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HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem

BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5 KPI Reference

About This Chapter

This describes the key performance indicators (KPIs). According to the indicated performance,
KPIs are classified into CS KPIs and PS KPIs.

5.1 Introduction to KPI

This describes the KPI, which is used to monitor the network performance and detect network
5.2 CS Accessibility KPIs
This describes the CS accessibility KPIs that mainly indicate the call success rate when a MS
accesses the network. Low accessibility KPIs directly lead to low user satisfaction.
5.3 CS Retainability KPIs
This describes the CS Retainability KPIs that indicate the ratio of moving MSs to all MSs, the
moving frequency, and the success rate of handovers on the move. In addition, these KPIs
indicate the capability of providing continuous services. A low handover success rate may lead
to a high call drop rate. A low success rate leads to low user satisfaction.
5.4 CS Resource Utilization KPIs
This describes the CS Resource Utilization KPIs that are used to monitor the load of hot cells
and the network. These KPIs can serve as references for capacity expansion. The traffic volume
KPIs help to obtain the ratio of busy-hour traffic to idle-hour traffic, to evaluate the utilization
of system resources, and to adjust charges. The equipment availability KPIs help to know the
running status of equipment, such as the running status of channels. If these KPIs are low,
equipment and transmission may be faulty.
5.5 PS Throughput KPIs
This describes the PS Throughput KPIs that are used to monitor the load of hot cells and the
network and to obtain service models. These KPIs can serve as references for capacity expansion.
The PS Throughput KPIs help to obtain the busy-hour PS traffic and the idle-hour PS traffic, to
evaluate the utilization of system resources, and to facilitate service assessment of carriers.
5.6 PS Transmission KPIs
This describes the PS Transmission KPIs that indicate the quality of radio transmission links in
a cell. If the RLC data block retransmission rate in a cell is high, the quality of the radio
transmission links in the cell is poor. Therefore, take corresponding measures, such as RF

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HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
5 KPI Reference BSS Performance Management Guidelines

5.7 PS Accessibility KPIs

This describes the PS Accessibility KPIs that indicate whether MSs can easily access cells. Poor
PS Accessibility KPIs directly affect user satisfaction.
5.8 PS Resource Utilization KPIs
This describes the PS Resource Utilization KPIs that indicate the utilization of the network
resource and the busy states of services. Thus, these KPIs can be used to guide network
5.9 PS Retainability KPIs
This describes the PS Retainability KPIs that mainly involve the uplink and downlink TBF call
drop rates. These KPIs indicate the capability of providing continuous services by the network
and are directly related to user satisfaction. Thus, an increase in call drop rate directly leads to
a decrease in user satisfaction.
5.10 PS End-to-End Delay KPIs
This describes the PS End-to-End Delay KPIs that indicate the service response speed of the
network. Long delay affects user satisfaction.
5.11 PS End-to-End Quality KPIs
This describes the PS end-to-end quality KPIs. They involve the performance factors of
terminals, the radio access network, and the core network. Now, the main performance problem
comes from the radio access network. Therefore, these KPIs indicate the end-to-end service data
link bearing capability of the GPRS network, which are directly related to user satisfaction.

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.1 Introduction to KPI

This describes the KPI, which is used to monitor the network performance and detect network

KPI Attributes
Each KPI has the following attributes:
l Measurement object: indicates the measurement scope of a KPI, such as BSC level, PCU
level, or cell level.
l Measurement set: describes the signaling or algorithm of collecting a KPI, such as call
access and TBF establishment.
l Measurement service: indicates the service type of a KPI, such as CS service or PS service.

Measurement Set
Figure 5-1 shows the measurement set of the CS domain performance counters. Call
measurement and channel measurement are very important. Most of performance counters are
distributed in the two measurement sets.
l Call measurement: refers to the measurement of call services in a BSC.
l Channel measurement: refers to the measurement of various counters related to channels.

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Figure 5-1 Classification of the measurement set of the performance counters in the CS domain

Call measurement

SCCP measurement


MTP3 measurement

BTS management

LAPD measurement

System load

PCU measurement


MSC measurement

Measurement report

CBC measurement

BSC overall

Figure 5-2 shows the measurement sets of the performance counters in the PS domain. Cell
performance measurement is very important. Most of performance counters are distributed in
this measurement set.

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

Figure 5-2 KPIs classified by measurement object in the PS

BSC overall
CPU performance
NS performance
BSSGP performance
G-Abis interface
measurement PB interface
System load

PCU measurement

Cell performance

Classification of KPIs
KPIs that are commonly used in routine monitoring can be classified according to the indicated
The CS KPIs can be categorized into the following:
l Accessibility KPIs
l Retainability KPIs
l Resource Utilization KPIs
The PS KPIs can be categorized into the following:
l Throughput KPIs
l Transmission KPIs
l Accessibility KPIs
l Resource utilization KPIs
l Retainability KPIs
l End-to-End Delay KPIs
l End-to-End Quality KPIs

Collection of KPIs
CS KPIs per cell and KPIs per BSC can be viewed and analyzed on the M2000. KPIs can be
exported from the M2000 as .csv, .xls, .html, or .txt files. In addition, CS KPIs per BSC can be
viewed and analyzed through the BSC6000 intelligent report system. KPIs can be exported from
the BSC6000 intelligent report system as .csv, .xls, .html, or .txt files.
PS KPIs, such as Throughput KPIs, Transmission KPIs, Accessibility KPIs, Resource utilization
KPIs, and Retainability KPIs can be viewed and analyzed on the M2000. KPIs can be exported
from the M2000 as .csv, .xls, .html, or .txt files.

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In addition, PS KPIs can be set and queried through the OMC traffic console.

End-to-end performance KPIs can be queried through Drive Test and Call Quality Test.


The measurement object has time spans, and KPIs are collected on schedule; therefore, KPI collection may
span different periods.
If the KPIs reflect the actual status of the measurement object at a moment, the KPI collection inevitably
spans different periods.

5.2 CS Accessibility KPIs

This describes the CS accessibility KPIs that mainly indicate the call success rate when a MS
accesses the network. Low accessibility KPIs directly lead to low user satisfaction.

5.2.1 Immediate Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Immediate Assignment Success Rate.
5.2.2 SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy).
5.2.3 Call Drop Rate on SDCCH
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Call Drop Rate on SDCCH.
5.2.4 TCH Assignment Success Ratio
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Assignment Success Ratio.
5.2.5 TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy).
5.2.6 TCH Overflow Rate
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the TCH Overflow Rate.
5.2.7 TCH Seizure Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Seizure Success Rate.
5.2.8 Success Rate of Call Setup
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Success Rate of Call Setup.
5.2.9 BSS Call Establishment Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the BSS Call Establishment Success Rate.
5.2.10 Paging Overload Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Paging Overload Rate.

5.2.1 Immediate Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Immediate Assignment Success Rate.

Table 5-1 Immediate Assignment Success Rate

Counter Immediate Assignment Success Rate

Description Immediate Assignment Success Rate = Call Setup Indications (Circuit

Service)/Channel Requests (Circuit Service) x 100%

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Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.2.2 SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy).

Table 5-2 SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

Counter SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

Description SDCCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy) = Failed SDCCH Seizures
due to Busy SDCCH/SDCCH Seizure Requests x 100

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.3 Call Drop Rate on SDCCH

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Call Drop Rate on SDCCH.

Table 5-3 Call Drop Rate on SDCCH

Counter Call Drop Rate on SDCCH

Descripti Call Drop Rate on SDCCH = Call Drops on SDCCH/Successful SDCCH

on Seizures x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.4 TCH Assignment Success Ratio

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Assignment Success Ratio.

Table 5-4 TCH Assignment Success Ratio

Counter TCH Assignment Success Ratio

Descriptio TCH Assignment Success Ratio = Successful Assignments/Assignment

n Requests x 100%

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

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5.2.5 TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy).

Table 5-5 TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

Counter TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy)

Descripti TCH Congestion Rate (All Channels Busy) = (Failed TCH Seizures due to
on Busy TCH (Signaling Channel) + TCH Seizure Requests (Signaling
Channel) + Failed TCH Seizures due to Busy TCH per BSC (Traffic
Channel) + Failed TCH Seizures in TCH Handovers due to Busy TCH per
BSC (Traffic Channel))/(TCH Seizure Requests (Signaling Channel) +
TCH Seizure Requests in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel)) X 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.6 TCH Overflow Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the TCH Overflow Rate.

Table 5-6 TCH Overflow Rate

Counter TCH Overflow Rate

Description TCH Overflow Rate = Failed TCH Assignments/TCH Assignment


Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.7 TCH Seizure Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Seizure Success Rate.

Table 5-7 TCH Seizure Success Rate

Counter TCH Seizure Success Rate

Descripti TCH Seizure Success Rate = (Successful TCH Seizures (Signaling

on Channel) + Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel) + Successful TCH
Seizures in TCH handovers (Traffic Channel))/(TCH Seizure Requests
(Signaling Channel) + TCH Seizure Requests (Traffic Channel) + TCH
Seizure Requests in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

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Unit %

5.2.8 Success Rate of Call Setup

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Success Rate of Call Setup.

Table 5-8 Success Rate of Call Setup

Counter Success Rate of Call Setup

Description Success Rate of Call Setup = Successful Assignments/(Call Setup

Indications (MOC Non SMS) (SDCCH) + Call Setup Indications
(MTC) (SDCCH) + Call Setup Indications (Emergency Call)
(SDCCH) + Call Setup Indications (Call Re-establishment) (SDCCH)
+ Call Setup Indications (MOC Non SMS) (TCHF) + Call Setup
Indications (MTC) (TCHF) + Call Setup Indications (Emergency Call)
(TCHF) + Call Setup Indications (Call Re-establishment) (TCHF) +
Call Setup Indications (MOC Non SMS) (TCHH) + Call Setup Indications
(MTC) (TCHH) + Call Setup Indications (Call Re-establishment)
(TCHH) - Downlink Point-to-Point Short Messages on SDCCH)) x

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.9 BSS Call Establishment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the BSS Call Establishment Success Rate.

Table 5-9 BSS Call Establishment Success Rate

Counter BSS Call Establishment Success Rate

Description BSS Call Establishment Success Rate = ((Immediate Assignment

Success Rate x Assignment Success Rate) x (1 – SDCCH Call Drop
Rate)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.2.10 Paging Overload Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Paging Overload Rate.

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Table 5-10 Paging Overload Rate

Counter Paging Overload Rate

Description Paging Overload Rate = (PCH Overloads due to CS Service Counted

Through the Indications from the Abis Interface + PCH Overloads due
to PS Service Counted through the Indications from the Abis Interface)/
(Paging Requests on the Abis Interface (CS Service) + Paging Requests
on the Abis Interface (PS Service)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3 CS Retainability KPIs

This describes the CS Retainability KPIs that indicate the ratio of moving MSs to all MSs, the
moving frequency, and the success rate of handovers on the move. In addition, these KPIs
indicate the capability of providing continuous services. A low handover success rate may lead
to a high call drop rate. A low success rate leads to low user satisfaction.

5.3.1 TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover)

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover).
5.3.2 TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover)
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover).
5.3.3 Traffic Call Drop Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Traffic Call Drop Rate.
5.3.4 TCH Radio Loss Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Radio Loss Rate.
5.3.5 TCH Handover Loss Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Handover Loss Rate.
5.3.6 Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Handover Success Rate.
5.3.7 Radio Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Radio Handover Success Rate.
5.3.8 Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell.
5.3.9 External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate.
5.3.10 External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate.
5.3.11 Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate.
5.3.12 External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

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This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success
5.3.13 External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success
5.3.14 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/850M-1800M/1900M)
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/
5.3.15 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/1900M-900M/850M)
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/
5.3.16 Call Complete Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Call Complete Success Rate.

5.3.1 TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover)

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover).

Table 5-11 TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover)

Counter TCH Call Drop Rate (Including Handover)

Descriptio TCH Call Drop Rate = Call Drops on TCH/(Successful TCH Seizures
n (Signaling Channel) + Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel) +
Successful TCH Seizures in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.2 TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover)

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover).

Table 5-12 TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover)

Counter TCH Call Drop Rate (Excluding Handover)

Description TCH Call Drop Rate = Call Drops on TCH in Stable State (Traffic
Channel)/Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.3 Traffic Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Traffic Call Drop Rate.

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Table 5-13 Traffic Call Drop Rate

Counter Traffic Call Drop Rate

Description Traffic Call Drop Rate = 60 x Traffic Volume on TCH/Call Drops on TCH

Type Customized KPI

Unit None

5.3.4 TCH Radio Loss Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Radio Loss Rate.

Table 5-14 TCH Radio Loss Rate

Counter TCH Radio Loss Rate

Descripti TCH Radio Loss Rate = (Call Drops on Radio Interface in Stable State +
on Call Drops due to ERR IND Received on TCHF in Stable State (T200
Expired) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to ERR IND Received on
TCHF in Stable State (Unsolicited DM Response) (Signaling Channel) +
Call Drops due to ERR IND Received on TCHF in Stable State (Sequence
Error) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to ERR IND Received on
TCHH in Stable State (T200 Expired) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops
due to ERR IND Received on TCHH in Stable State (Unsolicited DM
Response) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to ERR IND Received on
TCHH in Stable State (Sequence Error) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops
due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHF in Stable State (Radio Link
Failure) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to CONN FAIL Received
on TCHF in Stable State (HO Access Failure) (Signaling Channel) + Call
Drops due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHF in Stable State (OM
Intervention) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to CONN FAIL
Received on TCHF in Stable State (Radio Resource Unavailable)
(Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHF
in Stable State (Other Causes) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to
CONN FAIL Received on TCHH in Stable State (Radio Link Failure)
(Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHH
in Stable State (HO Access Failure) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due
to CONN FAIL Received on TCHH in Stable State (OM Intervention)
(Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHH
in Stable State (Radio Resource Unavailable) (Signaling Channel) + Call
Drops due to CONN FAIL Received on TCHH in Stable State (Other
Causes) (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to REL IND Received on
TCHF (Signaling Channel) + Call Drops due to REL IND Received on
TCHH (Signaling Channel))/ (Successful TCH Seizures (Signaling
Channel) + Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel) + Successful TCH
Seizures in TCH handovers (Traffic Channel))*100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

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5.3.5 TCH Handover Loss Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Handover Loss Rate.

Table 5-15 TCH Handover Loss Rate

Counter TCH Handover Loss Rate

Description TCH Handover Loss Rate = (Failed Internal Intra-Cell Handovers

(Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) + Failed Internal
Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHH) (Signaling
Channel) + Failed Internal Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired)
(TCHF) (Traffic Channel) + Failed Internal Intra-Cell Handovers
(Timer Expired) (TCHH) (Traffic Channel) + Failed Outgoing
Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF)
(Signaling Channel) + Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell
Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHH) (Signaling Channel) + Call
Drops in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel))/Successful TCH
Seizures (Traffic Channel)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.6 Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Handover Success Rate.

Table 5-16 Handover Success Rate

Counter Handover Success Rate

Descripti Handover Success Rate = (Successful Internal Intra-Cell Handovers per

on BSC + Successful Internal Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC + Successful
External Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC + Successful External
Outgoing Cell Handovers per BSC)/(Intra-Cell Handover Requests +
Internal Incoming Cell Handover Requests per BSC + External Incoming
Cell Handover Requests per BSC + External Outgoing Cell Handover
Requests per BSC) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.7 Radio Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Radio Handover Success Rate.

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Table 5-17 Radio Handover Success Rate

Counter Radio Handover Success Rate

Descriptio Radio Handover Success Rate = (Successful Internal Intra-Cell Handovers

n per BSC + Successful Internal Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC +
Successful External Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC + Successful
External Outgoing Cell Handovers per BSC)/(Intra-Cell Handover
Commands + Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Responses per
Cell + Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Responses + Outgoing
External Inter-Cell Handover Commands) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.8 Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell.

Table 5-18 Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell

Counter Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell

Description Internal Handover Success Ratio per Cell = (Successful Internal

Intra-Cell Handovers per BSC + Successful Internal Incoming
Cell Handovers per BSC)/(Internal Intra-Cell Handover
Requests per BSC + Internal Incoming Cell Handover Requests
per BSC) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.9 External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate.

Table 5-19 External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate

Counter External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate

Description External Incoming Cell Handover Success Rate = Successful

External Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC/External Incoming
Cell Handover Requests per BSC x 100%

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit %

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5.3.10 External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate.

Table 5-20 External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate

Counter External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate

Description External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate = Successful

External Outgoing Cell Handovers per BSC/External
Outgoing Cell Handover Requests per BSC x 100%

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit %

5.3.11 Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate.

Table 5-21 Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate

Counter Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate

Description Intra-BSC Radio Handover Success Rate = (Successful Internal Intra-Cell

Handovers + Successful Internal Incoming Cell Handovers)/(Internal
Intra-Cell Handover Commands + Incoming Internal Inter-Cell
Handover Responses) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.12 External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success

Table 5-22 External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

Counter External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

Description External Incoming Cell Radio Handover Success Rate = Successful

External Incoming Cell Handovers per BSC/Incoming External Inter-
Cell Handover Responses per BSC x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

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5.3.13 External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success

Table 5-23 External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

Counter External Outgoing Cell Radio Handover Success Rate

Description External Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate = Successful External

Outgoing Cell Handovers per BSC/External Outgoing Inter-Cell
Handover Commands x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.14 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/850M-1800M/

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/

Table 5-24 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/850M–1800M/1900M)

Counter Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (900M/850M–1800M/1900M)

Descriptio Dual-Band Handover Success Rate = Successful Dual-Band Handovers

n (900M/850M-1800M/1900M)/Dual-Band Handover Requests (900M/
850M-1800M/1900M)) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.15 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/1900M-900M/

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/

Table 5-25 Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/1900M–900M/850M)

Counter Dual-Band Handover Success Rate (1800M/1900M–900M/850M)

Description Dual-Band Handover Success Rate = Successful Dual-Band Handovers

(1800M/1900M–900M/850M)/Dual-Band Handover Requests (1800M/
1900M–900M/850M)) x 100%

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Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.3.16 Call Complete Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Call Complete Success Rate.

Table 5-26 Call Complete Success Rate

Counter Call Complete Success Rate

Description Call Complete Success Rate = (1 - SDCCH Congestion Rate) x (1 -

SDCCH Call Drop Rate) x (1 - TCH Congestion Rate) x (1 - TCH
Call Drop Rate) x 100%

Type Customized KPI

Unit %

5.4 CS Resource Utilization KPIs

This describes the CS Resource Utilization KPIs that are used to monitor the load of hot cells
and the network. These KPIs can serve as references for capacity expansion. The traffic volume
KPIs help to obtain the ratio of busy-hour traffic to idle-hour traffic, to evaluate the utilization
of system resources, and to adjust charges. The equipment availability KPIs help to know the
running status of equipment, such as the running status of channels. If these KPIs are low,
equipment and transmission may be faulty.

5.4.1 TCH Traffic Volume

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the TCH Traffic Volume.
5.4.2 SDCCH Traffic Volume
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the SDCCH Traffic Volume.
5.4.3 TCHH Traffic Volume
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the TCHH Traffic Volume.
5.4.4 TCH Availability
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Availability.
5.4.5 TRX Availability
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TRX Availability.
5.4.6 SDCCH Availability
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the SDCCH Availability.

5.4.1 TCH Traffic Volume

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the TCH Traffic Volume.

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-17

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Table 5-27 TCH Traffic Volume

Counter TCH Traffic Volume

Description Traffic volume carried on the TCH

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit Erlang

5.4.2 SDCCH Traffic Volume

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the SDCCH Traffic Volume.

Table 5-28 SDCCH Traffic Volume

Counter SDCCH Traffic Volume

Description Traffic volume carried on the SDCCH

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit Erlang

5.4.3 TCHH Traffic Volume

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the TCHH Traffic Volume.

Table 5-29 TCHH Traffic Volume

Counter TCHH Traffic Volume

Description Traffic volume carried on the TCHH

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit Erlang

5.4.4 TCH Availability

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TCH Availability.

Table 5-30 TCH Availability

Counter TCH Availability

Description TCH Availability = Mean Number of Available Channels (TCH)/

Mean Number of Dynamically Configured Channels (TCH) x 100%

5-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

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Type Analyzed KPI

Unit %

5.4.5 TRX Availability

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the TRX Availability.

Table 5-31 TRX Availability

Counter TRX Availability
The TRX Availability helps to calculate the number of the available TRXs in the

Description TRX Availability = Available TRXs/Activated TRXs x 100%

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit %

5.4.6 SDCCH Availability

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the SDCCH Availability.

Table 5-32 SDCCH Availability

Counter SDCCH Availability

Description SDCCH Availability = Mean Number of Available Channels (SDCCH)/

Mean Number of Dynamically Configured Channels (SDCCH) x 100%

Type Analyzed KPI

Unit %

5.5 PS Throughput KPIs

This describes the PS Throughput KPIs that are used to monitor the load of hot cells and the
network and to obtain service models. These KPIs can serve as references for capacity expansion.
The PS Throughput KPIs help to obtain the busy-hour PS traffic and the idle-hour PS traffic, to
evaluate the utilization of system resources, and to facilitate service assessment of carriers.

5.5.1 Uplink RLC Data Block Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink RLC Data
Block Throughput.
5.5.2 Downlink RLC Data Block Throughput

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-19

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5 KPI Reference BSS Performance Management Guidelines

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink RLC Data
Block Throughput.
5.5.3 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Block Throughput.
5.5.4 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink EGPRS
RLC Data Block Throughput.
5.5.5 Uplink LLC PDU Throughput
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink LLC PDU Throughput.
5.5.6 Downlink LLC PDU Throughput
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink LLC PDU Throughput.
5.5.7 Downlink NS_PDU Mean Throughput
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink NS_PDU
Mean Throughput.
5.5.8 Ratio of UL Data Flow to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Ratio of UL Data Flow
to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface.

5.5.1 Uplink RLC Data Block Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink RLC Data
Block Throughput.

Table 5-33 Uplink RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Counter Uplink RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Description Total bytes of uplink GPRS RLC data blocks x 8/1024

Measuremen Cells
t Object

Associated Uplink GPRS RLC data block bytes =

Original Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1 x 23 + Number of
KPIs Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2 x 34 + Number of Uplink RLC
Data Blocks Using CS3 x 40 + Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS4 x 54

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.2 Downlink RLC Data Block Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink RLC Data
Block Throughput.

5-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

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Table 5-34 Downlink RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Counter Downlink RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Descriptio Total bytes of downlink GPRS RLC data blocks x 8/1024


Measurem Cells
ent Object

Associated Downlink GPRS RLC data block bytes =

Original Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1 x 23 + Number of
KPIs Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2 x 34 + Number of Downlink RLC
Data Blocks Using CS3 x 40 + Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks
Using CS4 x 54

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.3 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Block Throughput.

Table 5-35 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Counter Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Descriptio Total bytes of uplink EGPRS RLC data blocks x 8/1024


Measureme Cells
nt Object

Associated Uplink EGPRS RLC data block bytes =

Original Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC1 x 22 + Number
KPIs of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC2 x 28 + Number of
Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC3 x 37 + Number of Uplink
EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC4 x 44 + Number of Uplink EGPRS
RLC Data Blocks Using MSC5 x 56 + Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Blocks Using MSC6 x 74 + Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data
Blocks Using MSC7 x 56 + Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks
Using MSC8 x 68 + Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using
MSC8 x 74

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

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5.5.4 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink EGPRS
RLC Data Block Throughput.

Table 5-36 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Counter Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Block Throughput (KB)

Description Total bytes of downlink EGPRS RLC data blocks x 8/1024

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Associated Downlink EGPRS RLC data blocks =

Original Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC1 x 22 +
KPIs Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC2 x 28 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC3 x 37 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC4 x 44 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC5 x 56 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC6 x 74 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC7 x 56 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC8 x 68 +
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MSC9 x 74

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.5 Uplink LLC PDU Throughput

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink LLC PDU Throughput.

Table 5-37 Uplink LLC PDU Throughput

Counter Uplink LLC PDU Throughput

Description Total Bytes of Uplink LLC_PDUs x 8/1024

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.6 Downlink LLC PDU Throughput

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink LLC PDU Throughput.

5-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

Table 5-38 Downlink LLC PDU Throughput

Counter Downlink LLC PDU Throughput

Descriptio Downlink LLC_PDU Bytes x 8/1024


Measurem Cells
ent Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.7 Downlink NS_PDU Mean Throughput

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink NS_PDU
Mean Throughput.

Table 5-39 Downlink NS_PDU Mean Throughput

Counter Downlink NS_PDU Mean Throughput

Descripti Total bytes of downlink NS PDUs x 8/(1024 x measurement period x 60)


Measure Cells

Associate Total bytes of NS PDUs sent by NS sublayer

d Original

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.5.8 Ratio of UL Data Flow to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Ratio of UL Data Flow
to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface.

Table 5-40 Ratio of UL Data Flow to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface (%)
Counter Ratio of UL Data Flow to DL Data Flow on the Um Interface (%)

Descriptio (RLCPayloadUL + EGPRSRLCPayloadUL)/(RLCPayloadDL +


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Measurem Cells
ent Object

Associated RLCPayloadUL + EGPRSRLCPayloadUL:

Original Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1
Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2
Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS3
Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS4
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS1
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS2
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS3
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS4
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS5
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS6
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS7
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS8
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS9
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS3
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS4
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS1
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS2
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS3
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS4
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS5
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS6
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS7
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS8
Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using MCS9

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.6 PS Transmission KPIs

This describes the PS Transmission KPIs that indicate the quality of radio transmission links in
a cell. If the RLC data block retransmission rate in a cell is high, the quality of the radio
transmission links in the cell is poor. Therefore, take corresponding measures, such as RF

5-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.6.1 Uplink RLC Data Retransmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink RLC Data
Retransmission Rate.
5.6.2 Downlink RLC Data Retransmission Rate
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink RLC Data
Retransmission Rate.
5.6.3 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Retransmission Rate.
5.6.4 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate
This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink EGPRS
RLC Data Retransmission Rate.

5.6.1 Uplink RLC Data Retransmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink RLC Data
Retransmission Rate.

Table 5-41 Uplink RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Counter Uplink RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Descriptio 1 – Number of uplink RLC data blocks received by the BSS/Number of uplink
n RLC data blocks sent by the MS

Measurem Cells
ent Object

Associated Number of uplink RLC data blocks received by the BSS =

Original Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1 + Number of Uplink RLC
KPIs Data Blocks Using CS2 + Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using
CS3 + Number of Uplink RLC Data Blocks Using CS4
Number of unlink RLC data blocks sent by the MS =
Total number of uplink RLC data blocks

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.6.2 Downlink RLC Data Retransmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink RLC Data
Retransmission Rate.

Table 5-42 Downlink RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Counter Downlink RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-25

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
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Description 1 – Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks received by the MS/
Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks sent by the BSS

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Associated Total number of downlink RLC data blocks

Original Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS1 + Number of
KPIs Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using CS2 + Number of Downlink RLC
Data Blocks Using CS3 + Number of Downlink RLC Data Blocks Using

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.6.3 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Uplink EGPRS RLC
Data Retransmission Rate.

Table 5-43 Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Counter Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Description 1 – Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks received by the BSS/
Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks sent by the MS

Measuremen Cells
t Object

Associated Total Number of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks

Original Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS1
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS2
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS3
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS4
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS5
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS6
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS7
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS8
Retransmission Rate of Uplink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS9

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.6.4 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, unit, and associated original KPIs of the Downlink EGPRS
RLC Data Retransmission Rate.

Table 5-44 Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Counter Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Retransmission Rate (%)

Descripti 1 – Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks received by the MS/
on Number of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks sent by the BSS

Measure Cells

Associate Total number of downlink EGPRS RLC data blocks

d Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS1
KPIs Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS2
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS3
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS4
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS5
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS6
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS7
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS8
Retransmission Rate of Downlink EGPRS RLC Data Blocks Using MCS9

Type Calculated KPI

Unit KB

5.7 PS Accessibility KPIs

This describes the PS Accessibility KPIs that indicate whether MSs can easily access cells. Poor
PS Accessibility KPIs directly affect user satisfaction.

5.7.1 Uplink Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink Assignment Success Rate.
5.7.2 Downlink Assignment Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink Assignment Success Rate.
5.7.3 Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on CCCH
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on
5.7.4 Uplink TBF Congestion Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink TBF Congestion Rate.
5.7.5 Downlink TBF Congestion Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink TBF Congestion Rate.

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5.7.6 Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate.
5.7.7 Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate.

5.7.1 Uplink Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink Assignment Success Rate.

Table 5-45 Uplink Assignment Success Rate

Counter Uplink Assignment Success Rate

Description Number of Successful Uplink TBF Establishment/Number of Uplink

TBF Establishment Attempts

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.7.2 Downlink Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink Assignment Success Rate.

Table 5-46 Downlink Assignment Success Rate

Counter Downlink Assignment Success Rate

Description Number of Successful Downlink TBF Establishment/Number of

Downlink TBF Establishment Attempts

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.7.3 Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on CCCH

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on

Table 5-47 Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on CCCH (s)

Counter Mean Interval of Packet Access Requests on CCCH (s)

5-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

Descripti Measurement period x 60/Packet Access Requests on the CCCH in the

on measurement period

Measure Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit Second

5.7.4 Uplink TBF Congestion Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink TBF Congestion Rate.

Table 5-48 Uplink TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Counter Uplink TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Description ((Number of Uplink TBF Establishment Failures due to No Channel +

Number of Uplink TBF Abnormal Release due to No Channel)/Number
of Uplink TBF Establishment Attempts

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.7.5 Downlink TBF Congestion Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink TBF Congestion Rate.

Table 5-49 Downlink TBF congestion rate (%)

Counter Downlink TBF congestion rate (%)

Description ((Number of Downlink TBF Establishment Failures due to No

Channel + Number of Downlink TBF Abnormal Release due to No
Channel)/Number of Downlink TBF Establishment Attempts

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

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5.7.6 Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate.

Table 5-50 Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Counter Uplink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Descriptio ((Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishment Failures due to No

n Channel + Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to No
Channel)/Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts

Measurem Cells
ent Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.7.7 Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate.

Table 5-51 Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Counter Downlink EGPRS TBF Congestion Rate (%)

Descripti ((Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Failures due to No

on Channel + Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to No
Channel)/Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts

Measure Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.8 PS Resource Utilization KPIs

This describes the PS Resource Utilization KPIs that indicate the utilization of the network
resource and the busy states of services. Thus, these KPIs can be used to guide network

5.8.1 Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization.
5.8.2 Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization.
5.8.3 PDCH Usage

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This describes the formula, type, and unit of the PDCH Usage.
5.8.4 Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic
Success Rate.
5.8.5 PDCH Assignment Success Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the PDCH Assignment Success Rate.
5.8.6 Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH.
5.8.7 Mean Uplink Throughput Every PDCH
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Uplink Throughput Every PDCH.

5.8.1 Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization.

Table 5-52 Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

Counter Uplink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

Descriptio Number of Uplink Blocks Transmitted on the PDTCH/PACCH/Number

n of uplink blocks dispatched by the PDCH

Measurem Cells
ent Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.8.2 Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization.

Table 5-53 Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

Counter Downlink PDTCH/PACCH Utilization

Description Number of Downlink Blocks Transmitted on the PDTCH/PACCH/

Number of downlink blocks dispatched by the PDCH

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.8.3 PDCH Usage

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the PDCH Usage.

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-31

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Table 5-54 PDCH Usage

Counter PDCH Usage

Descriptio Mean Number of Occupied PDCHs/Mean Number of Available PDCHs


Measurem Cells
ent Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.8.4 Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic
Success Rate.

Table 5-55 Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic Success Rate

Counter Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic Success Rate

Description Number of Preempted PDCHs Carrying Packet Traffic/Number of

Dynamic PDCHs Reclaimed by the BSC

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.8.5 PDCH Assignment Success Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the PDCH Assignment Success Rate.

Table 5-56 PDCH Assignment Success Rate

Counter PDCH Assignment Success Rate

Description 1-(Number of GRPS TBF Establishment Failures due to MS No Response

+ Number of EGRPS TBF Establishment Failures due to MS No Response)/
(Number of GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts + Number of EGPRS TBF
Establishment Attempts)

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.8.6 Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH.

Table 5-57 Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH

Counter Mean Downlink Throughput Every PDCH (kbit/s)

Description (RLCPayloadDL + EGPRSRLCPayloadDL)/(measurement period x 60)/

PDCHs occupied by the downlink EGPRS RLC

Measureme None.
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit kbit/s

5.8.7 Mean Uplink Throughput Every PDCH

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Mean Uplink Throughput Every PDCH.

Table 5-58 Mean Uplink Throughput Each PDCH (kbit/s)

Counter Mean Uplink Throughput Each PDCH (kbit/s)

Description (RLCPayloadUL + EGPRSRLCPayloadUL)/(measurement period x 60)/

PDCHs occupied by the uplink EGPRS RLC

Measureme None
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit kbit/s

5.9 PS Retainability KPIs

This describes the PS Retainability KPIs that mainly involve the uplink and downlink TBF call
drop rates. These KPIs indicate the capability of providing continuous services by the network
and are directly related to user satisfaction. Thus, an increase in call drop rate directly leads to
a decrease in user satisfaction.

5.9.1 Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.
5.9.2 Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-33

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5.9.3 Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.
5.9.4 Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

5.9.1 Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

Table 5-59 Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Counter Uplink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Description ((Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to N3101

Overflow + Number of Uplink GPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to
N3103 Overflow)/Number of Successful Uplink GPRS TBF

Measurement Cell level


Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.9.2 Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

Table 5-60 Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Counter Downlink GPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Description Number of Downlink TBF Abnormal Release due to N3105

Overflow/Number of Successful Downlink TBF Establishment

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.9.3 Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

Table 5-61 Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

Counter Uplink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

5-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

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BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

Description ((Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to N3101

Overflow + Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to
N3103 Overflow)/Number of Successful Uplink EGPRS TBF

Measureme Cells
nt Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.9.4 Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate.

Table 5-62 Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Counter Downlink EGPRS TBF Call Drop Rate (%)

Descriptio Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Abnormal Release due to N3105

n Overflow/Number of Successful Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment

Measurem Cells
ent Object

Type Calculated KPI

Unit %

5.10 PS End-to-End Delay KPIs

This describes the PS End-to-End Delay KPIs that indicate the service response speed of the
network. Long delay affects user satisfaction.

5.10.1 PING Delay

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the PING Delay.
5.10.2 Mean Delay of PDP Activation
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Mean Delay of PDP Activation.
5.10.3 Mean Delay of Attachment
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Mean Delay of Attachment.
5.10.4 Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services.
5.10.5 Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet Services
This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-35

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
5 KPI Reference BSS Performance Management Guidelines

5.10.1 PING Delay

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the PING Delay.

Table 5-63 PING Delay

Counter PING Delay

Description Interval between the sending of the ping command from the source address
and the receipt of the response from the destination address

Measurement Cells

Type Original KPI

Unit Second

Nominal 56 Bytes, Primary, CS4, 800 ms

Reference 56 Bytes, Continuous, CS4, 700 ms
1460 Bytes, Primary, CS4, 1750 ms
1460 Bytes, Continuous, CS4, 1550 ms
56 Bytes, Primary, MCS7, 1000 ms
56 Bytes, Continuous, MCS7, 700 ms
1460 Bytes, Primary, MCS9, 1200 ms
1460 Bytes, Continuous, MSC9, 1050 ms

5.10.2 Mean Delay of PDP Activation

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Mean Delay of PDP Activation.

Table 5-64 Mean Delay of PDP Activation

Counter Mean Delay of PDP Activation

Description Mean Delay of PDP Activation initiated by a MS

Measurement Cells

Type Original KPI

Unit Second

Nominal 1s

5-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.10.3 Mean Delay of Attachment

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Mean Delay of Attachment.

Table 5-65 Mean Delay of Attachment

Counter Mean Delay of Attachment

Description This KPI indicates the delay of attachment on the equipment of the core
network. Mean delay of attachment between the receipt of the ATTACH
REQUEST message sent by the MS and the sending of the ATTACH
ACCEPT sent by the SGSN = Total delay of GPRS attachment/Number
of GPRS attachment

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit Second

Nominal 2.3s

5.10.4 Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services.

Table 5-66 Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services

Counter Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services

Description Cell Reselection Time for 2G Packet Services

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit Second

Nominal About 4s (without NACC)

Reference Value

5.10.5 Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet Services

This describes the meaning, type, and unit of the Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-37

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
5 KPI Reference BSS Performance Management Guidelines

Table 5-67 Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet Services

Counter Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet Services

Description Cell Reselection Time for 2G-3G Packet Services

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit Second

Nominal 10.39s

5.11 PS End-to-End Quality KPIs

This describes the PS end-to-end quality KPIs. They involve the performance factors of
terminals, the radio access network, and the core network. Now, the main performance problem
comes from the radio access network. Therefore, these KPIs indicate the end-to-end service data
link bearing capability of the GPRS network, which are directly related to user satisfaction.

5.11.1 GRPS Data Transmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the GRPS Data Transmission Rate.
5.11.2 EDGE Data Transmission Rate
This describes the formula, type, and unit of the EDGE Data Transmission Rate.

5.11.1 GRPS Data Transmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the GRPS Data Transmission Rate.

Table 5-68 GRPS Data Transmission Rate

Counter GRPS Data Transmission Rate

Description Data transmission rate on each PDCH; rate on the application layer

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit kbit/s

Nominal Small-size file (about 200 KB)

Reference Uplink and downlink transmission rate (18.5 kbit/s)
Large-size file (more than 1 MB)
Uplink and downlink transmission rate (19.1 kbit/s)

5-38 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-11-26)

HUAWEI BSC6000 Base Station Subsystem
BSS Performance Management Guidelines 5 KPI Reference

5.11.2 EDGE Data Transmission Rate

This describes the formula, type, and unit of the EDGE Data Transmission Rate.

Table 5-69 EDGE Data Transmission Rate

Counter EDGE Data Transmission Rate

Description Data transmission rate on each PDCH; rate on the application layer

Measurement Cells

Type Calculated KPI

Unit kbit/s

Nominal Small-size file (about 512 KB)

Reference Uplink transmission rate (42.45 kbit/s)
Large-size file (more than 1 MB)
Downlink transmission rate (42.45 kbit/s)

Issue 01 (2007-11-26) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-39

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