770 DocuLink Customizing
770 DocuLink Customizing
770 DocuLink Customizing
December 2007
Impressum Learning Services course material
Revision 9.6.a
Author: Learning Services
Date: December 2007
Trademarks SAP, R/3, SAPmail, SAPoffice, SAPscript, SAP Business Workflow, SAP ArchiveLink:
UNIX: Unis Systems Laboratories, Inc.
OSF, Motif, OSF/Motif: Open Software Foundation, Inc.
X Window System: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PostScript: Adobe Systems, Inc.
FrameMaker: Frame Technology Corporation
ORACLE: ORACLE Corporation, Kalifornien USA
Microsoft, WINDOWS, EXCEL, NT: Microsoft Corporation
Intel, Intel Inside: Intel Corporation
Other product names have been used only to identify those products and may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
1 Course Program for SAP Customizing
Specialization for SAP Customizing .............................................................................................. 1-02
760 - SAP Customizing ArchiveLink .............................................................................................. 1-03
770 DocuLink Customizing ............................................................................................................ 1-04
766 - SAP Workflow Customizing.................................................................................................. 1-05
765 – SAP DMS Customizing........................................................................................................ 1-06
775 – SAP Legal Compliance........................................................................................................ 1-07
AS-CST-CO: COLD — Batch Import and Archiving of Host Data................................................. 1-08
AS-CST-DP: IXOS-DocumentPipeline Configuration.................................................................... 1-09
764 - SAP Data Archiving Customizing ......................................................................................... 1-10
768 - SAP DataArchiving Consulting ............................................................................................. 1-11
4 ArchiveLink Customizing
Chapter guide ................................................................................................................................ 4-02
The SAP R/3 interface to archiving systems ................................................................................. 4-03
Features of SAP ArchiveLink......................................................................................................... 4-04
ArchiveLink releases...................................................................................................................... 4-05
ArchiveLink elements in the R/3 basis........................................................................................... 4-06
Some R/3 tables for ArchiveLink ................................................................................................... 4-07
ArchiveLink - KPro ......................................................................................................................... 4-08
User perspective ............................................................................................................................ 4-09
Link table structure ........................................................................................................................ 4-10
ArchiveLink - Documents............................................................................................................... 4-11
R/3 Tables and SAP Object Types ................................................................................................ 4-12
DocuLink Solution - Overview........................................................................................................ 4-13
Archiving with ArchiveLink ............................................................................................................. 4-14
Retrieval with ArchiveLink.............................................................................................................. 4-15
ArchiveLink .................................................................................................................................... 4-16
ArchiveLink customizing attributes: References and dependencies ............................................. 4-17
ArchiveLink Customizing ............................................................................................................... 4-18
Maintenance of ArchiveLink Customizing via Transaction J8A7.................................................. 4-19
ArchiveLink customizing in SPRO ................................................................................................. 4-20
Display/maintain document type definition .................................................................................... 4-21
Display/maintain document type link to logical archive ................................................................. 4-22
Display/maintain document class definition................................................................................... 4-23
Create and set up a document type using the customizing wizard [OAD5] .................................. 4-24
Display/maintain Business object type definition........................................................................... 4-25
Exercise: Create and link two document types.............................................................................. 4-26
0-4 770
Standard Mode → Expert Mode (1)............................................................................................... 6-03
Standard Mode → Expert Mode (2)............................................................................................... 6-04
Customizing Wizard in Expert mode ............................................................................................. 6-05
Views ............................................................................................................................................. 6-06
Attribute Objects ............................................................................................................................ 6-07
Attribute Objects – Screen General ............................................................................................... 6-08
Attribute Objects – Screen Administration (1) ............................................................................... 6-09
Attribute Objects – Screen Administration (2) ............................................................................... 6-10
Attribute Objects – Screen Administration (3) ............................................................................... 6-11
Attribute Objects - Archiving Modes .............................................................................................. 6-12
Attribute Objects - Data Archive Plus ............................................................................................ 6-13
Attribute Objects - Logging ............................................................................................................ 6-14
Attribute Objects – User exits ........................................................................................................ 6-15
Attribute Objects - Authorization .................................................................................................... 6-16
Node Types.................................................................................................................................... 6-17
Node Types (2) .............................................................................................................................. 6-18
Node Types (3) .............................................................................................................................. 6-19
Node Types (4) .............................................................................................................................. 6-20
Node Types (5) .............................................................................................................................. 6-21
Node Types (6) .............................................................................................................................. 6-22
Node Types (7) .............................................................................................................................. 6-23
Node Types (8) -Different kinds of "Hit lists" ................................................................................. 6-24
Node Types (9) - Sorting in hierarchy............................................................................................ 6-25
Node Types (10) ............................................................................................................................ 6-26
Node Types (11) - Output .............................................................................................................. 6-27
Select Fields .................................................................................................................................. 6-28
Selection Fields - Definition ........................................................................................................... 6-29
Special (internal) Selection Fields (I) ............................................................................................. 6-30
Special (internal) Selection Fields (II) ............................................................................................ 6-31
Select Field at Attribute Object (1)................................................................................................. 6-32
Select Field at Attribute Object (2)................................................................................................. 6-33
Select Field at Attribute Object (3)................................................................................................. 6-34
Select Fields at Node Type............................................................................................................ 6-35
Select Fields at Node Type (2) ...................................................................................................... 6-36
Select Fields at Node Type - Selection Screen ............................................................................. 6-37
Select Fields at Node Type - Dynamic Node................................................................................. 6-38
Select Fields at Node Type - Text replace & Restriction............................................................... 6-39
Select Fields at Node Type - Output mask.................................................................................... 6-40
Hierarchy with more then one table (1) ......................................................................................... 6-41
Hierarchy with more then one table ............................................................................................... 6-42
Exercise: Wizard in Expert mode................................................................................................... 6-43
10 DMS Functionalities
Course Overview in Detail ........................................................................................................... 10-02
Linear vs. structured CM Model................................................................................................... 10-03
Properties of CM Documents....................................................................................................... 10-04
Versioning of CM Documents ...................................................................................................... 10-05
Document model at attribute object ............................................................................................. 10-06
Node for CM Documents – Selection type .................................................................................. 10-07
Node for CM Documents ............................................................................................................. 10-08
Exercise: Add CM-Document node ............................................................................................. 10-09
Template Management – User view (1) ...................................................................................... 10-10
Template Management – User view (2) ...................................................................................... 10-11
Template Management................................................................................................................ 10-12
0-6 770
Creating CM-Template ................................................................................................................ 10-13
Exercise: Create CM-Template ................................................................................................... 10-14
Status Management..................................................................................................................... 10-15
Status Management – Flow ......................................................................................................... 10-16
Status Management – User view................................................................................................. 10-17
Exercise: Defining and using Status Management (I) ................................................................. 10-18
DocuLink - Support of CM Documents ........................................................................................ 10-19
Technical background LOIO - PHIO ............................................................................................ 10-20
Technical Background Example .................................................................................................. 10-21
Technical Background ................................................................................................................. 10-22
11 Additional functionalities
Course Overview in Detail ........................................................................................................... 11-02
DocuLink – Logical Systems (I) ................................................................................................... 11-03
DocuLink – Logical Systems (II) ................................................................................................. 11-04
Customizing for integration in other logical system ..................................................................... 11-05
Define a logical system for each target system ........................................................................... 11-06
Define RFC destination................................................................................................................ 11-07
Assigning RFC destination to logical system............................................................................... 11-08
DocuLink – Retrieval PLM Documents........................................................................................ 11-09
DocuLink – Retrieval PLM Documents........................................................................................ 11-10
DocuLink as Control .................................................................................................................... 11-11
Generic Object Services (1)......................................................................................................... 11-12
Generic Object Services (2)......................................................................................................... 11-13
12 PLM – Support
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 12-02
Transaction /n/ixos/plm for PLM support ..................................................................................... 12-03
DesktopLink scenario "SAP PLM" ............................................................................................... 12-04
Customizing for "DesktopLink for PLM“ in transaction /n/ixos/plm .............................................. 12-05
Scanning for PLM ........................................................................................................................ 12-06
Customizing for "Scanning for PLM"............................................................................................ 12-07
Scanning for PLM execution........................................................................................................ 12-08
Automatic Import for PLM ............................................................................................................ 12-09
Customizing for "Automatic Import for PLM" ............................................................................... 12-10
Automatic Import for PLM – log file.............................................................................................. 12-11
14 Authorization
Chapter Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14-02
15 Administration of DocuLink
Chapter overview ......................................................................................................................... 15-02
Start Administration for DocuLink with transaction J6NA ............................................................ 15-03
Maintenance of duplicate COLD records..................................................................................... 15-04
Administration of COLD statistic .................................................................................................. 15-05
Protocol entries & DocuLink Recycle bin..................................................................................... 15-06
Administration of Protocol Entries................................................................................................ 15-07
Maintenance of deleted records DocuLink Recycle bin .............................................................. 15-08
User group administration............................................................................................................ 15-09
(empty title) .................................................................................................................................. 15-10
Deleting generated reports .......................................................................................................... 15-11
Configuration of DocuLink in Web ............................................................................................... 15-12
16 Special Features
Provided examples ...................................................................................................................... 16-02
Example: FI documents (1).......................................................................................................... 16-03
Example: FI documents (2).......................................................................................................... 16-04
Example: FI documents (3).......................................................................................................... 16-05
Example: Print lists ...................................................................................................................... 16-06
Example: Document flow SD ....................................................................................................... 16-07
Example: Linked objects (1) ........................................................................................................ 16-08
Example: Linked objects (2) Link table /IXOS/DC_EX_LCP ....................................................... 16-09
Example: Linked objects (3) ........................................................................................................ 16-10
17 User Exits
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 17-02
Attribute Object independent Exits .............................................................................................. 17-03
Attribute Object dependent Exits ................................................................................................. 17-04
Base Information.......................................................................................................................... 17-05
Create User exit ........................................................................................................................... 17-06
Own Function Group with all Exits............................................................................................... 17-07
Parameter of User exits ............................................................................................................... 17-08
Screens (1) .................................................................................................................................. 17-09
Example for own selection screen ............................................................................................... 17-10
Own Screens (Create/Display/Change) ...................................................................................... 17-11
0-8 770
Auto fill of fields............................................................................................................................ 17-12
Screens (2) .................................................................................................................................. 17-13
Buttons......................................................................................................................................... 17-14
Screens (3) .................................................................................................................................. 17-15
List of node types at creating....................................................................................................... 17-16
List of document types at archiving ............................................................................................. 17-17
Add complex description to fields ................................................................................................ 17-18
Hierarchy (1) ................................................................................................................................ 17-19
Additional buttons in hierarchy..................................................................................................... 17-20
Hierarchy (2) ................................................................................................................................ 17-21
Hit list ........................................................................................................................................... 17-22
Select / Insert / Change / Delete.................................................................................................. 17-23
COLD / Archiving ......................................................................................................................... 17-24
Others .......................................................................................................................................... 17-25
… on your own defined table and SAP object type with wizard …
......................................... 19-40
… Use the field … for the restriction, "Type" for “single attributing”, … ...................................... 19-41
Check the result by scanning contracts in this view …................................................................ 19-42
… and show for the document!.................................................................................................... 19-43
Exercise: Field with Number Range ............................................................................................ 19-44
Enter version 2 of project CONTRACT## choose tab “Attr.Obj." ................................................ 19-45
Create attribute object "CORRESPOND" .................................................................................... 19-46
Assign the needed selection fields ….......................................................................................... 19-47
… choose tab "Sel.F./Attr.Obj." and select field "CORR_KEY" … .............................................. 19-48
Customize Field with range object "ZDC##CORR" and number range 01 ................................. 19-49
Exercise: Create a DocuLink project in standard mode for SAP Objects.................................... 19-50
Create Project for Standard Object Types................................................................................... 19-51
Open the view "Standard Object Type ##" .................................................................................. 19-52
Create view 10: "FI-Documents" and open them ........................................................................ 19-53
Customize the selection restrictions for "FI-Documents"............................................................. 19-54
Customize the selection definition for "FI-Documents"................................................................ 19-55
View for documents in "FI-Documents" ....................................................................................... 19-56
Create view 20: "SD-Documents" and open them....................................................................... 19-57
Customize the selections for "SD-Documents" ........................................................................... 19-58
View for the documents in for "SD-Documents" .......................................................................... 19-59
Create view 30: "HR-Documents" and open them ...................................................................... 19-60
Customize the selections for "HR-Documents" ........................................................................... 19-61
Check in a document in "HR-Documents"................................................................................... 19-62
View for the new document in "HR-Documents" ......................................................................... 19-63
0-10 770
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-04
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-05
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-06
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-07
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-08
Exercise – Create View Correspondence.................................................................................... 20-09
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-10
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-11
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-12
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-13
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-14
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ........................................................................... 20-15
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ........................................................................................... 20-16
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ........................................................................................... 20-17
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ........................................................................................... 20-18
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ........................................................................................... 20-19
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ........................................................................................... 20-20
Exercise – Create CM-Template ................................................................................................. 20-21
Exercise – Create CM-Template ................................................................................................. 20-22
Exercise – Create CM-Template ................................................................................................. 20-23
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management (I) ............................................................... 20-24
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management (II) .............................................................. 20-25
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management.................................................................... 20-26
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management.................................................................... 20-27
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management.................................................................... 20-28
Exercise – Defining and using Status Management.................................................................... 20-29
Exercise Authorization ................................................................................................................. 20-30
Exercise Authorization Screen with J_6NG_MIN ........................................................................ 20-31
Exercise Authorization with selection criteria for my project ....................................................... 20-32
Exercise Authorization with S_WFAR_OBJ ................................................................................ 20-33
Exercise Authorization Saving ..................................................................................................... 20-34
Exercise Authorization Entering user .......................................................................................... 20-35
Exercise Authorization Done ....................................................................................................... 20-36
Appendix C Glossary
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
DocuLink Customizing
4 days AS-CST-CO
COLD – Batch Import
and Archiving of Host
766 Data
3 days
SAP Workflow
760 5 days
Document Pipeline
SAP Customizing
ArchiveLink 765
3 days
5 days SAP DMS Customizing
1 day
SAP Legal Compliance
SAP Data Archiving
3 days
2/2 days
1-2 770
760 - SAP Customizing ArchiveLink
Introduction to SAP ArchiveLink SAP Customizing
SAP ArchiveLink customizing 5 days
Customizing ArchiveLink
Customizing DocuLink
DocuLink administration
DocuLink authorization concept
Exercises for project planning
1-4 770
766 - SAP Workflow Customizing
- Container, deadlines
- Workflow customizing
- Monitoring and analysis
Workflow programming
- Business objects, tasks, events
- Decentralized scenarios
- caching options
1-6 770
775 – SAP Legal Compliance
Overview Legal Regulations SAP Legal Compliance
Procedure Documentation
Supporting Auditors
Legal Aspects of specific Scenarios
1-8 770
AS-CST-DP: IXOS-DocumentPipeline
Perl programming
- Perl introduction, Simple constructs, PerllDE
- Complex data structures (lists, arrays, hashes), subroutines
- Working with files (I/O)
- Regular expressions, Strings and sorting functions, DBI (database interface)
- Outlook: Perl modules
764 768
Terminology and functionality SAP Data Archiving SAP Data Archiving
Customizing Consulting
Archiving process
Archiving runs
ADK – Archive Development Kit
AO – archiving objects
SAP Access Methods
Overview of Access Strategies with Archive Server
Archive Information System (AS)
IXOS DataArchivePlus Introduction
1-10 770
768 - SAP DataArchiving Consulting
764 768
Archiving strategies SAP Data Archiving SAP Data Archiving
Customizing Consulting
Customizing 2 days 2 days
IXOS DataArchivePlus
AO — Archiving Objects
- Dependencies
- Object-specific customizing
- Client-specific control mechanisms
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
Presentation of IXOS-
IXOS-eCONtext for SAP - DocuLink
Benefits of DocuLink
Document retrieval with DocuLink
Archiving with DocuLink
2-2 770
Benefits - Presentation ®
A document-
document-centric approach for SAP R/3...
Integration of R/3 data and R/3 documents with
non-R/3 documents within SAP R/3
Overview of logically related documents in R/3
Easy and user-friendly document access
Access optimized and adapted to the users daily needs
Only one Interface for all documents
Access restrictions through R/3-authorizations
2-4 770
DocuLink Entry point ®
z Retrieval transaction:
z Displays all active (!)
projects (if the user has
sufficient permissions)
z Selection-Dialogs
can be
customized as
popup or
full screen.
2-6 770
Customer folder (2) ®
z DocuLink provides
the possibility to
search for data in
different data-
(e. g. Contracts and
2-8 770
Customer folder (4) ®
In this example the correspondence to a contract is accessible when the contract is selected.
2-10 770
Another Entry point in DocuLink ®
Another view in the example project determines the access to the documents via the
agreement type.
2-12 770
Two views for the same document ®
Both views led to the same documents. But different information (customer or agreement
type) was used to start the selection.
The access of R/3 documents can be build similar to the contracts example.
2-14 770
Demo Scenarios - Document flow SD ®
Also R/3 documents and non-R/3 documents can be retrieved within the same DocuLink view.
Batch Import
z Batch Import
z External interface
There is a variety of ways for archiving documents that will then be managed with DocuLink.
In the document-registration scenarios the user must provide the attributes for the document
to be archived. The attributes are provided explicitly by creating a new node, or implicitly by
archiving a document and thus creating a new document node under an already existing
From a user’s point of view, these are online scenarios, since the archiving occurs within
The scenario SAP ArchiveLink is the standard archiving from file system (file upload).
The batch-import scenarios require no interaction by the user. From a user’s point of view,
these are offline scenarios, since the archiving occurs outside DocuLink.
2-16 770
Archiving ®
2-18 770
Archiving via DesktopLink – File Upload ®
Archiving from Word (with conversion to tiff) and adding new entry in DocuLink table
Archiving steps:
1. Start archiving process by choosing File/Save As …
2. Choose eCONtext for SAP as destination
3. Select corresponding R/3-System
4. Logon
2-20 770
Archiving via DesktopLink ®
Archiving from Word (with conversion to tiff) and adding new entry in DocuLink table
Archiving steps:
1. Start archiving process by choosing File/Save As …
2. Choose eCONtext for SAP as destination
3. Select corresponding R/3-System
4. Logon
(Scenario DocuLink)
7. Choose DocuLink
8. Choose your DocuLink project (in the retrieval transaction of DocuLink)
9. Enter values for the new entry
2-22 770
Archiving via DesktopLink ®
2-24 770
DocuLink - Support of CM documents Edit, ®
Check in/out, …
IXOS delivers 2 CM
With this CM models
IXOS DocuLink delivers
DMS functionalities like
Check in/out, versioning
Customers can create their own CM model based on the IXOS model
Version list
2-26 770
DocuLink - Template Management (I) ®
Templates could be
used creating a new
2 document
2-28 770
DocuLink - Status Management ®
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
How to setup a DocuLink project
Our project „Customer folder“
3-2 770
Prerequisites ®
SAP-R/3 Transports
- Importing the transports from Installation CD in your SAP R/3 System
Import also DesktopLink transports if needed
- Install all needed patches from Installation CD or ESC
- For more information see document "Installation and Upgrade Guide"
ArchiveLink Customizing
- For more information see "Basis Customizing Guide; IXOS®-eCONtext for
SAP® Products" and "Scenario Guide, IXOS®-eCONtext for SAP®"
- Briefing about DocuLink
- Introduction to DocuLink solutions
3-4 770
How to setup a DocuLink project (2) ®
- Tables, data elements, domains, ...
- ArchiveLink customizing (see also Chapter “ArchiveLink Customizing”)
- DocuLink customizing
- Authorization in R/3
- DocuLink administration
- Transport system
- Test on consolidation system
- Test clients
- Rollout
Customer table
SAP-table Contracts
customer master (KNA1) 1 Customer table
Contract number
1 n Contract types
Customer key Customer key
n 1
Name Contract type Contract type
City Object Descr. contract type
... Start date
End date
Contact name
3-6 770
Project Concepts & SAP Definitions 3-7
3-8 770
4 ArchiveLink Customizing
A short review of steps that are necessary for DocuLink Customizing
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
4-2 770
The SAP R/3 interface to archiving systems ®
processes (→ workflow)
Functions: Application
- Archiving from SAP R/3 to
IXOS-eCONtext for SAP
- Archiving from
scanning client
- Archiving SAP data Retrieval
- Viewing documents Database client
- Administration of
document links
SAP ArchiveLink is a component of the SAP System to link external storage systems such as
optical archives and document management systems. It is a general, cross-application
interface providing SAP business applications with archive functionality. The interface is
based technically on SAP's RFC (Remote Function Call) and, nowadays, HTTP and supports
the following functions:
• Archiving and displaying of scanned documents
• Forward-looking Workflow Management
• Archiving, display and retrieval of SAP print lists, outgoing documents and archiving
Additional components can be connected depending on the document class concerned.
4-4 770
ArchiveLink releases ®
3.0: Standardization
- Client integration via OLE automation 2.0
- Server integration via RFC (Remote Function Call)
Since 1994, SAP R/3 contains ArchiveLink, a version that was partially developed by IXOS.
ArchiveLink release numbering corresponds, but is not exactly equal, to SAP R/3 releases.
SAP R/3 currently supports the following interface releases:
• 0021 for SAP R/3 releases ≥ 2.1
• 0030 for SAP R/3 releases ≥ 3.0
• 0031 for SAP R/3 releases ≥ 3.1
• 0045 for SAP R/3 releases ≥ 4.5
Function modules
- Queries for customizing settings
- Document archiving
- Document display
- Document retrieval/download
- …
4-6 770
Some R/3 tables for ArchiveLink ®
Customizing tables
- TOAVE Document type definitions
- TOAAR Logical archive definitions
- TOAOM Document type / logical archive linkage
- TOAPR Presettings for document archiving with workflow
Link tables
- TOA01 for documents associated with R/3 data records (objects)
- TOADL for print lists; different structure
→ see subsequent slides
Administrative tables
- BDS_BAR_IN Open barcodes of R/3 business objects
- BDS_BAR_EX Open barcodes of stored documents
These are a few examples for tables in the SAP R/3 database which are exclusively used in
conjunction with ArchiveLink. The names of most tables begin with ‘TOA’, meaning “Table for
Optical Archiving”.
When a document is archived and shall be linked to an SAP object, this link is not stored as
part of the object information in the involved R/3 application module; instead, some central
ArchiveLink link tables hold all object-to-document link information. This structure yields some
• Application modules do not have to deal with archive document information; therefore,
documents can be linked to all types of objects without further preconditions on the
application side. (However, this does not imply that all archiving scenarios are
applicable everywhere.)
• Multiple documents can point to the same object.
The structure and application of link tables TOA01–03 and TOAHR is detailed on the following
pages. ArchiveLink provides multiple link tables with equal structure in order to enable the
administrator to distribute table entries to different database tablespaces. Customizing
determines in which table to store link entries for each document type individually; see
chapter Basic customizing for details.
SAP Basis version 4.6: Only ArchiveLink documents could be archived
and linked to business objects within DocuLink
ArchiveLink document model is restricted to a list of documents
without versioning and consists of a limited number of attributes.
ArchiveLink is suitable for static documents (in large numbers) whose
processing is already completed
4-8 770
User perspective ®
SAP object
object Archive
Archive document
document Document
Document Document
Document class
class Archive
identification determination
determination type
type (=
(= file
file format)
format) date
The above chart illustrates the structure common to all ArchiveLink link tables TOA01–03 and
TOAHR. (This display can be obtained using transaction SE16).
Only part of the table structure is visible in the above image. The tables contain a total of nine
MANDT Number of SAP client holding the referred-to object
SAP_OBJECT Type of referred-to business object
OBJECT_IDCharacter string identifying the referred-to object (in most cases: a
concatenation of the object key fields)
ARCHIVE_ID The logical archive the document was archived to
ARC_DOC_ID Document ID of the referred-to archived document
AR_OBJECT Document type of archived document
RESERVE Document class (file format) of archived document
AR_DATE The date the document was archived
DEL_DATE (Not shown above) the ending date of the document’s retention period (as
calculated from the archiving date and the retention duration specified as part of the
link definition, TA OAC3)
4-10 770
ArchiveLink - Documents ®
5000 499812 1998 52,50 BKPF 50004998121998 …
An R/3 table consists of fields. Each field stores a static attribute. A table entry, i. e., all the
table fields together, represent a complete set of static attributes for a document. However,
the key fields of a table represent the unique set of static attributes.
A document's unique set of static attributes is linked with its archive ID and doc ID through a
SAP object type. The link information is stored in a special R/3 table, which is called link table.
A SAP object type is especially created for an R/3 table so that it has the same key fields like
the table. An instance of the SAP object type works then as a container for the values in the
key fields of a table entry. Such an instance is called object ID.
In the link table, the object ID represents the corresponding entry in the R/3 table for the static
This is the R/3 concept how documents are linked.
4-12 770
DocuLink Solution - Overview ®
Archiving of documents:
1. Both a unique address and a unique set of static attributes represent a document. The
unique address consists of an archive ID and a doc ID.
2. The document is sent to an IXOS-eCONserver for archiving, which means, that it is safely
stored under its archive ID and doc ID.
3. The document’s set of static attributes and its archive ID and doc ID are stored in R/3.
Through relational tables of the R/3 system, the document’s set of static attributes is linked
with its archive ID and doc ID.
Retrieval of documents:
A The DocuLink module enables the retrieval of an archived document through its set of
static attributes. Through a graphical browsing hierarchy and input fields, DocuLink
provides a user-friendly search functionality of the sets of static attributes stored in R/3.
B + C Once a document is retrieved, it is displayed by the IXOS viewer. Depending on the
type of document, the IXOS-eCON Desktop provides additional functionality like text
notes, multimedia annotations and searching within the document.
D Documents viewed in the viewer can be send per email or saved in the file system.
Archive ID
Link table
Object ID
set of static attributes
Archive ID Archive ID
Doc ID Doc ID
Set of static attributes is provided by customer. Archive ID and doc ID are provided by
scanning application.
1. The relation between SAP object type, SAP document type, logical archive (Archive ID)
and link table is defined in the customizing (Transaction OAC0) .
2. The R/3-System gets the unique Document ID (Doc ID) from the archive system.
3. For each archived Document there must be a entry in the link table (e.g. TOA01)
4-14 770
Retrieval with ArchiveLink ®
Link table
SAP object type SAP object type
Object ID
set of static attributes
Archive ID Archive ID
Doc ID Doc ID
1. DocuLink is searching with the unique set of static attributes (key) in this link table for the
related set of Archive ID and Document ID.
2. Now the system can use the Archive ID and Document ID for displaying the documents.
A SAP document class is also called a technical document class due to the technical nature
of the information controlled by it. SAP document classes distinguish different archive formats
and how those archive formats are displayed. Documents of the SAP document classes ALF,
ASCII and FAX — and therefore all COLD documents — are displayed with the IXOS-eCON
Desktop. However, ArchiveLink requires to define the documents to be archived more
precisely. This is accomplished through SAP document types.
From a concept ional point of view, a SAP document type indicates what kind of information
an archived document contains, whereas the SAP document class defines the format in which
the document — and therefore the information it contains — is archived.
4-16 770
ArchiveLink customizing attributes: ®
Log. archive Attribute
OAC0 A4 Example value
Basic customizing data is stored in several ArchiveLink customizing tables of the SAP R/3
database. The chart above illustrates this table structure and the involved references.
Knowing about this structure is important if you want to delete customizing you have made
before (the customizing wizard does not support deletion), if you have to alter existing
settings, or in order to check correctness of customizing in case of trouble. correspondence
The customizing part logical archive definition has been discussed in detail in chapter
Configuring Logical Archives for SAP ArchiveLink; for document type definition and link to
logical archive see the following pages.
Here is a summary of transactions used for the customizing structures shown above:
Logical archive definition OAC0
Document type definition OAC2
Link to log. archive OAC3
English German
document class Dokumenttyp
document type Dokumentart
4-18 770
Maintenance of ArchiveLink Customizing via ®
Transaction J8A7
4-20 770
Display/maintain ®
This and the following page describe what customizing settings are made behind the scenes
by the document type customizing wizard; this information is necessary for checking and for
altering the customizing you have done using the wizard.
The first customizing table manipulated by the wizard is the list of document type definitions
(illustrated above); you can access it via transaction OAC2. It stores the document type name,
description, and document class (file format) assignment. (A fourth attribute “status” is also
included, but it has no significance in the context of ArchiveLink archiving.)
For an existing document type, you may alter the description and document class here.
Moreover, you can add descriptions in other languages than the one used for creating the
document type; this is strongly recommended for companies operating SAP R/3 in multiple
You may also choose to create a new document type directly here. For this, click button New
entries to invoke the New Entries: Details of Created Entries dialog, then
enter the requested document type attributes. If you do so, do not forget to link the document
type to a logical archive afterwards (described on the following page)!
logical archive
The second half of the document type customizing wizard’s background work is to establish a
link between the given SAP object type, document type, and logical archive. You can review
and alter this information using transaction OAC3; the screen that appears contains an
overview of all the links defined (illustrated above). The fields have the following meanings:
Obj. type of the SAP object that an archived document of the specified document type
(see below) becomes linked to.
Doc. type of archived document to be processed according to this link information entry.
S (“status”): Effectiveness of the link customizing entry. ‘X’ means active, everything else
means inactive.
Content R: ID of logical archive (= “content repository”) that will receive documents of the
specified document type.
Link: Name of the link table where this association is stored in the SAP R/3 database. (For
print list archiving, this field is meaningless — since archived print lists are always
handled by table TOADL — but, nevertheless, some “dummy” entry is required.)
Ret. per.: Retention period of an archived document (only for documentation); interpreted
as number of months.
For editing existing entries, you first have to switch from display mode to change mode by
clicking the “pencil and glasses” button. After this, you may also create new entries by clicking
the New Entries button.
4-22 770
Display/maintain ®
This is only necessary if a non-standard document class must be used for archiving. For
example, ASCII is the non-standard document class for archiving document lists.
The information that you provide to SAP R/3 by setting up a document type is stored in two
distinct database tables. However, there is no need to maintain both of them manually;
instead, ArchiveLink provides a document type customizing wizard that merges editing the
involved tables into a single dialog sequence. During this sequence, you are queried for all of
the document attributes discussed before.
Invoke the customizing wizard by entering transaction OAD5. In the initial screen, click the
Continue button, then walk through the dialog sequence shown above:
c Enter the name of your new document type and a meaningful description for it. The
name must begin with ‘Y’ or ‘Z’.
d If you know an already existing document type whose attributes you would like to use
as suggestions (“template”) for your new document type, you can enter its name here.
Normally, you can leave this field empty.
e Do not select option “Workflow document type”.
f Specify the document class (= file format) for your document type.
g Enter the type of SAP objects that documents of the type being customized shall be
linked to.
h Make the following entries:
Cont. Rep. ID: The ID of the logical archive (= “content repository”) that shall
receive the documents.
Link: The name of the link table where ArchiveLink shall store document links.
Retention per.: Designated document retention period (number of months). This is
only for documentation; documents will not be deleted automatically. Can be left
Confirm the final wizard dialog (not shown above) with the Complete button.
4-24 770
Display/maintain ®
As a special exercise you can create a second document type with technical type FAX.
Then see what happens when you scan a document – for the first time and for the second
(To switch, choose from the menu: Settings – Reset arch.scenario)
4-26 770
ArchiveLink Customizing 4-27
4-28 770
5 Working in standard mode
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
5-2 770
Customizing in standard mode ®
5-4 770
DocuLink Concepts - Projects ®
There should be a value entered for Max number of hits (to avoid runtime errors).
To change the project description select a project and press button ‘header data’.
5-6 770
Step 1: … open the new Project ®
to open
a project
click here
Standard Mode
When a new project is created, customizing will start in the standard mode. Standard mode is
the default mode.
As long as the project is not switched into the expert mode and save there, all views of the
project are customizable in the standard mode.
After a project was switched into expert mode (and saved), there is no way back.
5-8 770
Step 3: Start with „Standard Customizing“ to ®
1. Now there is an empty view. To create nodes, the create button must be pressed.
2. There is now the choice to define two different nodes: subgroup or document selection.
• A subgroup defines a node with a fixed text to structure the application.
• There can be several subgroups be defined underneath each other.
5-10 770
Step 3: Create a Document selection ®
To create a Selection of documents you must work through three dialog boxes. These dialog
boxes are also used by the create wizard in expert mode. The procedure in expert mode is
identical with the exception of a few additional options. Consequently, some of the options
described below are not available in standard mode.
1. Now there is again an empty view. To create nodes, the create button must be pressed.
2. Now select ‚Document selection‘.
3. Press create button
see next slide
First of all, you see a dialog box in which you enter some general specifications concerning the
Specify the following fields:
The internal name of the node.
Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are permitted for the name of the selection field.
The node name which is displayed in the DocuLink application.
Data structure
This specification is obligatory and is needed for the transfer of values to DocuLink. In standard
mode this is the SAP table that is to be selected.
A document node type is created if the With documents option is activated.
Download button writes structure to file
Automatically generates a template for COLD projects from the specified table.
This is particularly important for the automatic entry of a large number of documents as well as
when transferring legacy data. (For details on importing COLD data refer to the manual 'IXOS®
ECR Server - IXOS Document Pipeline and Batch Import (AR-CDP)'
SAP-object type
Contains, among other things, the key fields that are required to process the documents. This may
have been created in the SAP application together with the user-defined table.
The selection is output as a hitlist.
Separate hitlist
If the selection is output as a hitlist, then it is not displayed in the hierarchy but
in a separate hitlist.
5-12 770
Step 3: Create a Document selection ®
1 2
In the dialog box, you must select which of the possible table fields you wish to make
available to the user as selection criteria.
You will see two lists: on the left-hand side, you see all the available table fields that have not
been chosen for the selection screen. On the right, you see a list containing only those
fields that have been explicitly chosen for use in selection screens. Only these fields can
be used for selection.
Selecting table fields for the selection screen
• Select the fields in the list of available selection fields by clicking in the field to the left of
the name.
• Click on the right arrow. The table field now appears in the right-hand list for the selection
When you have selected all the table fields you require, click on Next.
Now you must create the subnodes for the select nodes, i.e. the further hierarchy for the
selected documents.
The documents in the view are subdivided in accordance with the specified attributes (table
fields). You can choose between single or multiple attributing. When single attributing is
used, the information is sorted on the basis of a single criterion (dynamic node type).
Important: Key fields must be included:
When multiple attributing is used, several attributes can be taken into account (value table
node type). All key fields must be included in either single attributing or multiple attributing,
as otherwise a unique listing of the documents in the hierarchy cannot be guaranteed.
Finally, you create the selection screen. To close the dialog box, click on Generate, or click on
Cancel to reject the changes.
5-14 770
Step 3: Create dynamic nodes ®
Fields in the box ‚single attributing‘ will appear as single nodes in the search tree. The
number defines the order. This box can stay empty.
If a hitlist is to appear immediately below a static (subgroup) node type, do not enter any
values for single attributing. Instead, select attributes for multiple attributing that are to
be displayed in the hitlist.
The number in the Subnode field identifies the level of the node underneath the select
node. The order is specified automatically, where single attributing fields are listed
before multiple attributing fields. Within these areas, the fields are sorted on the basis
of the order in which they were added to the lists.
5-16 770
Step 3: Create a Document selection ®
After generate the following configuration appears. With the test button you can check your
configuration or if you want to change it double click on the line.
Working in standard modeDecember 7, 2007Slide 18
1. To Activate a project press button ‚Activate‘, otherwise that project is not seen in
retrieval transaction of DocuLink J6NY!
2. After activating the color changes into bright green.
If your project is active but not productive you get the messages: “This is an active test
version. Do not use in productive system!”
5-18 770
Setting Projects productive (at the end) ®
When all the views have been tested successfully and development of the version is
complete, you can activate Set productive for the version, i.e. it is then ready for customer
operation and can no longer be modified. If you want to do further developments or changes
you have to create a new version of this project.
standard mode
For scanning IXOS enterprise must be opened and documents must be scanned from file
system (as there is no scanner).
You have to type in the value for contract number, as in the default mode of DocuLink
selection fields cannot be customized. This can be done only in the expert mode.
This view would be in reality a pure retrieval view, not a scan view.
5-20 770
Working in standard mode 5-21
5-22 770
6 Extended DocuLink Features – Expert mode
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
6-2 770
Standard Mode → Expert Mode (1) ®
As long as no changes are saved in the expert mode, the entry will be still via standard mode.
To switch to a view double click on the view number.
The whole sub tree can be expanded in one step by selecting a node and pressing button
‘expand tree’.
6-4 770
Customizing Wizard in Expert mode ®
6-6 770
Attribute Objects ®
In DocuLink an attribute object usually represents a R/3 table, and select fields represent the
fields of an R/3 table.
Attribute objects and select fields introduce a layer of abstraction or encapsulation. In this way
they hide the underlying R/3 structures. Therefore, in DocuLink are only those R/3 tables
accessible that have a corresponding attribute object. The same is true for the fields of an R/3
table - in DocuLink a select field encapsulates an R/3 table field. Therefore, access to a single
table field and its contents is provided through a corresponding select field.
By linking select fields with an attribute object, the representation of an R/3 table and its
contents in DocuLink is complete.
The most important fields during the customizing of a attribute object are the data
structure and the SAP object type
At node type 1 and at node type 5 the attribute object must be specified!
But it is not allowed to enter an attribute object at any other node type (0,2,3,4)!
6-8 770
Attribute Objects – Screen Administration (1) ®
6-10 770
Attribute Objects – Screen Administration (3) ®
If you want to have the description of these fields depending on more then one field there are
the two new user-exits “INSERT_INF” and “DETAIL_INF”.
In some projects we had problems with the start picture. If the connection between the client
and the R/3 System is really slow it took a while until the start picture of DocuLink was
In the section Archiving you can define which archiving scenarios should be possible for this
attribute object
The default value can be switched by the user (menu: settings – reset arch. scenario)
6-12 770
Attribute Objects - Data Archive Plus ®
Archiving object
Section Data Archiving enables the display of archived data in line with the online table
To use this functionality only some settings are necessary referring to the Archive object and
to the Structure from the Archive Information System that should be used.
(For better performance and to enable the functionality of IXOS-DataARCHIVE Plus solution
packages, i. e. SD document flow including offline, several programmed function modules are
6-14 770
Attribute Objects – User exits ®
6-16 770
Node Types ®
(Here the selection in the retrieval screen was restricted for the category to only one value by
typing in ‘INCOMING’ in the query pop up. Also there is only one scanned document.)
A view in DocuLink, as it is seen with transaction j6ny, consists of nodes, which are displayed
in a hierarchical order. However, actually a view consists of an underlying hierarchy of node
Think of a node as just an instance of a respective node type. The general characteristics of a
node are defined in its node type. Through a node type many nodes in a view can have the
same characteristics, but those characteristics must be defined only once for the node type.
The purpose of nodes and, of course, their underlying node types is to collect selection
criteria and to display the results of a selection. It is, therefore, no wonder that the main
characteristic of a node type is its selection type.
6-18 770
Node Types (3) ®
Selection types
- 0 Root node
- 1 Document node
• represents a document, i.e., an entry in a link table (e.g., TOA01)
• requires the specification of an attribute object for the node type
- 2 Static node
• displays a single text line once - always visible
- 3 Static node
• displays a single text line once - only visible if values exist for the assigned select field
- 4 Dynamic node
• displays a line for every distinct value of the assigned select field
- 5 Value-table node
• represents a complete table entry
• requires the specification of an attribute object for the node type
- C Document node for CM-Documents
- D Document node for PLM-Documents
A root node is the top node in a view. In every view there is only one root node.
Static nodes are used to display a single line, i. e., there can be only one node of such a node
type in a view. A static node can be used as an entry node to a sub view, i. e., it provides an
anchor for the hierarchy of nodes lying underneath.
Dynamic nodes and value-table nodes display the results of a selection. Usually they result in
the display of several lines, where each line is the equivalent of a node, which in turn is an
instance of the respective node type. There is, however, a clear distinction between these two
node types.
Dynamic nodes show the results of an SELECT-DISTINCT SQL-operation. That means, from
all entries in a particular table field only the distinct values are returned, i. e., duplicate values
are ignored. Thus, dynamic nodes condense the contents of a table. This characteristic
predestines dynamic nodes for building a browsing hierarchy of nodes.
Value-table nodes display a list of attribute records, i. e., a list of table entries. That means, a
value-table node is displayed for every table entry returned by a selection. To determine
which R/3 table is to be queried, an attribute object must be specified for a value-table node
The main difference between dynamic nodes and value-table nodes is that a dynamic node
represents a set of attribute records (or table entries), whereas a value-table node represents
exactly one attribute record.
Although a dynamic node is an excellent means to build a browsing hierarchy, it should only
be used to access tables with only a few entries. Otherwise, using a dynamic node can cause
performance problems. A value-table node is likely to be used just above a document node,
since it can be used to display all the entries of a table storing the sets of static attributes that
match a specified selection. In such a case it provides fast access to all relevant archived
documents, but lacks the ability of dynamic nodes to provide a quick overview of a table’s
2 Static Node
4 Dynamic Node
4 Dynamic Node
5 Value table
1 Document
In our standard mode example the following node types are used.
6-20 770
Node Types (5)
Value restriction: At a dynamic node it will be searched in the attribute objects for the
COLLECT-field. This will be compressed, so that only different values will be delivered (e.g.
one line per Fiscal Year).
Value restriction: (only at a dynamic node)
Here you can specify an attribute object (table) to restrict the possible values at this node.
This helps in an other way if the table to collect is very big.
No check of values from value restriction attribute object
This flag is used only at dynamic node types (type 4). If 'value restriction' is used, all values
matching the restrictions of current selection fields are selected. Additionally a check is done if
the value exists in the corresponding attribute object. To switch this behavior off and show all
values of the 'value restriction' table without check, set this flag.
Value restrictions
At dynamic node types, the values of a table field are summarized so that all the values which
occur are included once and only once in the result set. By explicitly restricting the values with
this option, you can avoid the following problems:
If, for example, the field GJAHR in the table BKPF is to be represented in a summarized
format, then by default, the complete table must be searched each time in order to locate a
relatively small number of existing financial years. The better option is to specify an attribute
object in this field for a table that contains the existing financial years (in the sample project
$EX_FI this is GJAHR). DocuLink then no longer searches the BKPF table. Instead, it
searches the much smaller table GJAHR.
Additional restrictions
Assume that there is a table which contains various documents sorted on the basis of the
document type and author. The document type is to be output in a summarized form. In
addition, certain authors are only permitted to see and edit certain document types. One
solution would be to use the user exit AUTH_CHECK to carry out an authorization check at
field level. However, you could also create an attribute object with a table containing the
document types for each user. The attribute object must be entered here.
6-22 770
Node Types (7) ®
Hit list: This flag means, that the hits are displayed as hitlists and not as prepared lines.
Separate hitlists: This flag means, that the hitlists is not displayed in the hierarchy but in a
separate screen.
Sort values: This flag activates sorting at value table nodes. The sort conditions for value
table nodes have to be entered in administration for attribute object / hitlists.
Maximum Number of hits: The maximum number of hits specifies the maximum number of
value-table nodes (does not affect dynamic, static or documents nodes) that can be displayed
as subnodes when a node is expanded (by default 0, not restricted). This value affects only
this node and may not be larger than the general value for the entire view.
Open nodes automatically: If you activate this option, all nodes of this node type are
automatically expanded when you expand the superior node. This option is available for all
node types except for the root node and document nodes. This setting is only useful for node
types that display little information for the user, but structure the view, e.g. static or dynamic
node types.
Hotspot: This flag means, that the text of a node is written as hotspot, i. e. it is enough to click
once on the node. Double clicking is not necessary.
Hide checkbox: (for SAP GUI for HTML visualization only) To select lines with attribute
records or documents in the DocuLink navigation window, you must use a check box. Since
there are node types which do not have to be selected (for example, structuring nodes), this
option allows you to deactivate the check box.
Function code PICK: On every node the function code of double clicking (PICK) can be
replaced by another function code from DocuLink II to execute another function.
For example, sometimes it is interesting to branch to the SAP transaction. So you replace
PICK by BOBJ to call the default method when you are double clicking on a node.
Status management: If you activate this option, status transition is enabled for this node type
and the status management configured for the attribute object is activated
(See examples on following slides.)
displayed as prepared lines displayed as hit list in hierarchy displayed as separate hit list
Define kind of Hit list one hierarchy step above the node you want to get e. g. a separate hit
6-24 770
Node Types (9) - Sorting in hierarchy ®
Specify the text to be displayed together with nodes assigned to this node type.
You can combine the following possibilities to define node type texts:
• Fixed text
• Selection field whose name is enclosed in ampersands (&Selection field name&)
• Special selection fields for which values are generated automatically
• ODMA attributes that are transferred during document entry via DesktopLink (name of the
attribute with @ as a prefix, e.g. @Filename).
Furthermore, some formatting operations are available for text output
You can specify
•Position like in &5 VAR& or &5:VAR&
•Offset and length like in &VAR+3(4)&
•Output conversion like in &VAR=CONVE&
To output the '&' symbol itself you have to double it: '&&'.
In DocuLink an attribute object represents an R/3 table, and select fields represent the fields
of an R/3 table.
Attribute objects and select fields introduce a layer of abstraction or encapsulation. In this way
they hide the underlying R/3 structures. Therefore, in DocuLink are only those R/3 tables
accessible that have a corresponding attribute object. The same is true for the fields of an R/3
table - in DocuLink a select field encapsulates an R/3 table field.
Access to a single table field and its contents is provided through a corresponding select field.
By linking select fields with an attribute object, the representation of an R/3 table and its
contents in DocuLink is complete.
6-28 770
Selection Fields - Definition ®
This screen shows the definition of a selection field from within a view. It can also be created
• The user name; it can be used, for example, to create a user-specific folder structure
(see also Recursive node type on page 31).
• Logon language for the SAP application; allows you to output only text in the logon
• This selection field must be assigned to a node type in order to restrict the display at
nodes of this type to documents having a certain document type. The document type
can be entered by the user in a selection screen or can be predefined during
customizing (node type assignment for selection screens or database selections).
• this selection field must be assigned to a node type, in order to restrict the display at
nodes of this type to documents with a particular archiving date. The archiving date
can be entered by the user in a selection screen or predefined during customizing
(node type assignment for selection screens or database selections).
• indicates the source of the data: database or archive server. Indicating the data source
is only relevant when archiving data.
• designates the document type in the SAP application (and is used for example, as a
suggestion for the document node type text).
• describes the document type (and is also used for the document node type text).
6-30 770
Special (internal) Selection Fields (II) ®
• shows the status ID for a Content Management (CM) document
• describes the status for a Content Management (CM) document
• designates the name of a Content Management (CM) document or folder
• designates the description of a Content Management (CM) document or folder
• specifies the workstation application for which the original document was created
• shows the description of a PLM/DVS document
• shows the storage category of a PLM/DVS document
• As of this version, it is also possible to include ODMA attributes which were saved
during document entry via IXOS-DesktopLink (e.g. entry date, person who entered the
document etc.) in the node type text. For this to be possible, it is necessary to define
special se-lection fields whose names must be the same as those of the ODMA
attributes but with the prefix @, for example @Filename
Table Field R/3 Table
An R/3 table is named attribute object in DocuLink and additional characteristics, e.g. allowed
archive modes for that table are defined at the attribute object.
A field is named selection field in DocuLink. A selection field must know to which attribute
object (R/3 table) and which field of that table it corresponds. With the selection field
additional retrieval characteristics can be specified.
6-32 770
Select Field at Attribute Object (2) ®
Automatic fill
6-34 770
Select Fields at Node Type ®
z Selection fields
have to be assigned for
All fields needed in the node text, in a selection box or for a value selection or as COLLECT
field must be known at a node type.
‘Technical’ select fields, like ‘archiving date, are assigned automatically by DocuLink at nodes
of selection type 1.
6-36 770
Select Fields at Node Type - Selection Screen ®
6-38 770
Select Fields at Node Type - Text replace & ®
This check box is only valid for dynamic node types (type 4). During selection at a dynamic
node type, a separate line is displayed for each value returned by a query. To remove
duplicates of the same line, it is necessary to define a single (key) field which is used as the
criterion for recognizing duplicate lines. All other fields serve only to provide information.
Consequently, for dynamic node types, you must assign this node type precisely one
selection field for which this option is not set (namely the COLLECT field). This option must be
active for all other selection fields that you want to output 'for info' at this type 4 node.
Check this box if the value currently in the selection field is not to be passed to child node
Exclude from SELECT
Prevents a field that has been passed by a parent node type from being used for selection at
the child node type, i.e. it is not used to perform a restriction. This is necessary if the Cut
option cannot be used, e.g. if there are two child node types, one of which requires
information while the other has to be prevented from receiving it. In this case, the option is
simply set at the child node type which is not intended to receive the information.
In this area, you can specify coded restrictions which affect the child node types.
Lower end, Upper end
Here you can restrict the selection by specifying upper and lower boundaries. When
maintaining the restrictions, you can click here to display a dialog box which shows the
possible operators. The option you select will be inserted in the option field. You can specify,
for example, that certain values or ranges of values are to be included in or excluded from
Output mask
At dynamic node types, the non-info fields are compressed when selection is performed. The
result is that the function always returns different values. These values can be prepared by
converting or deleting characters and by inserting fixed text. For example, a date field
YYYYMMDD might be converted to MM/YYYY. The instructions for the preparation of a field
consist of a list of numbers separated by commas. You may specify the following:
• single numbers which indicate the position of the character in the original string (1, 2,
3, ..).
• a range of numbers which indicate a character range in the original string (3-5)
• fixed text
The position of the first character in a string is 1. The same rule holds for character ranges.
Fixed text is taken over exactly as it is specified. If fixed text begins with a number or a
comma, you must prefix it with a backslash (\). Otherwise, a backslash is interpreted literally
as a backslash. The elements of the list are output in the order in which they are specified
here. To generate the format MM/YYYY you would specify 5,6,/,1-4 where the positions 5 and
6 represent the month and 1-4 the year.
6-40 770
Hierarchy with more then one table (1) ®
1 3
Select field
Field X
2 4
A select field works as a container for the values of an associated table field.
A select field is associated with an attribute object and a table field of the R/3 table that is
represented by this attribute object. For example, arrows c and d indicate that the select
field "Field X" is associated with the "Attribute object 1" and with table field
"Field 2" of R/3 table 1, which is represented by “Attribute object 1“ . However, it is
also possible to associate the same select field with another attribute object and table field
("Field A"). This is indicated by arrows e and f.
This configuration allows the following behavior: First, select field "Field X" is filled with a
value from R/3 table 1. Then, with this value, R/3 table 2 is accessed. But access to R/3 table
2 is limited to only those table entries where table field "Field A" has the same value as the
select field. Thus, this feature allows to adopt selections (or restrictions) from one table to
another. (From a data-model point of view, it is recommended that there is either a foreign key
relationship between the R/3 tables 1 and 2 or a value table relationship with a common R/3
data element for the table fields "Field 2" and "Field A". However, this is not required.)
6-42 770
Exercise: Wizard in Expert mode ®
You create a new role for an administrator for your own project from the previous exercises.
To do this, do not choose a template, but start with adding the minimal profile for DocuLink
access (J_6NG_MIN).
This does not contain any project, so you have to add selection criteria for your project and all
The user should also be able to work with documents, so you need an ArchiveLink
authorization for your document types (S_WFAR_OBJ).
To be able to use the role, you have to generate it. Then assign users) to the role.
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
(transaction SE80)
There are 2 possibilities to create a business object, first (shown here) with transaction se80,
other with transaction swo1 (see next slide).
7-2 770
Creating SAP Object Types (SWO1) ®
The program
program will
will be
generated automatically
3 by
by the
the SAP
R/3 System
There is a little difference in the way how to create a SAP Object between the different R/3-
Business objects are identified in the BOR by object type (for example BUS2032) and a
descriptive object name (for example Sales Order). Both identifiers must be unique across all
object types.
Business objects are often addressed using the object name from external applications, while
internally in the BOR they are mostly identified using the object type. Initially, only the internal
key was used, but the extensive use of business objects has given rise to the need for
addressing them using names. For compatibility reasons, both identifiers are now used.
1. Object type:
Internal technical key of a business object in the Business Object Repository (BOR)
with a maximum of 10 characters.
2. Object name:
Descriptive, English ID of a business object in the Business Object Repository (BOR)
with a maximum of 32 characters, using both uppercase and lowercase.
The object ID is also used as a proposed name for container elements in the workflow
container and task container, if an element is to be created there with a reference to an
object of the type in question.
3. Name (language dependent):
The name should be meaningful enough for it to be used to select an object type.
4. Description (language dependent):
You can specify an identifying text of up to 40 characters as a short description.
5. Program:
Program for ABAP code that is generated for the object type (interface, methods, …)
6. Application:
Category for business/application-specific environment (“*” for cross-application)
7-4 770
Create / insert new interface ®
To create an interface mark the node “Interfaces” and press button “create”. Enter the name
of the interface in the shown field.
These interfaces are needed for archiving:
1. With the interface ArchiveLink WFL 2.1 the system adds automatically the event
assigned to the Object type. The event assigned will be created automatically when
you have successfully archived a document. With this event in turn you can start
following working processes (e. g. a workflow).
2. The interface “/IXOS/DC_I” is only necessary if DesktopLink is used.
If you used the selection function (<F4>) to create the interfaces, the status should be on
Inserting new interfaces inserts additional methods. Double-click on the method shows by
which interface it was inserted.
field proposal
7-6 770
Specify R/3 table, select all key fields and ®
create these
Hint: You have to select all (key) fields in the first column of the list.
7-8 770
Change release status to Implemented and ®
1. First you have to change the status to Implemented than to Released. Ignore the
information in popup.
2. For using a object type for our purpose it is obligatory to release it (necessary to transport
the object).
7-10 770
Generate the object type ®
7-12 770
Create Object Types for DocuLink 7-13
7-14 770
8 Create Number range for DocuLink
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
When creating a new table entry it is sometimes necessary that the value for a table field
is filled automatically with a unique number. This is possible by creating a number range
object for the domain of the table field. Whenever a new table entry is created, the table
field is then filled with the next free number in the number range.
For example, a contract number is a unique number. To make sure that every contract has
a different number, a number range object is created for the corresponding domain. The
contract number is then chosen automatically by R/3.
8-2 770
Define details for number range object and ®
1. Fill out Short name (max. 20 characters) and the long text and then
2. the Number length domain
3. how many numbers are remain if you get a warning
4. then save the details.
The number length domain defines the length of your number range object.
The domain YOCPDCORRESP_KEY has the data type NUMC and a Number of
characters 10. This means you are able to get numbers from 0000000001 to 9999999999.
Domains which should be used in number range objects must be created before you
create the number range objects!
Before you can use a number range object you have to define a fitting number range.
8-4 770
Insert and define interval ®
1. Insert Interval
2. Define the number range and add it
3. save the changes
Attention: Number ranges are not automatically transported by the SAP transport system!
Objects ZDC##Oxxxxx
Number range ZDC##NCORR
8-6 770
Create Number range for DocuLink 8-7
8-8 770
9 Customizing of DocuLink in Expert mode
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
The first step will be the project design. This can be done in documenting a step by step
retrieval or in a logical node hierarchy. It will be always in writing.
Each node in the initial screen of DocuLink represents an active project. A project combines
related views by providing an anchor for the views in the initial screen of DocuLink. Also, the
DocuLink customizing for the various views can only be done within a project. Therefore, a
project must be created first.
9-2 770
Exercise: Wizard in Expert mode ®
Double click
9-4 770
Creating Selection Fields and assign them ®
In this step you actually assign the selection field to a attribute object and a
specific field of the attribute object.
9-6 770
Define Node Types ®
In this step you have to define to which node type the selection fields should be assigned.
9-8 770
Assign Selection Fields to Node Types(2) ®
In this step you have to define to which node type the selection fields should be assigned.
tab "Archiving"
9-10 770
Select Field at Attribute Object ®
The number range for the field is used to generate unique keys for correspondence records.
During this exercise you will not be able to test it ‚in action‘.
The field (and the whole attribute object for correspondence) will be used in a later exercise.
9-12 770
Create Nodes with Wizard ®
1 2
9-14 770
Create Node – Root ®
9-16 770
Create Node ®
9-18 770
Create Node Text ®
Here you control if users are able to insert/move/copy/delete database records or documents
- depending on selection type.
9-20 770
Create Node as Document Node ®
This slide shows a new node, with a different selection type ‚1 – Document‘.
2 3a
The standard selection fields for document nodes can only be inserted one by one (because
of radio buttons). For more fields repeat the selection!
These technical fields do not need to be assigned to the node type for database selection, this
is automatically assumed and not shown in the view.
9-22 770
Exercise: Create View Correspondence ®
The number range for the field is used to generate unique keys for correspondence records.
During this exercise you will not be able to test it ‚in action‘.
The field (and the whole attribute object for correspondence) will be used in a later exercise.
All fields that should be shown in the Selection window must be assigned as selection fields.
For the assignment type you have to choose “Selection popup”. ‘Database selection’ is not
needed additionally.
To switch from full screen selection screen to the popup as it is shown in the screenshots set
the flag ‘Screens as popup’ in the header data of the view (button ‘hat’).
9-24 770
Configuring Selection Dialogs - Admin ®
Transaction J6NP
The administrator can change the order of the selection fields, make fields obligatory,
configure search help and set/get parameter.
The user can hide on his own screen one or more selection fields, but he can’t hide obligatory
9-26 770
Exercise: Link Contract and Correspondence ®
– Screen shoots
Do you get the correspondence entries for all contracts at one contract?
Identify one selection field that can be used to be the link between the tables/attribute objects.
Assign this one field to both attribute objects.
(This is a link without separate link attribute object/table)
Make sure you will see only the specific correspondence that is related to the contract.
To display the contract number at the first correspondence line is a special challenge. You
cannot do this with a static node type – as created by the wizard.
9-28 770
Customizing of DocuLink in Expert mode 9-29
9-30 770
10 DMS Functionalities
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
10-2 770
Linear vs. structured CM Model ®
The properties of a CM
Document can be
displayed, set and
10-4 770
Versioning of CM Documents ®
10-6 770
Node for CM Documents – Selection type ®
To define the text at the CM document node, change to tab strip “Text”, set the cursor into the
text field and press button “Selection fields”. There you can choose the field and insert it.
10-8 770
Exercise: Add CM-Document node ®
10-10 770
Template Management – User view (2) ®
It is possible to create
templates and link this
templates with an attribute
Create new documents
based on this templates
(better Office Integration)
For CM Document models
(in Customer namespace)
Language dependent
Customizing at Attribute
Templates cannot be transported, thus they are usually configured in the productive system.
Therefore a special authorization for administrators has been defined, so that a user does not
require complete authorization in the productive system to edit the templates.
For template management the administrator requires the activities Customizing of projects
(display) and Edit CM templates in the general DocuLink authorization object J_6NG_DATA.
The activity Customizing of projects (edit) is not necessary.
10-12 770
Creating CM-Template ®
CM-Templates are
It is possible to create new
templates in an editor or
import existing templates
from file system
It is possible to link a
template with different
attribute objects (the icon .
appears in the Multiple use
column in that case).
10-14 770
Status Management ®
It is possible to set an
status for CM
The status customizing
is depending on the
attribute object
First define the status
ID‘s and the description
10-16 770
Status Management – User view ®
Management (I)
10-18 770
DocuLink - Support of CM Documents ®
Transaction: DMWB
1:1 1:1
The SAP Knowledge Provider (KPro) is integrated into the SAP Web Application Server and
used for managing documents and document-like objects. Its transparent and generic
functions can be integrated by various applications.
The KPro is therefore a cross-application, cross-media, information technology infrastructure.
LOIO: A logical information object (LOIO) is an information object that has no content, but
rather is a collection of all the versions of a document. The logical information object
represents the whole document, and is identified by an ID generated by the system.
PHIO: Versions and variants are represented in KPro as physical information objects
(PHIOs). A physical information object (PHIO) is an information object with content. More than
one physical information object can be related to a logical information object.
10-20 770
Technical Background Example ®
10-22 770
DMS Functionalities 10-23
10-24 770
11 Additional functionalities
Additional functionalities since DocuLink Version 3.4
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
11-2 770
DocuLink – Logical Systems (I) ®
Integration of data from different logical SAP Systems into one DocuLink view
• Uses concept of ALE (Application Link Enabling) to access data on different systems
via RFC
• DocuLink Customizing
– Same DocuLink Project on all Systems
– 1 Leading System, different Target Systems
– Enter Logical System at attribute objects in Leading System
– Replace not existing Data structures SAP-Objects with help objects
• Authority check in Leading System with
DocuLink internal authority checks at attribute object
11-4 770
Customizing for integration in other logical ®
z The same project view must be installed on all SAP systems whose data
should be displayed. IXOS recommends using the SAP system with the
highest basis version as leading system.
z In case the required table or data structure doesn‘t exist in the leading
system you can use IXOS report /IXOS/DC_CREATE_STRUCTURE_REC
to create an auxiliary structure.
z The authorization check for access to all systems is performed on the
leading system. It is not necessary for all users to have explicit logon
information for all systems.
z For each node, only data from ONE SAP system can be displayed.
z Customizing Steps for configuring ALE (Application Link Enabling)
1. Define a logical system for each target system
2. Define a RFC destination for each logical system
3. Assign each logical system a RFC destination
To create the auxiliary structure, you can use the IXOS report
/IXOS/DC_CREATE_STRUCTURE_RFC. Execute it in the SE38 transaction and as
parameters enter the table name, for which you want to create an auxiliary structure, the
logical system in which the table actually exists, and the desired prefix for the name range
(that will be used as a prefix to the table name).
Next Slides
11-6 770
Define RFC destination ®
Transaction SM59
1 Recommendation:
<SystemID>CLNT<client number>
When defining the logical system observe the following naming convention:
<SystemID>CLNT<client number>
11-8 770
DocuLink – Retrieval PLM Documents ®
ROOT (0)
Æ Y_DOKAR (4) (Dynamic node for different Document types)
Æ 5 T_DRAW (5) Attribute object (Data source DRAW)
Æ D_KPRO (D) Document Node with selection type D
11-10 770
DocuLink as Control ®
1 2
The services available for DocuLink are maintained in the table /IXOS/DC46_TCGDS which
can be edited directly from the attribute object customizing screen.
For technical reasons it is not possible to make the services available in the toolbar.
Generic Object Services are stored in Database table SGOSATTR (SGOS: Attribute of
Generic Services)
11-12 770
Generic Object Services (2) ®
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
12-2 770
Transaction /n/ixos/plm for PLM support ®
12-4 770
Customizing for "DesktopLink for PLM“ in ®
transaction /n/ixos/plm
12-6 770
Customizing for "Scanning for PLM" ®
12-8 770
Automatic Import for PLM ®
12-10 770
Automatic Import for PLM – log file ®
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
The following slides show a brief overview of additional functionalities that are available with
- Archive office documents and link them to SAP business objects
- Enhanced, proprietary alternative to SAP’s “archiving from frontend”
- Can be applied to archiving scenarios:
All SAP Workflow-related scenarios (store and enter, assign and store, …)
IXOS-DocuLink (≥ 2.0)
Conversion to a long-term storage format ensures that documents can be displayed in the far
future even when the application that the document has been created with is no longer
Find the mentioned ESC article DesktopLink: Restrictions for PDF/TIFF Conversion as:
13-2 770
Ways of starting the archiving process ®
Only for
for ODMA-enabled
Implies TIFF
PDF conversion
13-4 770
Archiving starting points on the Windows ®
Once an office document has been saved to a file, you may invoke DesktopLink archiving as
illustrated above.
Common steps
Drag an
d drop
No matter which of the archiving starting points within the office application or on the Windows
desktop you use, a number of steps is common to all of them. The chart above explains the
steps using the drag-and-drop method as an example (other starting points are illustrated on
the previous pages):
c The document file is dragged from the explorer and dropped onto the “IXOS-eCONtext
for SAP” desktop icon.
Now the common steps sequence begins:
d A dialog appears, offering logon to SAP systems. Log on to the one that you want to
link your office document into.
(However, this step may be omitted if the “Auto logon” option is activated; see page
IXOS-DesktopLink Monitor later in this chapter.)
e A list of available archiving scenarios is presented; choose “DocuLink" for your
archiving purpose.
f The view dialog of IXOS-DocuLink will open, choose your project and view.
g In the selection box fill in the selection parameter and start the selection
h Choose your SAP business object (e. g. the right order) and press the <Create as
i Then choose the right document type from the table and press <Enter>
13-6 770
Start screen of DesktopLink Customizing (TA: ®
English German
13-8 770
Advanced DesktopLink features (1): Multiple ®
document selection
“Stack processing”:
z Documents are processed
individually, one by one
“Multi processing”:
z Documents are assigned to the
same business object altogether
z “Assign and store” scenario only
IXOS-eCONtextfor forSAP SAP
for complete description
for complete description
DocuLink & DesktopLinkDecember 7, 2007Slide 9
Whenever a user starts DesktopLink archiving from his Windows desktop (e. g. by picking
documents from the Windows Explorer as illustrated above), DesktopLink 5.0 offers to select
and process multiple documents in a single action.
Having chosen an archiving scenario, the user may decide how to handle the document
indexing action:
• Separate indexing for each single document (“stack processing”) means that the
documents are linked to SAP business contexts independent from each other. For
each document, the user has to choose a document type and — depending on the
scenario — further indexing information.
This type of document indexing is applicable to all available archiving scenarios.
• Single indexing for all documents (“multi processing”) links all documents to one
and the same SAP business object; it is not possible to choose individual document
types for them. This is very useful if all chosen documents really correspond to a single
business occurrence.
This type of document indexing is applicable to the “assign and store” scenario only.
The “multi processing” feature requires additional DesktopLink-related customizing in SAP
R/3. See the IXOS-eCONtext for SAP Customizing Guide, part Configuring IXOS-
DesktopLink, for complete instructions:
DesktopLink archiving,
2 e. g. using “assign and store“
Automatic assignment
to SAP business object
IXOS-eCONtextfor forSAP
for complete description
for complete description
DocuLink & DesktopLinkDecember 7, 2007Slide 10
IXOS-DesktopLink 5.0 is able to read document attributes of a document that a user is going
to archive. This is possible if the document’s file structure is ODMA-compliant.
• (Semi-) automatic document indexing; document attribute values are used as indexing
proposals (illustrated above).
• Later analysis of attribute values, e.g. in a SAP Workflow context; for this,
attributes/values are stored in dedicated SAP R/3 table.
• Only possible for documents of ODMA-enabled office applications (e. g. MS Word,
PowerPoint). You may retrieve a list of ODMA-aware applications as:
• Depending on the exact reference between document attribute names and names of
indexing attributes, DesktopLink’s attribute extraction facility requires additional
customizing in the SAP system.
See the IXOS-eCONtext for SAP Customizing Guide, part Configuring IXOS-DesktopLink, for
a complete description and customizing instructions:
13-10 770
ODMA Attributes for assignment in DocuLink ®
in DocuLink
The name of MS property must be the same as DocuLink selection field! There are two new
1. DesktopLink attribute and
2. DesktopLink attribute (only presetting)
13-12 770
DocuLink & DesktopLink 13-13
13-14 770
14 Authorization
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
Authorization 14-1
Chapter Overview ®
Short Introduction to SAP Authorization
Create a role with Role Generator
Profiles & authorization objects of DocuLink
Customize authority check in DocuLink
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 2
14-2 770
Example: restrict DocuLink start screen ®
restricted rights:
All rights see only one view
in this project
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 3
Authorization 14-3
Example: restrict authority by company code ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 4
14-4 770
Overview authorization ®
User (su01)
Role/Profile (pfcg/su02) Authorization class (su21)
J_6NG_ALL J6NG - DocuLink
Authorization (su03) Authorization object
Fields: Authorization fields (su20)
Project = ‚*‘ Project, View
View = ‚*‘
Version = ‚*‘
Nodes = ‚*‘
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 5
Authorization 14-5
Role Generator ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 6
Transaction: PFCG
14-6 770
Create a role ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 7
Authorization 14-7
Insert minimal DocuLink profile ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 8
14-8 770
Insert authorization for your project (1) ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 9
Authorization 14-9
Insert authorization for your project (2) ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 10
14-10 770
Add ArchiveLink authorization ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 11
Authorization 14-11
Save and generate profile ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 12
14-12 770
Link your user to your profile ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 13
Authorization 14-13
R/3 authorization profiles ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 14
14-14 770
DocuLink authorization objects for R/3 ®
- access restrictions for projects and views
- restriction of activities for attribute objects
Examples: 01 Create
02 Edit
03 Display
- defines which status documents must have so that a user can edit them
- defines which status transitions from which source status to which target
status a user may perform
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 15
Supported activities
01 Create
02 Edit
03 Display
06 Delete
07 Move source (“Deleting”)
08 Move/Copy destination (“Create”/Insert)
10 Display original
11 Call default method
12 Edit Admin. configuration of hitlists and selection screen
13 Admin. deleted records
14 Admin. multiple COLD records
15 Admin. enqueue table
16 Customizing of projects (edit)
17 Administration of log entries
18 Global variant maintenance
19 Customizing of projects (display)
20 Activation of projects and views
21 Display Admin. configuration of hitlists and selection screen
22 Edit CM document
23 Check in CM document
24 Check out CM document
25 Local copy CM document
26 Undo checking out a CM document
28 Set CM document status
29 Edit CM templates
Authorization 14-15
Exercise: Authorization ®
Create a role/profile
ZDC##CONTRACT_ALL with profile
Insert minimal DocuLink profile
Insert authorization for your project
CONTRACT## and configure
administration rights in your project
Add ArchiveLink authorization for
your SAP object type ZDC##OCONT
and your document type ZZ##DFAX
(not ZZ##DDOC)
Save and generate with name
ZDC##CON_A and an appropriate
Link your user to your role
Reduce your user profile to this
profile, save, don't leave log and test
it with your project
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 16
You create a new role for an administrator for your own project from the previous exercises.
To do this, do not choose a template, but start with adding the minimal profile for DocuLink
access (J_6NG_MIN).
This does not contain any project, so you have to add selection criteria for your project and all
The user should also be able to work with documents, so you need an ArchiveLink
authorization for your document types (S_WFAR_OBJ).
To be able to use the role, you have to generate it. Then assign users to the role.
14-16 770
Authority check in DocuLink ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 17
Authorization 14-17
Authority check in DocuLink (2) ®
AuthorizationDecember 7, 2007Slide 18
14-18 770
Authorization 14-19
14-20 770
15 Administration of DocuLink
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
15-2 770
Start Administration for DocuLink with ®
transaction J6NA
15-4 770
Administration of COLD statistic ®
You can use the report Administration of COLD-Statistics to obtain an overview of the data
sent by the DocTool R/3 Insert. The table contains the following information:
• No. of blocks: number of transferred data record blocks
• Insert: number of data records that can be inserted
• Existing: number of existing data records with the same values
• Duplicate keys: number of data records with existing keys but different values
(see also Administration of duplicate COLD records on page 212)
• Inserted links: number of inserted link table entries
• Existing links
number of existing link table entries
Note: The entries for the COLD statistics are stored in the table /IXOS/DC_TBCS. An
administrator should delete the COLD statistics again at certain intervals.
15-6 770
Administration of Protocol Entries ®
Recycle bin
15-8 770
User group administration ®
15-10 770
Deleting generated reports ®
When you work with an DocuLink project, a number of different reports are generated - for
example selection screens and hit lists. Whenever you change something in customizing,
existing reports are automatically deleted and new ones created. However, if manual changes
are made to the data in the underlying database, then the generated reports in the database
must be manually deleted or adjusted so that the program can adopt the changes in the
database. Using the Delete generic reports report, you can specify the type of report that you
want to delete together with the associated project and version. You can also click on reports
that have already been marked for deletion during customizing.
New: When deleting generic reports you can now decide whether the variants for the
selection screens should be saved by the report and then restored after deleting the generic
For the visualization in a Web browser (DocuLink Web UI) you can define some project or
view-specific settings. To do so, use the administration report Configuration of
DocuLink in Web. For each project or each view, define the following settings:
Tip: Defining settings for all projects:
To define settings for all projects, enter DEFAULT as the project and 999 as the view.
Details as Popup?
If this option is activated, the details for a record are displayed in a separate window;
otherwise they are displayed in the right part of the original window.
Documents as Popup?
If this option is activated, the assigned original documents for a record are displayed in a
separate window; otherwise they are displayed in the right part of the original
Tree width
Defines the width of the (left) tree frame, i.e. the area of the window where the hierarchy tree
is displayed. If both details and documents are displayed in a separate window, this value is
ignored and the full width of the window is used for the tree display. The width can be
specified either in percent or in pixel (default).
Note: Note that for very large values for the width of the left window (e.g. 98% or 100%), the
right window appears hidden. The user may misinterpret this behavior of
the application as an error.
15-12 770
Administration of DocuLink 15-13
15-14 770
16 Special Features
Special Features of the provided Examples
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
16-2 770
Example: FI documents (1) ®
The hitlists is subdivided first after the fiscal your, than after accounting areas and then after
the individual months.
The Field BLDAT (Document date in document) in the table BKPF is form type DATS Date
field (YYYYMMDD).
With the help of so-called Output masks you can access individual places of certain (table-)
The node for the company code has the selection type 4 which means there will be a line for
every distinct value of the assigned select field.
16-4 770
Example: FI documents (3) ®
If you take the field BUKRS from the table BKPF it would possibly result into run time
problems (because the table BKPF is usually very big).
You can avoid this problem by using a own table as Value restriction.
To customize this you have to create a own attribute object for this “value restriction” table. In
this case the is the standard R/3^table T001 where all company codes are stored. You can
create naturally also a customer specific table for this purpose.
There is additionally an example project for the comfortable retrieval of print lists.
16-6 770
Example: Document flow SD ®
The example document flow SD is very complex. For the document flow information from
several tables are needed. In order to be able to represent these dependencies, a own
function group with own function modules (partly user exits) is needed.
On the other hand on the lower part the user is searching for a customer and gets the linked
This is a example for a n:m-link which means one customer can buy different products and -of
cause- one product is linked to a lot of customers.
16-8 770
Example: Linked objects (2) ®
The user has selected a area (Automobile Ind.). Than the customer VOLKSWAGEN AG was
One node below the node VW Lupo you can see the customer VOLKSWAGEN as well as the
customer Wagner GmbH.
Normally this is not possible because you have chosen the customer Volkswagen. If you want
to implement this behavior you have to use the cut flag.
16-10 770
Special Features 16-11
16-12 770
17 User Exits
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
17-2 770
Attribute Object independent Exits ®
17-4 770
Base Information ®
17-6 770
Own Function Group with all Exits ®
function /ixos/dc_u_change_pop.
17-8 770
Screens (1) ®
17-10 770
Own Screens (Create/Display/Change) ®
z Changeable (.._PRE)
17-12 770
Screens (2) ®
Functions at buttons
- NFUNCTION Function at nodes
- ???BUTTON Functions at screen buttons
5 own Buttons
With Icon and/or text
Button 4 & 5 „On-Exit“-Buttons (input not necessary)
After this function the screen can be
- canceled
- restarted or
- committed
17-14 770
Screens (3) ®
17-16 770
List of document types at archiving ®
17-18 770
Hierarchy (1) ®
At node
At button line
17-20 770
Hierarchy (2) ®
17-22 770
Select / Insert / Change / Delete ®
- COLD_CONN Create link entry
- COLD_DINS Save duplicate
- COLD_INS Test before Insert or own Insert
- COLD_TYP Type conversion
- ARCHIV_ACT Define own archiving type
- ARCHIV_FUN Function of own archiving type
- ARCHIV_SUF After Archiving und link entry
17-24 770
Others ®
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
18-2 770
Creating Development Class ®
table field
data element
refers to
refers to
A customer-specific R/3 table stores a set of static attributes for each archived document.
Each table field stores one static attribute.
Each table field has various technical characteristics and a certain context in which it is used.
Domain: A domain defines the technical characteristics of a table field, for example, data type
and field length.
Data element: A data element defines the context of a table field, that is the content or logical
Domains and data elements are independent objects in R/3. They can, therefore, be used for
the definition of several table fields. To allow maximum flexibility a domain is not directly
assigned to a table field, but to a data element instead. The data element, in turn, is then
assigned to the table field. Assigning a domain to a data element puts the technical
characteristics specified by the domain in a certain context. The data element represents now
both the context and the technical characteristics. It is, therefore, sufficient to assign only the
data element to the table field. This is the bottom-up approach.
It is, however, much easier to create a table with a top-down approach: With the
corresponding static attributes in mind, the table fields are created first, followed by creating
the required data elements, followed, in turn, by creating the corresponding domains.
Fortunately, this approach is also supported by R/3, for the following reason: In R/3 it is not
sufficient to merely create an object. It is necessary to also activate the object, that is, to
create the object in the underlying database and, thus, make it known to R/3. It is, therefore,
not possible to activate a table unless all data elements and, of course, all domains that are
assigned to the table fields, are activated first. Therefore, it is recommended to create the
table in a top-down process first, and then activate it in a bottom-up process. This approach is
introduced here.
18-4 770
Creating Tables (SE80) ®
18-6 770
Creating Tables (2) ®
Delivery class
DocuLink projects often require two kinds of tables: DocuLink tables and customizing tables.
DocuLink tables store the sets of static attributes of the COLD documents to be archived and
are, therefore, delivered to the customer empty. In R/3 the sets of static attributes belong to
the category transaction data. For DocuLink tables it is, therefore, required to choose delivery
class A. Customizing tables store any other kind of data, e.g., data used for providing help
views. It is often necessary to include the contents of such tables in a transport. For
customizing tables it is, therefore, required to choose delivery class C.
Note: It is possible, however, to transport the contents of a table with delivery class A. This is
not good practice though, and R/3 will generate a corresponding warning message
18-8 770
Creating Tables (4) ®
Define details
for the
data element
Data elements, like tables, can also be created directly with transaction SE11.
18-10 770
Creating Domains ®
Create domain
Define details
for the domain
Domains, like tables and data elements, can also be created directly with transaction SE11.
Activate each
data element
Data class
The data class determines the physical area (table space) of the database in which the table
is stored. There are two special data classes intended for customer developments: USER and
USER1. Tables of both data classes are stored in a special table space for customer
developments, thus avoiding the critical table space for data classes APPL* .
Therefore, the data class must be set to either USER or USER1. Nevertheless, it is up to the
customer to decide which data class to use, since it is possible that the customer’s R/3
installation does not provide enough table space for the data classes USER and USER1.
Note: It is not recommended to change the data class once the table has been created in the
database. This would have no effect on the database, i. e., the table space is not changed
accordingly. It is, however, possible to change the table space for a table on the database; but
this is beyond the scope of this document.
The general implementation guideline is not to allow buffering.
The performance advantage gained by buffering a table depends on the customer’s R/3
environment and the DocuLink solution at hand. The buffering setting can be changed later. It
is, therefore, up to the customer to decide, if buffering should be enabled and which buffering
type to choose.
18-12 770
Table „Contracts“ ®
18-14 770
Foreign Key Table ®
This is the table used as check table for the field type in the table ydctcontracts.
18-16 770
Foreign Key Definition of Text Table ®
The definition of the semantic attributes is only used in the following cases:
If Key fields of a text table is selected as the type of the foreign key fields, the foreign key
table is considered to be the text table for the check table. If a screen field is checked against
a table, the key entries of the check table are normally displayed in the input help (F4 help) for
this field. If there is a text table for the check table, each key entry displayed is enhanced with
an explanatory text (contents of the first character-like field of the text table) in the user’s
logon language.
18-18 770
Extended SAP R/3 Customizing 18-19
18-20 770
19 Exercises and Solutions I
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
As a special exercise you can create a second document type with technical type FAX.
Then see what happens when you scan a document – for the first time and for the second
(To switch, choose from the menu: Settings – Reset arch.scenario)
19-2 770
Check if the document classes ®
19-4 770
Link this document types to the business object type
standard mode
It is possible to complete the exercise “Create and link two document types”.
For scanning IXOS enterprise must be opened and documents must be scanned from file
system (as there is no scanner).
You have to type in the value for contract number, as in the default mode of DocuLink
selection fields cannot be customized. This can be done only in the expert mode.
This view would be in reality a pure retrieval view, not a scan view.
19-6 770
Create the Project CONTRACT## and … ®
3 to open
a project
click here
19-8 770
Create a the new View 10 “Contracts” ®
at Standard Mode
1 2
the hierarchy
19-10 770
Create a Subgroup “Contracts” ®
1. Now there is an empty view. To create nodes, the create button must be pressed.
2. There is now the choice to define two different nodes: subgroup or document selection.
• Usually the first node will be a of kind subgroup.
• A subgroup defines a node with a fixed text to structure the application.
• There can be several subgroups be defined underneath each other.
3 7
see next slide
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 12
19-12 770
Create a dynamic/ table nodes ®
2 5
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 13
1. From the box ‚Without selection‘ field names can be moved to either
2. the box ‚Single attributing‘ or
3. the box ‚Multiple attributing‘.
4. Generate the View and
5. Test it
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 14
1. To Activate a project press button ‚Activate‘, otherwise that project is not seen in retrieval
transaction of DocuLink J6NY!
2. After activating the color changes into bright green.
If your project is active but not productive you get the messages: “This is an active test
version. Do not use in productive system!”
19-14 770
Check customizing: Open the new search and ®
2 4
5 7
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 15
19-16 770
Exercise 3: Create SAP Object Type ®
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 18
1. Select the package „Y_DOCULINK“ (Development class in older SAP versions) and open
the copy dialog by clicking the right mouse button.
2. Type in the name of the new table and click <Enter>
19-18 770
Activate Table ®
19-20 770
Fill out basic data ®
19-22 770
Create a new key field … ®
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 24
19-24 770
… save all changes and generate the object ®
19-26 770
Create the document type with the wizard ®
19-28 770
… link your Object type, customize the ®
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 29
19-30 770
Exercise 4: Create Number Range ®
Objects ZDC##Oxxxxx
Number range ZDC##Nxxxxx
19-32 770
Define details for number range object and ®
1. Fill out Short name (max. 20 characters) and the long text and then
2. the Number length domain
3. how many numbers are remain if you get a warning
4. then save the details.
19-34 770
Insert and define interval ®
1. Insert Interval
2. Define the number range and add it
3. save the changes
You create a new role for an administrator for your own project from the previous exercises.
To do this, do not choose a template, but start with adding the minimal profile for DocuLink
access (J_6NG_MIN).
This does not contain any project, so you have to add selection criteria for your project and all
The user should also be able to work with documents, so you need an ArchiveLink
authorization for your document types (S_WFAR_OBJ).
To be able to use the role, you have to generate it. Then assign users) to the role.
19-36 770
Create a new version 2 of project ®
2 3
19-38 770
Customize view number 15 “Contracts ®
19-40 770
… Use the field … for the restriction, "Type" ®
view …
19-42 770
… and show for the document! ®
The number range for the field is used to generate unique keys for correspondence records.
During this exercise you will not be able to test it ‚in action‘.
The field (and the whole attribute object for correspondence) will be used in a later exercise.
19-44 770
Enter version 2 of project CONTRACT## ®
19-46 770
Assign the needed selection fields … ®
1. Insert selection
2. field and save it.
3. Choose tab “Sel.F./Attr.Obj”
field "CORR_KEY" …
1. Choose tab “Sel.F./Attr.Obj.” also for checkup or assigning new selection fields
2. Select the selection field “CORR_KEY” and open by double click.
19-48 770
Customize Field with range object ®
Of course this can also be done from the hierarchy/view. (Click on the ‚hand‘ symbol.)
Enter number range object at the link
19-50 770
Create Project for ®
19-52 770
Create view 10: "FI-Documents" ®
for "FI-Documents"
19-54 770
Customize the selection definition ®
for "FI-Documents"
19-56 770
Create view 20: "SD-Documents" ®
for "SD-Documents"
19-58 770
View for the documents in ®
for "SD-Documents"
6 4
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 60
19-60 770
Customize the selections ®
for "HR-Documents"
Exercises and Solutions IDecember 7, 2007Slide 61
19-62 770
View for the new document in ®
Copyright © 1995-2006 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved. • December 7, 2007
Here the idea is to do it manually, to see what DocuLink generates in the background when
you use the wizard.
20-2 770
Exercise – Create View Correspondence ®
20-4 770
Exercise – Create View Correspondence ®
20-6 770
Exercise – Create View Correspondence ®
20-8 770
Exercise – Create View Correspondence ®
Do you get the correspondence entries for all contracts at one contract?
Identify one selection field that can be used to be the link between the tables/attribute objects.
Assign this one field to both attribute objects.
(This is a link without separate link attribute object/table)
Make sure you will see only the specific correspondence that is related to the contract.
To display the contract number at the first correspondence line is a special challenge. You
cannot do this with a static node type – as created by the wizard.
20-10 770
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ®
Here a dynamic node DYN_CONTR_TYPE for the contract type was added, after the contract
nodes have been generated with the wizard (as ‚document selection‘ for the contract table).
The first dynamic Y_CONTRACT node displays the customer.
Note at which node the Correspondence tree was added (also using the wizard).
The Type of the static node for correspondence was changed to 3, so it is only displayed
when there is correspondence.
This is good for viewing, but makes it more difficult to add new correspondence. If you try to
„Create, as child“ the system asks for the document node that you want to use.
20-12 770
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ®
Here the name of the linking field between contract and correspondence was changed (It was
generated as CONTRACT for the contract number).
20-14 770
Exercise – Link Contract and Correspondence ®
The Agreement type display was replaced using the text table. So not only the code (OA, LA,
...) is displayed, but the meaningful text (Outline Agreement, Licensing Agreement, ...).
The number range for the field is used to generate unique keys for correspondence records.
During this exercise you will not be able to test it ‚in action‘.
The field (and the whole attribute object for correspondence) will be used in a later exercise.
20-16 770
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ®
20-18 770
Exercise – Add CM-Document node ®
20-20 770
Exercise – Create CM-Template ®
20-22 770
Exercise – Create CM-Template ®
Management (I)
20-24 770
Exercise – Defining and using Status ®
Management (II)
20-26 770
Exercise – Defining and using Status ®
20-28 770
Exercise – Defining and using Status ®
You create a new role for an administrator for your own project from the previous exercises.
To do this, do not choose a template, but start with adding the minimal profile for DocuLink
access (J_6NG_MIN).
This does not contain any project, so you have to add selection criteria for your project and all
The user should also be able to work with documents, so you need an ArchiveLink
authorization for your document types (S_WFAR_OBJ).
To be able to use the role, you have to generate it. Then assign users) to the role.
20-30 770
Exercise Authorization ®
20-32 770
Exercise Authorization ®
20-34 770
Exercise Authorization ®
Entering user
To test it, you have to change the user master data (SU01).
Exercises and Solutions IIDecember 7, 2007Slide 36
20-36 770
Exercises and Solutions II 20-37
20-38 770
Appendix A
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Appendix A-2 770
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Appendix A-4 770
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Appendix A-6 770
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Appendix A-8 770
21_appendix_exercise_tables.doc Page 9 of 10
Appendix A-10 770
Appendix B
0. General Remarks 3.4. Incoming document archiving
(“workflow scenarios”)
1. Application modules 3.5. Archiving with barcode
1.1. Financial accounting 3.6. Archiving from frontend
1.2. Sales and distribution 3.7. DesktopLink
1.3. Human resources 3.8. Outgoing document archiving
1.4. Data archiving 3.9. Forms management
2. Document archiving, processing, and 3.10. Data archiving
retrieval 3.11. Special customizing
3. ArchiveLink customizing 4. ArchiveLink administration
3.1. Initial customizing 5. System administration (general)
3.2. Technical configuration
3.3. Basic customizing 6. User/authorization management
0. General Remarks
Menu (4.0): Begin in initial menu (transaction S000)
Menu (≥4.6): Begin in “SAP standard menu” (transaction SESSION_MANAGER)
IMG (4.0): Begin in transaction SPRO; Implement. projects → SAP Reference IMG
IMG (≥4.6): Begin in transaction SPRO; Goto → SAP Reference IMG
1. Application modules
1.1. Financial accounting
FB10 Invoice/credit memo fast entry
Menu (4.0): Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts payable; Postings →
Invoice/credit memo fast entry
Menu (4.6): SAP standard menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts
Payable → Document entry → Other → Invoice/credit memo fast entry
Menu (4.7): SAP standard menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts
Payable → Document entry → Invoice/credit memo fast entry
FB03 Display financial document
Menu (4.0): Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts payable; Document →
Menu (≥4.6): SAP standard menu → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts
Payable → Document → Display
3. ArchiveLink customizing
SPRO SAP Reference IMG (= customizing guide)
Menu (4.0): Tools → Business Engineer → Customizing; Implement. projects → SAP
Reference IMG
Menu (4.6): Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project
Menu (4.7): Tools → Customizing → IMG → Edit Project
3.7. DesktopLink
J8AO Target document type assignment for TIFF conversion
Menu (4.0): J8AI; Customizing → Targetformat
J8AN Format converter assignment
Menu (4.0): J8AI; Customizing → Converter
J8A3 DesktopLink user settings
4. ArchiveLink administration
OAM1 ArchiveLink Monitor
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; Administration → Process technology; ArchiveLink →
Menu (4.6): Tools → Business Documents → Environment → ArchiveLink monitor
OAAD Administration of archived documents
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; Administration → Process technology; ArchiveLink →
Archived documents
Menu (4.6): Tools → Business Documents → Environment → Miscellaneous → Stored
OADD Administration of archived print lists
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; Administration → Process technology; ArchiveLink →
Archived documents (= transaction OAAD); Archived documents → Print lists
→ Find print lists
Menu (4.6): Tools → Business Documents → Environment → Miscellaneous → Stored
documents (= transaction OAAD); Stored documents → Print lists → Find print
OAHT Sending certificate (digital signature) to archive servers
Menu (4.6): Tools → Business Documents → Environment → Knowledge Provider → Edit
→ Send certificates
IMG (4.6): Basis Components → Basis Services → SAP ArchiveLink → Basic Settings →
Send certificates to HTTP content server
6. User/authorization management
SU01 User management
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; User maintenance → Users
Menu (≥4.6): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Users
SU02 Authorization profiles
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; User maintenance → Profiles
Menu (4.6): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Manual Maintenance → Edit
Profiles Manually
Menu (4.7): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Authorizations and Profiles
(Manual Maintenance) → Edit Profiles Manually
SU03 Authorizations
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; User maintenance → Authorization
Menu (4.6): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Manual Maintenance → Edit
Menu (4.7): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Authorizations and Profiles
(Manual Maintenance) → Edit Authorizations Manually
PFCG Activity groups / authorization profile generator
Menu (4.0): Tools → Administration; User maintenance → Activity groups
Menu (4.6): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Activity Groups (User Roles)
Menu (4.7): Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → Role Administration Æ Roles
This is a list of the most common Archive Server related terminology.
See: Archive Administration (ADMC)
Administration Server (ADMS)
Process (running on the archive server machine) which maintains archive system configuration data,
such as logical archives, pools, jobs, internal users.
See: Administration Server (ADMS)
The set of all graphical additions assigned to individual pages of an archived document (e.g.
coloured marking). These annotations can be removed again. They simulate hand-written
comments on paper documents. There are two groups of annotations: simple annotations (lines,
arrows, highlighting etc.) and OLE annotations (documents or parts of documents which can be
copied from other applications via the clipboard).
See also: Notes.
Archive ID
Unique name of the logical archive.
Archive mode
Specifies the different scenarios for the scan client (such as late archiving with barcode,
The interface between SAP system and the archive system.
Burn buffer
A special burn buffer is required for ISO and IFS poosl in addition to a disk buffer. The burn
buffer is required to physically write an ISO image. When the specified amount of data has
accumulated in the disk buffer, the data is prepared and transferred to the burn buffer in the
special format of an ISO image. From the burn buffer, the image is transferred to the storage
medium in a single, continuous, uninterruptible process referred to “burning” an ISO image. The
burn buffer is transparent for the administration.
Memory area which buffers frequently accessed documents. The archive server stores frequently
accessed documents in a hard disk partition called the Document Service cache. The client stores
frequently accessed documents in the local cache on the hard disk of the client.
Cache Server
Separate machine, on which documents are stored temporarily. That way the network traffic in
WAN will be reduced.
Short term for storage device in the Archive Server environment. A device is a physical unit that
contains at least storage media, but can also contain additional software and/or hardware to
manage the storage media. Devices are:
• local hard disks
• jukeboxes for optical media
• virtual jukeboxes for storage systems
• storage systems as a whole
Digital Signature
Digital signature means an electronic signature based upon cryptographic methods of originator
authentication, computed by using a set of rules and a set of parameters such that the identity of
the signer and the integrity of the data can be verified. (21 CFR Part 11)
Disk buffer
See: Buffer
See: Document ID (DocID)
Programs that perform single, discrete actions on the documents within a Document Pipeline.
See: Document Pipeline (DP)
The directory in which the documents are stored that are being currently processed by a
document pipeline.
See: Document Service (DS)
Enterprise Scan
Workstation for high volume scanning on which the Enterprise Scan client is installed and to
which a scanner is connected. Incoming documents are scanned here and then transferred to the
Archive Server.
Hot Standby
High-availability Archive Server setup, comprising two identical Archive Servers tightly
connected to each other and holding the same data. Whenever the first server becomes out of
order, the second one immediately takes over, thus enabling (nearly) uninterrupted archive
system operation.
A job is an administrative task that you schedule in the Archive Administration to run
automatically at regular intervals. It has a unique name and starts command which executes
along with any argument required by the command.
Known server
A known server is an Archive Server whose archives and disk buffers are known to another
Archive Server. Making servers known to each other provides access to all documents archived
in all known servers. Read-write access is provided to other known servers. Read-only access is
provided to replicate archives. When a request is made to view a document that is archived on
another server and the server is known, the inquired Archive Server is capable of displaying the
requested document.
Log file
Files generated by the different components of the Archive Server to report on their operations
providing diagnostic information.
Log level
Adjustable diagnostic level of detail on which the log files are generated.
Logical archive
Logical area on the Archive Server in which documents are stored. The Archive Server may
contain many logical archives. Each logical archive may be configured to represent a different
archiving strategy appropriate to the types of documents archived exclusively there. An archive
Short term for “long term storage media” in the Archive Server environment. A media is a
physical object: optical storage media (CD, DVD, WORM, UDO), hard disks and hard disk
storage systems with or without WORM feature. Optical storage media are single-sided or
double-sided. Each side of an optical media contains a partition.
See: Monitor Server (MONS)
The list of all notes (textual additions) assigned to a document. An individual item of this list
should be designated as “note”. A note is a text that is stored together with the document. This
text has the same function as a note clipped to a paper document.
A partition is a memory area of a storage media that contains documents. Depending on the
device type, a device can contain many partitions (e.g. real and virtual jukeboxes), or is treated
as one partition (e.g. storage systems w/o virtual jukeboxes). Partitions are attached - or better,
assigned or linked - logically to pools.
A pool is a logical unit, a set of partitions of the same type that are written in the same way,
using the same storage concept. Pools are assigned to logical archives.
See: Read Component (RC)
Remote Standby
Archive Server setup scenario including two (ore more) associated Archive Servers. Archived
data is replicated periodically from one server to the other in order to increase security against
data loss. Moreover, network load due to document display actions can be reduced since
replicated data can be accessed directly on the replication server.
Servtab files
Configuration files of the spawner which specify which processes to start.
In physical jukeboxes with optical media, a slot is a socket inside the jukebox where the media
are located. In virtual jukeboxes of storage systems, a slot is virtually assigned to a partition.
Service program which starts and terminates the processes of the archive system.
Storage Manager
Component that controls jukeboxes and manages storage subsystems.
Storage space in the database. If there is not sufficient free storage space available, no further
archiving is possible.
Timestamp Server
A timestamp server signs documents by adding the time and signing the cryptographic checksum
of the document. To ensure evidence of documents, use an external timestamp server like
Timeproof or AuthentiDate. The IXOS Timestamp Server is a software that generates
See: Write Component (WC)
WORM means Write Once Read Multiple. An optical WORM disk has two partitions. A
WORM disk supports incremental writing. On storage systems, a WORM flag is set to prevent
changes in documents. UDO media are handled like optical WORMs.
Write job
Scheduled administrative task which regularly writes the documents stored in a disk buffer to
appropriate storage media.