Rilem MDT D.5

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Materials and Structures / Matériaux et Constructions, Vol.

37, August-September 2004, pp 497-501

RILEM TC 177-MDT: ‘Masonry durability and on-site testing’

RILEM Recommendation MDT. D.5 – In-situ stress -

strain behaviour tests based on the flat jack

The texts presented hereunder are drafts for general consideration. Comments should be sent to the Chairperson
Prof. Luigia Binda, Dipartmento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politechnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, I-20133 Milano,
Italy; Fax (+39) 02 23994220, Email: [email protected], by 28 February 2005.

TC Membership – Chairperson: Luigia Binda, Italy; Secretary: Bob de Vekey, United Kingdom; Members: Giulia Baronio, Italy;
Vlatko Bosiljkov, Slovenia; Norman J. Bright, UK; Geoff Edgell, UK; Mike Forde, UK; Caspar Groot, the Netherlands; Elizabeth
Laycock, UK; Christiane Maierhofer, Germany; Paul Maurenbrecher, Canada; Claudio Modena, Italy; Adrian Page, Australia; Felicita
Pires, Portugal; Mike Schuller, USA; Robert Thomas, USA; Miha Tomazevic, Slovenia.

0. SUMMARY reacting against the main body of masonry to apply a force

to a small specimen volume. Guidance is given on the
There is an enduring interest in the durability of masonry principles involved, the preparation for the test, the
acting as a composite material especially because a very apparatus, the method of test, the method of calculation and
large proportion of the world’s heritage buildings and civil the contents of the test report.
engineering structures are predominantly constructed from
this material. There is a continuing need for information on 2. SPECIMENS (SIZE, SHAPE AND
the best way to maintain a state of good preservation of
masonry and on sympathetic techniques for repair and
reinstatement of deteriorated masonry.
In order to evaluate materials for use in both new and old Some replication (repeat determinations) may be
structures, laboratory accelerated durability tests are required. The level of replication required will depend on
necessary. Equally, a range of in-situ, non-destructive or the level of variability and the ratio of the measured value
semi-invasive tests are required to evaluate the status and of stress (Sm) to the predicted stress capacity (Sd). The
condition of structures in the field and allow quality control designer / engineer should use his/her knowledge of the
of repair systems. structural form of the building element and its relationship
to the overall structure to decide on the appropriate
replication rate.
1. SCOPE The size and shape (and position) of the specimen (area
of masonry) is determined by the form of the masonry and
This recommendation specifies a method of in-situ the type of jack used and some guidance on the choice of
determination of the local stress-strain behaviour as a suitable specimen position / jack type and size is given in
function of stress in built masonry by using flat jacks section 5 and in the guidelines.

1359-5997/04 © RILEM 497


3. PRINCIPLES OF THE TEST 8 Measuring devices to measure the area of the cut slots
i.e. by measuring the depth and the width of a
The testing technique is based on the use of two flat rectangular cut slot.
jacks on a common oil supply to apply a stress field to a The flat jack is commonly rectangular with a ratio
volume of masonry between them. Quite clearly the jacks between the sides of 1: 2 or sector -shaped to fit slots sawn
have to react against the rest of the structure in order to with an abrasive cutting wheel and with a thickness of
exert a force and the level of applied stress will be limited between 5 and 10mm. Typical jacks are shown in Figs. 1 a,
by the ambient stress field in the structure increased to an b, c, d, e. The jacks in Figs. 1c and d are adopted when an
extent by load spreading. The jacks will also need to be electric eccentric circular saw is used.
pre-calibrated in the way described in Test MDT.D.4. Referring to Fig. 1e, for optimum accuracy the
Because the masonry in the test volume will still be dimension A shall be equal to or greater than 1.5 times the
physically linked (bonded) to the rest of the wall at its length of a masonry unit (lu ) if the unit length is more than
edges and may be linked at its rear in multiple leaf walls, 200 mm or 2 times the length of masonry unit lu if the unit
there will be an inherent uncertainty which cannot normally length is equal to or less than 200 mm. Dimension B shall
be resolved. In multiple leaf walls the measurement should be equal to or greater than the thickness (tu) of the masonry
only be ascribed to the leaf or leaves tested
and not to others which may be in different
materials. The value of Young’s modulus
measured by this technique together with
measured or calculated strain data is
probably sufficiently accurate for estimating
stresses due to expansion, movement or
differential movement in masonry structures.
The test may, in some cases, be used as a
proof test for compressive strength but is not
recommended as a reliable technique.

Ambient conditions should be adopted but
it is inadvisable to carry out such work in Fig. 1 - Typical flat jack shapes.
strong sunlight, heavy rain or any other
conditions likely to cause serious unit. Other (particularly smaller) sizes of jacks may be used
fluctuations in the state of the specimens or the but will only give accurate results if the geometrical
instrumentation during the test duration. efficiency factor K has been determined and is used to
correct the measured values.
5. APPARATUS The jack must be pre-calibrated to measure its own
pressure / force / deflection characteristic in a grade-A test
machine. The jack, which must be able to support a
The following equipment is required:
pressure of at least 6N/mm², is made of steel sheets, with a
1 Slot cutting equipment: This may be an abrasive cutting
thickness of 0.5 - 1 mm, formed into a bladder and provided
machine for harder materials or a drill which is used to
with an inlet/outlet port. Particular care should be taken in
'stitch drill' softer materials such as mortars plus a file to
welding the edge of the jack. The mechanical or electrical
smooth the cut.
strain gauge should have as high a sensitivity and precision
2 Equipment such as vacuum cleaners, blowers, brushes
as possible. A sensitivity of approximately 0.0025 mm is
etc. to clean the slot.
normally sufficient. The measurement reference points are
3 Strain measuring equipment such as a transducer or a
INVAR discs with a conical seat, which are glued to the
mechanical meter which can measure over attached
masonry symmetrically such that the strain can be
reference points. (NOTE fixed measuring devices are
measured using mechanical gauge extensometers over 75-
feasible for this test but are not practical for stress tests
90% of the specimen height. Brackets should be attached
done in the same area of the masonry).
for mounting electrical displacement measuring devices
4 A pair of flat diaphragm jacks of nominally the same
(e.g. Linear Variable Differential Transformers, LVDTs).
size with an overall thickness which allow insertion into
The oil pressure is measured by means of a pressure gauge
a cut slots or cleaned-out mortar joints.
or a pressure transducer cell.
5 Steel shims with the same plan area and shape to pack
around the jacks to ensure an accurate fit to the slots.
6 A hydraulic pump and high pressure flexible connecting 6. PRECALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR
tubes with quick change connectors.
7 An accurate pressure meter.
A procedure is described fully in Test MDT.D.4.

Materials and Structures / Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 37, August-September 2004

7. PROCEDURE less of the expected maximum and the strain is

monitored after a short dwell at each increment. Both
The test sequence is as follows: jack pressure and strain should be recorded at each
1 Choose a representative piece of masonry then glue the increment. The ratio of the increase of jack pressure
metal reference points at the correct gauge length for the (dp) to the strain increment dem should be monitored
strain measuring instrument or attach LVDTs. The and the test should be stopped when the ratio starts
instrument should be selected to give a measurement dropping rapidly to avoid damage to the masonry.
(Gauge length) over 75-90% of the distance between the Furthermore it should be remembered that the measured
two jack planes. A number of replicate measuring stresses should not exceed the limit values of the
positions (pairs of points or LVDTs) should be used and carrying capacity of the jack declared by the producer or
their results averaged. Four are recommended as in experimentally measured.
Fig. 2. 6 Depressurise and remove the jacks and repoint with a
matching mortar if restoration is required.


The stress in the masonry between the jacks fm is given
by the relation:
fm = Ke . p . Aslot/Aje
where Aslot is the average of the area of the two slots; Aje is
the average of the effective area of the two flat jacks and p
is the hydraulic pressure in the jack lines. In absence of
calibration data the default value of the geometrical
efficiency factor Ke should be taken as 1.
The tangent modulus of elasticity, Et, at any given level
Fig. 2 - Double flat jack test in a) handmade brick masonry
and b) irregular stone masonry.
of stress is given by the relation:
Et = dfm/dem
where dfm is the increment of stress and dem is the
increment of strain at the chosen stress level.
The secant modulus of elasticity, Es, at any given level of
stress is given by the relation:
Es = fm/em
Fig. 3 - Typical test layout for a test of modern, accurately where fm is the cumulative stress and em is the cumulative
shaped, brickwork. strain increment from zero.
This procedure is likely to overestimate the elastic
2 The cuts are then made taking care to disturb the modulus and a more accurate value will be obtained by
surrounding masonry as little as possible. Slots shall be multiplying the results by the geometrical efficiency factor
parallel, vertically aligned and separated by at least 5 Ke appropriate to the masonry type and jack size and
courses of masonry in case of unit height equal to or position (see MDT.D.4) and allowing for confinement by
less than 100 mm (brick masonry) or 3 courses of adjacent masonry.
masonry in case of unit height equal to or greater than
100 mm (stone masonry). In any case the distance
between the slots shall be between the length A and 1.5 9. TEST REPORT
times the length A of the flatjack but also not less than
2.5 times the average dimension B of the jack. 1 A reference to this RILEM standard.
3 The area of the cuts is normally determined by 2 A description of the site, building and masonry together
measuring the surface width and taking depth with existing relevant information such as the
measurements every 10-20mm and summing the area of environmental conditions, specification of the units or
the strips. mortar, drawings and data derived from ancillary tests
4 The jacks are then inserted and packed tightly into the such as mortar analysis or pull-out.
cut slots using shims (thin steel sheets) as necessary. If 3 The date of construction of the masonry if known.
the masonry has any internal voids over any part of the 4 A description of the units including a sketch showing
slot area, e.g. caused by unfilled frogs, perforations in the dimensions, and shape, pattern and size of holes and
the bricks or vertical joints in the slot area it is very the properties of the units including body material,
important to use an overwide slot and pack with shims strength and, where appropriate, water absorption, IRS,
to protect the jack membrane from local swelling. density if available.
5 After the zero strain measurement has been taken, the 5 The position of each measurement or photographic
pressure is then increased in increments of about 10% or reference for each position.


6 The values of the calibration factor (effective area Aje jack test can be found in the case of low rise buildings (one
and, if available, masonry format calibration factor Ke) or two story high) due to the lack of stress restraint by the
for the flatjack used. upper masonry caused by the low stresses acting on it.
7 Computed stress - strain curve for each position and any Fig. 4 shows one of these cases: the continuation of the test
values of tangent or secant modulus together with the was impossible due to the failure of the upper part of the
stress level. masonry.
8 The date of the test.
11.2 Problems due to the masonry
10. BIBLIOGRAPHY characteristics

[1] Rossi, P.P., ‘Analysis of mechanical characteristics of 11.2.1 Thick joints

brick masonry tested by means of non-destructive in- In the case of thick mortar joints (e.g. byzantine joints),
situ tests’, Paper presented at the 6th International Brick
Masonry Conference, Rome, 1982.
the choice of the cutting position for both single and double
[2] Sacchi Landriani, G. and Taliercio, A., ‘Numerical flat-jack is very difficult. When the joints are more than 2
analysis of the flat jack test on masonry walls’, Journal cm thick, the best choice should be cutting partly through a
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 5 (3) (1986). brick (or stone).
[3] Noland, J.L., Atkinson, R.H. and Schuller, M.P., ‘A
review of the flat-jack method for nondestructive 11.2.2 Regular masonry with thin joints
evaluation’, Proceedings of Non-destructive Evaluation Care should be taken in cutting operations when the
of Civil Structures and Materials, Colorado, October joints are particularly thin and/or the wall is of high historic
importance. When the thickness of the joint is less than 4
[4] ASTM C 1197-91, ‘Standard test method for in-situ
measurement of masonry deformability properties using mm in order to avoid spoiling the stones, the circular saw
the flatjack method’. instead of the drill should be used for cutting. When the
[5] RILEM Technical Recommendations for the Testing joint is not excessively thin, the test can be carried out as
and Use of Construction Materials, LUM.D.3 ‘In-situ for the brick masonry.
strength/elasticity tests based on the flat jack’ (E & FN
Spon, London, 1994) 503-508. 11.2.3 Irregular stone masonry
[6] Building Research Establishment - Digest 409, When a very irregular stone masonry has to be tested the
‘Masonry and concrete structures: measuring in-situ cutting cannot be made only through the joints due to their
strength and elasticity using flat jacks’ (1995).
[7] de Vekey, R.C., ‘Thin stainless steel flat-jacks:
softness and irregularity, but must pass partly through the
calibration and trials for measurement of in-situ stress stones. [Guidelines reference 6]. In that case the choice of the
and elasticity of masonry’, Proc 7th Canadian Masonry test position is very important, since the high
Symposium, Hamilton, Vol. 2 (1995) 1174-1183. inhomogeneity of the masonry can influence the results, as
[8] EN 1052–1, ‘Methods of test for masonry. Part 1 - shown in Fig. 5. The presence of a non-symmetric and non-
Determination of compressive strength’ (1998). homogeneous distribution of the stones caused a non
uniform distribution of stresses during the test, with higher
concentration of stresses at the location of LVDT 4. The
11. GUIDELINES result was an apparent higher stiffness of the specimen
measured at the location of LVDTs 1, 2 and 3. The test, in
11.1 Difficulty in measurement fact, was considered not valid. Furthermore, also in the case
of the double jack, it is very difficult that symmetric values
interpretation are measured.
Difficulties or impossibility in applying the double flat

Fig. 4 - Failure of the masonry outside the slot. Fig. 5a - Stress strain behaviour.

Materials and Structures / Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 37, August-September 2004

[2] Bettio, C., Gelmi, A., Modena, C. and Rossi, P.P.,

‘Mechanical characterisation and strengthening of masonries
from antique historic centres in the Trento province:
preliminary report on the results of on site investigation,
Conf. on “Murature, sicurezza, recupero”, Trento, Italy
(1993) 185-222 [in Italian].
[3] Binda, L., ‘Characterisation of stone and brick masonries
finalised to the choice of appropriate strengthening
techniques’, Milan Research Unit, Final Report for Contract
CNR/GNDT (1999) [in Italian].
[4] Binda, L. and Anzani, A., ‘The time-dependent behaviour of
masonry prisms: an interpretation’, The Masonry Society
Journal 11 (2) (1993) 17-34.
[5] Binda, L., Gatti, G., Mangano, G., Poggi, C. and Sacchi
Landriani, G., ‘The collapse of the Civic Tower of Pavia: a
survey of the materials and structure’, Masonry
International 6 (1) (1991) 11-20.
Fig. 5b - Test of an irregular stone masonry wall. [6] Binda, L., Modena, C. and Baronio, G., ‘Strengthening of
masonries by injection technique’, Proceedings of 6th
NaMC, Vol. I, Philadelphia (1993) 1-14.
11.3 Efficiency of masonry repair [7] Binda, L., Tiraboschi, C. and Tongini Folli, R., ‘On site and
laboratory investigation on materials and structure of the Bell
Two repair techniques of grout injection and deep Tower in Monza’, 2nd Int. Conf. RILEM on Rehabilitation of
repointing can essentially be controlled by carrying out structures, Highett, Australia, 1998, 542-556.
double flat jack tests before and after repair. [8] Eurocode 6, ‘Design of Masonry Structure’.
[9] Hilsdorf, H.K., ‘Investigation into the failure mechanism of
The investigation can be made by leaving on site
brick masonry loaded in axial compression’, Proc. Int. Conf.
unloaded the flat jacks used to carry out the test before on Masonry Structural System, Texas, 1969.
repairing. After repairing the test can be repeated and the [10] Binda, L. and Tiraboschi, C., ‘Flat-jack test as a slightly
stress-strain curves compared in order to detect the eventual destructive technique for the diagnosis of brick and stone
increase in stiffness and, consequently, strength [Guidelines masonry structures’, Int. Journal for Restoration of Buildings
reference 2]. and Monuments (Int. Zeitschrift für Bauinstandsetzen und
Baudenkmalpflege, Zurich) (1999) 449-472.
[1] ASTM C 1197, ‘Standard test method for in-situ
measurement of masonry deformability properties using the
flat jack method’ (1991).


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