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Journal of Molecular Liquids: Chandrabhan Verma, Eno E. Ebenso, Indra Bahadur, M.A. Quraishi

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Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590

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Journal of Molecular Liquids

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An overview on plant extracts as environmental sustainable and green

corrosion inhibitors for metals and alloys in aggressive corrosive media
Chandrabhan Verma a,b,⁎, Eno E. Ebenso a,b, Indra Bahadur a,b, M.A. Quraishi c,d,⁎⁎
Department of Chemistry, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, Private BagX2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa
Material Science Innovation &Modelling (MaSIM) Research Focus Area, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
Center of Research Excellence in Corrosion, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recently, the development of green corrosion inhibitors and green inhibition strategies are highly demanded be-
Received 17 March 2018 cause of the increasing demand of green chemistry in the area of science and technology. In last few decades, use
Received in revised form 11 June 2018 of plant extracts as metallic corrosion inhibitors has attracted significantly attention. Plant materials are ideal
Accepted 26 June 2018
green candidatures to replace traditional toxic corrosion inhibitors. Reduced environmental risk, lower cost,
Available online 30 June 2018
wide spread availability and high corrosion inhibition effectiveness make the plant extracts as suitable candidates
to replace the expensive and toxic traditional synthetic corrosion inhibitors. Literature survey reveals that differ-
Plant extract ent extracts such as leaf, root, stem, bark, pulp, fruit, etc. have been effectively employed as sustainable inhibitors
Green inhibitors for the corrosion of different metals and alloys. Present review article describes the collection of published work
Phytochemicals that has been carried out on the topic “plant extract as corrosion inhibitors for metals and alloys in aggressive
Green chemistry aqueous solutions”. The article includes extracts of diverse part of the plants for diverse metals and alloys in
Metals and alloys the several electrolytic media.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
1.1. General introduction of corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
1.2. Green corrosion inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
1.3. Important parameters for extract preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
1.4. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
1.4.1. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
1.4.2. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitor: Mild steel: HCl system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
1.4.3. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: mild steel: H2SO4 system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
1.4.4. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: Mild steel: HCl and H2SO4 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
1.4.5. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: Mild steel/NaCl, petroleum/CO2 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
1.4.6. Leaf extract as inhibitors for mild steel: CH3COOH, HNO3, H3PO4 system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
1.5. Other part of the plant extracts as inhibitors for mild steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
1.6. Plants extracts as corrosion inhibitors for aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583

Abbreviations: WL, Weight loss; GM, Gravimetric; GSM, Gasometric; TM, Thermometric; HE, Hydrogen evolution; EIS, Electrochemical impedance spectroscope; PDP, Potentiodynamic
polarization; LPR, Linear polarization resistance; LP, Linear polarization; CV, Cyclic voltammetry; PM, Potential monitoring; CAM, Chrono-amperometric; SEM, Scanning electron
microscope; FESEM, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope; EDX, Electron dispersive X-ray spectroscope; AFM, Atomic force microscope; AAS, Atomic absorption spectroscope;
OPM, Optical microscope; SI, surface imaging; MM, Metallurgical microscope; XRD, X-ray Powder Diffraction; FT-IR, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscope; UV–Vis, Ultraviolet–
visible spectroscope or ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry; DFT, Density functional theory; MD, Molecular dynamics; MC, Monte Carlo; QSAR, Quantitative structure–activity
⁎ Correspondence to: C. Verma, Department of Chemistry, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, Private
BagX2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: M.A. Quraishi, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221005, India.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], (C. Verma), [email protected] (M.A. Quraishi).

0167-7322/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
578 C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590

2. Phenomenon of synergism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583

3. Relative effectiveness of different plant extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
4. Challenges and outlooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
5. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585

1. Introduction uses in our day-today life [48, 49]. In addition to these uses, plants are
also characterized by their ability to continuous uptake of “greenhouse”
1.1. General introduction of corrosion CO2 gas, highly toxic metals and other pollutants during the process of
photosynthesis, which is an essential process from environmental
Corrosion is a natural and spontaneous phenomenon that results cleaning point of view. The photosynthesis cleans the surrounding
into conversion of pure metals and their alloys into several stable water, soil and aerial environments [50, 51]. Literature revision pro-
forms such as their sulfide, oxides, hydroxides etc. by the chemical poses that till today numerous reviews articles have been documented
and/or electrochemical reactions with the surrounding environments for corrosion inhibition such as drugs [38, 52–54], DFT as tool for corro-
[1–3]. Corrosion is a damaging phenomenon for assets of industries, sion study [55, 56], chromate independent green corrosion inhibitors
buildings, traffic and railways bridges, and households [4–6]. A very re- [57–60], organic compounds and ionic liquids as inhibitors [16, 17, 19,
cent study carried out by NACE 2016 suggests that at global level, corro- 61–67], inorganic corrosion inhibitors [68–70], plant extracts as inhibi-
sion causes economic loss of about 2.5 trillion US dollars which tors [67, 71–72] and so on. As for as the availability of review articles on
constitutes nearly 3.4% of total GDP. However, by implementation of plants extracts are concerned, they are outdated and have very limited
existing corrosion preventing technologies in a proper way, the cost of content and number of cited papers. In contrast, present review article
corrosion can be reduced up to 15–35% (375–875 billion US dollars). Be- collects several recent and past papers in which plant extracts have
cause of its association with very high economic and safety losses, cor- been tested as corrosion inhibitors for several electrolytic media.
rosion is an important issue that has to be addressed by scientists and
engineers working in the field of corrosion discipline and engineering 1.3. Important parameters for extract preparation
throughout the world [7–13]. Several methods of corrosion prevention
have been developed among which use of synthetic corrosion inhibitors Nowadays, development of green corrosion inhibitors and inhibition
is one of the most popular and economic methods due to their ease of strategies are highly demanded because of the increasing demand of
synthesis and application and high effectiveness at relatively low con- green chemistry in all field of science and technology. Because of their
centration. These organic compounds adsorb over the surface of metals natural and biological origin along with their ecofriendly isolation,
and alloys through their heteroatoms and π-electrons and form protec- plant extracts can be regarded as green and sustainable materials to
tive surface barrier thereby protect metals from corrosive degradation. be used as inhibitors for metals and alloys corrosion in aggressive
Generally, heteroatoms of organic inhibitors exist in polar functional media including HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4 and HNO3 [73]. There are several
groups such as -CN, -NO2, -NH2, -OH, -COOH, -COOC2H5, -OCH3 etc. methods available in literature for preparation of plant extracts. The de-
those act as adsorption centers during adsorption of these compounds tail description of these methods is beyond the scope of the present re-
on the metallic surfaces [14–18]. Additionally, these polar functional port. However, the several parameters that should be considered during
groups enhance the solubility of the compounds in the polar electrolytic preparation of plants extracts are described briefly:
media like H2O, HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4, HNO3 etc. [14–18].
(a) Solvents for extraction: Generally, solvent diffused into plant tis-
sue, solubilized and finally extracted the compounds (phyto-
1.2. Green corrosion inhibitors chemicals) present over there [74, 75]. Therefore, choice of the
suitable solvents for extraction is very important for effective ex-
The use of traditional corrosion inhibitors, is now limited because of traction. Extensive literature survey reveals that water is the best
increasing concept of “green chemistry” in field of science, technology solvent owing to its simplicity, readily availability, non-toxic na-
and engineering [19–21]. “Green chemistry” is a branch of science and ture, non-flammable, non-hazardous, uniquely redox-stable, in-
technology which utilizes a set of principles that causes reduction in expensive properties [76–79]. However, preparation of some
the discharge of environmentally malignant materials into surrounding plant extracts requires organic solvents like ethanol and metha-
environmental and designing as well as application of environmental nol.
friendly chemicals [22–24]. Recently, the increasing ecological con- (b) Extraction temperature: Temperature has very marked effect on
sciousness and strict ecofriendly regulations in all field of science and the effective plant extract preparation. A very low temperature
technology, have influenced the scientists and engineers working in limits the effective solubility of the phytochemicals, while very
the field of corrosion science towards, the synthesis of organic inhibitors high temperature cause the decomposition of the active constit-
using one step multi-component reactions (MCRs) that combines three uents (phytochemicals). Generally, extraction is being carried
or more reacting molecules in single step. The MCRs have emerged as out in the temperature range of 60–80 ᴼC in order to find optimal
substantial tool for the green synthesis of organic compounds particu- extraction yield [80, 81].
larly in association with ultrasound and microwave irradiations [23, (c) Plant Drying Temperature: Very often, the plant materials are
25–31]. Further, the use of different plant extracts [32–35], chemical allowed to dry at room temperature in shade. However, this
medicines (drugs) [36–40], and ionic liquids (designer chemicals) type of drying requires several days, weak, even months; there-
[41–47] have also gained sufficient consideration towards the develop- fore oven drying has also gained significant advancement.
ment of green corrosion inhibitors. Plants are characterized by their
unique property to convert radiant energy (sunlight) into life providing 1.4. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors
organic compounds (carbohydrates) via the process of photosynthesis.
They are also natural source of several raw materials such as fruit, veg- Because of the toxic behaviour of traditional corrosion inhibitors for
etables, woods, oils, resins, and dyes those have several commercial living being and their non-biodegradable nature, the demand corrosion
C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590 579

inhibitors of natural and biological origin that have either no or little ad- sulphuric acid pickling. Several leaf extracts have been used as effective
verse effect on environment is highly anticipated [82–84]. In this con- inhibitors for mild steel/HCl system. Soltani et al. [106] described the in-
text plant extracts (phytochemicals) are being utilized extensively as hibition effect of Salvia officinalis leaves extract on 304 stainless steel
green and effective alternative of tradition toxic corrosion inhibitors. corrosion in 1 M HCl solution using computational and experimental
Leaf is the phytochemically richest part of the plants where the synthe- methods. Potentiodynamic polarization study revealed that S. officinalis
sis of phytochemicals takes place. The consumption of plant extracts as leaves extract is acted as mixed type inhibitor. Adsorption of the S.
corrosion inhibitors is a green and environmental friendly approach be- officinalis on metallic surface obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
cause most of the phytochemicals are water soluble metabolites like or- DFT was performed on the several components of the S. officinalis in
ganic acids, Quinone's, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, order to describe its inhibition performance. These authors postulated
catechins, and terpenoids and co-enzymes etc. including amino acids, that out of fifteen active components, the inhibition activities of the S.
plants derived proteins, polysaccharides and vitamins [85–87] that officinalis extract is mainly attributed due to presence of phenolic com-
have no significant adverse effect on living organisms and environment. ponents such as luteolin 7-glucoside, sagecomarin, luteolin 7-
Because of the low cost, renewable nature, reliability, versatile, biode- glucoronide, rosmarinic, carnosol and salvianolic acid. The phenolic
gradable, and biocompatible and ease of application, several plant ex- components possess heteroatoms such as N and O that can act as ad-
tracts have been used earlier. sorption centers. Li et al. [107] studied the inhibition property of
The leaf is the richest part of the organic compounds where their Osmanthus fragran leaves extract (OFLE)) on carbon steel in 1 M HCl.
synthesis takes place via photosynthesis. Several cost effective methods The study was performed using electrochemical, AFM, FT-IR and DFT
have been developed for preparation of plant extracts [88, 89]. It is im- methods. Adsorption of the OFLE on carbon steel followed the Langmuir
portant to mention that extract every plant extract contains several or- adsorption isotherm. Polarization study revealed the OFLE acted as
ganic compounds that can effectively adsorb on metallic surface and mixed type inhibitors. DFT study was also performed in order to explain
behave as corrosion inhibitors. These organic compounds contain het- the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. The inhibition effect of alkaloids
eroatoms like oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus in form of extract (AE) of Geissospermum leave on C38 steel in 1 M HCl was inves-
polar functional moieties, aliphatic and aromatic heterocyclic rings tigated by Faustin et al. [108] using electrochemical and surface study
that can act as adsorption centers [90–92]. The adsorb inhibitors film (SEM and EDX) methods. They found that AE acted as good corrosion in-
separates the metals and alloys from the corrosive environments. The hibitor and gained the maximum inhibition efficiency of 92% at
adsorption behavior of organic corrosion inhibitors affected by several 100 mg/L concentration. Adsorption of AE on C38 surface followed the
factors such temperature, nature of metal and corrosive environment, Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Further, the AE acted as mixed type in-
electronic structure, solubility, and planarity of the inhibitor molecule hibitor. SEM and EDX analyses supported the adsorption behavior of
etc. [93, 94]. The use of plant extracts as alternative for organic corrosion AE on metallic surface. The comparative study of AE of and
inhibitors have several advances such as reduced environmental risk as geissospermine alone indicated that the geissospermine is the active com-
majority of plan extracts are tolerable, biodegradable and non-toxic [95] pound of the AE responsible for the inhibition performance of the G.
and are associated with negligible adverse effect of the surrounding en- leave. Orubite and Oforka [109] investigated the inhibition performance
vironment [96]. Additionally, the synthesis of phytochemical by utiliza- of extracts of leaves of Nypa fruticans. The test material was mild steel
tion of highly toxic greenhouse gas (CO2) through photosynthesis is corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution using weight loss and hydrogen
important for another aspect of green chemistry. The phytochemicals gas evolution methods. Authors compared the in the inhibitory effi-
are naturally available in huge amount and can be isolated economically ciency of N. fruticans with that of 1,5-diphenylcarbazone and observed
[97, 98]. The plants are widely dispersed throughout the world and wide that at 30 °C N. fruitcans exhibited 75.11% inhibition performance,
range of effectiveness as each plant extract generally contains various while 1,5-diphenylcarbazone only 70.18% at same temperature. Several
active phytochemicals [99, 100]. other leaf extracts have been investigated as corrosion inhibitors, some
of them listed in Table 1.
1.4.1. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel
Mild steel is widely used as building materials in different industries 1.4.3. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: mild steel: H2SO4 system
due to its high mechanical strength and low cost [101, 102]. However, it Similar to hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid is also being used widely
is very reactive by means of chemical and electrochemical reactions for removal of rusts and scales from the surface of metals and alloys. In
with the components of the environment, and thus loss of metal com- fact sulphuric acid is second most common acid used for descaling and
ponent occurs due to corrosion. Several attempts have been made pre- acid pickling processes. These acid cleaning processes require use of
viously in order to mitigate these unwanted reactions particularly some additives to prevent the metallic corrosion. Several leaf extracts
during some common industrial developments like acid cleaning, acid have been employed as operative inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in
descaling, acid pickling, etc. among which use of corrosion inhibitors is sulphuric acid. Mehdipour et al. [151] investigated the inhibition effect
one of the best methods. Several leaf extracts have been employed as ef- of Aloe Vera leaf extract on mild steel corrosion in 1 M sulphuric acid
fective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in different electrolytic media. using electrochemical and scanning electron microscopic techniques.
Results showed that Aloe Vera leaf extract acts as mixed type inhibitor
1.4.2. Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitor: Mild steel: HCl system and exhibited maximum efficiency of 98% at 30% v/v concentration.
Before their commercial and industrial applications, the metallic sur- Hassan and coworkers [152] testified the inhibition effect of Citrus
face often requires removal of rusts and scales using strong acid such as aurantium leaves extracts on mild steel corrosion in 1 M H2SO4. The ad-
H2SO4, HCl, HNO3 and H3PO4 [103, 104]. This process of acid cleaning is sorption of Citrus aurantium leaves extracts metallic surface obeyed the
generally known as acid pickling [105]. Although, hydrochloric acid is Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The extract exhibited maximum inhibi-
more expensive and reactive than sulphuric acid, however, it is more tion efficiency of 89% at 10 mL/L concentration. Quantum chemical cal-
commonly being used as pickling agent than sulphuric acid because culations of active constituents deliver upright sustenance to the
waste liquor can be recovered more economically in case of hydrochlo- experimental results. The inhibition effect of Sida acuta [153], African
ric acid. Since hydrochloric acid is more reactive than sulphuric acid, Perquetina [154], Emblica leaves [155], Cassia tora [156], Nicotiana
pickling is generally carried out in hydrochloric acid solution at lower tabacum [157], Mangnifera indica [158], Achyranthes aspera [159],
temperature, while pickling with sulphuric acid requires higher tem- African Breadfruit [160], Jatropha curcas [161], Wrightiatinctoria,
perature. Apart from that, the residual chloride (ferrous or ferric) pro- Clerodendrumphlomidis, Ipomoeatrilob [162], Sida acuta [163], Nauclea
duced from hydrochloric acid pickling process can be rinsed off more latifolia [164], Nypa fruticans Wurmb [165], Spondias cytherea [166],
readily than the residual sulphates (ferrous or ferric) produced due to Combretum bracteosum [167], Hyptis suaveolens [168], Polyalthia
580 C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590

Table 1
Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors in hydrochloric acid solution including techniques, nature of metal and electrolytes and nature of adsorption of active constituents.

Plant name Technique(s) Metal and Nature of adsorption Remark Ref.

electrolyte (s)

Olea europaea WL, PDP, CV C-steel/2 M HCl Langmuir, mixed type Hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein were active components [110]
Tabernaemont-ana divaricata WL, EIS, PDP, SEM-EDX Fe/1 M HCl Langmuir, mixed type Maximum efficiency of 95% was achieved at 500 ppm [111]
Phyllanthus amarus WL, EIS, PDP, DFT Fe/1 M HCl Langmuir, mixed type Phyllanthin is the main phytochemical present in P. amarus [112]
Eleusine aegyptiaca and Croton WL, EIS, PDP, FT-IR, Cast iron/1 M Langmuir, mixed type Inhibition performance of these leaves extracts was also [113]
rottleri UV–Vis, SEM, X-ray HCl studied with halide additives (KCl, KBr, and KI)
Pimenta dioica EIS, PDP, SEM, AFM, DFT Mild steel/0.5 Langmuir, mixed type Eugenol is major active component which showed [114]
M and 1.0 M comparable efficiency to the P. dioica extract
Thyme WL, EIS, PDP Mild steel/2 M Langmuir, mixed type Thyme leaves extract attained maximum efficiency of 84% [115]
(Guatteria ouregou and Simira EIS, PDP, OPM Low carbon Langmuir, Mixed Harmane was identified as the main component of S. [116]
tinctoria) steel/1 M HCl type tinctoria extract
Morusalba pendula EIS, PDP, UV–visible, Steel/1 M HCl Langmuir, mixed type Inhibition efficiency increased from 93% to 96% in presence [117]
FT-IR, AFM of 10 mM KI
Ficus hispida WL, EIS, PDP, XRD, FT-IR, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, cathodic Maximum %IE was 90% at 250 ppm, stigmasterol was main [118]
EDX HCl type active constituent of F. hispida
Solanam Xanthocarpum WL, GSM, EIS, PDP, MM Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, mixed type Maximum %IE of 83.2 was obtained at 800 ppm [119]
M HCl concentration
Gliricidia sepium WL, FT-IR, SEM-EDX Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm Phytochemical screening suggests the presence of [120]
HCl Saponins, Tannins, Flavonoids, Terpenoid
Rosemarinus officinalis L. GM, PM Mild steel/0.1 – 100% leaves extract gave the 98.33% efficiency [121]
Eichhornia crassipes GM, DFT and MD Mild steel/5 M – Higher concentrations and lower temperatures enhances [122]
simulations HCl the efficiency
Murraya koenigii (Curry leaves) WL, GSM, EIS, PDP, SEM Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 84.6% IE was obtained at 4% in v/v extract [123]
Petroselinum crispum (Parsley), Eruca EIS, PDP, SEM Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, mixed type Plant extracts inhibits metallic corrosion be becoming [67]
sativa (Arugula), Anethum M HCl adsorbate at metal surface
Eucalyptus Camaldulenis GM technique Carbon Steel/3 Langmuir isotherm Adsorption of E. Camaldulenis is spontaneous [124]
Emblica Officinalis WL, UV–visible, FT-IR, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm highest %IE of 88% at 1000 ppm concentration [125]
Pterocarpus soyauxi WL, Mild Tempkin and P. soyauxi physically adsorbed on the metallic surface [126]
steel/1–2.5 M Freundlich isotherms
Plumeria alba, Blighia sapida, GM, OPM Low carbon Langmuir isotherm Blighia Sapida exhibited the maximum inhibition efficiency [127]
Secamone Afezeli steel/1 and 2 M
Emblica Officinalis WL, UV, SEM Mild steel/1 M – Highest %IE of 88% at 1000 ppm concentration [128]
Sesbania sesban WL, EIS, PDP Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, mixed type 91.08% IE was obtained at 2.00 g/L concentration [129]
Bryophyllum pinnatum GM, SEM Mild steel/0.5 Langmuir isotherm 94.27% IE was obtained at 8 g/L concentration at 298 K [130]
Azadirachta Excelsa GM, FESEM Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm 78.55% IE was obtained at 800 ppm concentration [131]
Boscia senegalensis WL, SEM, EIS, PDP, FT-IR, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type Saponins, tannins, phlobatins, anthraquinones, cardiac [132]
DFT calculations HCl glycosides, flavonoids, terpenes, and alkaloids were
Acalypha indica WL Mild steel/1 M Temkin isotherm 93.26% IE was obtained at 0.7% inhibitor concentration [133]
Phoenix dactylifera WL, EIS, PDP, SEM Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, mixed type 97.7% IE was obtained at 2 g/l concentration [134]
Ruta graveolens WL, EIS, PDP, DFT Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 98.25% IE was obtained 4%v/v of inhibitors [135]
calculations HCl
Annona muricata. L WL, EIS, PDP, SEM Mild steel/1 M Mixed type Photochemical analysis shows the presence of several [136]
HCl constituents
Michelia alba EIS, PDP, SEM, FT-IR, DFT Carbon Langmuir, mixed type 98.4% IE was obtained at 1.686 g/L concentration [137]
calculations steel/mild steel
1 M HCl
Anthocleista Djalonensis WL Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm 97.23%was obtained at 0.6 g/L concentration [138,
HCl 139]
Morinda tinctoria WL, EIS, PDP, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type Synergism through KBr, KCl and KI showed significant IE [139]
calorimetric tests HCl increase
Vitex negundo WL, GSM, Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, mixed type 79.2% IE was obtained at 800 ppm extract concentration [140]
electrochemical M HCl
Gymnema Sylvestre WL, SEM, UV, FT-IR and Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm Gymnemic acid, Stigmasterol, Lupeol were main [141]
EDX HCl constituents
Argemone mexicana WL, UV–vis, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 92.5% IE was obtained at 500 mg/L extract concentration [142]
electrochemical, SI HCl
Acalypha torta WL, UV–vis, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type Nearly 90% efficiency was obtained at 1000 ppm [143]
electrochemical, SEM, HCl concentration
C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590 581

Table 1 (continued)

Plant name Technique(s) Metal and Nature of adsorption Remark Ref.

electrolyte (s)

Podranea ricasoliana WL, FT-IR Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type Maximum IE was obtained at 3 h immersion time [144]
electrochemical, SEM HCl
Passiflora foetida WL, SEM, AFM Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 94.61% IE was obtained at 130 ppm concentration [145]
electrochemical HCl
Shorea Robusta WL Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm 94.5% IE was obtained at 5 g/L concentration [146]
Funtumia elastica WL, FT-IR Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 90.1% IE was obtained at 1500 mg/L concentration after 24 [147]
electrochemical, DFT, HCl h. Immersion time decreased the efficiency
MD simulations
Tithonia diversifolia PDP, FT-IR 304 SS/1 M HCl Mixed type 77.27% was obtained at 2 g/L extract concentration [148]
Gnetum africana WL, electrochemical, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, mixed type 98.37 IE was obtained at 0.5 g/L concentration [149]
Lactuca sativa, Eruca Sativa, WL Carbon steel/1 Langmuir, Freundlich, Petroselinum crispum extract exhibited maximum IE of [150]
Petroselinum crispum, and Anethum M HCl and Temkin isotherm 81.39% at 60%v/v extract concentration

Longifolia [169], Buddleia perfoliata [170], Bambusa glauscescens [171], media, respectively [191, 192]. Abd-El-Khalek and coworkers [193]
Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) [172], Cassava leaves (Manihot studied the inhibition behavior of Nicotiana leaves extract on steel cor-
esculenta) [173], Oxystelma Esculentum [174], Stachytarpheta indica rosion in neutral chloride solution using electrochemical techniques.
[175], Telferia occidentalis (TO), Azadirachta indica (AI), Occimum viridis Results showed that Nicotiana leaves extract acts as mixed type inhibi-
(OV) and Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS) [176] leaf extracts have been investi- tor. Aribo et al. [194] studied the inhibition effect of Tridax procumbens
gated as potential corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in sulphuric acid so- and Chromolaena odorata extracts on stainless steel (UNS S31254) cor-
lution using several experimental techniques such as weight loss, rosion in a CO2-saturated acidizing oilfield environment. Results
electrochemical, surface investigation and DFT methods. Table 2 repre- showed that over 90% efficiency was obtained at 100 ppm concentra-
sents some common examples of this type of plant extracts. tion of inhibitors. The inhibition mechanism involves formation of
monolayer consisted with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The inhibi-
1.4.4. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: Mild steel: HCl and H2SO4 system tion effect of Ficus carica leaves extract on steel corrosion in petroleum
There are several leaf extracts that have been reported as green and solution has been investigated by Anaee and coworkers [195]. Results
efficient corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric as well as in showed that the extracted exhibits the inhibition efficiency of 70–80%
sulphuric acid solutions. Some of the common and important leaf ex- and acts as mixed type inhibitors. Adsorption of the extract over metal-
tracts investigated as inhibitors for mild steel in both the acidic solutions lic surface obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
are Ginkgo (Chinese name Yingxing) [177], Occimum viridis (OV) [178],
Occimum viridis (OV) [179], Dodonaea viscosa [180], Trifoliate fenugreek 1.4.6. Leaf extract as inhibitors for mild steel: CH3COOH, HNO3, H3PO4
[181], Kigelia pinnata [182], Citrus aurantiifolia [183], Jatropha Curcas system
[184], Hibiscus sabdariffa [185], Gnetum africanum, Gongronema Mild steel is widely used metallic alloy for construction of pipelines
latifolium, Chromolena odaratum [186], Phyllanthus amarus [187], lupine through which transportation of liquid and gaseous chemicals being
(Lupinous albus) [188]. Generally, these leaf extracts act as mixed type carried out. However, generally organic acids of lower molecular weight
corrosion inhibitors, however, Ginkgo leaf extract [177] acts as mainly such as acetic acid are reported as corrosive agents for the internal wall
cathodic type inhibitor. Adsorption of the extracts obey Langmuir ad- of pipeline. Although, use of organic corrosion inhibitors is the first line
sorption isotherm. Adsorption of Trifoliate fenugreek [181] on mild of defense against corrosion in this type of medium, however, recently,
steel surface follows Langmuir and Temkin adsorption isotherms in few plant (leaf) extracts have been conveyed as corrosion inhibitors.
HCl and H2SO4 solutions, respectively whereas the adsorption of Chaudhari and Vashi [196] reported the inhibition property of henna
Lupinous albus [188] on mild steel surface in both the tested solutions (Lawsonia inermis) extract (leaves) on mild steel corrosion in acetic
obeyed kinetic thermodynamic model. acid solution. The extract performances as virtuous inhibitor for mild
steel and behaved as mixed type inhibitor. Adsorption of the extract
1.4.5. Leaf extracts as inhibitors: Mild steel/NaCl, petroleum/CO2 system on the metals surface obeyed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
Similar to hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, NaCl and CO2 are very Victoria et al. [197] investigated the inhibition behavior of Psidium
common electrolytic media. Although, several types of organic com- guajava (guava) leaf extract on mild steel corrosion in 1 M phosphoric
pounds have been reported as effective corrosion inhibitors however acid. The extract acts as mixed type inhibitor and its adsorption on the
the use of plant (leaf) extracts as corrosion inhibitors in these media is mild steel surface followed the Temkin adsorption isotherm. The inhibi-
relatively scare. Abdel-Gaber and coworkers [189] studied the inhibi- tion effect of Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract in phosphoric acid solu-
tion effect of the olive (Olea europaea L) leaf extract on steel corrosion tion has also been investigated elsewhere [198]. The inhibition effect
in brine solution (saturated solution of NaCl) using electrochemical of Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) on mild steel corrosion in nitric acid so-
and chronoamperometry techniques. The extract exhibited high inhibi- lution is reported by Pankaj and Gargi using weight loss method [199].
tion efficiency due to development of cytotoxically sedentary complex The extract exhibited maximum efficiency of 89.94% at 0.225 × 10–3 g
of calcium caffeate. Results further showed that extract inhibits the cor- concentration.
rosion of steel by controlling the cathodic oxygen reduction process. The
inhibition effect of ethanolic extract of Ricinus communis leaves on mild 1.5. Other part of the plant extracts as inhibitors for mild steel
steel corrosion in aqueous solution containing 100 ppm NaCl is reported
by Sathiyanathan et al. [190]. The extract showed maximum inhibition Although, leaf is the most common part of the plants that have been
efficiency of 84% at 300 ppm concentration. Similar observation was re- inspected as corrosion inhibitors because it is most chemically reach
ported for inhibition effect of Neem and African star apple leaf extracts part of the plants where the biosynthesis of these chemicals occur. How-
on mild steel corrosion in sodium chloride and polluted seawater ever, there are several parts of the plants such as root [200–202], bark
582 C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590

Table 2
Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors in sulphuric acid solution, nature of metal and electrolytes and nature of adsorption of active constituents.

Aloe Vera EIS, PDP, Stainless steel/1 Langmuir isotherm, It was observed that Aloe Vera lef extract contains Aloesin, Aloin, Aloe and [151]
SEM M H2SO4 mixed type inhibitor Aloe Resin those have –OH, ≥ O, C-O, and O-heterocyclic compounds those
act as adsorption centers

Citrus aurantium WL, SEM Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm Citrus aurantium leaf extract showed highest inhibition efficiency of 89% at 10 [152]
H2SO4 mL/L concentration.
Sida acuta (leaf and stem) WL, AAS, Mild steel/1 M Freundlich adsorption Results showed that both S. acuta leaf and stem extracts act as good [153]
FT-IR, UV H2SO4 isotherm inhibitors and their efficiencies obeyed the order: LV N ST. Results of different
analyses were in good agreement.
African Perquetina GM, GSM Mild steel/2 M Langmuir adsorption A. Perquetina showed maximum %IE of 87.78% at 0.5 g/L concentration. [154]
and TM H2SO4 isotherm Dubinnin-Radushkevich isotherm model showed the adopted corrosion mon-
itoring techniques were in good agreements.
Emblica leaves WL Mild steel/2 M – %IE amplified with rise in concentration and extreme efficiency of 80% and [155]
H2SO4 65% were obtained after 24 and 120 h immersion time.
Cassia tora WL, FT-IR, Mild steel/0.5 M – C. tora showed the maximum %IE of 95.44% at 400 ppm concentration. %IE [156]
SEM H2SO4 gradually decreases on increasing temperature.
Nicotiana tabacum WL, DFT Mild steel/2 M Langmuir adsorption N. tabacum showed maximum %IE of 94.13% at 10 g/L concentration after 6 h [157]
H2SO4 isotherm immersion time. Both experimental and DFT analyses were well validated
each other.
Mango (Mangnifera WL, TM, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm, M. indica showed optimum %IE of 74.09% at 0.97 g/L concentration at 305.33 [158]
indica) PDP, FT-IR H2SO4 mixed type K temperature and 22.76 h immersion time.
Achyranthes aspera WL Mild steel/0.5 M Langmuir, Frumkin and Results showed that A. aspera is a good corrosion inhibitor and showed the [159]
H2SO4 Flory-Huggins optimum %IE of 92.3%. It adsorb on the mild steel surface by physisorption
adsorption isotherm mechanism.
African breadfrui WL Mild Freundlich adsorption A. breadfrui showed optimum %IE of 70.55% and 78.56% for mild steel and [160]
steel/aluminum 1 isotherm aluminum, respectively.
Jatropha curcas WL Carbon steel/0.5 – J. curcas exhibited optimum %IE of 92.1% (at 1.5 g/L) and 55.5% (2.5 g/L) in0.5 [161]
M H2SO4 and 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M H2SO4.
M NaCl
Wrightiatinctoria, WL, PDP, Mild steel/0.5 M Langmuir isotherm, The optimum %IE was obtained at 200 ppm concentration at 323 K [162]
Clerodendrumphlomidis, EIS, SEM H2SO4 mixed type inhibitor temperature. The %IE obeyed the order: C. phlomidis N I.triloba N W. tinctoria.
Sida acuta WL, HE Mild steel/1 M Freundlich adsorption The effect of synergism has been studied in presence of iodide concentration. [163]
H2SO4 isotherm However, %IE decreases with temperature.
Nauclea Latifolia (leaf, WL, GSM Mild steel/1 M Thermodynamic-kinetic The %IE follows the order: RT (94.26%) N LV (91.58%) N BK (75.26%) at 4 g/L [164]
bark, root) H2SO4 model of El-Awady et al. concentration.
Nypa fruticans Wurmb WL Mild steel/0.1, – N. Wurmb showed optimum %IE of 74.48% at 0.5 g/L concentration in 0.5 M [165]
0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 M H2SO4 at 323 K temperature.
Spondias cytherea WL, GSM Mild steel/5 M Langmuir and Freundlich S. cytherea extract showed 67.72% and 72.% efficiency for weight loss and [129]
H2SO4 isotherm gasometric measurements.
Combretum bracteosum WL, HE Mild steel/2 M Frumkin adsorption C. bracteosum showed optimum %IE of 74.76% and 88.31% in 2 M and 5 M [167]
and 5 M H2SO4 isotherm H2SO4, respectively at 30 °C temperature.
Hyptis suaveolens WL, EIS, Mild steel/1 M Langmuir isotherm, H. suaveolens exhibited maximum %IE of 95% at 250 ppm concentration. [168]
PDP, FT-IR, H2SO4 mixed type inhibitor
Polyalthia Longifolia WL Mild steel/1 M Langmuir, Temkin, The effect of temperature has also been investigated in the range of 35–75 °C. [169]
H2SO4 Freundlich adsorption it showed optimum %IE of 92% at 1.5% concentration.
Buddleia perfoliata WL, EIS, 1018 Carbon Frumkin adsorption B. perfoliata showed highest %IE of 88% at 500 ppm concentration using EIS [170]
PDP,SEM, steel/0.5 M H2SO4 isotherm technique.
Bambusa glauscescens GSM and Mild steel/2 M Freundlich adsorption B. glauscescens performances as good corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in [171]
OPM H2SO4 isotherm acidic solution and its %IE rises with concentration and accomplish maximum
value 400 ppm concentration
Vernonia amygdalina WL, HE, TM Mild steel/1.5 M Langmuir adsorption V. amygdalina adsorbed by physisorption mechanism. It showed 90%, 84.82%, [172]
H2SO4 isotherm 79.65% and 76.90% at 30°, 40°, 50° and 60 °C temperature at 0.5 g/L
cassava (Manihot WL, PDP, Mild steel/0.5 M Langmuir adsorption The inhibition experiment was performed at 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 5% and 10% and, [173]
esculenta) SEM H2SO4 isotherm maximum efficiency of 85.87% was obtained at 10% concentration.
Oxystelma esculentum EIS, PDP Mild steel/0.5 M Mixed type inhibitor At 100 ppm concentration it showed %IE of 66.8%. However, in presence of 25 [174]
H2SO4 ppm KI %IE enhanced up to 81.0%.
Stachytarpheta indica WL, HE Mild steel/1 M Langmuir adsorption S. indica spontaneously adsorbed on mild steel surface by physisorption [175]
H2SO4 isotherm mechanism.

[203], flower [204–206], fruit [207–210], wood [211], seed [212–218] Sative [239], Chenopodium ambrosioides [240], Ligularia fischeri [241],
and peel [219–228] that have been employed as efficient corrosion in- Salvia aucheri mesatlantica [242], Gentiana olivieri [243], Olive pomace
hibitors for mild steel. Literature survey reveals that there are several [244], Piper nigrum [245], Cuminum cyminum [246], Uncaria gambir
extracts that have been prepared and used as corrosion inhibitors for [246, 247], Acacia tortilis [248], Vernonia Amygdalina [249], Rhus
mild steel and other metallic materials by crushing the whole plants verniciflua [250], Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), Halfabar (Cymbopogon
such as Artemisia pallens [229], Black pepper [230], Santolina proximus), Chamomile (Chamaemelum mixtum L.) and Kidney bean
chamaecyparissus [231], Mimosa extract [232], Egyptian licorice [233], (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [251], Coffee ground [252], Watermelon rind
Aloe Vera [234], Seaweed [235], Euphorbia falcata [236], Uncaria gambir [253], Pennisetum purpureum [254], Senna alata [255], Acacia nilotica
[237], Pterolobium hexapetalum and Celosia argentea [238], Medicago [256], Justicia gendarussa [257] and Oxandra asbeckii [258].
C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590 583

1.6. Plants extracts as corrosion inhibitors for aluminum [310] described the synergistic effect of KI on the inhibition efficiency
of Aningeria robusta in HCl electrolytic solution. Using hydrogen evolu-
Similar to the mild steel, aluminum is the widely used metals in var- tion method, these authors observed that addition of KI at all studied
ious industries as machinery, reaction vessels, pipes and chemical bat- concentration of the extract causes noteworthy increase in the protec-
tery. The extensive use of the aluminum based on the fact that unlike tion ability at both studied temperatures (30 and 60 °C). The A. robusta
to most of the metals, aluminum resistant to corrosion due to presence extract at 50% v/v concentration showed inhibition efficiency of 48%
of surface oxide layer [259]. However, when it expose to corrosive envi- only. Addition of KI at 5 mM concentration in the same solution causes
ronments like acidic or basic solutions the protective oxide layer dis- increase in the inhibition efficiency up to 72%. While studding the inhi-
solves resulting into rapid corrosion of the aluminum [259]. The use of bition effect of Ipomoea invulcrata on aluminum corrosion in 1 M HCl it
synthetic corrosion inhibitors is the most common measure for protec- was observed that addition KSCN and KI showed the synergistic effect
tion of the aluminum corrosion. However, several plant extracts have [311]. The KI showed better synergistic effect as compared to the
also been employed as effective corrosion inhibitors for aluminum in KSCN. The phenomenon of synergism by halide ions have also been re-
various electrolytic media. Oguzie [260] explored the inhibition effect ported for other plant extracts such as Sida acuta for mild steel in 1 M
of Sansevieria trifasciata on aluminum corrosion in 2 M HCl and 2 M H2SO4 [163], Telfaria occidentalis for mild steel 1 M H2SO4 and 2 M HCl
KOH using gasometric technique. He demonstrated the effect of KI, [312], Ocimum basilicum for aluminum in 2 M HCl and 2 M KOH [280],
KBr and KCl on the inhibition effect of the S. trifasciata. Results showed bamboo leaf extract for cold rolled steel (CRS) in 0.1 M H3PO4 [313], co-
that in the presence of halide ions %IE follows the order: KI N KBr conut coir dust extract for mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 [314], Nypa
N KCl. S. trifasciata inhibits the aluminum corrosion by adsorption mech- Fruticans' Wurmb for mild Steel in 0.5 M HCl [315], Cordia sebestena L.
anism which follows the Freundlich adsorption isotherm. S. trifasciata for mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 [316], Chamaerops humilis for mild steel
exhibited maximum %IE of 93.6% and 82.3% in 2 M HCl and 2 M KOH, re- in 0.5 M H2SO4 [317] and Pachylobus edulis for mild steel in 2 M H2SO4
spectively in the presence of KI at 30 °C. There are several other different [318].
plants extracts that such as Gossipium hirsutum [261, 262], Phyllanthus
amarus [263, 264], Terminalia arjuna (TA) Moringa oleifera (MO), and 3. Relative effectiveness of different plant extracts
Mangifera indica (MI) [265], Piper longum [266], Cannabis sativa (CS),
Rauwolfia serpentina (RS), Cymbopogon citratus (CC), Annona squamosa There are several articles are available in literature in which inhibi-
(AS) and Adhatoda vasica (AV) [267] have been investigated as effective tion efficiency of more than one parts of the plant extract have been
corrosion inhibitor in NaOH solution. The Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl evaluated as corrosion inhibitors on the same metal/alloy using same
[268], Raphia hookeri [269], Thymus algeriensis [270], Cocos nucifera electrolytic medium. Umoren and coworkers reported the inhibition be-
[271], Morinda tinctoria [272], Nicotiana tabacum [273], Vernonia havior of leaves and stem extracts of Sida acuta on mild steel 1 M H2SO4
amydgalina [274], Tender arecanut [275] and Maesobatrya barteri [276], using hydrogen evolution and weight loss methods [153]. These authors
Delonix regia [277], Opuntia [278], Ambrosia maritime [279], Ocimum observed that at 0.5 g/L concentration leaves extract showed the inhibi-
basilicum [280], Ananas sativum [281], Euphorbia hirta and Dialum tion efficiency of 59%, while at the same concentration stem extract
guineense [282, 283], Dendrocalamus brandisii [284], Hibiscus sabdariffa showed the inhibition efficiency of only 15%. The difference in the inhi-
[285], Chlomolaena odorata [286], Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) [287], bition efficiencies of different extracts of the same plant is attributed to
Gongronema latifolium [288], Capparis deciduas [289], Ipomoea Involcrata the presence of different constituents/phytochemicals in the extracts of
[290], Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis [291], black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) different plant parts. Generally, leaves are relatively richer part of the
[292], Solanum melongena L. [293], Ginseng root extract [294], plants where the chemical synthesis of the phytochemicals takes place
Rosmarinus officinalis L. [295], Azadirachta indica [296], Aspilia Africana by the process of photosynthesis therefore leaves extract should show
[297], Laurus nobilis L. [298], Azwain (Trachyspermum copticum), [299], higher protection ability as compared to the other plant extract that
garlic extract [300], Newbouldia leavis [301], Rosemary leaves extract was observed by Umoren and coworkers. In another study the roots,
[302], Anthocleista djalonensis [303], Ocimum gratissimum [304], Beet- stem and leaves extracts of olive (Olea europaea L.) have been investi-
root (Betanin) [305], Abrus precatorius [306], Newbouldia leavis [307] gated as effective corrosion inhibitors towards mild steel corrosion in
and several other plant extracts have also been studied as corrosion in- 1 M HCl [319]. In the study the authors again observed that leaves ex-
hibitors for aluminum. Table 3 represents the collection of few common tract showed the highest inhibition efficiency of 89.83%. Results showed
plant extracts that have been studied aluminum. that all extracts showed the inhibition efficiencies of more than 88% and
act as mixed type corrosion inhibitors. Among the root (RT) and leaf
2. Phenomenon of synergism (LV) extracts of Maesobatrya barteri, the LV showed better inhibition ef-
ficiency towards mild steel dissolution in 1 M H2SO4 [320]. The adsorp-
Obviously, each plant extract contains several active phytochemi- tion behavior of RT and LV extracts obeyed the Langmuir adsorption
cals/constituents that can adsorb at the surface of metal and electrolyte. isotherm. While, among the root (RT), seeds (SD) and leaves (LV) ex-
However, addition of some inorganic salts such as KCl, KBr and KI in the tracts of Azadirachta indica, towards the inhibition efficiency of mild
corrosive medium can add significant improvement in the protection steel corrosion in 2.0 M H2SO4 follows the order: SD N RT N LV [321].
ability of plant extract towards metallic dissolution. Oguzie investigated
the inhibition property of Occimum viridis (OV) extract on mild steel in 4. Challenges and outlooks
2 M HCl and 1 M H2SO4 gasometric technique at 30 and 60 °C tempera-
tures [178]. From the results derived in the study several interesting The use of plant extracts as metallic corrosion inhibitors is recom-
things were observed. In hydrochloric acidic medium, addition of KCl mended for future research in the area of corrosion inhibition because
decreases the protection power of the plant extract. Whereas, addition they are cost-effective, easily available, biodegradable, biocompatible,
of KBr and KI particularly at lower temperature (30 °C) protection effi- non-hazardous, removable materials, highly effective and environmen-
ciency of the extract increased significantly. In sulphuric acid medium, tally benign. Recently, application of ionic liquids and compounds syn-
addition of KCl, KBr and KI enhances the protection ability of the extract. thesized from multicomponent reactions (MCRs), ultrasound and
In both electrolytic media, the effectiveness of halides obeyed the order: microwave irradiations and plant extracts has emerged as green prac-
KI N KBr N KCl. He observed similar observation for the inhibition effect tices for metallic corrosion inhibition. However, numerous aspects
of Hibiscus sabdariffa on mild steel corrosion in 2 M HCl and 1 M H2SO4 need to be taken into account prior to their use in the real testing envi-
[308]. Similar observation has also been reported on the inhibition effect ronments. Before testing them in real environment, the toxicity, bioac-
of Garcinia kola on mild steel in 5 M H2SO4 [309]. Obot and coworkers cumulation and biodegradability experiments need to be performed in
584 C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590

Table 3
Leaf extracts as corrosion inhibitors for aluminum in different electrolytic media.

Sansevieria trifasciata Gasometric Al/2 M HCl Freundlich adsorption Adsorption of the S. trifasciata on Al surface physisorption [260]
technique and 2 M KOH isotherm mechanism. Presence of halide ions enhances %IE
significantly. The phenomenon follows the order: KCl b KBr b

Gossipium hirsutum (leaf and seed) WL Al/2 M NaOH – G. hirsutum leaf gave 97% inhibition efficiency while the G. [261]
hirsutum seed showed 94% at the 50% v/v concentration.
Phyllanthus amarus WL Al/2 M NaOH Langmuir adsorption Phyllathin hypophyllathin are two main constituents present [263]
isotherm in P. amarus extract. It showed optimum %IE of 76% at 20% v/v
Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl. WL, PDP, EIS, Al/1 M HCl Langmuir isotherm, The extract showed optimum %IE of 93.6% at 1 g/L [268]
SEM cathodic type inhibitor concentration. It contains several type of phytochemicals that
can adhere on the metallic surface and inhibit corrosion.
Raphia hookeri WL, TM Al/0.02-2 M Temkin adsorption R. hookeri showed optimum %IE of 65.30% at 0.5 g/L [269]
HCl isotherm, concentration. It spontaneously adsorbed on the metallic
Kinetic–Thermodynamic surface through physisorption mechanism. It showed its best
Model %IE in 1 M HCl.
Thymus algeriensis WL, GSM, EIS 2024 Al/1 M Langmuir adsorption It showed optimum %IE of 78.7% at 0.75 g/L concentration. [270]
HCl isotherm The presence of iodide ions synergistically enhanced the %IE.
Cocos nucifera WL Al/0.5 M HCl Langmuir adsorption C. nucifera showed optimum %IE of 93% at 7.5% v/v [271]
isotherm concentration. It adsorb physically and spontaneously.
Morinda tinctoria WL, PDP, EIS, Al/0.5 M HCl Langmuir adsorption M. tinctoria manifest optimum %IE of 96.72% at 7% [272]
SEM isotherm. concentration. It adsorbed spontaneously.
Terminalia arjuna (TA), Mangifera indica WL, EIS, PDP, Al/1 M NaOH Langmuir adsorption Among the studied extracts, MO showed the maximum [265]
(MI) and Moringa oleifera (MO) SEM, AFM isotherm, mixed type efficiency of 85.3% at 0.6 g/L concentration. SEM and AFM
analyses showed the formation of protective films by the
Piper longum WL, PDP, EIS Al/1 M NaOH Langmuir adsorption P. longum showed the optimum %IE of 94% at 400 ppm [266]
isotherm, mixed type concentration. It inhibits corrosion by adsorption mechanism
by creating a barrier for charge transfer.
Nicotiana tabacum WL, EIS, PDP, AA3003Al/0.1 Langmuir adsorption N. tabacum acted as mixed type but predominantly cathodic [273]
SEM, EDX, M HCl isotherm, cathodic type type inhibitor. It showed maximum efficiency of 80% at 1200
AFM, DFT, ppm concentration, experimental results were supported by
MD DFT and MD results.
Cannabis sativa (CS), Rauwolfia serpentina WL, EIS, PDP, Al/1 M NaOH Langmuir adsorption Among these five tested plant extracts RS showed the [267]
(RS), Cymbopogon citratus (CC), Annona SEM, AFM isotherm, mixed type maximum %IE 97.1% at 0.2 g/L concentration. These extracts
squamosa (AS) and Adhatoda vasica (AV) inhibit corrosion by adsorption mechanism which was
supported by SEM and AFM methods.
Vernonia amydgalina WL Al/1 M HCl Langmuir adsorption Increase of the solution temperature decreases the %IE. V. [274]
isotherm amydgalina showed maximum %IE of 91% at 0.09 w/v
Tender arecanut WL, EIS, PDP, Al/0.5 M HCl Langmuir adsorption T. arecanut acts as efficient inhibitor for aluminum corrosion [275]
AFM isotherm, mixed type and showed optimum %IE of 96.15% at 4.5 g/L concentration.
It contains several phytochemicals those act as active
Breadfruit WL Al/0.5 M Langmuir adsorption Breadfruit peel extracts showed the maximum %IE of 853% at [160]
H2SO4 isotherm 145 ppm concentration.
Maesobatrya barteri WL, TM Al/0.5 M and Freundlich adsorption M. barteri showed optimum efficiency of 49.30% at 0.5 g/L [276]
2 M HCl isotherm concentration.

order to comprehend what is green and what is not. In most of the liter- which require the use of highly harmful organic solvents. Supercritical
ature and articles presented herein, these types of experiments were fluids represent a new class of alternative solvents for the preparation
not carried out and this allows an exposed subject for the forthcoming of plant extracts which permit selective separation of phytochemicals
studies. Since plant extracts and drugs are derived from natural and bi- from the extracts at moderate temperatures and optimum processing
ological systems, there is a high potential to use them as environmen- time. Although some reports are available on the effect of halide and
tally benign corrosion inhibitors. Several drugs, chemical compounds other inorganic ions on the inhibition behavior of plant extras however
and plants extracts were applied already for diverse industrial applica- still there are sufficient space to use explore phenomenon of synergism.
tions, where the non-hazardous behaviour was mentioned indirectly From the reports described herein it can be predicted that plant extracts
(eg. LD50, LC50 and EC50). It has been well established that only a few are the most effective inhibitors towards metallic corrosion. Roots, stem,
specific components of a plant extract are responsible for the inhibition seed and other parts plant extracts have been evaluated but their leaves
of metallic corrosion and therefore it is recommended that separation extract have not been evaluated therefore it is also recommended that
and corrosion inhibition behaviour of each and every constituent should leaves extracts of these plants should be studied. Considering the huge
be carried out. The isolation of the extract constituents (phytochemi- availability of literature on plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors partic-
cals) can be easily achieved using GC–MS and HPLC-MS techniques. Ad- ularly for mild steel and aluminum, the use of the extracts should be ex-
ditionally, processing (extraction method) of the extract is one of the plored to other metals and alloys like zinc, nickel and magnesium. In the
most important techniques because of several problematic aspects majority of the researches reported so far the computational methods
such as long processing time and high processing temperature in con- are not taken into so much consideration. Recently, computational tech-
ventional extraction procedures. Therefore, there is a high demand of niques particularly density functional theory based quantum chemical
unconventional extraction practices which require relatively low pro- calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) and/or Monte Carlo (MC)
cessing time and optimum operating temperature. Moreover, the effect simulations have emerged as new tools to describe the effectiveness
of solvents undertaken for extract preparation on the surrounding envi- of a given series of compounds tested as corrosion inhibitors. Each
ronment has also be considered as traditional extraction procedures plant extract contains several constituents (phytochemicals) therefore
C. Verma et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 266 (2018) 577–590 585

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toxic chemicals and solvents. The MD and MC simulation studies can propionic acid as new and green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1 M hydro-
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uids, Org. Lett. 4 (2002) 3161–3163.
[27] M.S. Singh, S. Chowdhury, Recent developments in solvent-free multicomponent
Dr. Verma thankfully acknowledges the North-West University, reactions: a perfect synergy for eco-compatible organic synthesis, RSC Adv. 2
Mafikeng Campus South Africa for providing financial support and (2012) 4547–4592.
[28] R.C. Cioc, E. Ruijter, R.V. Orru, Multicomponent reactions: advanced tools for sus-
scholarship under postdoctoral scheme.
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