Ivy + Bean Full Series Educator Guide

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The New York Times Bestselling Series

Meet Ivy & Bean, two H”Just right for kids moving
friends who were never on from beginning readers.”
meant to like each other. —Publishers Weekly,
starred review

by annie barrows + sophie blackall

The moment they saw each other, Ivy and Bean knew they would never be friends.
But sometimes the best of friends are people who were never meant to like each
other. Vibrant characters and laugh-out-loud humor make Ivy + Bean a charming and
spunky popular series for early chapter book readers.


The Ivy + Bean series of books appeal to young readers and enhance their emerging literacy skills by
developing fluency, strengthening comprehension, and building vocabulary. Ivy + Bean books are also
ones that readers select because they:
• Feature humorous storylines
• Focus more on plot and action than description
• Contain short, simple sentences
• Include familiar vocabulary along with challenging words
• Invite readers to solve problems with the character(s)
• Sustain engagement as readers discover more about the characters they’ve come to know
• Provide visual storytelling clues that enhance and extend comprehension
• Feature common experiences such as dealing with siblings
• Connect readers — Ivy + Bean books are ones their friends like to read too!

The Ivy and Bean books are wonderful read-alouds. Teachers may want to read the entire series to the
class over the course of the year, or they may decide to specifically highlight one book. Parents interested
in reading to their children at home may want to follow the teacher’s lead and make sharing Ivy and Bean’s
adventures a family activity.
Literature circles are discussion groups in which children meet regularly to chat about books. Arrange for
four to six students to meet as a literature circle to discuss a selected book. By sharing their reactions,
opinions, and feelings with their classmates, students will better be able to understand and appreciate the
experiences of the duo, including the art of friendship, working together, and finding ways to have fun in
any situation.

Art © Sophie Blackall

Getting to Know You Interview
Bean was reluctant to meet her new neighbor, Ivy, because she thought she would be boring! But first
impressions are not always correct. Pair students up to conduct an interview of each other using the
following questions:

• What is your full name? (first, middle, and last)

• When is your birthday?
• Do you have any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they, and
what are their names?
• Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, what are their
names and ages?
• What is your favorite [animal, book, ice cream flavor, food,
sport, color, place?
• What is your favorite subject at school? Why?
• What do you want to be when you grow up?
• What kinds of things do you do after school and on weekends?
(sports, family activities, read, play games)

Character Similarities And Differences

Before Bean met Ivy, she didn’t like her. Bean’s mother thinks Bean should try playing with Ivy. Ivy’s mother
says the same thing about Bean. Neither girl is interested. But when they meet, they discover that they’d
been wrong about each other, and a friendship begins. Their friendship shows that people don’t have to be
the same – that they don’t have to like the same things – in order to get along.
Have your students make a list of things they know about Ivy and Bean using the chart below. Then, have
them organize their ideas in a simple Venn diagram to see visually where Ivy and Bean have common traits.

Sample Chart Sample Venn Diagrams


Long curly red hair Short black hair

Long curly Short black

red hair Bugged hair
Didn’t have many friends Played with everybody
Didn’t have by mom Played with
many friends everybody

Bugged by mom Bugged by mom

Art © Sophie Blackall

Expressive Characters
Illustrator Sophie Blackall’s black-and-white illustrations provide humor and enjoyment to the book.
They are also very expressive. Have students analyze the illustrations in the book, particularly the
characters’ expressions.
First, ask students to examine the cover of Ivy + Bean Book 1. What do they notice about Bean? How about
Ivy? Have them record and share their observations in class.
Then, tell students to turn to the following pages: 11, 12, 19, 35, 43, 47. Using sticky notes, have students write
down what emotion they believe the character is expressing prior to reading that chaper, and place the sticky
note on the page with the illustration.
Have them share their interpretations for each page in a class chart to discover what emotions the students
believed were visually communicated by the illustrations. Keep the chart on the board during reading.
After reading each section, have students refer to the class chart. Were their predictions of the characters’
emotions based on the illustrations accurate? Follow up by asking students how the illustrations contribute to
the story. What essential information does each illustration convey that helps them understand the story?

Judge That Book by the Cover

Illustrator Sophie Blackall creates artful covers for Ivy and Bean which are both eye-catching and great fun.
Allow students to create a new, original cover for each book, making sure to consider the important elements
in the novel. Alternatively, select a specific scene contained in a book and create original illustrations.


Partner Discussions
When students have the opportunity to discuss the books they are reading with others, they discover
connections that they may not have made to the story and also aspects of the story they might have missed
or misinterpreted. Having partner discussions not only brings a social component to reading, but also
supports comprehension. Use the following process to set up an effective partner discussion.

• Face your partner. Be sure you are both on the same level (sitting on the floor or at desks).
• Decide who will go first in sharing his/her connections and insight into the story.
• Place your book under a chair or behind you if you are the listener. This prevents distractions and allows you to be
focused on listening to your partner.

Art © Sophie Blackall


• Tell a little about the book. Be ready to read a part that was interesting or funny. Also share any portion of the book
that confused you.
• Share a part of the book where you changed your thinking about the plot or about a character.
• Point out pages that contain interesting language.
• Describe details and traits of one of the characters. Read a portion where the character is talking and speak in a voice that
you believe would sound like that particular character.
• Once you are done, ask your partner if s/he has any questions.
• Now it’s your partner’s turn to share using the same process.

Book Sharing
Bean never read big books. Reading made her jumpy. Even when Bean picked her own book from the class
library, she would twist and turn and try to read it upside down. But when Ms. Aruba-Tate gave Bean a book
she brought from home especially for her, everything changed. Bean really got into the book and shared it
with Ivy and the rest of the kids in the class.
Sharing a book with someone else is a rewarding experience. Have the students in your class pick a book
they like and give it to someone else to read. They should be able to explain why they think the other student
will like the book. Now two readers can share the enjoyment of the book together. Each student should keep
a record of the books they read and who gave them each book. They should also record what books they
gave to someone else. Make a chart like the one below and post it in your reading corner.


Student’s Name Book Shared With Comments

Writing Prompt
“Before Bean met Ivy, she didn’t like her.” But later, Bean learns that Ivy is a lot more interesting than she
seems. Have you ever had an idea about a person that turned out to be wrong? Describe what you thought
before and how your opinion changed.

Art © Sophie Blackall

Friendship Chain Making with Ivy + Bean
NOTE TO TEACHER: Prepare the paper the children will use beforehand. Cut a supply of 2-inch wide by
5 1/2 -inch long strips for each child. For a more finished look for the bracelet, the children can attach a small
6mm jewelry clasp and jump ring. You can get enough for your whole class for about $3.00 at your local
hobby store or an online jewelry supply company. If you use the clasp and ring, use a needle and thread to
punch holes in the ends of the bracelet so that they can be tied on.

Ivy and Bean are tied together in friendship by the oath they took. You and your best friend can join together
by making and giving each other friendship bracelets. Then when you look at the bracelet, it will remind you
of your best friend. Here’s how to do it:


• 2 inch by 5½ inch strips of white paper
• (supplied by your teacher)
• Scissors
• Crayons
• Two paper clips or jewelry clasp and jump ring
Make designs, draw pictures, and color in one side of each strip.
Each strip of paper is to be folded the same way:
Look at figure 1
1. Hold the paper the long way and fold it in half to make the
center line EF.
2. Open up the paper and fold edge AB to the center line EF.
3. Fold edge IJ also to the center line EF.
4. Fold the new outside edges CD and GH together. You should
have a folded strip of paper about 1/4 inch wide and 5 1/2 Figure 2
inches long with all the long edges folded in. 1 2 3

Look at figure 2
5. Take the strip and fold it in half to make the center line 2.
6. Open up the strip and fold edge 1 to the center line 2.
Figure 3
Look at figure 3 and figure 4a, b, and c edges 1-3 folded in
7. Fold edge 3 to the center line 2.
8. Repeat this for all the papers you have.

Art © Sophie Blackall

You are now ready to put your paper bracelet together:

1. Slip the edges of one the folded sections through the opening created by the folding in another folded paper. They should link
together to form the letter V. If you need help, ask your teacher. Look at figure 4d.

2. Take another folded paper and attach it to the Vin the same way. It should look like the letter W.

3. As you add more pieces of folded paper, your chain should look like a zigzagged line.

4. When the bracelet is big enough to go around your wrist, write the name of your friend on the bracelet. Attach a small paper
clip to each end of the bracelet and connect the clips, or for a more finished look attach a clasp to one end and a ring to
the other. Ask your teacher to put a small pin hole on each end of the bracelet so that the clasp and ring can be tied on.

5. Give your best friend the bracelet so that he/she is always thinking about you.

Figure 4

a b c d


ANNIE BARROWS knew lots of spoiled SOPHIE BLACKALL once met a very spoiled
kids when she was little. She knew a kid who baby who kicked her parents out of bed each
wouldn’t let anyone touch his toy cars. night and made them sleep on the floor.
She knew a girl who wore three fancy dress- The baby is now a teenager and denies this
up skirts at once so no one else could ever happened. Sophie lives in New York.
wear any. And once, when Annie got some
To learn more about Sophie, visit her at
play lipstick for Christmas, a girl ate it. Really.
She did. Annie lives in Berkeley, California.

To learn more about Annie, visit her at


Art © Sophie Blackall

Written by Annie Barrows + Illustrated by Sophie Blackall • Ages 6–10

book 1: Ivy + Bean book 2: Ivy + Bean book 3: Ivy + Bean book 4: Ivy + Bean
978-0-8118-4903-6 • $14.99 hc and the Ghost That Had to Go Break the Fossil Record Take Care of the Babysitter
978-0-8118-4909-8 • $5.99 pb 978-0-8118-4910-4 • $14.99 hc 978-0-8118-5683-6 • $14.99 hc 978-0-8118-5685-0 • $14.99 hc
978-0-8118-4911-1 • $5.99 pb 978-0-8118-6250-9 • $5.99 pb 978-0-8118-6584-5 • $5.99 pb

book 5: Ivy + Bean book 6: Ivy + Bean book 7: Ivy + Bean book 8: Ivy + Bean
Bound to Be Bad Doomed to Dance What’s the Big Idea? No News is Good News
978-0-8118-6265-3 • $14.99 hc 978-0-8118-6266-0 • $14.99 hc 978-0-8118-6692-7 • $14.99 hc 978-0-8118-6693-4 • $14.99 HC
978-0-8118-6857-0 • $5.99 pb 978-0-8118-7666-7 • $5.99 pb 978-1-4521-0236-8 • $5.99 pb 978-1-4521-0781-3 • $5.99 PB


Have your jewels gone missing? Is


a cloaked stranger hiding in the

shadows? Bean, Private Investiga-
tor, can help! She laughs at danger!
She’s tough as shoe leather! She

knows how to dust for fingerprints!
And she and her assistant, Ivy, are
Meet Ivy and Bean, two friends ready, willing, and able to solve any
who never meant to like each other. mystery you can throw at them.
ANNIE BARROWS lives a life filled What’s that you say? You have no
with unsolved mysteries, puzzling mysteries? That’s what the kids of
events, and perplexing questions. Pancake Court thought, too, until—
Mostly, this is because she can’t ha ha!—Bean, Private Investigator,
see very well and she can’t find her showed them the mystery that
glasses either. lurked at the very heart of their
neighborhood, the secret, unseen,
There have been 27 mysteries in hidden—
SOPHIE BLACKALL’S household, Wait a second! Bean, P. I., says
but almost all of them turned out if you want to find out what it was,
to be the cat. You can visit her at you should read the book.

You can meet Ivy and Bean online, too! *“The deliciousness is in the details
. . . drawn distinctly and with flair.”
Visit them at chroniclebooks.com/ivyandbean.
—Booklist, starred review

“This story defies expectations of

what an early chapter book can be.”
$14.99 U.S./£9.99 U.K. —School Library Journal

“Barrows and Blackall deliver another

laugh-out-loud Pancake Court romp.”
—Kirkus Reviews
by annie barrows 10 + sophie blackall

book 9: Ivy + Bean book 10: Ivy + Bean book 11: Ivy + Bean book 12: Ivy + Bean
Make the Rules Take the Case One Big Happy Family Get to Work!
978-1-4521-0295-5 • $14.99 hc 978-1-4521-0699-1 • $14.99 hc 978-1-4521-6400-7 • $14.99 hc 978-1-7972-0510-6 • $14.99 hc
978-1-4521-1148-3 • $5.99 PB 978-1-4521-2871-9 • $5.99 pb 978-1-4521-6910-1 • $5.99 pb

Ivy + Bean Includes
Paper Dolls! tattoos and

The Ivy + Bean Secret Treasure Box Ivy + Bean Boxed Set Ivy + Bean Boxed Set Ivy + Bean + Me
Boxed set includes paperbacks Boxed set includes paperbacks Boxed set includes paperbacks Guided Journal
of books 1, 2, and 3 of books 4, 5, and 6 of books 7, 8, and 9 978-1-4521-3729-2 • $10.99 HC
978-0-8118-6495-4 • $19.99 978-0-8118-7665-0 • $19.99 978-1-4521-1732-4 • $19.99

Art © Sophie Blackall


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