Personal Development Plan Appendix
Personal Development Plan Appendix
Personal Development Plan Appendix
What do I want to What steps will I How will I recognise How will I measure my What is your
be able to do or do take/what will I do success? What learning how will I timeframe for
better? to achieve my improvements/change evaluate my success? achieving this
learning objectives? s will I look for? objective or goal?
Emotional regulations Spend 10 minutes at the Paying more attention to By regulating my emotions, it In the next group
end of the day for self- the way I behave and react will be harder to get me discussion, if it gets
reflection. in different situations in worked up and I will be heated, I will try to react
Bullet journaling to daily life. calmer and more logical calmly.
break down and analyse when responding to difficult
the emotional event. situations such as conflicts.
Self-discipline (avoid Prioritisation. The ability to get more Have more down time for Submit this assignment
procrastination) Split the task into tasks done in a day have musical instruments. at least 2 days before it is
smaller subtasks to more time to dedicate to Notice better sleep quality at due.
avoid feeling doing house chores and night from being less
overwhelmed. cultivating hobbies. stressed.
Resilience & persistency Set several long terms View failures as a learning Reduce in stress level, better Continue applying for
goals and understand experience and associate it mental health. more summer
that it requires with positive/neutral internships until I receive
commitment. emotions. an offer.
Practice positive Analyse the ‘failure’ and
thinking through what I can learn from it.
Practice journaling with
words of affirmation.
Communication Watch video and Building better relationship Increase productivity in In my current COM2013
observe techniques with colleagues. Everyone group work when everyone group project, I’ve taken
people used on how to in the team participates shares a common purpose the initiative to set up
communicate actively in the discussion. and understands their the group chat on
effectively. responsibility. messenger to facilitate
Practice journaling as Reduce in stress level. easy communications.
this will help with There is regular group
formulating clearer meeting every week to
thoughts. make sure everyone is on
the same page.