Hope 2: Self-Learning Module 1 Role of Sports in Managing Stress

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HOPE 2 11

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Quarter 3

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Self-Learning Module 1
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Role of Sports in
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Managing Stress
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Most Essential Learning Competency:

Describes the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

1. explain stress and its causes;

2. discover the role of sports in managing stress; and

3. recommend sports-related activities to manage stress.

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Directions: Read carefully and understand each item. Write your answer on the
space provided.

________1. It helps the body relax, makes you feel happy, and block any feeling of
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________2. It is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or challenging life incidents
such as tense feelings, worry, and discomfort.

________3. It is the harmful physical consequence of stress.


________4. It is an event or situation that causes stressful situation.

________5. The capacity to respond and recover from something stressful.

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Directions: Read carefully and understand each item. Choose from the box the
correct answer and write your answer on the space provided.

Leading Staffing Management

Organization Planning Controlling

________1. The structural planning of roles to implement necessary functions.

________2. Program strategies are laid out to achieve the desired outcome.

________3. The recruitment, selection, and retention of members wherein they are
given an appropriate assignment with proper training and professional

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________4. It directs the organization to motivate and empower individuals in

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carrying out the program.

________5. It deals with tasks and accountabilities to accomplish the objectives
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through cooperation.
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Stress is a reality of life that people encounter every day. In this unpredictable
world, working under pressure has become the rule rather than an exception. As a

consequence, it becomes one of the common problems that we face and directly affect
our ability to stay well.

Stress-is a reaction of the body and mind to unkind or challenging life incidents such
as tense feelings, worry, and discomfort. Stress as the mental, emotional, and

physiological response of the body to any situation that is new, threatening,

frightening, or exciting. It is a nonspecific response to any demand that is placed
upon it. The imbalance between the demand from the environment and the person’s
ability to cope can trigger feelings of anxiety. Some responses like being irritated,
frightened, or anxious can cause headache or stomach-ache.
Most people consider stress as a negative experience but this is not always
the case; it can be also positive. The enhancing influence on our productivity and
satisfaction is called “eustress”. Eustress or positive stress promoted growth and

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accomplishments and stimulates you to go on. On the other hand, the harmful
physical consequence of stress is called “distress.” Distress or negative stress often
causes poor performance. The perception of stress as positive or negative varies from
person to person. One event might elicit a positive response to someone while it could
be negative to another person.
Causes of Stress
A stressor is an event or a situation that causes stressful situations, which
are seen as risks to the well-being of a person. The body responds to stress by
secreting hormones that prepare the body to respond to the situation, the stress
response is not harmful to the body; however, frequent activation of the stress
response has negative consequences on the body. It leaves the body feeling weak,
tired, and impairs the immune system. These cause anxiety that affects an
individual’s health, behavior, and life.
When people say “stress,” they are talking about stressors. Stressors lead to
stress response or the body’s reactions to stress which help bring balance. There are

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different sources of stress, which range from life-threatening events to small events.

Some of these include:

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1. Major Life Changes. The majority of stressors are key life changes that influence

an individual’s family and social life. These stressful changes threaten one’s sense
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of security and self-esteem. Changes due to stressful events in life endanger an
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individual’s sense of safety and confidence. Some examples include the death of a
loved one, losing a job, etc.
2.Everyday Problems. The stress or “hassles” we encounter everyday or occasional

petty incidents are part of this group. Examples of these stressors include dressing
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concerns, misplacing or losing things, too many things in mind, or physical

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appearance. These may be insignificant but they accumulate as it happens daily.

3. Physical Surroundings. The immediate surroundings affect the level of day-to-
day stress
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a. Crowded transportation in going to school or workplace

b. Street walks with foul odors
c. Unbearable weather conditions

d. Noise especially if you are residing near airports, train rail tracks, or

factories with loud machines

e. People in depressed, dangerous, or polluted areas
f. People are exposed to calamities, tragedies, armed conflicts, and other

4. Other Stressors. Other stressors involving teenagers include:

a. Being late in class, exams, assignments, and reports, issues on body image,
conflicts in relationships and peer pressure
b. Worrying about their future
c. Conflicts and disagreements with family members, friends, and other
people, among others.

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When faced with all these stressors, these may cause the heart rate to
increase, breathing becomes more rapid but shallow, and muscles become tense too.
Teenagers who cannot manage their issues resort to alcohol, prohibited drugs,
and sometimes suicide.

Counterproductive Coping Strategies

Coping is defined as the “capacity to respond and recover from something
useful” (WHO 1999). Coping is a conscious response to psychological stress in an
attempt to balance mental and emotional conditions. Both positive and negative
incidents need coping skills that will accommodate these changes in life. These
include how to behave, thinking of ideas, and controlling emotions to minimize or
tolerate stressful events.

The Role of Sports in Managing Stress

Sports naturally relieve the body from the effects of stress. These benefits in
reducing physiological and psychological responses to stress are recognized.

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Primarily, sports have a lot to do in decreasing muscular tension which helps lessen

or dissipate stress.

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It is important to be mindful of releasing tension through productive activities.

According to many studies, exercise and sports participation release chemicals called
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endorphins, which help the body relax, make you feel happy, and block any feeling
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of pain.

Fitness Tips: Stay Healthy, Manage Stress

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For the biggest benefits of exercise, try to include at least 2½ hours of

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moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g. brisk walking) each week, 1¼ hours of a

vigorous-intensity activity (such as jogging or swimming laps), or a combination of
the two.
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• 5 X 30: Jog, walk, bike, or dance three to five times a week for 30 minutes.
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• Set small daily goals and aim for daily consistency rather than perfect workouts.
It's better to walk every day for 15-20 minutes than to wait until the weekend for
a three-hour fitness marathon. Lots of scientific data suggest that frequency is

the most important.


• Find forms of exercise that are fun or enjoyable. Extroverted people often like
classes and group activities. Introverted people often prefer solo pursuits.

• Distract yourself with an iPod or other portable media player to download


audiobooks, podcasts, or music. Many people find it's more fun to exercise while
listening to something they enjoy.
• Recruit an “exercise buddy.” It's often easier to stick to your exercise routine when
you have to stay committed to a friend, parents, or siblings.
• Be patient when you start a new exercise program. Most sedentary people require
about four to eight weeks to feel coordinated and sufficiently in shape so that
exercise feels easier.

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Activity 1: Check Stress Level

Instructions: In the last month, how often have the following been true for you?
Write the number that fits your reality on the line before each
Always-4 Often-3 Sometimes – 2 Seldom – 1 Never – 0

_________1. I feel tired.

_________2. I find it very hard to relax.

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_________3. I find it hard to make decisions.

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_________4. I find myself breathing rapidly.

_________5. I have trouble thinking clearly.
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_________6. I eat too much or too little.

_________7. I get headache.


_________8. I feel emotionally numb.

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_________9. I think about my problems over and over again during the day.

_________10. I have sleeping problems (e.g., trouble falling asleep, trouble staying

asleep, trouble waking up, nightmares, etc).

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_________11. I have trouble feeling hopeful.

_________12. I find myself taking unnecessary risks or engaging in behavior

hazardous to health and/or safety.

_________13. I have back and neck pain, or other chronic tension-linked pain

_________14. I use caffeine or nicotine more than usual.

_________15. I feel overwhelmed and helpless.


_________16. I have nervous habits (e.g., biting my nails, grinding my teeth,

fidgeting, pacing, etc).

_________17. I forget little things (e.g. where I put my keys, people’s names, details

discussed during the last work meeting).

_________18. I have stomach upsets (examples: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and


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_________19. I am irritable and easily annoyed.

_________20. I have mood-swings and feel over-emotional.

_________21. I find it hard to concentrate.

_________22. I have trouble feeling that life is meaningful.

_________23. I am withdrawn and feel distant and cut off from other people.

_________24. I use alcohol and/or other drugs to try and help cope.

_________25. My class performance has declined and I have trouble completing


TOTAL SCORE:_____________


0 – 25: A score in this range suggests that you’re probably in great stress-shape!

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26 – 50: A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a low to

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moderate degree of stress.

51 – 75: A score in this range suggests you may be experiencing a moderate to a
high degree of stress.
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76 – 100: A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a very high
degree of stress.

Source: https://hr.un.org/sites/hr.un.org/files/Test%20-
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Activity 2: Stressed Me Out!

List three (3) stressful situations that caused you to distress and how you
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handled each situation.

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Stressful Situation as Student for How I Handled it

this New Normal Classes



Activity 3: List down two (2) sports activities and explain how these make you feel
relaxed when you are stressed.

Sports How Makes Me Feel Relaxed When I am Stressed


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What have you learned in this lesson?

A. Explain the following terminologies:

1. Stress:____________________________________________________________________

2. Eustress:__________________________________________________________________

3. Distress:


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4. Stressor:__________________________________________________________________

B. Give two (2) Causes of Stress:
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Based on the results of your previous physical activity assessments, how these
results help you to manage your stress?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


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