Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia: Teshome Kebede Deressa and M. K. Sharma
Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia: Teshome Kebede Deressa and M. K. Sharma
Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia: Teshome Kebede Deressa and M. K. Sharma
Poverty has turned out to be a great global social and economic problem.
In Ethiopia, it is multifaceted and deep rooted. This study attempts to
analyze the impact of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of
households on poverty in Ethiopia, using the latest Household Income,
Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HICES) 2010-11. The study employs
a logistic regression model to identify determinants of wellbeing of the
household by considering per capita consumption as a dependent variable.
Different households are classified as either poor or non-poor on the basis
of absolute per capita consumption of Birr 3781. Results show owner of
agricultural land, head (self-employed or employed in formal sector) are
more likely to exit from poverty line. The results also reveal that female
headed households, large family size and high dependency ratio are
adversely affected.
Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email: - [email protected]
Acknowledgement: We are thankful to referees for their valuable comments and
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
1. Introduction
By any standard, the majority of people in Ethiopia are among the poorest in
the world (Dercon and Krishnan, 1998; IMF, 1999; Rahmato and Kidnanu,
1999; World Bank, 2001). Poverty seems to persist in large sections rural
society as well as urban sections with little hope for a substantial
improvement of the living conditions of the rural poor as well as urban poor
in the near future. In order to combat such debilitating poverty considering
very scarce financial resources available to be allocated for the purpose, we
have to understand the determinants of poverty in rural and urban Ethiopia.
For this, the poor must be properly identified and an index taking the
intensity of poverty suffered by the poor into account needs to be
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
Analytical work that scrutinizes poverty profiles is best scanty. Even the
available ones are mostly descriptive focusing on explaining the extent of
poverty and mostly associated with studies that relate to food entitlement
failure (see Webb et al., 1992; Webb and Von Braun, 1994). Among those
studies, Beevan and Joireman (1997) adopt a sociological approach towards
the measurement of poverty on the meaning and use of different
Using micro level panel data from villages in rural Ethiopia, Dercon (2001)
analyses the determinants of growth and changes in poverty during the initial
phases of the economic reform (1989-1995) making use of a standard
decomposition of income and poverty changes. His empirical results indicate
that overall, consumption grew and poverty fell substantially during the
period under consideration and that on average the poor have benefited more
from reforms than the non-poor households, even though the reforms did not
deliver similar benefits to all the poor. He argues that the main factors driving
changes are relative price changes, resulting in changes in the returns to land,
labour, human capital and location. Bogale et al. (2005) investigated the
determinants of rural poverty in Ethiopia on the basis of survey data of three
districts namely Alemaya, Hitosa and Merhabete and found that nearly 40% of
the sample households live below poverty line with an average gap of 0.047.
Most of these studies aim to assess the extent of poverty and explain relative
changes which occur in the incidence of poverty due to policy changes. The
article aims to add discussion by examining the socio- economic and
demographic characteristic of households on poverty in rural and urban
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
The data used in this study has been taken from the 2010-11 Household
Income, Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HICES) for Ethiopia. The
survey covered both rural and urban areas of the country which was
conducted from 8 July 2010 through 7 July 2011.
For the purpose of representative sample selection, the country was divided
into three broad categories, i.e., rural, major urban centers and other urban
areas categories. Therefore, each category of a specific region was
considered to be a survey domain for which the major findings of the survey
are reported. However, Harari and Dire Dawa have rural and urban
categories, only; while Addis Ababa has only urban areas divided into10
sub-cities considered as survey domain or reporting levels.
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
Economic theories suggest that per capita expenditure is the best indicator of
welfare, but this presupposes that households, as consumers, maximize a
continuous utility function defined over commodities (Glewwe, 1987).
Bevan and Joierman (1997) employed personal wealth ranking, community
wealth ranking and consumption poverty, and concluded that none of the
indicators applied identifies the poor on a convincing way.
The most popular method of poverty measurement have used the nutritional
norm and defined poverty in terms of minimum calorie requirements
(Dandekar and Rath, 1971; Osmani, 1982; Greer and Thorbecke, 1986;
Ahmed et al.1991; Ercelawn, 1991; Ravallion and Bidani, 1994).
The dependent variable of our study is binary variable i.e it takes value 1 for
poor and 0 for non-poor. To know the impact of independent variables on
poverty we have considered the following socio- economic and demographic
variables i.e independent variables.
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
The data set was analysed using bivariate and multiple logistic regression
analyses. Bivariate analysis was done in order to identify which
characteristics independently related to socioeconomic status (poverty level)
were using Pearson’s chi-square tests of associations as given below.
r c
i 1 j 1
( O ij E ij ) 2
~ 2 ( r 1 )( c 1 )
E ij
Where: Oij is the observed value in the ith row and jth column
Eij is the expected value of the ith row and jth column cell
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
yi i i ; i 1, 2,..., n
exp( z i )
i (3)
1 exp( z i )
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
exp( X' )
The function i is known as logistic function. The most
1 exp( X' )
commonly used method of estimating the parameters of a logistic regression
model is the method of Maximum Likelihood (ML) instead of Ordinary
Least Square (OLS) method.
The model at National level with all variables is shown in the Table 2.
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
The Table 3 reveals that the full model have the lowest value in both
criterion (AIC and SC) which is the indication of a better fit model by
adjusting for the number of explanatory variables and the number of
observations. The R-square value for the full model is 39.91%. The
estimated logit model for household level determinants of poverty at
National level is as given below:
logit( π i ) 7.25 0.186depr 0.095nwor 1.02fsz 0.05fszsq 0.007age 0.471sex
0.297agrl 1.66area 0.443divse w 0.41marrie d 0.168cmpe 0.413cmps 0.669ccua
0.4376self e 0.21forme .Model I
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
Since C National 2.223 are all less than the tabulated value 15.507, we do
not reject H 0 , and conclude that the fitted models fit the data adequately
well. Thus, the goodness-of-fit test with p-values 0.9734 indicates that there
is insufficient evidence to claim that the models do not fit the data
adequately. If the p-value is less than our accepted α-level (5% in this case),
the test would reject the null hypothesis of an adequate fit. So our models fit
the data well.
As it can be seen in the Table 5, the models sensitivity rate (percent of poor
cases correctly predicted by model) are 55.3%, 27.26% and 77.79%, while
the models specificity rate (percent of non-poor cases correctly predicted by
the model) are 90%, for National.
The false positive rate for households classified as poor by the model at
National level is 31.6 percent, which means that 31.6 percent of the number
of households predicted as poor by the model are in fact non-poor. The false
negative rate for households classified as non- poor by the model is 15.95
percent, which means that 15.95 percent of households predicted as non-poor
by the model are in fact poor.
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
Total 7715 [2249] 5466 20112 [15258] 4854 27827 [17507] 10320
Sensitivity 55.30%
Specificity 90.10%
The positive predictive value rate of the National model is 68.4 percent,
which means that 68.4 percent of the total number of predicted poor
households is in fact poor. Negative predictive rate is 84 percent, meaning
that 84 percent of the total number of non-poor cases predicted by the model
is in fact non-poor. As a whole, the National model correctly predicts 80.53
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
It is to be mentioned here that the reduced model also passes the model
checking procedure.
The data has been analyzed at National level. Ethiopia, like other
developing countries is subject to the threat of high population growth rate.
This high growth accompanied by the high unemployment rate and low
female labor force participation rate poses a serious threat to the households.
High dependency ratio (DEPR) and larger family size (FSZ) contribute
positively to the probability of becoming a poor household for national level.
The coefficients for both of these variables are positive and significant at 5%
level of significance. The coefficient of family size squared (FSZSQ) is
however negative and significant, controlling for the fact that very large
families can also have potential earners and can reduce the poverty through
larger participation in the work force. However, this situation is not highly
desirable due to the fact that the odds ratio are at a very low level of less than
1% in reducing the probability of being poor for national level. The odd
ratio of the variable dependency ratio (DEPR) shows a contribution of 20.5%
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
The level of education is grouped into four categories ranging from illiterate
to higher education (college and above). The odds of being poor with
education level elementary school (CMPE), secondary school (CMPS) and
college and above (CCUA) was found to be 0.845, 0.388 and 0.515 times
that of illiterate (no schooling-reference category) respectively, implying that
household head with higher educational attainment (CCUA) exhibited a
lower chance to be poor as compared to the illiterate household head for
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
about 64% less likely to be poor than those employed in informal sector
(INFOE) which is the reference category. Household’s which are headed by
the one who is employed in formal sector (FORME) are about 81% less
likely to be poor than those works in informal sector (INFOE) at country
level (Model-I).
Last but not certainly the least, the ownership of agricultural land of
household (AGRL) significantly help in lowering the possibility of being
poor. The results show that households having agricultural (farming) land
have 74.3%, 89.3% and 63.2% less chances to be remain as a poor. The
possible reason might be that the most of the population majorly employed
in agricultural sector; the agricultural sector therefore is a big sector of
employment in rural area especially as compared to urban area of the
Ethiopian Journal of Economics Vol. XXIII No 1, April 2014
Teshome Kebede and M. K. Sharma: Determinant of Poverty in Ethiopia
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