Rosita Ningsih

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Volume 5, Issue 7 , July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN NO :- 2456-2165


¹Indri Primadianty, ²Indar , 4 Alwi Arifin, 5Amran Razak 3
A Ummu Salmah
1, 2,4,5 3
Administrative and Policy Department Production Health department, Faculty of Public Health
Faculty of Public Health Syamsuddin,
Hasanuddin University Economic Department,Faculty of Economic and Bussiness
Makassar, Indonesia Hasanuddin University
Email : [email protected] Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract :Therapeutic communication is one of the important managers, nursing staff as providers of care services, not only
keys in providing patient services in hospitals. Nurses who have that to provide quality satisfaction to patients especially
communication skills, not only will easily establish a relationship nursing by fostering good communication relationships that
of trust with patients, also prevent illegal problems, and increase are therapeutic (Nursalam, 2014)
satisfaction in the hospital. This study aims to analyze the effect
According to (Indar, 2017) in Health Ethicolegal argues
of nurses' therapeutic communication with patient satisfaction in
the inpatient installation at Massenrempulu District Hospital that patients are the focus of nursing efforts provided by
Enrekang. The method used is this research is an observational nurses as a component of health workers. Where the nurse and
analytic with cross sectional study design. The population in this patient relationship is a mutually beneficial relationship
study were patients in the inpatient hospital of Massenrempulu (mutural relationship). As a nurse who has the right and
District Hospital. The research sample of 75 people. The obligation to carry out nursing care as optimal as possible with
technique of determining the sample is to use the accidental a bio approach, spiritual social psycho according to patient
sampling method. Analysis of the data used is chi square and needs.
multiple logistic regression. In inpatient care at the hospital nurses are required to
The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 40-
apply therapeutic communication to their patients, starting
49 years (25.3%), were female (61.3%), had elementary /
equivalent education (30.7%) and worked as farmers (36.0%). from the assessment stage to the evaluation. According to
The analysis showed that there was a statistically significant (Suhaila, 2017) the role of nurses in communicating is
relationship between the variable respect (0.002), positive something very important to foster relationships in therapeutic
attitude (0.019) and not a meaningful relationship opening up communication and can affect the quality of nursing services
(0.239) with patient satisfaction. The results of multivariate and can affect the level of patient satisfaction with health
analysis with multiple logistic regression tests showed that the services provided to patients who are being treated in
positive attitude of Exp (B) or Odds Ratio was 0.595. The most hospitals.
dominant variable influences patient satisfaction in the inpatient Several previous studies such as (Negi, 2017) about the
installation of Massenrempulu District Hospital, Enrekang
quality of nurses' therapeutic communication and overall
patient satisfaction during their stay at Uttarakhand India
Keywords—component; Therapeutic Communication, Satisfaction, hospital, on the aspect of patient confidentiality Quick
Positive Attitude, Opening Up, Respect Attention to handle polite and humble attitudes, As many
(81.8%) patients said that nurses are very helpful and
considerate, (90%) patients are satisfied with nurses'
I. INTRODUCTION information about their status and health care, patients are
Communication is very important in carrying out satisfied with nurse confidentiality. Quality of therapeutic
administrative processes and interactions between elements in communication of patient nurses has a significant positive
a group or organization. Communication is a form of delivery correlation with patient satisfaction and (Rusnoto, 2019) about
of messages between two or more people who are processed The Relationship of Nursing Services and Therapeutic
from the communicator or the messenger to the communicant Communication with Inpatient Satisfaction at RSUD dr.
or recipient of the message with a specific purpose of service. Loekmono Hadi Kudus, Nursing services, mostly stated good
The delivery of health services in hospitals is nursing services, (71%), therapeutic communication, most stated good (55.1%)
hospitals especially nursing can be determined by three parts and patient satisfaction, most expressed satisfaction
namely the type of service given to patients, management (60.9%)The application of nurses' therapeutic communication

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Volume 5, Issue 7 , July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN NO :- 2456-2165

in hospitals must be applied by having the skills of observations from respondents and the results of filling out
communication when communicating their duties as nurses in questionnaires distributed to respondents and secondary data is
order to support the key to success in providing good and data obtained through questionnaires. The questionnaire in this
targeted health services with the implementation of therapeutic study contains statements by checking one of the questions
communication. According to (Devito, 2011) in human from the choice of each answer using the Likers scale
communication that for the realization of effective therapeutic
D. Data analysis
communication, then communication must meet the
humanistic principles of openness, empathy, supportiveness, The data analysis technique used is univariate analysis, which
positive attitude (positiveness) and equality between nurses serves to provide a description of population characteristics
and patients. According to (Ermawaty, 2010) in marketing the and presentation of descriptive results through the frequency
health service industry, the therapeutic communication and distribution of the independent and dependent variables.
indicator consists of four interrelated indicators, namely Bivariate analysis was carried out to find the effect of each
attending skills, respect, empathy and responsiveness. and independent variable with the dependent variable using the
According to (Mundakir, 2016) in service communication, it is chi-square test.
stated that therapeutic communication consists of trust, self-
disclosure, empathy, confirmation and control. Based on the
results of previous studies, researchers only use one theory
regarding therapeutic communication consisting of indicators Univariate analysis consists of descriptive analysis of
of openness, positive attitude, supportive attitude, empathy respondent characteristics and descriptive analysis of research
and openness. But want to further develop the theory in this variables.
study researchers combine three theories in three variables Based on table 1 shows that of the 75 respondents based on
including opening up, a positive attitude and respect. the age of the respondents the most were in the age group of
Regional General Hospital of Massenrempulu is the only 40 - 49 years, as many as 19
hospital that has complete facilities managed by the people (25.3%) and the least number of respondents in the
Government of Enrekang Regency. Data of Massenrempulu age group of 20-29 years is as many as 12 people (16.0%). 75
Regional Hospital Profile in 2017 until 2019 shows data of respondents based on gender the most, namely female sex as
inpatient visits in 2017 as many as 6,779 patients, an increase many as 46 people (61.3%) while the least respondents with
in visits in the year 2018 were 7,381 patients and in 2019 there male gender are 29 people (38.7%). Based on 75 respondents
were a decrease of 6,176 patients. Data of inpatient visits at based on education the most are respondents with education
RSUD Massenrempulu from 2017 to 2019 shows that there Elementary school / equivalent as many as 23 people (30.7%)
was an increase in 2018 and decreased visits in 2019. In while the least respondents with junior high school /
assessing the success of the performance and function of a equivalent and tertiary education are as many as 13 people
hospital service can be seen from several things for example (17.3%), indicating that of the 75 respondents based on work
the number of patient visits increase or decrease. the most is respondents with work as farmers as much as 27
Based on the above background, the researcher aims to people (36.0%) while the least number of respondents with
analyze the effect of therapeutic communication based on the jobs as Private Employees are 3 people (4.0%). While the
dimensions of positive attitude, respect and opening up of patient satisfaction variable shows that of 75 respondents in
nurses to patient satisfaction in the inpatient general the Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu Regional
massenrempulu hospital in Enrekang district. Hospital, Enrekang Regency, 47 respondents (62.7%) stated
that they were quite satisfied and as many as 28 respondents
(37.3%) who expressed less satisfaction.
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Based on table 2 regarding the descriptive analysis of
positive attitude variables showed that of 75 respondents in the
A. Location and Research Design Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu Regional Hospital,
This research was conducted at the General Hospital in Enrekang Regency, 45 respondents (60.0%) stated that the
Massenrempulu. This type of research is a quantitative study nurses 'positive attitude was sufficient and 30 respondents
using an analytic observational design with a cross sectional (40.0%) who stated that the nurses' positive attitude was
study approach. lacking Respect variable shows that from 75 respondents in
the Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu Regional
Hospital, Enrekang Regency, 53 respondents (70.7%) stated
B. Population and Sample
that respect for nurses was sufficient and as many as 22
The population of this study is the population of all BPJS respondents (29.3%) who stated respect for nurses was
patients in the Inpatient Massenrempulu General Hospital in insufficient and the variables opened themselves out of 75
2019 based on BPJS Health data as many as 6,176. While for respondents in the Installation Inpatient Hospital of
the calculation of sample size using the stanley Lameshow Massenrempulu Enrekang Regency, as many as 44
formula, 75 respondents were sampled. respondents (58.7%) stated that nurses 'self-disclosure was
C. Methode of Collecting Data sufficient and as many as 31 respondents (41.3%) who stated
nurses' self-disclosure was lacking while the satisfaction
Procedure Data collection at the study site by interview and
variable was
questionnaire distribution. The source of research data is
primary data which is data obtained directly from interviews,

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Volume 5, Issue 7 , July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN NO :- 2456-2165

Based on the bivariate analysis shown by the table of test when dealing with nurses because therapeutic communication
results between the variables of the positive attitude of nurses is not running properly.
showed that the statistical test results obtained p value = According to research (Harumin Madani, 2018) which
0.019, because the value of p <α = 0.019 <0.05 then Ho was says that with a positive attitude nurses Being positive can be
rejected, thus indicating a statistically significant effect on the shown with a warm attitude, caring, and respect for clients.
positive attitude of nurses with patient satisfaction In the The essence of the therapeutic relationship is warmth,
Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu Regional Hospital, sincerity, empathetic understanding, and positive attitude.
Enrekang Regency, the respect variable shows that the Based on the results of the analysis showed that there is
statistical test results obtained p = 0.002, because the value of an influence of therapeutic communication based on the
p <α = 0.002 <0.05 then Ho is rejected, it can be concluded variable respect nurses on patient satisfaction of inpatient
that there is a statistically significant relationship between the general massenrempulu district hospitals in Enrekang. Patients
variable nurse respect and patient satisfaction at Inpatient who are satisfied with the services provided by nurses are
Installation of Massenrempulu District Hospital, Enrekang more caused because patients feel well received by nurses.
Regency. While the variables open themselves Statistical test The attitude of the nurse who is polite without distinguishing
results obtained p value = 0.239, because the value of p> α = the patient's status, immediately responds when the patient
0.239> 0.05 then Ho is accepted, so it can be concluded that requires service. The nurse is considerate if every day asking
there is no statistically significant relationship between nurses' about the patient's condition and being friendly so that the
self-disclosure variables with patient satisfaction at the patient feels comfortable enough to be treated in the room.
Inpatient Installation of Massenrempulu District Hospital, Conversely what makes patients less satisfied is when patients
Enrekang. want to complain about the services received during treatment
and want to consult their health problems, sometimes there are
DISCUSSION nurses less interested in listening to patient stories and want to
immediately end the conversation with patients. So it seems
The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of less patient and less understanding of the patient's condition.
therapeutic communication based on the dimensions of nurses' This is supported by (Ermawaty, 2010), Respect is the
positive attitude towards patient satisfaction in the inpatient attitude and behavior of health professionals respecting
general hospital massenrempulu Enrekang district, positive patients. Respect indicators are hospitality, respectful
attitude in communication is important for therapeutic behavior, and polite. Nurses treat patients with respect while
relationships, in therapeutic communication that is positively communicating. In addition, nurses always motivate patients
encouraging people to be our friends in interacting . when communicating about treatment. This shows that the
Communication is built if people have a positive attitude nurse's respect for the patient gets such a good response from
toward themselves, the positive attitude of the nurse can the patient.
actually be shown with a warm attitude, understanding of the While the results of the analysis showed that there was no
patient's condition and being empathetic. On the other hand, effect of therapeutic communication based on the nurses' self-
nurses' negative attitudes towards patients such as not disclosure variable on patient satisfaction in the inpatient
respecting patients, looking down on patients, talking about general hospital massenrempulu district in Enrekang.
other activities, so that there is no longer a therapeutic According to (Mundakir, 2016) nurses open themselves about
relationship between nurses and patients. experiences that are useful for client therapy, nurses must be
According to (Devito, 2011) that nurses' positive attitude in open in providing information about themselves, their self-
communicating with patients is how nurses put or carry ideals, feelings, attitudes and values.
themselves that shows the feelings of nurses with objects or Patients who are satisfied with the services provided by nurses
problems that are being discussed or communicated. So that because some nurses have been open to patients by providing
will encourage patients to more actively participate and create clear information and advice and counseling about the
communication situations conducive to interactions that are patient's health condition, nurses also provide an explanation
pleasant for patients and effective in the delivery of of each nursing action to be performed to patients. Patient
information. which states less satisfied that the patient feels the service
Based on the results of the study note that most patients provided in terms of opening the nurse is not optimal, the
perceive their feelings are satisfied with the positive attitude of nurse is not open about providing information, just controlling
nurses. The attitude of nurses who are able to position the patient's condition so that some patients feel awkward
themselves when communicating, the attitude of nurses in when dealing with nurses, the impact is the patient feels closed
question is to always say pleasant things that make the patient and limited in issuing his complaints .
calm during the treatment process. nurses 'attitudes make Viewed from the aspect of openness, this study is in
patients believe in all the actions taken by nurses, patients are accordance with the results of the study (Asdawati, 2014)
not worried about the various examination processes that are which also found that there is a relationship between the
recommended by nurses, nurses' explanations provide hope of aspect of openness to patient satisfaction in the Outpatient
healing to patients and nurses are polite to patients. Installation of Makassar City Hospital. And research
Some patients who feel unsatisfied with what is given by conducted by (Negi, 2017) shows that as much as 90% of
nurses starting from the attitude of nurses who sometimes do patients are satisfied with the openness of nurses in providing
not greet and even give wrong when entering a patient's room, precise information about the health and treatment status of
a less friendly attitude, so that patients are less comfortable

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Volume 5, Issue 7 , July – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN NO :- 2456-2165

patients in the special hospital wards of the state of patient satisfaction in the inpatient general
Uttarakhand in India. massenrempulu general hospital in Enrekang district
According to (Ermawaty, 2010) Patient satisfaction is one 2. There is an effect of therapeutic communication based
of the capital to get more loyal patients. Loyal patients will on the nurses' respect dimension to patient satisfaction in
use the same health back when they need to return. Even loyal the inpatient general massenrempulu general hospital in
patients will invite others to use the same health services. Enrekang district.
Loyal patients are a cheap "promotional tool." 3. There is no effect of therapeutic communication based
Patient satisfaction assessment shows that patients are satisfied on nurses' self-disclosure dimensions to patient
starting from the construction of the hospital looks beautiful satisfaction in the inpatient general massenrempulu
clean and comfortable, the hospital certainly provides general hospital in Enrekang district.
affordable services. This study is in line with research It is recommended that hospital institutions in this case
conducted by (Dahla, 2016) which states there is an influence policy makers can make the results of this study as an
between patient satisfaction with health services in terms of alternative or basis for consideration to improve the quality of
service facilities in the internal room of the Makassar Regional service and socialization about the importance of nurses'
Power Hospital with a value of p = 0.003 (p <0.05). therapeutic communication to patients. For nurses at the
The quality of service and technical competence have an General Hospital of Massenrempulu, Enrekang Regency to
impact on patient satisfaction marked by an increase in the better maintain and enhance therapeutic communication skills
number of visits. The results of the research can be seen that when interacting with patients. further enhance openness,
most of the respondents answered sufficiently and were respect and positive attitude for patient satisfaction.
satisfied with the statement regarding patient satisfaction.
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