Ashu Crimi
Ashu Crimi
Ashu Crimi
The differential treatment by law enforcement agencies to the detriment of minority groups
and to the poor is almost universal but it is most marked in the urban centers administrative
process is more favorable to the rich than to the poor poverty stricken homes cannot inspire
socially acceptable behavior especially when children from such homes come in contact with
poor frustrated individuals living in the same neighborhood who resent any display of
wealth / comfort on the part of rich people. It is submitted that poverty alone does not force a
person to commit a crime, but it does produce the conditions most conducive to crime both
socially and personally. It is ambition and envy rather than hunger / cold that stimulates
many petty crimes. It is not lack of clothing but lack of expensive clothing. COMMUNITY
INFLUENCE As we are in the era of globalization there are different sources to influence a
community such as school, church, pictures, tv, radio, press and other character building
agencies. Press: Generally, it is meant that the press is a source of publicity as well as to
awaken the people to the relevance, constancy and importance of crime the constant
repetition of crime stories by the press affects the reader in two ways; it may affect some
person to commit similar crime, or it may create an indifference to law and order through the
constant exaggeration of the details of the crime The press should instead of propagating
criticism, enlist the services of a correctional experts to run a column in their newspaper
orienting the public on the whole process of criminal and correctional procedure. Radio &
T.V. Now a day, tv. is available in each and every house as a source of entertainment
consisting of both visible and audible facility. It is difficult to gather proof of a direct causal
relationship between the viewing of acts of crime and the actual acts performed. Motion
pictures: As we know children are catchy in nature, motion pictures / movies have its great
influence on children. Pictures dealing with crime occasionally show that it is easy to live
without working legitimately that crime is exciting that there are methods to enjoy life
luxuriously. Movies are only a part of the conditioning process and are regarded as one of
the factors in personality development and thus behavior of a person. The comics: The comic
books are obviously misnamed with few exceptions. They are definitely not humorous.
Children and adolescents are very fond of comics. Children indulge in bad
language. They react to violent and socially stimulating 'picture language of the comics.
Child is exposed to conflict. All these things present in a variety of temptation to modern
youth that were relatively non-existent in the earlier days INFLUENCE OF HOME as homes
are considered to be the place of nurturing oneself as well as ones nourishment and known as
primary place for a baby. Lack of parental control and absence of parental insight provide
the basis for the criminal behavior of their children. Poor housing is related to crime but
thousands of parents living in sub - standard homes manage to make their children to be
useful citizen. Confused homes are not healthy places for children. It is the primary task of
home to fulfill its young shelter and nourishment to infants, enable the child to be healthy,
virility, to educate and meet them proper codes of behavior, love, fear and anger. Broken
homes whether psychologically / physically provide a congenial soil for criminality to
develop. Where there is constant bickering, little respect for the rights of each individual and
where the child is ridiculed, the criminality has favorable climate to develop there are two
types of broken homes: first, where parents are missing, making home life a typical in
carrying on its responsibility towards every member and second psychologically broken
homes, where cross purpose are more conspicuous than harmony and contribute more to
delinquency. The conclusions which are extracted from the study are as follows: (1) The
central causal factor behind most child neglect and delinquency lies in family
disorganization. (2) Disorganization causes emotional instability in the parent: (3) A
disorganized family life sets in motion process harmful to children who may react to them by
becoming delinquent / by developing symptoms that lead to breakdown later on. (4) From
disorganized family comes some other serious and costly social breakdown, such as mental
disease, mental deficiency, crime etc.
EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES The abnormalities are caused by both physical and
psychological disturbances. The abnormal types of behavior are caused by disease,
poisonous products, aging, and other abnormalities from the psychological point of view,
mental abnormalities are a marked inability to face reality with resulting mental conflicts.
These may have created due to insecurity, frustration in childhood, harsh living condition,
professional failure and other unfortunate experience. There are few individuals who have
complete satisfactory set of experiences from the childhood onwards, or find life entirely to
their liking in adulthood and all other similar situations. The problems of childhood are the
main cause of emotional maladjustment. The majority of children make necessary
adjustments to the social environment. The dominating factors are the parents who accept the
child and make them feel that it belongs to him August Aichorns pointed out that it is
important to know what child is thinking so as to divert his overt anti - social act into
corrective channels rather than to repress them. From the very childhood the human nature
is aggressive and assertive. When a baby wants something and is denied, he protests by his
cry until he gets the things wanted. Normally some of the desires are fulfilled and some are
denied society obstructs to many of spontaneous expressions of the human nature Children
often fail to do what is expected expected of them. The punishment and reward must bear a
relation to the behavior of the child. Only then it would give efficient results. The parents
must recognize and understand the roles they must play in dealing with their offspring,
especially in a family where there are more than one children because in such recognition the
child must be taught a lesson of life and a sense of responsibility by affectionate behavior the
parents, because it is mostly the insecure and frustrated child that is spoiled. The parents
must set flexible limits as guides in helping their children to make choice of behavior The
mothers can play a very effective role in the maturation process of the child. Thus, it is clear
that emotional disorganization is far more important as a factor in crime causations
MULTIPLE CAUSATION as we know crime is the result of many causes which can be
detected by means of careful study. Crime is assignable to no single source, it usually comes
from multiple influences. No single cause can explain all crime patterns. It may be due to
conflict / disorganization, either cultural / emotional
According to Enrico ferri, the factors of crime can be divided into individual, physical and
social. As per individual factor, it consists of age, sex, civil status, profession domicile,
social rank, instruction, education, and the physic construction etc. The physical factors are
as: race, climate, season, the fertility and decomposition of soil temperature, the relative
length of day and night e.t.c. The social factors are as: emigration, density of population,
public opinion, customs religion, public order, economic and industrial conditions,
agriculture, public administration, public instruction, public beneficence as well as legislation
crime must be recognized clearly as not being an unitary phenomena but as consisting of
many kinds of behavior occurring under different situations. A joint and co-oriented
approach by different experts is desirable. Furthermore, some integration of theory and
practice is definitely needed. If we desire to hold the problem of crime in our society,
understanding and tolerance must be nurtured and developed. What is more needed is the
implementation of the principles through social actions CONCLUSION from the above
discussion, I conclude that crime is the violation of law which is injurious to the society and
affects the society at large. It is very different from that of civil wrong. The different causes
of crime and different factors responsible for crime are enlisted in the project work. The
views of different jurist and the different theories propounded on behalf of crime are also
embedded in this project. So, it is clear that where there is existence of society, there will be
crime and to get rid of crime, there will be abolishment of society. At the last but not at the
least, it can say that the society can avoid crime but cannot prevent it