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(Engineering Programs)

Student Outcome (b): Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems.

Program: BSCE Course: __CE502___ Section: CE51S3-A20 1st Semester School Year _2020-2021___

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary

Performance Indicators Score
1 2 3
1. Ability to identify an The problem is not The problem is stated but The statement of the
engineering problem identified not clearly identified problem has been clearly
(Statement of the Problem) and fully identified.
2. Ability to formulate Unable to formulate an Presents a general Presents a detailed step
engineering solutions to a appropriate solution to the approach to solve an by step solution to solve
given problem problem engineering problem an engineering problem
3. Ability to apply the best Not able to solve the given The solution to the The correct solution to the
solution to an engineering engineering problem problem has not been problem has been clearly
problem fully elaborated derived and presented
(Summary and

Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

Evaluated by:


Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date
(Engineering Programs)
Student Outcome (c): Solve complex engineering problems by designing systems, components, or processes to meet specifications
within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, cultural, social, societal, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and
sustainability in accordance with standards.
Program: BSCE Course: __CE502__ Section: CE51S3-A20 1st Semester School Year _2020-2021__
Performance Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Scor
Indicators 1 2 3 e
4. Consideration of No consideration of economic Some consideration of economic Comprehensive discussion of economic
economic constraints constraints in the project design constraints as applied to the constraints applied to the project and the
project design impact on the economy at large as well as
long term trends.
5. Consideration of No consideration of Some consideration of Comprehensive discussion of environmental
environmental environmental constraints that environmental constraints as constraints applied to the project and the
constraints are directly related to the project applied to the project design impact on the environment at large as well as
long term trends.
6. Consideration of No consideration of Some consideration of Comprehensive discussion of
cultural/social/societal cultural/social/societal/political cultural/social/societal/political cultural/social/societal/political constraints
/ constraints that are directly constraints as applied to the applied to the project and the impact on the
political constraints related to the project project design cultural/social/societal/political at large as well
as long term trends.
7. Consideration of No consideration of ethical and Some consideration of ethical Comprehensive discussion of ethical and
ethical and professional constraints that are and professional constraints as professional constraints applied to the project
professional directly related to the project applied to the project design and the impact on the profession at large as
constraints well as long term trends.
8. Consideration of No consideration of health and Some consideration of health Comprehensive discussion of health and
health and safety safety constraints that are and safety constraints as applied safety constraints applied to the project and
constraints directly related to the project to the project design the impact on the health and safety at large as
well as long term trends.
9. Manufacturability and No consideration of applicable Some consideration of Strict observance of applicable standards for
sustainability in standards for the applicable standards for the the manufacturability and sustainability of the
accordance with manufacturability and manufacturability and project
standards sustainability of the project sustainability of the project
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 6)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 18) x 100%
Evaluated by:


Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date


(Engineering Programs)

Student Outcome (h): Apply principles of ethics and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities.

Program: BSCE Course: ___CE502___ Section: CE51S3-A201st Semester School Year _2020-2021_

Performance Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Very Exemplary

Indicators 1 2 3 Satisfactory 5 Score
1. Understand Student is not Student is aware Student is aware Student Student
the code of aware of any of the existence of the existence understands and understands and
ethics relevant codes for ethical of code of ethics of code of ethics abides by the abides by the code
to the practice behavior and other bases code of of professional
of the for ethical professional ethics and becomes
profession behavior ethics part of his personal
values system
2. Evaluate the Student shows Student shows Student is aware Student knows Student is aware of
ethical extent no awareness of limited of the ethical the ethical extent the ethical extent of
of a ethical extent of awareness of the extent of a of a a discipline-related
discipline-relat a ethical extent of discipline-related discipline-related problem and knows
ed problem discipline-related a problem problem and its how to address it
problem discipline-related implication if not
problem addressed
3. Apply relevant Blames others Does not Recognizes the Takes personal Takes personal
principles of for his own recognize the need to take responsibility for responsibility for all
ethics issues and need to take personal all his actions of his actions and
problems personal responsibility for exerts effort to make
responsibility for his actions amends
his actions
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 15) x 100%
Evaluated by:


Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date
Design Experience Information
CE 502 Reinforced Concrete Design

1st Semester, SY 2020-2021

Student Villanueva, Jeremiah O.

Design of a Six-Storey School Building in Barangay San Jose,

Project Title Rodriguez, Rizal

Program Concentration Area Structural

The client wants a quality structure with such a low construction cost. The
client aims to construct a six-storey reinforced concrete school building with
a limited budget. The designer came up with a different design method in
Economic Constraints
(Cost of the Material) determining the best and most economical design in line with the client’s
budget. The designer will conduct a rough estimate of the project using
different systems.

For every structure, safety is the most important aspect to be designed. The
designer needed to consider the protection of each person using the area
and investigate carefully if it can withstand the load given to it. In disparity
with the economical constraints, the three trade-offs that the designer come
up to be evaluated based on the safety of the structure. It must have been
taken in to account since the risk of dangers must be avoided.
Sustainability Constraints Sustainability is a concept that is related to the continuity of human
(Story Drift) societies and nature. It has a principle that are intended for guiding human
activities towards a more secure future. The life of every person involves
risks and threats at all level from your immediate neighborhood to the whole
world but life also involves opportunities to improve the security to meet the
needs of the society and its members. Since sustainability refers to
continuity, its main concepts are the renewable natural resources.

Since the client wants the project to be done before the start of the school
year, the designer considered the duration of the construction in the
Constructability Constraints trade-offs. The designer will create a timeline that contains the whole
(Duration of the
Construction) project duration and compare the number of months to finish an entire
project per system used in order to identify the design that will satisfy the
client’s expected time to finish the project. So, the designer came up with a
different design method in order to evaluate and determine the fastest
duration of the construction project in line with the client’s expected time to

Environmental constraint is one of the most important because these days

Structural Safety Constraints typhoons and earthquake mostly occur. Lateral deflections are affected by
seismic and wind loads; thus, it is essential to know these deflections in order to
prevent accidents.


The one-way slab system is a system composing of slabs, beams and columns in
which the ratio of the longer side of the slab should be greater than two. In this
One-Way Slab System system, there will be more count of beams in which most are intermediate beams
attached to the girders connected to columns. It transfers load from slab to the
longer side of the beam which act as concentrated load to the girder before being
transferred to the column.

Conventional Two-Way Slab System also consists of slabs, beams and columns in
which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of the slab should be less
than or equal to two (2). There will be lesser beam counts in this system
compared to Conventional One-Way Slab, but greater beam cross-section is
expected since there will be no intermediate beams (except in staircases) and all
Two-Way Slab System
the beams are directly connected to columns. Two-way slab system transfers the
loadings in every side of the slabs which is connected directly to the column.
Every beam will carry a trapezoidal distributed load, cutting the slab into 45˚ and
connecting all the lines in the middle.

Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete columns

without the use of beams. Flat slab is defined as one sided or two-sided support
system with sheer load of the slab being concentrated on the supporting columns
and a square slab called ‘drop panels. A Flat Slab is a two-way reinforced concrete
slab that usually does not have beams and girders, and the loads are transferred
directly to the supporting concrete columns. The ratio of the longer side to the
Flat Slab System shorter side of the slab should not be greater than two hundred twenty percent
(2.2). The reinforcements in a flat slab system are usually a double-layer
reinforced slab so that it could resist both tension and compression loadings since
there are no beam or girders in this system.

1. National Building Code of Section 401. Types of Construction
the Philippines (NBCP)
Section 701. Occupancy Classified.

Section 707. Maximum Height of Buildings

Section 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

Section 805. Ceiling Heights.

Section 806. Size and Dimensions of Rooms.

Section 808. Window Openings.

Section 1207. Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads

2. National structural code of Section 203: Combination of Loads

the Philippines (NSCP
2010) Section 204: Dead Loads

Section 205: Live Loads

Section 207: Wind Loads

Section 208: Earthquake Loads

Chapter 3; Earthworks and Foundation

Chapter 4; Structural Concrete

Chapter 5; Structural Steel

3. Modern Tools/Techniques AutoCad 2017

` 938 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City


Civil Engineering Department

Reinforced Concrete Design

Design of a Six-Storey School Building in Barangay Bagong Nayon,

Antipolo City, Rizal.




1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: PROJECT BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Project...........................................................................................................................................2
1.3 General Objective................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Specific Objectives...............................................................................................................................4
1.5 The Client.............................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Project Scope and Limitations............................................................................................................. 4
1.6.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6.2 Limitations....................................................................................................................................4
1.7 Project Development...........................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2: DESIGN INPUTS.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Description of the Structure................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Dimension of Rooms............................................................................................................................9
2.3 Architectural Plans.............................................................................................................................11
2.4 Elevation Plans...................................................................................................................................14
2.5 Initial Design Loads............................................................................................................................ 15
2.5.1 Dead Loads................................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.2 Live Loads................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5.3 Earthquake Loads.......................................................................................................................17
2.5.4 Wind Loads.................................................................................................................................24
2.5.5 Basic Load Combinations........................................................................................................... 24
2.6 Review of Related Literature.............................................................................................................25
CHAPTER 3: CONSTRAINTS, TRADE OFFS AND STANDARDS........................................................................33
3.1 Design Constraints.............................................................................................................................33
3.1.1 Economic Constraints (Cost of the Material).............................................................................33
3.1.2 Sustainability Constraints (Story Drift).......................................................................................33
3.1.3 Constructability Constraints (Duration of the Construction).....................................................33
3.1.4 Structural Safety Constraints (Deflection)................................................................................. 34
3.2 Trade offs...........................................................................................................................................34
3.2.1 One-Way Slab System................................................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 Two-Way Slab System................................................................................................................ 35
3.2.3 Flat Slab System......................................................................................................................... 37
3.3 Raw Designer’s Rankings................................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Initial Estimate...................................................................................................................................39
3.5 Tradeoff Assessment......................................................................................................................... 39
3.5.1 Economic Assessment................................................................................................................39
3.5.2 Sustainability Assessment.......................................................................................................... 39
3.5.3 Constructability Assessment...................................................................................................... 40
3.5.4 Structural Safety Assessment.....................................................................................................40
3.5.5 Computation of Ranking for Economic Constraint.................................................................... 40
3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Sustainability Constraint.............................................................. 40
3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Constructability Constraint.......................................................... 42
3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Environmental Constraint............................................................ 43
3.6 Design Standards............................................................................................................................... 45
CHAPTER 4: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN...................................................................................... 46
4.1 Structural Plans..................................................................................................................................46
4.2 Structural Loadings and Properties................................................................................................... 47
4.3 Structural Design Modelling.............................................................................................................. 49
4.3.1 Geometric Modelling................................................................................................................. 49
4.4 Structural Analysis............................................................................................................................. 50
4.4.1 Structural Analysis for One-way Floor System...........................................................................51
4.4.2 Structural Analysis for Two-way Floor System...........................................................................64
4.4.3 Structural Analysis for Flat Slab................................................................................................. 77
4.5 Design of Structural Members.......................................................................................................... 88
4.5.1 Procedure in Designing of Beams.............................................................................................. 88
4.5.2 Procedure in Designing Columns............................................................................................... 90
4.5.3 Procedure in Designing Slab.......................................................................................................91
4.6 Validation of Trade-offs.....................................................................................................................93
4.6.1 Economic.................................................................................................................................... 93
4.6.2 Sustainability.............................................................................................................................. 94
4.6.3 Constructability.......................................................................................................................... 95
4.6 Influence of Constraints, Trade-offs and Standards in Final Design................................................. 97
4.7 Influence of Multiple Constraints, Trade-offs and Standards in Final Design...................................97
4.7.1 Economic Alternatives............................................................................................................... 97
4.7.2 Constructability Alternatives......................................................................................................98
4.7.3 Sustainability Alternatives..........................................................................................................98
CHAPTER 5: FINAL DESIGN...........................................................................................................................99
5.1 Final Design........................................................................................................................................99
5.2 Design Schedule...............................................................................................................................100
APPENDIX A: CODES AND STANDARDS......................................................................................................105
APPENDIX B: COST ESTIMATES.................................................................................................................. 122
APPENDIX C: COMPUTATION OF TWO-WAY SLAB.................................................................................... 129
APPENDIX D: COMPUTATION OF ONE-WAY SLAB.....................................................................................134
APPENDIX E: COMPUTATION OF FLAT SLAB..............................................................................................142
APPENDIX F: COMPUTATION OF BEAMS...................................................................................................144
APPENDIX G: COMPUTATION OF COLUMNS............................................................................................. 151
1.1 Introduction
School plays a very important role in every persons life. It helps each person to gain academic
knowledge and improve ones trait. It is necessary because it plays an important role to convert
vulnerable mind into a better human being. It is also important for each student to have a good
and presentable learning spaces. These might help the students to achieve their goal of passing
the subject and have a good results. These means that, having a good environment helps the
student to improve their performances. Having a school well-built and have enough spaces for
everyone, makes it possible for each student that lives in distant areas to study and improve
their interest in learning.

In the past few years, the growth of the Philippine economy is continuously increasing and large
constructions like buildings are one of the common example. These buildings are built to make
people safe and based on the national codes and standards. These must be strong to withstand
major phenomenon like earthquake. It is one of the most devastating phenomenons that might
occur. Earthquake causes great destruction of properties and might resulted in huge numbers of
casualties. As we all know, earthquake do not kill people directly, but structures that collapsed
do. Because of that, the designer provides different types of earthquake-resisting system to
prevent severe damages to the structure and avoid casualties. The designer also tends to
develop a structural design of a building that will be able to resist the earthquake that can occur
nearby the location.

Reinforced concrete (RC) is a composite material in which concrete's relatively low tensile
strength and ductility are counteracted by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile
strength or ductility, is one of the most popular structural systems today. As it is said at
Wikipedia, the reinforcement in a RC structure has to undergo the same strain or deformation
as the surrounding concrete in order to prevent discontinuity, slip or separation of the two
materials under load. Maintaining composite action requires transfer of load between the
concrete and steel. The direct stress is transferred from the concrete to the bar interface so as
to change the tensile stress in the reinforcing bar along its length, this load transfer is achieved

by means of bond and is idealized as a continuous stress field that develops in the vicinity of the
steel-concrete interface.

1.2 The Project

This project tends to develop a structural design of a six storey school building that will be
located in Barangay Bagong Nayon, Antipolo City, Rizal. This location is bounded by several
villages and subdivisions. The school building will offer services and to provide the needs of the
people especially to the students.

The proposed six-storey building has a floor area of 50m x 12m (600m2) and a height of 18m.
The first floor contains the lecture rooms, laboratory rooms and the faculty room. The second,
third, and fourth floor contains lecture rooms also. The fifth floor contains the audio-visual
rooms and the computer rooms. And the sixth floor contains the library. It has stairs located on
the leftmost part of the building while the comfort rooms are in the rightmost part of the
building. The covering of the building will be roof deck.

The proposed project is designed to accommodate the increasing number of enrollees in the
school every year. The structural members in the given project is made up of rigid concrete,
designed and conceptualized based on the existing codes and standards.

Figure 1.2.1 Perspective View of the Building

Figure 1.2.2 Location Map

Source: Google Maps

1.3 General Objective
The project aims to design a six-storey school that will withstand an earthquake and limit the
effects of it to the building. This will also provide safety and convenience to the people inside
and in the vicinity of the building.

1.4 Specific Objectives

1. To design a school building that will be able to withstand an earthquake that is based on
National Structural Code of the Philippines.
2. To provide the client with three desirable trade-offs that will suffice the constraints.
3. To provide the plans together of each trade-off.

1.5 The Client

Mayor Andrea B. Ynares will serve as the client for this project. She wants to deliver a 6-storey
Secondary School to a set standard, on time and to budget, whilst also achieving a profit and
maintaining reputation. A budget of 30,000,000.00 Php will be alloted on the construction of the
school building.

1.6 Project Scope and Limitations

1.6.1 Scope
1. The project was designed in accordance to the National Structural Code of the
Philippines 2015.
2. Architectural and structural plans were included in this project proposal.
3. Computation of reinforced concrete design
4. Structural analysis was done using STAAD Pro.

1.6.2 Limitations
1. Reinforced concrete will be used for the design of the structure.
2. Design plans include architectural and structural only.
3. Interior design was not provided

1.7 Project Development

Before a design project to be executed, the project must come to a phase of development based
upon the series of stages which will take upon the course of the completion of the project. The
development of the project will mainly start in the planning stage. In line with this,

conceptualization is needed. Second is the identification of the design standards, specifications
and parameters for computation of the design project. Third one will be working with excel
programs of beams, slabs and columns for the effectiveness of the design. After that, the
Preliminary Structural design is needed. Next is the calculation for the final design project and
the final design project.

Figure 1.2 Project Development

Conceptualization- The team undergone brainstorming, each of us shared ideas
before we come up to the concept we have chosen to design.

Consideration of Multiple Constraints, Trade-Off, And Design Standards- After the

brainstorming, we had research about the design, considering the hindrances and possible
solution concerning the problem.

Data Gathering- This is the part where the team collected information from the
Municipality based on the parameters in designing earthquake resistant building.

Site Inspection- After the data were gathered, we visited the site to take note of
our observations that can help us in making architectural and structural plan.

Design of Architectural Plans- Floor plans, elevation, and cross-sectional sections etc.
Are made to be used for the next phases of the project.

Design of Structural Plans – Design of the structural plans including the loads that
may act on the building are considered to make sure that the building will be standing.

Design Stage of Earthquake-Resistant System – Earthquake loads are taken into

consideration and designing of each tradeoff that will be suitable for the structure.

Evaluation of Design – Analysis of each trade-off will be done in this phase of the

Conclusion – After the evaluation of the design, the trade-off that will suit the
constraints best will be implemented for the design.

Final Design Output – Finalization of all design output and documents.

2.1 Description of the Structure
The Six-storey School Building is to be designed as reinforced concrete structure. The building
design falls under category I or Essential Facilities as per NSCP specification. The project is
determined to be greater than five kilometers from the closest known seismic source. The
structure location is in Zone 4 with velocity up to 200 kilometer per hour.

However, there were series of trade-offs based on design constraints, considerations and
standards that have been observed before coming up with the most favorable design.
Discussion of the said trade-offs will be discussed on the next chapters.

The structural design of the school building is described as shown in the figure. The total floor
area of each floor is 600 square meters. The floor to floor distance of each story is 3.5 meters.
The ground floor area contains the faculty room, two laboratory rooms and two lecture rooms.
The second floor up to the fourth floor has five lecture rooms each. The fifth floor was intended
for two AVR rooms and three computer rooms. The sixth floor was planned for the library.
Stairways were located at the left most part of the building while the comfort rooms are on the
right most part. Fire exits were also located at the right most part near the comfort rooms.

2.2 Dimension of Rooms

The data below is based on the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP).

Table 2-1 Total Floor Area

Facilities Total Floor Area in

Square Meter
Lecture Rooms 768
Faculty Rooms 64
Audio Visual Rooms 128
Computer Rooms 192
Laboratory Rooms 128
Library 320
Comfort Rooms 182
Hallways 1000
Total Floor Area 3000

2.3 Architectural Plans

Figure 2.3.1 Ground Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.2 Second Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.3 Third Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.4 Fourth Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.5 Fifth Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.6 Sixth Floor Plan

Figure 2.3.7 Roof Deck

2.4 Elevation Plans

Figure 2.4.1 Front Elevation

Figure 2.4.2 Rear Elevation

Figure 2.4.3 Right Side Elevation Figure 2.4.4 Left Side Elevation

2.5 Initial Design Loads

In classifying the structure, the designer will be using National Structural Code of the Philippines
(NSCP) 2015. In which the required parameters were determined based on the occupancies and
properties of the site location

2.5.1 Dead Loads

Dead loads consist of the weight of all materials of construction incorporated into the building
or other structure, including but not limited to walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built-in
partitions, finishes, cladding and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items
and fixed service equipment, including weight of cranes.

The actual weights of materials and constructions shall be used in determining dead loads for
purposes of design. In the absence of definite information, it shall be permitted to use the
minimum values in Tables 204-1 and 204-2

Table 2-2 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials

Materials Design Load (kN/m3)

Concrete, reinforced 23.6

Concrete, Masonry (Lightweight Units) 16.5
Concrete, Masonry (Medium weight 19.6
Concrete, Masonry (Normal weight Units) 21.2
Source: NSCP 2015: Table 204-1

Table 2-3 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials (kN/m3)

Materials Design Loads

Asphalt Shingles 0.10
Lightweight Concrete per mm 0.015
Sand per mm 0.015
Stone Concrete per mm 0.023
Asphalt Block Mortar 1.44
Cement Finish Concrete Fill 1.53
Source: NSCP 2015: Table 204-1

2.5.2 Live Loads

Live loads shall be the maximum loads expected by the intended use or occupancy but in no
case shall be less than the loads required by this section.

Floors shall be designed for the unit live loads as set forth in Table 205-1. These loads shall be
taken as the minimum live loads of horizontal projection to be used in the design of buildings for
the occupancies listed, and loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed in this
section but that creates or accommodates similar loadings.

Table 2-4 Minimum Design Dead Loads (kPa)

Description Uniform Load Concentrated

(kPa) Load (kPa)
Lobbies & Ground Floor Corridors 4.8 9
Offices 2.4 9
Classrooms 1.9 4.5
Comfort Rooms 2.4 0

Access Floor System (Computer use) 4.8 9
Library 7.2 4.5
Corridors above Ground Floor 3.8 4.5
Storage 6 0
Auditorium (Movable Seats) 4.8 0
Source: NSCP 2015 Table 204-2

2.5.3 Earthquake Loads Occupancy Categories

The building is categorized according to the occupancy and this will be the basis for the
importance factor (I) and structural observation requirement (Ip) that will be used for the
solution of the base shear. The categories are based on the NSCP 2015 Chapter 2 208.4.2 on
table 208-1.

Table 2-5 Seismic Importance Factors

Occupancy Category Seismic Importance Seismic Importance

Factor, I Factor, Ip
I. Essential Facilities 1.50 1.50
II. Hazardous 1.25 1.50
III. Special Occupancy 1.00 1.00
IV. Standard 1.00 1.00
V. Miscellaneous 1.00 1.00
Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208-1 Soil Profile Types

Soil profile type is determined by the soil properties present in the in-situ soil which will then
specify the shear capacity that will be needed in the determining the base shear. There soil
profile types are based in NSCP Chapter 2 on table 208-2.

Table 2-6 Soil Profile Types

Average Soil Properties for Top 30 M of Soil


Profile Shear Wave SPT, N Shear
Soil Profile Name / Generic
Velocity, (blows/ 300
Type Description Strength, Su

SA Hard Rock >1500

SB Rock 760 to 1500

SC Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock >50 >100

SD Stiff Soil Profile 180 to 360 15 to 50 50 to 100

SE Soft Soil Profile <180 <15 <50

SF Soil Requiring Site-specific Evaluation.

See Section

Source: NSCP 2015 208 – 2 Seismic Zone Factor

The Philippine archipelago is divided int two seismic zones only. Zone 2 for the provinces of
Palawan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi while the Zone 4 covers the rest of the country. Soil profile type is
determined by the soil properties present in the in-situ soil which will then specify the shear
capacity that will be needed in the determining the base shear. There soil profile types are
based in NSCP Chapter 2 on table 208-2.

Table 2-7 Seismic Zone Factor, Z

ZONE 2 4

Z 0.20 0.40

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 3 Seismic Source Type

The seismic source type is defined by the location and type of seismic sources to be used for the
design, shall be based on NSCP 2015 Chapter 2 on table 208-4 and most recent
mapping of active faults by the Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Table 2-8 Seismic Source Types

Seismic Source

Seismic Seismic Source Description Maximum Moment
Source Type Magnitude, M

Faults that are capable of producing large

magnitude events and that have a high rate
A of seismic activity. 7.0 M 8.4

All faults other

6.5 7.0
B than Types A and C.

Faults that are not capable of producing large

C magnitude events and that have a high rate
of seismic activity. < 6.5

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 4

Source: NSCP 2015 Figure 208 – 2A Seismic Zone 4 Near-Source Factor

In Seismic Zone 4, Near-source factor (Na) and Near-source Factor (Nv) shall be assigned with
accordance to NSCP 2015 Chapter 2 on table 208-5 and table 208-6

Table 2-9 Near-Source Factor Na

Seismic Closest Distance to Known

Source Seismic Source2
2 km 5 km 10 km

A 1.5 1.2 1.0

B 1.3 1.0 1.0

C 1.0 1.0 1.0

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 5

Table 2-10 Near-Source Factor Nv

Seismic Closest Distance to Known

Source Seismic Source2
2 km 5 km 10 km 15

A 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0

B 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.0

C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 6 Seismic Response Coefficient

Every structure shall be assigned a seismic coefficient (Ca) and seismic coefficient (Cv) in
accordance to NSCP Chapter 2 on table 208-7 and table 208-8.

Table 2-11 Seismic Coefficient Ca

Soil Profile Seismic Zone Z

Type Z = 0.2 Z = 0.4

SA 0.16 0.32 Na

SB 0.20 0.40 Na

SC 0.24 0.40 Na

SD 0.28 0.44 Na

SE 0.34 0.44 Na

SF See Footnote 1 of Table 208-8

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 7

Table 2-12 Seismic Coefficient Cv

Soil Profile Seismic Zone Z

Type Z = 0.2 Z = 0.4

SA 0.16 0.32 Nv

SB 0.20 0.40 Nv

SC 0.32 0.56 Nv

SD 0.40 0.64 Nv

SE 0.64 0.96 Nv

SF See Footnote 1 of Table 208-8

Source: NSCP 2015 Table 208 – 8

Importance Factor (Essential Facilities) 1.5
Soil Profile Type B (4)
Seismic Zone Zone 4 (0.40)
Seismic Source Type A
Near-source factor (Na) 1.0
Near-source factor (Nv) 1.16

Seismic Response Coefficient (Ca) 0.40Na
Seismic Response Coefficient (Cv) 0.40Nv
Rw in X Direction (RWX) 8.5
Rw in Z Direction (RWZ) 8.5

2.5.4 Wind Loads Basic Wind Speed

The basic wind speed, V, used in the determination of design wind loads on buildings and other
structures shall be determined from Figure 207A.5-1 as follows, except as provided in Section
207A.5.2 and 207A.5.3

Basic Wind Speed 200kph
Exposure Category B
Building Classification Category II
Structure Type Building Structure
Enclosure Classification Enclosed Building
Importance Factor 1.15

2.5.5 Basic Load Combinations

Table 2-14 Load Combinations

Loads Required Strength

Dead Load (DL) and Live Load (LL) 1.4DL
1.2DL + 1.6LL
Dead Load (DL), Live Load (LL) and Wind Load 1.2DL + 1.0LL
1.2DL + 0.8WL
1.2DL + 0.8WL + 1.0LL
Dead Load (DL), Live Load (LL) and Earthquake 1.2DL + 1.0LL +1.0 EL
Load (EL) 0.9DL + 1.0EL

2.6 Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the related studies and literatures about that provided background for the
development of the study and bring the readers up-to-date. It includes both conceptual and
research literature from the foreign and local authors.

Mohammad Adil Dar, (2013) A Study on Earthquake Resistant Construction Techniques

In Japan, it is very important to incorporate the preventive measures when it comes to natural
disaster because the country itself is facing a threat on natural disasters. Environmental
preservation strategies and economic considerations are into their approach to the
development of land and the creation of urban centers. There are three major reasons how a
formidable power of an earthquake can cause severe damage to the infrastructure. The first one
is that earthquake resistant structures were insufficient. Second is infrastructure and other
fundamental urban systems were deficient. Last is the post-earthquake crisis management was
deficient also. It was also written that there is still no guarantee that structures built to
particular standards will be able to withstand all the assaults of nature. Therefore, a
comprehensive measure for earthquake disaster prevention should be developed with the
addition of reinforcement to the earthquake resistant structures.

Yoshihiro Kimura and Gregory A. MacRae (2004) Effect of Cantilever Column Flexural
Characteristic on Braced Frame Displacements.

Ground vibrations due to earthquakes can cause inertia forces at certain locations in the
building. These forces travel through the roof and walls to the foundation. Based on the
earthquake design code 1893 of the Bureau of Indian Standards, they published other relevant
earthquake design codes for earthquake resistant constructions. Some of these codes focuses
on providing vertical reinforcements especially in corners, internal and external wall junctions.
The grade of mortar should also be as per codes specified depending on its location. They
concluded that technology is available to drastically mitigate the earthquake related disasters. It

is very important to strictly follow the earthquake resistant measures they provide. It was
confirmed that the main reason for severe damage to structures caused by earthquake is by not
following the specified rules and regulations especially in the developing countries. So, they
repeatedly tell that civil engineers have a great role to play in mitigating the sufferings caused by
earthquake-related disasters.

Seismic Retrofit for Reinforced Concrete Residential Structures (MSCE-Structural Student,

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman)

According to the study of Ian Howell S. Tungol, retrofitting is considered as any modification
done on an existing structure to restore its capacity from the original design. In recent years, the
term retrofitting or rehabilitation could also refer to further strengthening of existing structures
to make them more resistant against applied loads. In the case of seismic retrofitting, structures
are modified in consideration with seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to

Parametric Study of ACI Seismic Design Provisions Through Dynamic Analysis of a Reinforced
Concrete Intermediate Moment Frame by Michael James Richard

From the study of James Richard Reinforced concrete moment frames are one type of structural
system that is widely used to resist seismic forces. The design requirements for these frames
have been divided into three categories based on the seismic activity of a building’s location:
special moment frames, intermediate moment frames, and ordinary moment frames. Ordinary
moment frames are located in areas of low seismic activity and follow the standard design
practices for flexural members, columns, and members in compression and bending. Meanwhile,
special moment frames are used in areas of high seismic activity such as California. These frames
have been the focus of much research into the design and detailing of concrete members with
respect to increasing a building’s survivability during an earthquake. Intermediate
moment-resisting frames are used in areas of moderate seismic activity such as in the
Southeastern United States. This type of frame design was added to code specifications after the

introduction of special and ordinary moment frames in order to provide guidelines for structures
that do not require the ductility of those used in California.

Analysis and Design of Flat Slab and Grid Slab And Their Cost Comparison by Sathawane, R.S.
Deotale: Department of Civil Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur-441110, Maharashtra, India

According to Sathwane the flat slab system of construction is one in which the beam is used in
the conventional methods of construction done away with the directly rests on column and the
load from the slabs is directly transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. Drops or
columns are generally provided with column heads or capitals. Grid floor systems consisting of
beams spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions, monolithic with slab.

Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings by Ali Sherif S. Rizk

According to the study of Ali Sherif S. Rizk the first reinforced concrete tall building was built in
1903 by A.O. Elzm using E.I. Ransome’s system of casting square twisted steel bars with concrete
as a frame with slabs and concrete exterior wall. This is a 15-story building and known as Ingalls
building in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Since the construction of this building engineer have realized
the advantages of building with reinforced concrete as compared to building with steel. Among
the early realized advantages are cheaper construction cost and better fire resistance. Concrete
tall buildings have larger mass and damping ratio than steel tall buildings, which helps in
minimizing motion perception, and providing better stability against wind and seismic loads. The
development in concrete technology over the twentieth century covering materials, structural
systems, analysis and construction techniques, made it possible to build concrete tall buildings
such as Petronas towers (452 m high and 85 floors), Jin Mao (421 m high and 88 floors) and Burj
Dubai (800m+ high and 160 floors).

Concrete construction is preferred in our area of the world because of the availability of
concrete materials in the local markets and the traditionally more experienced concrete
construction industry. It is therefore expected to see more tall concrete and composite buildings
constructed in the major cities of the Arab countries.

Analytical Approach to Study Effect of Shear Wall on Flat Slab & Two Way Slab By Pawah,
Tiwari & Prajapati, July 2014

Slab directly supported on column termed as flat slab. The study compares behavior of flat slab
with old traditional two-way slab along with effect of shear walls on their performance. The
parametric studies comprise of maximum lateral displacement, storey drift and axial forces
generated in the column. The investigation shows the seismic behavior of heavy slab without
end restrained. For stabilization of variable parameter shear wall are provided at corner from
bottom to top for calculation (Tiwari and Prajapati, 2014)

Sustainability of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures – A Case Study by A. Puskas and L. M.


Traditionally, the engineering education is aiming to establish quantifiable, measurable units,

and after that comparing those to utilize the unit considered more suitable. When thinking
about sustainability of structures, traditional mentality has to be set aside, as comparing
different structural systems is becoming a complex task. Choosing different materials for the
same reinforced concrete structure has immediate comparable impact on the environment.

Reinforced concrete structures are using excessively the limited limestone and other resources
and, in the same time, a large quantity of energy for producing the rebar, the clinker and the
structural concrete, having negative impact on the environment. Hence, considering that
specific building indispensable for the society, the aim of obtaining sustainable buildings
becomes equivalent to decrease their negative impact on the environment while still taking full
advantage of their strength. This target can be achieved by judicious choose of the built-in

For a given multistory reinforced concrete frame building, the scope is to establish the concrete
and the reinforcing steel classes in such a way that the impact of these materials on the
environment to be kept at the lowest possible level. This paper presents a study on an ordinary
reinforced concrete frame structure designed using two different concrete classes (C16/20 and
C30/37) and two different reinforcing bar classes (PC52 and S500), obtaining four different

possibilities for the same solution. Different combinations of built-in materials are resulting
different economic and environmental impacts. The environmental impact for the whole life
cycle of the studied solutions, using different material qualities, is estimated using Athena
Impact Estimator for Buildings, taking into consideration weighted life-cycle analysis indicators
(total energy used, the quantity of solid emissions in air and water, the required natural
resources consumed – especially the non-renewable ones – the impact owed to the depletion of
the natural resources, human health and the impact on the ecosystems). Besides the
environmental impact estimation, realisation cost is also evaluated for each structural solution,
obtaining a relationship between the cost (as the major decision influencer) and the
sustainability of the studied solutions (Moga and Puskas)

Comparative Analysis of Flat Plate Multistoried Frames with and Without Shear Walls under
Wind Loads by Fayazuddin Ahmed Syed, B. Dean Kumar, Y. Chandrasekhar, B.L.P. Swami 2012

In general slabs are classified as one-way or two-way. Slabs that primarily deflect in one
direction are referred to as one-way slabs. Flat Plates present a possible problem in transferring
the shear at the perimeter of the columns. In other words, there is a danger that the columns
may punch through the slabs. As a result, it is frequently necessary to increase column sizes or
slab thicknesses or to use shear heads.

Assessment of Different Aspects of RC Flat Slab Building over RC Frame Building By Bhina,
Banerjee & Paul

According to Banerjee the performance level of the flat slab building is relatively less than the
conventional building. Flat slab building generates baser shear and displacement. Seismic
performance of a conventional building is superior better than a flat slab building. Due to the
architectural purpose flat slab building becomes more popular.

Seismic Resistance of Reinforce Concrete Beam-Column Joints by Norman W. Hanson, Harold

W. Conner

According to the study of Conner, full size cast-in-place reinforced concrete beam-column joints
representing a critical portion of a multistory building were tested under simulated earthquake
loading. Six of the specimens tested represented an exterior joint unconfined by spandrel beams.
A seventh specimen had short unloaded spandrels on each side of the joint. Test variables were
column size, column axial load, and amount of joint lateral reinforcement. Reversible elastic and
plastic load cycles were applied to each specimen to simulate earthquake loads. Suitability of
recommended reinforcing details for use in earthquake resistant design was verified by test
results. Specifically, closed rectangular hoops surrounding the joint were shown to be essential
in developing ductility and maintaining strength of isolated joints in structural frames. Energy
absorption required in building frames subjected to earthquakes was demonstrated to be amply
provided by a properly designed reinforced concrete frame.

Over Strength and Force Reduction Factors of Multi-Storey Reinforced-Concrete Buildings.

This paper addresses the issue of horizontal over-strength in modern code-designed

reinforced-concrete (RC) buildings. The relationship between the lateral capacity, the design
force reduction factor, the ductility level and the over-strength factor are investigated. The
lateral capacity and the over-strength factor are estimated by means of inelastic static pushover
as well as time-history collapse analysis for 12 buildings of various characteristics representing a
wide range of contemporary RC buildings. The importance of employing the elongated periods
of structures to obtain the design forces is emphasized. Predicting this period from free
vibration analysis by employing ‘effective’ flexural stiffness is investigated. A direct relationship
between the force reduction factor used in design and the lateral capacity of structures is
confirmed in this study. Moreover, conservative over-strength of medium and low period RC
buildings designed according to Eurocode 8 is proposed. Finally, the implication of the force
reduction factor on the commonly utilized over-strength definition is highlighted. Advantages of
using an additional measure of response alongside the over-strength factor are emphasized.
This is the ratio between the over-strength factor and the force reduction factor and is termed
the inherent over-strength (Ωi). The suggested measure provides more meaningful results of
reserve strength and structural response than over-strength and force reduction factors (A. S.

Design Methods of Reinforced-Concrete Frame Structure to Resist Progressive Collapse in Civil

According to Hongyu Wang, Youpo Su, Qingshen Zeng c., since the “9.11”terrorist event, the
World Trade Center progressive collapsed in a flash, U.S. engineers began to really care about
preventing progressive collapse in reinforced concrete buildings. When the accident has
happened, the structures collapse is a serious threat to public safety. In our country, most public
buildings are reinforced concrete frame structure. Comparing with shear wall structure, frame
structure is more likely to collapse. Therefore, the research about progressive collapse of frame
structures is very important. Some standard native and abroad such as British Standards,
GSA2003, U.S. Department of Defense standard (DoD2005) and DoD2009 did researches in this
text and these researches can be used for designers as reference in the project design.

2.6.14 Parametric Study of Flat Slab Building With and Without Shear Wall to Seismic
Performance by Anuja Walvekar , H.S.Jadhav 2015

Flat Plates are solid concrete slabs of uniform depths that transfer loads directly to the
supporting columns without the aid of beams or capitals or drop panels. Flat plates are probably
the most commonly used slab system today for multi-storey reinforced concrete hotels, motels,
apartment houses, hospitals, and dormitories. The main disadvantage in Flat slabs and Flat
plates is their lack of resistance to lateral loads, hence special features like shear walls,
structural Walls are to be provided if they are to be used in High rise constructions.

Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Wall-Frame Structural System Considering Shear Softening of

Shear Wall by Yasushi Sanada, Toshimi Kabeyasawa and Yoshiaki Nakano

According to the study of Yasushi Sanada, Toshimi Kabeyasawa and Yoshiaki Nakano seismic
performances of reinforced concrete wall-frame structural systems were investigated through a
shaking table test and three-dimensional nonlinear frame analyses. A reinforced concrete
wall-frame building with soft first story was designed as a prototype structure for this study. A
one-third scaled model of the prototype structure was tested on the Large-scale Earthquake

Simulator, NIED, and Japan. The testing methods and major findings were reported herein. The
three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis of the test structure was conducted using a
four-node isoparametric element model, which was based on the two-dimensional constitutive
law for reinforced concrete panel elements, in order to verify its reliability. This analytical model
could simulate the displacement concentration, the shear failure of shear wall and the story
yielding in the soft first story of the test structure, which was due to the shear softening of shear
wall. Moreover, the effects of the shear softening of shear wall on responses of fifteen
wall-frame buildings with different number of stories and different column and wall sections,
which included regular buildings as well as vertically irregular ones, were investigated through
three-dimensional nonlinear pushover analyses.

3.1 Design Constraints
Constraints is defined as the state of being restricted or compelled to avoid or perform some
action or a system in a given scenario or environment. It is an element, factor or subsystem that
works as a blockage. It restricts an entity or project from achieving its full potential with
reference to its goal. Constraints have to be address in order to come up with the most
favorable choice in the final design.

The following were the constraints that will have a significant impact on the design of six-storey
apartment building based on the designer’s judgment:

3.1.1 Economic Constraints (Cost of the Material)

The client wants a quality structure with such a low construction cost. The client aims to
construct a six-storey reinforced concrete school building with a limited budget. The designer
came up with a different design method in determining the best and most economical design in
line with the client’s budget. The designer will conduct a rough estimate of the project using
different systems.

3.1.2 Sustainability Constraints (Story Drift)

For every structure, safety is the most important aspect to be designed. The designer needed to
consider the protection of each person using the area and investigate carefully if it can
withstand the load given to it. In disparity with the economical constraints, the three trade-offs
that the designer come up to be evaluated based on the safety of the structure. It must have
been taken in to account since the risk of dangers must be avoided. Sustainability is a concept
that is related to the continuity of human societies and nature. It has a principle that are
intended for guiding human activities towards a more secure future. The life of every person
involves risks and threats at all level from your immediate neighborhood to the whole world but
life also involves opportunities to improve the security to meet the needs of the society and its
members. Since sustainability refers to continuity, its main concepts are the renewable natural

3.1.3 Constructability Constraints (Duration of the Construction)
Since the client wants the project to be done before the start of the school year, the designer
considered the duration of the construction in the trade-offs. The designer will create a timeline
that contains the whole project duration and compare the number of months to finish an entire
project per system used in order to identify the design that will satisfy the client’s expected time
to finish the project. So, the designer came up with a different design method in order to
evaluate and determine the fastest duration of the construction project in line with the client’s
expected time to finish.

3.1.4 Structural Safety Constraints (Deflection)

Environmental constraint is one of the most important because these days typhoons and
earthquake mostly occur. Lateral deflections are affected by seismic and wind loads; thus, it is
essential to know these deflections in order to prevent accidents.

3.2 Trade offs

The design trade-off is a method of construction which is appropriate to address the design
constraints efficiently and effectively. In the trade-off analysis, a set of trade-offs are being
compared to each other to be able to come up with the best trade-off.

3.2.1 One-Way Slab System

The one-way slab system is a system composing of slabs, beams and columns in which the ratio
of the longer side of the slab should be greater than two. In this system, there will be more
count of beams in which most are intermediate beams attached to the girders connected to
columns. It transfers load from slab to the longer side of the beam which act as concentrated
load to the girder before being transferred to the column.

One-way slab is a slab which is supported by beams on the two opposite sides to carry the load
along one direction. The ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is equal or greater than 2,
considered as One-way slab because this slab will bend in one direction i.e in the direction along
its shorter span. Due to the huge difference in lengths, load is not transferred to the shorter
beams. Main reinforcement is provided in shorter span and distribution reinforcement in longer

Advantages Disadvantages

Simple construction. Associated down stand beams may require greater

storey height.

Penetration in slabs are easily manageable. Deter fast formwork cycles.

Heavy load carrying capacity. Compromise flexibility of partition location and

horizontal service distribution.

Exceptional fire resistance. The segments cannot be cut on site, must be carefully

Table Advantages and Disadvantages of One-way slab

3.2.2 Two-Way Slab System

Conventional Two-Way Slab System also consists of slabs, beams and columns in which the ratio
of the longer side to the shorter side of the slab should be less than or equal to two (2). There
will be lesser beam counts in this system compared to Conventional One-Way Slab, but greater
beam cross-section is expected since there will be no intermediate beams (except in staircases)

and all the beams are directly connected to columns. Two-way slab system transfers the
loadings in every side of the slabs which is connected directly to the column. Every beam will
carry a trapezoidal distributed load, cutting the slab into 45˚ and connecting all the lines in the

The behavior of a two-way slab is similar to that of a one-way slab the only difference being that
now the slab loads will be carried in both directions. The reinforcement rules are also similar in
both directions.

Advantages Disadvantages

High Earthquake Resistance High Material Cost

One Layer Reinforcement High Formwork Cost

Live Load is not Limited Larger Beam Cross Section

High Load Capacity High Dead Load

Table Advantages and Disadvantages of Two-way slab

3.2.3 Flat Slab System

Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete columns without the use of
beams. Flat slab is defined as one sided or two-sided support system with sheer load of the slab
being concentrated on the supporting columns and a square slab called ‘drop panels. A Flat Slab
is a two-way reinforced concrete slab that usually does not have beams and girders, and the
loads are transferred directly to the supporting concrete columns. The ratio of the longer side to
the shorter side of the slab should not be greater than two hundred twenty percent (2.2). The
reinforcements in a flat slab system are usually a double-layer reinforced slab so that it could
resist both tension and compression loadings since there are no beam or girders in this system.

Advantages Disadvantages

Low Formwork Cost Greater Deflection

Short Constructability Duration Greater Slab Thickness

Average Material Cost Low Earthquake Resistance

Less Dead Load Low Load Capacity

Table Advantages and Disadvantages of Flat Slab

3.3 Raw Designer’s Rankings

The trade-offs, which is the use of Special Moment Resisting Frames, Dual System, and Lateral
Force Resisting System will be evaluated based on the given constraints in this chapter. The
three designs will have some advantages and disadvantages over each other’s. The designers
will come up with the final design of the three trade-offs in order for the client to have an
alternative and properly choose the best option that will satisfy the client’s needs. The designer
used the model on trade-off strategies in engineering design by Otto and Antonsson (1991). The

criterion was scaled from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest and likewise, the ability to satisfy the
criterion was also scaled from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest.

The computation that will be used for ranking for the ability to satisfy criterion of each trade-off:

Higher Value − Lower Value

% difference = × 10
Higher Value

(Equation 3.1)

Subordinate Rank = Governing Rank − (% difference × 10)

(Equation 3.2)

The governing rank is the subjective value set by the designers. It depends on the designer’s
own discrepancy on ranking the importance of each constraint. The subordinate rank in
Equation 3-2 is a variable that corresponds to its percentage distance from the governing rank
along the ranking scale.

The designers performed an initial evaluation of the three (3) tradeoffs based on the constraints
above and came up with the raw designer’s ranking shown in the table below.

Table 3.1 Raw Designer’s Ranking

Decision Criteria Criterion’s Ability to satisfy criterion (on a scale of 0 – 10)

Importance (on a One-way Slab Two-way Slab Flat Slab
scale of 0 – 10)
Economic 9 9.38 9.68 10
Sustainability 10 10 8.62 6.76
Constructability 8 10 5.98 7.39
Structural Safety 9 8.42 9.41 10

Overall Ranking 340.2 305.85 306.72
(Source: Otto, K. N. and Antonsson, E. K., (1991). Trade-off strategies in engineering design.
Research in Engineering Design, volume 3, number 2, pages 87-104.)

3.4 Initial Estimate

Constraint Units Estimate
One-way Slab Two-way Slab Flat Slab
Economic Php 4,188193.20 4,059,663.81 3,929,951.13
Sustainability mm 12.5 14.5 18.5
Constructability Months 19 17 16
Structural Safety mm 9,558.20 15,980.62 12,934.86

3.5 Tradeoff Assessment

The significance of this assessment is to compare which of the following trade-offs can satisfy
the design constraints. Since the criterion’s importance is subjective, its value will depend on the
client and the designer’s decision and agreement. The designer gives an importance factor of 10
in safety due to the client’s decision to minimize the deflection of the structure. The economical
and constructability constraint has an importance factor of 9 each since the client wanted a safe
yet economical and within the project schedule. And for the environmental, it has an
importance factor of 8.

3.5.1 Economic Assessment

The designer believes that the flat slab system should have a lower material cost compared to
the one-way and Conventional Two-Way slabs since the flat slab doesn’t have beam members
thus, making the cost for formworks less compared to others, and rebar cost less than the
others. The least ranking in this constraint is the Conventional One-Way slab.

3.5.2 Sustainability Assessment

In the structural safety of the project, the designer believes that the Conventional One-Way slab
will give the least magnitude of deflection since it has several members that can transfer the
loadings indirectly to the columns. The least ranking in this constraint is the flat slab.

3.5.3 Constructability Assessment
The constructability of each method depends on the structural design of the slab and beams.
Since the flat slab is less complex in construction compared to the other two, the flat slab
governs the ranking in this constraint and the Conventional One-Way slab has the least ranking.

3.5.4 Structural Safety Assessment

The environmental safety deals with the forces and moments created by seismic loadings and
factors. In this constraint, the designer believes that the best performing tradeoff is the one-way
slab. Since the project has been analyzed by using STAAD.Pro v8i, the result shows that the best
tradeoff in this constraint was the two-way slab.

3.5.5 Computation of Ranking for Economic Constraint

For One-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
4,188,193.20 − 3,929,951.13
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.62

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.62

Subordinate rank = 9.38

For Two-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
4,059,663.81 − 3,929,951.13
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.32

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.32

Subordinate rank = 9.68

3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Sustainability Constraint

For Two-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
14.5 − 12.5
% difference = × 10

% difference = 1.38

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 1.38

Subordinate rank = 8.62

For Flat Slab

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
18.5 − 12.5
% difference = × 10

% difference = 3.24

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 3.24

Subordinate rank = 6.67

3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Constructability Constraint

For One-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
19 − 16
% difference = × 10

% difference = 1.58

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 1.38

Subordinate rank = 8.42

For Two-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
17 − 16
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.58

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.58

Subordinate rank = 9.41

3.5.6 Computation of Ranking for Environmental Constraint

For Two-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
15,980.62 − 9,558.20
% difference = × 10

% difference = 4.02

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 4.02

Subordinate rank = 5.98

For Flat Slab

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
12,934.86 − 9,558.20
% difference = × 10

% difference = 2.61

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 2.61

Subordinate rank = 7.39

3.6 Design Standards
The designer came up with the design of the One-Stop Government Services Office Building with
accordance to the following codes and standards:
1. National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) (PD1096)
2. National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) vol. 1 – 2015 edition

The National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096)

The National Building Code of the Philippines, also known as Presidential Decree No. 1096 was
formulated and adopted as a uniform building code to embody up-to-date and modern technical
knowledge on building design, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance. The Code
provides for all buildings and structures, a framework of minimum standards and requirements
to regulate and control location, site, design, and quality of materials, construction, use,
occupancy, and maintenance.

The National Structural Code of the Philippines vol. 1 – 2015 edition

This code provides minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, property and public welfare by
regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials pertaining to the
structural aspects of all buildings and structures within its jurisdiction. The provision of this code
shall apply to the construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair, maintenance and use of
any building or structure within its jurisdiction, except work located primarily in a public way,
public utility towers and poles, hydraulic flood control structures, and indigenous family

4.1 Structural Plans

Figure 4.1.1 Two-way Slab Framing Plan

Figure 4.1.2 One-way Slab Framing Plan

Figure 4.1.3 Flat Slab Framing Plan

4.2 Structural Loadings and Properties

Name E Poisson’s Density Alpha Fy Fu Ry Rt Fcu
kN/mm2 Ratio kg/m3 kN/mm2 kN/mm2 kN/mm2
Concrete 21.718 170E-3 2402.615 10E-6 0 0 0 0 27.58E-3
Table 4.2.1 Material Properties

One-way Slab

Structural Elements Dimensions

Girders 250mm x 400mm
Beams 250mm x 400mm
Columns 400mm x 400mm
Slab 120mm
Table 4.2.2 Trial Dimension for One-way Slab

Two-way Slab

Structural Elements Dimensions

Girders 300mm x 400mm

Beams 300mm x 400mm

Columns 400mm x 400mm

Slab 120mm

Table 4.2.3 Trial Dimension for Two-way Slab

Flat Slab

Structural Elements Dimensions

Girders 300mm x 500mm

Beams 300mm x 500mm

Columns 400mm x 400mm

Slab 150mm

Table 4.2.3 Trial Dimension for Two-way Slab

4.3 Structural Design Modelling
4.3.1 Geometric Modelling

Figure One-way Slab Geometric Model

Figure Two-way Slab Geometric Model

Figure Flab Slab Geometric Model

4.4 Structural Analysis

The structure is analyzed by STAADPro from the loadings and properties of the building. The
data obtained served as the basis for the design of the trade-offs.

4.4.1 Structural Analysis for One-way Floor System Primary Loadings

Figure Structural Analysis of Dead Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Live Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Windward Load at X

Figure Structural Analysis of Windward Load at Z

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at X

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at Z Load Combinations

Figure Load Combination 1 (1.2DL + 1.6LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EX + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E - X + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EZ + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E – Z + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – Z)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – Z)

60 Result of Structural Analysis

Figure Shear Diagram at Y

Figure Shear Diagram at Z

Figure Bending Moment at Y

Figure Bending Moment at Z

For Beams

Beam Max Axial Max Shear Max Max Bending


Max Fx Max Fy Max Fz Max Mx Max My Max Mz
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
(+) 16.426 115.496 0.009 0.022 0.036 223.860
(-) -24.028 -115.502 -0.009 -0.009 -0.034 -175.161
(+) 2.997 101.654 0.002 0.017 0.014 204.074
(-) -10.733 -101.663 -0.009 -0.007 -0.015 -172.125
(+) 1.245 99.731 0.009 0.017 0.019 201.097
(-) -9.056 -99.742 -0.002 -0.007 -0.021 -170.152
(+) 16.097 113.531 0.004 0.022 0.027 220.741
(-) -23.875 -113.546 -0.004 -0.009 -0.030 -174.055
(+) 36.601 119.630 0.192 0.415 0.342 191.218
(-) -47.500 -119.526 -0.107 -0.636 -0.424 -146.100
(+) 14.197 95.978 0.044 0.854 0.209 169.494
(-) -10.974 -95.225 -0.048 -1.086 -0.174 -144.930
(+) 0.344 81.964 0.045 0.022 0.083 138.006
(-) -0.502 -82.167 -0.043 -0.021 -0.086 -126.040
(+) 7.143 83.229 0.033 0.953 0.082 153.263
(-) -6.166 -82.127 -0.036 -0.951 -0.075 -137.649
(+) 6.211 83.121 0.032 0.952 0.071 153.038
(-) -5.313 -82.002 -0.035 -0.952 -0.078 -137.389
(+) 6.312 82.895 0.027 0.950 0.064 152.568
(-) -4.994 -81.746 -0.038 -0.944 -0.089 -136.863
(+) 4.989 91.975 0.043 1.039 0.077 161.146
(-) -4.834 -91.244 -0.036 -0.797 -0.102 -136.610
(+) 5.800 115.385 0.098 0.049 0.181 171.604
(-) -0.125 -115.173 -0.098 -0.043 -0.190 -131.137

For Columns

Column Max Axial Max Shear Max Max Bending

Max Fx (kN) Max Fy Max Fz Max Mx Max My Max Mz
(kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
(+) 2036.887 130.319 127.363 0.309 364.393 398.192
(-) -52.363 -130.688 -125.537 -0.292 -361.891 -397.260

For Deflection

Horizontal X Vertical Y (mm) Horizontal Z Resultant

(mm) (mm)
(+) 0.065 0.000 0.018 3.116
(-) -0.102 -3.113 -0.137 N/A
4.4.2 Structural Analysis for Two-way Floor System Primary Loadings

Figure Structural Analysis of Dead Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Live Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Windward Load at X

Figure Structural Analysis of Windward Load at Z

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at X

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at Z

.4.2.2 Load Combinations

Figure Load Combination 1 (1.2DL + 1.6LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EX + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E - X + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EZ + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E – Z + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – Z)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – Z)

73 Result of Structural Analysis

Figure Shear Diagram at Y

Figure Shear Diagram at Z

Figure Bending Moment at Y

Figure Bending Moment at Z

For Beams

Beam Max Axial Max Shear Max Max Bending

Max Fx Max Fy Max Fz Max Mx Max My Max Mz
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
(+) 19.270 127.473 0.031 0.140 0.080 268.850
(-) -25.494 -127.467 -0.014 -0.135 -0.152 -199.093
(+) 0.170 130.787 0.084 0.109 0.207 265.867
(-) -8.090 -130.795 -0.066 -0.106 -0.204 -193.984
(+) 13.881 138.205 0.084 0.129 0.168 268.482
(-) -22.727 -138.225 -0.044 -0.125 -0.210 -198.009
(+) 6.820 159.987 0.221 0.909 0.475 269.207
(-) -9.266 -156.003 -0.227 -0.778 -0.448 -228.185
(+) 11.219 126.794 0.189 0.559 0.444 251.438
(-) -9.044 -124.729 -0.194 -0.595 -0.423 -219.543
(+) 2.798 112.225 0.064 1.143 0.133 252.481
(-) -1.899 -111.876 -0.057 -1.132 -0.125 -215.204
(+) 3.143 112.044 0.032 1.139 0.066 252.257
(-) -2.051 -111.681 -0.031 -1.135 -0.063 -214.848
(+) 3.916 111.704 0.017 1.140 0.039 251.818
(-) -2.525 -111.283 -0.017 -1.133 -0.041 -214.136
(+) 3.646 111.284 0.011 1.129 0.041 251.220
(-) -2.016 -110.746 -0.017 -1.137 -0.036 -213.204
(+) 1.480 123.403 0.029 1.319 0.084 241.613
(-) -2.052 -121.903 -0.036 -1.137 -0.080 -214.255
(+) 11.911 155.716 0.088 0.653 0.224 262.138
(-) -13.608 -152.470 -0.069 -0.786 -0.192 -221.436

For Columns

Column Max Axial Max Shear Max Max Bending

Max Fx (kN) Max Fy Max Fz Max Mx Max My Max Mz
(kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
(+) 3155.305 180.416 217.349 0.818 577.573 526.724
(-) -193.252 -180.605 -197.594 -0.821 -550.108 -526.040

For Deflection

Horizontal X Vertical Y (mm) Horizontal Z Resultant

(mm) (mm)
(+) 99.364 0.219 95.292 97.217

(-) -95.516 -6.302 -97.168 N/A

4.4.3 Structural Analysis for Flat Slab Primary Loadings

Figure Structural Analysis of Dead Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Live Loads

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at X

Figure Structural Analysis of Seismic Load at Z Load Combinations

Figure Load Combination 1 (1.2DL + 1.6LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EX + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E - X + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1EZ + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (1.2DL + 1E – Z + 0.5LL)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6WZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.6W – Z)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EX)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143EZ)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – X)

Figure Load Combination (D + L + 0.7143E – Z) Result of Structural Analysis

Figure Shear Diagram at Y

Figure Shear Diagram at Z

Figure Bending Moment at Y

Figure Bending Moment at Z

For Columns

Column Max Axial Max Shear Max Max Bending

Max Fx (kN) Max Fy Max Fz Max Mx Max Fx (kN)
(kN) (kN) (kNm)
(+) 2983.448 219.220 1.663 1.663 (+) 2983.448
(-) -193.036 -219.759 -1.610 -1.610 (-) -193.036

For Deflection

Horizontal X Vertical Y (mm) Horizontal Z Resultant

(mm) (mm)
(+) 0.005 0.000 0.000 5.539
(-) -0.999 -4.627 -3.031 N/A

4.5 Design of Structural Members

4.5.1 Procedure in Designing of Beams
I. Determine the values of loads, DL, LL and other loads.

II. Compute the factored load on different load combinations

Governing Load Combinations:

a.) 1.2D+1.6LL

b.) 1.2D+1LL+1E

III. Compute the factored moment to be resisted by the beam, Mu.

IV. Try a value of steel ratio ρ of 90 percent of ρmax, but not be less than ρmin. This value
of ρ will provide enough allowance in the actual value of ρ due to rounding-off of
the number of bars to be used so that it will not exceed the maximum ρ.


0.85f' cβ600
ρb =
fy(600 + fy)

β = 0.85 for f’c 28 Mpa

β = 0.85 – (f’c – 28) for f’c > 28 Mpa

ρ max = 0.75 ρb

ρ min =

VI. Compute the value of ω, ω = ρfy/f’c

VII. Solve for the bd2;

Mu = ∅f’cωbd2 (1-0.59ω)

bd2 =

VIII. Try a ration d/b (from d = 1.5b to d = 2b), and solve for d. (round-off this value to
reasonable dimension)

Check also the minimum thickness of beam required by the Code; NSCP 2010

After solving for d, substitute its value to Step VI, and solve for b.

Compute the weight of the beam and compare it to the assumption made in Step II.

IX. Solve for the required steel area and number of bars.

As = ρbd

db 2

4.5.2 Procedure in Designing Columns

Design Procedure for Short Axially Loaded Columns:

1. Identify the factored axial load Pu acting on the column.

2. Decide on the reinforcement ratio ρ that is between 0.01-0.08 as required by the code.
Determine the gross sectional area Ag of the concrete section using the assumed ρ.

Pu = φ 0.80 Ag [0.85f' c 1 − ρg + fyρg ]

3. Choose the dimensions of the cross section based on its shape. For rectangular section,
the ratio of the longer and shorter side is recommended to not exceed 3.

4. Readjust the reinforcement ratio by substituting the actual cross-sectional area. The
ration has to fall to the specified code limits.

5. Calculate the needed area of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio based on the adjusted
reinforced ratio and the chosen concrete dimension.

6. Choose the number and diameter of needed reinforcing bars. For rectangular sections, a
minimum of four bars is needed.

7. Design the lateral reinforcement according to the type of column, either ties or spirals.

Use the smallest of the following:

< 16db

< 48 tie db

< least dimension of column

8. Check whether the spacing between longitudinal reinforcing bars satisfies the NSCP
2010 code requirements.

4.5.3 Procedure in Designing Slab

I. Identify the uniform floor pressure (kPa) to be carried by the slab.

II. Determine the minimum slab thickness “h” from NSCP 2010.

III. Compute the weight of slab (kPa)

weight = yconcrete x thickness

IV. Calculate the factored moment (Mu) to be carried by the slab per meter strip

V. Compute the effective depth of the slab. Clear cover must at least 20mm

VI. Compute the required steel ratio, ρ:

Solve for Rn from Mu = ∅Rn bd2 where b= 1000 mm

0.85 f' c 2Rn

ρ= 1− 1−
fy 0.85 f' c

Solve for ρmax and ρmin

 If ρ is less than ρmax and greater than ρmin, use ρ

 If ρ is greater than ρmax , increase depth of slab to ensure ductile failure

 If ρ is less than ρmin , use ρ= ρmin

VII. Compute the require main bar spacing

As = ρbd

As 1000 (1meter strip)

N=π S=
db 2 N

Use the smallest of the following for the main bar spacing:

a. S1

b. 3 x h

c. 450 mm

VIII. Temperature bars

At = 0.002bt

1000 (1meter strip)


Use the smallest of the following for temperature bar spacing:

a. S2

b. 5 x h

c. 450 mm

4.6 Validation of Trade-offs
After the structure has been analyzed and each member has been designed, results for costs
have been computed as well as the duration of the project. The deflection of each trade-off is
also acquired. The designer is going to validate the initial estimates made to come up with the
best decision.

4.6.1 Economic
FINAL COST 5,967,453.425 4,871,596.572 4,715,941.356
Table 4.6.1 Final Cost Estimates

Governing Rank: Flat Slab = 10.0

One Way Slab:

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value

5,967,453.425 − 4,715,941.356
% difference = × 10

%difference = 2.10

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 2.10

㷟 ⿏ 㷟 ⿏‫ܓ = ܖ‬.ൌ

Figure 3.1 Cost difference

Two Way Slab:

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value

4,871,596.572 − 4,715,941.356
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.32

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.32

㷟 ⿏ 㷟 ⿏‫ = ܖ‬ൌ.ൌ

Figure 3.2 Cost difference

4.6.2 Sustainability
Governing Rank: One Way Slab = 10.0


FINAL DEFLECTION 9.432 10.120 42.596

For Two-Way

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
10.120 − 9.432
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.68

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.68

Subordinate rank = 9.32

For Flat Slab

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
42.596 − 9.432
% difference = × 10

% difference = 7.79

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 7.79

Subordinate rank = 2.21

4.6.3 Constructability
Governing Rank: Flat Slab = 10.0



For One Way Slab

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value

23 − 19
% difference = × 10

% difference = 1.74

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 1.74

Subordinate rank = 8.26

For Two Way Slab

higher value − lower value

% difference = × 10
higher value
20 − 19
% difference = × 10

% difference = 0.5

Subordinate rank = Governing rank − %difference

Subordinate rank = 10 − 0.5

Subordinate rank = 9.5

4.6 Influence of Constraints, Trade-offs and Standards in Final Design

Constraints Trade-offs Importance

One-way slab Two-way slab Flat slab Factor
Economic 5,967,453.425 4,871,596.572 4,715,941.356 10
Sustainability 9.432 10.120 42.596 10
Constructability 23 20 19 10

4.7 Influence of Multiple Constraints, Trade-offs and Standards in Final Design

4.7.1 Economic Alternatives

Figure 4.7.1 Economic Comparison

4.7.2 Constructability Alternatives

Figure 4.7.2 Constructability Alternatives

4.7.3 Sustainability Alternatives

Figure 4.7.3 Sustainability Alternatives

5.1 Final Design
The designer finalized the design corresponds to the codes and standards provided by the
National Building Code of the Philippines and the National Structural Code of the Philippines.
The structural members of the structure are tested and were able to pass the necessary test for
adequacy needed for the design. The details of the structural members were specified in this
project proposal and the cost estimates were also provided for the client.

On the construction phase of the project, the formation of the formworks will be the first
activity to accomplish per area of the building, and then next is the installation of the
reinforcements for the beam, slab and column. After that is the concrete pouring as per the
design for the structure.

The final structural design to be used in the construction is presented in the following sheets.
This includes the final framing plan and detailing of each member for the winning trade off.

Figure 5.2 Typical Two-way slab detailing

5.2 Design Schedule
Beam b (mm) t (mm) At midspan At Support Spacing
Top bars Bottom Top bars Bottom
bars bars
B-1 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-2 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-3 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-4 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-5 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-6 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-7 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-8 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-9 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-10 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-11 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-12 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-13 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60

B-14 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-15 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-16 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-17 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
B-18 300 400 2-25mm 5-25mm 5-25mm 2-25mm 60
Table 5.2.1 Schedule of Beams


C1 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C2 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C3 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C4 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C5 400mm x 400mm 12-32mm Φ
C6 400mm x 400mm 12-32mm Φ
C7 400mm x 400mm 12-32mm Φ
C8 400mm x 400mm 12-32mm Φ
C9 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C10 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C11 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C12 400mm x 400mm 12-28mm Φ
C13 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C14 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C15 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C16 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C17 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C18 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C19 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C20 400mm x 400mm 14-32mm Φ
C21 400mm x 400mm 8-28mm Φ
C22 400mm x 400mm 8-28mm Φ
C23 400mm x 400mm 8-28mm Φ
C24 400mm x 400mm 8-28mm Φ
Table 5.2.2 Schedule of Columns

Figure 5.3 Typical Column

Figure 5.4 Typical Beam Detail

Figure 5.5 Typical Beam Detail

Figure 5.6 Typical Slab Detail

Figure 5.7 Typical Slab Detail

National Building Code of the Philippines (NBC)

The following are the sections and codes that are followed in conceptualizing and designing the
structural plan of the apartment building:

 Section 401. Types of Construction

Type I. The structural elements may be any of the materials permitted by this Code.

 Section 805. Ceiling Heights.

Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation have\ ceiling heights not less than 2.40
meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of more than
one-storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the
second storey 2.40 meters and succeeding storeys shall have an unobstructed typical
head-room clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above stated rooms
with a natural ventilation shall have ceiling height not less than 2.70 meters.

 Section 806. Size and Dimensions of Rooms.

Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:

1. Rooms for Human Habitations. 6.00 square meters with at least dimensions of 2.00

2. Kitchens. 3.00 square meters with at least dimension of 1.50 meters;

3. Bath and toilet. 1.20 square meters with at least dimension of 0.90 meters.

 Section 808. Window Openings.

Every room intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system as herein
specified in this Code, shall be provided with a window or windows with a total free area of
openings equal to at least ten percent of the floor area of room, and such window shall open
directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or open water courses.

 Section 1207. Stairs, Exits and Occupant Loads.

General. The construction of stairs and exits shall conform to the occupant load
requirements of buildings, reviewing stands, bleachers and grandstands:

a. Determinations of Occupant Loads. The Occupant load permitted in any building or

portion thereof shall be determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by
the unit area allowed per occupant as determined by the Secretary.
b. Exit Requirements. Exit requirements of a building or portion thereof used for different
purposes shall be determined by the occupant load which gives the largest number of
persons. No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit except
projections permitted by this Code.

National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) C101-10


MRF Moment Resisting Frame

NSCP National Structural Code of the Philippines
NBC National Building Code
RC Reinforced Concrete
RCD Reinforced Concrete Design
STAAD Structural Analysis and Design
USD Ultimate Strength Design


= gross area of section, mm2.

= area of no prestressed tension reinforcement, mm2.

, th = minimum amount of flexural reinforcement, mm2.

t = total area of nonprestressed longitudinal reinforcement (bars and steel shapes), mm2.

= area of shear reinforcement within a distance s, mm2.

= area of shear-friction reinforcement, mm2.

' = area of compression reinforcement, mm2.

= width of compression face of member, mm.

= web width, mm.

= distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis, mm.

= clear cover from the nearest surface in tension to the surface of the flexural tension
reinforcement, mm.

= a factor relating actual moment diagram to an equivalent uniform moment diagram.

= dead loads, or related internal moments and forces.

= distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, mm.

' = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of compression reinforcement, mm.

= nominal diameter of bar, wire, or prestressing strand, mm.

= thickness of concrete cover measure from extreme tension fiber to center of bar or wire
located closest thereto, mm.

= distance from extreme tension fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, mm.

t = distance from extreme compression fiber to extreme tension steel, mm.

= load effects of earthquake, or related internal moments and forces.

= modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa.

= modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, MPa.

= flexural stiffness of compression member, N-mm2.

= loads due to weight and pressures of fluids with well defined densities and controllable
maximum heights, or related internal moments and forces.

' = specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa.

= specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, MPa.

t = specified yield strength fy

= loads due to weight and pressure of soil, water in soil, or other materials, or related
internal moments and forces.

= overall thickness of member, mm.

= moment of inertia of section beam about the centroidal axis, mm4.

㤱 = moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete, mm4.

= effective moment of inertia for computation of deflection, mm4.

= moment of inertia of gross concrete section about centroidal axis, neglecting

reinforcement, mm4.

= live loads, or related internal moments and forces.

= development length, mm.

h = length of clear span measured face-to-face of supports, mm.

= maximum moment in member at stage deflection is computed.

㤱 = cracking moment.

= nominal axial load strength at balanced strain conditions

h = nominal axial load strength at given eccentricity.

= nominal shear strength provided by concrete

= wind load, or related integral moments and forces.

= unit weight of concrete, kN/m3.

= factored load per unit length of beam or per unit area of slab.

= ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural stiffness of a width of slab bounded
laterally by center line of adjacent panle, if any on each side of beam.

= average value of for all beams on edges of a panel.

1 = factor

t = net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal strength.

= modification factor reflection the reduced mechanical properties of lightweight concrete.

= multiplier for additional long-time deflection = ration of nonprestressed tension

reinforcement =

' = ratio of nonprestressed compression reinforcement = '

= reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain conditions

= strength-reduction factor.

The following are the sections and codes that are followed in conceptualizing and designing the
structural plan of the apartment building:

 Section 203 - Combination of Load

a.Minimum densities for design loads from materials

b.Minimum design loads

c. Minimum uniform and concentrated live loads

 Section 206 - Other Minimum Loads

a.206.3 Impact loads

b.206.3.1 Elevators

c. 206.3.2 Machinery

 Section 207 - Wind Load

a. 207.5.10 Velocity Pressure

b. Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient

c. Topographic Factor

d. Wind Directionality Factor

e. 207.5.6 Exposure

 Section 208 - Earthquake Loads

a. Earthquake Loads

b. Design Base Shear

c. Structure Period

Wind Load

Section 207.5.4 Wind Directionality Factor

The wind directionality factor, Kd, shall be determined form Table 207-2. This factor Shall only be
applied when used in conjunction with load combinations specified in Section 203.3 and 203.4.

 Section 207.5.5 Importance factor

An importance factor Iw, for the building or other structure shall be determined from
Table 207-3 based on building and structure categories listed in Table 103-1.

 Section 207.5.6 Exposure

For each wind direction considered, the upwind exposure category shall be based on
ground surface roughness that is determined from natural topography, vegetation, and
constructed facilities.

 Section 207.5.7 Topographic factor

The wind speeds up effect shall be included in the calculation of design wind loads by
using the factor kzt. If site conditions and locations of structures do not meet all the
conditions specified in Section the kzt= 1.0

 Section 207.5.8 Gust Effect factor

The gust effect factor shall be calculated as permitted in Sections to,
using appropriate values for natural frequency and damping ratio as permitted in

 Section 207.5.9 Enclosure Classifications

For the purpose of determining internal pressure coefficients, all buildings shall be
classified as enclosed, partially enclosed, or open as defined in Section 207.2.

 Section 207.5.10 Velocity Pressure

Velocity pressure, qz, evaluated at height z shall be calculated by the following equation
qz= 47.3x10-6 kz kzt kd V2 Iw.

 Section 207.5.11 Pressure and Force Coefficients

Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi, shall be determined from fig. 207-5 based on
building enclosure classifications determined from Section 207.5.9

 Section 207.5.12 Rigid Building for all heights

Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of a building of all heights shall be determined by
the following equation;

P= qGCP – qi(GCPi)

 Section 207.5.13 Design Wind Loads on Open Buildings with Monoslope, Pitched, or
Troughed Roofs

Plus, and minus signs signify pressure acting toward and away from the top surface of
the roof, respectively.

 Section 207.5.14 Design Wind Loads on Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs

The design wind force for solid freestanding walls and solid signs shall be determined by
the following formula:

F= qhGCfAs

 Section 207.5.15 Design Wind Loads on other Structures

The design wind force for other structures shall be determined by the following


Earthquake Load

 Section 208.5.1 Earthquake Loads and Modeling Requirements

Structures shall be designed for ground motion producing structural response and
seismic forces in any horizontal direction. The following earthquake loads shall be used
in the load combinations set forth in Section 203:

E= ρEh + Eb

 Section 208.5.2 Static Force Procedure


The total design base shear in a given direction shall be determined form the following

V= CvI (W)
The total design base shear need not exceed the following:

V= 2.5CaI (W)
The Base Shear shall not be less than the following:
V= .11CaIW
 Section
The value of T shall be determined using the following method:

Determine the structure period T using Method A

T = Ct (hn)3/4
401.2 Scope

401.2.1 This chapter provides minimum requirements for the design and construction of
structural concrete elements of any building or other structure under requirements of the
National Building Code of the Philippines of which this Section I, forms a part of. This section
also covers the strength evaluation of existing concrete structures.

For structural concrete, ' shall not be less than 17MPa. No maximum value of ' shall
apply unless restricted by a specific code provision.

403.4 Aggregates
403.4.2 The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregates shall not be larger than:
One fifth (1/5) the narrowest dimension between sides of forms; or
One third (1/3) the depth of slabs; or
Three fourths (3/4) the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or
wires, bundles of bars, or prestressing tendons or ducts.

407.2 Standard Hooks

“Standard hook” as used in this code is one of the following:
407.2.1 180-degree bend plus 4db extension, but not less than 60mm at free end of bar.
407.2.2 90-degree bend plus 12dbextension at free end of bar
407.2.3 for stirrup and tie hooks:
Ø16 mm bar end smaller, 90-degree bend plus 6db extension at free end of bar; or
Ø20 mm bar and Ø25 mm bar, 90-degree bend plus 12db extension at free end of bar; or
Ø25 mm bar and smaller, 135-degree bend plus 6db extension at free end of bar.
407.8 Concrete Protection for Reinforcement
407.8.1 Cast-in-Place Concrete (Nonprestressed)
Unless a greater cover is required by Section 407.8.6 or 407.8.8, specified cover for
reinforcement shall not less than the following:
Minimum Cover
Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth …………………………..75 mm
Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
Ø20 mm bar through Ø36 mm bar ……………………………………………............50 mm
Ø16 mm bar, MW200 or MD200 wire, and smaller …………………………………..40 mm

Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists:
Ø42 mm and Ø58 mm bars …………………………………………………………….40 mm
Ø36 mm bars and smaller ……………………………………………. ………………….20 mm
Beams, Columns:
Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups, spirals ………………………………………….40 mm
408.6 Modulus of Elasticity

408.6.1 Modulus of elasticity Ec for concrete shall be permitted to be taken as 1.50.043 '
(in MPa) for values of wc between 1,500 and 2,500 kg/m3. For normal weight concrete, Ec shall

be permitted to be taken as 4700 '

408.6.2 Modulus of elasticity Es for nonprestressed reinforcement shall be permitted to be
taken as 200,000 MPa.

408.10 Span Length

408.10.1 Span length of members not built integrally with supports shall be considered the clear
span plus depth of member, but need not exceed distance between centers of supports.
408.10.2 In analysis of frames or continuous construction for determination of moments, span
length shall be taken as the distance center to center of supports.
408.10.3 For beams built integrally with supports, design on the basis of moments at faces of
support shall be permitted.
409.4.2 Strength-Reduction Factor
Strength-reduction factor Φ shall be given in Sections 409.4.2.1 through 409.2.7:
409.4.2.1 Tension controlled sections as defined in Section 410.4.4 …………….……….. 0.90
409.4.2.2 Compression controlled sections, as defined in Section 410.4.3:
Members with spiral reinforcements conforming to Section 410.10.3 ……………. 0.75
Other reinforced members ………………………………………………………… 0.65
409.6 Control of Deflections
409.6.1 Reinforced concrete members subject to flexure shall be designed to have adequate
stiffness to limit deflections or any deformations that adversely affect strength or serviceability
of a structure.
409.6.2.3 Unless stiffness values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, immediate
deflection shall be computed with the modulus of elasticity Ec for concrete as specified in

Section 408.6.1 (normal-weight or lightweight concrete) and with the effective moment of
inertia as follows, but not greater than Ig.

3 3
= 㤱
+ 1− 㤱
㤱 (409-8)


㤱 = (409-9)

409.6.2.5 Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, additional longtime
deflection resulting from creep and shrinkage of flexural members (normal-weight or
lightweight) shall be determined by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the
sustained load considered, by the factor λΔ.

= 1+50 '

Where ρ’ shall be the value at midspan for simple and continuous spans, and at support for
cantilevers. It is permitted to assume the time-dependent factor ξ for sustained loads to be
equal to:
5 years or more ………………………………………………… 2.0
12 months ……………………………………………………… 1.4
6 months ……………………………………………………….. 1.2
3 months ……………………………………………………….. 1.0

410.3 Design Assumptions

410.3.1 Strength design of members for flexure and axial loads shall be based in assumptions
given in Sections 410.3.2 through 410.3.7 and on satisfaction of applicable conditions of
equilibrium and compatibility of strains.
410.3.2 Strain in reinforcement and concrete shall be assumed directly proportional to the
distance from the neutral axis, except that, for deep flexural beams as defined in Section 410.8.1,
an analysis that considers a nonlinear distribution of strain shall be used. Alternatively, it shall
be permitted to use a strut-and-tie model.

410.3.3 Maximum usable strain at extreme concrete compression fiber shall be assumed equal
to 0.003.
410.3.4 Stress in reinforcement below specified yield strength fy for grade of reinforcement
used shall be taken as Ectimes steel strain. For strains greater than that corresponding to fy
stress in reinforcement shall be considered independent of strain and equal to fy.
410.3.5 Tensile strength of concrete shall be neglected in axial and flexural calculations of
reinforced concrete, except where meeting requirements of Section 418.5.
410.3.6 The relationship between concrete compressive stress distribution and concrete strain
shall be assumed to be rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic or any other shape that results in
prediction of strength in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests.
410.3.7 Requirements of Section 410.3.6 may be considered satisfied by an equivalent
rectangular concrete stress distribution defined by the following:
410.3.7.1 Concrete stress of 0.85f’c shall be assumed uniformly distributed over an equivalent
compression zone bounded by edges of the cross section and a straight line located parallel to
the neutral axis at a distance = 1 from the fiber of maximum compressive strain.

410.3.7.2 Distance from fiber of maximum strain to the neutral axis, cshall be measured in a
direction perpendicular to the axis.
410.3.7.3 Factor β1 shall be taken as 0.85 for concrete strengths f’cfor 17 MPa up to 28 MPa. For
strengths above 28 MPa, β1 shall be reduced linearly at a rate of 0.05 for each 7MPa of strength
in excess of 28MPa, but β1 shall not be taken less than 0.65.
410.4.6 Design axial load strength h of compression members shall not be taken greater than
the following.
410.4.6.1 For nonprestressed members with spiral reinforcement conforming to Section
407.11.4 or composite members conforming to Section 410.17:

h( 1) = 0.85 0.85 ' − t + t (410-1)

410.4.6.2 For nonprestressed members with the reinforcement conforming to Section 407.11.5:

h( 1) = 0.80 0.85 ' − t + t (410-2)

410.5 Distances between Lateral Supports of Flexural Members

410.5.1 Spacing of lateral supports for a beam shall not exceed 50 times b, the least width of
compression flange or face.
410.5.2 Effects of lateral eccentricity of load shall be taken into account in determining spacing
of lateral supports.
410.6 Minimum Reinforcement of Flexural Members
410.6.1 At every section of a flexural member where tensile reinforcement is reinforcement is
required by analysis, except as provided shall not be less than that given by:
, th = 4

And not less than 1.4bwd/fy

410.6.3 The requirements of Sections 410.6.1 and 410.6.2 need not be applied if at every
section, Asprovided is at least one-third greater than that required by analysis.

410.6.4 For structural slabs and footings of uniform thickness the minimum area of tensile
reinforcement in the direction of span shall be the same as that required by Section 407.13.2.1.
Maximum spacing of this reinforcement shall not exceed the lesser of three times the thickness
nor 450 mm.

410.9 Design Dimension for Compression Members

410.9.4 Limits of Section
For a compression member with a cross section larger than required by considerations of
loading, it shall be permitted to base the minimum reinforcement and design strength on a
reduced effective area Ag not less than one half of the total area. This provision shall not apply
to special moment frames or special structural walls in Seismic Zone 4 that are designed in
accordance with Section 421.

410.10 Limits for Reinforcement of Compression Members

410.10.1 Area of longitudinal reinforcement, Ast for non-composite compression members shall
not be less than 0.01 or more than 0.08 times gross area Ag of section.
410.10.2 Minimum number of longitudinal bars in compression members shall be 4 for bars
within rectangular or circular ties, 3 for bars within triangular ties, and 6 for bars enclosed by
spirals conforming to Section 410.10.3.

411.2 Shear Strength
411.2.1 Except for members designed in accordance with Section 427, design of cross sections
subject to shear shall be based on

h (411-1)
whereVu is factored shear force at section considered and Vn is nominal shear strength
computed by;

h = + (411-2)
whereVc is nominal shear strength provided by concrete in accordance with Section 411.4 or
Section 411.5, and Vs is nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement in accordance
with Section 411.6.6.
411.2.1.1 In determining shear strength Vn the effect of any openings in members shall be

411.2.1.2 In determining shear strength Vc whenever applicable, effects of axial tension due to
creep and shrinkage in restrained members shall be considered and effects of inclined flexural
compression in variable-depth members shall be permitted to be included.

411.2.2 The values of ' used in Section 411 shall not exceed 8.0 MPa, except as allowed in
Section 411.2.2.1.
411.2.3 Computations of maximum factored shear force Vu at supports in accordance with
411.2.3.1 or 411.2.3.2 shall be permitted if all of the following three conditions are
Support reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into the end regions of
Loads are applied at or near the top of the member: and
No concentrated load occurs between face of support and location of critical section defined in
Sections 411.2.3.1 and 411.2.3.2.
411.2.3.1 For nonprestressed members, sections located less than a distance d from face of
support shall be permitted to be designed for the same shear Vu as that computed at a distance

411.4 Shear Strength Provided by Concrete for Nonprestressed Members
411.4.1 Simplified Calculations for Vc
Shear strength Vc shall be computed by provisions of Sections 411.4.1.1 through
411.4.1.3 unless a more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Section 411.4.2.
Throughout this Section, except in Section 411.8, λshall be defined in Section 408.7.1.
411.4.1.1 For members subject to shear and flexure only:
= 0.17 ' (411-3)

411.4.1.2 For members subject to axial compression,

= 0.17 1 + 14 ' (411-4)

Quantity Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa.

411.4.2 Detailed Calculation for Vc
Shear strength Vc shallbe permitted to be computed by the more detailed calculation of
Sections 411.4.2.1 through 411.4.2.3.
411.4.2.1 For members subject to shear and flexure only.

= 0.17 ' + 17 (411-5)

but not greater than 0.29 ' . When computing Vcby Eq. 411-5, Vud/Mu shall not be greater
than 1.0, where Mu occurs simultaneously with Vn at section considered.
411.4.2.2 For members subject to axial compression, it shall be permitted to compute Vc using
Eq.411-5 with Mm substituted for Mu and Vud/Mu not then limited to 1.0,

4 −
where: = − 8

However, Vc shall not be taken greater than:

= 0.29 1+ ' (411-7)

Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa. When Mm as computed by Eq. 411-6 is negative, Vc shall be
computed by Equation 411-7.

411.4.2.3 For members subject to significant axial tension,
= 0.17 1 + ' (411-8)

but not less than zero, where Nu is negative for tension. Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa.

411.6 Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement

411.6.1 Types of Shear Reinforcement

411.6.1.1 Shear reinforcement consisting of the following shall be permitted:
Stirrups perpendicular to axis of member;
Welded wire fabric with wires located perpendicular to axis of member; and
Spirals, circular ties, or hoops.
411.6.2 The values of fyandfyt used in the design of shear reinforcement shall not exceed 415
MPa, except the value shall not exceed 550 MPa for a welded deformed wire reinforcement.

411.6.4 Stirrups and other bars or wires used as shear reinforcement shall extend to a distance d
from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored at both ends according to Section 412.14
to develop the design yield strength of reinforcement.
411.6.5.1 Spacing of shear reinforcement placed perpendicular to axis of member shall not
exceed d/2 in nonprestressed members and 0.75h in presstressed members, nor 600 mm.
411.6.5.2 Inclined stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement shall be so spaced that every
45-degree line, extending toward the reaction from mid-depth of member d/2 to longitudinal
tension reinforcement, shall be crossed by at least one line of shear reinforcement.

411.6.5.3 Where Vs exceeds 0.33 ' maximum spacing given in Sections 411.6.5.1 and
411.6.5.2 shall be reduced by one half.
411.6.6.1 A minimum area of shear reinforcement, As, min shall be provided in all reinforced
concrete flexural members (prestressed and nonprestressed) where Vu exceeds 0.5ΦVc except in
members satisfying one or more of (1) through (6):
 Solid slabs and footings;
 Hollow-core units with total untopped depth not greater than 300 mm and hollow-core
units where.
 Vu is not greater than 0.5ΦVcw;

 Concrete joist construction defined by Section 408.14;
 Beams with total depth, h not greater than 250 mm;
 Beams integral with slabs with total depth, h not greater than 600 mm, and not greater
than 2.5 times thickness of flange or 0.50 the width of web;
 Beams constructed of steel fiber-reinforced, normal weight concrete with f’c not

exceeding 40 MPa, h notgreater than 600 mm, and Vu not greater than0.17 ' .

411.6.6.2 Minimum shear reinforcement requirements of Section 411.6.6.1 shall be waived if

shown by test that required nominal flexural, Mn and shear strength, Vn can be developed
when shear reinforcement is omitted. Such tests shall simulate effects of differential settlement,
creep, shrinkage and temperature change, based on a realistic assessment of such effects
occurring in service.
411.6.6.3 Where shear reinforcement is required by section 411.6.6.1 or for strength and where
section 411.7.1 allows torsion to be neglected, the minimum area of shear reinforcement for
prestressed (except as provided in section 411.6.6.4) and nonprestressed members shall be
computed by:

th = 0.062 ' (411-13)


but shall not be less than (0.35bws)/fyt, , where bw and s are in millimeters.

411.6.7 Design of Shear Reinforcement

411.6.7.1 Where factored shear force Vu exceeds shear strength ØVc, shear reinforcement shall
be provided to satisfy Equations (411-1) and (411-2), where shear strength Vs shall be computed
in accordance with section 411.6.7.2 through 411.6.7.9
411.6.7.2 Where shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis of members is used,
= (411-15)

411.6.7.9 Shear strength Vs shall not be taken greater than 0.66 '


GRID COLUMN b(m) t(m) h(m) qty vol.(m3) cement sand(m3) gravel(m3)
GRID 1 C1 0.5 0.5 18 2 9 36 3.6 3.6
GRID 1 C2 0.5 0.5 18 2 9 36 3.6 3.6
GRID 1 C2 0.5 0.5 18 2 9 36 3.6 3.6
GRID 1 C2 0.5 0.5 18 2 9 36 3.6 3.6
GRID 2 C5 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 2 C6 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 2 C7 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 2 C8 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 3 C9 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 3 C10 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 3 C11 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 3 C12 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 4 C13 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 4 C14 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 4 C15 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 4 C15 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 5 C17 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 5 C18 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 5 C19 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 5 C20 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 6 C21 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 6 C22 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 6 C23 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
GRID 6 C24 0.5 0.5 18 1 4.5 18 1.8 1.8

504 50.4 50.4

Item Total Price(php) Total Price (php)

Cement (m3) 504 bags 225 113400
Sand (m3) 50.4 m3 45 2268
Gravel (m3) 50.4 m3 600 30240

Total Cement Sand Gravel
Beam Width Thickness Length qty
volume(m3) (bag) (m3) (m3)

B-1 0.3 0.4 4.95 5 2.97 11.88 1.188 1.188

B-2 0.3 0.4 6 25 18 72 7.2 7.2
B-3 0.3 0.4 4.55 5 2.73 10.92 1.092 1.092
B-4 0.3 0.4 7.5 5 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
B-5 0.3 0.4 7.5 5 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
B-6 0.3 0.4 7.5 25 22.5 90 9 9
B-7 0.3 0.4 7.5 5 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
B-8 0.3 0.4 7.5 5 4.5 18 1.8 1.8
B-9 0.3 0.4 4.95 5 2.97 11.88 1.188 1.188
B-10 0.3 0.4 6 25 18 72 7.2 7.2
B-11 0.3 0.4 4.55 5 2.73 10.92 1.092 1.092
B-12 0.3 0.4 4 5 2.4 9.6 0.96 0.96
B-13 0.3 0.4 4 25 12 48 4.8 4.8
B-14 0.3 0.4 4 5 2.4 9.6 0.96 0.96
B-15 0.3 0.4 4 5 2.4 9.6 0.96 0.96
B-16 0.3 0.4 4.95 5 2.97 11.88 1.188 1.188
B-17 0.3 0.4 6 25 18 72 7.2 7.2
B-18 0.3 0.4 4.55 5 2.73 10.92 1.092 1.092

523.2 52.32 52.32

Item Total Price (php) Total Price (php)

Cement (bags) 523.2 225 117720
Sand (m3) 52.32 45 2354.4
Gravel (m3) 52.32 600 31392

Total= 151466.4

Length Width Thickness qty total Cement Sand Gravel
(m) (m) (m) volume(m3) (bag) (m3) (m3)
Slab 1 4.95 3.75 0.15 5 14.85 59.4 5.94 5.94
Slab 2 6 3.75 0.15 25 90 360 36 36
Slab 3 4.55 3.75 0.15 5 13.65 54.6 5.46 5.46
Slab 4 6 3.75 0.15 25 90 360 36 36
Slab 5 4.55 3.75 0.15 5 13.65 54.6 5.46 5.46
Slab 6 4.95 4 0.15 5 15.84 63.36 6.336 6.336
Slab 7 6 4 0.15 25 96 384 38.4 38.4
Slab 8 4.55 4 0.15 5 14.56 58.24 5.824 5.824
1394.2 139.42 139.42

Item Total Price (php) Total Price (php)

Cement (bags) 1394.2 225 313695
Sand (m3) 139.42 45 6273.9
Gravel (m3) 139.42 600 83652



GRID COLUMN bar Φ qty Length weight(kg) weight(ties)

1 C1 28 12 18 1043.28 144.6639
1 C2 28 12 18 1043.28
1 C3 28 12 18 1043.28
1 C4 28 12 18 1043.28
2 C5 32 12 18 831.6 288.7595
2 C6 32 12 18 831.6
2 C7 32 12 18 831.6
2 C8 32 12 18 831.6
3 C9 28 12 18 643.68 293.1347
3 C10 28 12 18 643.68
3 C11 28 12 18 643.68
3 C12 28 12 18 643.68
4 C13 32 14 18 970.2 307.5101
4 C14 32 14 18 970.2
4 C15 32 14 18 970.2
4 C16 32 14 18 970.2
5 C17 32 14 18 970.2 307.5101
5 C18 32 14 18 970.2
5 C19 32 14 18 970.2
5 C20 32 14 18 970.2
6 C21 28 8 18 429.12 307.5101
6 C22 28 8 18 429.12
6 C23 28 8 18 429.12
6 C24 28 8 18 429.12

total weight= 17953.92 1649.0884

Item Total Price total price (php)

Rebars 17953.92 50 per kg 897696
Tie wires 1649.0884 50 per kg 82454.42

barΦ Length qty beam
Beam weight(kg)
(mm) (m) qty
top 25 4.95 6 5 571.725
B-1 bottom 25 4.95 8 5 762.3
stirrups 12 1.172 36.25 5 189.058
top 25 6 6 25 3465
B-2 bottom 25 6 8 25 4620
stirrups 12 1.172 23.75 25 619.329
top 25 4.55 6 5 525.525
B-3 bottom 25 4.55 8 5 700.7
stirrups 12 1.172 31.25 5 162.981
top 25 7.5 6 5 866.25
B-4 bottom 25 7.5 8 5 1155
stirrups 12 1.172 12.5 5 65.193
top 25 7.5 6 5 866.25
B-5 bottom 25 7.5 8 5 1155
stirrups 12 1.072 36.25 5 172.927
top 25 7.5 6 25 4331.25
B-6 bottom 25 7.5 8 25 5775
stirrups 12 1.072 23.75 25 566.485
top 25 7.5 6 5 866.25
B-7 bottom 25 7.5 8 5 1155
stirrups 12 1.072 31.25 5 149.075
top 25 7.5 6 5 866.25
B-8 bottom 25 7.5 8 5 1155
stirrups 12 1.072 12.5 5 59.63
top 25 4.95 6 5 571.725
B-9 bottom 25 4.95 8 5 762.3
stirrups 12 0.972 36.25 5 156.796
top 25 6 6 25 3465
B-10 bottom 25 6 8 25 4620
stirrups 12 0.972 23.75 25 513.641
B-11 top 25 4.55 6 5 525.525

bottom 25 4.55 8 5 700.7
stirrups 12 0.972 31.25 5 135.169
top 25 4 6 5 462
B-12 bottom 25 4 8 5 616
stirrups 12 0.972 12.5 5 54.068
top 25 4 6 25 2310
B-13 bottom 25 4 8 25 3080
stirrups 12 0.872 36.25 25 703.323
top 25 4 6 5 462
B-14 bottom 25 4 8 5 616
stirrups 12 0.872 23.75 5 92.160
top 25 4 6 5 462
B-15 bottom 25 4 8 5 616
stirrups 12 0.872 31.25 5 121.263
top 25 4.95 6 5 571.725
B-16 bottom 25 4.95 8 5 762.3
stirrups 12 0.872 12.5 5 48.505
top 25 6 3 25 1732.5
B-17 bottom 25 6 5 25 2887.5
stirrups 12 0.872 36.25 25 703.323
top 25 4.55 3 5 262.763
B-18 bottom 25 4.55 5 5 437.938
stirrups 12 0.872 23.75 5 92.160

weight= 58,585.562 Kg

Item Total Price(php) Total price(php)

Reinforcements 58,585.562 60 3515133.72

Spacing Length (m) qty Weight (Kg)
Slab 1 bar along 110 4.95 263.6364 1696.934
longer span
bar along 110 3.75 172.7273 728.4105
shorter span
Slab 2 bar along 400 6 362.5 2333.284
longer span
bar along 180 3.75 192.3077 1067.083
shorter span
Slab 3 bar along 80 4.55 54.375 349.9927
longer span
bar along 130 3.75 41.66667 92.48056
Slab 4 bar along 400 6 131.8182 848.4671
longer span
bar along 180 3.75 86.36364 364.2052
shorter span
Slab 5 bar along 80 4.55 181.25 1166.642
longer span
bar along 130 3.75 96.15385 533.5417
shorter span
Slab 6 bar along 110 4.95 139.86 697.307
longer span
bar along 110 4 157.89 648.56
shorter span
Slab 7 bar along 400 6 61.2788 367.6728
longer span
bar along 180 4 134.671 567.684
shorter span
Slab 8 bar along 80 4.55 87.64 405.762
longer span
bar along 130 4 243.6797 984.7188
shorter span

Item Total Price(php) Total price(php)
Reinforcements 12852.89975 60 771173.985

Total Estimate Concrete works Steel works

Slab 403620.9 771173.985
Beam 151466.4 3515133.72
Column 145908 980150.42

total 700995.3 5266458.125 5967453.425


1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu

Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 1577.25 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

Ib1 = 12
Ib1 = 12
1( h2 )
Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667 Mu = 8

α1 = α1 = Mu = 1577.25 kN-m
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 1577.25 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 1577.25 kN-m


1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 1577.25 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa

L1 (longer) = 8 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 7.5 m
β = 0.94 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90 t = 228.14716
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 230 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 1682.4 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 1577.25 kN-m


1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.853333

fy = 400 MPa

L1 (longer) = 4.95 m Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 3.75 m
β = 0.76 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90 t = 143.644
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 200 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 1406250000 Is = 1125000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 322.05473 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1066666667 Ib1 = 1066666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.75851852 α1 = 0.94814815 Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness

L2 (shorter) = 12 m 1
t= (0.8 + )
β = 0.42 35+5 ( −0.2) 1400

Φ = 0.90 t = 148.635

Steel bar dia. = 16 mm t ≈ 150 mm

Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm
Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 243.98086 kN-m


1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 12 m
β = 0.42 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 277.61
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 280 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 35250.59 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m

1+ 2
αfm =
Input 2
f’c = 28 MPa αfm = 0.907889

fy = 400 MPa
L1 (longer) = 28.95 Minimum Thickness
L2 (shorter) = 12 m
β = 0.42 t= (0.8 + )
35+5 ( −0.2) 1400
Φ = 0.90
t = 277.61
Steel bar dia. = 16 mm
t ≈ 280 mm
Assumed t = 160
SDL = 4.8 kN/m²
DL = 3.9 kN/m²
LL = 11 kN/m²
b = 350 mm
d = 400 mm

Slab Thickness Mu
Long Span Short Span Wu = 1.2 (DL+SDL) + 1.6(LL)

Is1 = Is1 = Wu = 28.04

12 12
1( h2 )
Is = 2206250000 Is = 1925000000 Mu = 8

Ib1 = Ib1 = Mu = 35250.59 kN-m

12 12

Ib1 = 1866666667 Ib1 = 1866666667

1( h2 )
α1 = α1 = Mu = 8
t t

α1 = 0.84608121 α1 = Mu = 14611.64 kN-m


B-1, B-3, B-9, B-11, B-16, B-18

At Support Midspan
Input Input
Mu = 328.45 Kn-m Mu = 306.27 Kn-m
f’c = 28 MPa f’c = 28 MPa
fy = 400 MPa fy = 400 MPa
d’ = 60 mm d’ = 60 mm
β = 0.85 β = 0.85

ρmin and ρmax ρmin and ρmax

ρb = 0.030345 ρb = 0.030345
ρmax = 0.75 ρb ρmax = 0.75 ρb
ρmax = 0.022759 ρmax = 0.022759

ρmin = 0.0035 ρmin = 0.0035

ρ = 0.85 ρmax ρ = 0.85 ρmax
ρ = 0.019345 ρ = 0.019345

Checking Checking

ω = 0.276357 ω = 0.276357
Effective Depth Effective Depth
b = 300 mm b = 300 mm

d = 433.40 mm d = 418.51 mm
Reduce depth Reduce Depth
d = 400 mm d = 400 mm

Mu(cap) = 279.7766299 Mu(cap) = 279.7766299

Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m
Mn2 Mn2

Mn2 = 85.167815 Kn-m Mn2 = 60.5233701 Kn-m
As1 and As2 As1 and As2

As1 = 2731.08 As1 = 2731.08

As2 = 626.23 As2 = 445.02

C1 = T1 C1 = T1
0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy 0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy
a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm
a = βc a = βc
c = 180 mm c = 180 mm
Checking if steel yields Checking if steel yields

F’s = 400 MPa F’s = 400 MPa

Therefore, A’s = As2 Therefore, A’s = As2
Number of Bars Number of Bars
Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar
As = As1 + As2 As = As1 + As2
As = 3357.31 As = 3176.1

N = 6.839456 N = 6.470298
N ≈ 6 bars N ≈ 6 bars

Bottom Bars Bottom Bars

A’s = 626.23 sq.m A’s = 445.02 sq.m

N = 1.275745 N = 0.906587
N ≈ 1 bar N ≈ 1 bar

B-4 to B-8 and B-12 to B-15

At Support Midspan
Input Input
Mu = 310.64 Kn-m Mu = 300.13 Kn-m
f’c = 28 MPa f’c = 28 MPa
fy = 400 MPa fy = 400 MPa
d’ = 60 mm d’ = 60 mm
β = 0.85 β = 0.85

ρmin and ρmax ρmin and ρmax

ρb = 0.030345 ρb = 0.030345
ρmax = 0.75 ρb ρmax = 0.75 ρb
ρmax = 0.022759 ρmax = 0.022759

ρmin = 0.0035 ρmin = 0.0035

ρ = 0.85 ρmax ρ = 0.85 ρmax
ρ = 0.019345 ρ = 0.019345

Checking Checking

ω = 0.276357 ω = 0.276357
Effective Depth Effective Depth
b = 300 mm b = 300 mm

d = 421.49 mm d = 414.29 mm
Reduce depth Reduce Depth
d = 400 mm d = 400 mm

Mu(cap) = 279.7766299 Mu(cap) = 279.7766299
Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m
Mn2 Mn2

Mn2 = 65.378926 Kn-m Mn2 = 53.701148 Kn-m

As1 and As2 As1 and As2

As1 = 2731.08 As1 = 2731.08

As2 = 480.73 As2 = 394.86

C1 = T1 C1 = T1
0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy 0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy
a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm
a = βc a = βc
c = 180 mm c = 180 mm
Checking if steel yields Checking if steel yields

F’s = 400 MPa F’s = 400 MPa

Therefore, A’s = As2 Therefore, A’s = As2
Number of Bars Number of Bars
Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar
As = As1 + As2 As = As1 + As2
As = 3211.81 As = 3125.94

N = 6.543046 N = 6.368113
N ≈ 6 bars N ≈ 6 bars

Bottom Bars Bottom Bars

A’s = 480.73 sq.m A’s = 394.86 sq.m

N = 0.979335 N = 0.804402

N ≈ 1 bar N ≈ 1 bar

B-2, B-10, and B-17

At Support Midspan
Input Input
Mu = 346.35 Kn-m Mu = 331.76 Kn-m
f’c = 28 MPa f’c = 28 MPa
fy = 400 MPa fy = 400 MPa
d’ = 60 mm d’ = 60 mm
β = 0.85 β = 0.85

ρmin and ρmax ρmin and ρmax

ρb = 0.030345 ρb = 0.030345
ρmax = 0.75 ρb ρmax = 0.75 ρb
ρmax = 0.022759 ρmax = 0.022759

ρmin = 0.0035 ρmin = 0.0035

ρ = 0.85 ρmax ρ = 0.85 ρmax
ρ = 0.019345 ρ = 0.019345

Checking Checking

ω = 0.276357 ω = 0.276357
Effective Depth Effective Depth
b = 300 mm b = 300 mm

d = 445.05 mm d = 435.58 mm
Reduce depth Reduce Depth
d = 400 mm d = 400 mm

Mu(cap) = 279.7766299 Mu(cap) = 279.7766299

Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m Mu(cap) = Mn1 = 279.7766299 Kn-m
Mn2 Mn2

Mn2 = 105.056703 Kn-m Mn2 = 88.845592 Kn-m

As1 and As2 As1 and As2

As1 = 2731.08 As1 = 2731.08

As2 = 772.48 As2 = 653.28

C1 = T1 C1 = T1
0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy 0.85 f’c ab = As1 fy
a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm a = 153.002 ≈ 153 mm
a = βc a = βc
c = 180 mm c = 180 mm
Checking if steel yields Checking if steel yields

F’s = 400 MPa F’s = 400 MPa

Therefore, A’s = As2 Therefore, A’s = As2
Number of Bars Number of Bars
Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar Top Bars 25 mmΦ bar
As = As1 + As2 As = As1 + As2
As = 3503.56 As = 3384.36

N = 7.137394 N = 6.894562
N ≈ 7 bars N ≈ 6 bars

Bottom Bars Bottom Bars

A’s = 772.48 sq.m A’s = 653.28 sq.m

N = 1.573683 N = 1.330851
N ≈ 1 bar N ≈ 1 bar


C1, C2, C3, and C4

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 1245 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 280 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 308 mm c = 198 mm
d’ = 66 mm a = 168.3 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1430.55 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 985.202624 kN
Φbar = 28 mm
Mcap = 391.8177 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 391.8177 > 280 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 319.0372 No. of bars = 8
Quantity = 12
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 158 kN
Vn = 197.5 kN
Ag = 101784.71 Vc = 104.7782 kN
Vs = 92.721796 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm
t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.67237
Ag (actual) = 160000
Spacing = 300.54595 mm

Ast = ÞAg Use = 400 mm
Ast = 960

28 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.5590701

As’ = 2463.007
As = 2463.007
No. of bars = 4

C5, C6, C7, and C8

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 2274 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 316 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 304 mm c = 204 mm
d’ = 66 mm a = 173.4 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1473.9 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 1286.7953 kN
Φbar = 32 mm
Mcap = 323.7942 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 323.79415 > 316 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 431.1733 No. of bars = 8
Quantity = 12
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 195 kN
Vn = 243.75 kN
Ag = 185910.38 Vc = 103.46493 kN
Vs = 140.28507 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm
t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.21273
Ag (actual) = 160000

Spacing = 196.06683 mm
Ast = ÞAg Use = 195 mm
Ast = 960

32 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.1936631

As’ = 3216.988
As = 3216.988
No. of bars = 4

C9, C10, C11, and C12

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 227 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 384 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 308 mm c = 198 mm
d’ = 66 mm a = 168.3 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1430.55 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 985.20262 kN
Φbar = 28 mm
Mcap = 528.2297 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 528.22965 > 384 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 136.229 No. of bars = 8
Quantity = 12
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 198 kN
Vn = 247.5 kN
Ag = 18558.336 Vc = 104.73061 kN
Vs = 142.76939 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm
t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.65571

Ag (actual) = 160000
Spacing = 195.19002 mm
Ast = ÞAg Use = 195 mm
Ast = 960

28 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.5590701

As’ = 2463.007
As = 2463.007
No. of bars = 4

C13, C14, C15, C16

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 2247 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 347 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 304 mm c = 204 mm
d’ = 68 mm a = 173.4 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1473.9 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 1608.4941 kN
Φbar = 32 mm
Mcap = 403.2791 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 403.27907 > 347 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 428.6059 No. of bars = 10
Quantity = 14
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 203 kN
Vn = 253.75 kN
Ag = 183703 Vc = 103.46368 kN
Vs = 150.28632 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm

t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.21229
Ag (actual) = 160000
Spacing = 183.01898 mm
Ast = ÞAg Use = 185 mm
Ast = 960

32 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.5590701

As’ = 4021.235
As = 4021.235
No. of bars = 5

C17, C18, C19, and C20

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 2247 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 325 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 304 mm c = 204 mm
d’ = 68 mm a = 173.4 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1473.9 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 1608.4941 kN
Φbar = 32 mm
Mcap = 403.2791 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 403.2791 > 325 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 428.6059 No. of bars = 10
Quantity = 14
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 200 kN
Vn = 250 kN
Ag = 183703 Vc = 103.46368 kN
Vs = 146.53632 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm
t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.21229

Ag (actual) = 160000
Spacing = 187.70261 mm
Ast = ÞAg Use = 185 mm
Ast = 960

32 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.1936631

As’ = 4021.235
As = 4021.235
No. of bars = 5

C21, C22, C23, and C24

Inputs Pcap, Mcap

Input Pcap = 1957.072 Kn
P = 146 kN Pcap > P therefore, compression control
M = 216 kN-m
h = 18 Compression control
b = 400 mm εs’ = 0.002
d = 308 mm c = 198 mm
d’ = 66 mm a = 168.3 mm
t = 400 mm
fy = 400 MPa 0.85f’’cba = 1430.55 kN
f’c = 25 Mpa fyAs’ = 738.90197 kN
Φbar = 28 mm
Mcap = 479.4789 kN-m
Þ = 0.006 479.4789 > 216 therefore, OK
εy = 0.002
b = 109.2529 No. of bars = 6
Quantity = 8
Ag, Ag(actual), No. of bars Shear Design
P = 0.80ΦAg[0.85f’c(1- Þ)+fy Þ] Vu = 171 kN
Vn = 213.75 kN
Ag = 11936.199 Vc = 104.72683 kN
Vs = 109.02317 kN
b = 400 mm Tie bar Φ = 12 mm
t = 400 mm 0.5ΦVc = 36.65439
Ag (actual) = 160000

Spacing = 255.60767 mm
Ast = ÞAg Use = 245 mm
Ast = 960

28 mmΦ
No. of bar = 1.5590701

As’ = 1847.255
As = 1847.255
No. of bars = 3


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