Data Center Architecture Overview: July 2019
Data Center Architecture Overview: July 2019
Data Center Architecture Overview: July 2019
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All content following this page was uploaded by Md. Abdur Rashid on 10 July 2019.
VOLUME 28, 2019
Now is the era of cloud computing where internet based data are handled lrom remote places. Data is being
entered. stored. processed, deposited and backed up all at tl.rc central servers locatcd in specilic buildings. Data
center is a place where all these servers are gathered in compliance with art of technology. We have some
limitations regarcling knolvledge about the architectures oldata center. This article reveals some ideas about data
center architectures and its components. Specially. this paper grves emphasis on explaining data center tier levels
ancl its applications.
Information is power. Everyday information of any organization is increasing day by day.
World is becoming paperless. So cloud based data processing is going to be more popular.
But there are some questions on how the data centers. that we are imagining will be shaped.
What elements and standards of data centers will have to be maintained to attain future
data demand? It's worth mulling over on how we will be able to cope up with ongoing
technological changes and increasing scalability. Data center classification and its
standards, choosing tier levels u,iil help to make sustainable data center. This article will
help us to iearn about the definition of data center. its classification, standards, modularity.
fire system. network design. security, energy used and environmental (lTWatchDogs 2011)
issues.This article discusses some of the basic but key considerations lor planning and
designing data canters, which are dependent on the organization's business needs, tolerance
for failures trnd availability of budget. Lessons learned from this articie wiil be heipful for
researcher, academician, student and organizations dedicated to data center improvement.
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Development Revielv
Volume 28. 2019
boom of microcomputer in 1980s, users tried to set at anywhere wjth little space and no care
about operating environment. With the advancement of Information Technology (IT)
operations more! user became more concern to maintain IT resources. UNIX operating
system became in 1970 after that free Linux operating system came in 1990. Bir using these
types UNIX and Linux computable PC operating system bought the term "Server". The
timesharing operating system rely on the client server model to laciiitate sharing unique
resources among multiple users. Inexpensive networking items couple with new standards
to put lT equipment's in a hierarchical design that prit the servers iu a specific room inside
the company. The use of the term "data center", as applied to speciaily designed computer
rooms, started to gain popular recognition about this time. It is noted in a article titled
History olData Centre Deveiopmelrt (Rihards Balodis) that the term data center itself has
been used since the 1990s.
Data center energy expert Jonathan Koomey identified four types of data centers
(https ://
To evaluate the quality and reliability. data center standard (https://www.colocationam are measured. This standard also indicates the hosting ability of a data center.
The Uptime Institute ( is the IT industry's most trusted and
adopted global standard for the proper design, build and operation of data centers the
backbone of the digital economy. Uptime Institute tier standards provide a data center
classtfication also shown in following figure.
Data centers are classified in according to uptime are as follows :
Requirements Applications
a Single non-redundant distribution path serving the lT . Utilized by small
equipment businesses
a N orrredundant capacity components
a Basic site inlrastructure with expected availability of
a Annual downtime 28.8 hours due to site
2 a Meets or exceeds all Tier 1 requirements . Utilized by medium
a Redundant site infrastructure capacity components businesses
with expected availability of 99 .l4loA
a 99.749% Uptime
a Partial redundancy in power and cooling
a Annual downtime 22 hours due to site
J Meets or exceeds ali Tier 2 requirements Utilized by larger
Multipie independent distribution paths serving the businesses
IT equipment
All IT equipment must be dual-powered and fully
compatible with the topoiogy of a site's architecture
Concurrently maintainable site infrastructure with
expected availability of 99.982a/o
a No more than 1.6 hours of downtime per year
a N+1 fault tolerant providing at least 72how
power outage protection
Annual downtime 1.6 hours due to site
4 Meets or exceeds all Tier 3 requirements Utilized by
A11 cooling equipment is independently dual-powered, Enterprise
including chillers and heating, ventilating corporations
and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
Fauhtolerant site infrastructure with electrical power
storage and distribution lacilities wirh expected'
availability of 99.99 5%,
2N+ I fully redundant infrastructure (the main
difference between tier 3 and tier 4 data centers)
96 hour power outage protection
Annual downtime 04 hours due to site
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Development Revielv
Volurne 2[J. 2019
above table that Tier 4 design requires double the inlrastructure of a Tier
It is r-roted lrom
IIi design. Also noted that both Tier III and Tier 4 data eenter specifications require IT
ecluipment to have dual power inputs. Following llgure 1 shows a typical tier 4 data ceflter.
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iJlilifit' Pslv8r tltllifu'Fo*rat
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2N Fully Redundonl 6&ls &
b. Site selection
Forecasting next few years, data center location will be chosen. Some commonly identified
aspects (Yee Keen Seng) are proximity to available power grids, telecommunications
infrastructure, networking services, transportation lines and emergency services. These
aspects will help to operate data center smoothly.
c. Modularity andflexibility
Modularity (Ajay Ahuja 2015) and flexibility (Ajay Ahuja 2015) are key elements in
allowing for a data center to grow and change over time. Data center modules are
pre-engineered, standardized building blocks that can be easily configured and moved as
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Data Center Architecture OVerview
d. Environmental control
Air conditioning is used
The physical environment of a data center is rigorously controlled.
to control the temperature and humidity in the data center. Environmental factors
(ITWatchDogs 2011) like heat, hurnidity. airflow, smoke, and electricity can be equally
devastating to server room equipment's.
e. Electrical power
If national grid fails then a bank of batteries in a large data center, used to provide power
until diesel generators can stzrrt. Double feeder line can be established lrom near substation
to ensure uninterrupted power supply (Jochim 2017). Typical electrical power supply
system is shown following figure.
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f. Fire protection
The primary objective is to protect human capital, data center resources and uninterrupted
IT services lrom any instant fire hazard. Detection, alarming, evacuation and extinguishing
(Siemens 2015) are the major concern in data center f,rre protects aspects. Two types of
measures are next page:
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Development Review
lx. 2{)lq
/ 'Active measure
o Organizational measures and staff-related measures
o Structural and mechanical measures
o Technical measures
o Detection measures
o Alarm and evacuation measures
o Interventionmeasures
/ Passive (structural)measure
o Fire compartmentalizalron of a building.
o IJse of materials to prevent building collapse.
o Fire-resistant construction elements to limit spread.
o Provision offire-resistant escape routes/exits/staircases/elevators.
o Selection of materials to reduce fire load.
o Selection of materials to prevent toxic vapors.
Besides there is fire codes and standards (Hirnanshu 2014) lhal can be:
" 'NFPA 75: Standard for the Protection of Information Technology Equipment'
g. Security
Physical security also plays a large role with data centers. Physical access to the site is
usually restricted to selected personnel. Electronic access control and temporary visiting
card can be the solution tools to enter data center. Body checkup must be done before
entering data center. 24x7 days security must be ensured by professional security company.
Al1 security activities must be supervised by central administration.
h. Energy fficiency
There is data center energy efficiency metric. This energy efficiency metric (Himanshu 2014).
is defined by a formula PUE = Total Facility Power/Total Equipment Power. Where,
PUE= Power Use Elfectiveness.
A PUE value (David Cole 2011) of I would represent the optimal data center efficiency. In
practical, a PUE value of I means that all power going into the data center is being used to
power IT equipment. Anything above a value of 1 means there is data center overhead
required to support the IT load.
DCN offers many features to help organize cloud computing for the following reasons (Bin
Wanga 2015):
o 'DCN permits the connection of thousands of data center servers in an efficient way, so
that cioud computing could simply expand its service by following the DCN topology.
o DCN offers traffic reliability and efficiency to massive machine-to-machine
communications in which activities from cloud computing emerge as the workloads
distributed on data center servers.
o DCN supports various virtualization techniques that help DCN to create Virtual
Machine (VM), virtual network, and virtual function. DCN should possess the
scalability to provide isolation and migration to massive numbers of virtual instances.'
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Data centerArchitecture overview
. i:"i.
' Efficient but more complex: PUE across the industry has improved, signaling an
improvement in data center efficiency. Today, operators are grappling with new
challenges, including the business case and cost ofhybrid IT approaches.
' Edge computing is coming: Operators are expecting to deploy significant new edge
computing capacity, which will add a layer of operational and management complexity.
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Dovelopment Review'
Vohrme 28. 2019
. Rack density issues are growing: The highest rack densities reported at enterprise
and service provider data centers suggests that many operators face cooling challenges'
. DCIM is now mainstream: A small majority of data centers now have some type of
DCIM, and typically their impiementation has been successful (contrary to widespread
industry reports).
. Many data centers are unprepared for. or their managers are not expecting to be
affected, by climate change: Despite being vulnerable to increased temperatures, water
shortages, and extreme and sometimes disastrous weather events, most data center
operatJrs have determined that they either won't be impacted or are ignoring the problem.
. Data center skill shortages will intensify: ln this aging and overwhelming male
sector. most operato.r ur. rtrrggling with staffing issues. Yet most do not believe a lack
ofdiversity in their ranks is an issue to be concerned about.
Though data center investment is high at initial period but actually it is not so costly for
long ierm perspective. A data centeis has its huge impact in economic development and
orginizationai efficiency improvement. Given the large investments in data centers.
orlanizations should plin their data centers properly consider their available budget and
toGrrrr., for failures incl disruptions. The organization must anticipate its immediate and
long-term business needs and aiign them with its IT strategy. Data center Tier 4 level lnust
be Jhosen as standard when trying to establish sustainable and scalable data center. Policy
makers can look lorward to establish tier 5 Data Center in Bangladesh in futurc.
Ajay Ahuja (2015). State Data Center: Top Ten Design Parameters, Towards Next
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Beth Whitehead, Deborah Andrews, Amip Shah & Graeme Maidment (2014).'Assessing
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Building and Environment 82 (2014) 151el59. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.08.021
Bin Wanga, Zhengwei . Ruhui Maa, Haibing Guana, Athanasios & Vasilakos (2015). A
survey oi dutu cJnter networking for cloud computing, Computer Networks 91 (2015)
528 541, Page 1.
David Cole (2011). Data Center Energy Efficiency - Looking Beyond PUE, No Limits
Software White Paper #4,Page 3.
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data center neiwork using free-space optics', Resesrch Foundution of State Universiqt of
It{ew York. US 1 4934863.
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https ://
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Data Center Architecture Overviel,
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Uptime Institute (2018). "Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey Report". https://da 811112018-data-center-industry-survey.pdf, Acessed
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