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A Rugrats Chanukah
Based on the series created by Arlene Klasky,
Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain
Illustrated by Kim Smith
This storybook is a perfect blend of silly, sweet, and educational and The beloved holiday
will make a cherished gift for children, nostalgic millennials, and
anyone who’s ever wondered about the true meaning of the holiday.
episode is now a
KIM SMITH is the New York Times best-selling il- delightful picture book!
lustrator of over 30 picture books, including Quirk’s
Pop Classics series, Boxitects, and Builder Brothers: Big
Plans. She graduated from the Alberta College of
Art and Design and lives in Canada.
Illustrator residence: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
©2021 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Rugrats and all related titles, logos and
characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Created by Klasky Csupo.
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Parents can share their pop culture favorites with the next generation with lively and colorful picture books that reimagine iconic moments
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By Natalie Nelson
Dog likes his routines: spending time with his humans, eating, sleeping,
and playing. But one day, a new arrival changes everything. What
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sibling. She does drop food on the ground, after all . . .
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The year is 1998: the Spice Girls are dominating the airwaves,
butterfly clips are all the rage, and Titanic has just won a bunch of
Oscars. Like any other teenager, Jess Flynn is just trying to survive
high school. Between a crush on her childhood best friend, overpro-
tective parents, and her sister’s worsening health, the only constant
is her small hometown of Swickley, which feels smaller by the day.
Jess is resigned to her humdrum life until the day she discovers a
mysterious device with an apple logo on it, but no one will tell her
what it is. As her friends and family act stranger and stranger, and
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the rest of her life knowing it’s a lie or risk everything for the truth.
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A Very Large Expanse of Sea
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The only person who can confirm his prediction is Julia, the woman
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he travels across the country to see her, our narrator is forced to
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Assemble, Ye Avengers
By Marc Hartzman
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ancient times. Typically, ghosts have been a source of thrills and
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death isn’t necessarily the end of life. Today, they are treated more
like a superstition, incompatible with our trust in science and tech-
nology. Yet a recent Gallup poll suggests that more than a third of
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tions, Chasing Ghosts explores our obsession with famous phantoms,
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