Bindu (Moon Center Chakra)

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3/28/2021 Bindu (moon center chakra)

Jan 13, 2021

Bindu (Moon Center Chakra)

Other Names: Chandra
Location: situated beneath the whirl of hair at the top of the head

Diety: Shiva

Siddhi (superpower): overcoming thirst and hunger


Form: lotus flower with twenty-three petals, colourless and transparent. Its symbol is a crescent moon

Statement: "I am the source of the fountain of eternal youth. I am immortal."

Bindu Chakra

The word "bindu" is used in different contexts in yoga. Most texts refer to it as a chakra, some use
the word interchangably with amrita while some talk about bindu while referrring to the
male semen (white bindu) or the female menstruation (red bindu). For this blog, I use it as a chakra. 

If you have seen a bhakti yogi with a shaved hair except for a ponytail on top of his head at the whirl
of hair - that's where the bindu chakra is. This obscure chakra is hardly mentioned when chakras are
discussed. In the charts, it doesn't make it to one of the 7 major chakras. Tantra Yoga, however,
devotes attention to this chakra because it provides strength, energy, and longevity. It is said that
opening the bindu chakra also activates the pineal gland, a physical pea-sized organ behind the ajna
chakra responsible for telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. Bindu is also the center

of nada (psychic sound) which is practiced through bhramari pranayama (aka shanmukhi

mudra) (bee sound while covering the 7 gates - 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils and 1 mouth). 1/3
3/28/2021 Bindu (moon center chakra)

Amrita (Aka Ambrosia, Sanjivini Bhuti)

Bindu Chakra is the source of amrita, the nectar of immortality. Thus, talking about bindu essentially
talks about the amrita. In some Hindu texts, the amrita is even called the bindu. It is considered
the 'other prana'. We are born with a finite amount of amrita and we use it up as we go through life.
During puberty, we use up half of it to be able to reproduce. When amrita runs out, we also come to
the end of our lives.

Reversing Amrita Flow To Reverse Aging

Some ancient scriptures denote that a single concentrated drop of amrita is enough to germinate new
growth on a dry wood. Amrita can be conserved and its flow, reversed, thus prolonging or perhaps
even reversing the aging process. Here are the 2 ways:

1. Viparita Karani Mudra -viparita is essentially an inversion (handstand, tripod, headstand)where

the manipuraka is above the bindu, thus reversing the flow of amrita.
2. Maha Bandha Mudra - mula bandha and uddiyana bandha generate heat in the jatara
agni (digestive fire) and causes the essence of burnt-up amrita to go back up to bindu. By

engaging the jalandhara bandha, the throat lock stops the bindu from falling back to
the manipuraka. Amrita is reconstituted back to bindu which reverses the aging process.

Amrita As Joy Or Suffering

Amrita trickles down from the bindu chakra to the lalana chakra where it is met by a 'fork' on the road.
Where it goes to, depends on the person's evolutionary phase. 

When the person is evolved (lalana and vishuddhi are open), the amrita goes to the vishuddhi
chakra where it is purified into the nectar of immortality and redistributed throughout the whole body 2/3
3/28/2021 Bindu (moon center chakra)

through the nadis (subtle energy channels), where its healing properties are realized. In this manner,
life becomes the source of vitality and joy. The nabho mudra and the khecari mudra both help in
redirecting the amrita flow to the vishuddhi (instead of being diverted to the manipuraka chakra). 

However, when the person is not evolved, (vishuddhi chakra is not open), amrita goes down to
the manipuraka chakra where it is burned by jatara agni (digestive fire) without being fully utilized by
the body. This process makes life a source of pain and misery. This is also what characterizes the
aging and the dying process.

Bindu And Health

The Bindu Chakra is an important center for health, optimizing our physical, psychic and mental
health, giving it back vitality and a youthful bounce. This Chakra benefits vision, calms the emotions
and promotes inner harmony, clarity and balance. It helps overcome unhealthy eating habits.
Meditating on the Bindu relieves anxiety and depression, nervousness and feelings of oppression in
the heart. People who have two swirls on their head have two energy centers. They often possess
exceptional vitality and creativity, but may suffer from hyperactivity and extreme nervousness. When a
child is hyper and cannot sleep, it helps to massage the Bindu Chakra with soft and gentle circular
strokes. It should calm the child and promote sleep.

Incomprehensible Superlatives
There are many incomprehensible superlatives written about bindu such as,

"the subtle centre from which the human framework itself unites the finite with the is the point where the oneness first divides itself to produce duality, the world of
multiple forms...a point without dimension - a dimensionless centre"

In fact, there are a lot of such descriptions and labels written in yoga that elude understanding. I won't
pretend that I understand those things. Well, not today. So I don't post those on my blog because it
has little to no significance to practical yoga.

Ending Thoughts
Bindu chakra is the source of amrita, but it's not clear to me how to integrate bindu itself into my
pragmatic yoga practice. Reversing or re-directing the flow of amrita is the game-changer here.
Increasingly, I add visualization and internalization into my yoga. This is part and parcel of the
process by which I control amrita through bandha and inversions. 3/3

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