What Is Color

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Fundamentals Art


Ros Diyana Binti Ahmad Khairi ( 2010777777 )

Nur Nabihah Binti Mohamad Nizar ( 2010953065 )

AD221 ( Graphic & Media Digital ) , Class 2C

En.Mohd Hafizul Bin. Idham

What is colour ? What we can define about colour ? We perceived color just as

we perceived taste. When we eat, our taste buds sense four senses attributes which is

sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Similarly, when we look at a scene, our visual nerves

register colour in terms of the attributes of color the amount of green or red the amount

of blue or yellow and the brightness ( John , 2000 ). In another words, we can say that

color give us beauty and drama to every objects and color referred to the world. Color is

one of the basic elements in art. The product of color is caused the light, coloring or

colorant. We can see the effects of the color change in the colorant or in light. Color

change according to their replacement. Therefore, we need to understand color study

as a designer.

The color of study includes the knowledge of color, the usage of color, the

realization of color, the color system order, and understanding color. According to

Frank ( sited in John , 2000 )“Color is essential of life”.He serves life to the study of

color. How the color can be functional, and can be used to create benefit and healthy

surroundings around human, life, work, useful from illness? The knowledge of color can

be more understanding from effect of color change in colorant and light ( John , 2000 ).

The replacement in relation to each other modified how are color can be seen. Every

color that changes in light, colorant form or arrangement has the potential to change the

way color is behold. Color also wills inheritance dynamics, changing in every situation

every new use. Besides that, we need to be more focus on the basics of color .How it is

work and must be concern the effect of color not is causes. In addition, what we see,

what we look or why we see it tell us only the part of the story of color. “Color work” is

background knowledge that will support the art of color.

In we understanding the realization of color, we awareness it from the sense of

eyes. So, the perception of color takes place in the mind. The color is understood in

context as form, as light as surrounding. The environmental of colors have a powerful

form of nonverbal communication. Color of a graphic image is part of the message. The

next is the usage of color. Color is universal. We understand it more if we describe it as

understand the shape of the earth. The uses of color create beauty, more than that they

are very useful. In addition, the designer use color not only for communicate, but it also

for manipulate perception to create motivate, to create the attention or focus, and to

create actions.In the color order system to understand color, we need to organize or

arrange it into systems. Show the relationships of the color. Color study focus on color

control. Color study focus on eye training the visual experience. To be the great

designer, we must to deal with the two principal ways; firstly, we must understanding

and adjusting when colors are seen under different lighting condition. Secondly, color

changes take place when colors are given different placement relative to another. The

effective of color combinations is by color study provides guidelines that enable to

designer create good color combinations.

Besides , color wheel is one of the important thing in art. The basic for working

with subtractive color called pigment wheel where it give information about the reaction

of color that are mixed ( Edith,2001). Based on subtractive color theory , blue , red and

yellow are three of color primaries. According to Edith (2001) , the primary colours are

used in combination to produce another color and it is a color that cannot be obtained

by mixing. John and Sarah ( 2005 ) states when all the three primary colours are

mixed , it will produce black color but the black is not pure. The combination of primary
color will produce secondary colours. To get a secondary colour, two primary colours

will mixed together.For examples when blue and yellow mixed together it will produce

green while red and yellow are mixed together result in orange. Besides , to produce

purple we need to mixed red and blue together.So that , green , orange and purple are

called secondary colours. After secondary colour , it will be tertiary colours where it is

combination of primary and secondary colour .For examples when orange and yellow

are mixed together it will produce yellow-orange.

Furthermore , another important things is color and principles of design.Colour is

one of the important elements of design. In colours , we need to be aware with rhythm ,

balance , proportion and harmony.Some works will look like lack of unity when it lack of

colour repeatation ( Edith , 2001).By repeating of a color it will give us some impact of

feeling movements.Tone also can be used to show some rhythm. The combination of

repeating colour , contrast in values and colour choice will give us vibrating motion.

Besides , balance corcern itself with the overall visual effect of the components of a

composition.Colour plays a role in a composition to either the composition is to be flat or

pictorial. In pictorial composition color is used in a manner that provides the illusion of

space or depth. To make sure the composition is not flat , we can add some tone to the

composition.Others , the design principle of proportion concerns itself with the

relationships formed between one part of design and another part. According to

Geothe’s concept colour notations were black 0 , cyan 4 , magenta 6 , orange 8 , red

6 , violet 3 , blue 4 , blue-green 5 , green 6 , yellow-green 7 or 8 , yellow 9 and white 10

(Edith , 2001 ).For example when yellow and blue the ratio will be 9:3. So that , yellow is

stronger than blue and yellow will be more active. Besides , when red and green the
ration will be 6:6 . The result , they equally strong. Repetition is one of the easier way to

achieve harmony and color is the most important means of repeating. Other than that ,

tonality also can be used to show the harmony. Harmony can be achieved through the

combination of two or more colours.It is because when there is some different in colours

some work will look like harmony.

As a conclusion , colour is very important in art because it is one of element of

design besides shape , line , texture , direction and value. Without the uses of color our

design will look like gloomy. As we know colour give us perceived taste and we can

taste it like we eat, our taste buds sense four senses attributes which is sweet, salty,

sour and bitter. Lastly , we can say that color give us beauty and drama to every objects

and color referred to the world


1. Edith , A , F ( 2001 ) , Colour , United Kingdom , Fairchild Publications .

2. John ,T.D & Sarah , A.M ( 2005 ) , Color Management , Switzerland , RotoVision SA.

3. John , W ( 2000 ) , Understanding Color , Canada , Holtzchue.

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