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Ggee M Muullttiilliinn Tteessttiinngg Sseerrvviicceess
Ggee M Muullttiilliinn Tteessttiinngg Sseerrvviicceess
Testing Services
Real-Time Digital
GE Multilin
Testing Services
RTDS Benefits:
GE Multilin
Real-Time Digital Simulation Testing
Testing Services
RTDS Technical Capabilities On-Hand Application Experts
I Database of simulation models Applications engineers are available to offer their
G Generators knowledge and experience in protective relaying and
communications architecture. Their in-depth under-
standing of technology can help you to create an effec-
G Multi-Conductor Transmission Lines tive, reliable and economical solution for your particular
G Measurement Transducers (CT, CVT) application.
G AC Machines (Synchronous and Induction) I Application review including specific product
G Series Capacitors recommendations
G Circuit Breakers I Analysis of power system or network requirements
G Fault Switches I Configuration or modification of existing protection
G MOV protected Series Compensation and control schemes
G 6-pulse HVDC Valve Group I Design protection scheme according to customer
G Faulted line model requirements
G Source of impedance I Design and testing of telecommunications networks
Passive Branches (1, 2, dual element)
I Analysis of data files, test results and report
G Logic Signals
I Test Types Available For Your Next Testing Project
G Open Loop (Playback) GE Multilin 215 Anderson Ave.
G Closed Loop (Real-Time Feedback) Markham, Ontario, Canada L6E 1B3
G Automatic Batch Tests
G Record/replay facility Tel: (905) 294-6222
G Script file facility Email: [email protected]
G Pre-processor components Web:
GE Multilin
Testing Services
GE Multilin
215 Anderson Ave.
Markham, Ontario
Canada L6E 1B3
Tel: (905) 294-6222
Fax: (905) 201-2098
Email: [email protected]
e GE Multilin
Power Management
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