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PART ONE. ber 11, 1911. This bill as far as the amateur was concerned was
N December 13, 1912, the new wireless law went into not quite acceptable to the writer, who had the amateurs' rights at
effect. The average wireless "fiend," who has not fol- heart, and steps were immediately taken to bring about an amend-
lowed the topic from the start will be interested in the ment as the writer, perhaps, more than anyone else, realized that
following facts: this bill, in some form or other would become a law sooner or
The very first talk about Wireless Legislation in the country later. This is clearly stated in his Editorial in the February.
started in 1908. The writer in his Editorial in the November, 1912, issue of Modern Electrics. In that Editorial is to be found
1908 issue of Modern Electrics pointed out that a wireless law also the first and now historical recommendation that if a wire-
was sure to be passed in a very short while. In order to guard less law was to be framed it should restrict the amateur from
against unfair legislation as far as using a higher power than 1 kw. and
the wireless amateur was concerned his wave length should be kept be-
the writer, in January, 1909, organ- low 200 metres. No one else had
ized the "Wireless Association of thought of this before, and it is to
America." This was done to bring Presenting our friends with the first number be noted that when Congress finally
all wireless amateurs together and BY of the "Electrical Experimenter," we believe passed the present wireless law, it
protest against unfair that we are covering a field in electrical
to laws. literature which heretofore has been exploited but accepted the writer's recommenda-
Previous to this time there was no little. tion in full, thus paying him the
wireless club or association in the Our sole aim mill be to benefit only one class of greatest compliment, while at the
readers, namely, the electrical experimenters. This
country. In January, 1913. there journal will not publish general electrical articles, be- same time acknowledging the fact
were over 230 clubs in existence, lieving that there are several excellent publications that he acted as the then sole
all of which owe their origin to the in the field already which publish such matter suc- spokesman for and in behalf of the
"Wireless Association of America." iii cessfully.
We invite our readers to contribute articles to this wireless amateur.
The association had no sooner journal and we will pay well for all accepted matter. In March, 1912, the writer, in a
become a national body than the New experiments, new designs of electrical apparatus, letter to the New York Times (See
first wireless bill made its appear- s new electrical tricks, etc., will be welcomed; good page 24, April, 1912, issue Modern
photographs are especially desirable.
ance. It was the famous Roberts We are conceited enough to think that this is the Electrics) pointed out the shortcom-
Bill, put up by the since defunct kind of a publication that appeals to you. We fur- ings of the Alexander Bill, and
wireless "trust." The writer single thermore have a strong "hunch" that you will find protested against unfair legislation.
five cents worth of new, interesting reading matter
handedly, fought this bill, tooth and within its pages. For that reason we decided not to The Times, as well as a host of
nail. He had representatives in place any subscriptions on the free list, not exclud- other newspapers, took up the cry
Washington, and was the direct ing our best and oldest friends. and published broadcast the short-
We confidently believe that when we ask you to
cause of having some 8,000 wire- send us 50 cents for a one year's subscription, we comings of the Alexander Bill.
less amateurs send protesting let- are asking but little of you. As a matter of fact, it All this agitation had the desired
is a very small VIM considering that the "Electrical effect and Mr. Alexander for the
ters and telegrams to their congress- Experimenter" will "keep you going" for a whole
men in Washington. The writer's year; that it only caters to YOU, and that last but first time realized that the amateur
Editorial which inspired the thou- not least, it will always contain 96 per cent. of test could not be muzzled, especially
matter. This publication, as you may knots, accepts
sands of amateurs, appeared in the no advertisements. when there was such a periodical as
January, 1910, issue of Modern If you like the "Electrical Experimenter"-and we Modern Electrics to champion his
Electrics. It was the only Edi- have fond hopes that you do-tell your friends about cause. Promptly in April the Alex-
torial during this time that fought it, and let them ask for a free sample copy. ander Wireless Bill, amended, ap-
"Boost the 'Electrical Experimenter' and you boost
the Roberts Bill. No other electri- yourself." peared and here for the first time
cal periodical seemed to care a in history the amateur and his rights
whoop whether the amateur should Alp":773,777,l I. are introduced in any wireless bill.
be muzzled or not. If the Roberts Mr. Alexander and his advisers
Bill had become a law there would accepted the writer's recommenda-
be no wireless amateurs today. tion as set forth in his Editorial in the February, 1912, issue of
That editorial quickly found its'way into the press and hun- Modern Electrics. (See Paragraph 15, 2nd Part of this
dreds of newspapers endorsed the writer's stand. During Jan- Treatise.)
uary, 1910. the New York American, the New York Independent, It will be noted that it copied the writer's recommendation
the New York World, the New York Times, the Boston Tran- word for word.
script, etc., all lauded and commended the writer's views. (See The amateur had at last come into his own. This is all the
Editorial article February, 1910, Modern Electrics.) Public sen- more remarkable as this is the only country that recognizes the
timent quickly turned against the Roberts Bill and it was wireless amateurs,
dropped. On May 7, 1912, the Alexander Bill, amended. now known
The first wireless bill not antagonistic to the amateur, The as S-6412, passed the United States Senate and on May 8th was
Burke Bill, appeared on March 8. 1910. It had some defects, sent to the House of Representatives and referred to the Com-
however, and was dropped also. mittee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries.
The Depew Wireless Bill appeared May 6. 1910. but did not The bill was signed on August 13th by President Taft, thus
meet with general approval; as the writer pointed out in his making it a law.
Editorial in the June, 1910, issue of Modern Electrics, it had This terminated the fight which the writer had waged sin-
several undesirable features, and the bill was never seriously gle-handedly for almost five years in behalf of the American
considered. although it actually passed the Senate. (See Edi- amateur.
torial. August. 1910. Modern Electrics.) Now that it is all over, and that Uncle Sam has set his
At last the Alexander Bill made its appearance on Decem- seal of approval upon the amateur's wireless, the writer cannot
"The Electrical Experimenter" is published on the 15th of each month at 233 Fulton Street, New York. There are 12 numbers per year. The
subscription price is 50 cents a year in U. S. and possessions, as well as Canada. Foreign countries 75 cents a year. U. S. coin as well as U. S.
Stamps accepted (no foreign coin or stamps). Single copies 5 cents each. A sample copy will be sent gratis on request. Checks and money orders
should be drawn to order of the Electro Importing Co.
If you change your address, notify us promptly, in order that copies are not mis-carried or lost.
All communications and contributions to this journal most he addressed to: Editor, "The Electrical Experimenter," 233 Fulton Street. New York.
We cannot return unaccented contributions unless full return postage has been included. ALL accepted contributions are paid for on publication. A
special rate is paid for novel experiments; good photographs accompanying them are highly desirable.
Title registered U. S. Patent Office. Copyright 1013 by E. I. Co., New York. This journal accepts tie advertisements,
but extend his heartiest congratulations to the 400,000 American and how great are the intervening objects between the whistle
amateurs; and he furthermore wishes to extend his thanks to all and your ear. Some days you may hear the whistle two miles
the amateurs who have supported him in his fight to bring about off with the wind blowing your way. Or if you are way down
a new wireless era in America. in the cellar you may only hear it faintly, although you are
Long live the Wireless! Long live the Amateur!! but two blocks away from it. It all depends. The one thing
Wireless and the Layman. you are sure of is that the whistle blows with about the same
PART TWO. strength each day. The same reasoning holds true for wire-
Receiving Wireless Messages. less to a very great extent.
The question we hear from most beginners is :-"What out- As a rule, the higher up and the bigger your aerial, the better
fit do you advise me to use? I know nothing about wireless." the wireless reception will be. Naturally if you are a thousand
We advise the use of ANY honestly built receiving outfits. miles off from a station that can but send 500 miles, you won't
Which one to choose depends upon yourself, your taste and your hear it, no matter how good your instruments are. It's like trying
pocketbook. This is where YOU must decide. Of course the to hear the sound of a whistle 10 miles away from you, that can
lower priced outfits have naturally a short range-they won't at the very best be heard only within a radius of 5 miles.
catch messages hundreds of miles away, and those without tun- Just use a little horse sense and you can do your own de-
ing coils cannot be used to "cut out" one of the messages when ducting: no wireless expert is required. It is also evident that
two of them are in the "air" at the same time. It is self-evident the messages cannot come in with the maximum loudness unless
though, that you can start with the very cheapest outfit,-say the instruments are well in tune, and unless well designedinstru-
an E. I. Co. detector and a pony telephone receiver. With such ments are used. Thus a loose coupler will give louder signals
an outfit messages can be picked up astonishingly well indeed. than a small tuning coil. It also depends a lot on the detector
Many of our enthusiastic young friends started with such an out- and its adjustment.
fit and kept on adding instruments till they finally had up-to-date This is the way the detectors range according to their sensi-
stations. tiveness:
The next question hurled at us is :-"How can I receive mes- 1st. The Audion (the most sensitive detector to date) ; 2nd,
sages if I don't know the codes?" The Electrolytic; 3rd, The Peroxide of Lead; 4th, The Perikon;
A wireless telegram, no matter if it is in Chinese or English, 5th, Zincite and Bornite; 6th, Silicon and Galena; 7th, Iron
"comes in" in dots and dashes. When you have the telephone Pyrites (Ferron); 8th, Carborundum; 9th, Molybdenite. (See
receivers to your ear and a message is coming in. you hear Lesson No. 10, of The E. I. Co. Wireless Course, on Detectors.)
a series of long and short, clear, distinct buzzes. A long buzz If you are entirely surrounded by high mountains or steel
is a dash, a short buzz is a dot. The E. I. Co. sell a 10c code buildings, you naturally will not expect to receive messages as
chart by means of which the dots and dashes are translated into well as if you were on the top of a mountain. Also remember
letters. Thus (in the Morse code), dash, dash, dot, stands for that wireless waves travel twice as far over water as over land,
the letter G; dash, dash means M. dash, dot, dash, dot means J and that you can reach twice as far after sundown than during
and so forth. Any person with a few weeks' practice "listening the daytime.
to the wireless" can master the code. and read the messages Wave Lengths and Tuning.
with ease. This seems to be the greatest stumbling block for most be-
Remember that there are over two thousand high powered ginners. Again let us make a comparison. Take two pianos and
wireless stations in this country alone, each being able to trans-
mit messages of over a thousand miles distance!
There are almost at any minute, during night and day.
/ 50 60 FT. OR 1.401t2
messages in the air, no matter where you are,-sending YOU TACKLE SLOG,
-AIM .
i654:5 10007 ARV/ 10002
messages, only waiting to be picked up by you. it is truly won- d - 2i5C.5* '0007 WY
derful; it is the cheapest as well as the most elevating diversion - ..!:1
' ..."4,112MEMIKCUAPUB.103
distance work use excessive wave lengths, thus the Marconi The variable condenser is of the greatest use during cues_
Transatlantic station at Glace Bay has a wave length of about sire "static," which sometimes interferes seriously, during sum-
7100 meters, while the new Government station at Washington, mer weather, especially when "taking" a long distance message.
which sends messages over 3,000 miles, has a wave length of It is also of invaluable help to "cut out" unwanted messages when
about 4,000 meters. By consulting the "Wireless Blue Book" two or mare are "cooling in" simultaneously. Thus by adjusting
wave length of all important wireless stations can be found,the as the tuner (or loose coupler) in conjunction with the variable con-
each station normally uses a certain prescribed wave length. (See denser it is often possible to cut out all interference from un-
Lessons No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, of The E. i. Co. Wireless Course.) wanted stations.
The best all around aerial is about 75 feet long, composed of It is an excellent idea to have several detectors in a station,
four strands E. I. Co. "Antenium" wire No. 14, or stranded "An- arranged in such a manner that by means of a multi -point switch
tenium" cable. One of the best forms is shown herewith.
recommend E. I. Co. No. 10007 We any one of them can he thrown into the circuit. It will thus be
be used. For a 75 foot aerial, theinsulators, although others can found, that some stations, especially during interference, can be
strands should be about two
to three feet apart. For a 150 foot aerial heard better on a certain detector than on another. Some will
from three to four feet be found to work best for long distance work, others work best
apart and so on. The strands should never be less than I% feet
apart even for a very small aerial. All connections should be sold- for medium distances, etc., etc. (See also E. 1. Co. "Wireless
ered if possible. Use as many insulators as feasible, remember you Course," Lessons No. 8 and 9.)
have but little energy when receiving; few and poor insulators Sending Messages.
waste 50 per cent. of the little incoming energy. If you have a us quote the law, as far as the amateur is concerned,
good spacious roof it is not necessary to use poles to hold up the before going any further:
aerial. It may be stretched between The Wireless Act.
two chimneys, etc. The "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
spreaders to hold the wire strands apart may he of bamboo, wood,
metal pipe, etc. If metal is used, the wire strands should be of the United States of America. in Congress assembled; That
insulated from the former. (See Lesson No. 11, of The E. I. Co. a person, company, or corporation within the jurisdiction of the
Wireless Course, on Aerials.) United Slates shall not use or operate any apparatus for radio
The ground is quite important. The best wire to use is communication* as a means of commercial intercourse among
No. 12 copper wire run from the instruments to the water or gasa the several States, or with foreign nations, or upon any vessel
pipe using one of the E. I. Co. No. 10003 ground clamps to of the United States engaged in interstate or foreign commerce,
make an efficient connection. If no water or gas pipe is to be or for the transmistsion of radiograms or signals the effect of
had, bury a metal plate, copper preferred, not less than three which extends beyond the jurisdiction of the State or Territory
feet square, in a good moist ground; a number of these plates in which the same are made, or where interference would be
connected to the ground wire would be preferable. The heavy caused thereby, with the receipt of messages or signals from
ground wire is soldered to the plate, of course. It should be beyond the jurisdiction of the said State or Territory, except
buried at least six feet deep. Another good ground is a six to under and in accordance with a license, revocable for cause, in
ten feet long iron pipe rammed into moist earth, the ground wire that behalf granted by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor
being connected to it. either soldered, screwed, etc. The ground upon application therefor; but nothing in this Act shall be con-
wire running from ground to instruments should never be less strued to apply to the transmission and exchange of radiograms
than No. 16 B. & S. copper, and can, of course, be bare. Insula-
tion on a ground wire is just that much waste. or signals between points situated in the same State; Provided,
Connections and Hook -Ups. That the effect thereof shall not extend beyond the jurisdiction of
The diagrams given in the E. I. Co. catalogue No. 11 show the said State or interfere with the reception of radiograms or
how to connect most of these instruments. Their $.25 book signals from beyond said jurisdiction."
"Wireless Hook -Ups" and their Wireless Course (Lessons 12 and
13), gives hundreds more of them, while their Engineering De- General Restrictions on Private Station.
partment, on receipt of 10c to cover postage, will be only too glad "Fifteenth. No private or commercial station not engaged
to furnish any hook-up to be used in connection with their in- in the transaction of bona fide commercial business by
struments. Connections should be made with nothing finer than munication or in experimentation in connection with the devel-
No. 18 B. & S. copper wire (Annunciator wire). All connections opment and manufacture of radio apparatus for commercial pur-
must be as short and straight as possible. Avoid all wire cross- poses shall use a transmitting wave length exceeding two hun-
ings as far as practicable, if you can't avoid crosses. the wires dred meters or a transformer input exceeding one kilowatt ex-
should cross each other at right angles; and NEVER wind the cept by special authority of the Secretary of Commerce and
connecting wire in coils ("curls") which may look pretty, but Labor contained in the license of the station; Provided, That the
kills all wireless messages. Make all connections as tight as pos- owner or operator of a station of the character mentioned in this
sible, a loose connection is worse than no connection at all. regulation shall not be liable for a violation of the requirements
of the third or fourth regulations to the penalties of one hundred
Reception of Messages. dollars or twenty-five dollars, respectively, provided in this sec-
We presume you have a complete receiving set. You proceed tion unless the Person maintaining or operating such station shall
First, you must know if your detector is adjusted to its have been notified in writing that the said transmitter has been
greatest sensitiveness. If a message is just coming in. you will found upon tests conducted by the Government, to be so adjusted
have little difficulty to adjust the detector to its best sensitiveness. as to violate the said third and fourth regulations, and oppor-
If no message comes in you don't know if your detector is in its tunity has been given to said owner or operator to adjust said
best receptive condition. For this reason, the un-to-date wireless transmitter in conformity with said regulations.
man uses the "Buzzer test." Aside from giving imitation wireless Special Restrictions in the Vicinities of Government Stations.
buzzes, the buzzer set may be used to practice telegraphy. It "'Sixteenth. No station of the character mentioned in regu-
consists of three things: 1st-Any buzzers. such as the E. I. Co. lation fifteenth situated within five nautical miles of a naval or
No. 954. or better No. 965 or No. 950: 2nd-E. I. Co. No. 1118 military station shall use a transmitting wave length exceedino
key; 3rd-A dry cell. Connections MUST he made as shown. two hundred meters or a transformer input exceeding one-half
Now every time you press the key you will get a perfect imita- kilowatt."
tion of a wireless signal and it becomes child's play to adjust the Let us explain in plain English just what this means: As
detector to its greatest efficiency. The buzzer test can of course you notice from the first paragraph, the part which we under-
be used with ANY detector. it saves lots of time and bother lined, it is pointed out to you that the law does not concern you
and is quite necessary. Sometimes a detector may have a "dead unless you send messages from one state into another. 't
spot" and you might be "listening therefore do not require a license as long as your messages do
in" for hours, without being able not reach over the border of your state and if you do not inter-
to catch as much as one dot. The fere with a station's business (in your state) which receives
buzzer test makes such an occur- messages from another state. Of course, you want to know how
rence impossible.
In order that the buzzer itself you can tell what your transmitting range is. We will explain.
is not heard directly. it is usually it has been proved by exnerience with snark coils. that in
wranned in absorbent cotton or almost all case= a one -inch =nark cannot nossibly reach over eight
wadding which muffles its sound rile=. From this information the following table has resulted:
effectively. or it may also be Transmitting Distances of Spark Coils.
placed in another room. VA -in. coil, Maximum trans. dist., 2 Miles.
When the detector is adjusted /2 -in. coil. Maximum trans. dist., 4 Miles.
the tuning coil (or loose coupler) 1 -in. coil. Maximum trans. dist., 8 Miles.
is regulated by moving the slider 1% -in. coil, Maximum trans. dist.. 12 Miles.
or sliders back and forth till the 2 -in. coil. Maximum trans. dist.. 16 Miles.
signals are heard the loudest. If Only One Wire Goes totieteetor 3 -in. coil. Maximum trans. dist., 24 Miles.
the loose coupler is used the sec- 4 -in coil, Maximum trans. dist., 32 Miles.
ondary is moved back and forth in addition, till the best position And so forth.
is reached. Now the variable condenser (or condensers) are (To be concluded in June issue.)
adjusted if required.
Wireless Telegraph :or Telephone sending stations included.
' CONS-rIOJC-frjFt
The Quenched Spark Gap
How to Make It and Use It.
H. Winfield Secor.
GREAT many wireless experimenters and amateurs Fig. 3, as this pattern permits of good alignment and also the
are very desirous of using the quenched spark gap, best coolip of the gap.
of the type employed by the Telefunken Co. For those who cannot avail themselves of the solid gap
The quenched spark gap should be the means plate, a very good one can be constructed as depicted at
of increasing the transmitting range and activity of every Fig. 2. This plate consists of two gap faces, DD, made of
amateur wireless station, and this is a most important point, %-in. hard brass sheet preferably. and between the two face
now that the wireless act is in effect limiting the transformer plates is placed a cooling vane of 1/16 to 1/8 -inch hard brass
input to 1 K.W. of energy. sheeting.
In general a quenched spark gap causes from 40 to 60 This sheeting is smooth and even stock, and the %-inch
per cent. of the energy delivered by the charging trans- plates can be scribed out. and then cut from the sheet by
former, to be sent out on the antenna, while ordinary spark drilling a series of small holes around the edge. after which
systems realize but 15 per cent. on the average. Not only it can be filed up true, or turned in a lathe. The best way
this, but this gap gives a pure wave form, which is strictly would be to cut out all the heavy plates as described; and
then place all of them in a lathe between
-T the live chuck or face plate, and a mov-
ing tail centre, when they can all be
(02, (0) turned down at one time. If they are
tiled nearly round, they will be good
enough for all practical purposes. The
vane plates can be cut out of sheet stock
by means of tinners' snips, or large
The voltage relations aforementioned
should be borne in mind in building this
gap. It is assumed that it is to be used
on transformers up to 1 K.W. capacity.
and probably 8 to 10 gaps will be suffi-
A cient, providing they are long enough.
If this number of gaps are to be used
on quite high voltage, say 15,000, the
mica washer, Fig. 4, should be made
more than .01 inch thick, but this is the
best thickness and length of gap for
good results.*Hence it is best to use
more gaps in series, for higher voltage,
Gi 14-20 SCW. and keep each gap small.
If the reader is intending to build a
transformer, it should deliver a sec-
RODS ondary potential similar to the figure
F IG. I named in the first part of this article.
The grooving of the plates can
required by the new Wireless Law, governing experimental be accomplished quite easily if a
stations. As regards the transmitting range with properly lathe is at hand, or any machine shop will do the
designed apparatus, used in connection with the quenched work reasonably. A jig is shown at Fig. 5, which can be
style of gap, it is a matter of record that a 5 K.W. Tele- used to cut out the groove in the plates. It does not have
funken set has transmitted fully as good and as far ,as a to he made very elaborate, and the base and top plate may
20 K.W. set, employing the usual open type of spark gap. be of fiber, hard wood, or iron. Through the top bar is
Also the Telefunken spark note carries through static, and drilled a hole, to accommodate a threaded shaft, A, having
interference, in a remarkably clear manner, besides enabling lock nuts, as shown, enabling it to be gradually lowered or
the sharpest tuning to be accomplished with ease. raised, by slacking up the lock nuts. The cutting is accom-
It should be understood, however, that while the Tele- plished by two steel tools or cutters, Cl and C2, and these
funken sets have done wonderful work, employing the are made of tool steel or Stubbs steel rod. They may ground
quenched spark gap, the frequency of the primary trans- to shape on a fine emery or corundum wheel. and then tem-
former current was 500 cycles, and more will be said about pered to a straw color. Two steel set screws hold the cutters
this matter a little later on. in place, in holes drilled through the cross bar, D. This bar is
As regards the voltages used with quenched gaps, the held permanently in place by a steel pin passed through it
Telefunken Co. allow about 1,200 volts per gap, each gap
being .01 inch long, and in small size sets, the transformer
delivers about 6,000 volts. Hence, for this potential, 5 gaps
in series would be sufficient. For higher voltage transform-
ers, more gaps in series can be employed, or their length
may be made a little greater. For the above voltages paraf-
fined paper or mica condensers are usually employed. For
higher voltages, regular glass plate or Leyden jar con-
densers can be used. Quenched spark gaps may be pur-
chased from the Electro Importing Co., their regular size
consisting of eight gaps in series, with mica rings and cast
brass plates.
This gap may he adapted to various sizes of transform-
ers, by cutting out some of the gaps by short-circuiting some
of them.
Many amateurs would probably like to make a quenched
gap, and details for constructing one are given here.
This gap and its parts are shown at Figs. 1-6.
It is possible to make up a quenched gap quite simply by as shown. The top of the shaft, A, is provided with a handle
combining a series of brass plates, so the groove shown here does
not have to be cut into the plate; but such methods are at to permit of turning it around. After making a few turns of
best only a makeshift, and it is very difficult to use thin the shaft and cutters, they are lowered by shifting the lock -
plates and get their faces properly aligned. nuts, and after tightening them again, a few more turns are
It is recommended that those who can, should employ The Electro Importing Co. furnishes these Mica Rings at 35 cents
solid cast or turned plates, resembling the one illustrated at apiece, calibrated to .01 inch thickness.
e-iven the handles, etc., etc., until the desired depth of groove condenser, and O. T. an oscillation transformer; A is the aerial.
is obtained. The groove on this metal need not be round, G the ground, and A. M. the hot wire meter to register the
and may be made elliptical, so as to leave a.s much body as radiated energy i» amperes. ' ith 500 cycle A. C. the trans-
possible to the plate itself. The principal thing to be watched formers should be wound for this frequency, and are generally
in making a quenched gap, is to have the plates perfectly flat considerably smaller than corresponding sizes of 60 of 125
and parallel, also the gaps should be air -tight, otherwise the cycle transformers.
faces will become blackened.
The assembly of the gap can be similar to the method Eirinkles-ifirreipts- 3urniulas-10ints.
outlined at Fig. 1. The two end pieces, BB, can be of slate, by S. Gernsback.
fibre, or hard rubber. They are held in place by four fibre
or metal rods, GG, etc., with the aid of machine screws tapped Mier this heading we will publish every month useful
into them as shown. At the center of the top is placed a information in Mecnanics, Electricity and Chemistry.
large set screw which serves to tighten up the gap, and it is Contributions from our readers are welcome.
then fastened by the lock -nut.
At either end of the gap plates, are placed 1/4 -inch or Waterproof Glue.
thicker brass plates, the one un- A very good glue cement resisting the effect of moisture
der the set screw having a coned is obtained in the following way. Take:
depression on its upper face, to 4 parts of powdered Glue (any ordinary glue will do.)
permit centering the gaps read- 4 parts of black Resin.
ily. 1 part of red Ochre.
Connection to the gap is made Mix together with a very small quantity of water.
by two heavy stranded copper
cables, about No. 6 B. & S. How to Drill Holes in Glass and China.
gauge at least, embedded in Take a three cornered file-any old file will do-preferably
holes drilled in the end plates. a broken one. If the tile is not broken, take a hammer and
The leads, T, T, should have break off a piece of same, so as to present a very sharp sur-
their ends firmly wedged in the face.
holes with a piece of copper or Put the other end of the file in one of the E. I. Co., Hand
brass wire, as solder may run Drills No. 6981 or better No. 6949 and drill the hole, where
out due to the gap heating up. required.
For short distance work the To cause the drill to bite, the place to be pierced must
number of gaps in use should be always be kept moistened with Turpentine. Soak the file every
reduced, by short-circuiting few seconds in the turpentine. Don't use too much pressure
some of the gaps; and simultan- at the beginning and work very slowly.
MICA RING eously reducing the voltage ap-
FIG plied by control of the trans- How to Metallize and Electroplate Insects, Flowers, Small
former primary voltage. A fan Household Goods, Etc.
is useful in keeping the gap cool. A nice Rose bud, an uncommon Insect, the first shoes of
As mentioned previously, the marvelous efficiency and baby, and hundreds of other things can be conserved indefi-
carrying power of the waves produced by the quenched gap, nitely by Metallizing them. The methods given below, enables
is not alone due to the gap, but is also a function of the fre- any one to do this work very skillfully at a very small outlay.
quency of the transformer current. Thus, 60 or 120 cycle To begin with, the object to be metallized has to be ren-
alternating current, is not nearly so good as 500 cycles, which dered conductive.
is the primary current frequency employed by the Telefunken After cleansing it in methylated Alcohol, cover the object
thoroughly with plumbago (powdered graphite) and brush it
carefully with a soft brush.
This method can only be employed if the object can stand the
If it is a delicate flower or an insect, the object has to
c,. Ce
be dipped in the following solution, to render the surface con-
In a china vessel heat very slowly ounce of silver nit-
rate, dissolved in 25 ounces of good alcohol. After dipping
SCREW the object let it dry in the air and expose afterwards to the
fumes of hydrogen sulphide.
(To generate hydrogen sulphide, take a glass bottle with
large opening, fit a small glass tube through the cork and
put a few cents worth of iron sulphide in the bottle. Now
pour some strong muriatic acid over the iron sulphide. In-
FIG.5 stantly the hydrogen sulphide gas will be formed and escape
through the glass tube. In leading this tube under a hood
The amateur can also use 500 cycle A. C. and thereby containing the object to be fumed, this operation is easily
increase the efficiency and resonance features of his transmit- per formed.)
ting plant of limited size several hundred per cent. The After having rendered the object conductive in any one
Electro Importing Co. supply 500 cycle, A. C. wireless Motor - of these manners, it is hung in the porous cup of the "Electro"
Generators, giving 110 volts, with separately excited (D.C.) Copper Plating Outfit No. 4400 (price, complete, $1.25), and
fields, at the following prices: the plating begins at once.
Watts A. C. Output Speed R. P. M. Cost When thoroughly metallized the object is carefully dried
125 3333 $86.00 and may be lacquered if desired.
250 3333 110.60
500 2500 208.80 An improved aluminum solder, comprises a mixture of
1000 1875 330.50 approximately 38 per cent. pure tin, 32 per cent. phosphor -
These prices are without field regulators, or other control tin, and 30 per cent. pure zinc.
apparatus, and includes D.C. motor for 110 volts or 220 volts
D.C., of the proper capacity. These motor generators have New Wireless Phone.
been specially developed for wireless work, and are finely Professors Chaffee and Pierce of the Harvard School
designed. of Applied Science, report that they have invented a cheap
and effective method of wireless telephony. They have suc-
D.C.110 V cessfully operated their system between Cambridgelonger
Gloucester, a distance of 35 miles, and will operate
$00 CYCLE distances as soon as stations can be established.
FR. Rear Admiral Stanford has completed plans for the con-
struction of the second set of great naval wireless towers,
T which will be erected on the canal zone. There will be
no. 6 three 600 -foot steel towers. It is believed this station should
The hook-up for a 500 cycle, singing spark set, is shown be able to communicate directly or relay with similar high
at Fig. 6, where FR is the field rheostat, regulating the po- power stations, to be erected by the navy in the Hawaiian
tential of the D. C. applied to the A. C. generator field; A. C. are
Islands, Tutuila, Samoa. Guam and the Philippines.
the slip rings of the alternator supplying the transformer primary, Tins Journal is not for sale on newsstands.
through the Key K. The quenched gap is shown at Q. G.; C is a
Fig. 3.
Stout Pieces of Glass Tubing Lead the Wires from One Secondary to
the Next One.
fulfill their mission admirably. After all the parts are as-
sembled as per Fig. 3, the primary with its primary tube,
secondaries and the dividing walls are set in a large oak
case, and this is filled with a special insulating compound.
After cooling the coil, it is ready for use.t
It has been found that large coils, that is coils above 6
inch spark should not be operated with vibrators that operate
from the end of the core. For this reason a special independent
vibrator, as shown in Fig. 4, is used. The vibrator is mounted
at one end of the coil, as is clearly shown in Fig. 1, and the
8 -inch coil, as described herewith, uses from 14 to 20 volts stor-
age battery current, and will operate well on from 4 to 6 am-
peres. The independent vibrator is really composed of two vib-
rators in one. The large break interrupts the primary current,
while the small break operates the make and break vibrator
electro magnets. The large condenser is, of course, bridged
across the heavy contacts, and this condenser must be nicely
balanced in order to produce the right results. If the condenser
capacity be too small, there will be too much sparking on the
contact points, and the secondary spark will be reduced.
A condenser that has too large a capacity, while cutting down
the contact spark, also decreases the secondary spark. For that
Fig. 2. reason the right capacity must in all cases be used; and such
capacity can really only be found by experimenting and adjusting
winding machines, and there are mighty few of these in the until the best results are obtained. The vibrator illustrated here-
country. with is the latest model brought out by the E. I. Co., and is very
Most of the textbooks advise simply to wind so many The E. I. Co. sells these secondaries complete, as described, for $8.00
"Pies," using such and such wire, and to insulate the wire each.
by letting it run through a molten paraffine bath. This is tThis coil is sold by the E. I. Co. at the price of $88.00 complete.
a Rapid Speed in
(Head) 140 Making a Stipple making the
(White Alabaster) 290 stroke of t h e
(Plate) 280 magnet or
PORCELAIN 1800 mature, w h en
HERMSDORF HARD PORCELAIN 2500 released, t h e
LINSEED OIL 1200 working stroke
" (Boiled) .1600
ofthe pen.T
device not only saved its cost many over, s bet-
OLIVE OIL 1650 work which, of course, is not so tiring to the eyes and
SPERM OIL 1300 wrist as when done by hand. The material required can be
"TRANSIL" OIL 2000 purchased from the E. I. Co., and may consist of their No.
VASELINE OIL 1500 951 bell, with the gong cut off; No. 1008, or 174 push button;
The a I. No. 1001 dry cell; and several feet of No. 8002 flexible cord.
Co. sells this independent vibrator, as described, corn. (See new E. I. Co. Catalog No. 11.)
Otte for $26.50.
Wks Proceedings Institute Radio Engineers. Vol. I, No. 1. In 1912 patent No. 1,020,942 was issued to Bachelet, on such a
suspended train system.
WIFiP`k I rr
The Vacuum Detector
By H. Winfield Secor.*
THE Vacuum Detector or cymoscope has come into rarefied gases in so-called vacuum tubes, have been utilized
widely extended use at the present time, and this for the detection and measurement of electric oscillations,
article is intended to give a resume of its develop- and therefore of electrical waves.
ment, and operation, in general. Professor Righi availed himself of one striking peculiar-
Probably the simplest form of vacuum detector, usually ity of rarefied gases as conductors, as follows:* It is well
known, as first shown by Varley, that if a glass tube having
called the "Audion," or "Flem- platinum electrodes sealed into it, and a vacuum of about
ing Valve," was the flame aud- one -thousandth of an atmosphere made in it, is subjected
ion, and its arrangement is de- to electromotive force, no current will Bow through it until
picted at Fig. 1. As seen in the a certain voltage, say of 300 volts or so, is exceeded. Beyond
FLAME that limit the current which flows is almost exactly propor-
tional to the excess of the voltage above this critical value.
Hence if a small vacuum tube be connected in series with a
battery of voltaic cells giving some voltage a little less than
the critical value, no glow will take place in the vacuum tube,
CA:NNE N. because no current passes. If, however, the same circuit
includes a coil in which electric oscillations are excited, then
/Ik5 INLET the electro-motive force of these induced oscillations will, in
one direction, be added to the electromotive force of the
1111111111111-I battery, and will send a current through the gas and cause
it to glow. Righi employed a vacuum tube in which a very
2 small space intervened between the electrodes, and employed
a water battery or some simple form of primary voltaic cell
drawing, an ordinary Bunsen gas flame is utilized, and in this to produce the required "boosting" or auxiliary electromotive
flame are placed two conductors or electrodes. It was found force.
that the best form of the flame audion was that involving the The vacuum tube then glowed when electric oscillations
use of a Bunsen flame, burning coal gas, and having in its were set up in the coil in series with it.
flame two electrodes, as shown; one of them (the lower) be- L. Zehnder employed a vacuum tube in a slightly dif-
ing a small platinum trough or cup, and the upper electrode a ferent manner as a detector of Hertz oscillations. He took
platinum point. advantage of another well-known fact connected with elec-
In the cup shaped or lower electrode, some alkaline salt trical discharge through rarefied gases.
is placed, and so located in the A vacuum tube of the ordi-
flame that it is at a comparative- nary kind has, in addition to the
ly cool spot, yet is maintained vc. usual platinutp electrodes, an-
hot enough to continually vapor- PLATINUM T other pair of electrodes at right
ize the salt; while the point, ELF_CTAODE angles, placed with their ends
which may be a small (.001 -inch) very close, Fig. 4. If, then, a
platinum wire is placed in the high potential battery, say of 300
very hottest part of the flame. or 400 cells, is applied in series
The point should be kept with a high resistance, and the
from % to % inch above the tube used in the ordinary way,
trough. The salt preferred is we may adjust the number of
potassium hydroxide. The flame cells until the electromotive
must be kept well saturated with force is just not sufficient to
the gas from the vaporizing salt cause a glow discharge in the
in the lower electrode cup. tube. Then if a very small dis-
The electrical for
circuits _ 111111111111111
co - charge is sent between the
this simple flame audion, are FIG. 3
transverse electrodes, this glow
shown at Fig. 2, the polarity al- discharge causes the general
ways being as shown. The bat- mass of the rarefied gas to be-
tery, B, should he equipped with a multi -point switch, so that come a conductor for the steady battery electromotive force,
any voltage from 6 to 35 or 40, may be readily obtained, in and the vacuum tube bursts into glow. This arrangement is
steps of 1 cell -at a time. A rheostat is best employed also in sometimes called a Zehnder "trigger tube," because the small
series with the battery to permit of very fine regulation of transverse discharge, so to speak, sets off the longitudinal
the applied voltage, as the critical or optimum potential at discharge in the tube. The transverse electrodes which con-
which the flame is most sensitive, is sharply defined. This vey the oscillatory discharge through the gas are placed quite
detector is wonderfully sensitive, when properly adjusted, but close to the cathode of the continuous current electrodes,
is not of any commercial importance, for the reason that the
flame could not be maintained evenly, especially on ships at
sea, which are constantly rolling and swaying. The principle
of this detector is the shattering of the column of conducting
gas. by incoming wireless waves, and the change in re-
sistance of the conducting flame between the two electrodes,
manifests itself in the telephone receivers, which should be of
the wireless type, i. e., having a resistance of 1,000 to 2,000
Another ingenious form of gas detector, tried some years
ago, consists of an ordinary carbon arc, a pair of high re-
sistance telephone receivers, and a platinum electrode, ar- F I G. 4
ranged as in the sketch, Fig. 3. The arc length should be ad-
justable, and the platinum electrode so arranged, that its since it is known that at the cathode the great resistance to
position in the arc can be varied at will. discharge is situated. In this manner a Hertzian spark too
The arc itself has to be formed between cored carbons. feeble to be visible at a distance can be rendered manifest by
and should be fed from storage battery giving at least 40 its power to start off another discharge from a powerful bat-
volts. The variations in ordinary power circuits, fed by tery acting on the same mass or rarefied gas.
dynamos, are too pronounced, and would cause too much A third method of utilizing the properties of rarefied
noise in the receivers. This detector also depends upon the gases for the purposes of a cymoscope or detector was dis-
shattering of a column of conducting gas by Hertzian waves. covered by Dr. J. A. Fleming. In 1890 he made known a
We now come to the later class of audion or vacuum fact discovered by him in the course of some investigations
detectors, and these have been developed to a high degree; upon incandescent electrical lamps.
in the audion now in use in a great many commercial and If into a glass bulb highly exhausted is sealed two car-
amateur stations. bon filaments like in incandescent lamps, Fig. 5, we find that
The peculiar qualities of gaseous conductors, especially when both these filaments are cold, the vacuum or highly
Electrical Engineer, Electra Importing Co. See Dr. Fleming's Treatise, "Principles of Etheric Wave Telegraph)."
rarefied air left in the bulb is a very perfect non-conductor When the valve is to be used for detecting electric waves,
of electricity. Even an induction coil will not send a dis- or as a receiver in wireless telegraphy the oscillation trans-
charge through the bulb if the exhaustion has been pushed former associated with it, has its primal), circuit included be-
far enough. tween two collector wires, or between an aerial wire, A, and
If, however, the carbon filaments are made incandescent the earth, G; see Fig. 8. Then electric waves falling on the
by insulated batteries, then it is found that the electromotive aerial produce in it electric oscillations,galvanometer,
and these are de-
force of a single cell is sufficient tected by a sensitive dead -beat mirror
used in cable telegraphy.
T to send a current across the in- as a "speaking galvanometer," as
terspace between the filaments. It The electrical properties of these valves have been ex-
is necessary to connect the gal- haustively studied by Dr. Fleming and others. It is well
vanometer and single cell be- known that the conductivity of rarefied gases differs in qual-
tween the two ends of the ity from that of metals or electrolytes. If we apply a stead-
ily increasing electromotive force to a mass of rarefied gas
VACUUM by means of two electrodes, the negative one being incan-
descent, then the current through the gas does not increase
proportionately to the electromotive force. The current rises
up to a maximum value, at which it is said to be saturated.
Hence the gas, as a conductor, does not obey Ohm's law.
Also the conductivity, which is the ratio of current to voltage,
CYLINDER rises to a maximum and then falls off.
The resistance of the vacuous space may therefore vary
LAMP from millions of ohms to a few ohms, according to the volt-
FILAMENT age applied and the tem-
perature of the filament.
The valve rectifies the
oscillations or becomes
more completely unilat-
FIG.5 FIG 6 eral in conductivity the
carbon filaments, which are in connection with the negative colder the metal cylin-
poles of the respective insulated batteries. We may employ der is kept. If we al-
a single carbon filament and a metal plate or cylinder sur- low the cylinder to be-
rounding it, Fig. 6, and if we then render the carbon fila- come warmed by radia-
ment incandescent by a local battery, it is found that a single tion from the filament,
cell will pass a current through the vacuous space between then the flow of elec-
the cylinder and the hot filament, provided that this single tricity between the car-
cell has its negative pole in connection with that end of the bon filament and cylin- Fig. 9.
filament which is itself in connection with the negative end der is not altogether in
of the heating battery. If the connections of the single cell one direction. When made as shown in Fig. 7, and used with a
carbon filament at that temperature at which it is working, at
about 3 watts per candle, the rectification is from 80 to 85 per
There are at present two principal types of audion de-
tectors, one being the Fleming valve, employed by the Mar-
TO SR4RK coni Wireless Telegraph Co., and connected as shown at
COIL Fig. 8, with a pair of high resistance telephone receivers con-
nected in the place of the galvanometer. The other type is
that evolved by Dr. Lee de Forest, and commonly termed
the "Grid audion." The latter form is similar to that of the
"Electro" audion detector.
are reversed, then no current passes. A cut of this detector is shown at Fig. 9 and its working
The space between the cold cylinder and the hot carbon connections at Fig. 10. As will be readily seen, a four volt
filaments possesses, therefore, a unilateral conductivity. Neg- battery, SB, (preferably two storage cells), supplies the fila-
ative electricity can pass from the hot filament to the cold ment, Fl, of the detector, through a finely adjustable re-
metal cylinder through the highly rarefied gas, but not in the sistance, of about 10 ohms; the E. I. Co., No. 5,000 rheostat
opposite direction. This arrangement then acts as an elec- regulator being ideal for this purpose. The receiver circuit
trical valve for electric currents. It was furthermore dis- contains a high voltage battery, H. B.; and this detector acts
covered that this device could be used to separate the two also as a relay, letting more or less of the high voltage
constituent currents of an electrical oscillation and so render it PHONES
possible for an electrical oscillation to affect an ordinary galvan-
ometer. To do this the valve, now called an oscillation valve. LC.
is used as described below.
One of the above -described bulbs, Fig. 6, has a sensitive
galvanometer, G, placed in series with the secondary coils of an
oscillation transformer joined in between its metal cylinder and
the negative terminal of the carbon filament, Fig. 7. If electric
oscillations are induced in this secondary circuit by a primary
coil, P, then when the carbon filament is made incandescent by an
insulated battery. B, only one of the currents forming the oscil-
lation is allowed to pass, viz., that in which the move- Fig. 10.
heavy. The following table should be used .when installing a HOME-MADE NIGHT WATCH LIGHT.
loud speaking telephone system:
Up to 100 feet use No. 16 B. & S. Copper \Vire. During the dark winter months I use my watch and the
Up to 250 feet use No. 14 B. & S. Copper \Vire. convenient home-made arrangement shown to tell the time
Up to 400 feet use No. 12 B. & S. Copper Wire. without getting out of bed, writes E. B. Drahenalb, in Popu-
Up to 600 feet use No. 10 B. & S. Copper Wire. lar Electricity.
The following needed material may be obtained practi-
ODD STATIC GENERATOR. cally without cost. One %-inch board 5 by 3 inches, one
%-inch board 6% by 3 inches, one piece wood 1 by % by 2%
The outfit here illustrated I accidentally discovered will inches, four %-inch wood screws and four insulated staples.
generate static electricity, writes E. H. Samen, in a current Material to be purchased is as follows: One 2% volt, tung-
number of Popular Electricity. sten, battery lamp, 25 cents; one dry battery, 18 cents; ten
Upon a shelf or the edge of a table fasten a small motor, feet No. 20 double conductor, lamp cord, 15 cents; pear-
such as the "Electro" type D or S machine, with grooved shaped. push button. 15 cents; miniature receptacle. 5 cents;
pulley; that will run at a speed of about 3,000 revolutions per total cost, $0.78.
minute. On the shaft of the motor there should be a small The lamp m a y
grooved brass pulley. Provide a second pulley about % inch be the "Electro,"
in diameter and a small stove bolt that just fits the hole in it. No. 4,000, Tung-
From thin sheet copper, E. I. Co., No. 28 gauge, at 46 cents sten bulb; the dry
per square foot, cut two disks exactly alike, and six inches in cell No. 1001;
diameter. Drill a hole in each disk of the same size as the lamp cord No.
hole in the pulley, and fasten the disks, one on each side of 8002; receptacle
the pulley No. 1052; special
with the
stove bolt as
pear-shaped push
button at 15
shown. Now cents.
make a belt The wooden
of heavy lin- parts are shaped
en thread. and fastened to-
Place the gether with wood
thread over screws. The bat-
the pulley on tery is held in
the motor place by a wire
and set the WATCH LIGHT about it and pass-
linen Thread disks' pulley ing through a
upon the hole in the up-
Copper Dtsks loop, thus right. The lamp is connected in series with the battery and
020 Thick leaving the button. A screw eye in the top of the upright serves for
disks sus- lifting the outfit, and a nail or hook supports the watch. The
pended in the outfit is placed on the dresser or a chair and the cord is hung
air. Start the around the bedpost, with the button within easy reach.
2 motor, give
T-- the disks a
ciYoue Boit
turn and as
soon as they POCKET BUZZER SET.
come up to
speed, they The following instrument has a variety of uses, but was
STATIC GENERATOR will act as originally intended as a portable code practicer and was de-
a gyroscope scribed by S. R. Ward, in the December Modern Electrics.
and keep bal- It consists of four parts, a small wooden box with sliding
anced. Take a piece of copper conductor in the hand and cover, such as small taps, are packed in, or the E. I. Co., No.
bring the metal near the disks. A 3/4 -inch spark can be taken 10,000 fixed condenser case of polished oak, at 25 cents; a
off. An incandescent lamp held near the disks will glow with midget buzzer, battery and key. The battery is a vest pocket
a weird blue light. flashlight type, such as "Electro," No. 1056.
Fig. 1 shows the general arrangement of the battery and
A NOVEL SHOW -WINDOW ATTRACTION. buzzer. A slot cut through one end of the box allows a bind-
:his moving show -window attraction can be simply and ing -post of the buzzer to project and permit adjustment of
cl.eaply made, says C. Guse, in Popular Mechanics. The the vibrator screw. One spring of the battery presses against
things necessary are a small battery motor, a large horse- the other binding nut on the buzzer while contact, H, con-
shoe magnet and a large polished steel ball, perfectly true nects the other bat-
and round, such as tery terminal to the
used in bearings. spring finger, X.
The other materials
Both buzzer and bat-
usually can be found tery are held in place
in any store. Pro- by means of tightly
cure soine thick wedged strips of felt
cardboard and cut or leather.
two disks, 8 in. in The spring finger
diameter, and two makes contact with
disks, 7% in. in a key mounted on
diameter. G1ue the box cover. This
these together to key, which is made
make the wheel A, M.E. of phosphor bronze
the larger disks shape shown in Fig. 2. spring, is of the
forming the the apparatus is greatly simplifiedBy using a binding nut for a contact
and by merely pulling back
flanges. Make a
smaller wheel, B, the cover a new battery may be inserted. When not in use
the size of which aaccidental
short -length of rubber tubing slipped over the nut prevents
will be governed by
the speed of the vestAlthough the finished instrument may be carried in a
motor used, which when placeditnear
pocket will transmit audible signals across a room and
the ground wire forms an efficient detector
The Steel Ball is Caused to Roll Around on the Covet be the E. I.
by the Moving Magnet Co. Type D, No. test. The buzzer can be the "Electro" Lilliput type No. 965;
i 320 machine. The wheel A is mounted in a box to run with the key, their No. 1118 single circuit style.
..urface close to the under side of the cover, which should
be of a thin, stiff cardboard. The wheel B is mounted on an
axle that runs in metal bearings. The magnet D, such as A GOOD PROPOSITION.
the E. I. Co., No. 538. 5 -inch size, is placed on the wheel A.
The steel ball E is put on the thin cover of the box, and the If you can't find 4 1/10 cents' worth of instruction and
magnet causes it to roll around as the wheel turns. The box diversion in this journal, we don't wish your subscription.
inclosing the mechanical parts should be placed out of sight If, however, you do, and if we don't get your subscription,
when used in a window. then, both you and we suffer equally.
AN OP! II' AM/Lr EL' U it
The Tufts College Wireless Society has just installed
The Richard Johnstone, of San Francisco, Cal., has done some
its new wireless station in Paige Hall on the top of College extraordinary work with a 1/2 -inch E. I. Co. spark coil. He
Hill. The station is one of the most efficient supported by claims to have communicated with a certain amateur friend
any college in the country. in Palo Alto, Cal., in broad daylight, using a 6 -volt 60 A. H.
The society was formed two years ago through the storage battery. The aerial was of four stands of stranded
efforts of Harold J. Power and Joseph A. Prentiss, wireless wire 75 feet high and 165 feet long. The coil was connected
enthusiasts. Through the efforts of Harry G. Chase, for- directly to this aerial. No condenser or helix was used. If
merly professor of physics in the college, apparatus was ob- it is remembered that the distance to Palo Alto is about 35
tained last year, and was installed in Robinson Hall. Last miles to San Francisco, the result is certainly extraordinary.
June when Professor Chase resigned the society found itself Mr. Johnstone has written proof of the achievement and also
without a set and immediately began work to obtain another. has as witness a friend who was listening in when the record
In September Harold J. Power was presented a fine outfit was made. Although the performance is quite unusual, it has
by a friend and he immediately placed this at the disposal of been proved that on the Pacific Coast a 1 -inch coil has trans-
the club. The college faculty then granted the society the mitted as far as 90 miles. The reason for these extraordinary
use of a room in Paige Hall on the top of College Hill, an distances with small coils is, that the air conditions in Cali-
admirable location. fornia are very much better than in any other place in the
After much work the apparatus has been finally installed. United States. We frequently hear of long distance work
The aerial wires are stretched between Paige and Miner done with but little power in California.
halls. There are four wires having a span of 175 feet and
are separated by twelve -foot spreaders. The four lead wires
drop from the centre of the aerial, coming direct into the Torresponbrnre
operating room on the ground floor of Paige Hall. A safety
device to protect the building during electrical storms is on Mr. H. Gernsback,
the outside of the hall. 233 Fulton Street, New York City.
Mr. Arthur Haake, of Norwood, N. J., using one of the Dear Sir:
This is something which I believe will interest you. Last
E. I. Co.'s 1/2 K.W. Transformer coils No. 8050 on 110 volts summer I was spending my vacation at a place called Gay -
D. C. with Electrolytic Interrupter of the Gernsback type, head (about 3 miles from Cairo, Greene County, New York).
is transmitting signals day and night to Philadelphia, Pa., a The above -mentioned place is in the Catskill Mountains,
distance of about 92 miles. The aerial used is about 130 ft. about 1800 feet above sea -level. About the first of August,
long and 75 ft. high. Elmer Rave, a boy of 151/2 years, of 12 Raleigh place,
Brooklyn, a member of the "W. A. 0. A.," came to the same
Good results are being obtained by Mr. Edward Nell, Jr., farmhouse where I was staying with a wireless equipment,-
of Indianapolis, Ind., using the 1/2 K.W. Transformer coil consisting of the following apparatus, viz., E. I. Co.'s one (1)
on 110 volts with Electrolytic Interrupter. He is sending coil, 6 batteries, E. I. Co.'s Jack Binn's phones, silicon de-
over a distance of 83 miles night and day with a very small tector, and the necessary switches, including one pound of
aerial consisting of six wires 30 ft. long and about 40 ft. aluminum wire. A station was set up with the aforesaid
high. equipment and an aerial erected of the following dimensions,
viz., 50 feet long, 15 feet high one end, 25 feet high other end,
Part of the apparatus for establishing a wireless tele- 4 wires on a 3 -foot spreader.
graph station on the State University campus, at Lexington, The aerial was quickly erected' and as soon as E. Rave
Ky., has been received by Prof. W. A. Freeman, of the Elec- started to receive (I knew nothing of the code then, but
trical Engineering College. As soon as the remainder of the as I had been interested before, I became "assistant") he
equipment which is expected shortly arrives, work on fitting heard the following stations: Cape Cod, Boston (about 150
up the station will be commenced. It is planned to make miles), Brooklyn Navy Yard (about 100 miles), Fire Island,
arrangements so that messages can he received, and sent to and at night Portland, Me., Cape May, N. J., and vessels on
other stations throughout the country. the ocean of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.
Fifteen members of the Paterson Newsboys' Association But,-that night he called some or any of the above -named
plan to start a wireless telegraphy class at 266 Main street. stations and received an answer!! For the next two weeks
Wolf Kaufman, who has a station rigged up at his home on until we carne home together on the 12th of August, we
East Holsman street, will instruct the boys in their first were in constant communication with stations by day or by
lesson. People may wonder or deny that this was accomplished,
The Wireless Association of Atlantic City held its regu- but I will try to prove it with the aid of witnesses. The
lar monthly meeting at its headquarters, 314 Bartlett Build- tune was very high. We know this because one station said
ing, Friday evening. Several new members were admitted, in- we were "fierce high" and asked us to tune down, which was
cluding Jerome Haas, 2011 Atlantic avenue, and Alfred H. impossible. For several days the weather report was re-
Ely. 7 Presston Apartments. ceived from Brooklyn Navy Yard and one day it was abso-
Short original essays pertaining to wireless telegraphy lutely correct in its predictions. Two "S.O.S." were heard.
were read by the members. An interesting talk was given one from a small steam launch on Long Island Sound which
by Mr. Charles Seymour on the new government station at sank off Viking's Point and another from a steamship off
Arlington. Va., as inspected by him while at the inauguration. the eastern coast between Portland and Boston. Incoming
The remainder of the meeting was given over to instruction steamships were heard off New York City. Elmer Rave read
all messages off as he received them and I, the "assistant."
in practical radio. The next regular meeting of the associa- wrote them down word for word on paper, and I can truth-
tion will he held April 4th. fully say that I never wrote anything so fast in my life.
Malcolm S. Howe. 208 Edgehill Road. East Milton, Mass., Reading in the newspaper of the wreck of the "Shinnecock."
advises us that with a set of E. I. Co. 75 -ohm Pony Receiver. a paddle wheeler which ran between New York and Block
Island, Mr. Rave, the father of Elmer Rave, asked if details
E. I. Co. Tuner, Detector, Condenser and 150 feet aerial he and final results could not be secured from some operator.
can pick up New York or Arlington, Va.. with perfect ease. Fire Island was asked and 11/2 pages of news about the Shin-
Mr. Howe says that the New York station comes in loud necock was sent us, at a pretty fast clip for me. who wrote
enough to hear it three feet away from the phones. it down on foolscap. It is self-evident that Elmer Rave
Mr. Joseph J. Janda, Stangelville. Wis., writes us that couldn't have faked the message or all the others, because
with an 8060 E. I. Co. transformer coil and a 6-volt 60 am - the speed would not allow it. As witnesses to prove the
speed at which they were received I quote the following:
n -re hour E. I. Co. storage battery he can get a spark of in
Mrs. and Mr. Rave, 12 Raleigh Place, Brooklyn.
2% inches. which is very much more than he expected as Mrs. Hechler and daughter. Palisades Park, N. J.
much as the Company only claims 11/2 inch maximum for a Mr. and Mrs. Bogardus. Gayhead, New York.
transformer coil. Mr. Janda claims that he has sent over 40 Other stations, such as Syracuse, Saratoga. Richfield
miles with this transformer coil. Springs. Springfield. and Albany, were spoken to on one occa-
Arthur Haake. Norwood. N. J., tells us that he has a 1/2 sion.
K.W. E. I. Co. transformer coil and says that during the last I have the foolscap papers on which the messages were
Or weeks he communicated with a friend in Philadelphia, a written by me as they were read out by Elmer Rave and I
distance of 92 miles either during day 07 during night. This will forward them to you if you want to look over them.
certainly is a very good record, and although the Company Very truly yours.
does not claim that such results are always obtained, it goes ERNEST HECHLER.
to show that the capacity of the coil must be right. Palisades Park, New Jersey.
This department is for the sole benefit of the electrical
experimenter. Questions will he answered here for the benefit of all, but only matter of
sufficient interest will be published. Rules under which questions
I. At least one of the questions must deal with "E. 1.
will be inswered:
2. Only three questions can be submitted to he ausw cred.Co." apparatus or instruments, or "E. I.
Co." merchandise.
3. Only one side of sheet to be written on;
matter must
4. Sketches, diagrams, etc., must be on separate sheets.
be typewritten or else written in ink, no penciled matter considered.
Questions addressed to this Department cannot be answered by mail.
SPARK COILS IN SERIES. electrode to the aluminum electrode, but will not permit
1..)James Smith, Texas, would like to know: current to pass through the cell in the opposite direction,
Q. 1. What two minerals constitute the Perikon De- that is, from the aluminum plate to the lead plate. We are
tector and which mineral forms the point of same? giving herewith working diagram of the four cell electrolytic
A. 1. The minerals are zineite and chalcopyrites,
the rectifier, the arrows showing the path taken by one instan-
latter being used as the point. taneous alternation at a given instant, and as will be seen,
Q. 2. What is the average sending range of the "Bull the four cell rectifier connected as shown, utilizes both
Dog" one -inch spark coil used with medium size aerial? halves of the cycle, thus producing a high efficiency, and a
A. 2. From six to eight miles. much more steady direct current, than a single cell rectifier.
Q. 3. How can I utilize two spark coils so as to work When used on 110 volts, 60 cycle, alternating current circuits,
simultaneously? the rectifier delivers about 80 volts direct current, and its
A. 3. Connect the primaries and secondaries in series over all efficiency is about 85 per cent. The four cell rectifier
and use one vibrator for both primary windings. can pass as much as five amperes, direct current, but its
normal continuous rate is 21/2 amperes and the life of the
CHARGING VOLTAGE. solution used in same is about (600), six hundred hours, with
(2.) Mr. H. Peabody, Mass., asks: normal current.
Q. 1. \Vhat is the meaning of the tap sizes as given in
the E. I. Co.'s catalogue, such as No. 6-32, 8-32, etc.? OPERATING A 2 INCH "BULL -DOG" COIL.
A. 1. In giving tap numbers, the first number, such as (4.) G. C. M., Pennsylvania, writes:
6 in your question, is understood to mean the number of the Q. 1. How many feet are there to one pound of No. 14
tap and corresponds to some empirical diameter according B. & S. and No. 18 B. & S. enameled magnet wire?
to a standard gauge, and we are giving herewith the cor- A. 1. No. 14 B. & S. enameled magnet wire has about
responding diameters of the common tap sizes in general 79 feet to the pound and No. 18 B. & S. about 200 feet to the
use: -No. 2 = .08416 inch outside diameter: No. 4 = .11048 pound.
inch; No. 6 = .1368 inch; No. 8 = .16312 inch; No. 10 = Q. 2. How many Gordon primary cells will be required
.18944 inch: No. 12 = .21576 inch; No. 14 = .24208. to properly operate a 2 -inch "Bull -Dog" spark coil; the cells
The second number of the tap designation, such as No. to be of the 100 ampere hour size?
32. refers to the pitch of the threads or the distance between A. 2. This will require about eight Gordon cells, which
them and No. 32 thread means 32 threads per inch pitch. give approximately .7 volts each with circuit closed.
Q. 3. Must the voltage of a charging dynamo be higher Q. 3. Would you recommend the use of a small bat-
than the voltage given by the storage cells which it is tery motor of sufficient power to drive a bench lathe, the
charging? motor to derive its energy from primary cells, such as above
A. 3. The voltage of the charging dynamo must be five mentioned; or do you think it advisable to employ instead a
to ten per cent. higher than the storage battery voltage, small gasoline engine, and where could I purchase a suitable
which it is charging; but in general practise, the amperes one at a reasonable price?
flowing into the battery on charge is usually the quantity A. 3. We would not recommend the use of a small
watched, and the charging rheostat is regulated, so that motor run on primary cells as suggested, as this would be a
the normal charging current passes into the battery. The veryinefficient proposition. A small gasoline engine of
standard charge and discharge rate for lead cells is the eight about 1/2 H.P. would form the best source of power to drive
hour rate. i. e.. if a storage cell is rated at 80 ampere hours your lathe with, and you can purchase such an engine of the
capacity. its charge or discharge rate in general would he very latest type, complete with all equipment, and ready to
ten amperes for eight hours. run, at $25.50 from the Electro Importing Co., New York
(3.) W. P. Webb. Mo.. inquires: OUTPUT OF BULL -DOG" COIL.
Q. 1. Is it true that the rotating part of some of the (5.) VV. C. Daniels, Madison, New Jersey, inquires:
large turbo -generators for making electricity weigh 150 tons Q. 1. What is the approximate secondary output of the
and are floated in a vertical position on oil for a hearing? 11/2 -inch "Bull -Dog" spark coil sold by the E. I. Co., when
A. 1. Yes: the oil is maintained by pumps at a pressure the coil is operated on 110 volts alternating current. with
equivalent to the weight of the rotor. the Gernsback electrolytic interrupter and choke coil?
Q. 2. Is the E. I. Co. six volt 60 ampere hour storage A. I. The secondary output of the 11/2 -inch "Bull -Dog"
battery suitable for operating the electric lights, and igniting spark coil is about 220 watts or .22 kilowatt.
the engine on automobiles? Q. 2. What is the largest size enameled magnet wire
carried in stock by the E. I. Co.?
A. 2. No. 14 B. & S. enameled magnet wire is the largest
size carried in stock or made at the present time, as with
larger wires than No. 14 B. & S. it becomes difficult to make
the enamel adhere' properly to the conductor.
(6.) H. Lavoise. Lavelle. Pa., inquires:
Q. 1. Which one of the small dynamos sold by the E. 1.
Co. would you recommend for recharging a six volt, 100 am-
pere hour storage battery. and how long would it take the
dynamo to recharge same?
A. 1. You will probably find their No. 810 dynamo de-
livering eight volts and ten amperes quite suitable for your
purposes; and this dynamo could recharge your 100 ampere
hour storage battery in about ten hours at a ten ampere rate.
O. 2. What precautions are necessary in operating such
L LEAD PLATE a storage battery in parallel with the charging- dynamo, on
an automobile. where the dynamo speed is constantly fluctu-
A. 2. Yes, it is being used extensively for this purpose. ating-)
Q. 3. Please explain the action of the Electrolytic Rec- A. 2. Tn such cases it is, of course, necessary to guard
tifier and give diagram showing the complete action of the the storage battery discharging back through the
,a in s t
four cell type. such as sold by the E. I. Co. for recharging dynamo; also that the dynamo shall not deliver too great a
storage batteries from alternating current circuits of 110 voltage and thus overcharge the storage battery. To prevent
volts or more? the storage battery from discharging hack through the dyna-
A. 3. The electrolytic rectifier manufactured by the E. I. mo. in case the speed of the latter should fall below normal.
Co. depends for its action upon the fact that if an aluminum consequently lowering its voltage below that of the storage
electrode or plate, together with another electrode of lead or battery. an automatic cut-out is usually' connected in series
iron, be placed in a jar containing certain electrolytes, this between the dynamo and storage battery, and you can pro-
cell will allow current to be passed from the lead or iron cure same from the E. T. Co. at $5.00. To prevent the dynamo
from reaching too high a speed or overcharging the storage utilizing the ground as a conductor, in place of one wire; gas
battery, an automatic clutch or pulley is generally supplied, pipe or water pipe ground can be employed for this purpose.
which disengages the dynamo drive when the engine speed The push button on the instrument is not used in the com-
reaches a predetermined voltage operating by means of a bined system, but only the separate push buttons shown in
centrifugal governor. diagram, which may be of the type sold by the E. I. Co. No.
1008, at six cents each.
QUENCHED SPARK GAP. Q. 3. Could you give me a diagram for connecting three
( 7.) F. Kantor, Reading, Pa., asks: of your Telimphones, so that No. 1 instrument can, by means
Q. 1. Would you please inform me where I can obtain of a switch, talk to No. 2 or No. 3 instruments and normally
quenched spark gaps, complete, ready to use? Nos. and 2 are to be joined together through the above
A. I. You can obtain quenched spark gaps, consisting of mentioned switch. It is not necessary for No. 3 to talk to
eight individual gaps, mounted complete on base and ready either No. 1 or No. 2 except when No. 1 party wishes to,
to connect, at $20.00, from the Electro Importing Co., New and this is to be accomplished by using as few wires as pos-
York City. sible, and also a ground return?
A. 3. Diagram is given below for the connection of the
(8.) George Emmich, Newark, Ohio, writes us: INSTRUMENT
Q. 1. Where can I obtain metallic cadmium, price of Ns? 9204
same; and also the metal invar?
A. 1. You can procure metallic cadmium from the E. I.
Co. at $3.15 per lb. and invar may be obtained from Eimer
& Amend, Chemists. New York City.
Q. 2. What is the coefficient of linear expansion per
degree Fahrenheit, for hard rubber and also for vulcanized
A. 2. The coefficient of linear expansion per degree
Fahrenheit for hard rubber is approximately .000002 inch, and
for vulcanized hard fibre it is approximately .000003 inch.
Q. 3. Which, in your opinion, is the best material for
insulating spark coils, such as the insulating tube between 2 P SW. 1015 G
the primary and secondary, and also the separators between instruments as stated in your question, and, as will be seen,
secondary sections?
A. 3. Hard rubber is the best material for this purpose, a two -point switch is all that is required at No. 1 instrument,
but fibre can be used, but it should always be somewhat, so that by moving the switch lever to No. 2 or No. 3 contact
heavier than hard rubber for the same voltage stress. The points, No. 1 party can talk to either No. 2 or No. 3, but
E. I. Co. makes a specialty in supplying such tubes. normally the switch lever is left at No. 2 point, so that No. 2
party can at any time call up No. 1 if desired, and vice versa.
(9.) C. Lintel, Peak, J. F. Prendergast, New York City, writes us as fol-
Mass.. asks: (10.)
Q. 1. Kindly give me lows:
working diagram of interior Q. 1. Can you give me the dimensions and solution pro-
connections for your No. portions for constructing sal -ammoniac wet batteries, such
9204 Telimphone, as I have as used for telephone and bell work; and where can I obtain
several of these and wish to 0 sal -ammoniac, and at what price?.
experiment with same. A. 1. The proportions of the common sal -ammoniac wet
A. 1. We are giving battery with carbon and zinc elements are as follows: A
below diagram of connec- PYPer glass jar, either round or square, about 5 inches across and
tions as used in No. 9204 acme.", 6 inches high, is filled half full of clean water, and V4 lb.
Telimphone. of sal -ammoniac is thoroughly dissolved in same. You can
Q. 2. Please give me a obtain sal -ammoniac at 20 cents per lb. from the E. I. Co.
diagram for the connection The carbon element is usually made in the form of a hollow
of four No. 9204 instruments Precerarel cylinder about 1 inch smaller all around than the glass con-
on one system, with selec- tainer, and the wall of the same may be % to 34 inch thick,
tive ringing and common with a length about 674 the depth of the jar, but car-
talking wires. and state kind 1'0,4,14
Erne TfRy
bon plates 1/2 inch thick and about 5 x 21/2 inches may be em-
of wire to be used in mak- AP/rare
ployed instead. The zinc pole, which forms the anode of the
ing the cable for such a.sys- L.rrs cell. in most cases takes the form of a 44 inch zinc rod, but
tem for a distance.not ex- sheet zinc, of about the same dimensions as the carbon plate,
ceeding 150 feet. may he used.
A. 2. We are pleased to give you herewith diagram of
a combined system for utilizing four of our regular No. 9204
Telimphones, with selective ringing push buttons at each
station; as will be seen by looking at the diagramThese all of the
We Want You
instruments talk over a common pair of wires. talk- to bear in mind when reading this magazine, that this publi-
battery power through cation does not accept or print advertisements. 96 per cent.
ing wires are supplied with centralized of the magazine is text. It does not take an expert to cal-
a choke coil, which may be the electro-magnet coils of an culate that the publication on account of this MUST neces-
electric bell; an ordinary gas lighting coil makes a very good sarily be operated at a LOSS. The 5 cents we charge per
impedance for this work. The centralized battery may be cony does not go to pay for the paper and printing, let alone
composed of six to eight "Electro" dry cells or sal -ammoniac editorial cost, designs, cuts, mailing, etc. Naturally we strive
to make up for our loss indirectly, and it is here where we
must look to you.
if you wish to get the "Electrical Experimenter" regu-
larly --and we have fond hopes that you do.-we trust that
you will patronize our Company, to make it worth our while
to continue publishing this magazine. As we have installed
an elaborate checking system, in order to ascertain if the
"Electrical Experimenter" brings us business; we ask you to
he kind enough to cut out the coupon below and paste or
JAM °7211 NI'
UMW 1. pin it on your order, when you order
C Pf
goods from us. We surmise that you
wish to buy such goods on account of
wishing to make something, due to
3 13011:MIIMINIMIP.m.
4 reading an article in this magazine, and
the 5 per cent. discount we allow on all
our catalogue goods is given to make
7 Ir.a reore it worth your while to help us in check-
Gni c.,.
ing our results from this magazine.
wet cells. The conductors used in the cable for this system
Please remember that this discount is
may very well be No. 18 or 16 B. & S. cotton covered bell only given if the coupon accompanies
the o*cler. The Electro Importing Co.
wire; and one of the wires of the system can be eliminated by
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