Domain 1: Planning & Preparation: ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template
Domain 1: Planning & Preparation: ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template
Domain 1: Planning & Preparation: ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template
Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will
make in response to needs or interests of students.
- Visuals on board to help students think through prompts and stay on task
- Think-pair-share for students to gain confidence and think through ideas before sharing with the whole group
- Combination of individual and group work
ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES: (Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space, materials, &
students to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
- Students will have all materials available to them before starting
- Google slides will help us stay on task
- Expectations will be discussed and posted to see
- Use of clock to time transitions
SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: (Note how expectations are specified, productive
behavior is reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
- Expectations are written and discussed
- Superheroes will be given to students who go above and beyond.
- Students who continually do not follow directions will receive yellow notes home.
- Emphasis our class chain (when one person acts out we all suffer)
- Students will be working toward the weekly end goal in the game of “beat the teacher”.
Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
1. Start the class by recalling the rules of the activity from yesterday
a. Tiene que usar exactamente 3 frutas diferentes.
b. Tiene que pesar 5 libras exactamente.
2. Tell students that today they will be discussing the work from yesterday. State the expectations of the discussion:
a. Habla con respeto a los demás.
b. Cada respuesta tiene valor, podemos aprender cosas de todas las respuestas.
c. Si vas a decir algo malo que hizo la persona, también debes decir una cosa buena.
d. Todas van a participar y hablen.
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
1. Start the discussion by showing the first problem. Ask if this problem would work. Ask students to comment on
what this person did well and what they could’ve done better.
2. Show the next problem. Ask students if it would work. Ask students to make comments on what they like about
this problem.
3. Show the third problem and repeat the steps above.
4. Ask students to evaluate their own work. Does it follow both rules? Ask them to score themselves on a scale of 1-
3. They should write their score next to the recipes and write a reason why.
5. Ask students what was easy about this activity. Have them think-pair-share for this question.
6. Ask students what was difficult about the activity. Have them think-pair-share.
7. Then, ask students to go back and fix their work in a different color and add in one illustration to show how their
recipe works.
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
1. After students finish they can do levels of Blooket or ExtraMath.
2. Review the Homelinks for the night – 7.6.