B04-F8199-E0 Yamaha mt25

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Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle.



[English (E)] DIC183

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM


Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. This manual should stay with this vehicle if it is sold.
UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM


Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling!

As the owner of the MTN250, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and newest technology regarding the de-
sign and manufacture of high-quality products, which have earned Yamaha a reputation for dependability.
Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your MTN250. The Owner’s Manual
does not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself
and others from trouble and injury.
In addition, the many tips given in this manual will help keep your motorcycle in the best possible condition. If you have any
further questions, do not hesitate to contact your Yamaha dealer.
The Yamaha team wishes you many safe and pleasant rides. So, remember to put safety first!
Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most cur-
rent product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and
this manual. If there is any question concerning this manual, please consult a Yamaha dealer.

Please read this manual carefully and completely before operating this motorcycle.
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Important manual information


Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury
or death.

A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

WARNING death or serious injury.

A NOTICE indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the
NOTICE vehicle or other property.

TIP A TIP provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.

*Product and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Important manual information


©2015 PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor
1st edition, November 2015
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufac-
is expressly prohibited.
Printed in Indonesia.
UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Table of contents
Safety information............................ 1-1 For your safety – pre-operation Checking the brake lever
checks ...............................................4-1 free play..................................... 6-18
Description ....................................... 2-1 Brake light switches ..................... 6-19
Left view ......................................... 2-1 Operation and important riding Checking the front and rear
Right view....................................... 2-2 points .................................................5-1 brake pads ................................ 6-19
Controls and instruments ............... 2-3 Starting the engine..........................5-1 Checking the brake fluid level ...... 6-20
Shifting ............................................5-2 Changing the brake fluid .............. 6-21
Instrument and control functions... 3-1 Tips for reducing fuel Drive chain slack........................... 6-21
Main switch/steering lock............... 3-1 consumption................................5-3 Cleaning and lubricating the
Indicator lights and warning Engine break-in ...............................5-3 drive chain................................. 6-23
lights............................................ 3-2 Parking ............................................5-4 Checking and lubricating the
Multi-function meter unit ................ 3-4 cables........................................ 6-24
Handlebar switches...................... 3-10 Periodic maintenance and Checking and lubricating the
Clutch lever .................................. 3-11 adjustment ........................................6-1 throttle grip and cable ............... 6-24
Shift pedal .................................... 3-12 Owner’s tool kit ...............................6-1 Checking and lubricating the
Brake lever.................................... 3-12 Periodic maintenance chart for brake and shift pedals............... 6-24
Brake pedal .................................. 3-12 the emission control system........6-3 Checking and lubricating the
Fuel tank cap ................................ 3-13 General maintenance and brake and clutch levers ............. 6-25
Fuel............................................... 3-13 lubrication chart...........................6-4 Checking and lubricating the
Fuel tank breather hose and Checking the spark plugs ...............6-8 sidestand................................... 6-26
overflow hose............................ 3-15 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge......6-9 Lubricating the swingarm
Catalytic converter ....................... 3-15 Coolant..........................................6-12 pivots......................................... 6-26
Seats ............................................ 3-16 Replacing the air filter element Checking the front fork................. 6-26
Helmet holders ............................. 3-17 and cleaning the check hose.....6-13 Checking the steering................... 6-27
Storage compartment .................. 3-18 Checking the throttle grip Checking the wheel bearings ....... 6-27
Adjusting the shock absorber free play .....................................6-15 Battery .......................................... 6-28
assembly ................................... 3-18 Valve clearance .............................6-15 Replacing the fuses ...................... 6-29
Luggage strap holders ................. 3-19 Tires ..............................................6-15 Replacing the headlight bulb........ 6-30
Sidestand ..................................... 3-19 Cast wheels...................................6-17 Auxiliary light ................................ 6-31
Ignition circuit cut-off system....... 3-20 Adjusting the clutch lever Tail/brake light .............................. 6-31
free play .....................................6-17
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Table of contents
Replacing a turn signal
light bulb ....................................6-31
Replacing the license plate
light bulb ....................................6-32
Supporting the motorcycle............6-33
Front wheel....................................6-34
Rear wheel.....................................6-35
Troubleshooting ............................6-36
Troubleshooting charts .................6-38

Motorcycle care and storage ..........7-1

Matte color caution .........................7-1
Care .................................................7-1
Storage ............................................7-4


Consumer information .....................9-1

Identification numbers.....................9-1

Index ................................................10-1
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Safety information
 Never operate a motorcycle with- pears to be very effective in reduc-
out proper training or instruction. ing the chance of this type of
Take a training course. Beginners accident.
Be a Responsible Owner should receive training from a cer- Therefore:
As the vehicle’s owner, you are re- tified instructor. Contact an autho- • Wear a brightly colored jacket.
sponsible for the safe and proper oper- rized motorcycle dealer to find out • Use extra caution when you are
ation of your motorcycle. about the training courses nearest approaching and passing
Motorcycles are single-track vehicles. you. through intersections, since in-
Their safe use and operation are de- tersections are the most likely
pendent upon the use of proper riding Safe Riding places for motorcycle accidents
techniques as well as the expertise of Perform the pre-operation checks to occur.
the operator. Every operator should each time you use the vehicle to make • Ride where other motorists can
know the following requirements be- sure it is in safe operating condition. see you. Avoid riding in another
fore riding this motorcycle. Failure to inspect or maintain the vehi- motorist’s blind spot.
He or she should: cle properly increases the possibility of • Never maintain a motorcycle
 Obtain thorough instructions from an accident or equipment damage. without proper knowledge.
a competent source on all aspects See page 4-1 for a list of pre-operation Contact an authorized motorcy-
of motorcycle operation. checks. cle dealer to inform you on ba-
 Observe the warnings and mainte-  This motorcycle is designed to sic motorcycle maintenance.
nance requirements in this Own- carry the operator and a passen- Certain maintenance can only
er’s Manual. ger. be carried out by certified staff.
 Obtain qualified training in safe  The failure of motorists to detect
and proper riding techniques. and recognize motorcycles in traf-
 Obtain professional technical ser- fic is the predominating cause of
vice as indicated in this Owner’s automobile/motorcycle accidents.
Manual and/or when made neces- Many accidents have been
sary by mechanical conditions. caused by an automobile driver
who did not see the motorcycle.
Making yourself conspicuous ap-
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Safety information
 Many accidents involve inexperi- • Always signal before turning or Protective Apparel
enced operators. In fact, many op- changing lanes. Make sure that The majority of fatalities from motorcy-
erators who have been involved in other motorists can see you. cle accidents are the result of head in-
accidents do not even have a cur-  The posture of the operator and juries. The use of a safety helmet is the
rent motorcycle license. passenger is important for proper single most critical factor in the pre-
• Make sure that you are qualified control. vention or reduction of head injuries.
and that you only lend your mo- • The operator should keep both  Always wear an approved helmet.
torcycle to other qualified oper- hands on the handlebar and  Wear a face shield or goggles.
ators. both feet on the operator foot- Wind in your unprotected eyes
• Know your skills and limits. rests during operation to main- could contribute to an impairment
Staying within your limits may tain control of the motorcycle. of vision that could delay seeing a
help you to avoid an accident. • The passenger should always hazard.
• We recommend that you prac- hold onto the operator, the seat  The use of a jacket, heavy boots,
tice riding your motorcycle strap or grab bar, if equipped, trousers, gloves, etc., is effective
where there is no traffic until you with both hands and keep both in preventing or reducing abra-
have become thoroughly famil- feet on the passenger footrests. sions or lacerations.
iar with the motorcycle and all of Never carry a passenger unless  Never wear loose-fitting clothes,
its controls. he or she can firmly place both otherwise they could catch on the
 Many accidents have been feet on the passenger footrests. control levers, footrests, or wheels
caused by error of the motorcycle  Never ride under the influence of and cause injury or an accident.
operator. A typical error made by alcohol or other drugs.  Always wear protective clothing
the operator is veering wide on a  This motorcycle is designed for that covers your legs, ankles, and
turn due to excessive speed or un- on-road use only. It is not suitable feet. The engine or exhaust sys-
dercornering (insufficient lean an- for off-road use. tem become very hot during or af-
gle for the speed). ter operation and can cause
• Always obey the speed limit and burns.
never travel faster than warrant-  A passenger should also observe
ed by road and traffic condi- the above precautions.
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Safety information
Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning  Do not run engine outdoors where When loading within this weight limit,
All engine exhaust contains carbon engine exhaust can be drawn into keep the following in mind:
monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing a building through openings such  Cargo and accessory weight
carbon monoxide can cause head- as windows and doors. should be kept as low and close to
aches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, the motorcycle as possible. Se-
confusion, and eventually death. Loading curely pack your heaviest items as
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odor- Adding accessories or cargo to your close to the center of the vehicle
less, tasteless gas which may be motorcycle can adversely affect stabil- as possible and make sure to dis-
present even if you do not see or smell ity and handling if the weight distribu- tribute the weight as evenly as
any engine exhaust. Deadly levels of tion of the motorcycle is changed. To possible on both sides of the mo-
carbon monoxide can collect rapidly avoid the possibility of an accident, use torcycle to minimize imbalance or
and you can quickly be overcome and extreme caution when adding cargo or instability.
unable to save yourself. Also, deadly accessories to your motorcycle. Use  Shifting weights can create a sud-
levels of carbon monoxide can linger extra care when riding a motorcycle den imbalance. Make sure that
for hours or days in enclosed or poorly that has added cargo or accessories. accessories and cargo are se-
ventilated areas. If you experience any Here, along with the information about curely attached to the motorcycle
symptoms of carbon monoxide poi- accessories below, are some general before riding. Check accessory
soning, leave the area immediately, get guidelines to follow if loading cargo to mounts and cargo restraints fre-
fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREAT- your motorcycle: quently.
MENT. The total weight of the operator, pas- • Properly adjust the suspension
 Do not run engine indoors. Even if senger, accessories and cargo must for your load (suspension-ad-
you try to ventilate engine exhaust not exceed the maximum load limit. justable models only), and
with fans or open windows and Operation of an overloaded vehicle check the condition and pres-
doors, carbon monoxide can rap- could cause an accident. sure of your tires.
idly reach dangerous levels. • Never attach any large or heavy
 Do not run engine in poorly venti- Maximum load: items to the handlebar, front
lated or partially enclosed areas 160 kg (353 lb) fork, or front fender. These
such as barns, garages, or car- items, including such cargo as
ports. sleeping bags, duffel bags, or
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Safety information
tents, can create unstable han- Aftermarket Parts, Accessories, and steering travel or control opera-
dling or a slow steering re- Modifications tion, or obscure lights or reflec-
sponse. While you may find aftermarket prod- tors.
 This vehicle is not designed to ucts similar in design and quality to • Accessories fitted to the han-
pull a trailer or to be attached to genuine Yamaha accessories, recog- dlebar or the front fork area can
a sidecar. nize that some aftermarket accesso- create instability due to improp-
ries or modifications are not suitable er weight distribution or aerody-
Genuine Yamaha Accessories because of potential safety hazards to namic changes. If accessories
Choosing accessories for your vehicle you or others. Installing aftermarket are added to the handlebar or
is an important decision. Genuine products or having other modifications front fork area, they must be as
Yamaha accessories, which are avail- performed to your vehicle that change lightweight as possible and
able only from a Yamaha dealer, have any of the vehicle’s design or operation should be kept to a minimum.
been designed, tested, and approved characteristics can put you and others • Bulky or large accessories may
by Yamaha for use on your vehicle. at greater risk of serious injury or seriously affect the stability of
Many companies with no connection death. You are responsible for injuries the motorcycle due to aerody-
to Yamaha manufacture parts and ac- related to changes in the vehicle. namic effects. Wind may at-
cessories or offer other modifications Keep the following guidelines in mind, tempt to lift the motorcycle, or
for Yamaha vehicles. Yamaha is not in as well as those provided under “Load- the motorcycle may become
a position to test the products that ing” when mounting accessories. unstable in cross winds. These
these aftermarket companies produce.  Never install accessories or carry accessories may also cause in-
Therefore, Yamaha can neither en- cargo that would impair the per- stability when passing or being
dorse nor recommend the use of ac- formance of your motorcycle. passed by large vehicles.
cessories not sold by Yamaha or Carefully inspect the accessory • Certain accessories can dis-
modifications not specifically recom- before using it to make sure that it place the operator from his or
mended by Yamaha, even if sold and does not in any way reduce her normal riding position. This
installed by a Yamaha dealer. ground clearance or cornering improper position limits the
clearance, limit suspension travel, freedom of movement of the

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Safety information
operator and may limit control  Check that the fuel cock (if
ability, therefore, such accesso- equipped) is in the “OFF” position
ries are not recommended. and that there are no fuel leaks.
 Use caution when adding electri-  Point the front wheel straight
cal accessories. If electrical ac- ahead on the trailer or in the truck
cessories exceed the capacity of bed, and choke it in a rail to pre-
the motorcycle’s electrical sys- vent movement.
tem, an electric failure could re-  Shift the transmission in gear (for
sult, which could cause a models with a manual transmis-
dangerous loss of lights or engine sion).
power.  Secure the motorcycle with tie-
downs or suitable straps that are
Aftermarket Tires and Rims attached to solid parts of the mo-
The tires and rims that came with your torcycle, such as the frame or up-
motorcycle were designed to match per front fork triple clamp (and not,
the performance capabilities and to for example, to rubber-mounted
provide the best combination of han- handlebars or turn signals, or
dling, braking, and comfort. Other parts that could break). Choose
tires, rims, sizes, and combinations the location for the straps carefully
may not be appropriate. Refer to page so the straps will not rub against
6-15 for tire specifications and more in- painted surfaces during transport.
formation on replacing your tires.  The suspension should be com-
pressed somewhat by the tie-
Transporting the Motorcycle downs, if possible, so that the mo-
Be sure to observe following instruc- torcycle will not bounce exces-
tions before transporting the motorcy- sively during transport.
cle in another vehicle.
 Remove all loose items from the
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Left view
1 2 3 4 5

98 7 6
1. Coolant reservoir (page 6-12) 9. Engine oil filter cartridge (page 6-9)
2. Main fuse (page 6-29)
3. Owner’s tool kit (page 6-1)
4. Passenger seat lock (page 3-16)
5. Storage compartment (page 3-18)
6. Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting ring (page 3-18)
7. Shift pedal (page 3-12)
8. Engine oil drain bolt (page 6-9)

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Right view
1 2 3 4

9 8 7 6 5
1. Fuse box (page 6-29) 9. Rear brake fluid reservoir (page 6-20)
2. Battery (page 6-28)
3. Fuel tank cap (page 3-13)
4. Headlight (page 6-30)
5. Engine oil filler cap (page 6-9)
6. Engine oil level check window (page 6-9)
7. Brake pedal (page 3-12)
8. Rear brake light switch (page 6-19)

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Controls and instruments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Clutch lever (page 3-11)

2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-10)
3. Multi-function meter unit (page 3-4)
4. Main switch/steering lock (page 3-1)
5. Front brake fluid reservoir (page 6-20)
6. Right handlebar switches (page 3-10)
7. Throttle grip (page 6-15)
8. Brake lever (page 3-12)

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Instrument and control functions

EAU10462 EAU54301
To lock the steering
Main switch/steering lock (off)
All electrical systems are off. The key 1 2
ON can be removed.
OFF EWA16371

3 Never turn the key to “ ” or “LOCK”
while the vehicle is moving. Other-
wise the electrical systems will be
LOCK switched off, which may result in
loss of control or an accident.
1. Push.
The main switch/steering lock controls EAU60861 2. Turn.
the ignition and lighting systems, and is LOCK
The steering is locked and all electrical 1. Turn the handlebars all the way to
used to lock the steering. The various the left.
positions are described below. systems are off. The key can be re-
moved. 2. With the key in the “ ” position,
push the key in and turn it to
(on) “LOCK”.
All electrical circuits are supplied with 3. Remove the key.
power; the meter lighting, taillight, li- TIP
cense plate light and auxiliary light If the steering will not lock, try turning
come on, and the engine can be start- the handlebars back to the right slight-
ed. The key cannot be removed. ly.
The headlight comes on automatically
when the engine is started and stays
on until the key is turned to “ ”, even
if the engine stalls.

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Instrument and control functions

To unlock the steering EAU49398 EAU11081

Indicator lights and warning High beam indicator light “ ”

1 2 lights This indicator light comes on when the
high beam of the headlight is switched
1 2 3 4 on.

EAU62530 3
Oil pressure warning light “ ”
This warning light comes on if the en-
gine oil pressure is low.
The electrical circuit of the warning
1. Push. light can be checked by turning the key
2. Turn. 6 5 to “ ”. The warning light should come
1. Neutral indicator light “ ” on and remain on until the engine is
1. Insert the key. 2. High beam indicator light “ ” started.
2. With the key in the “LOCK” posi- 3. Turn signal indicator light “ ” If the warning light does not come on
tion, push the key in and turn it 4. Shift timing indicator light initially when the key is turned to “ ”,
to “ ”. 5. Oil pressure warning light “ ” have a Yamaha dealer check the elec-
6. Engine trouble warning light “ ” trical circuit.
Turn signal indicator light “ ”
This indicator light flashes when a turn If the warning light comes on when
signal light is flashing. the engine is running, stop the en-
gine immediately and check oil level.
EAU11061 If the oil level is below the minimum
Neutral indicator light “ ” level, add sufficient oil of the recom-
This indicator light comes on when the mended type to raise it up to the cor-
transmission is in the neutral position. rect level. If the oil pressure warning
light remains on even if the oil level

UB04E0E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

is correct, immediately turn the en- If the warning light does not come on If the indicator light does not come on
gine off and have a Yamaha dealer initially when the key is turned to “ ”, initially when the key is turned to “ ”,
check the vehicle. or if the warning light remains on, have or if the indicator light remains on, have
a Yamaha dealer check the electrical a Yamaha dealer check the electrical
TIP circuit. circuit.
3 If the warning light does not go off after
starting the engine, check the engine
The engine trouble warning light will
oil level and add oil if necessary. (See
come on while the start switch is
page 6-9.)
pushed, but this does not indicate a
If the warning light remains on after
adding engine oil, have a Yamaha
dealer check the vehicle. EAU62470
Shift timing indicator light
This indicator light can be set to come
Engine trouble warning light “ ”
on and go off at the desired engine
This warning light comes on or flashes
speeds and is used to inform the rider
if a problem is detected in the electrical
when it is time to shift to the next high-
circuit monitoring the engine. If this oc-
er gear. (See page 3-8 for a more de-
curs, have a Yamaha dealer check the
tailed explanation of this indicator light
self-diagnosis system. (See page 3-10
and on how to set it.)
for an explanation of the self-diagnosis
The electrical circuit of the indicator
light can be checked by turning the key
The electrical circuit of the warning
to “ ”. The indicator light should
light can be checked by turning the key
come on for a few seconds, and then
to “ ”. The warning light should come
go off.
on for a few seconds, and then go off.

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Instrument and control functions

settings while riding can distract the Tachometer
Multi-function meter unit operator and increase the risk of an
1 2
2 3 4 5 67 8
The multi-function meter unit is
equipped with the following:
 a speedometer 3
 a tachometer
 a clock
 a fuel meter
 a coolant temperature meter
1 10 9
 a transmission gear display 1. Tachometer
1. “SEL” button
2. “RES” button
 a multi-function display 2. Tachometer red zone

3. Tachometer
 a shift timing indicator light The tachometer allows the rider to
4. Fuel meter  a self-diagnosis device monitor the engine speed and keep it
5. Shift timing indicator light TIP within the ideal power range.
6. Clock When the key is turned to “ ”, the ta-
Be sure to turn the key to “ ” before
7. Transmission gear display chometer will sweep across the r/min
8. Speedometer
using the “SEL” and “RES” buttons,
except for setting the shift timing indi- range and then return to zero r/min in
9. Multi-function display
cator light control mode. order to test the electrical circuit.
10.Coolant temperature meter ECA10032

WARNING Speedometer
The speedometer shows the vehicle’s Do not operate the engine in the ta-
Be sure to stop the vehicle before traveling speed. chometer red zone.
making any setting changes to the Red zone: 14000 r/min and above
multi-function meter unit. Changing

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Instrument and control functions

Clock Fuel meter lowing cycle is repeated until the
malfunction is corrected: fuel level seg-
1 ments flash eight times, then go off for
approximately three seconds. If this
1 occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check
3 the electrical circuit.

Coolant temperature meter

1. Clock 1. Fuel meter

The clock displays when the key is The fuel meter indicates the amount of
turned to “ ”. fuel in the fuel tank.
When the key is turned to “ ”, the dis-
To set the clock play segments of the fuel meter will
1. Turn the key to “ ”. sweep once across the fuel level range
2. Push the “SEL” button and “RES” and then return to the current amount 1
1. Coolant temperature meter
button together for at least two in order to test the electrical circuit.
seconds. The display segments of the fuel meter The coolant temperature meter indi-
3. When the hour digits start flash- disappear towards “E” (Empty) as the cates the temperature of the coolant.
ing, push the “RES” button to set fuel level decreases. When the last When the key is turned to “ ”, the dis-
the hours. segment starts flashing, refuel as soon play segments of the digital coolant
4. Push the “SEL” button, and the as possible. temperature gauge will sweep once
minute digits will start flashing. across the temperature range and then
5. Push the “RES” button to set the return to “C” in order to test the electri-
This fuel meter is equipped with a self-
minutes. cal circuit.
diagnosis system. If a problem is de-
6. Push the “SEL” button and then
tected in the electrical circuit, the fol-
release it to start the clock.
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Instrument and control functions

If the last segment on the right flashes, This display shows the selected gear. The tripmeters show the distance trav-
stop the vehicle, then stop the engine, The neutral position is indicated by “ ” eled since they were last set to zero.
and let the engine cool. (See page and by the neutral indicator light. Push the “SEL” button to switch the
6-39.) display between the odometer mode
Multi-function display “ODO”, tripmeter modes “TRIP 1” and
NOTICE “TRIP 2”, instantaneous fuel consump-
1 3
Do not continue to operate the en- tion mode “km/L” or “L/100 km”, aver-
gine if it is overheating. age fuel consumption mode “AVE_ _._
km/L” or “AVE_ _._ L/100 km” and oil
TIP change tripmeter mode “OIL TRIP” in
The coolant temperature varies with the following order:
changes in the weather and engine
load. ODO → TRIP 1 → TRIP 2 → km/L or
L/100 km → AVE_ _._ km/L or AVE_ _._
Transmission gear display 1. Multi-function display L/100 km → OIL TRIP → ODO

1 2 The multi-function display is equipped The fuel reserve tripmeter shows the
with the following: distance traveled since the fuel level
 an odometer warning light came on.
 two tripmeters
 a fuel reserve tripmeter If the left segment of the fuel meter
 an instantaneous fuel consump- starts flashing, the display automati-
tion display cally changes to the fuel reserve trip-
 an average fuel consumption dis- meter mode “TRIP F” and starts
play counting the distance traveled from
1. Neutral indicator light “ ”
 an oil change tripmeter that point. In that case, push the “SEL”
2. Transmission gear display
 an oil change indicator button to switch the display between
The odometer shows the total distance the various tripmeter, odometer, in-
traveled by the vehicle.
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Instrument and control functions

stantaneous fuel consumption and av- Instantaneous fuel consumption
erage fuel consumption modes in the display
If traveling at speeds under 20 km/h
following order:
1 (12 mi/h), “_ _._” is displayed.
TRIP F → km/L or L/100 km → AVE_
_._ km/L or AVE_ _._ L/100 km → OIL Average fuel consumption display
TRIP → ODO → TRIP 1 → TRIP 2 → 1

To reset a tripmeter, select it by push-

ing the “SEL” button, and then push
the “RES” button for at least one sec- 1. Instantaneous fuel consumption display
If you do not reset the fuel reserve trip- The instantaneous fuel consumption
meter manually, it resets itself auto- display can be set to either “km/L” or
matically and the display returns to the “L/100 km”. 1. Average fuel consumption display
prior mode after refueling and traveling  “km/L”: The distance that can be
traveled on 1.0 L of fuel under the The average fuel consumption display
5 km (3 mi).
current riding conditions is shown. can be set to either “AVE_ _._ km/L” or
TIP  “L/100 km”: The amount of fuel “AVE_ _._ L/100 km”.
 The odometer will lock at 999999. necessary to travel 100 km under This display shows the average fuel
 The tripmeters will reset and con- the current riding conditions is consumption since it was last reset.
tinue counting after 9999.9 is shown.  “AVE_ _._ km/L”: The average dis-
reached. To switch between the instantaneous tance that can be traveled on 1.0 L
fuel consumption displays, push the of fuel is shown.
“SEL” button for one second.  “AVE_ _._ L/100 km”: The average
amount of fuel necessary to travel
100 km is shown.

UB04E0E0.book Page 8 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

To switch between the average fuel The oil change indicator “OIL” will flash Shift timing indicator light
consumption displays, push the “SEL” at the initial 1000 km (600 mi), then at
button for one second. 5000 km (3000 mi) and every 5000 km
To reset the average fuel consumption (3000 mi) thereafter to indicate that the
display, push the “RES” button for at engine oil should be changed.
least one second. After changing the engine oil, reset the 3
oil change tripmeter and the oil change
indicator. To reset them both, select
After resetting the average fuel con-
the oil change tripmeter, and then push
sumption display, “_ _._” is shown until
the “RES” button for one second. 2
the vehicle has traveled 1 km (0.6 mi).
Then, while “OIL” and the oil change 1. Shift timing indicator light
tripmeter are flashing, push the “RES” 2. Brightness level display
Oil change tripmeter button for three seconds. The oil
change indicator will be reset. The shift timing indicator light has four
1 2
If the engine oil is changed before the settings which can be adjusted.
oil change indicator comes on (i.e., be-  Flashing pattern: this function al-
fore the periodic oil change interval has lows you to choose whether or not
been reached), the oil change tripmeter the indicator light will come on and
must be reset for the next periodic oil whether it should flash or stay on
change to be indicated at the correct when activated.
time.  Activation point: this function al-
lows you to select the engine
1. Oil change indicator “OIL” speed at which the indicator light
2. Oil change tripmeter is activated.
 Deactivation point: this function
The oil change tripmeter shows the allows you to select the engine
distance traveled since it was last reset speed at which the indicator light
(i.e., since the last oil change). is deactivated.

UB04E0E0.book Page 9 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

 Brightness: this function allows (This setting is selected when 2. Push the “SEL” button to confirm
you to adjust the brightness of the the indicator light flashes the selected engine speed. The
indicator light. once every two seconds.) control mode changes to the de-
2. Push the “SEL” button to confirm activation point setting mode.
To adjust the shift timing indicator light the selected flashing pattern. The
3 1. Turn the key to “ ”. shift timing indicator light changes To set the deactivation point
2. Push and hold the “SEL” button. to the activation point setting
3. Turn the key to “ ”, and then re- mode.
 The shift timing indicator light de-
lease the “SEL” button after five
activation point can be set be-
seconds. The shift timing indicator The tachometer will show the current
tween 7000 r/min and 15000
light can now be adjusted. setting r/min for the activation point
r/min. From 7000 r/min to 12000
and deactivation point setting modes.
r/min, the indicator light can be set
To set the flashing pattern
in increments of 500 r/min. From
1. Push the “RES” button to select To set the shift activation point
12000 r/min to 15000 r/min, the in-
one of the following flashing pat-
TIP dicator light can be set in incre-
tern settings:
The shift timing indicator light activa- ments of 200 r/min.
 On: the indicator light stays
tion point can be set between 7000  Be sure to set the deactivation
on when activated. (This set-
r/min and 15000 r/min. From 7000 point to a higher engine speed
ting is selected when the indi-
r/min to 12000 r/min, the indicator light than for the activation point, other-
cator light stays on.)
can be set in increments of 500 r/min. wise the shift timing indicator light
 Flash: the indicator light
From 12000 r/min to 15000 r/min, the will not come on.
flashes when activated. (This
indicator light can be set in increments
setting is selected when the 1. Push the “RES” button to select
of 200 r/min.
indicator light flashes four the desired engine speed for de-
times per second.) 1. Push the “RES” button to select activating the indicator light.
 Off: the indicator light is deac- the desired engine speed for acti- 2. Push the “SEL” button to confirm
tivated; in other words, it vating the indicator light. the selected engine speed. The
does not come on or flash. control mode changes to the
brightness setting mode.
UB04E0E0.book Page 10 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

To adjust the brightness If a problem is detected in any of those EAU1234H

1. Push the “RES” button to select circuits, the engine trouble warning Handlebar switches
the desired shift indicator light light will come on and the display will Left
brightness level. indicate an error code.
2. Push the “SEL” button to confirm ECA11591

the selected brightness level. The NOTICE 2 3

display exits the shift timing light If the display indicates an error
control mode and returns to the code, the vehicle should be checked 3
standard multi-function display as soon as possible in order to avoid 4
mode. engine damage.

Self-diagnosis device
1. Pass switch “PASS”
2. Dimmer switch “ / ”
3. Turn signal switch “ / ”
4. Horn switch “ ”


1 2
1. Engine trouble warning light “ ”
2. Error code display
This model is equipped with a self-di-
agnosis device for various electrical
1. Engine stop switch “ / ”
2. Start switch “ ”

UB04E0E0.book Page 11 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU12361 EAU12661 EAU12822
Pass switch “PASS” Engine stop switch “ / ” Clutch lever
Press this switch to flash the headlight. Set this switch to “ ” before starting
the engine. Set this switch to “ ” to
stop the engine in case of an emergen-
Dimmer switch “ / ”
cy, such as when the vehicle overturns
3 Set this switch to “ ” for the high 1
or when the throttle cable is stuck.
beam and to “ ” for the low beam.
TIP EAU12713
Start switch “ ”
When the switch is set to low beam,
Push this switch to crank the engine
only the right headlight bulb comes on.
with the starter. See page 5-1 for start-
When the switch is set to high beam,
ing instructions prior to starting the en- 1. Clutch lever
both headlight bulbs come on.
The clutch lever is located on the left
side of the handlebar. To disengage
Turn signal switch “ / ” The engine trouble warning light will the clutch, pull the lever toward the
To signal a right-hand turn, push this come on when the key is turned to “ ” handlebar grip. To engage the clutch,
switch to “ ”. To signal a left-hand and the start switch is pushed, but this release the lever. The lever should be
turn, push this switch to “ ”. When does not indicate a malfunction. pulled rapidly and released slowly for
released, the switch returns to the cen- smooth clutch operation.
ter position. To cancel the turn signal The clutch lever is equipped with a
lights, push the switch in after it has re- clutch switch, which is part of the igni-
turned to the center position. tion circuit cut-off system. (See page
Horn switch “ ”
Press this switch to sound the horn.

UB04E0E0.book Page 12 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU12872 EAU12892 EAU12944

Shift pedal Brake lever Brake pedal


1. Shift pedal 1. Brake lever 1. Brake pedal

The shift pedal is located on the left The brake lever is located on the right The brake pedal is located on the right
side of the motorcycle and is used in side of the handlebar. To apply the side of the motorcycle. To apply the
combination with the clutch lever when front brake, pull the lever toward the rear brake, press down on the brake
shifting the gears of the 6-speed con- throttle grip. pedal.
stant-mesh transmission equipped on
this motorcycle.

UB04E0E0.book Page 13 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU13075 EAU13222

Fuel tank cap TIP Fuel

The fuel tank cap cannot be closed un- Make sure there is sufficient gasoline in
less the key is in the lock. In addition, the tank.
2 1 the key cannot be removed if the cap is EWA10882

not properly closed and locked. WARNING

3 EWA11092 Gasoline and gasoline vapors are
WARNING extremely flammable. To avoid fires
Make sure that the fuel tank cap is and explosions and to reduce the
properly closed after filling fuel. risk of injury when refueling, follow
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. these instructions.
1. Fuel tank cap lock cover 1. Before refueling, turn off the en-
2. Unlock. gine and be sure that no one is sit-
ting on the vehicle. Never refuel
To open the fuel tank cap while smoking, or while in the vi-
Open the fuel tank cap lock cover, in- cinity of sparks, open flames, or
sert the key into the lock, and then turn other sources of ignition such as
it 1/4 turn clockwise. The lock will be the pilot lights of water heaters
released and the fuel tank cap can be and clothes dryers.
opened. 2. Do not overfill the fuel tank. When
refueling, be sure to insert the
To close the fuel tank cap pump nozzle into the fuel tank filler
1. Push the fuel tank cap into posi- hole. Stop filling when the fuel
tion with the key inserted in the reaches the bottom of the filler
lock. tube. Because fuel expands when
2. Turn the key counterclockwise to it heats up, heat from the engine or
the original position, remove it, the sun can cause fuel to spill out
and then close the lock cover. of the fuel tank.

UB04E0E0.book Page 14 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

ately. If gasoline spills on your skin, brand or premium unleaded fuel. Use
1 2 wash with soap and water. If gaso- of unleaded fuel will extend spark plug
line spills on your clothing, change life and reduce maintenance costs.
your clothes. Gasohol
There are two types of gasohol: gaso-
EAU49743 hol containing ethanol and that con- 3
taining methanol. Gasohol containing
ethanol can be used if the ethanol con-
Recommended fuel:
Regular unleaded gasoline (Gasohol tent does not exceed 10% (E10). Gas-
1. Fuel tank filler tube [E10] acceptable) ohol containing methanol is not
2. Maximum fuel level Fuel tank capacity: recommended by Yamaha because it
14 L (3.7 US gal, 3.1 Imp.gal) can cause damage to the fuel system
3. Wipe up any spilled fuel immedi- Fuel reserve amount: or vehicle performance problems.
ately. NOTICE: Immediately 3.0 L (0.79 US gal, 0.66 Imp.gal)
wipe off spilled fuel with a clean, ECA11401
dry, soft cloth, since fuel may NOTICE
deteriorate painted surfaces or
plastic parts. [ECA10072] Use only unleaded gasoline. The use
4. Be sure to securely close the fuel of leaded gasoline will cause severe
tank cap. damage to internal engine parts,
EWA15152 such as the valves and piston rings,
WARNING as well as to the exhaust system.
Gasoline is poisonous and can Your Yamaha engine has been de-
cause injury or death. Handle gaso- signed to use regular unleaded gaso-
line with care. Never siphon gasoline line with a research octane number of
by mouth. If you should swallow 95 or higher. If knocking (or pinging)
some gasoline or inhale a lot of gas- occurs, use a gasoline of a different
oline vapor, or get some gasoline in
your eyes, see your doctor immedi-
UB04E0E0.book Page 15 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU51172 EAU13434 ECA10702

Fuel tank breather hose and Catalytic converter NOTICE

overflow hose This model is equipped with a catalytic Use only unleaded gasoline. The use
converter in the exhaust system. of leaded gasoline will cause unre-

WARNING pairable damage to the catalytic

3 converter.
The exhaust system is hot after op-
eration. To prevent a fire hazard or
 Do not park the vehicle near
possible fire hazards such as
2 1 grass or other materials that
easily burn.
1. Fuel tank overflow hose
2. Fuel tank breather hose
 Park the vehicle in a place
where pedestrians or children
Before operating the motorcycle: are not likely to touch the hot
 Check each hose connection. exhaust system.
 Check each hose for cracks or  Make sure that the exhaust sys-
damage, and replace if necessary. tem has cooled down before
 Make sure that the end of each doing any maintenance work.
hose is not blocked, and clean if  Do not allow the engine to idle
necessary. more than a few minutes. Long
idling can cause a build-up of

UB04E0E0.book Page 16 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

To install the passenger seat
Seats 1. Insert the projections on the front
of the passenger seat into the seat 2
Passenger seat holders as shown, and then push
the rear of the seat down to lock it
To remove the passenger seat in place.
1. Insert the key into the seat lock, 1 3
and then turn it clockwise.

1. Center cover
2. Screw

1 3. Remove the rider seat by remov-

ing the bolts. Lift the rear of the
2 rider seat and pull it backward.
1. Projection 2
2. Seat holder
1. Passenger seat lock
2. Unlock. 2. Remove the key.

2. While holding the key in that posi- Rider seat

tion, lift the rear of the passenger
seat and pull it backward. To remove the rider seat
1. Remove the passenger seat.
2. Remove the center cover by re- 1. Rider seat
moving the screws. 2. Bolt

UB04E0E0.book Page 17 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

To install the rider seat EAU62930

1. Insert the projection on the front of Helmet holders 1

the rider seat into the seat holder
as shown, and then place the seat
in the original position.

1 1. Helmet
2. Passenger seat
1. Helmet holder

The helmet holders are located on the To release a helmet from a helmet
2 bottom of the passenger seat. holder
1. Projection Remove the passenger seat, remove
2. Seat holder To secure a helmet to a helmet hold- the helmet from the helmet holder, and
er then install the seat.
2. Install the rider seat bolts.
3. Install the center cover by install- 1. Remove the passenger seat. (See
ing the screws. page 3-16.)
4. Install the passenger seat. 2. Attach a helmet to a helmet hold-
er, and then securely install the
TIP passenger seat. WARNING! Nev-
Make sure that the seats are properly er ride with a helmet attached to
secured before riding. the helmet holder, since the hel-
met may hit objects, causing
loss of control and possibly an
accident. [EWA10162]

UB04E0E0.book Page 18 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU62550 EAU62561

Storage compartment Adjusting the shock absorber 2

1 assembly 3
This shock absorber assembly is
equipped with a spring preload adjust-
ing ring. 321
7654 3
(b) (a)
To avoid damaging the mechanism,
do not attempt to turn beyond the
1. Extension bar
maximum or minimum settings. 2. Special wrench
1. Storage compartment 3. Spring preload adjusting ring
Adjust the spring preload as follows.
To increase the spring preload and 4. Position indicator
The storage compartment is located
under the passenger seat. (See page thereby harden the suspension, turn
Spring preload setting:
3-16.) the adjusting ring in direction (a). To
Minimum (soft):
When storing documents or other decrease the spring preload and there- 1
items in the storage compartment, be by soften the suspension, turn the ad- Standard:
sure to wrap them in a plastic bag so justing ring in direction (b). 3
 Align the appropriate notch in the Maximum (hard):
that they will not get wet. When wash-
ing the vehicle, be careful not to let any adjusting ring with the position in-
water enter the storage compartment. dicator on the shock absorber.
EWA15401  Use the special wrench and the
WARNING extension bar included in the own-
Do not exceed the maximum load of er’s tool kit to make the adjust-
160 kg (353 lb) for the vehicle. ment.

UB04E0E0.book Page 19 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

EAU15152 EAU15306
this system regularly and have a
Luggage strap holders Sidestand Yamaha dealer repair it if it does not
The sidestand is located on the left function properly.
side of the frame. Raise the sidestand
or lower it with your foot while holding
the vehicle upright.
1 The built-in sidestand switch is part of
the ignition circuit cut-off system,
which cuts the ignition in certain situa-
tions. (See the following section for an
1. Luggage strap holder explanation of the ignition circuit cut-
There is a luggage strap holder on off system.)
each passenger footrest. EWA10242

The vehicle must not be ridden with
the sidestand down, or if the side-
stand cannot be properly moved up
(or does not stay up), otherwise the
sidestand could contact the ground
and distract the operator, resulting
in a possible loss of control.
Yamaha’s ignition circuit cut-off
system has been designed to assist
the operator in fulfilling the respon-
sibility of raising the sidestand be-
fore starting off. Therefore, check

UB04E0E0.book Page 20 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions


Ignition circuit cut-off system

The ignition circuit cut-off system
(comprising the sidestand switch,
clutch switch and neutral switch) has
the following functions.
 It prevents starting when the 3
transmission is in gear and the
sidestand is up, but the clutch le-
ver is not pulled.
 It prevents starting when the
transmission is in gear and the
clutch lever is pulled, but the side-
stand is still down.
 It cuts the running engine when
the transmission is in gear and the
sidestand is moved down.
Periodically check the operation of the
ignition circuit cut-off system accord-
ing to the following procedure.

UB04E0E0.book Page 21 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Instrument and control functions

With the engine turned off: WARNING

1. Move the sidestand down. If a malfunction is noted, have a Yamaha
2. Make sure that the engine stop switch is set to “ ”. dealer check the system before riding.
3. Turn the key on.
4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position.
3 5. Push the start switch.
Does the engine start?
The neutral switch may not be working correctly.
YES NO The motorcycle should not be ridden until
checked by a Yamaha dealer.
With the engine still running:
6. Move the sidestand up.
7. Keep the clutch lever pulled.
8. Shift the transmission into gear.
9. Move the sidestand down.
Does the engine stall?
The sidestand switch may not be working correctly.
YES NO The motorcycle should not be ridden until
checked by a Yamaha dealer.
After the engine has stalled:
10. Move the sidestand up.
11. Keep the clutch lever pulled.
12. Push the start switch.
Does the engine start?
The clutch switch may not be working correctly.
YES NO The motorcycle should not be ridden until
checked by a Yamaha dealer.
The system is OK. The motorcycle can be ridden.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

For your safety – pre-operation checks


Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sure the vehicle is in safe operating condition. Always follow the inspection
and maintenance procedures and schedules described in the Owner’s Manual.

Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility of an accident or equipment damage.
Do not operate the vehicle if you find any problem. If a problem cannot be corrected by the procedures provided in
this manual, have the vehicle inspected by a Yamaha dealer. 4
Before using this vehicle, check the following points:

• Check fuel level in fuel tank.

• Refuel if necessary.
Fuel • Check fuel line for leakage. 3-13, 3-15
• Check fuel tank breather hose and overflow hose for obstructions, cracks or
damage, and check hose connections.
• Check oil level in engine.
Engine oil • If necessary, add recommended oil to specified level. 6-9
• Check vehicle for oil leakage.
• Check coolant level in reservoir.
Coolant • If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level. 6-12
• Check cooling system for leakage.
• Check operation.
• If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system.
• Check brake pads for wear.
Front brake • Replace if necessary. 6-19, 6-20
• Check fluid level in reservoir.
• If necessary, add specified brake fluid to specified level.
• Check hydraulic system for leakage.

UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

For your safety – pre-operation checks


• Check operation.
• If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system.
• Check brake pads for wear.
Rear brake • Replace if necessary. 6-19, 6-20
• Check fluid level in reservoir.
• If necessary, add specified brake fluid to specified level.
• Check hydraulic system for leakage.
• Check operation.
4 • Lubricate cable if necessary.
Clutch 6-17
• Check lever free play.
• Adjust if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
• Check throttle grip free play.
Throttle grip 6-15, 6-24
• If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust throttle grip free play and lubricate ca-
ble and grip housing.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
Control cables 6-24
• Lubricate if necessary.
• Check chain slack.
• Adjust if necessary.
Drive chain 6-21, 6-23
• Check chain condition.
• Lubricate if necessary.
• Check for damage.
• Check tire condition and tread depth.
Wheels and tires 6-15, 6-17
• Check air pressure.
• Correct if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
Brake and shift pedals 6-24
• Lubricate pedal pivoting points if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
Brake and clutch levers 6-25
• Lubricate lever pivoting points if necessary.
• Make sure that operation is smooth.
Sidestand 6-26
• Lubricate pivot if necessary.

UB04E0E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

For your safety – pre-operation checks


• Make sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are properly tightened.
Chassis fasteners —
• Tighten if necessary.
Instruments, lights, signals • Check operation.

and switches • Correct if necessary.
• Check operation of ignition circuit cut-off system.
Sidestand switch 3-19
• If system is not working correctly, have Yamaha dealer check vehicle.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Operation and important riding points

EAU15952 EAU62513 EAUN0680

Starting the engine

Read the Owner’s Manual carefully to In order for the ignition circuit cut-off
become familiar with all controls. If system to enable starting, one of the
This model is equipped with:
there is a control or function you do not following conditions must be met:
 a lean angle sensor to stop the en-
understand, ask your Yamaha dealer.  The transmission is in the neutral
gine in case of a turnover. In this
WARNING case, the display will indicate error
 The transmission is in gear with
code 30, but this is not a malfunc-
Failure to familiarize yourself with the clutch lever pulled and the
tion. Turn the key to “ ” and then
the controls can lead to loss of con- sidestand up.
to “ ” to clear the error code.
5 trol, which could cause an accident See page 3-20 for more informa-
Failing to do so will prevent the en-
or injury. tion.
gine from starting even though the
1. Turn the key to “ ” and make
engine will crank when pushing
sure that the engine stop switch is
the start switch.
set to “ ”.
 an engine auto-stop system. The
The engine trouble warning light
engine stops automatically if left
should come on for a few sec-
idling for 20 minutes. If the engine
onds, then go off. NOTICE: If the
stops, simply push the start
warning light does not go off,
switch to restart the engine.
have a Yamaha dealer check its
electrical circuit. [ECAT1121]
2. Shift the transmission into the
neutral position. The neutral indi-
cator light should come on. If not,
ask a Yamaha dealer to check the
electrical circuit.
3. Start the engine by pushing the
start switch.

UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Operation and important riding points

If the engine fails to start, release EAU16673 ECA10261

the start switch, wait a few sec- Shifting NOTICE

onds, and then try again. Each  Even with the transmission in
starting attempt should be as the neutral position, do not
short as possible to preserve the coast for long periods of time
battery. Do not crank the engine 6 with the engine off, and do not
more than 10 seconds on any one 4 tow the motorcycle for long dis-
attempt. 3 tances. The transmission is
2 properly lubricated only when
NOTICE 2 N the engine is running. Inade-
For maximum engine life, never ac- 1 1 quate lubrication may damage 5
celerate hard when the engine is 1. Shift pedal the transmission.
cold! 2. Neutral position  Always use the clutch while
Shifting gears lets you control the changing gears to avoid dam-
amount of engine power available for aging the engine, transmission,
starting off, accelerating, climbing hills, and drive train, which are not
etc. designed to withstand the
The gear positions are shown in the il- shock of forced shifting.
To shift the transmission into the neu-
tral position, press the shift pedal down
repeatedly until it reaches the end of its
travel, and then slightly raise it.

UB04E0E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Operation and important riding points

EAU16811 EAU16842
1600 km (1000 mi) and beyond
Tips for reducing fuel con- Engine break-in The vehicle can now be operated nor-
sumption There is never a more important period mally.
Fuel consumption depends largely on in the life of your engine than the period ECA10311

your riding style. Consider the follow- between 0 and 1600 km (1000 mi). For NOTICE
ing tips to reduce fuel consumption: this reason, you should read the fol-  Keep the engine speed out of
 Shift up swiftly, and avoid high en- lowing material carefully. the tachometer red zone.
gine speeds during acceleration. Since the engine is brand new, do not  If any engine trouble should oc-
 Do not rev the engine while shift- put an excessive load on it for the first cur during the engine break-in
ing down, and avoid high engine 1600 km (1000 mi). The various parts in period, immediately have a
5 speeds with no load on the en- the engine wear and polish themselves Yamaha dealer check the vehi-
gine. to the correct operating clearances. cle.
 Turn the engine off instead of let- During this period, prolonged full-throt-
ting it idle for an extended length tle operation or any condition that
of time (e.g., in traffic jams, at traf- might result in engine overheating
fic lights or at railroad crossings). must be avoided.


0–1000 km (0–600 mi)

Avoid prolonged operation above 7000
r/min. NOTICE: After 1000 km (600
mi) of operation, the engine oil must
be changed and the oil filter car-
tridge or element replaced. [ECA10303]

1000–1600 km (600–1000 mi)

Avoid prolonged operation above 8400
UB04E0E0.book Page 4 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Operation and important riding points


When parking, stop the engine, and
then remove the key from the main

 Since the engine and exhaust
system can become very hot,
park in a place where pedestri-
ans or children are not likely to 5
touch them and be burned.
 Do not park on a slope or on soft
ground, otherwise the vehicle
may overturn, increasing the
risk of a fuel leak and fire.
 Do not park near grass or other
flammable materials which
might catch fire.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU17246 EWA15123 EAUB1402

WARNING Owner’s tool kit

Periodic inspection, adjustment, and Turn off the engine when performing
lubrication will keep your vehicle in the maintenance unless otherwise
safest and most efficient condition specified. 1
possible. Safety is an obligation of the  A running engine has moving 2
vehicle owner/operator. The most im- parts that can catch on body
portant points of vehicle inspection, parts or clothing and electrical
adjustment, and lubrication are ex- parts that can cause shocks or
plained on the following pages. fires.
The intervals given in the periodic  Running the engine while ser-
maintenance charts should be simply vicing can lead to eye injury, 1. Owner’s tool kit
considered as a general guide under burns, fire, or carbon monoxide 2. O-ring
6 normal riding conditions. However, de- poisoning – possibly leading to The owner’s tool kit is located on the
pending on the weather, terrain, geo- death. See page 1-3 for more in-
graphical location, and individual use, bottom of the passenger seat (see
formation about carbon monox- page 3-16) and is held in place with an
the maintenance intervals may need to ide.
be shortened. O-ring.
EWA10322 EWA15461 The service information included in this
WARNING WARNING manual and the tools provided in the
Failure to properly maintain the vehi- Brake discs, calipers, drums, and owner’s tool kit are intended to assist
cle or performing maintenance ac- linings can become very hot during you in the performance of preventive
tivities incorrectly may increase use. To avoid possible burns, let maintenance and minor repairs. How-
your risk of injury or death during brake components cool before ever, additional tools such as a torque
service or while using the vehicle. If touching them. wrench may be necessary to perform
you are not familiar with vehicle ser- certain maintenance work correctly.
vice, have a Yamaha dealer perform

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

If you do not have the tools or experi-
ence required for a particular job, have
a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


 The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-based maintenance, or for the UK, a
mileage-based maintenance, is performed instead.
 From 50000 km (30000 mi), repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km (6000 mi).
 Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and tech-
nical skills.


Periodic maintenance chart for the emission control system

6 NO. ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK
(600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi)

• Check fuel hoses for cracks or

1 * Fuel line √ √ √ √ √
• Check condition.
√ √
2 * Spark plugs • Clean and regap.
• Replace. √ √
• Check valve clearance.
3 * Valves Every 40000 km (24000 mi)
• Adjust.
Fuel injection sys-
4 * • Adjust synchronization. √ √ √ √ √
Muffler and ex- • Check the screw clamp(s) for
5 * √ √ √ √ √
haust pipe looseness.
• Check the air cut-off valve, reed
Air induction sys- valve, and hose for damage.
6 * √ √ √ √ √
tem • Replace any damaged parts if

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


General maintenance and lubrication chart

NO. ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK
(600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi)

1 Air filter element • Replace. √ √

2 Air filter check hose • Clean. √ √ √ √ √
• Check operation.
3 Clutch √ √ √ √ √
• Adjust.
• Check operation, fluid level and
√ √ √ √ √ √
4 * Front brake vehicle for fluid leakage.
• Replace brake pads. Whenever worn to the limit
• Check operation, fluid level and 6
√ √ √ √ √ √
5 * Rear brake vehicle for fluid leakage.
• Replace brake pads. Whenever worn to the limit
• Check for cracks or damage.
• Check for correct routing and √ √ √ √ √
6 * Brake hoses clamping.
• Replace. Every 4 years
7 * Brake fluid • Change. Every 2 years
8 * Wheels • Check runout and for damage. √ √ √ √
• Check tread depth and for dam-
9 * Tires • Replace if necessary. √ √ √ √ √
• Check air pressure.
• Correct if necessary.
• Check bearings for looseness or
10 * Wheel bearings √ √ √ √

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

NO. ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK
(600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi)

• Check operation and for exces-

√ √ √ √
sive play.
11 * Swingarm
• Lubricate with lithium-soap-
Every 50000 km (30000 mi)
based grease.
• Check chain slack, alignment and
Every 800 km (500 mi) and after washing the motorcycle, riding in the rain or
12 Drive chain • Adjust and lubricate chain with a
riding in wet areas
special O-ring chain lubricant
• Check bearing play and steering
√ √ √ √ √
6 for roughness.
13 * Steering bearings
• Lubricate with lithium-soap-
Every 20000 km (12000 mi)
based grease.
• Make sure that all nuts, bolts and
14 * Chassis fasteners √ √ √ √ √
screws are properly tightened.
Brake lever pivot
15 • Lubricate with silicone grease. √ √ √ √ √
Brake pedal pivot • Lubricate with lithium-soap-
16 √ √ √ √ √
shaft based grease.
Clutch lever pivot • Lubricate with lithium-soap-
17 √ √ √ √ √
shaft based grease.
Shift pedal pivot • Lubricate with lithium-soap-
18 √ √ √ √ √
shaft based grease.
• Check operation.
19 Sidestand • Lubricate with lithium-soap- √ √ √ √ √
based grease.
20 * Sidestand switch • Check operation. √ √ √ √ √ √

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

NO. ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB 1000 km 10000 km 20000 km 30000 km 40000 km CHECK
(600 mi) (6000 mi) (12000 mi) (18000 mi) (24000 mi)

• Check operation and for oil leak-

21 * Front fork √ √ √ √
Shock absorber as- • Check operation and shock ab-
22 * √ √ √ √
sembly sorber for oil leakage.
• Change. (See pages 3-4 and 6-9.) √ When the oil change indicator flashes
23 Engine oil • Check oil level and vehicle for oil
Every 5000 km (3000 mi) √
Engine oil filter car-
24 • Replace. √ √ √
• Check coolant level and vehicle
√ √ √ √ √
25 * Cooling system for coolant leakage.
• Change coolant. Every 3 years
Front and rear
26 * • Check operation. √ √ √ √ √ √
brake switches
Moving parts and
27 • Lubricate. √ √ √ √ √
• Check operation.
• Check throttle grip free play, and
28 * Throttle grip √ √ √ √ √
adjust if necessary.
• Lubricate cable and grip housing.
Lights, signals and • Check operation.
29 * √ √ √ √ √ √
switches • Adjust headlight beam.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


 Air filter
• This model’s air filter is equipped with a disposable oil-coated paper element, which must not be cleaned with com-
pressed air to avoid damaging it.
• The air filter element needs to be replaced more frequently when riding in unusually wet or dusty areas.
 Hydraulic brake service
• Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.
• Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinders and calipers, and change the brake
• Replace the brake hoses every four years and if cracked or damaged.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


Checking the spark plugs Specified spark plug: TIP

NGK/CR9E If a torque wrench is not available
The spark plugs are important engine
components, which should be when installing a spark plug, a good
Before installing a spark plug, the
checked periodically, preferably by a estimate of the correct torque is 1/4–
spark plug gap should be measured
Yamaha dealer. Since heat and depos- 1/2 turn past finger tight. However, the
with a wire thickness gauge and, if
its will cause any spark plug to slowly spark plug should be tightened to the
necessary, adjusted to specification.
erode, they should be removed and specified torque as soon as possible.
checked in accordance with the peri-
odic maintenance and lubrication
chart. In addition, the condition of the
spark plugs can reveal the condition of
the engine.
The porcelain insulator around the 6
center electrode of each spark plug
should be a medium-to-light tan (the
ideal color when the vehicle is ridden
1. Spark plug gap
normally), and all spark plugs installed
in the engine should have the same
Spark plug gap:
color. If any spark plug shows a dis- 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in)
tinctly different color, the engine could
be operating improperly. Do not at- Clean the surface of the spark plug
tempt to diagnose such problems gasket and its mating surface, and
yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha deal- then wipe off any grime from the spark
er check the vehicle. plug threads.
If a spark plug shows signs of elec-
trode erosion and excessive carbon or Tightening torque:
other deposits, it should be replaced. Spark plug:
13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf)

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

4. Remove the cowling by removing
Engine oil and oil filter car- the bolts.
The engine oil level should be checked
before each ride. In addition, the oil
must be changed and the oil filter car-
tridge replaced at the intervals speci-
fied in the periodic maintenance and 3
lubrication chart. 4 2
1. Engine oil filler cap
To check the engine oil level 2. Engine oil level check window 1 2
1. Place the vehicle on a level sur- 3. Maximum level mark 1. Cowling
face and hold it in an upright posi- 4. Minimum level mark 2. Bolt
tion. A slight tilt to the side can
result in a false reading. 4. If the engine oil is below the mini- 5. Remove the engine oil filler cap,
2. Start the engine, warm it up for mum level mark, add sufficient oil the engine oil drain bolt and its
several minutes, and then turn it of the recommended type to raise gasket to drain the oil from the
off. it to the correct level. crankcase.
3. Wait a few minutes until the oil set-
tles, and then check the oil level To change the engine oil (with or
through the engine oil level check without oil filter cartridge replace-
window located at the bottom- ment)
right side of the crankcase. 1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-
TIP 1 2
2. Start the engine, warm it up for
The engine oil should be between the several minutes, and then turn it
minimum and maximum level marks. off.
3. Place an oil pan under the engine
1. Engine oil drain bolt
to collect the used oil. 2. Gasket
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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Skip steps 6–8 if the oil filter cartridge
is not being replaced.
6. Remove the oil filter cartridge with
an oil filter wrench.

1. O-ring 1. Torque wrench

TIP Tightening torque:

Make sure that the O-ring is properly Oil filter cartridge: 6
17 Nm (1.7 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf)
1 2 seated.
8. Install the new oil filter cartridge 9. Install the engine oil drain bolt and
1. Oil filter wrench
with an oil filter wrench, and then its new gasket, and then tighten
2. Oil filter cartridge
tighten it to the specified torque the bolt to the specified torque.
TIP with a torque wrench. TIP
An oil filter wrench is available at a Install the new gasket as shown.
Yamaha dealer.
7. Apply a thin coat of clean engine
oil to the O-ring of the new oil filter

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Be sure to wipe off spilled oil on any After the engine is started, the engine
parts after the engine and exhaust sys- oil pressure warning light should go off.
tem have cooled down. ECA20860
NOTICE If the oil pressure warning light flick-
 In order to prevent clutch slip- ers or remains on even if the oil level
page (since the engine oil also is correct, immediately turn the en-
1. Engine oil drain bolt lubricates the clutch), do not gine off and have a Yamaha dealer
2. Gasket mix any chemical additives. Do check the vehicle.
not use oils with a diesel speci-
13. Turn the engine off, wait a few
6 Tightening torque: fication of “CD” or oils of a high-
minutes until the oil settles, and
Engine oil drain bolt: er quality than specified. In
20 Nm (2.0 m·kgf, 14 ft·lbf) then check the oil level and cor-
addition, do not use oils labeled
rect it if necessary.
10. Refill with the specified amount of
the recommended engine oil, and
 Make sure that no foreign mate-
then install and tighten the oil filler
rial enters the crankcase.
11. Install the cowling by installing the
Recommended engine oil: bolts.
See page 8-1. 12. Start the engine, and then let it idle
Oil quantity: for several minutes while checking
Oil change:
1.80 L (1.90 US qt, 1.58 Imp.qt) it for oil leakage. If oil is leaking,
With oil filter removal: immediately turn the engine off
2.10 L (2.22 US qt, 1.85 Imp.qt) and check for the cause.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

of coolant, replace it with cool-
Coolant ant as soon as possible, other-
The coolant level should be checked wise the cooling system will not
before each ride. In addition, the cool- be protected against frost and
ant must be changed at the intervals corrosion. If water has been
specified in the periodic maintenance 1
added to the coolant, have a
and lubrication chart. 2 Yamaha dealer check the anti-
freeze content of the coolant as
To check the coolant level 3 soon as possible, otherwise the
1. Place the vehicle on a level sur- 1. Maximum level mark effectiveness of the coolant will
face and hold it in an upright posi- 2. Minimum level mark be reduced. [ECA10473]
tion. 3. Coolant reservoir

TIP 3. If the coolant is at or below the 6

 The coolant level must be minimum level mark, remove the
checked on a cold engine since coolant reservoir cover by remov-
the level varies with engine tem- ing the bolts, remove the coolant
perature. reservoir cap, and then add cool-
 Make sure that the vehicle is posi- ant to the maximum level mark.
tioned straight up when checking WARNING! Remove only the 1
the coolant level. A slight tilt to the coolant reservoir cap. Never at-
1. Bolt
side can result in a false reading. tempt to remove the radiator
2. Coolant reservoir cover
cap when the engine is hot.
2. Check the coolant level in the
[EWA15162] NOTICE: If coolant is not
coolant reservoir.
available, use distilled water or
TIP soft tap water instead. Do not
The coolant should be between the use hard water or salt water
minimum and maximum level marks. since it is harmful to the engine.
If water has been used instead
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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


Replacing the air filter ele-

ment and cleaning the check 1
1 hose
The air filter element should be re-
placed at the intervals specified in the
periodic maintenance and lubrication
chart. Replace the air filter element 2
more frequently if you are riding in un-
1. Coolant reservoir cap usually wet or dusty areas. In addition, 1. Left side panel
the air filter check hose must be fre- 2. Bolt
Coolant reservoir capacity (up to quently checked and cleaned if neces-
the maximum level mark): sary. 3. Remove the left side panel by re-
6 moving the lower projection on the
0.25 L (0.26 US qt, 0.22 Imp.qt)
To replace the air filter element panel from the slot, and then re-
4. Install the reservoir cap, and then 1. Remove the rider seat. (See page moving the upper projection as
install the coolant reservoir cover 3-16.) shown.
by installing the bolts. 2. Remove the left side panel bolts.
Changing the coolant
The coolant must be changed at the in-
tervals specified in the periodic main-
tenance and lubrication chart. Have a
Yamaha dealer change the coolant.
WARNING! Never attempt to remove
the radiator cap when the engine is 1
hot. [EWA10382] 1. Projection

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

4. Lift up the rubber covers, and then 6. Insert a new air filter element into
remove the air filter case cover by the air filter case. NOTICE: Make
removing the screws. sure that the air filter element is
properly seated in the air filter
3 case. The engine should never
be operated without the air filter
element installed, otherwise the 1
2 piston(s) and/or cylinder(s) may
become excessively worn.
2 [ECA10482]
1. Air filter check hose
7. Install the air filter case cover by
1 installing the screws, and then 2. If dirt or water is visible, remove
place the rubber covers in their the hose, clean it, and then install
1. Air filter case cover 6
2. Screw original positions. it.
3. Rubber cover 8. Place the left side panel in the
original position, and then install
5. Pull the air filter element out. the bolts.
9. Install the rider seat.

To clean the air filter check hose

1. Check the hose on the front of the
air filter case for accumulated dirt
or water.

1. Air filter element

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU21386 EAU21402 EAU69760

Checking the throttle grip free Valve clearance Tires

play The valve clearance changes with use, Tires are the only contact between the
Measure the throttle grip free play as resulting in improper air-fuel mixture vehicle and the road. Safety in all con-
shown. and/or engine noise. To prevent this ditions of riding depends on a relatively
from occurring, the valve clearance small area of road contact. Therefore, it
must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer is essential to maintain the tires in good
at the intervals specified in the periodic condition at all times and replace them
maintenance and lubrication chart. at the appropriate time with the speci-
1 fied tires.

Tire air pressure

The tire air pressure should be
6 checked and, if necessary, adjusted
before each ride.
1. Throttle grip free play EWA10504

Throttle grip free play:
3.0–5.0 mm (0.12–0.20 in) Operation of this vehicle with im-
proper tire pressure may cause se-
Periodically check the throttle grip free vere injury or death from loss of
play and, if necessary, have a Yamaha control.
dealer adjust it.  The tire air pressure must be
checked and adjusted on cold
tires (i.e., when the temperature
of the tires equals the ambient
 The tire air pressure must be
adjusted in accordance with the
riding speed and with the total
UB04E0E0.book Page 16 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

weight of rider, passenger, car- Tire inspection EWA10472

go, and accessories approved WARNING

for this model.  Have a Yamaha dealer replace
excessively worn tires. Besides
Tire air pressure (measured on cold being illegal, operating the vehi-
tires): cle with excessively worn tires
1 person: decreases riding stability and
200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm2, 29 psi) can lead to loss of control.
Rear:  The replacement of all wheel
225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm2, 33 psi) and brake-related parts, includ-
2 persons: ing the tires, should be left to a
1. Tire sidewall
Front: Yamaha dealer, who has the
200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm2, 29 psi) 2. Tire wear indicator
Rear: 3. Tire tread depth necessary professional knowl- 6
225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm2, 33 psi) edge and experience to do so.
Maximum load*: The tires must be checked before each  Ride at moderate speeds after
160 kg (353 lb) ride. If the center tread depth reaches changing a tire since the tire
* Total weight of rider, passenger, car- the specified limit, if the tire has a nail surface must first be “broken
go and accessories or glass fragments in it, or if the side- in” for it to develop its optimal
wall is cracked, have a Yamaha dealer characteristics.
WARNING replace the tire immediately.

Never overload your vehicle. Opera- Minimum tire tread depth (front and Tire information
tion of an overloaded vehicle could rear): This model is equipped with tubeless
cause an accident. 1.6 mm (0.06 in) tires and rubber tire air valves.
Tires age, even if they have not been
TIP used or have only been used occasion-
The tire tread depth limits may differ ally. Cracking of the tread and sidewall
from country to country. Always com- rubber, sometimes accompanied by
ply with the local regulations. carcass deformation, is an evidence of

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

ageing. Old and aged tires shall be EAU21963 EAU33892

checked by tire specialists to ascertain Cast wheels Adjusting the clutch lever free
their suitability for further use. To maximize the performance, durabil- play
EWA10462 ity, and safe operation of your vehicle,
WARNING note the following points regarding the
The front and rear tires should be of specified wheels.
the same make and design, other-  The wheel rims should be
wise the handling characteristics of checked for cracks, bends, warp-
age or other damage before each (b)
the vehicle may be different, which 3
could lead to an accident. ride. If any damage is found, have
a Yamaha dealer replace the 2
After extensive tests, only the tires list- wheel. Do not attempt even the (a)
ed below have been approved for this smallest repair to the wheel. A de-
6 1. Clutch lever free play adjusting bolt
model by Yamaha. formed or cracked wheel must be 2. Locknut
replaced. 3. Clutch lever free play
Front tire:  The wheel should be balanced
Size: The clutch lever free play should mea-
110/70-17M/C (54S) whenever either the tire or wheel
Manufacturer/model: has been changed or replaced. An sure 10.0–15.0 mm (0.39–0.59 in) as
IRC/RX-01F unbalanced wheel can result in shown. Periodically check the clutch
Rear tire: poor performance, adverse han- lever free play and, if necessary, adjust
Size: dling characteristics, and a short- it as follows.
140/70-17M/C (66S) To increase the clutch lever free play,
Manufacturer/model: ened tire life.
IRC/RX-01R turn the clutch lever free play adjusting
bolt at the clutch lever in direction (a).
To decrease the clutch lever free play,
turn the adjusting bolt in direction (b).

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

braking performance, which may re-
TIP Checking the brake lever free sult in loss of control and an acci-
If the specified clutch lever free play play dent.
cannot be obtained as described
above, proceed as follows.
1. Fully turn the adjusting bolt at the
clutch lever in direction (a) to loos-
en the clutch cable.
2. Loosen the locknut at the crank-
3. To increase the clutch lever free
play, turn the clutch lever free play
adjusting nut in direction (a). To 1. No brake lever free play 6
decrease the clutch lever free
play, turn the adjusting nut in di- There should be no free play at the
rection (b). brake lever end. If there is free play,
have a Yamaha dealer inspect the
1 2 brake system.
A soft or spongy feeling in the brake
lever can indicate the presence of
(a) air in the hydraulic system. If there is
air in the hydraulic system, have a
Yamaha dealer bleed the system be-
fore operating the vehicle. Air in the
1. Locknut
hydraulic system will diminish the
2. Clutch lever free play adjusting nut

4. Tighten the locknut.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU22274 EAU22393
indicator grooves have almost disap-
Brake light switches Checking the front and rear peared, have a Yamaha dealer replace
brake pads the brake pads as a set.
1 The front and rear brake pads must be
checked for wear at the intervals spec- EAU36721

2 ified in the periodic maintenance and Rear brake pads

lubrication chart.
(a) (b)
Front brake pads

1. Rear brake light switch 1

2. Rear brake light switch adjusting nut
The brake light, which is activated by 1
the brake pedal and brake lever, 1. Brake pad wear indicator groove
should come on just before braking
takes effect. If necessary, adjust the Each rear brake pad is provided with
rear brake light switch as follows, but wear indicator grooves, which allow
the front brake light switch should be you to check the brake pad wear with-
1. Brake pad wear indicator groove
adjusted by a Yamaha dealer. out having to disassemble the brake.
Turn the rear brake light switch adjust- Each front brake pad is provided with To check the brake pad wear, check
ing nut while holding the rear brake wear indicator grooves, which allow the wear indicator grooves. If a brake
light switch in place. To make the you to check the brake pad wear with- pad has worn to the point that the wear
brake light come on earlier, turn the ad- out having to disassemble the brake. indicator grooves have almost disap-
justing nut in direction (a). To make the To check the brake pad wear, check peared, have a Yamaha dealer replace
brake light come on later, turn the ad- the wear indicator grooves. If a brake the brake pads as a set.
justing nut in direction (b). pad has worn to the point that the wear

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Rear brake  Use only the specified brake flu-
Checking the brake fluid level id; otherwise, the rubber seals
Before riding, check that the brake fluid 1 may deteriorate, causing leak-
is above the minimum level mark. age.
Check the brake fluid level with the top  Refill with the same type of
of the reservoir level. Replenish the brake fluid. Adding a brake fluid
brake fluid if necessary. other than DOT 4 may result in a
Front brake harmful chemical reaction.
 Be careful that water does not
enter the brake fluid reservoir
1. Minimum level mark when refilling. Water will signifi-
cantly lower the boiling point of
1 Specified brake fluid: the fluid and may result in vapor 6
DOT 4 lock.
EWA15991 ECA17641

Improper maintenance can result in Brake fluid may damage painted
1. Minimum level mark
loss of braking ability. Observe surfaces or plastic parts. Always
these precautions: clean up spilled fluid immediately.
 Insufficient brake fluid may al-
As the brake pads wear, it is normal for
low air to enter the brake sys-
the brake fluid level to gradually go
tem, reducing braking
down. A low brake fluid level may indi-
cate worn brake pads and/or brake
 Clean the filler cap before re-
system leakage; therefore, be sure to
moving. Use only DOT 4 brake
check the brake pads for wear and the
fluid from a sealed container.
brake system for leakage. If the brake

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

fluid level goes down suddenly, have a EAU22733 EAU22762

Yamaha dealer check the cause before Changing the brake fluid Drive chain slack
further riding. Have a Yamaha dealer change the The drive chain slack should be
brake fluid at the intervals specified in checked before each ride and adjusted
the periodic maintenance and lubrica- if necessary.
tion chart. In addition, have the oil seals
of the master cylinders and calipers as EAU22779
To check the drive chain slack
well as the brake hoses replaced at the
1. Place the motorcycle on the side-
intervals listed below or whenever they
are damaged or leaking.
 Oil seals: Replace every two TIP
years. When checking and adjusting the drive
 Brake hoses: Replace every four chain slack, there should be no weight
6 years. on the motorcycle.
2. Shift the transmission into the
neutral position.
3. Measure the drive chain slack as

Drive chain slack:

35.0–45.0 mm (1.38–1.77 in)

UB04E0E0.book Page 22 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

rection (b), and then push the rear
wheel forward. NOTICE: Improp-
er drive chain slack will over-
1 load the engine as well as other
vital parts of the motorcycle and
can lead to chain slippage or
2 breakage. To prevent this from
1 occurring, keep the drive chain
slack within the specified limits.
1. Drive chain slack 1. Locknut
2. Drive chain puller cap
4. If the drive chain slack is incorrect,
adjust it as follows.
1 6
To adjust the drive chain slack
Consult a Yamaha dealer before ad-
justing the drive chain slack. (b)
1. Remove the drive chain puller cap, 1
and then loosen the axle nut and
the locknut on each side of the 1. Drive chain slack adjusting nut
1. Axle nut TIP
2. To tighten the drive chain, turn the Using the alignment marks on each
drive chain slack adjusting nut on side of the swingarm, make sure that
each side of the swingarm in di- both drive chain pullers are in the same
rection (a). To loosen the drive position for proper wheel alignment.
chain, turn the adjusting nut on
each side of the swingarm in di-
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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

may contain substances that
2 Cleaning and lubricating the could damage the O-rings.
drive chain [ECA11112]
1 The drive chain must be cleaned and
lubricated at the intervals specified in
the periodic maintenance and lubrica-
tion chart, otherwise it will quickly wear
out, especially when riding in dusty or
wet areas. Service the drive chain as
1. Alignment marks ECA10584
2. Drive chain puller
3. Tighten the axle nut, then the lock- The drive chain must be lubricated
6 nuts to their specified torques. after washing the motorcycle, riding
in the rain or riding in wet areas.
Tightening torques:
Axle nut: 1. Clean the drive chain with kero-
57 Nm (5.7 m·kgf, 41 ft·lbf) sene and a small soft brush.
Locknut: NOTICE: To prevent damaging
16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf)
the O-rings, do not clean the
4. Make sure that the drive chain drive chain with steam cleaners,
pullers are in the same position, high-pressure washers or inap-
the drive chain slack is correct, propriate solvents. [ECA11122]
and the drive chain moves 2. Wipe the drive chain dry.
smoothly. 3. Thoroughly lubricate the drive
5. Install the drive chain puller caps. chain with a special O-ring chain
lubricant. NOTICE: Do not use
engine oil or any other lubri-
cants for the drive chain, as they

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU23098 EAU49921 EAU44276

Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the
cables throttle grip and cable brake and shift pedals
The operation of all control cables and The operation of the throttle grip The operation of the brake and shift
the condition of the cables should be should be checked before each ride. In pedals should be checked before each
checked before each ride, and the ca- addition, the cable should be lubricat- ride, and the pedal pivots should be lu-
bles and cable ends should be lubri- ed by a Yamaha dealer at the intervals bricated if necessary.
cated if necessary. If a cable is specified in the periodic maintenance
Brake pedal
damaged or does not move smoothly, chart.
have a Yamaha dealer check or re-
place it. WARNING! Damage to the
outer housing of cables may result
in internal rusting and cause inter-
ference with cable movement. Re-
place damaged cables as soon as
possible to prevent unsafe condi-
tions. [EWA10712]

Recommended lubricant: Shift pedal

Yamaha cable lubricant or other
suitable cable lubricant

UB04E0E0.book Page 25 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Recommended lubricant: Checking and lubricating the Recommended lubricants:
Lithium-soap-based grease Brake lever:
brake and clutch levers Silicone grease
The operation of the brake and clutch Clutch lever:
levers should be checked before each Lithium-soap-based grease
ride, and the lever pivots should be lu-
bricated if necessary.
Brake lever

Clutch lever

UB04E0E0.book Page 26 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU23203 EAUM1653 EAU23273

Checking and lubricating the Lubricating the swingarm piv- Checking the front fork
sidestand ots The condition and operation of the
front fork must be checked as follows
at the intervals specified in the periodic
maintenance and lubrication chart.

To check the condition

Check the inner tubes for scratches,
damage and excessive oil leakage.

To check the operation

1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-
The operation of the sidestand should The swingarm pivots must be lubricat- face and hold it in an upright posi- 6
be checked before each ride, and the ed by a Yamaha dealer at the intervals tion. WARNING! To avoid injury,
sidestand pivot and metal-to-metal specified in the periodic maintenance securely support the vehicle so
contact surfaces should be lubricated and lubrication chart. there is no danger of it falling
if necessary. over. [EWA10752]
EWA10732 Recommended lubricant: 2. While applying the front brake,
WARNING Lithium-soap-based grease
push down hard on the handle-
If the sidestand does not move up bars several times to check if the
and down smoothly, have a Yamaha front fork compresses and re-
dealer check or repair it. Otherwise, bounds smoothly.
the sidestand could contact the
ground and distract the operator, re-
sulting in a possible loss of control.

Recommended lubricant:
Lithium-soap-based grease

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU23285 EAU23292

Checking the steering Checking the wheel bearings

Worn or loose steering bearings may
cause danger. Therefore, the operation
of the steering must be checked as fol-
lows at the intervals specified in the
periodic maintenance and lubrication
1. Raise the front wheel off the
ground. (See page 6-33.)
ECA10591 WARNING! To avoid injury, se-
NOTICE curely support the vehicle so
If any damage is found or the front there is no danger of it falling The front and rear wheel bearings must
6 fork does not operate smoothly, over. [EWA10752] be checked at the intervals specified in
have a Yamaha dealer check or re- 2. Hold the lower ends of the front the periodic maintenance and lubrica-
pair it. fork legs and try to move them for- tion chart. If there is play in the wheel
ward and backward. If any free hub or if the wheel does not turn
play can be felt, have a Yamaha smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer
dealer check or repair the steer- check the wheel bearings.

UB04E0E0.book Page 28 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

burns. Avoid any contact with ECA10621

Battery skin, eyes or clothing and al- NOTICE

ways shield your eyes when Never attempt to remove the battery
2 working near batteries. In case cell seals, as this would permanently
of contact, administer the fol- damage the battery.
lowing FIRST AID.
1 • EXTERNAL: Flush with plenty To charge the battery
of water. Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat-
• INTERNAL: Drink large quan- tery as soon as possible if it seems to
tities of water or milk and im- have discharged. Keep in mind that the
3 mediately call a physician. battery tends to discharge more quick-
1. Battery • EYES: Flush with water for 15 ly if the vehicle is equipped with op-
2. Negative battery lead (black) minutes and seek prompt tional electrical accessories. 6
3. Positive battery lead (red) medical attention. ECA16522

The battery is located under the rider  Batteries produce explosive hy- NOTICE
seat. (See page 3-16.) drogen gas. Therefore, keep To charge a VRLA (Valve Regulated
This model is equipped with a VRLA sparks, flames, cigarettes, etc., Lead Acid) battery, a special (con-
(Valve Regulated Lead Acid) battery. away from the battery and pro- stant-voltage) battery charger is re-
There is no need to check the electro- vide sufficient ventilation when quired. Using a conventional battery
lyte or to add distilled water. However, charging it in an enclosed charger will damage the battery.
the battery lead connections need to space.
be checked and, if necessary, tight-  KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTER- To store the battery
ened. IES OUT OF THE REACH OF 1. If the vehicle will not be used for
EWA10761 CHILDREN. more than one month, remove the
WARNING battery, fully charge it, and then
 Electrolyte is poisonous and place it in a cool, dry place.
dangerous since it contains sul- NOTICE: When removing the
furic acid, which causes severe battery, be sure the key is

UB04E0E0.book Page 29 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

turned to “ ”, then disconnect EAU62773

the negative lead before discon- Replacing the fuses 2

necting the positive lead. [ECA17712] The main fuse is located under the 4
2. If the battery will be stored for passenger seat. The fuse box, which
contains the fuses for the individual cir-
more than two months, check it at
least once a month and fully cuits, is located behind the center pan- 1
charge it if necessary. el. (See page 3-16.)
3. Fully charge the battery before in- To access the main fuse, proceed as
stallation. NOTICE: When install- follows.
ing the battery, be sure the key 1. Remove the passenger seat. (See
1. Starter relay cover
is turned to “ ”, then connect page 3-16.)
2. Starter relay coupler
the positive lead before con- 2. Remove the tray by removing the
3. Main fuse
necting the negative lead. [ECA17722] quick fasteners. 4. Spare main fuse
4. After installation, make sure that
1 4. Disconnect the starter relay cou-
the battery leads are properly con-
pler by pressing from both sides.
nected to the battery terminals. 2
ECA16531 5. Connect the starter relay coupler,
NOTICE and then slide the cover to its orig-
inal position.
Always keep the battery charged.
6. Place the tray in its original posi-
Storing a discharged battery can
tion, and then install the quick fas-
cause permanent battery damage.
1. Quick fastener
7. Install the passenger seat.
2. Tray TIP
3. Pull back the starter relay cover. To access the fuse box, remove the
center cover. (See page 3-16.)

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

1. Turn the key to “ ” and turn off EAU68470

the electrical circuit in question. Replacing the headlight bulb

2. Remove the blown fuse, and then This model is equipped with halogen
install a new fuse of the specified bulb headlight. If a headlight bulb
amperage. WARNING! Do not burns out, have a Yamaha dealer re-
use a fuse of a higher amperage place it and, if necessary, adjust the
1 rating than recommended to headlight beam.
avoid causing extensive dam-
age to the electrical system and
possibly a fire. [EWA15132] Headlight lens:
1. Fuse box
Do not affix any type of tinted film or
Specified fuses: stickers to the headlight lens.
Main fuse: Do not use a headlight bulb of a
1 30.0 A wattage higher than specified. 6
6 Headlight fuse:
2 15.0 A
Signaling system fuse:
3 7.5 A
Ignition fuse:
4 15.0 A
5 Radiator fan motor fuse:
7.5 A
1. Ignition fuse Backup fuse:
2. Signaling system fuse 7.5 A
3. Backup fuse (for clock)
4. Headlight fuse 3. Turn the key to “ ” and turn on
5. Radiator fan motor fuse the electrical circuit in question to
6. Spare fuse check if the device operates.
4. If the fuse immediately blows
If a fuse is blown, replace it as follows.
again, have a Yamaha dealer
check the electrical system.
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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

EAU44941 EAU24182 EAU62590

Auxiliary light Tail/brake light Replacing a turn signal light

This model is equipped with an LED- bulb
type tail/brake light. 1. Remove the turn signal light lens
If the tail/brake light does not come on, by removing the screw.
have a Yamaha dealer check it.

1 1

1. Auxiliary light

6 This model is equipped with an LED- 2

type auxiliary light.
1. Turn signal light lens
If the auxiliary light does not come on,
2. Screw
have a Yamaha dealer check it.
2. Remove the turn signal light bulb
socket (together with the bulb) by
turning it counterclockwise.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


Replacing the license plate

light bulb 1
1. Remove the mudguard by remov-
ing the quick fasteners. 1 2
1 3
2 2
1. Turn signal light bulb socket 1. Bolt
2. Screw
3. Remove the burnt-out bulb by 3. Rear fender lower panel
pulling it out.
3. Remove the license plate light 6
4. Insert a new bulb into the socket.
5. Install the socket (together with bulb socket (together with the
1. Mudguard
the bulb) by turning it clockwise. 2. Quick fastener
bulb) by pulling it out.
6. Install the turn signal light lens by 4. Remove the burnt-out bulb by
installing the screw. NOTICE: Do 2. Remove the rear fender lower pulling it out.
not overtighten the screw, oth- panel by removing the bolts and
erwise the lens may break. screws.


1. License plate light bulb

2. License plate light bulb socket
UB04E0E0.book Page 33 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

5. Insert a new bulb into the socket. EAU24351
a jack either under each side of the
6. Install the socket (together with Supporting the motorcycle frame in front of the rear wheel or under
the bulb) by pushing it in. Since this model is not equipped with a each side of the swingarm.
7. Install the rear fender lower panel centerstand, follow these precautions
by installing the bolts and screws. when removing the front and rear
8. Install the mudguard by installing wheel or performing other mainte-
the quick fasteners. nance requiring the motorcycle to
stand upright. Check that the motorcy-
cle is in a stable and level position be-
fore starting any maintenance. A
strong wooden box can be placed un-
der the engine for added stability.

6 To service the front wheel

1. Stabilize the rear of the motorcy-
cle by using a motorcycle stand
or, if an additional motorcycle
stand is not available, by placing a
jack under the frame in front of the
rear wheel.
2. Raise the front wheel off the
ground by using a motorcycle

To service the rear wheel

Raise the rear wheel off the ground by
using a motorcycle stand or, if a motor-
cycle stand is not available, by placing

UB04E0E0.book Page 34 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

2. Insert the wheel axle from the right
Front wheel side and then install the axle nut.
1 3. Install the brake caliper (together
with the reflectors on each side)
by installing the bolts.
To remove the front wheel TIP
Make sure that there is enough space
between the brake pads before install-
To avoid injury, securely support the ing the brake caliper onto the brake
vehicle so there is no danger of it 1. Brake caliper bolt disc.
falling over.
2. Lift the front wheel off the ground 4. Lower the front wheel so that it is
1. Loosen the axle nut and the brake according to the procedure in the on the ground, and then put the
caliper bolts. 6
previous section “Supporting the sidestand down.
motorcycle”. 5. Tighten the wheel axle and the
3. Remove the brake caliper (togeth- brake caliper bolts to the specified
er with the reflector on each side) torques.
by removing the bolts. NOTICE:
Do not apply the brake after the Tightening torques:
brake caliper has been re- Wheel axle:
moved, otherwise the brake 60 Nm (6.0 m·kgf, 44 ft·lbf)
1 Brake caliper bolt:
pads will be forced shut. [ECA22240] 35 Nm (3.5 m·kgf, 25 ft·lbf)
4. Remove the axle nut.
1. Axle nut 5. Pull the wheel axle out, and then 6. Push down hard on the handlebar
remove the wheel. several times to check for proper
fork operation.
To install the front wheel
1. Lift the wheel up between the fork
UB04E0E0.book Page 35 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

2. Loosen the axle nut.
Rear wheel TIP
The drive chain does not need to be
EAU62612 disassembled in order to remove and
install the rear wheel.
To remove the rear wheel 6. While supporting the brake caliper
EWA10822 and slightly lifting the wheel, pull
WARNING 1 the wheel axle out.
To avoid injury, securely support the
vehicle so there is no danger of it
falling over. 1. Axle nut

1. Remove the drive chain puller cap, 3. Lift the rear wheel off the ground
6 and then loosen the locknut and according to the procedure on
drive chain slack adjusting nut on page 6-33. 2
each side of the swingarm. 4. Remove the axle nut. 1
5. Push the wheel forward, and then
1 remove the drive chain from the
2 1. Wheel axle
rear sprocket.
3 2. Washer

4 A rubber mallet may be useful to tap
the wheel axle out.
7. Remove the wheel. NOTICE: Do
1. Wheel axle not apply the brake after the
2. Drive chain slack adjusting nut wheel and brake disc have been
3. Locknut removed, otherwise the brake
4. Drive chain puller cap pads will be forced shut. [ECA11073]
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Periodic maintenance and adjustment

To install the rear wheel 4. Lower the rear wheel so that it is EAU25872

1. Install the wheel and the brake cal- on the ground, and then put the Troubleshooting
iper bracket by inserting the wheel sidestand down. Although Yamaha motorcycles receive
axle from the left-hand side. 5. Adjust the drive chain slack. (See a thorough inspection before shipment
page 6-21.) from the factory, trouble may occur
TIP during operation. Any problem in the
6. Tighten the axle nut, and then
 Make sure that the slot in the fuel, compression, or ignition systems,
tighten the locknuts to the speci-
brake caliper bracket is fit over the for example, can cause poor starting
fied torques.
retainer on the swingarm. and loss of power.
 Make sure that there is enough Tightening torques: The following troubleshooting charts
space between the brake pads Axle nut: represent quick and easy procedures
before installing the wheel. 57 Nm (5.7 m·kgf, 41 ft·lbf) for checking these vital systems your-
Locknut: self. However, should your motorcycle
16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf) 6
require any repair, take it to a Yamaha
7. Install the drive chain puller caps. dealer, whose skilled technicians have
the necessary tools, experience, and
1 know-how to service the motorcycle
Use only genuine Yamaha replace-
ment parts. Imitation parts may look
2 like Yamaha parts, but they are often
inferior, have a shorter service life and
1. Retainer
can lead to expensive repair bills.
2. Slot EWA15142

2. Install the drive chain onto the rear WARNING

sprocket. When checking the fuel system, do
3. Install the axle nut. not smoke, and make sure there are
no open flames or sparks in the ar-
ea, including pilot lights from water
UB04E0E0.book Page 37 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

heaters or furnaces. Gasoline or
gasoline vapors can ignite or ex-
plode, causing severe injury or prop-
erty damage.

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Periodic maintenance and adjustment


Troubleshooting charts

Starting problems or poor engine performance

1. Fuel
There is enough fuel. Check the battery.
Check the fuel level in
the fuel tank.
The engine does not start.
There is no fuel. Supply fuel.
Check the battery.

2. Battery The engine turns over

The battery is good.
The engine does not start.
Operate the electric starter.
Check the battery lead connections, Check the ignition. 6
The engine turns over
and have a Yamaha dealer charge
the battery if necessary.

3. Ignition Wipe off with a dry cloth and correct the

Wet Operate the electric starter.
spark plug gaps, or replace the spark plugs.
Remove the spark plugs
and check the electrodes.
The engine does not start.
Dry Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.
Check the compression.

4. Compression The engine does not start.

There is compression.
Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.
Operate the electric starter.

There is no compression. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

UB04E0E0.book Page 39 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Engine overheating

 Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be
blown out under pressure, which could cause serious injury. Be sure to wait until the engine has cooled.
 Place a thick rag, like a towel, over the radiator cap, and then slowly rotate the cap counterclockwise to the
detent to allow any residual pressure to escape. When the hissing sound has stopped, press down on the cap
while turning it counterclockwise, and then remove the cap.

There is Have a Yamaha dealer check

The coolant level is low. leakage. and repair the cooling system.
6 Check the cooling system
for leakage.
There is
Add coolant. (See TIP.)
Wait until the Check the coolant level in the no leakage.
engine has cooled. reservoir and radiator.

The coolant level Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a
is OK. Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system.

If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended cool-
ant as soon as possible.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Motorcycle care and storage

EAU37834 EAU54661
ucts onto seals, gaskets, sprock-
Matte color caution Care ets, the drive chain and wheel
While the open design of a motorcycle axles. Always rinse the dirt and
NOTICE reveals the attractiveness of the tech- degreaser off with water.
Some models are equipped with nology, it also makes it more vulnera-
matte colored finished parts. Be ble. Rust and corrosion can develop Cleaning
sure to consult a Yamaha dealer for even if high-quality components are ECA10773

advice on what products to use be- used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go un- NOTICE
fore cleaning the vehicle. Using a noticed on a car, however, it detracts  Avoid using strong acidic wheel
brush, harsh chemical products or from the overall appearance of a mo- cleaners, especially on spoked
cleaning compounds when cleaning torcycle. Frequent and proper care wheels. If such products are
these parts will scratch or damage does not only comply with the terms of used on hard-to-remove dirt, do
their surface. Wax also should not the warranty, but it will also keep your not leave the cleaner on the af-
be applied to any matte colored fin- motorcycle looking good, extend its fected area any longer than in-
ished parts. life and optimize its performance. structed. Also, thoroughly rinse
the area off with water, immedi- 7
Before cleaning ately dry it, and then apply a cor-
1. Cover the muffler outlet with a rosion protection spray.
plastic bag after the engine has  Improper cleaning can damage
cooled down. plastic parts (such as cowlings,
2. Make sure that all caps and cov- panels, windshields, headlight
ers as well as all electrical cou- lenses, meter lenses, etc.) and
plers and connectors, including the mufflers. Use only a soft,
the spark plug caps, are tightly in- clean cloth or sponge with wa-
stalled. ter to clean plastic. However, if
3. Remove extremely stubborn dirt, the plastic parts cannot be thor-
like oil burnt onto the crankcase, oughly cleaned with water, di-
with a degreasing agent and a luted mild detergent with water
brush, but never apply such prod- may be used. Be sure to rinse
UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Motorcycle care and storage

off any detergent residue using shield. Test the product on a
plenty of water, as it is harmful small hidden part of the wind-
Salt sprayed on roads in the winter
to plastic parts. shield to make sure that it does
may remain well into spring.
 Do not use any harsh chemical not leave any marks. If the wind-
products on plastic parts. Be shield is scratched, use a quality 1. Clean the motorcycle with cold
sure to avoid using cloths or plastic polishing compound af- water and a mild detergent, after
sponges which have been in ter washing. the engine has cooled down.
contact with strong or abrasive NOTICE: Do not use warm wa-
cleaning products, solvent or After normal use ter since it increases the corro-
thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- Remove dirt with warm water, a mild sive action of the salt. [ECA10792]
movers or inhibitors, brake fluid, detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, 2. Apply a corrosion protection spray
antifreeze or electrolyte. and then rinse thoroughly with clean on all metal, including chrome-
 Do not use high-pressure wash- water. Use a toothbrush or bottlebrush and nickel-plated, surfaces to pre-
ers or steam-jet cleaners since for hard-to-reach areas. Stubborn dirt vent corrosion.
they cause water seepage and and insects will come off more easily if
7 deterioration in the following ar- the area is covered with a wet cloth for Cleaning the windshield
eas: seals (of wheel and swing- a few minutes before cleaning. Avoid using any alkaline or strong acid
arm bearings, fork and brakes), cleaner, gasoline, brake fluid, or any
electric components (couplers, After riding in the rain, near the sea or other solvent. Clean the windshield
connectors, instruments, on salt-sprayed roads with a cloth or sponge dampened with
switches and lights), breather Since sea salt or salt sprayed on roads a mild detergent, and then wash it off
hoses and vents. during winter are extremely corrosive thoroughly with water. For additional
 For motorcycles equipped with in combination with water, carry out cleaning, use Yamaha Windshield
a windshield: Do not use strong the following steps after each ride in Cleaner or another high-quality wind-
cleaners or hard sponges as the rain, near the sea or on salt- shield cleaner. Some cleaning com-
they will cause dulling or sprayed roads. pounds for plastics may leave
scratching. Some cleaning scratches on the windshield. Before
compounds for plastic may using such cleaners, test an area of the
leave scratches on the wind-
UB04E0E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Motorcycle care and storage

windshield which does not affect your EWA11132

visibility and which cannot be easily
 Consult a Yamaha dealer for ad-
recognized. Contaminants on the brakes or tires
vice on what products to use.
can cause loss of control.
 Washing, rainy weather or humid
After cleaning  Make sure that there is no oil or
climates can cause the headlight
1. Dry the motorcycle with a chamois wax on the brakes or tires.
lens to fog. Turning the headlight
or an absorbing cloth.  If necessary, clean the brake
on for a short period of time will
2. Immediately dry the drive chain discs and brake linings with a
help remove the moisture from the
and lubricate it to prevent it from regular brake disc cleaner or
rusting. acetone, and wash the tires with
3. Use a chrome polish to shine warm water and a mild deter-
chrome, aluminum and stainless- gent. Before riding at higher
steel parts, including the exhaust speeds, test the motorcycle’s
system. (Even the thermally in- braking performance and cor-
duced discoloring of stainless- nering behavior.
steel exhaust systems can be re- 7
moved through polishing.) NOTICE
4. To prevent corrosion, it is recom-
 Apply spray oil and wax spar-
mended to apply a corrosion pro-
ingly and make sure to wipe off
tection spray on all metal,
any excess.
including chrome- and nickel-plat-
 Never apply oil or wax to any
ed, surfaces.
rubber and plastic parts, but
5. Use spray oil as a universal clean-
treat them with a suitable care
er to remove any remaining dirt.
6. Touch up minor paint damage
 Avoid using abrasive polishing
caused by stones, etc.
compounds as they will wear
7. Wax all painted surfaces.
away the paint.
8. Let the motorcycle dry completely
before storing or covering it.
UB04E0E0.book Page 4 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Motorcycle care and storage

2. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuel e. Remove the spark plug caps
Storage stabilizer (if available) to prevent from the spark plugs, and then
the fuel tank from rusting and the install the spark plugs and the
Short-term fuel from deteriorating. spark plug caps.
Always store your motorcycle in a cool, 3. Perform the following steps to 4. Lubricate all control cables and
dry place and, if necessary, protect it protect the cylinders, piston rings, the pivoting points of all levers and
against dust with a porous cover. Be etc. from corrosion. pedals as well as of the side-
sure the engine and the exhaust sys- a. Remove the spark plug caps stand/centerstand.
tem are cool before covering the mo- and spark plugs. 5. Check and, if necessary, correct
torcycle. b. Pour a teaspoonful of engine the tire air pressure, and then lift
oil into each spark plug bore. the motorcycle so that both of its
c. Install the spark plug caps onto wheels are off the ground. Alterna-
 Storing the motorcycle in a the spark plugs, and then tively, turn the wheels a little every
poorly ventilated room or cover- place the spark plugs on the month in order to prevent the tires
ing it with a tarp, while it is still cylinder head so that the elec- from becoming degraded in one
7 wet, will allow water and humid- trodes are grounded. (This will spot.
ity to seep in and cause rust. limit sparking during the next 6. Cover the muffler outlet with a
 To prevent corrosion, avoid step.) plastic bag to prevent moisture
damp cellars, stables (because d. Turn the engine over several from entering it.
of the presence of ammonia) times with the starter. (This will 7. Remove the battery and fully
and areas where strong chemi- coat the cylinder walls with oil.) charge it. Store it in a cool, dry
cals are stored. WARNING! To prevent dam- place and charge it once a month.
age or injury from sparking, Do not store the battery in an ex-
Long-term make sure to ground the cessively cold or warm place [less
Before storing your motorcycle for sev- spark plug electrodes while than 0 °C (30 °F) or more than 30
eral months: turning the engine over. °C (90 °F)]. For more information
1. Follow all the instructions in the [EWA10952] on storing the battery, see page
“Care” section of this chapter. 6-28.

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Motorcycle care and storage

Make any necessary repairs before
storing the motorcycle.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Dimensions: Compression ratio: Fuel reserve amount:
Overall length: 11.6 : 1 3.0 L (0.79 US gal, 0.66 Imp.gal)
2090 mm (82.3 in) Starting system: Fuel injection:
Overall width: Electric starter Throttle body:
745 mm (29.3 in) Lubrication system: ID mark:
Overall height: Wet sump 1WD1 00
1035 mm (40.7 in) Engine oil: Spark plug(s):
Seat height: Recommended brand: Manufacturer/model:
780 mm (30.7 in) YAMALUBE NGK/CR9E
Wheelbase: SAE viscosity grades: Spark plug gap:
1380 mm (54.3 in) 10W-40 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in)
Ground clearance: Recommended engine oil grade: Clutch:
160 mm (6.30 in) API service SG type or higher, JASO Clutch type:
Minimum turning radius: standard MA Wet, multiple-disc
2.7 m (8.86 ft) Engine oil quantity: Drivetrain:
Weight: Oil change: Primary reduction ratio:
Curb weight: 1.80 L (1.90 US qt, 1.58 Imp.qt) 3.043 (70/23)
165 kg (364 lb) With oil filter removal: Final drive:
Engine: 2.10 L (2.22 US qt, 1.85 Imp.qt) Chain
Combustion cycle: Coolant quantity: Secondary reduction ratio:
4-stroke Coolant reservoir (up to the maximum level 3.071 (43/14)
Cooling system: mark): Transmission type:
Liquid cooled 0.25 L (0.26 US qt, 0.22 Imp.qt) Constant mesh 6-speed
Valve train: Radiator (including all routes): Gear ratio:
DOHC 0.96 L (1.01 US qt, 0.84 Imp.qt) 1st:
Cylinder arrangement: Air filter: 2.667 (40/15)
Inline Air filter element: 2nd:
Number of cylinders: Oil-coated paper element 1.882 (32/17)
2-cylinder Fuel: 3rd:
Displacement: Recommended fuel: 1.455 (32/22)
250 cm3 Regular unleaded gasoline (Gasohol [E10] 4th:
Bore × stroke: acceptable) 1.200 (30/25)
60.0 × 44.1 mm (2.36 × 1.74 in) Fuel tank capacity: 5th:
14 L (3.7 US gal, 3.1 Imp.gal) 1.037 (28/27)

UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

6th: Rear: Wheel travel:
0.920 (23/25) 225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm2, 33 psi) 130 mm (5.1 in)
Chassis: 2 persons: Rear suspension:
Frame type: Front: Type:
Diamond 200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm2, 29 psi) Swingarm
Caster angle: Rear: Spring:
25.0 ° 225 kPa (2.25 kgf/cm2, 33 psi) Coil spring
Trail: Front wheel: Shock absorber:
95 mm (3.7 in) Wheel type: Hydraulic damper
Front tire: Cast wheel Wheel travel:
Type: Rim size: 125 mm (4.9 in)
Tubeless 17M/C x MT2.75 Electrical system:
Size: Rear wheel: System voltage:
110/70-17M/C (54S) Wheel type: 12 V
Manufacturer/model: Cast wheel Ignition system:
IRC/RX-01F Rim size: TCI
Rear tire: 17M/C x MT4.00 Charging system:
Type: Front brake: AC magneto
Tubeless Type: Battery:
Size: Hydraulic single disc brake Model:
140/70-17M/C (66S) Specified brake fluid: GTZ8V 8
Manufacturer/model: DOT 4 Voltage, capacity:
IRC/RX-01R Rear brake: 12 V, 7.0 Ah (10 HR)
Loading: Type: Headlight:
Maximum load: Hydraulic single disc brake Bulb type:
160 kg (353 lb) Specified brake fluid: Halogen bulb
(Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo DOT 4 Bulb wattage × quantity:
and accessories) Front suspension: Headlight:
Tire air pressure (measured on cold Type: H4, 60.0 W/55.0 W x 1
tires): Telescopic fork Brake/tail light:
1 person: Spring: LED
Front: Coil spring Front turn signal light:
200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm2, 29 psi) Shock absorber: 10.0 W × 2
Hydraulic damper

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Rear turn signal light:
10.0 W × 2
Auxiliary light:
License plate light:
5.0 W × 1
Meter lighting:
Neutral indicator light:
High beam indicator light:
Oil pressure warning light:
Turn signal indicator light:
Engine trouble warning light:
Shift timing indicator light:
8 Main fuse:
30.0 A
Headlight fuse:
15.0 A
Signaling system fuse:
7.5 A
Ignition fuse:
15.0 A
Radiator fan motor fuse:
7.5 A
Backup fuse:
7.5 A

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Consumer information
EAU53562 EAU62971 EAU26442

Identification numbers Vehicle identification number Engine serial number

Record the vehicle identification num-
ber, engine serial number, and the
model label information in the spaces
provided below. These identification 1
numbers are needed when registering
the vehicle with the authorities in your
area and when ordering spare parts
from a Yamaha dealer.
VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1. Vehicle identification number 1. Engine serial number

The vehicle identification number is The engine serial number is stamped

stamped into the frame under the pas- into the crankcase.
senger seat. (See page 3-16.)
TIP Model label
The vehicle identification number is
used to identify your vehicle and may
be used to register it with the licensing
authority in your area. 9


1. Model label

UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Consumer information
The model label is affixed to the frame
under the passenger seat. (See page
3-16.) Record the information on this
label in the space provided. This infor-
mation will be needed when ordering
spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.

UB04E0E0.book Page 1 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Air filter element and check hose, Front and rear brake pads, checking ... 6-19 Oil pressure warning light ....................... 3-2
replacing and cleaning ....................... 6-13 Front fork, checking ............................. 6-26 P
Auxiliary light ........................................ 6-31 Fuel ...................................................... 3-13 Parking.................................................... 5-4
B Fuel consumption, tips for reducing ...... 5-3 Part locations.......................................... 2-1
Battery .................................................. 6-28 Fuel tank breather hose and Pass switch........................................... 3-11
Brake and clutch levers, overflow hose..................................... 3-15 S
checking and lubricating .................... 6-25 Fuel tank cap........................................ 3-13 Safety information................................... 1-1
Brake and shift pedals, Fuses, replacing................................... 6-29 Seats..................................................... 3-16
checking and lubricating .................... 6-24 H Shifting.................................................... 5-2
Brake fluid, changing............................ 6-21 Handlebar switches ............................. 3-10 Shift pedal............................................. 3-12
Brake fluid level, checking.................... 6-20 Headlight bulb, replacing ..................... 6-30 Shift timing indicator light....................... 3-3
Brake lever............................................ 3-12 Helmet holders..................................... 3-17 Shock absorber assembly, adjusting ... 3-18
Brake lever free play, checking ............ 6-18 High beam indicator light ....................... 3-2 Sidestand.............................................. 3-19
Brake light switches ............................. 6-19 Horn switch .......................................... 3-11 Sidestand, checking and lubricating .... 6-26
Brake pedal .......................................... 3-12 I Spark plugs, checking ............................ 6-8
C Identification numbers ........................... 9-1 Specifications ......................................... 8-1
Cables, checking and lubricating ......... 6-24 Ignition circuit cut-off system .............. 3-20 Starting the engine ................................. 5-1
Care ........................................................ 7-1 Indicator lights and warning lights ......... 3-2 Start switch........................................... 3-11
Catalytic converter ............................... 3-15 L Steering, checking ................................ 6-27
Clutch lever........................................... 3-11 License plate light bulb, replacing ....... 6-32 Storage ................................................... 7-4
Clutch lever free play, adjusting ........... 6-17 Luggage strap holders ......................... 3-19 Storage compartment........................... 3-18
Coolant ................................................. 6-12 M Supporting the motorcycle ................... 6-33
D Main switch/steering lock ...................... 3-1 Swingarm pivots, lubricating ................ 6-26
Dimmer switch...................................... 3-11 Maintenance and lubrication, T
Drive chain, cleaning and lubricating ... 6-23 periodic ................................................ 6-4 Tail/brake light ...................................... 6-31
Drive chain slack .................................. 6-21 Maintenance, emission control Throttle grip and cable, 10
E system ................................................. 6-3 checking and lubricating .................... 6-24
Engine break-in ...................................... 5-3 Matte color, caution ............................... 7-1 Throttle grip free play, checking ........... 6-15
Engine oil and oil filter cartridge ............. 6-9 Model label............................................. 9-1 Tires ...................................................... 6-15
Engine serial number.............................. 9-1 Multi-function meter unit........................ 3-4 Tool kit .................................................... 6-1
Engine stop switch ............................... 3-11 N Troubleshooting.................................... 6-36
Engine trouble warning light................... 3-3 Neutral indicator light............................. 3-2 Troubleshooting charts......................... 6-38
Turn signal indicator light ....................... 3-2

UB04E0E0.book Page 2 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM

Turn signal light bulb, replacing............6-31
Turn signal switch .................................3-11
Valve clearance.....................................6-15
Vehicle identification number .................9-1
Wheel bearings, checking.....................6-27
Wheel (front)..........................................6-34
Wheel (rear)...........................................6-35
Wheels ..................................................6-17


UB04E0E0.book Page 3 Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:51 PM
Original instructions



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