A Disaster Is An Even That Has Happened
A Disaster Is An Even That Has Happened
A Disaster Is An Even That Has Happened
If you live in a flood plain, there is risk for a disaster, but it might not have happened in a long time if at
all. Living on an earthquake fault is a similar risk for a natural disaster, but it may be thousands of years
between active movements on that fault.
The fundamental difference between disaster and disaster risk ,is that, disaster A disaster is the sudden
or any unfortunate event. To be precise a disaster is an event whose timing is unexpected and whose
consequences are seriously destructive that can brought loss of lives, property loss, economic loss,
environment loss etc. In a word, any loss that happened and occurred is a Disaster. While the disaster
risk is the probability of a potential disaster. Where potential damage is the key elements of disaster
risk. It may economic or environmental.
I will share it with you in an easy way as You can understand easily.
Disaster: When an unpleasant event already occurred and it has brought loss of lives, property loss,
economic loss, environment loss etc.
In words, when any loss occurs that is Disaster; most of the time life loss is counted as a disaster and
tremendous loss of the environment.
Disaster Risk: Disaster risk is the probability of a potential disaster. Where potential damage is the key
elements of disaster risk. It may economic, environmental.
Exposure is another component of disaster risk and refers to. that which is affected by natural disasters,
such as people and property.