Struktur Gen, Genom, Polimorfisme

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Devi Nisa Hidayati, M.Sc.

, Apt
 The genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA.
• a bacteria contains about 4,600,000 DNA base pairs
• human and mouse genomes have some 3 billion.
 human genome has 24 distinct chromosomes.
• Each chromosome contains many genes.
 Gene
• basic physical and functional units of heredity.
• specific sequences of DNA bases that encode
instructions on how to make proteins.
 Proteins
• Make up the cellular structure
• large, complex molecules made up of smaller
subunits called amino acids.
 Gen adalah unit hereditas suatu organisme hidup.
 Gen ini dikode dalam materi genetis organisme
yang kita kenal sebagai molekul DNA atau RNA.
 Gen tersusun atas urutan basa nukleotida. Yang
terdiri dari:
1. Daerah yang mengkode suatu informasi genetis
2. Daerah yang tidak mengkode suatu informasi
genetis (intron)
3. Bagian yang mengatur ekspresi gen yaitu
sekuens pengontrol ekspresi gen (regulatory
 DNAs
• Hold information on how cell works
 RNAs
• Act to transfer short pieces of information to
different parts of cell
• Provide templates to synthesize into protein
 Proteins
• Form enzymes that send signals to other cells and
regulate gene activity
• Form body’s major components (e.g. hair, skin,
 Kromosom struktur seperti benang
pada nukleus sel eukariotik yang
nampak pada saat sel mulai membelah.


Gene 2

Chromosome DNA
Chicago artist Eduardo Kac wanted to use a rabbit named
Alba in an exhibition. The French scientists who created
her blocked the plan. Alba had been modified with the
GFP jellyfish gene

A Japanese team at Osaka University produced the first

glowing mammals - a litter of mice. One of the team,
Masaru Okabe, writes about the moment when he and
his collaborator first saw the mice:

Zebrafish are being modified at the University of

Singapore using fluorescent genes from jellyfish and
sea anemones. The fish are designed to glow in the
presence of water pollutants, functioning as a warning
system - a bit like a canary in a mine.
16 6 24
78 40 46
Berdasarkan letak sentromer, kromosom
dibedakan menjadi:
1. Metasentrik
2. Submetasentrik atau akrosentrik
3. Telosentrik
* 23 pairs of chromosomes 2 X ( 3
X 109 b.p)  2 meters DNA / Cell
* 2 X ( 3 X 1012 ) meters DNA in
human body  8,000 X (earth to

 Eachcell has 46
chromosomes (in
23 pairs)

 ~30,000 genes
are arranged
along the 23
types of
 Pengembang
suatu metode
pewarisan 3:1
 Genes come in
homologous pairs
 The location of a
gene on a
chromosome =
 Alternative forms
of genes that
influence a
characteristic =
A gene pair of two same
alleles (i.e., AA) =

A gene pair of two different

alleles (i.e., AO) =
Human 4 x 109
 22 autosom yang berbeda
2 sex kromosom
Masing2 single linier DNA

E. Coli 4.7 x 106  1 Chromosom

40 – 50 loop superkoil
tanpa histon

 Variasi (polimorfism)
 Meliputi bentuk fenotipe
 Istilahini juga digunakan dalam biologi
molekuler untuk menjelaskan mutasi satu
b a s a p a d a ge n o t i p e. C o n t o h : s i n g l e
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
 SNP merupakan variasi sekuen DNA yang
terjadi ketika satu nukleotida ATC atau G
dalam genom itu berbeda dengan
pasangan kromosom pada suatu individu.
 Genotype: The particular combination of
genes present in the cells of an individual
(AA or AO)
 Phenotype: The physical trait such as,
shape, color, blood type, etc.

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