Maths Resonance

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jance” Educating for better tomorrow JEE (Main) CNS eC COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) Questions & Solutions Date: 16 March, 2021 (SHIFT-1) | TIME : (9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m) Duration: 3 Hours | Max. Marks: 300 BJECT: MATHEMATICS Resonance Eduventures Ltd. the fe cr. en Tow A 52 Ne hy Mahl Roe ats} = 08 hast sssrr span eae: Se Tear: 50 867 | Waban ac neal Tari: nat Hisense Eee em uerncanogpscmas Tsun was downland om ean (NAN 204 Slon porat ae oy ay ae 38a wo ae Ans. (t) so. 2 2ytane- sina ax ie Wie vee? fae pyee [ee teacwkad tnc?s) == J y= c0en—2o00% 2 (eos Resonance Eduventures Ltd. ug Oe Cop. OMe: CG Tower, £4625, Nor Cy Mal laws Road Hota) 32008 ‘PR ass 72777, 270 | RNa. 5222816722 Totem: RS 2867 | Webern mal tetnp| CSRS Tea oe 06 258899 1 nt Ifo Eecrnae Bm Eleven This soition was downion hom ResoneneeiEE MAN) 2021 Soltionporal PAGES 3. Wicca toning i tutlgy Morag) 2) AAra A raoera 4) Prdrova) ans 3) So. _Using uth abi agra, 2] a[pva] paler] Spina] Onions Tonio] Ontonta] FLt pete]. | a T Tope pr} + T T Flete tr) + | = F 4 The numberof stuns ofthe equation er @x*F* 90 in, ms at @2 3 ws Ans. bles vise 5. Tha numberof slitons ofthe aquaion (3 Ik+41= 8x =R ae we Qs o2 @. ans. (3) Sol Cased x<—4 Bence aes > deere (Ded > eTae 1-0 careit: tox <0 Bema) Sores +a 6 = xrTer8=0 > rT) +6)=0 Resonance Eduventures Ltd. ag Oc Cop. OMe: CG Tower, £46852, PA, Ney Cy Mal law Rad oa) 32008 ‘Pas sSL2777, 2770 | RNa. SEPSIS? 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