Communication Skills For Personality Development in Library Profession
Communication Skills For Personality Development in Library Profession
Communication Skills For Personality Development in Library Profession
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1 author:
Paramjinang Moita
ICFAI Uniwversity Nagaland
All content following this page was uploaded by Paramjinang Moita on 09 November 2015.
To use them various professionals have as every subordinate is important for carrying out
emerged, now a days library professionals their work efficiently for smooth running of library.
are trained towards these new user
Negotiating skills: These skills are required on
friendly technologies.
special occasions such as handling bulk purchases,
Communication in library profession: specialized databases subscription with vendors
etc. Also some times in delicate situations like
For today‘s librarians having professional degrees
library committee meetings or avoiding undue
in library and information science is not sufficient
requirements from arrogant users etc.
unlike in the past. There is demand for librarians
having multidimensional aptitude in the areas of Writing skills: The librarians are sometimes asked
technical work, administrative work and also in to submit/help in writing research proposal/
providing user oriented services along with soft business proposal/project report, which requires
skills. Like any other profession, the soft skills are good writing skills. Today there are many library
required in day-to-day working for carrying out professionals who are contributing to various
routine jobs more effectively. The librarians publications even in-house or even by blogging for
working in large organizations like corporate sharing their experiences and helping users.
offices are already practicing these skills through
Project management skills: In corporate sector
by experience or training. One may learn these soft
many times, librarians are part of some project
skills easily provided they are aware what these
team and assigned specialized jobs such as
knowledge management or digital institutional
repository. These require dedication, understanding
Following are soft skills required to become a
of the project, time management for completion of
successful library professional:
work, teamwork and reporting back the results etc.
Listening skills: The library professionals must
Presentation skills: The presentation skills are
have good listening skills as he/she has to interact
required in report writing, library committee
with different types of users all the time. By
meetings and even in daily work which represents
carefully listening to users‘ he/she can identify the
the library management overall for users. It not
exact requirement and then provide the service
only emphasizes the individual skills but also from
library presentation by means of its decoration,
Communications skills: Command on language users guides, and library ambience.
especially English and also regional one will Teaching skills: This is essential for new user
improve the communication. Good communication orientations or in case new service is introduced
skills also require understanding people, self- such as online database searching. It also includes
confidence. With this one can achieve lot and solve motivating reading habits in users.
problems too.
Communication Skills:
Interpersonal skills: Librarians have to deal with
In this knowledge environment, Librarian is the
all levels of people like Management, users,
facilitator of access between knowledge and the
colleagues in library, vendors etc. To deal with
user. No matter how much professional
each one on them in rightful manner requires
competence a librarian has, he will fail to deliver
interpersonal skills. When you work in large
and satisfy users if he lacks communication and
organization, it is most important to build rapport
presentation skills. The information professional
with all departments, which helps in managing the
will command respect and acceptance among users
library and providing better services to every one.
only through the strength of his communication
Public relations: One needs to use PR very skills. It is directly proportional factor. Librarians
effectively to attract users in libraries through needs to be as emphatic listener to user demands
various ways. It also helps to bond with users and and needs. He needs to communicate the
vendors too. Also gives ability to work with other importance and usefulness of information services
professionals. to the users. Librarian also needs to have a trusted
communication with team members to achieve
Customer service: Customer is library user and to
organizational goods.
satisfy his information needs is customer service.
The librarians are always giving attention to their Communication has a great importance in
users and providing services through CAS, SDI or providing better services to users. He
other specialized services. The customer service communicates the value of library service to
emphasizes the customer satisfaction, which decision makers, staff and users. When he provides
guarantees that user will always come back to information to the user he must communicate
library. clearly and respectfully with customers and
colleagues. Always Demonstrates active listening
Leadership skills & Teamwork: Library
skills with customers and colleagues in his
management especially the big library is team
workplace. Communication is not only must be
exercise. Hence it is required to have leadership
effective with users only but must have ability to
skills to manage and guiding the team time to time,
Now, libraries and information science are A library professional needs to develop
effectively linked through net-work services, e- good communication skills and
mail, online access, soft ware and hard ware personality to be an effective manager.
systems etc. Library managers
Computers and communication The manager is the key communicator of
technology now a days increasingly rely library policies.
on resource sharing through electronic
media for achieving high speed access, Responsibilities for their correct
reducing time to search information, interpretation rests with management.
shorter storage space, finding simple They constantly demonstrate through
means for selecting materials and time various communication channels so that
reduction. their resources are being effectively and
efficiently utilized.
An effective manager will clearly update their knowledge about the new
communicate to the subordinates, what is communication techniques emerging every day
expected of them and what they are (IT). The LIS Professionals communication skills
responsible, for feedback must play an must obtain information relating to the internal and
important role. external environments of library information
A library manager transmits information
through decision making role, Thus, the LIS Professionals of the 21st century have
entrepreneurship, resource allocation to prepare themselves for working in digitized
through effective inter-personal network environment and should acquire
communication skill so as to obtain and knowledge and skills such as communication,
impart information. leadership, team building, decision making,
management etc. and they should keep themselves
abreast with the information world and be
Library is the pivot of the educational system. competent enough to serve the digital culture. A
Communication skills are extremely important for library professional must maintain good and a
librarians and information professionals. The very strong collaborative relationship with the users.
nature of the Library and Information Science Librarians are the ultimate search engines. Thus,
Professionals job requires them to assess select, They are the glue that binds successful, efficient
process and disseminate the information through and excellent library services to the user.
verbal and non-verbal ways. it must be able to
Therefore, communication skills and information
communicate to a large number of people, whose
are directly linked with personality development in
communication skills both as senders and receivers
library profession.
differ widely. LIS Professionals must continually
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