Interview Deck Cadet: Rank / Name of Aplicant
Interview Deck Cadet: Rank / Name of Aplicant
Interview Deck Cadet: Rank / Name of Aplicant
SETS English:
SETS Professional:
Date of Briefing:
General Questions:
Current education
o Name of academy:
o Length of required sea service:
o Degree:
o What is verage mark in your score (academy):
o English Language: Basic / Good / Very Good / Fluent
Previous experience in shipping if any? (information about vessel/ crew on board/ special challenges
on board):
Tell me about a challenge or conflict you have faced at work and how you dealt with it:
What do you consider as benefits and what is negative points being a seafarer?
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What do you expect from the training as cadet within our company?
Where do you see your self in five years, what carrier development you are expect from your own and
from BSM?
Professional Questions:
How many meters in one nautical mile, how many cables in one mile, how many points/rhumbs in a
360 degree and how many degree in one point/rhumb?
Abandon Ship Drill / Fire Drill / General Alarm / purpose of Muster station / Action in case of fire
detected by your own:
What types of fire extinguishers do you know and what purpose of each type:
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- Behaviour or Manners
- Interpersonal Qualities
- English Communication
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