patients receiving supportive care only, cancer patients with untreatable advanced solid tumors
receiving melatonin supplementation therapy experience significantly lower rates of catabolic wasting
(cachexia), weakness (asthenia), and platelet (thrombocytopenia) and white blood cell counts declines

Melatonin deficiencies in patients in more advanced stages of cancer may be due to altered circadian
rhythm (disturbed sleep patterns), cancer-related anorexia-cachexia, and reduced food intake (melatonin
is produced by the enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract after food consumption). In turn,
melatonin supplementation increases appetite, diminishes tissue wasting, and restores sleep continuity
in cancer patients. Administration of melatonin to patients with advanced cancer who have only short
expected survival times results in some cases in disease stabilization and increase survival percentages
at one and five years.
Laboratory studies show selenium is a powerful
antioxidant that can inhibit the growth of breast, cervical,
colon, and skin cancer, promotes cancer cell death
(apoptosis), acts as a protective agent against many types
of cancers, and improves quality of life during aggressive
cancer therapies.

Most American diets include only a fraction of the

recommended dose of 200 micrograms a day; Disease
and Treatment by the Life Extension Foundation estimates
most Americans get as little as 60 to 100 micrograms of
selenium daily.

Taken in conjunction with Vitamins C, E and beta- Some forms of cancer are the result
carotene, selenium works to block the chemical reactionsof free radical oxidation that destroys
that create DNA-damaging free radicals responsible for
the cell degeneration that leads to cancer. Selenium
or damages the part of the DNA
contributes to cell death of cancerous and pre-cancer that regulates cell multiplication.
cells, plus prevents the reproduction of damaged DNA When this happens, abnormal cell
molecules which in turn inhibits tumor development proliferation can quite literally
and formation, In short, evidence suggests that seleniuminvade the entire body, damaging
is a mineral essential to helping stop cancer before it gets
healthy tissue. For patients who
have been diagnosed with cancer,
The protective effective of selenium can be accounted selenium may be useful in slowing
for in several ways. Selenium inhibits the formation of this progression.
DNA-damaging free radicals through the activation of the
enzyme gluthathione peroxidas. In addition, selenium,
in concert with Vitamin E, inhibits tumor growth while
regulating cell lifespan, a function that inhibits the ability
of cells to become immortal i.e. malignant.
Angeles Functional Oncology

celullar therapy
Bio-immune cellular therapy is the most advanced therapy of its kind. Throughout the extraction,
manipulation and culture of specific linage of cells from the immune system (white blood cells)
it is now possible to provide a high concentration of a particular cell line, such as Dendritic
cells, NK cells, CD34. These cells improve, enhance, reinforce and balance the immune response
needed to fight disease. Their proven uses array from autoimmune disorders, chronic infections,
HIV to Cancer.

Cell based Immune-therapies are proven to be effective for cancers where the immune cells such as
lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells (NK Cell), cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL),
work together to defend the body against cancers and attacks by “foreign” or “non-self ” invaders such as
bacteria and viruses.

Cancer immunotherapy attempts to stimulate the immune system to reject and destroy tumors. In the
beginning Immunotherapy treatments involved administration of cytokines such as Interleukin with an
aim of inducing the lymphocytes to carry on their activity of destroying the tumor cells. This therapy
lead to the extraction of the lymphocytes from the blood and culture-expanding them in the lab and then
injecting the cells alone to enable them to destroy the cancer cells.
Dendritic Cells
Dendritic Cell (DC) therapy represents a new This works well against foreign cells that
and promising immunotherapeutic approach enter the body, but cancer cells often
for treatment of advanced cancer as well evade the self/non-self detection system.
as for secondary prevention of cancer. As
Dr. Harmon Eyre, the VP of Research at the By modifying dendritic cells, researchers
AMA commented on results of DC therapy are able to trigger a special kind of
for cancer: “Patients’ responses are far out autoimmune response that includes a T
of proportion to anything that any current cell attack of the cancer cells.
therapy could do”.
Because a cancer antigen alone is not
For decades, cancer researchers have been enough to rally the immune troops,
interested in immunologic treatment using scientists first fuse a cytokine to a tumor
vaccines against cancer but with little antigen with the hope that this will send
progress, however, recent breakthroughs a strong antigenic signal.
have shown that tumor-associated antigens
can be used to vaccinate patients and that Next, they grow a patient’s dendritic
the dendritic cell is a potent blood cell able cells in the incubator and let them take
to present such antigens and stimulate the up this fused cytokine-tumor antigen.
naïve immune system. This enables the dendritic cells to mature
and eventually display the same tumor
Dendritic Cell therapy has reported success antigens as appear on the patient’s
even in stage IV cancer patients who have cancer cells.
failed all other therapies.
When these special mature dendritic
Another approach to cancer therapy takes cells are given back to the patient,
advantage of the normal role of the dendritic they wave their newly acquired tumor
cell as an immune educator. Dendritic cells antigens at the patient’s immune system,
grab antigens from viruses, bacteria, or and those T cells that can respond mount
other organisms and wave them at T cells to an attack on the patient’s cancer cells.
recruit their help in an initial T cell immune
Natural Killer Cells
Angeles Functional Oncology

NK cells are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte that constitutes a major component

of the innate immune system. NK cells play a major role in the rejection of
tumors and cells infected by viruses. They kill cells by releasing small cytoplasmic
granules of proteins called perforin and granzyme that cause the target cell to die
by apoptosis.
Natural killer (NK) cells have been at the forefront of immunology for two
decades. During that time, a great amount of information about these cells has
been obtained. They are important in anti-infectious and antitumor defense and
shape the adaptive immune response. In addition, they can act as immuno-
regulatory cells. In recent years, the therapeutic potential of NK cells in cancer
immunotherapy has become increasingly evident.

CD-34 Cells
Despite the wide variety of functions exhibited by mature peripheral blood cells,
all are derived from a small pool (1–3%) of primitive precursor cells in the bone
marrow (BM) that bear a unique surface glycoprotein, CD34.

Isolated CD34+ cells are capable of reconstituting techniques for the enrichment of primitive
all hematopoietic lineages, both in experimental progenitor cells, thus allowing studies of
animals and in humans following intensive the hematopoietic potential of stem cells
therapy. CD34+ cells capable of reconstituting in vitro. Additionally, the use of CD34
hematopoiesis are also found at low frequency antibodies for the “positive selection” of
in peripheral blood (PB), a frequency which hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from
can be dramatically increased by combinations tumor-contaminated marrow may possibly
of chemotherapy and recombinant cytokines. represent an alternative “purging” strategy
In some cases, PB “stem cells” (PBSC) can be prior to transplantation. The availability
used to augment or even replace conventional of pure populations of the most primitive
BM autografts. The availability of CD34 hematopoietic progenitor cells will also
antibodies has greatly aided the development of facilitate study of genetic manipulation as
a practical therapeutic modality.
Ozone therapy

Transdermal Ozone, also known as hyperthermic ozone and transcutaneous ozone

therapy. Transdermal ozone is a method in which ozone is introduced into the body
via the skin while sitting in a hot steam cabinet. As the pores of the skin open as a
result of being surrounded by the warm steam, ozone enters the body transdermally
(i.e. via the skin). The ozone then penetrates the blood, lymph and fat. By allowing
ozone in and toxins out via the sweating process that is induced, transdermal ozone
therapy is one of the most powerful methods of detoxifying and oxygenating the body
in existence.

Transdermal application of ozone combined with hyperthermia in the steam cabinet

is the treatment of choice for most cancers (except brain cancer, which can be treated
with ozone insufflation in the ear at 1/32 l/m). Cancer cells are tightly packed as they
try to force their way in between other cells, and they are thus less able to shed heat.

This accounts for effect that heat stress has in killing cancer. Both heat stress and ozone
kill cancer, so this treatment offers the best opportunity to eliminate cells which are
fermenting sugar anerobically, halt metastasis and restore healthy aerobic function.

Because of its negative charge, and the positive charge of cancer cells (due to the
lack an enzyme coating) ozone is able to seek out and destroy all the cancer cells
with more certainty than the surgeon’s crude scalpel. In addition, ozone will oxidize
the toxins which caused the original problem, and thus prevent recurrence of the
problem. This is in contrast to chemotherapy which is massively immune-suppressive,
and radiation which itself causes cancer.
Angeles Functional Oncology

3 year
The Angeles Functional Oncology treatment program includes three
years of continuous contact with your Medical team at no additional
cost. Research has consistently shown that patients who experience
the best outcomes are those who are able to continue implementing
the nutritional program and therapies learned and prescribed in their
individualized treatment program.

Your after-care program will be created by your team of doctors and

nurses specifically for you and your lifestyle.

For the 36 months following your in-patient treatment program, you will
have access to the same team who cared for you during your stay at the
hospital. You are entitled to return to Hospital Angeles every 6 months
for a 2 day follow-up visit. At these follow-up visits, your doctors will
review and monitor your progress and make any modifications to your
home care therapy program as needed. You will also receive periodic
phone calls to assess your progress and provide encouragement.
A domestic flight away, the Angeles Functional Oncology Treatment Center of Tijuana is located
within easy travel distance from most major North American cities. Patient may opt to arrive at
either the Tijuana or San Diego International airport where a medical shuttle will be waiting to
immediately bring you to our state-of-the-art, gated medical complex.

The largest private
hospital network in

The Angeles Functional Oncology Treatment Center is part of the largest private hospital network
in Mexico. Our network includes 22 hospitals, 1,700 beds and more than 11,000 specialists.

As part of our program, we offer our patients and your traveling companions full, English-fluent
travel concierge services . handling everything from medical consults, appointments and records
transfer, as well as travel arrangements a comprehensive, affordable, al-inclusive medical travel
Work with the team that has served more than 6,000 medical travel patients in the past 4 years.
When it comes to international patient care, Angeles understands.
12 Operating Suites Vision Center with latest VISX LASIK
8 Intensive Care Units technology
CAT Scan Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
MRI Cafeteria
Outpatient surgical center Pharmacy
Offices of 130 specialists Heliport
Emergency room

Angeles Functional Oncology

Becoming a Angeles Health International was created

specifically to serve the needs of our

International patients, and will take care of all
of the details of your medical travel

Step 1 Information Collection

Your Case Management team will collect your personal and family
medical history including any necessary lab tests, diagnostic images, and
recent diagnoses.

Step 2 Phone consultation

Upon receiving the documents, your case management team will
schedule a phone consultation with one of our leading physicians; the
purpose of the phone consultation is to determine if you are a candidate
for any of our programs, and if so, explain the possible course of treatment
to you.

Step 3 Your case manager

Your case manager and travel coordinator will take care of your
planning and itinerary needs, and can answer any questions you may
have about Angeles Health International hospital faculties, surgeons, and
medical travel services.

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