MKT501 Organic Food Marketing Plan
MKT501 Organic Food Marketing Plan
MKT501 Organic Food Marketing Plan
Pynappel Ltd.
Section: 1
Date of Submission:
Organic farming has received increasing attention from decision makers, government and
industry alike, in many parts of the globe over the last two decades because of the many
perceived benefits that it offers. On the production front, it is perceived to offer some
solutions to the environmental problems that have been associated with conventional
farming practices in the industrialized countries. The number of producers converting to
organic agricultural production has increased significantly.
Company Overview
“Pynappel Ltd.” is a completely new company in Bangladesh. In its initial stages we are
introducing a new kind of Pineapple Juice which is pure, organic and healthy.
Our company Pynappel’s production zone is located at Madhupur, Tangail. Pineapple from
Madhupur is widely famous and largest source in Bangladesh for the fruit. We established the
factories with high standards and modern technology. We want to produce the best organic
pineapple juice in the market. As the environmental condition of our country is very favorable
for juice industry, it is one of the most prominent industries in Bangladesh. So, our company
“Pynappel Ltd.” is going to be popular among health-conscious generation because the
pineapple juice, is healthy and preservative free.
Product Background
Pynappel is a juice produced from pineapple, which is gives a healthy and fresh stimulation.
We are providing the juice in 500ml (140tk), 1liter (250tk) and 5liter (1050tk) bottle which
contains “Organic fresh juice” and will be available in every super shop like Shwapno, Mina
Bazar, Agora etc. and also it is available in online shop like Daraz, Chaldal, Ajkerdeal etc.
Initially It will also be available at most retail shop in major areas in Bangladesh.
To serve the people with healthy organic juice products, becoming the most preferred brand
locally and internationally, also providing a source of health and nutrition at affordable prices
by reaching the masses.
Mission Statement
To establish a brand of natural, organic and healthy juice to all kinds of people and become a
source of nourishment with original flavors throughout the seasons. The Farms uses only
natural farming methods, free from harmful fertilizers and preservatives.
Logo: Logo will be used in bottles. The logo expresses the pineapple fruit with the juice
name Pynappel which comes from Afrikaans word for pineapple.
Tag: “Fill Your Heart In Freshness” defines the core idea of our drink which provides
natural nourishment to body and taste of freshness.
Color: The color conveys the Yellowish color of pineapple and Green represents the leaves.
-The best strategy is word of mouth advertising. When people are happy with their shares,
they tell friends.
- Pynappel’s Facebook, Instagram page and website will provide additional marketing
information. We will regularly share health beneficial tips and interact with our community.
-We will also host campaigns in Super Shops to engage its members and local community.
Customer Value
Marketing isn’t just about generating sales in the short term, it’s about creating a strong
brand and value proposition that ensures customer loyalty, referrals and long-term
success. Value = Benefits-Efforts-Risks-Price
Value Propositions are the demanding feature that distinguishes you from your competitors
in the market. Value propositions are the sole reasons for customers to buy from you instead
of similar products available in the market. For a business to have a customer value
proposition, an organization should have a clear understanding of three important building
Points-of-Parity (POP)- It defines the factors of the product or services that are not unique
to similar product or services. Every juice company target is approximately the same, also
follows similar pricing and marketing strategy.
Points-of-Differences (POD)- We are differentiated by the fact that our product is all
natural and artificial ingredients free juice. Ceres, Fontana, Pran Drinko, Masafi pineapple
juice are the competitors. Nowadays, People are drinking less, but are willing to pay more for
the health benefits associated with organic juices. Pynappel is 100% organic which is fresh
and healthier than others.
Points-of-Resonance (POR)- Pynappel; the name itself expresses pineapple. It will be easy
to remember each time customers goes to buy pineapple juice. We will offer our customers a
combined product and service that they perceive to be superior to that offered by the
competition. It really is often a case of ‘the little things make the biggest difference’ and we
will make sure customers feel cared about and truly valued.