Principles of Homeostasis and Negative Feedback QP

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Q1.Scientists investigated the control of blood glucose concentration in mice.

They kept a group

of normal mice without food for 48 hours. After 48 hours, the blood glucose concentrations
of the mice were the same as at the start of the experiment.

(a) Explain how the normal mice prevented their blood glucose concentration falling
when they had not eaten for 48 hours.







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The scientists then investigated mice with a mutation that prevents their liver cells
making glucose. They kept a group of these mice without food for 48 hours. After 48
hours, the mean blood glucose concentrations of the mutant mice and the normal
mice were the same.

The scientists investigated how blood glucose concentration is controlled in these

mutant mice. An enzyme required for synthesis of glucose is coded for by a gene
called PCK1. The scientists measured the mean amount of mRNA produced from
this gene in cells from the kidneys and intestines of normal mice and mutant mice.
They did this with mice that had previously been without food for 48 hours.

The scientists’ results are shown in the graph.

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(b) Use information from the graph to suggest how blood glucose concentration is
controlled in the mutant mice, compared with the normal mice.







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(c) The scientists performed statistical tests on the data shown in the graph, to see
whether the differences in the amount of mRNA in cells from normal and mutant
mice were significant. Both the probability values they obtained were p<0.01.

Explain what this means about the differences in the amounts of mRNA produced.





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(Total 8 marks)

Q2.The release of a substance called dopamine in some areas of the brain increases the desire
to eat.

Scientists measured increases in the release of dopamine in the brains of rats given
different concentrations of sucrose solution to drink.

Sucrose stimulates taste receptors on the tongue.

The graph shows their results. Each point is the result for one rat.

(a) The scientists concluded that drinking a sucrose solution had a positive feedback
effect on the rats’ desire to eat.

How do these data support this conclusion?





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(b) In this investigation, the higher the concentration of sucrose in a rat’s mouth, the
higher the frequency of nerve impulses from each taste receptor to the brain.

If rats are given very high concentrations of sucrose solution to drink, the refractory
period makes it impossible for information about the differences in concentration to
reach the brain. Explain why.






(c) In humans, when the stomach starts to become full of food, receptors in the wall of
the stomach are stimulated. This leads to negative feedback on the desire to eat.
Suggest why this negative feedback is important.






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(Total 8 marks)

Q3. Different substances are involved in coordinating responses in animals.

(a) Synapses are unidirectional. Explain how acetylcholine contributes to a synapse

being unidirectional.






(b) Cells in the stomach wall release gastric juice after a meal. The graph shows how
the volumes of gastric juice produced by nervous stimulation and by hormonal
stimulation change after a meal.

Page 6
(i) Describe the evidence from the graph that curve A represents the volume of
gastric juice produced by nervous stimulation.





(ii) Complete the table to show the percentage of gastric juice produced by
nervous stimulation at the times shown.

Time after meal / hours

1 2 3

Page 7
Percentage of gastric
juice produced by
nervous stimulation

(Total 5 marks)

Q4. (a) Technicians in a hospital laboratory tested urine and blood samples from a girl
with diabetes at intervals over a one-year period. Each time the technicians tested
her urine, they also measured her blood glucose concentration. Their results are
shown in the graph.

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(i) The girl who took part in this investigation was being successfully treated with
insulin. The graph shows that on some occasions, the concentration of
glucose in her blood was very high. Suggest why.





(ii) Use the graph to evaluate the use of the urine test as a measure of blood
glucose concentration.







(b) Diabetic people who do not control their blood glucose concentration may become
unconscious and go into a coma. A doctor may inject a diabetic person who is in a
coma with glucagon. Explain how the glucagon would affect the person’s blood
glucose concentration.




(Total 7 marks)

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Q5.(a) The control of water balance in the body involves negative feedback.

(i) Describe what is meant by negative feedback.




(ii) Water is removed from the body via the kidneys. Give two other ways in which
water is removed from the body.

1 ............................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................

(iii) Name the part of the brain which acts as the coordinator in the control of water


(b) Figure 1 shows the cells lining the collecting duct in a human kidney. ADH
molecules bind to the receptor proteins and this triggers the vesicles containing
aquaporins to bind with the plasma membrane next to the lumen. Figure 2 shows
an aquaporin which is a large channel protein.

Figure 1

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Figure 2

(i) From which gland is ADH released?


(ii) Use the information given to explain how ADH increases the movement of
water from the lumen of the collecting duct into the blood.

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(c) The gene for the ADH receptor proteins is found on the X chromosome. One allele
of this gene causes a non-functioning receptor protein to be made. This allele is
recessive and is one cause of the condition called diabetes insipidus.

(i) What would be the most obvious symptom of diabetes insipidus?


(ii) Suggest why diabetes insipidus is more common in males.





(iii) A recessive allele which has harmful effects is able to reach a higher
frequency in a population than a harmful dominant allele. Explain how.





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(Total 15 marks)

Q6. (a) (i) What is meant by homeostasis?



(ii) Giving one example, explain why homeostasis is important in mammals.





(b) Cross-channel swimmers may suffer from muscle fatigue during which the
contraction mechanism is disrupted. One factor thought to contribute to muscle
fatigue is a decrease in the availability of calcium ions within muscle fibres. Explain
how a decrease in the availability of calcium ions could disrupt the contraction
mechanism in muscles.






(Total 6 marks)

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