Database Security Roadmap

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Secure The DATA Secure The DATABASe cOnfIgurATIOn Secure DATA IngreSS/egreSS
evaluate user rights (present impact) evaluate DB Backup / BcP Strategy evaluate Application Security
4What database users have access to sensitive data? 4Are backups working as planned? 4Are applications using the database secured against
evaluate DB Object grant Strategy (future impact) 4How are backups transferred and secured? OWASP Top 10 attacks?
4Are privileges granted directly to users which may evaluate Software Patch configuration 4Are database credentials stored in scripts for internal
result in unintended privileges in the future? 4Is database patched with latest security patches? “applications” that access the data?
evaluate DBA Segregation of Duties evaluate Directory Structure and Security evaluate Interface Security
4Do DBA account privileges adhere to the principle of 4Are directories containing database control files and 4Are interfaces and supporting systems/processes
least privilege? data files secured? holistically secured?
4Are data feeds validated & provable?
evaluate Data encryption evaluate Database Authentication 4Are feeds encrypted?
4Is data stored in plain text or is it encrypted? 4Can an unauthorized user gain access to the database?
evaluate reporting/BI Security
4What kind of encryption is used? evaluate Database Audit Policy 4Is direct SQL access to the databse appropriately restricted?
4Where are the keys stored and how are they secured? 4What database activities are being audited? 4Is access to business critical data monitored?
evaluate resource controls 4Are the audit logs monitored? 4How are user-generated reports stored/secured?
4Are user resource controls in place (user disk & cpu quotas)? evaluate SQlnet configuration evaluate Third Party Security
evaluate Stored Procedure/function access and visibility 4Is the SQLNET configuration password protected? 4Are security controls specified in third party agreements
4Is sensitive stored procedure code encrypted? 4Are log files set to minimum levels? for data analytics/processing?
4Is read or execute access to powerful stored procedures 4Is EXTPROC removed from the sqlnet.ora configuration file? 4Is security attestation required from third parties
protected from inappropriate users? 4Is the listener port set to something other than default 1521? handling sensitive data?
evaluate Access controls – Password Policies 4In a multi-tiered environment, are all servers blocked with
4Is a strong password policy enforced? the exception of the appropriate application and
4Are proper limits on login failures enforced? administration servers?
4Is a password expiration policy enforced?
evaluate controls required by Applicable regulations:
4e.g.,HIPAA, PCI, Sarbanes Oxley
Secure The DATABASe Server
evaluate host Security
4Is there a comprehensive approach to patch, vulnerability
and configuration management?
Secure The neTWOrk 4Is privileged access to the host appropriately limited?
4Is access to the host logged? Are the logs monitored?
evaluate network Security 4Are key configuration files protected against modification?
Secure The PhySIcAl envIrOnMenT 4Are critical connections to the database environment evaluate Segregation of Duty
evaluate Physical Security secured in transit? 4Do administrator login rights adhere to the principle of
4Are physical access controls in place to prevent 4Are the DBA workstations secure? least privilege?
unauthorized access to the data, systems, and networks evaluate environment Segregation 4Are all users using unique passwords?
the data resides on? 4Are Dev, Staging, and Prod environments fully segregated?
4Are physical/logical access controls in place for mobile devices? 4Are DBA, System Admin, and Security Admin roles segregated?
4Are secure disposal controls in place for media/systems 4Is Prod data kept out of Dev and Staging environments?
containing sensitive data?

Because data is only as secure as the systems & processes it relies on – a holistic approach to data security is essential. This roadmap is not meant to be
exhaustive but rather to stimulate the necessary thought process to put you on the path to good data security. That’s a benefit to you - and your customers!
See our 27001 (and OWASP) roadmap for a comprehensive approach to building a robust Information Security Management System.
We m a k e i t S I M P L E t o K n ow Yo u ’ r e S e c u r e a n d P r o v e Yo u ’ r e C o m p l i a n t . . . C o n t a c t u s a t 8 8 8 . P I VO T P O I N T o r i n f o @ p i v o t p o i n t s e c u r i t y. c o m

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