TTU-000-SP-13A0-001 Rev. 3A Specification For Painting
TTU-000-SP-13A0-001 Rev. 3A Specification For Painting
TTU-000-SP-13A0-001 Rev. 3A Specification For Painting
22 Des 2020
1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Scope ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Definition ............................................................................................................ 5
2. TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1. Substrate ............................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Temperature for Selection of Painting System ......................................................... 5
2.3. At Shop .............................................................................................................. 6
2.4. At Field Shop ....................................................................................................... 6
2.5. At Field ............................................................................................................... 6
2.6. Low-alloy steel .................................................................................................... 6
2.7. Equipment .......................................................................................................... 6
2.8. Paint .................................................................................................................. 7
2.9. Painting system ................................................................................................... 7
2.10. DFT .................................................................................................................... 7
2.11. PMF’s ................................................................................................................. 7
2.12. Substrate environmental classifications for painting systems are as follows:................ 7
2.12.1 Normal Plant Environment: ............................................................................... 7
2.12.2 Typical Marine Environment: ............................................................................. 7
2.12.3 Splash Zone: ................................................................................................... 7
2.13. Subcontractor ...................................................................................................... 7
2.14. Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) ......................................................................... 7
2.15. Air Gap ............................................................................................................... 8
2.16. Wave Height ....................................................................................................... 8
2.17. Bottom height of Above Splash Zone ...................................................................... 8
3. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 8
4. EXTENT OF PAINTING ............................................................................................ 9
5. SPLIT OF PAINTING WORKS ................................................................................ 10
6. PAINTING SYSTEMS ............................................................................................. 10
7. COLOR OF TOP COAT .......................................................................................... 11
8. IDENTIFICATION SCHEMES ................................................................................. 11
9. PAINTS ................................................................................................................... 11
10. SAFETY .................................................................................................................. 14
10.1. Pre-Start Meeting at Site..................................................................................... 15
10.2. PMF’s Support at Side......................................................................................... 15
11. PAINTING QUALIFICATION TRIALS ..................................................................... 16
12. SURFACE PREPARATION .................................................................................... 16
13. PAINT APPLICATION............................................................................................. 19
1.1. Scope
This specification covers the minimum requirement for the design, material,
application, inspection and certification of painting for Pembangunan Terminal LPG
Refrigerated Jawa Timur (Lingkup Pekerjaan Site Development, Pagar dan LPG
Storage Tank).
This specification governs painting the surfaces of carbon steel, low alloy steel, high
alloy steel, non ferrous metals and non metallic materials that will be exposed to
outdoor atmospheric conditions.
1.2. Definition
Company : PT. PERTAMINA ( Persero ), Direktorat Logistik, Supply Chain &
Contractor : A design and/or Construction Contractor acting on behalf of
Company, Contractor may also be Purchaser.
Purchaser : Company or Contractor designated and authorized by Company to
purchase equipment/ goods on its behalf.
Vendor : A supplier (manufacturer or distributor) of equipment/ goods
purchased by Purchaser
Manufacturer : A party who manufactures equipment/ goods
The following terms as used in this specification have the meanings assigned to them
2.1. Substrate
Substrate means the surface to be painted.
2.2.1. If the substrate is at the temperature of internal fluid during operation, the
temperature for selection of painting system shall be the range between the
maximum operating temperature and the minimum operating temperature of
the internal fluid.
2.2.2. If the substrate is at ambient temperature, the temperature for selection of
painting system shall be the range between maximum ambient temperature
and minimum ambient temperature as specified below:
Maximum ambient temperature : 40 °C
Minimum ambient temperature : 26 °C
2.2.3. High temperature conditions, such as steaming during operation or
maintenance, shall be considered to decide the temperature for selection of
painting system.
For heat traced substrates, such as steam traced lines and electrically traced
lines, the temperature for selection of painting system shall be the internal fluid
maximum operation temperature of main pipe.
2.3. At Shop
“At Shop” means the painting workshop at the equipment, electrical equipment,
instrument and structural steel manufacturer facilities.
2.5. At Field
“At Field” means the painting work at the field jobsite
2.7. Equipment
Equipment means are refigerated tanks and spherical tanks.
2.10. DFT
“DFT” is an abbreviation of “dry film thickness” which means the thickness of the dried
or cured paint film.
2.11. PMF’s
“PMF’s” is an abbreviation of “paint manufacturer’s”.
2.13. Subcontractor
Subcontractor is the party, which performs the work in behalf of (CONTRACTOR).
The requirements contained in the latest editions of the following standards shall form
a part of this specification, in the manner and to the extent indicated herein:
3.1. SSPC- Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 1, Good Painting Practice:
Chapter 2.0 to 2.9.
3.2. SSPC- Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 2, Systems and Specifications:
Chapter 2, 4 (SSPC-PA COM) and 5 (SSPC-PA Guide 3).
3.3. ISO 8501-1 : Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Part l: Rust grades and
preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall
removal of previous coatings.
3.4. ISO 8503-2 : Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates – Part
2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel –
Comparator procedure.
3.5. ISO 8504-2 : Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
3.6. ISO 8504-3 : Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products Surface preparation methods – Part 3: Hand- and power-tool cleaning.
3.9. ASTM A 123: Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron
and Steel Products.
3.10. ASTM A 153: Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel
3.11. British Standard Code of Practice for Marine Structure – Part 1 – 6 BS 6349: British
Standards Institution.
Painting systems shall be specified according to APPENDIX 1, which is a combination
of selected painting system, final coat color and painting system.
The color on the top coat shall comply with APPENDIX 1, unless otherwise specified
(for example, by local regulations). The color shall be according to the Munsell Book of
Color. If this is not possible (for local reasons), RAL alternatives may be chosen per
In principle, all lettering, numbering and other identification schemes shall comply with
The paints for the painting systems shown in APPENDIX 1 shall be selected from
market products which is also suitable for typical marine environment with proven track
record, such as the following:
Subcontractor shall submit individual product data sheets of each paint material
including proven track records for typical marine environment.
In principle, paints for the primers, intermediate coats and topcoats of any systems
that are to be painted at the same place shall be selected from a single paint
manufacturer. If each paint coat is applied at a different painting workplace (i.e.
primer-shop, top coat-field), the paint used shall be compatible with previous and
successive coatings.
Material Safety Data Sheets shall be obtained for all painting materials prior to use.
Material Safety Data Sheet shall be available in shop, field shop and field application
locations. Painting work shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable local
laws, regulations and the following:
• Open flames, smoking, exposed heating elements, and sources of ignition of any
kind shall be eliminated in areas where paints are handled.
• To prevent workers being poisoned by organic solvent during the work, sufficient
12.1. The surface preparation grade and surface roughness for each painting system shall
be according to APPENDIX 1.
12.2. Surface preparation grades shall comply with either of the standards in the following
corresponding table:
SSPC Vol.2 Chapter 2 ISO 8501-1
SP1 Solvent Cleaning -----
SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning St2 Thorough hand and power tool
SP3 Power Tool Cleaning St3 Very thorough hand and power tool
SP6 Commercial Blast Cleaning Sa2 Thorough blast-cleaning
SP7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning Sal Light blast-cleaning
SP8 Pickling -----
SP10 Near-White Metal Blast Sa 2- Very thorough blast-cleaning
Cleaning 1/2
SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare -----
The details of the surface roughness measurement method shall comply with ISO
12.3. Any oil, grease, water, and dirt shall be removed by proven method prior to surface
preparation. Substrate shall be cleaned by proven method if it has been severely
contaminated with chlorides due to it being immersed in or splashed by seawater
during transportation and storage.
12.4. Surface preparation shall not be carried out in the following situations:
• When the substrate temperature is less than 3 °C above the dew point or relative
air humidity at workplace is greater than 85%.
• When the blasted surface may become wet before the first coat of primer.
• All edges, corners, notches, welded parts, joints of plates, bolts and nuts, shall be
very carefully cleaned. These special areas shall be painted prior to general
application with the use of brush to ensure adequate painting DFT is achieved.
12.6. Aluminum oxide, garnet, steel grit, steel shot, copper slag or silica sand shall be used
for blasting carbon steel and low alloy steel. Aluminum oxide or other abrasives (free
from any chloride of iron/steel contamination) shall be used for blasting stainless
12.7. The first primer shall be applied within four (4) hours after acceptance inspection of
surface preparation (before rust bloom occurs). Within the four (4) hour period, the
ambient temperature shall not exceed the limit specified in the PMF's instructions and
the relative humidity shall not exceed 85%.
12.8. Where it is impractical or difficult to use the specified method of surface preparation,
another method of surface preparation may be used if it achieves similar surface
cleanliness and surface roughness. For example, if SSPC grade "SP 10" is specified,
SSPC grade "SP 11" may be used occasionally for field-assembled facilities, and if
SSPC grade "SP 3" is specified, SSPC grade "SP 2" may be used for a limited small
area or narrow section of substrate.
12.9. Salt test shall be carried in accordance with PMF's recommendation. Acceptance
criteria shall be as per PMF's acceptable value.
12.11. Nozzle for blasting shall have a maximum orifice size of 9 mm and shall be of venturi
design. Worn nozzles shall be replaced.
12.12. "Deadman handles" shall be fixed to the blast line as close as practicable to the blast
13.1. General
General requirements and precautions for paint application shall be as follows:
13.1.1. All paint applications shall be recorded in accordance with the inspection
requirements of this specification (APPENDIX 4).
13.1.2. In principle, painting shall be carried out after the related installation work for
equipment, piping and structural steels is complete, except for those
surfaces, which cannot be painted after installation (e.g. the contact surfaces
of pipe and pipe supports, structural beams and checkered plates, bolt
connected surfaces, etc.).
All welding joints can be primed with Inorganic Zinc HB, Epoxy, Surface
Tolerant Epoxy and Silicone prior to hydro testing as per ASME B31.3.
For tanks, painting shall be applied after hydro test unless otherwise
Where it is impractical or difficult to completely painting a substrate due
to construction restraints, at least primer shall be applied to the substrate.
13.1.3. Shop-applied primer surfaces shall be cleaned by proven method if they
have been severely contaminated with chlorides, such as due to being
immersed in or splashed by seawater during transportation and storage.
13.1.4. Equipment nameplates, couplings, drive shafts, other mechanically finished
surfaces (valve stems, bearings, etc.), vent openings, designation markings,
the interior of equipment and inner surfaces shall be completely protected
against paint splatter from adjacent equipment or materials. Any paint
splashes, streaks, etc. shall be completely removed immediately.
13.1.5. To prevent zinc embrittlement cracking, paint containing a zinc pigment shall
not be applied to stainless steel and high alloy steel surfaces. Any such
contamination shall be completely removed immediately.
13.1.6. Over-sprayed and dry-sprayed inorganic zinc paint shall be removed with a
stiff wire brush, etc. (Large areas may require blast cleaning to completely
remove the inorganic zinc paint).
13.1.7. It is mandatory requirement for sharp edges, corners, convexities, bolts and
nuts to be applied first with a patch or strips of paint by brush to the substrate
to ensure all paint films are of uniform thickness.
13.1.8. Storage tanks, piping and structural steels that are shop or field shop painted
shall not have paint applied within 25 mm of the butt welded edges with the
following exception:
For storage tanks “Temporary rust preventive weld able paint” shall be
applied up to the butt welded edges, but shall be removed just prior to
welding if required by the relevant welding procedure specification.
When the painting work is finished, all paint cans, rags, blasting abrasive and painting
equipment shall be removed from the work site, in accordance with the Waste
Management Plan.
14.1. The defective painted surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and repainted in
accordance with APPENDIX 1. If the primer paint film has been damaged, all paint
films shall be removed from the affected area and the surface cleaned and repainted
as per APPENDIX 1.
14.2. Each layer of paint shall be dried for the period of time specified by the paint
manufacturer before the next layer is applied. Paint shall not be force-dried under
conditions that will cause wrinkling, blistering, the formation of pores, or be
detrimental to its condition or appearance.
14.3. Where paint overlaps (i.e. around damaged areas) that location shall be sanded
smooth and repainted Repair (touch-up) of damaged and field weld portion for
galvanized steel, which does not require painting, shall be SP-11 and painting with
organic zinc primer in accordance with APPENDIX 1.
15.3. Painted surfaces that are to be hoisted with a sling, chains, belt, etc. shall be covered
by a rubber sheet, plastic sheet, or similarly effective protection.
15.4. The painted article shall be properly supported to avoid it sagging and cracking or
wrinkling the paint film.
15.5. The painted article shall not be exposed to temperature exceeding the design
temperature for painting.
15.6. The painted article shall not be laid directly on the ground.
The inspection items, methods, extent, frequency, acceptance criteria and inspection
record form shall comply with APPENDIX 4.
Hot dip galvanizing work for steel structures and piping shall comply with ASTM A 123:
Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel
Products or ASTM A 153 : Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron
and Steel Hardware. In principle, hot dip galvanized steel surfaces shall not be painted,
except for fire fighting piping (Red: 7.5R 4/13), required color identification or hot dip
galvanized steel surfaces at Typical Marine Environment.
For instrument / electrical items (e.g. pipe support materials, tray and ducts, air ducts,
etc.) and grating do not require paint even in marine environment as set forth in
APPENDIX 1 Note -15.
1) Fireproofing application shall be abled to withstand Pool Fire for duration 2 hours.
3) The Intumescent Passive Fire Proofing (PFP) system shall consist of the material
listed nbelow table:
3) Applied fire protection shall be protected against inclement wather during curing
of the materials.
1) The finish surfaces are to conform to the test sample and manufacturer’s
application guide. Pinholes, bird nesting and or exposed mesh reinformcement
are not acceptable under any circumstances.
1. =====Deleted======
2. Refrigerated and Spherical Tank
2.1.1 RefrigratedTanks
At SP 10
50 or PMF' s
Primer or 1 75
- - - - - -
- 45 < T < Shop recommendation
Un- Shell Zinc Rich Light
120 L11 -FF Epoxy 225
insulated and Gray
(Note-18) Roof (Note- 12
Touch-up Coat 1 or
Carbon --- Up to High 100 Polyureth 50
At 75 solids, ane
Steel and more 1 or
Normal Field
Low Alloy SP 3 high-build, more
Plant polyamide
Epoxy - - - - -
At SP 10
50 or PMF' s
Primer or 1 75
Bottom recommendation 75
Shop Zinc Rich
(underneath) Epoxy
(Note- 12)
At Repair (Touch-up) and painting are not required.
2.1.2 Spherical Tanks
Carbon Un- Spherical - 45 < T < 12 Normal L11 -FF At SP 10 Epoxy 1 75 - - - - - - 75 Light
Steel and insulated shell + Upper Plant Shop 50 or PMF' s Primer or Gray
Low Allow (Note-18 Column recommendation Zinc Rich
At SP7 - Epoxy 1 75 High solids, 1 or 100 Polyur 1 or 50 225
Field Primer or high-build, more ethane more
Zinc Rich polyamide
(Note- 12) cured
Temp. for Painting System
Selection of Primer Intermediate Coat Top Coat Min.
Painting System Painting Surface
Environment Work Surface Roughness Total Final
Substrate Condition (T=°C) (Note-1) System No. Preparation Grade
Condition Place (ISO Ry5) (µm) No. of No. of DFT No. of DFT DFT Coat Color
(Note-2) (SSPC) Type DFT (µm) Type Type
Coats Coats (µm) Coats (µm) (µm)
2.2 Platforms, Stairs. Walkways, ladders, Rolling Ladders, Handrails, Other Accessories
Epoxy Primer or
50 or PMF' s
Zinc Rich Epoxy Light Gray
At Shop SP 10 recommendation 1 75
155 (Except
Carbon SP 11 (Note-3) / 1 or 1 or
Un-insulated High handrail
Steel and - 45 <T < 120 Normal Plant L1-SF SF 2 (Note-4) more
(Note-18) solids, more and ladder
Low Alloy Steel
--- Touch-up Coat Up to 75 high- 50 Polyurethane 30 : Yellow
At Field build, Ral No.
polyamid 1003)
e cured
Repair (Touch-up) for damaged and field welded portion. Painting
epoxy for all surfaces.
3. Fire Fighting Line
At Shop Galvanizing as per ASTM A123 or A153
4. ======Deleted======
Note-1 : Temperature for the selection of painting system shall be referred to Section 2, (2).
Note-2 : For Painting System No.
-SS : Painting done only at Shop
-SF : Primer application done at Shop and after assembly application of topcoat at Field
-fsF : Primer application done at Field Shop and after assembly application of topcoat at Field
-fsfs : Painting done only at Field Shop
-FF : Painting done only at Field
Note-3 : Surface Preparation for Metal Surface.
Note-4 : Surface Preparation for Film Surface.
Note-5 : To release air bubbles from the inorganic zinc rich paint film, a mist coat is applied to the inorganic zinc primer film before application of the intermediate (or top) coat when there is a short
interval between
application of the primer and intermediate (or top) coat.
Note-6 : The paint shall contain zinc dust or equivalent to be used as primer for repair (touch-up) and painting of field welded components for carbon steel and low alloy steel substrate.
Note-7 : To remove rust, white rust, dirt dust, chloride contamination and other detrimental foreign matter from a hot dip galvanized coating using hand tool.
Note-8 : For Temporary rust prevention only, the film is not removed at field.
Note-9 : All surfaces of austenitic stainless steel except cladding for insulation.
Note-10 : To remove rust, white rust, dirt, dust, chloride contamination and other detrimental foreign matter from austenitic stainless steel surface.
Note-11 : The paint shall be free of zinc, lead and their chemical compound for austenitic stainless steel substrate.
Note-12 : Shop Primer shall be applied to all surfaces excluding tanks which do not require any coating.
Note-13 : SP 10 for welded and rusted surfaces. Re-surface preparation is done to remove rust, white rust, dirt, dust, chloride contamination and other detrimental foreign matter from a shop primer
film by blast cleaning up
to SP 7. The blast cleaning shall be carried out after Bending/Rolling plates.
Note-14 : Applicable for Actuator, Yoke, etc. In-line control valves shall be painted as same as Item 3.2 of Appendix —1.
Note-15 : All surfaces of hot dip galvanized materials, such as instrument/electrical items, conduits, pipe support materials, tray, duct, air duct, grating etc. do not require painting.
Note-16 : All surfaces of stainless steel for normal plant and typical marine shall not be required to be painted.
Note-17 : Shall refer to Para. 9(2) (f)
Note-18 : Hot and Cold Personnel Protection surfaces shall be considered as un-insulated surfaces.
Note-19 : Shall refer to Para. 9(2) (g)
Note-20 : Protruding parts such as valves, flanges, clips, support lugs, etc., which are not covered and beyond insulation shall be coated as follows;
Note-21 : Fire-fighting line shall be painted with Red color (7.5R 4/13).
The final coat colors shown in APPENDIX 1 and the lettering and marking colors shown in
APPENDIX 3 shall be applied.
The color shall comply with Munsell Book of color. If this is not possible (for local
reasons), RAL alternatives may be chosen from the following:
General Name of Color Munsell Book of Color No. RAL Color No.
Light Gray N 7.5 7047
Silver --- 9006
Yellow 2.5Y 8/12 1003
Red 7.5R 4/13 3020
Black N 1.5 9011
White N 9.0 9003
Light Blue 5.0PB 6/10 ---
Green 5.0GY 4/6 6025
Yellow Ochre 7.5YR 7/6 1034
Violet 2.5P 5/6 4005
This specification governs the design requirements for the permanent lettering,
numbering and other identification on equipment (e.g. columns, drums, storage
tanks, heat exchangers except air cooled heat exchangers, reactors, fired heaters,
rotating machinery except pumps & motors, boilers and skid mounted units, piping,
electrical equipment, firefighting equipment, etc.).
This specification does not specify color requirement for safety signs (e.g. traffic sign
boards, etc,) that will comply with local regulations.
The purpose of this specification is to detail the lettering and other markings that
indicate equipment numbers, process fluid names and fluid directions.
The following term is defined for use in this specification.
Background color
"Background color" means a paint color superimposed on another color to highlight
lettering or other markings.
4.1. Extent of Lettering for Equipment Numbers
Static and rotating machinery shall be painted with equipment numbers.
4.4. Styles
Lettering, numbering and symbols shall comply with the style in Figure-2.
Item Requirement
(1) Surface Preparation If required sanding, or SSPC SP1
Epoxy polyamide paint or same as top
(2) Background Color Coats Material
No. of Coats
1 or more
Dry Film Thickness
Min. 30 um per one coat
Brush or other conventional method
(3) Lettering, Numbering, Color Band Epoxy polyamide paint or same as top
or Arrow Material coat
No. of Coats 1 or more
Dry Film Thickness Min. 30 um per one coat
Method Brush or other conventional method
* Surface preparation, for insulation metal jacketing shall comply with SSPC SP1.
** An epoxy emulsion paint or equivalent shall be applied over concrete or mortar
5. Appearance of Film
Color Difference Visual: Random Min. once after Same color Form No.1
Comparison sampling: Min. paint application
with Color 30% of all work
Sample, Color surface
Defects, etc. Visual All surfaces Min. once after No mottling, Form No.1
(Mottling, Sagging, paint application sagging,
Blistering, Cracking, work blistering,
Flaking, Peeling, cracking, flaking,
Deposits, Impurities, etc.) peeling, deposits,
6. Film Thickness
Wet Film Thickness Measurement Random Min. once during PMF’s □
by Wet Film sampling of all paint application recommendation
Thickness work surfaces work
Gauge *5
DFT Measurement Extent shall be Min. once after As per APPENDIX Form No.1
by DFT Gauge in accordance in drying or curing 1
*6 SSPC-PA2 paint film of
each paint
application work
phase (i.e.
Coat, Top Coat)
Test panel: Test panel shall be prepared by Vendor / Subcontractor during the actual
painting work at shop / field.
Extent : All system of painting work at shop / field.
Frequency: 3 times (initial, mid and last term of painting schedule at shop / field)
*1 The painting inspection record shall be used with "APPENDIX 4-1 PAINTING
INSPECTION RECORD SHEET Form No. 1 & 2" or equivalent.
*2 Shall be measured at least once before surface preparation & paint application work.
*3 Standard photograph per ISO 8501-1 or equivalent.
*4 The result of surface cleanliness/roughness inspection shall meet the specified value.
*5 e.g. ISO 8503-I surface profile comparators or equivalent. Confirm with a magnifying
*6 e.g. Wet film thickness comb or equivalent.
*7 The DFT shall be measured in accordance with SSPC-PA 2 "Measurement of Dry
Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages".
*8 For substrates exceeding 100 m 2 in area three (3) 10 m2 areas shall be randomly
selected and measured as per each 100 m 2.
*9 The measured coating thickness shall comply with APPENDIX 1, following
requirements of SSPC-PA 2.
*10 The maximum DFT shall comply with the PMF's recommendation.
Job No.:
Area of Unit:
DFT (Min./Max.): m / m m / m m / m
*2: Including Primer
*3: Including Primer and Intermediate Coat (=Total DFT)
7. Others:
- Memo
The following table 3 is applicable for the specified Safety Colour Regulations, procedures
and this specification.