Wind Movement Notes: Temperature - Density - Pressure
Wind Movement Notes: Temperature - Density - Pressure
Wind Movement Notes: Temperature - Density - Pressure
____ Temperature___
Pressure______ ________
Temperature ___________
___________ Pressure______
5. Fill in the information in the diagrams below for temperature, density, and pressure. Draw
an arrow to represent the direction in which the wind would blow. Why would the wind blow in
that direction? ______________________________________________________________
6. Describe which areas of the earth’s surface have air that is low pressure (low density).
Why does the air in this area have low pressure (low density)? ________________________
7. Describe which areas of the earth’s surface have air that is high pressure (high density).
Why does the air in this area have high pressure (high density)? _______________________
Wind Movement Notes Name _________________ Date ______ Period ___
17. Label and draw the following in the diagrams below: sea breeze, land breeze, high
pressure, low pressure, arrows showing the direction of the wind.