Plug and Play! A Simple, Universal Model For Energy Disaggregation
Plug and Play! A Simple, Universal Model For Energy Disaggregation
Plug and Play! A Simple, Universal Model For Energy Disaggregation
Categories and Subject Descriptors • Most existing methods are based on appliances’
energy usage patterns, also called the signatures
H.5.m [Information Systems]: Information interfaces of appliances, which are hard to obtain without
and presentation—Miscellaneous particular machine learning techniques or auxiliary
measurements. For example, in [11], extra equip-
General Terms ments are needed to detect the activities of ap-
Algorithm, Measurement, Experimentation pliances based on high frequency electromagnetic
interference (EMI).
• The rated power of an appliance is normally avail-
Energy Disaggregation, Data analysis, Optimization
able in practice, from users’ manual, technical spec-
1. INTRODUCTION ification or public web sites such as [8].
Energy disaggregation, also known as non-intrusive • The temporal sparsity of the on/off switching events
appliance load monitoring (NIALM), aims to learn the has been recognized as a general feature suitable
energy consumption of individual appliances from their for most appliances, i.e., an appliance cannot switch
aggregated energy consumption values, e.g., the total on/off many times in a very short time period.
energy consumption of a house. With accurate en- Nevertheless, this property has not been fully en-
ergy disaggregation, the household can 1) learn how trusted with an important post in energy disaggre-
gation. To develop a universal solution for energy build either steady or transient signal features of ap-
disaggregation, the sparsity feature could play an pliances with labeled training datasets. The signal fea-
important role and should be regarded as a signif- tures are treated as the appliances’ signatures [20, 18],
icant knowledge. based on which event detection schemes are developed
to detect appliances’ on/off as well as different running
1.2 Our Contributions states. The detected events are ascribed to certain ap-
Aiming at establishing an easy-to-use, universal model pliances’ activities via classification [6, 24, 17]. In ad-
for energy disaggregation, we make the following con- dition to time-domain signal features, spectral analysis
tributions in this paper: has also been adopted to search for appliances’ signa-
tures in the frequency domain [19, 23, 11].
• We do not rely on appliances’ signature. Instead, The performance of signature based approaches de-
we use the appliances’ rated power and power de- pends greatly on the uniqueness of an appliance’s sig-
viation, which are easy to obtain, e.g., from the nature. In practice, however, the signatures of differ-
user’s guide of appliances. With experimental eval- ent appliances may overlap with each other, causing
uation, we show that the method is robust even if inaccurate event detection. Even for the same type of
this information is not very accurate. appliances, it may be hard to obtain the widely accept-
• Based on the simple power model and the sparsity able signature [26]. In other words, it is hard to gen-
property of appliance activities, we establish a uni- eralize the signature learned from a particular device’s
versal Sparse Switching Event Recovering (SSER) operating data. Consequently, even though a method
optimization model. Unlike existing methods that may have a good performance over a specific group of
minimize the aggregated residual value, our method appliances, it may suffer in other datasets, caused by
tries to minimize the total variation of on/off switch- the over-fitting problem due to over-specific signatures.
ing events. The new objective function, while very Due to these difficulties, it is not easy to use signa-
effective as we will show later, has never been ex- ture based methods for unambiguous appliance detec-
plored before to solve the energy disaggregation tion and classification.
• We develop a Parallel Local Optimization Algo-
2.2 State Transition Based Methods
rithm (PLOA) to solve SSER, which can signifi- A number of methods made use of state transition
cantly reduce the computational complexity of the in appliances’ activities for energy disaggregation. Re-
original problem and is guaranteed to obtain the cently, the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was adopted
optimal solution if some weak hypotheses hold. to model the state transition patterns of appliances.
The hidden states of each appliance at each time in-
• We build a small-scale energy monitoring platform stant are predicted by inference algorithms, such as the
for a group of household appliances, and evaluate Viterbi algorithm, with the observed emission probabil-
our method using the real-world trace data col- ities [13, 22]. Non-negative sparse coding was proposed
lected over the platform. The experimental re- to solve the energy disaggregation problem in [14]. It
sults indicate that our approach has an overall was further discussed in [9], in which a training pro-
better performance than state-of-the-art solutions, cess was needed to obtain the basis vector related to
including the well-known Least Square Estimation the state transition patterns of different appliances. Al-
(LSE) method and a recently-developed machine though some other works, such as [25], were not to solve
learning method using iterative Hidden Markov the energy disaggregation problem, they also utilized
Model (HMM). the appliance state transition information and their re-
sults may be helpful for energy disaggregation.
2. RELATED WORK The methods in this category usually need a large
Tremendous research efforts have been devoted to number of trainings, and thus are time consuming. In
solving the energy disaggregation problem. The exist- addition, the performance highly relies on the pattern
ing approaches can be roughly divided into two cat- of appliances’ activities in the training datasets, and as
egories: signature based methods and state transition such the performance may vary significantly from test
based methods. to test.
2.1 Signature Based Methods Finally, in the above two types of approaches, op-
Most approaches are based on appliances’ signatures, timization algorithms were used to search for optimal
i.e., specific features such as the real/reactive power, solutions. Generally, the objective was to minimize the
current, and voltage of running appliances [12]. These difference between the predicted value and real aggre-
methods need the support of high sampling rate and gation value. For example, in [24], Least Square Esti-
mation (LSE) was used to find the tightest fit for the
aggregated waveform. Nevertheless, as we will disclose
in this paper, such solutions usually do not match well
the true switching events of appliances, leading to inac-
curate energy disaggregation results.
ries of switching events within a sampling interval, i.e., is bounded by:
|∆St | < 2. (1 − St )T I + StT (P − Θ) ≤ Xt ,
Assertion 1. According to our real-world observa- (8)
tions, ∆S is a sparse matrix. (1 − St )T I + StT (P + Θ) ≥ Xt ,
where 1 is the all-one vector. In other words, the fol-
4. SYSTEM MODEL lowing constraints hold:
to get the basis functions, and the recovered matrix in which the concepts of baseline power and active epoch
with our method has an explicit meaning in practice. are illustrated.
In addition, unlike other optimization methods, such as Algorithm 1 shows the pseudo code of detecting active
least square fitting [24], total variation minimization is a epochs.
type of least absolute deviations fitting, which has been
proved to be more robust for various applications [1]. Algorithm 1 Active Epoch Detection
Require: Aggregated power vector X, baseline power
OVER ACTIVE EPOCHS Ensure: Set of Active epochs, W .
1: t = 1, k = 0
In this section, we first analyze the hardness of solving
2: while t ≤ T do
SSER. To solve the problem efficiently, we then propose
3: start = end = t
a Parallel Local Optimization Algorithm (PLOA) by
4: while Xend > P0 and end < T do
splitting the whole timeline into multiple active epochs.
5: end = end + 1
5.1 Hardness of SSER 6: end while
7: if end > start then
There were significant research efforts to solve the 8: k =k+1
total variation minimization problem [2, 10]. Never- 9: Wk = [start, end]
theless, the form of total variation in our case is a 10: end if
discrete version and involves integer variables. Since 11: t = end + 1
St ∈ {0, 1}, our problem belongs to binary program- 12: end while
ming, which is much harder to solve than the one with 13: return W = {W1 , W2 , · · · , Wk }
real variables.
With T aggregated power readings generated by N
appliances, to obtain the optimal solution via a brute- 5.3 Parallel Local Optimization Algorithm
force method, it can be shown that the computational
complexity is O 2N ·T (see Appendix B), which is ex- Without loss of generality, we take aggregated load
ponential. Furthermore, we can show that solving SSER data of N appliances from time t = 1 to T as an example
is NP-hard (see Appendix A). Since T is very big in to show the major steps of PLOA.
practice, it seems not possible to find an efficient algo- Step 1: Detect all active epochs along the timeline
rithm that outputs the optimal solution. Nevertheless, with Algorithm 1. Denote the set of active epochs as
the active epochs of on/off events suggest that we can W = {W1 , W2 , · · · , Wk }.
perform optimization in a smaller, local time window. Step 2: In the active epoch starting at t with the
length of `, solve the following optimization problem to
5.2 Detection of Active Epochs obtain St:t+` .
min TV(St:t+` Dt:t+` )
Definition 2. An active epoch of a house is defined St:t+`
as a time interval from the time when the aggregated s.t.
power of the house jumps above the baseline power until
Xt:t+` − (St:t+` )T (P + Θ) − (It:t+` − St:t+` )T I ≤ 0,
the time when the aggregated power drops below the
baseline power. (St:t+` )T (P − Θ) + (It:t+` − St:t+` )T I − Xt:t+` ≤ 0,
where St:t+` is a N -by-` submatrix of S, Dt:t+` is a `-by-
Appliance 1
(N − 1) submatrix of D, It:t+` is a N -by-` submatrix
Appliance 2
of I, and Xt:t+` is a vector containing the aggregated
Appliance 3
power readings of all appliances from time t to time
Aggregated Load
Baseline t + `.
Step 3: Perform Step 2 on the k active epochs to
Switching Event
Active Epoch Active Epoch obtain a group of k solutions in parallel. Since outside
of active epochs, appliances are considered as stand-by,
Figure 2: A sketch map to illustrate the concepts a complete state matrix S1:T can thus be built.
of active epoch and baseline power using three We can show that the computational complexity to
appliances solve (12) is O(2N ·` ) (see Appendix B). Since ` T as
shown in Fig 1, the problem can be solved efficiently,
Fig. 2 is a sketch map of switching activities and using tools such as CVX 2.0 with a Gurobi engine [5].
power readings of three appliances with constant power,
Theorem 1. Assume that the global optimal solution 6. DATA COLLECTION
to SSER in (10) is S ∗ , and the solution obtained from
POLA is Ŝ, if both solutions are unique, then Ŝ = S ∗ . 6.1 Energy Monitoring Platform
Proof. For an arbitrary active epoch starting at t We evaluated our method with real-world trace data
with the length of `, assume that Ŝt:t+` is the unique from our energy monitoring platform. We monitored
local optimal solution obtained via (12). Assume that the appliances’ energy consumption in a typical labo-
the global optimal solution to SSER in (10) is S ∗ . As- ratory and a lounge room in the fifth floor of Engi-
sume that the sub-matrix constructed by the t-th to neering/Computer Science building at the University of
(t + `)-th columns of S ∗ is St:t+`
. We prove the theo- Victoria (UVic).
rem by contradiction. Using an off-the-shelf solution developed by Current
Assume that Cost (, we recorded the real-
Ŝt:t+` 6= St:t+` . (13) time power of laptops, desktops and some household
appliances. Each appliance’s real power was measured
Then, the following inequality must hold every 6 seconds by the device called Individual Appli-
∗ ance Monitor (IAM), and the measurement results were
St:t+` Dt:t+` ≥ Ŝt:t+` Dt:t+` . (14)
transmitted via wireless to a display server (EnviR),
Therefore, there must exist another global solution which can display and temporarily store the collected
S ∗∗ , in which the j-th column is data. Then, the data in EnviR were sent to our data
∗∗ Ŝj , j ∈ [t, t + `], server. The platform, the monitored appliances, and
Sj = (15)
Sj∗ , j ∈
/ [t, t + `], the measuring devices are shown in Fig. 3.
We collected the data for three months, and one-week
such that
data were used for performance evaluation in Section 7.
S ∗∗ D ≤ S ∗ D. (16)
6.2 Power Splitting
Obviously, (16) is contradictory to the assumption
that S ∗ is the uniquely global optimal solution to SSER. If the power range of appliance A1 largely overlaps
Therefore, the assumption (13) is not true. As a result, with the power range of appliance A2 , given a power
we have value in the overlapping range, it would be hard to de-
cide which appliance is on. To alleviate this problem,
Ŝt:t+` = St:t+` . (17) we should reduce the overlapping power range of two
Outside the active epochs, PLOA treats all appliances different appliances. This is achieved by a power split-
as stand-by, the TV value is 0 in Ŝ. Since the TV value ting method as follows.
cannot be negative, the TV value obtained with PLOA We can find that some simple appliances like a bulb or
is the minimum and must be the same as that obtained a stove, once turned on, usually have stable power read-
with the global optional solution. ings with small fluctuation. In contrast, complex appli-
Overall, if the global optimal solution is unique, for ances such as refrigerator usually have multiple work-
any time instant t, no matter whether t is in an active ing modes, and the power readings at each mode tend
epoch or outside active epochs, the state vector Ŝt ∈ Ŝ to be stable. Therefore, we can split the power con-
must be equal to the state vector St∗ ∈ S ∗ , which means sumption of complex appliances into multiple modes,
Ŝ = S ∗ . each of which is regarded as a virtual appliance. With
such power splitting, the power overlaps among virtual
5.4 Algorithm Analysis appliances can be narrowed down significantly.
Given T aggregated power readings generated by N With readily available appliance information from user’s
appliances that can be broken into k active epochs with manual or public websites such as [8], we can easily split
maximum size w, the computational complexity of the the power range of an appliance. The splitting result in
original SSER problem (10) is O(2N ·T ). With PLOA, our test scenario is given in Table. 2, where the values of
solving the local optimization problem (12) k times re- power deviations are estimated from the collected power
sults in the time complexity upper bounded by O(k · data of each appliance. One may be concerned that
2N ·w ) (see Appendix B ). Considering that the number the estimation of power deviation in practice is inaccu-
of appliances N is constant and w T , PLOA signifi- rate. With experimental study, however, our method
cantly cuts down the computational complexity. is resilient to inaccurate power deviation estimations as
Obviously, the larger the value of w, the higher the shown in Section 7.
computational complexity. Fortunately, in practice, each After power splitting, the original state vector of an
active epoch in a house is usually not long. As we will appliance with k modes is extended to a state matrix
show in later experiments, PLOA can indeed provide with k rows, each representing the state vector of a vir-
satisfied solutions. tual appliance. In consequence, the sum of states of
5 11
1 3 7
2 4 6 10
in one mode.
Table 2: Results of power splitting for each ap-
ID Appliance Mode Power Deviation Power
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts) Using real-world trace data collected from our en-
1 LCD-Dell 1 25 5 0 ergy monitoring platform, we evaluate our method by
2 LCD-LG 1 22 5 0 1) comparing its performance with others’, and 2) test-
3 Desktop 1 40 15 3 ing its robustness with inaccurate parameters.
2 50 20
4 Server 1 130 20 10 7.1 Comparison
5 iMac 1 35 5 3
2 50 10 For comparison purpose, we also implement and test
6 Laptop 1 15 5 1 another two methods: the Least Square Estimation based
2 30 10
3 70 10
integer programming method [24] and the iterative Hid-
7 Printer 1 400 50 2 den Markov Model [22]. The former is a signature based
2 700 80 approach, while the latter is a state transition based ap-
3 900 100 proach.
8 Microwave 1 1000 100 2
2 1200 100
3 1700 100 7.1.1 Least Square Estimation Based Integer
Coffee Programming
9 1 700 100 2
2 900 100 The Least Squire Estimation (LSE) based integer pro-
3 1100 100 gramming method was adopted in [24]. The current
10 Refrigerator 1 115 15 5 waveform of each appliance was extracted and stored
2 350 10 beforehand, and treated as its signature for energy dis-
1 65 5 3 aggregation. Since it needs extra devices to obtain the
2 380 10 appliances’ current waveform, for a fair comparison, we
3 450 10 use the rated power listed in Table 2 instead of cur-
rent waveform as the appliances’ signatures and imple-
ment the LSE based algorithm as in [24]. To be specific,
multiple virtual appliances split from the same real ap-
with the same notations mentioned in (10) and (18), the
pliance may be larger than one. To avoid this problem,
LSE-based method in our scenario is formally defined
we add an extra integer constraint in our model if the
n-th appliance has k different modes:
X − S T P
k S 2
i )
St ≤ 1, (18) k
i ) (Γn
i )
i=1 s.t. St ∈ {0, 1}, St ≤ 1, (19)
n i=1
where Γ is the set of modes of the n-th appliance and
Γni is the corresponding row number in state matrix 0 ≤ n ≤ N, 0 ≤ t ≤ T.
(Γn )
for mode i. Thus, St i = 1 indicates that at time t By solving the above optimization problem, we can
the n-th appliance is turned on and working in mode get the states (modes) of appliances at each time in-
(Γn )
i; otherwise, St i = 0. The constraint in (18) means stant, and estimate the energy consumption of each ap-
that at any time instant, the appliance can only work pliance using its rated power.
7.1.2 Iterative Hidden Markov Model each method. The evaluation metrics are defined as
As a state transition based method, the iterative Hid- follow.
den Markov Model (HMM) was proposed and tested
for energy disaggregation in [22]. We implement this • Energy Disaggregation Accuracy (EDA): It indi-
method in three phases: the modelling phase, the train- cates the accuracy of assigning correct power val-
ing phase, and the inference phase. ues to corresponding appliances.
(n) (n)
− Ŝ P
• In the modeling phase, each appliance is modelled n=1
X n
as a prior difference HMM, which is defined by EDA := 1 − , (21)
λ := {A, B, π}, (20)
where X (n) , Ŝ (n) and Pn represent the true en-
where A is the prior state transition probability ergy consumption vector, the estimated state vec-
distribution, B is the emission probability distri- tor, and the rated power of the n-th appliance,
bution, and π is the starting state distribution of respectively, and X is the aggregated power vec-
the appliance. In particular, 1) A is initialized tor.
with the transition probabilities proportional to
the time spent in each state, and 2) for any change • State Prediction Accuracy (SPA): It indicates the
between states (or modes) Γni and Γnj of the n-th accuracy of estimating the states of appliances.
appliance, its corresponding emission probability PN
− Ŝ (n)
in B is defined by a Gaussian distributed power n=1
SP A := 1 − , (22)
consumption N (PΓni −PΓnj , Θ2Γn +Θ2Γn ), where PΓni N ·T
i j
and ΘΓni denote the rated power and power devi-
where S (n) , Ŝ (n) represent the true state vector
ation of the i-th appliance under state (or mode)
and the estimated state vector of the n-th appli-
i, respectively.
ance, respectively, and N, T represent the number
• In the training phase, the prior appliance model λ of appliances and the number of samples, respec-
is tuned by running the expectation maximization tively.
(EM) algorithm over the collected load data [22].
• Running time (R.T.) and memory usage (RAM )2 :
The EM algorithm is initialized with the prior state
They indicate the overhead on running time and
transition matrix A and individual appliances’ rated
memory space, respectively.
power in Table 2. It terminates when a local op-
tima in the log likelihood function is found or the
Since the performance of the iterative HMM method
maximum number of iterations (100 in our imple-
depends on model training, we run this method multiple
mentation) is reached.
times over different sizes (w.r.t. number of samples) of
• In the inference phase, the extended Viterbi al- training datasets (denoted as training size). To be spe-
gorithm [22] was applied to infer each appliance’s cific, we changed the training size from 200, increased
states (or modes), considering the constraints of by 200 each time, up to 4000. The average performance
aggregated power and power changes at each time is calculated over all the runs, and the best and the
instant. worst performance is the best and the worst outcomes
among all the runs, respectively.
By running the above three phases iteratively on each The performance of the three methods on energy dis-
appliance, we can get the estimated states as well as aggregation are summarized in Table 3. In addition, as
the power consumption of each appliance at each time illustrated in Fig. 4, we also look into the overall energy
instant. disaggregation accuracy of the three methods, which in-
dicates the energy contribution of each appliance to the
7.2 Performance Evaluation total energy consumption in the whole time period.
To evaluate the error of energy disaggregation, the From the results, we can draw the following conclu-
Disaggregation Error is usually used [15, 22, 9]. Fur- sions.
thermore, since we know appliances’ states (i.e., the
ground truth) in our dataset, we also evaluate the accu- • In term of accuracy, our SSER method performs
racy of recovered appliances’ states via Hamming Loss [7]. much better than the LSE based method and slightly
Accordingly, we use 1 − DisaggregationError and 1 − better than the iterative HMM method in average.
HammingLoss to get the accuracy of energy disaggre- 2
We implemented the three methods with Matlab 8.0 and
gation and the accuracy of state estimation, respec- run them with 32-bit Windows OS with 3.4GHz CPU and
tively. In addition, we also look into the overhead of 4GB RAM.
Table 3: Accuracy and overhead of energy disaggregation, using Sparse Switching Event Recovering
(SSER), Least Square Estimation (LSE) based integer programming and iterative Hidden Markov
Model (HMM)
XXXMetrics Accuracy Overhead
Methods XXX
X EDA SPA Training Size R.T.(second ) RAM (MB )
SSER 61.12% 69.62% – 865.4 596.8
LSE 33.40% 45.67% – 619.3 581.9
HMM (average) 55.27% 67.47% 2116 3721.3 558.6
HMM (best) 67.26% 71.29% 600 1299.7 557.9
HMM (worst) 41.09% 61.27% 3200 7089.6 561.4
Real Contributions
Overall Energy Consumption / kWh
Coffee Maker iMac Desktop Server Water Cooler Laptop Microwave Printer Refrigerator LCD−Dell LCD−LG
Figure 4: Actual and estimated energy contributions of each appliance to the total energy consump-
tion for one-week time period.
• In term of overhead, our SSER method and the easily learned. However, we may not precisely estimate
LSE method are at a comparative level for running the power deviation of an appliance working under a
time and system memory usage. While the mem- certain mode. Due to this consideration, we test the
ory usage of the iterative HMM method is similar performance of our method, assuming that the power
to that of the other two methods, its running time deviations of appliances are not accurate.
is much longer. For this test, we replace Θ with ρ · Θ, so that we can
narrow down or widen up the estimated power devia-
• The performance of the iterative HMM method is tions by regulating ρ. The value of ρ is changed from
subject to the training process and may have a 0.8 to 1.2, causing a parametric error of power deviation
large variation in accuracy and running time. up to 20%.
7.3 Robustness Test
Regarding the iterative HMM method, as shown in Table 4: Accuracy of Energy Disaggregation us-
Table 3, we have found that 1) the gap between the best ing SSER, with inaccurate estimation on power
and the worst outcomes is significant, and 2) there is no deviation
direct relationship between the size of training dataset PP
and the estimation accuracy. These indicate that the ρ PP
iterative HMM method is sensitive to parameter esti- 0.8 55.28% 70.37%
mation in the training phase. Consequently, when us- 0.9 60.33% 70.27%
ing this method in practice, it is not easy to estimate 1.0 61.12% 69.62%
appropriate model parameters that can guarantee the 1.1 56.94% 71.15%
performance. This problem is severe especially when 1.2 59.59% 72.24%
the ground truth of energy disaggregation is unknown
and thus it is hard to judge whether or not a trained
model is good enough. Part of the outcomes are shown in Table 4. We can
The above findings motivate us to perform robust- see that the accuracy does not change too much when
ness test on our method. In practice, we have shown in the parameter error varies, indicating that our method
Section 6.2 that the rated power of an appliance can be is robust to parameter estimation.
8. FURTHER DISCUSSION: LIMITATION tion (LSE) method and the machine learning method
OF OUR METHOD using iterative Hidden Markov Model (HMM).
While our method is effective and simple, it has the
following limitations. 10. REFERENCES
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c12 c13
TSP = {hG, c , ki :G = (V, E) is a complete graph , 2 3
c0 is the cost function , ∞ c23 ∞ c23
c12 c13 1 3 1 2
k ∈ <+ , and ∞ ∞ c13 ∞ ∞ ∞ c12 ∞
2 c23 3
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≤ k}.
Figure 5: An example showing the construction
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a reduction from TSP to d-SSER. – (⇒)