LPG For Power Generation
LPG For Power Generation
LPG For Power Generation
in the mix.
The main source of LPG historically has been
crude oil refining, where it is a by-product of It is important to note that the source and Source: EIA
the refining process. blend composition of LPG can significantly
A barrel of crude typically is made up of about influence engine performance and associated
3.9% LPG. project economics.
(50%, 50%) (90%, 10%)
Butane Propane
(0%, 100%) (100%, 0%)
US +8.6%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Source: EIA, Argus
USGC diesel to Brent
Mont Belvieu LPG/Propane to Brent
Mar-06 Aug-07 Dec-08 May-10 Sep-11 Jan-13 Jun-14 Oct-15
Key benefits of LPG power generation
Better economics
Favorable price spreads and power generation cost savings versus liquid fuels
Increased energy security
Use of local fuels as an alternative to imported diesel and natural gas
Fuel flexibility
Ability to switch to LPG to avoid disruptions when there are natural gas supply concerns
Increased asset availability
Lower maintenance events and costs with cleaner LPG versus liquid fuels
Lower emissions
Cleaner burning versus liquid fuels
Natural gas ready
Bridge from liquid to natural gas – start on LPG, transition to natural gas
Easier to use
Simpler to handle and operate versus CNG/LNG, and no engine modifications needed for LPG
Waukesha Jenbacher
0.16– 0.60 MW 0.37 – 1.3 MW 1.8 – 2.3 MW 0.40 – 0.68 MW 0.90 – 1 MW
1. Assuming J420 vs. diesel @ 42% efficiency
2. Assuming VHP vs. diesel @ 38% efficiency
Project development
GE and our partners around the globe aim to provide
you with a turnkey LPG power generation solution.
Our offering typically covers engines and their
associated service support, LPG sourcing and local
delivery, onsite storage solutions, various forms of
financing solutions (ranging from loans and leases to
power purchase agreements) and overall project
Fuel Infrastructure
Project Financing
Imagination at work
GE’s Distributed Power business is a unit of the General Electric Company. The GE brand and logo are trademarks of the General Electric Company. © 2015 General
Electric Company. Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.
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