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rotated due to Navisworks setting the Y axis up and the Z axis south due to the VRML, you can

export a CIS/2 or an IFC file first to set the coordinate system and then export the VRML with the
Rotate model option unchecked. o In the following example, I created an insertion point material that
is set to existing. This is a pointed assembly that can be inserted from project to project, indicating the
(0, 0, 0) origin.   o When the BIM coordina

In the above picture, all the faces of all the material on the member are grouped In the above picture,
all the faces of all the material on the member are grouped together. You will also notice that the
individual material can also be selected. This is great for easy selection of gusset plates for
mechanical and piping clashes.  By default Navisworks set the units for the DXF or DWG to be
imported as millimeters. This default can be changed in the Global Options – File Readers –
DWG/DXF.  See the picture on the follow page to view the Navisworks Options Editor.DXF or DWG
to be imported as millimeters. This default can be changed in the Global Options – File Readers –
DWG/DXF.  See the picture on the follow page to view the Navisworks Options Editor. In the above
picture, all the faces of all the material on the member are grouped together. You will also notice that
the individual material can also be selected. This is great for easy selection of gusset plates for
mechanical and piping clashes.  By default Navisworks set the units for the DXF or DWG to be
imported as millimeters. This default can be changed in the Global Options – File Readers –
DWG/DXF.  See the picture on the follow page to view the Navisworks Options Editor.

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